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Python Open Source » Media Sound Audio » athenaCL 
athenaCL » athenaCL »
# Name:
# Purpose:      defines the following objects:
#               External: find all necessary files, prefs, xml data
#               AthenaObject: data container for athena object
#               Terminal: object interface for terminal display
#               Interpreter: object for parsing commands, logging, help
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2007 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import sys, os, time, random, traceback, httplib, urllib

athVersion  = '1.4.9'
athBuild    = '2009.08.15'
athRevision = 1 # for debian based versioning
athDate     = '15 August 2009' # human readable version
__version__ = athVersion
__license__ = "GPL"

# needs correct dir information for writing
# a file (prefs) and loading demos, and opening .xml and and other resources 
# External is sometimes called by itself, needs to find correct paths
# this checks for correct path access, attempts to mangle sys.path to fix
try: import libATH #assume we are in package dir
except ImportError:
   try: from athenaCL import libATH
   except ImportError: print 'athenaCL package cannot be found.'; sys.exit()
libPath = libATH.__path__[0] # list, get first item
if os.path.isabs(libPath) != 1: #relative path, add cwd
   libPath = os.path.abspath(libPath)
_PKGDIR = os.path.dirname(libPath)
_OUTDIR = os.path.dirname(_PKGDIR)
if _OUTDIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(_OUTDIR)

from athenaCL.libATH import argTools
from athenaCL.libATH import command
from athenaCL.libATH import dialog
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import typeset
from athenaCL.libATH import help
from athenaCL.libATH import ioTools# needed for bkwdCompat object
from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm# needed for timing
lang = language.LangObj()
from athenaCL.libATH import SC
from athenaCL.libATH import setMeasure
from athenaCL.libATH import MC
from athenaCL.libATH.libOrc import orc
from athenaCL.libATH.libTM import texture# needed for test script
fromathenaCL.libATHclone# needed for proc_AUtest
# objects not stored in ao, but nameing data needed

_MOD = ''

class External:
   """used to remaintain remote files used by the AthenaObject
   handles preferences (stored in xml) and erro log files
   also reloads textures, gets path preferences, orchestra files
   def __init__(self, termObj=None):
      """termObj used to provide session type information"""
      if termObj != None:
         self.termObj = termObj
         self.sessionType = termObj.sessionType
         self.termObj = None
         self.sessionType = 'terminal' # standard default

   def updateAll(self, verbose=0):
      """does all init updates, called whenever an ao is created

   def _updateDirs(self, verbose=0):
      """called to get athenaCL directories and load modules
      checks for libATH, libATH/libTM, libATH/libAS
      verbose does not currently do anything
      self.topLevelDir = _PKGDIR # global from mod loading, athenaCL package dir
      topLevelContent = os.listdir(self.topLevelDir) # check 'libATH' directory  
      if 'libATH' in topLevelContent:
          self.libATHpath = os.path.join(self.topLevelDir,'libATH')
          self.libATHpath = drawer.pathScrub(self.libATHpath)
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMissingLibATH, self.termObj)
         temp = dialog.askStr(lang.msgReturnToExit, self.termObj)
      try: # check for XML abilities:
         import xml.dom.minidom
         doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<doc>test.</doc>")     
      except: # xml.sax._exceptions.SAXReaderNotAvailable
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMissingXML, self.termObj)
         temp = dialog.askStr(lang.msgReturnToExit, self.termObj)
      # create util objects
      self.scObj = SC.SetClass() 
      self.mcObj = MC.MapClass()

      # check for texture module directory, demo dirs
      libATHcontents = os.listdir(self.libATHpath)
      if 'libTM' in libATHcontents:
         self.libTMpath = os.path.join(self.libATHpath, 'libTM')
         self.libTMpath = drawer.pathScrub(self.libTMpath)
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMissingLibTM, self.termObj)
         temp = dialog.askStr(lang.msgReturnToExit, self.termObj)
      # check for athena scripts folder
      if 'libAS' in libATHcontents:
         self.libASpath = os.path.join(self.libATHpath, 'libAS')
         self.libASpath = drawer.pathScrub(self.libASpath)
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgMissingLibAS, self.termObj)
         temp = dialog.askStr(lang.msgReturnToExit, self.termObj)

      # check for demo files
      self.demoDirList = []
      if 'demo' in topLevelContent:
         demoPath = os.path.join(self.topLevelDir, 'demo')
         # cvs versions will have a test dir in demo; check for this and add
         if 'test' in os.listdir(demoPath):
            demoTestPath = os.path.join(demoPath, 'test')

      if 'CVS' in topLevelContent: # check if there is a cvs dir
         self.cvsDirPresent = 1
         self.cvsDirPresent = 0

      if 'docs' in topLevelContent: # get docs path
         self.docsPath = os.path.join(self.topLevelDir, 'docs')
         self.docsPath = drawer.pathScrub(self.docsPath)
         self.docsPath = None

      # assign a dir in which to write pref/log files
      if == 'mac': # macos 9
         self.prefsDir = self.libATHpath
      elif == 'posix':
         self.prefsDir = drawer.getud() # get active users dir
      else: # win or other
         self.prefsDir = drawer.getud()
         if self.prefsDir == None: # cant use getcwd
            self.prefsDir = self.libATHpath # used before and two versions 1.4.2
   def getCvsStat(self):
      """return string if this is likely a cvs co"""
      if self.cvsDirPresent: return 'cvs'
      else: return 'package'

   def _updateLogs(self):
      """update path for error log files"""
      if == 'mac':  
         logFileName = 'athenacl-log.txt'
      elif == 'posix':
         logFileName = '.athenacl-log' # make hidden file
      else: # win or other
         logFileName = '.athenacl-log.txt'
      self.logPath = os.path.join(self.prefsDir, logFileName)

   def logWrite(self, dataLines):
      """for adding an error to= the error lig"""
      if os.path.exists(self.logPath): # append lines
         f = open(self.logPath, 'r')
         logLines = f.readlines()
         logLines = []
      for line in dataLines:
      # add a separator b/n log entries
      f = open(self.logPath, 'w')

   def _logParse(self):
      """open the log file and parse it into useful data"""
      charSep = '-'

      f = open(self.logPath, 'r')
      logLines = f.readlines()
      bundle = {}
      i = -1 # first will be zero
      for line in logLines: # in order, ERROR always comes first
         if line.strip() == '':
         if line.startswith('ERROR'):
            i = i + 1 # increment
            bundle[i] = [] # create new list
      # convert to value pairs
      param = {}
      for group in bundle.keys(): # order here does not matter
         i = 0 # first will be zero
         for field in bundle[group]: # order here matters
            key = '%s%s%s' % (group, charSep, i)
            param[key] = field
            i = i + 1
      return param

   def logCheck(self):
      """test to see if a log exists; called when quitting to see 
      if a log send should be done"""
      if os.path.exists(self.logPath): return 1 # no log, do nothing
      else: return 0

   def _logDelete(self):
      """delete the error log, assuming that it is empty"""

   def logSend(self):
      """attempt to submit a log file"""
      paramRaw = self._logParse()
      paramRaw['stateNext'] = '8' # state 8 is bug processing
      params = urllib.urlencode(paramRaw)
      headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 
                 "Accept": "text/plain"}
         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(lang.msgCgiDomain)
         conn.request("POST", lang.msgCgiURL, params, headers)
         connect = 1
      except: # no connection active
         connect = 0
      if connect:
            response = conn.getresponse()
         except: # some other failure is possible here
            print 'unknown connection error.'
            return None
         if response.status == 200: # good
            data =
            dataLines = data.split('\n')
            print dataLines[0]
            self._logDelete() # delete old log
            print 'http error:', response.status

         return 1
         return None # nothing happened

   def onlineVersionFetch(self):
      """if online, check current version
      returns None if not available"""
      try: # read number of chars lines
         webpage = urllib.urlopen(drawer.urlPrep(lang.msgVersionURL)).read(24)
      except IOError, e: # cant get online
         webpage = None
      except: # all others
         webpage = None      
      if webpage != None:
         versionStr = webpage.strip()
         return argTools.Version(versionStr) # return object
         return None

   def updatePrefs(self, forcePath=None):
      """check for prefs, update and add if missing
      # watch for sesion type here; dont write files if cgi type
      if == 'mac':  
         prefsFileName = 'athenaclrc.xml'
      elif == 'posix':
         prefsFileName = '.athenaclrc' # make hidden file
      else: # win or other
         prefsFileName = '.athenaclrc.xml'

      if forcePath != None:
         self.prefsPath = forcePath # assign
         self.prefDict = prefTools.getXmlPrefDict(self.prefsPath)
         self.prefDict = prefTools.updatePrefDict(self.prefDict,
         prefTools.writePrefDict(self.prefsPath, self.prefDict)
      elif self.sessionType != 'cgi': # cgi cant use any prefs
         prefDirContent = os.listdir(self.prefsDir)
         self.prefsPath = os.path.join(self.prefsDir, prefsFileName)
         createNewPrefs = 0
         if prefsFileName in prefDirContent:
            self.prefDict = prefTools.getXmlPrefDict(self.prefsPath)
            self.prefDict = prefTools.updatePrefDict(self.prefDict,
            prefTools.writePrefDict(self.prefsPath, self.prefDict)
         else: # new prefs on first start, or after deleting
            createNewPrefs = 1
         if createNewPrefs:
            self.prefDict = prefTools.getDefaultDict(
            prefTools.writePrefDict(self.prefsPath, self.prefDict)

      elif self.sessionType == 'cgi': # if cgi session, only use pref dict
         self.prefDict = prefTools.getDefaultDict(

   def writePref(self, category, key, value):
      """writes new value or pref file"""
      from athenaCL.libATH import prefTools
      self.prefDict[category][key] = value
      if self.sessionType != 'cgi': # dont write if cgi
         prefTools.writePrefDict(self.prefsPath, self.prefDict)

   def getPref(self, category, key, evaluate=0):
      """returns value of a pref
      some prefs are lists or numbers and need to be evaluated"""
      strPref = self.prefDict[category][key]
      if not evaluate:
         return strPref
      else: # this may raise an exception
         evalPref = eval(self.prefDict[category][key])
         if drawer.isList(evalPref): # make sure it is a list, not tuple
            evalPref = list(evalPref)
         return evalPref
   def getPrefGroup(self, category):
      """get an entire pref group, and load into a dictionary
      useful passing app preferences from external to osTools"""
      d = {}
      for key in self.prefDict[category]:
         d[key] = self.prefDict[category][key]
      return d
   def getFilePathSample(self):
      """returns a list of file paths for samples"""
      ssdrPath = os.path.join(self.libATHpath, 'ssdir')
      ssdrPath = drawer.pathScrub(ssdrPath)
      ssdrPathUsr = self.getPref('athena', 'ssdir')
      pathList = [ssdrPath, ssdrPathUsr]
      return pathList

   def getFilePathAnalysis(self):
      """returns a list of file paths for analysis"""
      sadrPath = os.path.join(self.libATHpath, 'sadir')
      sadrPath = drawer.pathScrub(sadrPath)
      sadrPathUsr = self.getPref('athena', 'sadir')
      pathList = [sadrPath, sadrPathUsr]
      return pathList

   def getVisualMethod(self, status='normal'):
      """checks to see if vis methods have been updated
      if not avail, updates
      this is a bit of a time suck and should be done once
      per session
      status == 'init' allows the attibute self.visualMethod
      to be initialized to None, updates on next call
      visual methodis a list containing all avalable methods
      if status == 'init':
         self.visualMethod = None # set to none, but dont update until called
      else: # checks guis: a speed clog on startup
         if self.visualMethod == None: # done only if set to none, once per sess
            self.visualMethod = drawer.imageFormats()
         return self.visualMethod


class AthenaObject:
   """methods for internal processsing of done with command objecst from
   includes internal functions for processing objects wraps and exposes methods of this class

   def __init__(self, termObj=None, debug=0):
      """creates all attributes of the athenaObject
      update object handles finding all modules and creating util objects operates upon these attributes and sub-objects
      also handles reference of commands, getting help from commands, display
      information/objects that need to be accessed both in Interpreter (holds 
      one permanent ao) and many command objects (one ao passed to them)
      self.athVersion = athVersion
      self.athBuild = athBuild
      self.versionObj = argTools.Version('%s.%s' % (self.athVersion, 
      self.athDate = athDate
      self.termObj = termObj # defaut terminal handler, from Interpreter
      self.debug = debug # debug option
      # possible session types are 'terminal', 'idle', 'cgi';
      # these methods initializes external modules and resources
      self.external = External(self.termObj) 
      self.external.updateAll('on') # msgs on
      self.external.getVisualMethod('init') # prep, dont resolve
      # utility objects = help.HelpDoc(self.termObj) # pass ref termObj
      self.backward = ioTools.BackwardsCompat(self.debug)

      # data and objects saved with AO
      # ATHENA DATA = '' # stored for a loaded athenaObj
      self.tniMode = 0  #true == TnI, false == Tn
      # PATH DATA
      self.activeSetMeasure = 'ASIM' # default
      self.pathLib = {}
      self.activePath = ''
      self.activeTextureModule = 'LineGroove' # name of class
      self.textureLib = {}
      self.activeTexture = '' #name of
      # CLONE DATA
      self.cloneLib = clone.CloneManager() # added post 1.3
      self.midiTempo = 120 # default value, changed with TEmidi, added 1.1
      self.nchnls = 2  # default, saved w/ ao

      # this may be init from a pref; but loaded and stored in ao
      self.orcObj = None # initialized from setEventMode
      self.activeEventMode = None
      # cannot store an em object, contains ao, but must instant orc
      # sets self.activeEventMode and self.orcObj
      self.setEventMode(self.external.getPref('athena', 'eventMode'),
      # local information either (1) not saved in AO (2) temporary data or
      # (3) derived from file based preferences
      # these might be better put in teh aoInfo dictionary?
      self.fpSSDR = self.external.getFilePathSample()   # list of paths
      self.fpSADR = self.external.getFilePathAnalysis() # list of paths
      self.fpLastDir = self.external.getPref('athena', 'fpLastDir')
      self.fpLastDirSco = self.external.getPref('athena', 'fpLastDirSco')
      # determines how texture/clone editing happens

      # temporary session data, scoFP and others
      # stores outputs completed after ELn; can be used to determine what
      # files were actually made
      self.aoInfo = {} 
      self.aoInfo['refreshMode'] = self.external.getPref('athena',
                                                  'refreshMode', 1)
      self.aoInfo['cursorToolOption'] = self.external.getPref('athena',
      self.aoInfo['version'] = self.athVersion
      self.aoInfo['outComplete'] = [] # will be filled after creating files
      self.aoInfo['history'] = {} # store command history # mod in Interpreter

      # static data and strings shared by Interpreter and Command objects
      self.promptSym  = '::' # symbol used for prompt
      # this is directory of main commands presented to user
      # any other commands are considered hidden
      self.cmdDict = {
     'scCmd':('SetClass', 'SCv(view)', 'SCcm(comp)', 
              'SCf(find)', 'SCs(search)', 'SCmode(mode)', 'SCh(hear)',),
              'SMls(list)', 'SMo(select)',),
     'mcCmd':('MapClass', 'MCv(view)', 'MCcm(comp)', 
              'MCopt(optimum)', 'MCgrid(grid)', 'MCnet(network)'),
     'piCmd':('PathInstance', 'PIn(new)',    'PIcp(copy)', 
              'PIrm(remove)','PIo(select)', 'PIv(view)', 
              'PIe(edit)', 'PIdf(duration)', 'PIls(list)', 'PIh(hear)', 
              'PIrot(rot)', 'PIslc(slice)', 'PIopt(optimum)'),
     'pvCmd':('PathVoice', 'PVn(new)', 'PVcp(copy)', 'PVrm(remove)',
              'PVo(select)', 'PVv(view)',  'PVe(edit)',    
              'PVan(analysis)', 'PVcm(compare)', 'PVauto(auto)'),
     'tmCmd':('TextureModule', 'TMo(select)', 'TMv(view)',                           
     'tpCmd':('TextureParameter', 'TPls(list)', 'TPv(select)', 'TPmap(map)', 
     'tiCmd':('TextureInstance', 'TIn(new)', 'TIcp(copy)', 
              'TIrm(remove)', 'TIo(select)', 'TIv(view)', 
              'TIe(edit)', 'TIls(list)', 'TImode(mode)', 
              'TImute(mute)', 'TIdoc(doc)', 'TImap(map)',
     'tcCmd':('TextureClone', 'TCn(new)', 'TCcp(copy)', 'TCrm(remove)', 
              'TCo(select)', 'TCv(view)','TCe(edit)',
              'TCls(list)', 'TCmute(mute)', 'TCmap(map)'), 
     'ttCmd':('TextureTemperament', 'TTls(list)',  'TTo(select)'),
     'teCmd':('TextureEnsemble', 'TEv(view)',  'TEe(edit)', 
              'TEmap(map)', 'TEmidi(midi)',),
     'eoCmd':('EventOutput', 'EOls(list)', 'EOo(select)','EOrm(remove)',),
     'emCmd':('EventMode', 'EMls(list)', 'EMo(select)', 'EMv(view)',
     'elCmd':('EventList', 'ELn(new)', 'ELw(save)', 
              'ELv(view)', 'ELh(hear)', 'ELr(render)',),
              'CPff(format)', 'CPch(channel)', 'CPauto(auto)'),
     'aoCmd':('AthenaObject', 'AOw(save)', 'AOl(load)', 'AOmg(merge)',
     'asCmd':('AthenaScript', 'ASexe(execute)',), # hidden!
     'ahCmd':('AthenaHistory', 'AHls(list)', 'AHexe(execute)'),
     'auCmd':('AthenaUtility', 'AUsys(system)', 'AUdoc(docs)', 'AUup(update)',  
              'AUbeat(beat)', 'AUpc(pitch)', 'AUmg(markov)', 'AUma(markov)', 
     'apCmd':('AthenaPreferences', 'APcurs(cursor)', 'APdlg(dialogs)',
              'APgfx(graphics)', 'APdir(directory)', 'APea(external)', 
              'APr(refresh)', 'APwid(width)', 'APcc(custom)' ),

      self.cmdOrder = [None, 'scCmd', 'smCmd', 'mcCmd', 
                       None, 'piCmd', 'psCmd', 'pvCmd', 
                       None, 'tmCmd', 'tpCmd', 'tiCmd', 'tcCmd', 
                             'ttCmd', 'teCmd', 
                       None, 'eoCmd', 'emCmd', 'elCmd', 'cpCmd', 
                       None, 'apCmd', 'ahCmd', 'auCmd', 'aoCmd']
      # two-letter prefix for all athenaCL commands
      self.cmdPrefixes = [] # store w/ caps
      for key in self.cmdDict: 
         self.cmdPrefixes.append(key[:2].upper()) # first two chars
      # this is only used in the cmdManifest method below
      self._cmdSpecial = ['w', 'c', 'r', 'cmd', 'pypath', 
                         'py', 'quit', 'q', 'help', 'shell']
      # store a list of all commands
      self.cmdRef = self.cmdManifest()

   def prefixCmdGroup(self, prefix):
      """for a given prefix will return a list of 
      cmds and a list of their names
      only returns heirarchical commands, never special commands
      if prefix in self.cmdDict.keys():
         cmdNameList = self.cmdDict[prefix]
         cmdList = []
         nameList = []
         for name in cmdNameList:
            ## this ignores things that are not cmds, like heading names
            if name.find('(') < 0: continue
            name = name.replace('(', ' ')
            name = name.replace(')', ' ')
            cmdStr, nameStr = name.split() # always into two things
         return cmdList, nameList
      else: return None

   def prefixName(self, prefix):
      return self.cmdDict[prefix.lower()+'Cmd'][0] # 0 gets title

   # managing and displaying command names

   def cmdDisplay(self):
      """get heirarchical display, scaled to screen widthw
      used for cmd display"""
      w = self.termObj.w
      msg = []
      msg.append('athenaCL Commands:\n')
      for cmdName in self.cmdOrder:
         if cmdName == None: # none is a  divider
            msg.append(lang.DIVIDER * w)
            msg.append(typeset.formatEqCol('', self.cmdDict[cmdName], 18, 
                                          w, 'outLineMode'))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def cmdCorrect(self, line):
      """acts as an athenaCL cmd parser:
      capitalizes and corrects user cmd strings called w/n cmdExecute
      does not deal with special commands like q, quit, cmd, and others"""
      if line == None:
         return None
      line = line.strip()
      if len(line) <= 1: return line
      # if first two letters lower case, make upper
      prefix  = line[:2].upper()
      postfix = line[2:]
      if prefix in self.cmdPrefixes: #check for lower case
         newPrefix = prefix
         line = newPrefix + postfix
      else: # line stays the same
         newPrefix = prefix 
      return line

   def cmdManifest(self):
      "get all commands from;"
      cmdList = dir(command) # get listing from module
      cmdFilter = []
      for entry in cmdList:
         if (entry[0:2] in self.cmdPrefixes and 
            entry[0].isupper() and 
            entry[1].isupper() and 
            len(entry) > 2 and 
            entry.find('funct') < 0 and
            entry.find('class') < 0): # remove modules imported 
            if entry[-1] == '_': # some commands have tag at end
         elif entry in self._cmdSpecial: # non-standard command names
      return cmdFilter

   def cmdDocManifest(self):
      """gets all commands by looking in class attributes
      this listing includes hidden commands and commands not
      getAllCmds, formerly 
      cmdsDoc = []
      cmdsUndoc = []
      allHelpTopics =      
      for cmd in self.cmdRef: # check against all commands in         
         if cmd in allHelpTopics: # command has documentation
            allHelpTopics.remove(cmd) # remove from all help topics
         else: # command without any help
      # after checking all, remaining topics are general help topics 
      # these are not really used here
      helpTopics = allHelpTopics # all that remain
      return cmdsDoc, cmdsUndoc, helpTopics

   def prefixMatch(self, prefix, usrStr):
      """will attempt to match a user string to a command, knowing the prefix
      that command will be found in. if an SC command, user can enter both v or       
      SCv. returns the complete command string, or unmodified if no mathc"""
      if usrStr == None:
         return None
      prefix = prefix.upper()
      usrStr = self.cmdCorrect(usrStr)
      result = self.prefixCmdGroup(prefix.lower() + 'Cmd')
      if result == None: # bad prefix 
         return usrStr
         cmds, nameList = result
      if usrStr in cmds: # complete match
         pass # its good
      elif prefix + usrStr.lower() in cmds:
         usrStr = prefix + usrStr.lower()
      elif len(usrStr) >= 2:
         i = 0
         for cmdShortName in nameList:         
            if usrStr.lower() == cmdShortName.lower():
               usrStr = cmds[i]
            i = i + 1
      return usrStr

   # tools for version checking

   def compareVersion(self, versionOther=None):
      """compare version to current version
      version is a string"""
      if versionOther == None:# assume we want to compare to online 
         versionOther = self.external.onlineVersionFetch()
         if versionOther == None: return None, None # if not online

      if self.versionObj == versionOther: # the same version
         status = 'current'
      elif versionOther > self.versionObj: # other is more recent
         if versionOther.point > self.versionObj.point:
            status = 'major' # major update is point
         else: # just the dates are different
            status = 'minor'
      else: # this version is more up to date than other
         status = 'current'

      if status == 'minor':
         versionStr = versionOther.repr('dot', 1)
      elif status == 'major':
         versionStr = versionOther.repr('dot', 0) # leave out date info
      elif status == 'current':
         versionStr = self.versionObj.repr('dot', 0)
      return status, versionStr

   def timeSinceLastVersionCheck(self):
      """return seconds since last started"""
      tLast = self.external.getPref('athena', 'tLastVersionCheck')
         tLast = float(tLast)
      except (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError):
         tLast = 0 # set at zero
      tNow = time.time()
      dif = round(abs(tNow - tLast), 1)
      #print 'time since last version check %s\n' % dif
      return dif

   # these are used in error messages, AUsys

   def osStr(self):
      return '%s.%s' % (, sys.platform)

   def pyStr(self):
      major, minor, micro, level, serial = sys.version_info
      return '%i.%i.%i.%s' % (major, minor, micro, level)

   def aoStr(self, fmt='dot', date=1):
      # formats can be dot or human
      return self.versionObj.repr(fmt, 1)

   def infoStr(self):
      """used in sending error message w/ data stored in aoInfo"""
      headStr = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (self.osStr(), self.pyStr(), 
                   self.aoStr(), self.external.getCvsStat())
      return headStr

   # methods to maintain internal utility objects

   def setEventMode(self, usrStr, default=None):
      #print _MOD, usrStr
      usrStr = eventList.eventModeParser(usrStr)
      # in the case that a bad eventMode was stored
      if usrStr == None and default != None:
         usrStr = default
      assert usrStr != None
      self.activeEventMode = usrStr
      self.orcObj = orc.factory(eventList.selectEventModeOrc(

   def setPreference(self, filePath):
      """set the preference file to an arbitraray path
      this is used for automated image generation in documentation"""
      self.external.updatePrefs(filePath) # msgs on

# this term handling thanks inpart to
class Terminal:
   """terminal management.
   represents basic screen presentation issues, even w/o a tty
   size - return height, width of the terminal
   self.termLive determines if the term is in a unix that can get size
   if not, returs default width
   def __init__(self, sessionType='terminal', parentGUI=None):
      """possible session types are 'terminal', 'idle', 'cgi' """
      self.sessionType = sessionType
      self.parentGUI = parentGUI # keep for gui management
      # try to import readline
      try: import readline
      except ImportError: pass # not available on every platform      
      # determine if interface is interactive or nots
      if sessionType in ['terminal', 'idle']:
         self.interact = 1
      else: # 'cgi' is not interactive
         self.interact = 0
      # determine if term is live or dead      
      if sessionType == 'terminal':
            global termios
            import termios
            self.termLive = 1
         except ImportError:
            self.termLive = 0
      elif sessionType in ['cgi', 'idle']:
         self.termLive = 0
      # defaults spacings
      self.defaultW = 72 # for plats that dont have termio
      self.defaultH = 24
      self.cursesTest = 0 # bool if curses test has been completed
      # do session type adjustments on default sizes
      if sessionType == 'cgi':
         self.defaultW = 58

   def clear(self):
      """Clear screen."""
      if self.termLive:
         # replace this with backspace in

   def _sizeCurses(self):
      """get size from curses: note, using this tweaks the terminal environment
      and reduces the performance of /b animations. only use when abs necessary
      self.cursesTest = 1 # only run this method once
      if self.termLive:
         try: # as list ditch test, load curses to get size
            import curses
            self.cursesH, self.cursesW = curses.LINES, curses.COLS
            del curses
         except ImportError:
            self.cursesW = None # try to get size at init
            self.cursesH = None # from curses if around

   def size(self):
      """Return terminal size as tuple (height, width).
      this is called once with each command, updated size 
      if self.termLive:
         h, w = self.defaultH, self.defaultW
            import struct, fcntl
            h, w = struct.unpack("hhhh", fcntl.ioctl(0, 
                   termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "\000"*8))[0:2]
         except: # get size from curses if available; last ditch
            if not self.cursesTest:
               self._sizeCurses() # run curses method only if not yet run once
            if self.cursesW != None and self.cursesH != None:
               h, w = self.cursesH, self.cursesW
      else: # if no term active, get default
         h, w = self.defaultH, self.defaultW
      return h, w

   def __getattr__(self, name):
      """provode interface as attributes"""
      h, w = self.size()
      if name == 'h':
         return h
      elif name == 'w':
         return w
         raise AttributeError

   def setWidth(self, width):
      self.defaultW = width
      self.termLive = 0 # disables using termios
   def setHight(self, height):
      self.defaultH = height

# this Interpreter is based on a thanks to the Python crew!

class Interpreter:
   """command line envonment to interact with
   useful for developing parameter objects and textures
   verbose: determine amount of messages given back and forth
      0: quite output: nothign returned
      1: return msg, no warning
      2: return msg, give warnings, errors, 
      3: debug mode: very verbose 

   debug option passed to all commands; used to remove error checking
      changes some processing in order to provide more accurate errors.

   def __init__(self, sessionType='terminal', threadAble=1, verbose=0, debug=0):
      # instance of athenaObj class, where all athena processing takes place
      self.sessionType = sessionType # can be: terminal, idle, Tkinter, cgi
      self.verbose = verbose # determine output level
      self.debug = debug # turn on debugging mode
      # sets echoing of command lines; prints commands
      # this is used when scripting and you want to see what commands are fired
      self.echo = 0 
      # create objects
      self.parentGUI = None # used to be used; no longer, but kept incase
      self.termObj = Terminal(self.sessionType, self.parentGUI) = AthenaObject(self.termObj, self.debug)
      self.athVersion =
      self.athBuild =
      # special handling for threads
      self.threadAble, threadStr = self._testThreads(threadAble)
      self.pollDur = .25 # time between polls in seconds
      self.versionCheckWait = rhythm.TimeValue.sPerDay * 28 # every 28 days
      #self.cmdqueue   = [] # not used

      # these are just used for fun
      self._emptyCount = 0 # count empty lines returned
      self._blankCount = 0 # count blank lines returned
      # update vars passed to command obj; sets command environ
      self._updateCmdEnviron()  # creates self.cmdEnviron
      self.cursorToolConvert = self._getCursorToolConvert() # done once at init
      self._updatePrompt('msg') # creates self.prompt
      athTitle = '\n' + 'athenaCL %s (on %s via %s %s)\n' % (
                    self.athVersion, sys.platform, 
                    self.sessionType, threadStr)
      # two returns required after changes to line wrapping function
      self.intro = athTitle + lang.msgAthIntro + '\n\n'

   def out(self, msg):
      """main output filter for all text displays
      all text output, when using the intereter, passes through here
      if verbosity set to 0, not output is given at all
      if self.verbose >= 1:
         dialog.msgOut(msg, self.termObj)


   def _updateCmdEnviron(self):
      "passed to command objects for interperter prefs"
      self.cmdEnviron = {}
      self.cmdEnviron['threadAble'] = self.threadAble
      self.cmdEnviron['pollDur'] = self.pollDur
      self.cmdEnviron['verbose'] = self.verbose
      self.cmdEnviron['debug'] = self.debug

   def _getFunc(self, cmd):
      """gets a reference to command object; this may get modules that
      are imported into the command module; this is a problem"""
      # some cmds strings cannot be properly filtered unles directly avoided
      # lang pbject will print an error if an attr is not found
      if cmd in ['lang']:
         return None
         func = getattr(command, cmd) # from command module, get class
      except AttributeError:
         func = None
      if drawer.isMod(func): # if a module, not a command object, do not run
         func = None
      # all cmd sub-class must have these methods
      elif not hasattr(func, 'do') and not hasattr(func, 'undo'): 
         func = None
      return func

   def _proc(self, cmdObj, data):
      """gets a processor, only used for sub commands"""
      func = getattr(self, 'proc_' + cmdObj.cmdStr)   
      return func(data)      

   def _lineCmdArgSplit(self, line):
      """take a user input line and parse into cmd and arg
      does special character translations
      handles specian commands like SC by adding underscore"""
      line = line.strip()
      if not line: return None
      elif line[0] == '?':
         line = 'help ' + line[1:]
      elif line[0] == '!':
         line = 'shell ' + line[1:]
      i = 0
      # extract command from args, assuming that all cmds use identchars
      while i < len(line) and line[i] in lang.IDENTCHARS:
         i = i + 1
      cmd, arg = line[:i], line[i:].strip()
      if cmd in # special sc commands
         cmd = cmd + '_'
      return cmd, arg

   def _cmd(self, line):
      """does actual processing of each command, adding do prefix
      separates args from command
      all commands pass through this method, inner most try/except loop
      sub commands provide data dictionaries that are then processed in
      the interepreter (not in the command object itself)
      self._updateCmdEnviron() # update vars passed to command obj
      splitLine = self._lineCmdArgSplit(line)
      if splitLine == None:
         return None
      cmd, arg = splitLine
      func = self._getFunc(cmd)
      if func == None: return self._default(line)
      self._clearCount() # clears cmd blank/bad counting
      try: # execute function, manage threads
         cmdObj = func(, self.cmdEnviron, arg)
         ok, result = # returns a dict if a subCmd, otherwise str
         if result == None: # no msg returned; nothing to report
            stop = None
         elif not drawer.isDict(result): # if not a dictionary
            self.out(result) # disply str output
            stop = None # only needed
         else: # it is a subCmd, must be a dictionary result
            stop = self._proc(cmdObj, result) # do processing on result
         if cmdObj.cmdStr != 'quit': # no history for quit
            self._historyAdd(cmdObj.log()) #log may return none if incomplete
      except: # print error message for all exceptions
         tbObj = sys.exc_info() # get traceback object
         stop = None # must be assigned on error
         self._errorReport(cmd, arg, tbObj) # writes log file
      return stop

   def cmd(self, line, arg=None):
      """give cmdline, or cmd + arg; cmdline will be split if arg == None
      good for calling a single command from cgi, or external interpreter
      return output as string, not printed
      does not log errors, does not keep a history
      _not_ used in normal interactive loop
      returns a status flag, and msg string
      self._updateCmdEnviron() # update vars passed to command obj
      if arg == None: # no args, assume cmd needs to be split
         splitLine = self._lineCmdArgSplit(line)
         if splitLine == None: return 0, "no command given"
         cmd, arg = splitLine
      else: # args are given, so line is command name
         cmd = line
      # cmdCorrect called here; this is done in cmdExecute and not in _cmd
      # as this is a public method, however, this may be necessary here
      cmd =
      func = self._getFunc(cmd)
      if func == None: return 0, "no command given"
      try: # execute function, manage threads
         cmdObj = func(, self.cmdEnviron, arg)
         ok, result = # no out on resutl here
      except: # print error message
         # stop = None # must be assigned on error; no longer in use
         traceback.print_exc() # print teaceback, dont log error
         result = 'error occured'
         ok = 0
      return ok, result


   def _precmd(self, line):
      return line

   def _postcmd(self, stop, line):
      """done after a command is executed; has nothing to do w/ a sub command
      called w/n cmdExecute"""
      if stop == -1:# case of quit
         return stop
      return stop

   def cmdExecute(self, cmdList):
      """used for athenaScripts, does many commands in a list
      a simple list of commands is executed one at a time
      called from self.cmdLoop
      for cmdLine in cmdList:
         if cmdLine == None: continue
         cmdLine =
         if self.echo: # no echo if set to quite
            self.out(('%s %s\n' % (, cmdLine)))
         # exceptions are handled in side this method
         stop = self._cmd(cmdLine)
         stop = self._postcmd(stop, cmdLine)
         self.out('\n')  # prints a space after each command
      return stop

   def cmdLoop(self, cmdList=None):
      """main command loop of athenaCL
      gets input from user in a loop; adds the cmd to cmdList
      calls self.cmdExecute to do work, not self.cmd
       # do only of cmdList is empty, and session not cgi
      if cmdList == None and self.sessionType not in ['cgi']:
         if >= self.versionCheckWait:
            cmdList = ['AUup'] # add version check command at startup
      stop = None
      while not stop:
         if cmdList == None:
            try: # get raw data form user
               line = dialog.rawInput(self.prompt, self.termObj)
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
               line = 'quit confirm'  # quit immediatly
            cmdList = line.split(';') # split into mult cdms by ;
         else: # use the command list
            self.echo = 1
         stop = self.cmdExecute(cmdList)
         if cmdList != None:
            cmdList = None # clear command list
            self.echo = 0


   def runScript(self, name, scriptArgs=None):
      """will run a script in libAS folder, or a complete path
      if given (not implemented yet)"""
      # this is experimental: seems to work
      # see
      modImportStr = 'athenaCL.libATH.libAS.%s' % name
         name = __import__(modImportStr, globals(), locals(), [name,])
      except ImportError:
         print lang.WARN, 'no such module to import %s' % name
         return None
      scriptObj = name.Script(scriptArgs) #" % name)# call one instance
      self.echo = 1
      # stop value is not used here...
      stop = self.cmdExecute(scriptObj.cmdList)
      self.echo = 0

   #def preloop(self): pass
   #def postloop(self): pass
   def _clearCount(self):
      """clear cmd counts"""
      self._emptyCount = 0 # clear
      self._blankCount = 0 # clear

   def _emptyline(self):
      """print result if an empty command has been found"""
      if self._emptyCount >= random.choice(range(7,20)):
         self._emptyCount = 0
      self._emptyCount = self._emptyCount + 1 
      # return nothing

   def _default(self, line):
      """if no command is parsed out of line"""
      if self._blankCount >= random.choice(range(3,10)):
         self._blankCount = 0
         self.out(lang.msgUnknownCmd) # standard result
      self._blankCount = self._blankCount + 1 
      # return nothing

   def _getCursorToolConvert(self):
      """read prefs and return a conversion dictionary
      called on init of Interpreter"""
      # get a blank command object; myst be a AthenaPreferences
      cmdObj = command.APcc(, self.cmdEnviron)
      convert = cmdObj._apGetCursorToolConvert() # reads prefs
      convert['empty'] = self._cursorTool(convert) # adds fake
      return convert
   def _cursorTool(self, convert=None):
      "need optional arg to build a default curos in _getCursor"
      if convert == None:
         convert = self.cursorToolConvert
      left  = '%s%s%s' % (convert['['], convert['PI'], convert['('])
      mid   = '%s%s%s' % (convert[')'], convert['TI'], convert['('])
      right = '%s%s' % (convert[')'], convert[']'])
      return left + '%s' + mid + '%s' + right

   def _updatePrompt(self, msg=None):
      """update prompt graphics; done each time command is called"""
      promptRoot =
      # this used to get pref from file; get now from aoInfo
      cursTemplate = self._cursorTool()
      if msg: # intial startup msg
         cursTool = dialog.getSalutation(self.cursorToolConvert)
      else: # update appearance
         cursTool = cursTemplate % (,      
      if['cursorToolOption'] != 'cursorToolOff':
         self.prompt = '%s %s ' % (cursTool, promptRoot)
         self.prompt = '%s ' % (promptRoot)

   def _testThreads(self, force=0):
      """testing if threading modules are available
      cgi threads are always single-threaded
      if force == 0 or self.sessionType in ['cgi', 'idle']:
         status = 0 # turn off
         status = 1
         if == 'mac':
         elif == 'posix':
            try: import threading
            except ImportError: status = 0
         else: # all win flavors
            status = 1
            # threads work fine in win, but even when not in idle
            # the animation trick does not do /b correctly
      if status == 0: # no threading
         msg = 'threading off' # need leading space
      elif status == 1:
         msg ='threading active' # need leading space
      return status, msg

   def toggleEcho(self):
      """flips echo status on and off"""
      if self.echo == 1: self.echo = 0
      else: self.echo = 1

   # error handling and logging
   def _errorReport(self, cmd, arg, tbObj):
      """fmtTbList is a list of formatted tb data
      writes to error log file"""
      timeTag = time.asctime(time.localtime())
      msg = []
      msg.append('ERROR, %s, %s\n' % (, timeTag))
      msg.append('%s %s\n' % (cmd, arg))

      tbList = traceback.extract_tb(tbObj[2]) # get tracebackobject
      for fileName ,lineNo, funcName, text in tbList:
         msg.append("%s, %s, %s\n%s\n" % (fileName, lineNo, 
                                          funcName, text))
      msg.append(str(tbObj[0]) + '\n') # class, name of exception
      msg.append(str(tbObj[1]) + '\n') # object, string about exception
      # adds an error report to a log file using external manager # give formatted data
       # report public info, dont show traceback

   def _historyAdd(self, log):
      """add a log to to dictionary
      if none, dont add or treat special"""
      timeTag = time.time() # use raw seconds
      if log != None: # only deal w/ successful logs['history'][timeTag] = log
      # dont do 

   # proc_ commands need acces to interpreter to function
   # have initila shell in

   def proc_menu(self, data):
      # used for menu commands?
      cmdStr = data['command']
      if cmdStr == None:
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgReturnCancel, self.termObj)  

   def proc_quit(self, data):
      return -1

   def proc_shell(self, data):
      """provides an interactive python session"""
      if == 'mac':
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgPlatformError %, self.termObj)
      elif == 'posix':
      else:  # all windows flavors
         dialog.msgOut(lang.msgPlatformError %, self.termObj)

   def proc_py(self, data):
      """provides an interactive python session"""
      import code
      if == 'mac':
         exitStr = 'Control-D' 
      elif == 'posix':
         exitStr = 'Control-D' 
      else:  # all windows flavors
         exitStr = 'Control-Z' 
      msg = 'Python Interactive. enter %s to exit:' % exitStr

   def proc_ASexe(self, data):
      """run a script and print results
      scriptArgs = {} # gather data to generate commands
      scriptArgs['setMeasureNames'] = setMeasure.engines.keys()
      scriptArgs['allCmds'] =
      scriptArgs['textureNames'] = texture.tmObjs
      fileName = data['name']
      if fileName[-3:] == '.py':
         fileName = fileName[:-3]

      timer = rhythm.Timer() # start timer
      self.runScript(fileName, scriptArgs)
      dialog.msgOut('\nAthenaScript Execute %s complete (%s):\n' % (
                                 data['name'], timer), self.termObj)

   def proc_AOrm(self, data):
      dialog.msgOut('reinitializing AthenaObject.\n', self.termObj)      
      del = AthenaObject(self.termObj)

   def proc_AHexe(self, data):
      self.echo = 1
      self.echo = 0
      dialog.msgOut('AthenaHistory Execute complete.\n', self.termObj) | Contact Us
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