acegi security

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Acegi Security
License:Apache license
Description:Acegi Security is a powerful, flexible security solution for enterprise software, with a particular emphasis on applications that use Spring.
Package NameComment
org.acegisecurity Provides core Acegi Security System for Spring interfaces and classes.
org.acegisecurity.acl Enables retrieval of access control lists (ACLs) for domain object instances.

The goal of this package is to locate the AclEntrys that apply to a given domain object instance.

An AclManager has ultimate resposibility for obtaining the AclEntrys instances, with a provider-based implementation available via the AclProviderManager class (and its AclProvider interface.

org.acegisecurity.acl.basic Access control list implementation based on integer bit masks.
org.acegisecurity.acl.basic.cache Caches ACL information for the BasicAclProvider.
org.acegisecurity.acl.basic.jdbc JDBC-based data access object for ACL information.
org.acegisecurity.acls Interfaces and shared classes to manage access control lists (ACLs) for domain object instances.
org.acegisecurity.acls.domain Basic implementation of access control lists (ACLs) interfaces.
org.acegisecurity.acls.jdbc JDBC-based persistence of ACL information.
org.acegisecurity.acls.objectidentity Provides indirection between ACL packages and domain objects.
org.acegisecurity.acls.sid Provides indirection between ACL packages and security identities, such as principals and GrantedAuthority[]s.
org.acegisecurity.adapters Allows external containers to obtain authentication information from the system.

It is recommended to use the net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.webapp package for standard web applications, as it has much lower configuration complexity.

org.acegisecurity.adapters.cas Adapter to Yale Central Authentication Service (CAS).

org.acegisecurity.adapters.catalina Adapter to Catalina web container (Tomcat).

org.acegisecurity.adapters.jboss Adapter to JBoss.

org.acegisecurity.adapters.jetty Adapter to Jetty web container.

org.acegisecurity.adapters.resin Adapter to Resin web container.

org.acegisecurity.afterinvocation Used for post-processing of an object returned from a secure object invocation.
org.acegisecurity.captcha Captcha classes. Contains :
  • a CaptchaSecurityContext that overrides the default SecurityContext and holds some captcha related informations
  • an abstract CaptchaChannelProcessorTemplate and its implementations that test this context according to the configuration
  • a CaptchaServiceProxy and a CaptchaValidationProcessingFilter that alows to validate a captcha response and to update the CaptchaSecurity
  • a CaptchaEntryPoint that redirects to a captcha page if the CaptchaChannelProcessor implementation decide so
org.acegisecurity.concurrent Concurrent session control and registration classes.
org.acegisecurity.context Provides a "request context".

A request context is associated with the current execution thread. It holds objects that would otherwise need to be included in many method signatures, such as for authentication.

org.acegisecurity.context.httpinvoker Enables use of Spring's HttpInvoker extension points to present the principal and credentials located in the ContextHolder via BASIC authentication.

The beans are wired as follows:

<bean id="test" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="serviceUrl"><value>http://localhost/Test</value></property>
<property name="serviceInterface"><value>test.TargetInterface</value></property>
<property name="httpInvokerRequestExecutor"><ref bean="httpInvokerRequestExecutor"/></property>

<bean id="httpInvokerRequestExecutor" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.httpinvoker.AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor"/>

org.acegisecurity.context.rmi Enables use of Spring's RMI remoting extension points to propagate the ContextHolder (which should contain an Authentication request token) from one JVM to the remote JVM.

The beans are wired as follows:

<bean id="test" class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="serviceUrl"><value>rmi://localhost/Test</value></property>
<property name="serviceInterface"><value>test.TargetInterface</value></property>
<property name="refreshStubOnConnectFailure"><value>true</value></property>
<property name="remoteInvocationFactory"><ref bean="remoteInvocationFactory"/></property>

<bean id="remoteInvocationFactory" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.rmi.ContextPropagatingRemoteInvocationFactory"/>

org.acegisecurity.event.authentication Enables events to be published to the Spring application context.

The ProviderManager automatically publishes events to the application context. These events are received by all registered Spring ApplicationListeners.

org.acegisecurity.event.authorization Provides support objects for security event interception (ie authorization).
org.acegisecurity.intercept Actually enforces the security and ties the whole security system together.

A secure object is a term frequently used throughout the security system. It does not refer to a business object that is being secured, but instead refers to some infrastructure object that can have security facilities provided for it by the Acegi Security System for Spring. For example, one secure object would be MethodInvocation, whilst another would be HTTP {@link org.acegisecurity.intercept.web.FilterInvocation}. Note these are infrastructure objects and their design allows them to represent a large variety of actual resources that might need to be secured, such as business objects or HTTP request URLs.

Each secure object typically has its own org.acegisecurity.intercept package. Each package usually includes a concrete security interceptor (which subclasses {@link org.acegisecurity.intercept.AbstractSecurityInterceptor}, an appropriate {@link org.acegisecurity.intercept.ObjectDefinitionSource} for the type of resources the secure object represents, and a property editor to populate the ObjectDefinitionSource.

It is simple to create new secure object types, given the AbstractSecurityInterceptor provides the majority of the logic and other specialised packages provide the authentication, authorization, run-as replacement management and ContextHolder population.

org.acegisecurity.intercept.method Provides support objects for securing Java method invocations via different AOP libraries.
org.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aopalliance Enforces security for AOP Alliance MethodInvocations, such as via Spring AOP.
org.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aspectj Enforces security for AspectJ JointPoints, delegating secure object callbacks to the calling aspect.

Refer to the reference guide for information on usage.

org.acegisecurity.intercept.web Enforces security for HTTP requests, typically by the URL requested.
org.acegisecurity.ldap LdapUserSearch implementations. These may be used to locate the user in the directory.
org.acegisecurity.providers Implements a provider-based approach to authentication decisions.

org.acegisecurity.providers.anonymous Allows you to secure every invocation (especially useful for web request URI security) by always having either an actual principal or an anonymous principal authenticated.
org.acegisecurity.providers.cas An authentication provider that can process JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) service tickets and proxy tickets.
org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.cache Caches CAS tickets for the CasAuthenticationProvider.
org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.populator Implementations that populate GrantedAuthority[]s of CAS authentications.
org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy Implementations that decide whether proxy lists of CAS authentications are trusted.
org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.ticketvalidator Implementations that validate service tickets.
org.acegisecurity.providers.dao An authentication provider that relies upon a data access object.
org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.cache Caches User objects for the DaoAuthenticationProvider.
org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.salt Implementations that provide salts for more secure password encoding.
org.acegisecurity.providers.encoding Password encoding implementations.
org.acegisecurity.providers.jaas An authentication provider for JAAS.
org.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.event Enables JAAS events to be published to the Spring application context.

The LDAP authentication provider package. Interfaces are provided for both authentication and retrieval of user roles from an LDAP server.

The main provider class is LdapAuthenticationProvider. This is configured with an LdapAuthenticator instance and an LdapAuthoritiesPopulator. The latter is used to obtain the list of roles for the user.

org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator LDAP authenticator implementations.
org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.populator LdapAuthoritiesPopulator implementations.
org.acegisecurity.providers.openid An authentication provider that can process OpenID Authentication Tokens as created by implementations of the OpenIDConsumer interface.
org.acegisecurity.providers.rcp Allows remote clients to authenticate and obtain a populated Authentication object.
org.acegisecurity.providers.rememberme Authentication provider that processes RememberMeAuthenticationTokens.
org.acegisecurity.providers.siteminder A Siteminder authentication provider.
org.acegisecurity.providers.x509 An authentication provider that can process X.509 certificaties.
org.acegisecurity.providers.x509.cache User caches for the X509 provider.
org.acegisecurity.providers.x509.populator Implementations that populate GrantedAuthority[]s of X509 authentications.
org.acegisecurity.runas Allows secure objects to be run under a different authentication identity.
org.acegisecurity.securechannel Classes that ensure web requests are received over required transport channels.
org.acegisecurity.taglibs.authz Java implementation of security taglib.
org.acegisecurity.ui Authentication processing mechanisms, which respond to the submission of authentication credentials using various protocols (eg BASIC, CAS, form login etc).
org.acegisecurity.ui.basicauth Authenticates HTTP BASIC authentication requests.
org.acegisecurity.ui.cas Authenticates standard web browser users via JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS).
org.acegisecurity.ui.digestauth Authenticates HTTP Digest authentication requests.
org.acegisecurity.ui.openid Authenticates standard web browser users via OpenID.
org.acegisecurity.ui.openid.consumers Implementations of the OpenIDConsumer interface using 3rd party libraries.
org.acegisecurity.ui.rememberme Support for remembering a user between different web sessions.
org.acegisecurity.ui.savedrequest Stores a HttpServletRequest so that it can subsequently be emulated by the SavedRequestAwareWrapper.
org.acegisecurity.ui.session HttpSession events and publisher classes.
org.acegisecurity.ui.switchuser Provides HTTP-based "switch user" (su) capabilities.
org.acegisecurity.ui.webapp Authenticates users via HTTP properties, headers and session.
org.acegisecurity.ui.x509 X.509 authentication filter and related classes.
org.acegisecurity.userdetails.jdbc Exposes a JDBC-based authentication repository.
org.acegisecurity.userdetails.memory Exposes an in-memory authentication repository.
org.acegisecurity.util General utility classes used throughout the Acegi Security System. Implements a vote-based approach to authorization decisions.

org.acegisecurity.wrapper Populates a Servlet request with a new Acegi Security compliant HttpServletRequestWrapper.

To use, simply add the ContextHolderAwareRequestFilter to web.xml.

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