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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Net » JGroups 2.4.1 sp3 » org.jgroups.protocols 
Provides implementations of transport protocols which are responsible for sending and receiving messages to/from the network.
Java Source File NameTypeComment
AUTOCONF.javaClass Senses the network configuration when it is initialized (in init()) and sends a CONFIG event up and down the stack.
BSH.javaClass Beanshell ( interpreter class.

Implements casual ordering layer using vector clocks.

Causal protocol layer guarantees that if message m0 multicasted by a process group member p0 causes process group member p1 to multicast message p1 then all other remaining process group members in a current view will receive messages in order m0 followed by m1.

First time encountered, causal order seems very similar to FIFO order but there is an important distinction.

ClientGmsImpl.javaClass Client part of GMS.
COMPRESS.javaClass Compresses the payload of a message.
DELAY.javaClass Delays incoming/outgoing messages by a random number of milliseconds (range between 0 and n where n is determined by the user).
Digest.javaClass Message digest, collecting the highest sequence number seen so far for each member, plus the messages that have higher seqnos than the ones given.
DISCARD.javaClass Discards up or down messages based on a percentage; e.g., setting property 'up' to 0.1 causes 10% of all up messages to be discarded.
Discovery.javaClass The Discovery protocol layer retrieves the initial membership (used by the GMS when started by sending event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS down the stack).
DUMMY_TP.javaClass Dummy transport, returns a fake local address and responds to CONNECT with CONNECT_OK.
ENCRYPT.javaClass ENCRYPT layer.
FC.javaClass Simple flow control protocol based on a credit system.
FD.javaClass Failure detection based on simple heartbeat protocol.
FD_ICMP.javaClass Protocol which uses InetAddress.isReachable() to check whether a given host is up or not, taking 1 argument; the host name of the host to be pinged.
FD_PID.javaClass Process-ID based FD protocol.
FD_PING.javaClass Protocol which uses an executable (e.g.
FD_PROB.javaClass Probabilistic failure detection protocol based on "A Gossip-Style Failure Detection Service" by Renesse, Minsky and Hayden.

Each member maintains a list of all other members: for each member P, 2 data are maintained, a heartbeat counter and the time of the last increment of the counter.

FD_SIMPLE.javaClass Simple failure detection protocol.
FD_SOCK.javaClass Failure detection protocol based on sockets.
FLOW_CONTROL.javaClass FLOW_CONTROL provides end-end congestion control and flow control. Attempts to maximize through put, by minimizing the possible block times(Forward flow control).
FLUSH.javaClass The task of the FLUSH protocol is to flush all pending messages out of the system.
FRAG.javaClass Fragmentation layer.
FRAG2.javaClass Fragmentation layer.
GMS.javaClass Group membership protocol.
HDRS.javaClass Example of a protocol layer.
HTOTAL.javaClass Implementation of UTO-TCP as designed by EPFL.
JMS.javaClass Implementation of the transport protocol using the Java Message Service (JMS). This implementation depends on the JMS server that will distribute messages published to the specific topic to all topic subscribers.

Protocol parameters are:

  • topicName - (required), full JNDI name of the topic to be used for message publishing;
  • cf - (optional), full JNDI name of the topic connection factory that will create topic connection, default value is "ConnectionFactory";
  • jndiCtx - (optional), value of the javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY property; you can specify it as the JVM system property -Djava.naming.factory.initial=factory.class.Name;
  • providerURL - (optional), value of the javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL property; you can specify it as the JVM system property -Djava.naming.provider.url=some_url
  • ttl - (required), time to live in milliseconds.
LOOPBACK.javaClass Makes copies of outgoing messages, swaps sender and receiver and sends the message back up the stack.
LOSS.javaClass Example of a protocol layer.
MERGE.javaClass Simple and stupid MERGE protocol (does not take into account state transfer). Periodically mcasts a HELLO message with its own address.
MERGE2.javaClass Protocol to discover subgroups; e.g., existing due to a network partition (that healed).
MERGE3.javaClass Protocol to discover subgroups; e.g., existing due to a network partition (that healed).
MERGEFAST.javaClass The coordinator attaches a small header to each (or every nth) message.
MPING.javaClass Uses its own IP multicast socket to send and receive discovery requests/responses.
NAKACK.javaClass Negative AcKnowledgement layer (NAKs), paired with positive ACKs.
PARTITIONER.javaClass This layer can be put on top of the bottommost layer and is useful to simulate partitions.
PERF.javaClass Measures time taken by each protocol to process a message.
PerfHeader.javaClass Inserted by PERF into each message.
PIGGYBACK.javaClass Combines multiple messages into a single large one.
PING.javaClass The PING protocol layer retrieves the initial membership (used by the GMS when started by sending event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS down the stack).
QUEUE.javaClass Queuing layer.
SEQUENCER.javaClass Implementation of total order protocol using a sequencer.
SHUFFLE.javaClass This layer shuffles upcoming messages, put it just above your bottom layer.
SIZE.javaClass Protocol which prints out the real size of a message.
SMACK.javaClass Simple Multicast ACK protocol.
STABLE.javaClass Computes the broadcast messages that are stable; i.e., that have been received by all members.
STATE_TRANSFER_Test.javaClass It's an attemp to setup Junit test case template for Protocol regression.
TCP.javaClass TCP based protocol.
TCPGOSSIP.javaClass The TCPGOSSIP protocol layer retrieves the initial membership (used by the GMS when started by sending event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS down the stack). We do this by contacting one or more GossipRouters, which must be running at well-known addresses:ports.
TCPPING.javaClass The TCPPING protocol layer retrieves the initial membership in answer to the GMS's FIND_INITIAL_MBRS event.
TOTAL.javaClass Implements the total ordering layer using a message sequencer

The protocol guarantees that all bcast sent messages will be delivered in the same order to all members.

TOTAL_OLD.javaClass class SavedMessages

Stores a set of messages along with their sequence id (assigned by the sequencer).


Total order implementation based on The Totem Single-Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol.

However, this is an adaption of algorithm mentioned in the research paper above since we reuse our own membership protocol and failure detectors.

TP.javaClass Generic transport - specific implementations should extend this abstract class.
TpHeader.javaClass Generic transport header, used by TP.
TUNNEL.javaClass Replacement for UDP.
UDP.javaClass IP multicast transport based on UDP.
UNICAST.javaClass Reliable unicast layer.
VERIFY_SUSPECT.javaClass Catches SUSPECT events traveling up the stack.
VIEW_ENFORCER.javaClass Used by a client until it becomes a member: all up messages are discarded until a VIEW_CHANGE is encountered.
VIEW_SYNC.javaClass Periodically sends the view to the group.
WANPING.javaClass Similar to TCPPING, except that the initial host list is specified as a list of logical pipe names.
WANPIPE.javaClass Logical point-to-point link.
WanPipeAddress.javaClass | Contact Us
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