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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Scripting » jscheme 
JScheme Scripting Languages
Description:JScheme is a dialect of Scheme with a very simple interface to Java, called the Javadot notation .
Package NameComment
build Build package This package is used to build JScheme from Java and Scheme sources. It also contains several ClassLoaders.

The scripts src/build/bootstrap or src/build/bootstrap.bat can be used to build jars and documentation. The JScheme make script is src/build/jscheme-bootstrap.scm.

dclass (define-class)

The macro (define-class) lets you define Java class in Scheme. To Java, such a class looks just like and other Java class. The only difference is that its behavior is implemented in Scheme.

The classes in this directory are simple metaclasses used by (define-class). These classes are organized more consistantly than the java.lang.reflect classes are. Their behavior is written in JScheme.


For example, to sort a vector of integers, say, #(5 2 1 3 9 6 2 7 1) using Arrays.sort, you need an implementation of java.util.Comparator. This can defined like:

    (package frog)
    (import java.util.Comparator)
    (public class Compare implements Comparator)
    ;; Design issue, fields must be public for Jscheme code to access.

    (public Procedure predicate)	

    (public Compare (Procedure predicate)
     (.predicate$ this predicate))

    (public boolean predicate (Object a Object b)
     ((.predicate$ this) a b))

    (public int compare (Object a Object b)
     (cond ((.predicate this a b) -1)
	   ((.predicate this b a) 1)
	   (else 0)))

    (public boolean equals (Object that)
     (and (eq? (.getClass this) (.getClass that))
	  (eq? (.predicate$ this) (.predicate$ that))))

    (public int hashCode () 0))

You can then sort the vector with:

(let ((a #(5 2 1 3 9 6 2 7 1)))
  (Arrays.sort a (frog.Compare. <))

which produces:

#(1 1 2 2 3 5 6 7 9)

The (define-class) macro looks similar to the equivalent Java class. It consists of a sequence of clauses. The clauses can occur in any order, though it is convention to follow an order close to Java's.

define-class syntax

define-class = "(" "define-class" head member* ")"

head         = package import* class|interface
package      = "(" "package" PACKAGENAME ")"
import       = "(" "import" FULLCLASSNAME|PACKAGENAME ".*" ")"

class        = "(" modifier* "class" extends? implements? ")"
interface    = "(" modifier* "interface" extends? ")"
extends      = "(" "extends" CLASSNAME+ ")"
implements   = "(" "implements" CLASSNAME+ ")"

member    = constructor|field|method|static
constructor  = "(" modifiers* name "(" arg* ")"
exp* ")"
field        = "(" modifiers* type name (= value)? ")"
method       = "(" modifers* type "(" arg* ")" exp*")"
static       = "(" static exp* ")"

type         = Java type.
value        = exp
arg          = type name
exp          = {Scheme expression}
name         = {Java identifier}


  • (this) and (super) in constructor.
  • (.foo super ...) in methods.
  • Unnecessary recompilation.
  • Java class redefinition.
  • Debugging errors. Adding comments to java file?

Scheme files

Scheme files in this directory include:


The elf package is software contributed by software elves, funded by lunch money. Elves, like hackers, write software for their own purpose, Luckily, sometimes they leave an editor buffer open that reveals what they've been up to. I've simply added some documentation and cleanup here and there.

I use a lot of this package every day. Studying these files, can help you learn JScheme and make effective use of Java API's.


Provides classes that provide TTY-like (EMACS shell mode like) interaction to Java applications.

The class Interactor provides a Jscheme interactor that is useful for poking around Java applications, such as during debugging.

jlib JLIB JLIB provides several libraries written in JScheme and compiled to Java, so it is more informative to read the Jscheme code.
jscheme The standard API for JScheme.
Super Luzer
Last modified: Mon Dec 23 14:26:17 Eastern Standard Time 2002
jschemeweb Provides a class that allows servlets to be written in various styles.
jsint The JScheme implementation.
using Sample code

Useful Examples of JScheme code

This package contains examples of using JScheme to enhance the Java experience. The JScheme code is designed to be viewable from a web browser as well as executed by JScheme, so one file serves as tutorial and code.


  • run.scm provides shell scripting capability that is used to make JScheme. See src/build/jscheme-bootstrap.scm for an example.
  • command.scm provides a simple command line processor. New commands can be defined with the (define-command) macro. I use it for building and running Java applications.
  • Active.java provides active debugging capabilites to your Java application.
  • Dan Friedman wrote a very nice paper: Object Oriented Style which shows how to use define-syntax to write a Object Oriented extention to Scheme. friedman-init.scm initializes JScheme and loads Dan's code. This is a serious example of using macros!
  • siscnum.scm - redefines the arithmetic operators in JScheme to use the SISC numeric tower (sisc.sourceforge.net). You must then explicitly converted computed numbers back to Java when using them in javadot calls, e.g.
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