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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Web Framework » Tapestry »
Java Source File NameTypeComment
ActionResponseGenerator.javaInterface An object that can generate the final response sent to the client as part of an action request.
Alias.javaInterface Primarily, the Alias service is an ObjectProvider that fits into the command chain and disambiguates injections on type.
AliasContribution.javaClass A contribution into the Alias or AliasOverride service configuration.
AliasManager.javaInterface A thin wrapper around a set of s.
ApplicationGlobals.javaInterface Stores global information about the application and its environment.
ApplicationInitializer.javaInterface Service interface for initializing Tapestry for the application.
ApplicationInitializerFilter.javaInterface Filter interface for .
ApplicationStateContribution.javaClass A contribution to the configuration of the ApplicationStateManager , identifying the strategy and creator for a particular ASO (identified by the ASO's class).
ApplicationStateCreator.javaInterface Used by ApplicationStateManager and ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy to create an application state object on demand.
ApplicationStateManager.javaInterface Responsible for managing application state objects, objects which persist between requests, but are not tied to any individual page or component.
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy.javaInterface Used by ApplicationStateManager to manage a specific kind of ASO persistence.
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource.javaInterface Used to provide access to stategies via a logical name for the stategy, such as "session".
AssetFactory.javaInterface Used by AssetSource to create new Asset s as needed.
AssetSource.javaInterface Used to find or create an Asset with a given path.
BeanBlockContribution.javaClass A contribution to the BeanBlockSource service, defining a page name and block id (within the page) that can edit or display a particular type of property.
BeanBlockSource.javaInterface A source of Block s used to display the properties of a bean (used by the Grid component), or to edit the properties of a bean (used by the BeanEditForm component).
BeanModelSource.javaInterface Used by a component to create a default BeanModel for a particular bean class.
BindingFactory.javaInterface Creates a binding of a particular type.
BindingSource.javaInterface Used to acquire bindings for component parameters.
ClassTransformation.javaInterface Contains class-specific information used when transforming an raw class into an executable class. Much of this information is somewhat like ordinary reflection, but applies to a class that has not yet been loaded.

Transformation is primarily about identifying annotations on fields and on methods and changing the class, adding new interfaces, fields and methods, and deleting some existing fields.

A ClassTransformation contains all the state data specific to a particular class being transformed.

ComponentActionRequestFilter.javaInterface Filter interface for ComponentActionRequestHandler .
ComponentActionRequestHandler.javaInterface Handler interface for action requests.
ComponentClassResolver.javaInterface Resolves page names and component types to fully qualified class names.
ComponentClassTransformWorker.javaInterface Interface for a set of objects that can perform component class transformations.
ComponentDefaultProvider.javaInterface A service that can be injected into a component to provide common defaults for various parameters.
ComponentEventResultProcessor.javaInterface Responsible for handling the return value provided by a component event handler.
ComponentMessagesSource.javaInterface Used to connect a Tapestry component to its message catalog.
ComponentSource.javaInterface Used by classes that need to retrieve a component by its complete id, or a page by its logical page name or root component class.
Context.javaInterface An API agnostic version of javax.servlet.ServletContext , used to bridge the gaps between the Servlet API and the Portlet API.
Cookies.javaInterface Used by other services to obtain cookie values for the current request.
DataTypeAnalyzer.javaInterface Used by BeanModelSource to identify the type of data associated with a particular property (represented as a PropertyAdapter ).
DefaultPageRenderCommand.javaClass Default implementation of PageRenderCommand that does nothing.
Dispatcher.javaInterface A dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request.
Environment.javaInterface Provides access to environment services, which are almost always provided to enclosed components by enclosing components.

The Environment acts like a collection of stacks.

EnvironmentalShadowBuilder.javaInterface Much like PropertyShadowBuilder , except that instead of accessing a property of some other service, it accesses a value from within the Environment service.
ExceptionReporter.javaInterface Interface implemented by a page used for reporting exceptions.
FieldFilter.javaInterface Used by ClassTransformation.findFields(FieldFilter) to identify which fields to keep.
FieldValidatorDefaultSource.javaInterface For a particular field, geenerates the default validation for the field, in accordance with a number of factors and contributions.
FieldValidatorSource.javaInterface Used to create FieldValidator s for a particular Field component.
FormSupport.javaInterface Services provided by an enclosing Form control component to the various form element components it encloses.
Heartbeat.javaInterface Allow for deferred execution of logic, useful when trying to get multiple components to coordinate behavior.
HttpServletRequestHandler.javaInterface Service interface for the tapestry.request.HttpServletRequestHandler pipeline service.
InjectionProvider.javaInterface Provides some form of injection when the value for an org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Inject annotation is blank.
LibraryMapping.javaClass Used to configure the ComponentClassResolver , to allow it to map prefixes to library root packages (the application namespace is a special case of this).
MarkupWriterFactory.javaInterface Source for org.apache.tapestry.MarkupWriter instances.
MetaDataLocator.javaInterface Used to lookup meta data concerning a particular component.
MethodFilter.javaInterface Used by ClassTransformation.findMethods(MethodFilter) to accept or reject each method.
MethodSignature.javaClass A representation of a method signature, which consists of its name, modifiers (primarily, visibility), return type, parameter types, and declared exception types.

Types are stored as class names (or primitive names) because the MethodSignature is often used in situations where the actual class has not been loaded yet.

ObjectRenderer.javaInterface A strategy interface used for converting an object into markup that describes that object.
PageRenderCommand.javaInterface Page render commands are invoked at the start of the page render cycle and at the end.
PageRenderInitializer.javaInterface Responsible for setup and cleanup of the rendering of a page.
PageRenderRequestFilter.javaInterface Filter interface for PageRenderRequestHandler , which allows extra behaviors to be injected into the processing of a page render request.
PageRenderRequestHandler.javaInterface Handles a invocation related to rendering out a pages complete content.
PersistentFieldBundle.javaInterface Encapsulates persisted property information for an entire page.
PersistentFieldChange.javaInterface Represents a previously stored change to a persistent field, within the context of a particular page of the application.
PersistentFieldManager.javaInterface Handle persistent property changes.
PersistentLocale.javaInterface It represents the persistent locale stored as a cookie in the browser.
PropertyConduitSource.javaInterface A source for PropertyConduit s, which can be thought of as a compiled property path expression.
PropertyDisplayContext.javaInterface Provides context information needed when displaying a value in the context of a Grid component (or, really, the GridCell component).
PropertyEditContext.javaInterface Defines a context for editting a property of a bean via BeanEditForm .
Request.javaInterface Generic version of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest , used to encapsulate the Servlet API version, and to help bridge the differences between Servlet API and Porlet API.
RequestExceptionHandler.javaInterface Service invoked when an uncaught exception occurs.
RequestFilter.javaInterface Filter interface for .
RequestGlobals.javaInterface Service used to store the current request objects, both the Servlet API versions, and the Tapestry generic versions.
RequestHandler.javaInterface Service interface for the tapestry.RequestHandler pipeline service.
ResourceDigestGenerator.javaInterface Responsible for determining which classpath resources require checksums, and for generating checksums for such resources.
Response.javaInterface API agnostic wrapper for generating a response.
ServletApplicationInitializer.javaInterface Service interface for initializing a servlet application.
ServletApplicationInitializerFilter.javaInterface Filter interface for .
Session.javaInterface Generic version of HttpSession , used to bridge the gaps between the Servlet API and the Portlet API.
SyncCostBench.javaClass Tests single-thread synchronization overhead using different techniques.
TapestryModule.javaClass The root module for Tapestry.
TransformConstants.javaClass Constants used by implementations of .
TransformUtils.javaClass Support code for generating code (used when transforming component classes).
TranslatorDefaultSource.javaInterface Used by certain form-control element component to obtain a default translator appropriate to the type of property editted by the component.
TranslatorSource.javaInterface A source for Translator s, either by name.
ValidationConstraintGenerator.javaInterface Invoked to generate a list of validation constraint strings for a property.
ValidationMessagesSource.javaInterface Source for validation messages, within a particular locale.
ValueEncoderSource.javaInterface A source for value encoders based on a property type. | Contact Us
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