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Python Open Source » Media Sound Audio » athenaCL 
athenaCL » athenaCL »
# Name:
# Purpose:      provides setup features for athenaCL install.
#               loads large modules
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2009 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import sys, os

try: import libATH #assume we are in package dir
except ImportError:
   try: from athenaCL import libATH
   except ImportError: print 'athenaCL package cannot be found'; sys.exit()
libPath = libATH.__path__[0] # list, get first item
if not os.path.isabs(libPath): #relative path, add cwd
   libPath = os.path.abspath(libPath)
_PKGDIR = os.path.dirname(libPath) # athenaCL dir
_OUTDIR = os.path.dirname(_PKGDIR) # outer dir tt contains athenaCL dir
if _OUTDIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(_OUTDIR)
_MOD = ' ::'

from athenaCL.libATH import dialog
from athenaCL import athenaObj
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import argTools
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()
from athenaCL.libATH import osTools
from athenaCL.libATH import info

# optional imports supports creation of meta-packages
try: import bdist_mpkg
except ImportError: pass

# used to show that things have started on slow machines
# dialog.msgOut('%s initiated\n' % _MOD)

def importRawModules():
   """ this currently only imports select large modules
   this was designed to avoid memory problems on ancient macos9"""
   print _MOD, 'compiling modules into Python bytecode'              
   # get all py modules from libATH dir
   libDirList = os.listdir(os.path.join(_PKGDIR, 'libATH'))
   modList = []
   for name in libDirList:
      if name.endswith('.py'):
   for mod in modList:
      while 1:
            exec('from athenaCL.libATH import %s' % mod)
            exec('del %s' % mod) # free from memory
         except MemoryError:
            msg = lang.msgMemoryError % mod
            ok = dialog.askYesNo(msg)
            if not ok: sys.exit()
            else: continue

# assume right permission for writing in the pth destination

def writePthLoader(athenaDir):
   """a pth file named athenaCL.pth can be placed in site-packages
   to give the path to the outer dir (not athenaCL dir), 
   allowing easy imports w/o having to move files..."""
   print _MOD, 'writing pth file'
   # get dir outside of athenaCL dir
   # allows from athenaCL.libATH import ...
   msg = '%s\n' % os.path.dirname(athenaDir)
   dst = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL.pth')
      f = open(dst, 'w')      
   except IOError:   
      print lang.msgFileIoError % dst

def removePthLoader(sudoFound=None):
   """remove old pth loader"""
   print _MOD, 'removing outdated pth file'
   dst = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL.pth')
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      osTools.rmSudo(dst, sudoFound)
      print _MOD, 'no pth file exists'
def reportPthLoader(sudoFound=None):
   """remove old pth loader"""
   dst = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL.pth')
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      print _MOD, 'pth file exists: %s' % dst
      f = open(dst)
      msg =
      print _MOD, 'pth contents:', msg.strip()
      print _MOD, 'no pth file exists'
def writeUnixLauncher(pathLaunchScript, pathShellScript, optInstallTool=0,
                      sudoFound=None, optFink=0):
   """used to create shell scripts that act as application launcher
   creates file in local directory first, using paths in args
   will optional move to /usr/local/bin if optInstallTool is 1
   pathLaunchScript is the path to the python file
   pathShellScript is the path to the shell script to be written\
   if optInstallTool == 2; case were to assume already root
   print _MOD, 'writing launcher script:\n%s' % pathLaunchScript
   pythonExe = sys.executable
   # get name of shell script
   dir, name = os.path.split(pathShellScript)
   # sets command line options: -O for optimized 
   # sets -u for unbuffered standard out
   launchScript = '#!/bin/sh \n%s -O -u %s $*\n\n' % (pythonExe, 
   # erase if already exists
   if os.path.exists(pathShellScript):
      if optInstallTool <= 1:   # use sudo
         osTools.rmSudo(pathShellScript, sudoFound)
      elif optInstallTool == 2: # do not use sudo
   # touch a file first
   # always write a basic script in local dirs
      f = open(pathShellScript, 'w')  # test opening the file
      permissionError = 0
   except IOError:
      permissionError = 1
   if permissionError: # try to change mod of parent dir
      dir, name = os.path.split(pathShellScript)
      osTools.chmodSudo(775, dir, sudoFound)
   # try again w/ changed permissions
      f = open(pathShellScript, 'w')      
      osTools.chmod(775, pathShellScript)
   except IOError:
      print lang.msgFileIoError % pathShellScript
   # optionally move this script to /usr/local/bin
   # this would be different if a fink installation: /usr/bin
   if optInstallTool >= 1: # install tool into /usr/local/bin
      binPath = osTools.findBinPath(optFink)
      flagStr = '-p' # create intermediate dirs as required
      dstPath = os.path.join(binPath, name)
      print _MOD, 'installing launcher script:\n%s' % dstPath
      if not os.path.exists(binPath): # create directory
         if optInstallTool == 1: # use sudo
            osTools.mkdirSudo(binPath, sudoFound, flagStr)
         if optInstallTool == 2: # already root
            osTools.mkdir(binPath, flagStr)
      # mv launcher script to dir
      if optInstallTool == 1: # use sudo, get permissioin
         osTools.mvSudo(pathShellScript, dstPath, sudoFound)
      elif optInstallTool == 2: # already root, dstPath)

def removeUnixLauncher(sudoFound=None, optFink=0):
   """only remove if it is found within /usr/local/bin"""
   print _MOD, 'removing athenacl unix launcher'
   dst = osTools.findAthBinPath(optFink)
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      osTools.rmSudo(dst, sudoFound)
      print _MOD, 'no athenacl unix launcher exists (%s)' % dst
def reportUnixLauncher(optFink=0):
   """only remove if it is found within /usr/local/bin"""   
   dst = osTools.findAthBinPath(optFink)
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      print _MOD, 'athenacl unix launcher exists:', dst
      f = open(dst)
      msg =
      print _MOD, 'launcher contents:', msg.strip()
      print _MOD, 'no athenacl unix launcher exists (%s)' % dst
def copyMan(athenaDir, sudoFound=None, optFink=0):
   """if install tool == 1, use sudo
   if install tool == 2, assume already root"""
   print _MOD, 'copying manual-page file'
   if not optFink:
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP) # assumes group 1 of man pages
   else: # a fink install
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP, 'fink') 
   if manDir == None: return None
   src = os.path.join(athenaDir, 'docs', info.MANFILE)
   dst = os.path.join(manDir, info.MANFILE)
   osTools.cpSudo(src, dst, sudoFound)

def removeMan(sudoFound=None, optFink=0):
   """removing man file"""
   print _MOD, 'removing manual-page file'
   if not optFink:
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP) # assumes group 1 of man pages
   else: # a fink install
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP, 'fink') 
   if manDir == None: return None
   dst = os.path.join(manDir, info.MANFILE)
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      osTools.rmSudo(dst, sudoFound)
      print _MOD, 'no athenacl manual-page exists (%s)' % dst

def reportMan(optFink=0):
   if not optFink:
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP) # assumes group 1 of man pages
   else: # a fink install
      manDir = osTools.findManPath(info.MANGROUP, 'fink') 
   if manDir == None:
      print _MOD, 'no manual directory found'
      return None
   dst = os.path.join(manDir, info.MANFILE)
   if os.path.exists(dst):
      print _MOD, 'man path exists:', dst
      print _MOD, 'no athenacl manual-page exists (%s)' % dst

# either do a distutils or build compile modules manually
# alternative:
# dont install into site-packages
# instead, simply create a athenaCL.pth file in site-packages, 
# given the path to the location of the athenaCL folder...

# building distribution commands w/ dist utils
# find formats here: python bdist --help-formats

# this is a pure module distribution
# distribution root: the top-level directory of your source tree (or source distribution); the directory where exists. Generally will be run from this directory.   

# can change the build directory with this option:
# --dist-dir 

# python bdist_mpkg --zipdist
# python bdist_wininst
# bdist_rpm
# bdist_deb

# Each file name in files is interpreted relative to the script at the top of the package source distribution. No directory information from files is used to determine the final location of the installed file; only the name of the file is used.

def _getSsdirPaths():
   """get list of file names found in the ssdir"""
   fileList = os.listdir(os.path.join(_PKGDIR, 'libATH', 'ssdir'))
   filterList = []
   for name in fileList:
      if name.endswith('.aif'):
         filterList.append(os.path.join('libATH', 'ssdir', name))
   return filterList

def _getDemoPaths():
   """get list of file names found in the demo dir"""
   fileList = os.listdir(os.path.join(_PKGDIR, 'demo'))
   filterList = []
   for name in fileList:
      if name.endswith('.xml') or name.endswith('.txt'):
         filterList.append(os.path.join('demo', name))
   return filterList

def _getDocsPaths():
   """get list of file names found in the doc dir"""
   fileList = os.listdir(os.path.join(_PKGDIR, 'docs'))
   filterList = []
   for name in fileList:
      if name in ['athenacl.1', ]:
         filterList.append(os.path.join('docs', name))
   return filterList

def _getPackagesList():
   """list of all packages, delimited by period"""
   pkg = ('athenaCL', 
          'athenaCL.libATH.ssdir',#creates dir, not files
          'athenaCL.libATH.sadir',#creates dir, not files
   return pkg

def _getClassifiers():
   classifiers = [
          'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
          'Environment :: Console',
          'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
          'Intended Audience :: Developers',
          'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
          'Natural Language :: English', 
          'Operating System :: MacOS',
          'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
          'Operating System :: POSIX',
          'Operating System :: OS Independent',
          'Programming Language :: Python',
          'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio',
          'Topic :: Artistic Software',
   return classifiers
def _pkgDataManager(argField):
   """there are 2 methods to install data files; package_data is best, 
   but is only defined for python 2.4 and later; this will check
   and provide the necessary arguments to distutils depending on python    
   # use data files for all python versions before 2.4
   if drawer.isPy24Better(): 
      methodForce = 'package_data'
      methodForce = 'data_files'

   print _MOD, 'package data manager forced method:', methodForce
   # create empty arg data depending on requested field
   if argField == 'data_files': argNot = []
   elif argField == 'package_data': argNot = {}
   # pass will return proper arg data; otherwise return argNot
   if argField == 'data_files' and methodForce == 'data_files': 
      pass # return data
   elif argField == 'data_files' and methodForce == 'package_data': 
      return argNot
   elif argField == 'package_data' and methodForce == 'data_files': 
      return argNot
   elif argField == 'package_data' and methodForce == 'package_data': 
      pass # return data
   # old method of install package data
   # install files into site-packages dir, path directories are absolute
   if methodForce == 'data_files':
      # get site-packages dirs absolute file path
      # relative paths for data files do not work, do not drop dirs in site pkg
      sitePkgAthena = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL')      
      sitePkgDemo = os.path.join(sitePkgAthena, 'demo')
      sitePkgDocs = os.path.join(sitePkgAthena, 'docs')
      sitePkgSsdir = os.path.join(sitePkgAthena, 'libATH', 'ssdir')
      # sitePkgSadir = os.path.join(sitePkgAthena, 'libATH', 'sadir')
      # arg data as passed to keyword
      argData = [(sitePkgSsdir, _getSsdirPaths()),
                 (sitePkgDemo, _getDemoPaths()),
                 (sitePkgDocs, _getDocsPaths())
   # package data says only works w/ python 2.4.
   # avoids problem with windows intaller getting wrong path
   elif methodForce == 'package_data':
      argData = {'athenaCL': 
                 _getSsdirPaths() + _getDemoPaths() + _getDocsPaths()
   return argData

def removeDisutils(sudoFound=None):
   # get site-packages dirs absolute file path
   sitePkgAthena = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL')   
   if os.path.exists(sitePkgAthena):
      osTools.rmSudo(sitePkgAthena, sudoFound)
      print _MOD, 'no distutuls install'

def reportDisutils(sudoFound=None):
   # get site-packages dirs absolute file path
   sitePkgAthena = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL')   
   if os.path.exists(sitePkgAthena):
      print _MOD, 'distutuls install:', sitePkgAthena
      print _MOD, 'no distutuls install'

def runDisutils():
   import distutils.core   
   # store object for later examination
   distutils.core.setup(name = 'athenaCL', 
      version = athVersion,
      description = lang.msgAthDescShort, 
      long_description = lang.msgAthDescLong,
      author = lang.msgAuthor,
      author_email = lang.msgAuthorEmail,
      license = lang.msgLicenseName, 
      url = drawer.urlPrep(lang.msgAthURL),
      classifiers = _getClassifiers(),
      download_url = lang.msgAthDownloadTar,
      # empty package ('') stands for root dir
      # tell that packages are above this dir
      # this does not work; cannot find athenaCL dir
      # package_dir = {'':'athenaCL'}, 
      # get directory outside of athenaCL src dir (not site dir copy)   
      # this works, but may not function on windows
      # not sure '..' will work on every platform
      #package_dir = {'': '..',}, 
      package_dir = {'': os.path.dirname(_ATHENADIR)}, 
      packages = _getPackagesList(),        
      package_data = _pkgDataManager('package_data'),              
      data_files = _pkgDataManager('data_files'),

   ) # close setup args
   # return absolute file path to athenaCL dir in site-packages
   sitePkgAthena = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 'athenaCL')      
   return sitePkgAthena

def writeManifest(athenaDir):
   """write the manifst file for preparing a source distribution
   this file needs to be in the same directory as
   name a relative path, form the athenaCL dir, for each file"""
   print _MOD, 'writing manifest file'
   msg = [] # join with returns
   outDir = os.path.dirname(athenaDir)
   # enter as complete plats first
   for stub in _getPackagesList():
      path = os.path.join(outDir, stub.replace('.', os.sep))
      for name in os.listdir(path):
         if name.endswith('.py'): # only get py files
            msg.append(os.path.join(path, name))
   # remove lead to athenacl dir to make relative from level
   msgFilter = []
   for path in msg:
      alt = path.replace(athenaDir, '')
      alt = '%s\n' % alt[1:]
   # non code files: these ar relative to athenaCL dir
   for stub in _getSsdirPaths() + _getDemoPaths() + _getDocsPaths():
      msgFilter.append('%s\n' % stub)
   # write file
   dst = os.path.join(athenaDir, 'MANIFEST')
   f = open(dst, 'w')

# module level operations, for when called without args
# defaults

athVersion = athenaObj.__version__

# _ATHENADIR should be path to athenaCL directory
_ATHENADIR = os.getcwd() # this is a default, must be in the athenaCL dir when called
   print _MOD, 'cwd is not the athenaCL package directory in sys.path'
else: CWDISAODIR = 1

# most options here are only for unix plats
optImportRawModules = 1
optWriteManifest = 0
optRemoveDist = 0 
optInstallDist = 0 
optRemovePthLoader = 1 # always remove, may have changed locations
optWritePthLoader = 1
optRemoveLauncher = 0 
optWriteLauncher = 0 
optInstallTool = 0
optRemoveMan = 0 
optInstallMan = 0 
optReport = 0
optFink = 0 # fink installation

flags = ['-o','build', 'tool', 'install', 'bdist', 'uninstall', 
         'report', 'man', 'launcher', 'sdist', 'register', 
         'bdist_mpkg', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_deb', 'bdist_wininst', '--fink']
parsedArgs = argTools.parseFlags(sys.argv, flags)

# loop through each arg pair
for argPair in parsedArgs:
   # some options will configure settings
   if argPair[0] == '-o': # changes assumed athDir
      if argPair[1] != None:
         tempPath = drawer.pathScrub(argPair[1])
         if os.path.isdir(tempPath):
            _ATHENADIR = tempPath
   elif argPair[0] == '--fink': # changes assumed athDir
      optFink = 1
      if '--fink' in sys.argv: # remove --fink from sys.args to avoid conflict
   # options that set function operations
   elif argPair[0] == 'tool': # installs a loader script
      optInstallDist = 0 # do a distutils install
      optImportRawModules = 1
      optWritePthLoader = 1
      optWriteLauncher = 1 # write launchers to athenaCL src dir
      optInstallTool = 1 # adds athenacl to /usr/local/bin
      optInstallMan = 1 # installls man page in bin
   elif argPair[0] == 'build': # do nothing, turn off defaults
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 0 
   elif argPair[0] == 'report': # do nothing, turn off defaults
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 0 
      optReport = 1
   elif argPair[0] == 'man': # do nothing but install man
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 0 
      optInstallMan = 1
   elif argPair[0] == 'launcher': # do nothing but install launcher
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 0 
      optWriteLauncher = 1 # in local dir
      optInstallTool = 1
   elif argPair[0] == 'install': # site packages install
      optInstallDist = 1 # do a distutils install
      optImportRawModules = 0 # done by distutils
      optWritePthLoader = 0 # never write pth if doing a distutils install
      optWriteLauncher = 1 # write launchers to athenaCL src dir after distutil
      optInstallTool = 1 # 2 if this is done in root
      optInstallMan = 1 # installls man page in bin
   elif argPair[0] in ['bdist', 'sdist', 'register', 
                       'bdist_mpkg', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_deb', 'bdist_wininst']:
      optWriteManifest = 1
      optInstallDist = 1 # not a distutils install, call setup method
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 0 # dont remove, not an install
   elif argPair[0] == 'uninstall':
      optInstallDist = 0 
      optRemoveDist = 1
      optImportRawModules = 0
      optRemovePthLoader = 1 # always remove, may have changed locations
      optWritePthLoader = 0
      optWriteLauncher = 0 
      optRemoveLauncher = 1 
      optInstallTool = 0
      optRemoveMan = 1
      optInstallMan = 0 
# main platform specific branck

print _MOD, 'active athenaCL directory: %s' % _ATHENADIR

if == 'mac': # os9 and classic mac
   if optImportRawModules: importRawModules() 
   if optRemoveDist: removeDisutils()
   if optInstallDist:
      _ATHENADIR = runDisutils() # update athena directory to site-packages
      print _MOD, 'active athenaCL directory: %s' % _ATHENADIR
   if optRemovePthLoader: removePthLoader()
   if optWritePthLoader: writePthLoader(_ATHENADIR)

elif == 'posix': # create launch script
   if optImportRawModules: importRawModules() 
   if (optWriteLauncher or optInstallMan or optRemoveLauncher 
      or optRemovePthLoader or optRemoveDist or optRemoveMan):
      sudoFound = drawer.isSudo() # always detect once, pass to other methods
   if optWriteManifest: writeManifest(_ATHENADIR)
   if optRemoveDist: removeDisutils(sudoFound)
   if optInstallDist:
      _ATHENADIR = runDisutils() # update athena directory to site-packages
      print _MOD, 'active athenaCL directory: %s' % _ATHENADIR
   if optRemoveLauncher: removeUnixLauncher(sudoFound, optFink)
   if optWriteLauncher: # will determine optInstallTool 
      # move to /usr/local/bin depending on install too option
      # create launcher script
      if optFink:
         pathLaunchScript = os.path.join(osTools.findSitePackages(), 
                                        'athenaCL', '')
         pathLaunchScript = os.path.join(_ATHENADIR, '')
      pathShellScript = os.path.join(_ATHENADIR, 'athenacl') 
      writeUnixLauncher(pathLaunchScript, pathShellScript, 
                        optInstallTool, sudoFound, optFink)
   if optRemoveMan: removeMan(sudoFound, optFink)
   if optInstallMan: copyMan(_ATHENADIR, sudoFound, optFink)
   if optRemovePthLoader: removePthLoader(sudoFound)
   if optWritePthLoader: writePthLoader(_ATHENADIR)

else: # all windows flavors
   if optImportRawModules: importRawModules() 
   if optRemoveDist: removeDisutils(sudoFound)
   if optInstallDist:
      _ATHENADIR = runDisutils() # update athena directory to site-packages
      print _MOD, 'active athenaCL directory: %s' % _ATHENADIR
   if optRemovePthLoader: removePthLoader()
   if optWritePthLoader: writePthLoader(_ATHENADIR)

if optReport:
   print '::', 'athenaCL report'
# final confirmation
dialog.msgOut('%s complete\n' % _MOD) | Contact Us
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