spring framework 2.5

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Spring Framework 2.5
License:Apache License Version 2.0
Package NameComment
org.springframework.aop Core Spring AOP interfaces, built on AOP Alliance AOP interoperability interfaces.
Any AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor is usable in Spring.
Spring AOP also offers:
  • Introduction support
  • A Pointcut abstraction, supporting "static" pointcuts (class and method-based) and "dynamic" pointcuts (also considering method arguments). There are currently no AOP Alliance interfaces for pointcuts.
  • A full range of advice types, including around, before, after returning and throws advice.
  • Extensibility allowing arbitrary custom advice types to be plugged in without modifying the core framework.

Spring AOP can be used programmatically or (preferably) integrated with the Spring IoC container.
org.springframework.aop.aspectj AspectJ integration package. Includes Spring AOP advice implementations for AspectJ 5 annotation-style methods, and an AspectJExpressionPointcut: a Spring AOP Pointcut implementation that allows use of the AspectJ pointcut expression language with the Spring AOP runtime framework.

Note that use of this package does not require the use of the ajc compiler or AspectJ load-time weaver. It is intended to enable the use of a valuable subset of AspectJ functionality, with consistent semantics, with the proxy-based Spring AOP framework.

org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation Classes enabling AspectJ 5 @Annotated classes to be used in Spring AOP.

Normally to be used through an AspectJAutoProxyCreator rather than directly.

org.springframework.aop.aspectj.autoproxy Base classes enabling auto-proxying based on AspectJ. Support for AspectJ annotation aspects resides in the "aspectj.annotation" package.
org.springframework.aop.config Support package for declarative AOP configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.aop.framework Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the AOP Alliance interfaces.

Spring AOP supports proxying interfaces or classes, introductions, and offers static and dynamic pointcuts.

Any Spring AOP proxy can be cast to the ProxyConfig AOP configuration interface in this package to add or remove interceptors.

The ProxyFactoryBean is a convenient way to create AOP proxies in a BeanFactory or ApplicationContext. However, proxies can be created programmatically using the ProxyFactory class.

org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter SPI package allowing Spring AOP framework to handle arbitrary advice types.
Users who want merely to use the Spring AOP framework, rather than extend its capabilities, don't need to concern themselves with this package.
You may wish to use these adapters to wrap Spring-specific advices, such as MethodBeforeAdvice, in MethodInterceptor, to allow their use in another AOP framework supporting the AOP Alliance interfaces.

These adapters do not depend on any other Spring framework classes to allow such usage.
org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy Bean post-processors for use in ApplicationContexts to simplify AOP usage by automatically creating AOP proxies without the need to use a ProxyFactoryBean.

The various post-processors in this package need only be added to an ApplicationContext (typically in an XML bean definition document) to automatically proxy selected beans.

NB: Automatic auto-proxying is not supported for BeanFactory implementations, as post-processors beans are only automatically detected in application contexts. Post-processors can be explicitly registered on a ConfigurableBeanFactory instead.

org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.target Generic support classes for target source creation.
org.springframework.aop.interceptor Provides miscellaneous interceptor implementations. More specific interceptors can be found in corresponding functionality packages, like "transaction" and "orm".
org.springframework.aop.scope Support for AOP-based scoping of target objects, with configurable backend.
org.springframework.aop.support Convenience classes for using Spring's AOP API.
org.springframework.aop.support.annotation Annotation support for AOP pointcuts.
org.springframework.aop.target This package contains implementations of the org.springframework.aop.TargetSource interface.
The simplest implementation is the SingletonTargetSource, used by default in the AOP framework to wrap a single target instance. This is normally appropriate.
Other provided implementations include pooling implementations, that provide a target from a pool for each request, ensuring a single threaded programming model; and a "prototype" implementation, that uses a new target instance for each invocation.
org.springframework.aop.target.dynamic Support for AOP-based refreshing of target objects.
org.springframework.beans This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. It is used by most other Spring packages.

A BeanWrapper object may be used to set and get bean properties, singly or in bulk.

The classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.beans.annotation Support package for beans-style handling of Java 5 annotations.
org.springframework.beans.factory The core package implementing Spring's lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container.

Provides an alternative to the Singleton and Prototype design patterns, including a consistent approach to configuration management. Builds on the org.springframework.beans package.

This package and related packages are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.beans.factory.access Helper infrastructure to locate and access bean factories.

Note: This package is only relevant for special sharing of bean factories, for example behind EJB facades. It is not used in a typical web application or standalone application.

org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration.
org.springframework.beans.factory.config SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
org.springframework.beans.factory.generic Support package for generic BeanFactory access, leveraging Java 5 generics in the accessor API.
org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing Support infrastructure for bean definition parsing.
org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader Support package for the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
org.springframework.beans.factory.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package. Contains abstract base classes for BeanFactory implementations.
org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring Mechanism to determine bean wiring metadata from a bean instance. Foundation for aspect-driven bean configuration.
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml Contains an abstract XML-based BeanFactory implementation, including a standard "spring-beans" DTD.
org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors Properties editors used to convert from String values to object types such as java.util.Properties.

Some of these editors are registered automatically by BeanWrapperImpl. "CustomXxxEditor" classes are intended for manual registration in specific binding processes, as they are localized or the like.

org.springframework.beans.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans package, such as utility classes for sorting and holding lists of beans.
org.springframework.cache.ehcache Support classes for the open source cache EHCache, allowing to set up an EHCache CacheManager and Caches as beans in a Spring context.
org.springframework.context This package builds on the beans package to add support for message sources and for the Observer design pattern, and the ability for application objects to obtain resources using a consistent API.

There is no necessity for Spring applications to depend on ApplicationContext or even BeanFactory functionality explicitly. One of the strengths of the Spring architecture is that application objects can often be configured without any dependency on Spring-specific APIs.

org.springframework.context.access Helper infrastructure to locate and access shared application contexts.

Note: This package is only relevant for special sharing of application contexts, for example behind EJB facades. It is not used in a typical web application or standalone application.

org.springframework.context.annotation Annotation support for context configuration, including classpath scanning for autowire candidates.
org.springframework.context.config Support package for advanced application context configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.context.event Support classes for application events, like standard context events. To be supported by all major application context implementations.
org.springframework.context.i18n Abstraction for determining the current Locale, plus global holder that exposes a thread-bound Locale.
org.springframework.context.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation.
org.springframework.context.weaving Load-time weaving support for a Spring application context, building on Spring's {@link org.springframework.instrument.classloading.LoadTimeWeaver} abstraction.
org.springframework.core Provides basic classes for exception handling and version detection, and other core helpers that are not specific to any part of the framework.
org.springframework.core.annotation Core support package for Java 5 annotations.
org.springframework.core.enums Interfaces and classes for type-safe enum support on JDK >= 1.3. This enum abstraction support codes and labels.
org.springframework.core.io Generic abstraction for (file-based) resources, used throughout the framework.
org.springframework.core.io.support Support classes for Spring's resource abstraction. Includes a ResourcePatternResolver mechanism.
org.springframework.core.style Support for styling values as Strings, with ToStringCreator as central class.
org.springframework.core.task This package defines Spring's core TaskExecutor abstraction, and provides SyncTaskExecutor and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor implementations.
org.springframework.core.task.support Support classes for Spring's TaskExecutor abstraction. Includes an adapter for the JDK 1.5 Executor interface.
org.springframework.core.type Core support package for type introspection.
org.springframework.core.type.classreading Core support package for type introspection through ASM-based class reading.
org.springframework.core.type.filter Core support package for type filtering (e.g. for classpath scanning).
org.springframework.dao Exception hierarchy enabling sophisticated error handling independent of the data access approach in use. For example, when DAOs and data access frameworks use the exceptions in this package (and custom subclasses), calling code can detect and handle common problems such as deadlocks without being tied to a particular data access strategy, such as JDBC.

All these exceptions are unchecked, meaning that calling code can leave them uncaught and treat all data access exceptions as fatal.

The classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 9 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.dao.annotation Annotation support for DAOs. Contains a bean post-processor for translating persistence exceptions based on a repository stereotype annotation.
org.springframework.dao.support Support classes for DAO implementations, providing miscellaneous utility methods.
org.springframework.ejb.access This package contains classes that allow easy access to EJBs. The basis are AOP interceptors run before and after the EJB invocation. In particular, the classes in this package allow transparent access to stateless session beans (SLSBs) with local interfaces, avoiding the need for application code using them to use EJB-specific APIs and JNDI lookups, and work with business interfaces that could be implemented without using EJB. This provides a valuable decoupling of client (such as web components) and business objects (which may or may not be EJBs). This gives us the choice of introducing EJB into an application (or removing EJB from an application) without affecting code using business objects.

The motivation for the classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

However, the implementation and naming of classes in this package has changed. It now uses FactoryBeans and AOP, rather than the custom bean definitions described in Expert One-on-One J2EE.

org.springframework.ejb.config Support package for EJB/J2EE-related configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.ejb.support Superclasses to make implementing EJBs simpler and less error-prone, as well as guaranteeing a Spring BeanFactory is available to EJBs. This promotes good practice, with EJB services used for transaction management, thread management, and (possibly) remoting, while business logic is implemented in easily testable POJOs.

In this model, the EJB is a facade, with as many POJO helpers behind the BeanFactory as required.

The classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002). The present version has changed somewhat, but has the same goals.

Note that the default behavior is to look for an EJB enviroment variable with name ejb/BeanFactoryPath that specifies the location on the classpath of an XML bean factory definition file (such as /com/mycom/mypackage/mybeans.xml). If this JNDI key is missing, your EJB subclass won't successfully initialize in the container.

org.springframework.instrument Support package for class instrumentation. See subpackages for specific adapters.
org.springframework.instrument.classloading Support package for load time weaving based on class loaders, as required by JPA providers (but not JPA-specific).
org.springframework.instrument.classloading.glassfish Support for class instrumentation on GlassFish / Sun Application Server.
org.springframework.instrument.classloading.oc4j Support for class instrumentation on Oracle OC4J.
org.springframework.instrument.classloading.tomcat Support for class instrumentation on Apache Tomcat.
org.springframework.instrument.classloading.weblogic Support for class instrumentation on BEA WebLogic 10.
org.springframework.jca.cci This package contains Spring's support for the Common Client Interface (CCI), as defined by the J2EE Connector Architecture. It is conceptually similar to the org.springframework.jdbc package, providing the same levels of data access abstraction.
org.springframework.jca.cci.connection Provides a utility class for easy ConnectionFactory access, a PlatformTransactionManager for local CCI transactions, and various simple ConnectionFactory proxies/adapters.
org.springframework.jca.cci.core Provides the core JCA CCI support, based on CciTemplate and its associated callback interfaces.
org.springframework.jca.cci.core.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.jca.cci.core package. Contains a DAO base class for CciTemplate usage.
org.springframework.jca.cci.object The classes in this package represent EIS operations as threadsafe, reusable objects. This higher level of CCI abstraction depends on the lower-level abstraction in the org.springframework.jca.cci.core package. Exceptions thrown are as in the org.springframework.dao package, meaning that code using this package does not need to worry about error handling.
org.springframework.jca.context Integration package that allows for deploying a Spring application context as a JCA 1.5 compliant RAR file.
org.springframework.jca.endpoint This package provides a facility for generic JCA message endpoint management.
org.springframework.jca.support Provides generic support classes for JCA usage within Spring, mainly for local setup of a JCA ResourceAdapter and/or ConnectionFactory.
org.springframework.jca.work Convenience classes for scheduling based on the JCA 1.5 WorkManager facility, as supported within JCA 1.5 ResourceAdapters.
org.springframework.jdbc The classes in this package make JDBC easier to use and reduce the likelihood of common errors. In particular, they:
  • Simplify error handling, avoiding the need for try/catch/final blocks in application code.
  • Present exceptions to application code in a generic hierarchy of unchecked exceptions, enabling applications to catch data access exceptions without being dependent on JDBC, and to ignore fatal exceptions there is no value in catching.
  • Allow the implementation of error handling to be modified to target different RDBMSes without introducing proprietary dependencies into application code.

This package and related packages are discussed in Chapter 9 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.jdbc.core Provides the core JDBC framework, based on JdbcTemplate and its associated callback interfaces and helper objects.
org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata Context metadata abstraction for the configuration and execution of a stored procedure call.
org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam JdbcTemplate variant with named parameter support.

NamedParameterJdbcTemplate is a wrapper around JdbcTemplate that adds support for named parameter parsing. It does not implement the JdbcOperations interface or extend JdbcTemplate, but implements the dedicated NamedParameterJdbcOperations interface.

If you need the full power of Spring JDBC for less common operations, use the getJdbcOperations() method of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and work with the returned classic template, or use a JdbcTemplate instance directly.

org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple Simplification layer over JdbcTemplate for Java 5 and above.

SimpleJdbcTemplate is a wrapper around JdbcTemplate that takes advantage of varargs and autoboxing. It also offers only a subset of the methods available on JdbcTemplate: Hence, it does not implement the JdbcOperations interface or extend JdbcTemplate, but implements the dedicated SimpleJdbcOperations interface.

If you need the full power of Spring JDBC for less common operations, use the getJdbcOperations() method of SimpleJdbcTemplate and work with the returned classic template, or use a JdbcTemplate instance directly.

org.springframework.jdbc.core.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. Contains a DAO base class for JdbcTemplate usage.
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource Provides a utility class for easy DataSource access, a PlatformTransactionManager for a single DataSource, and various simple DataSource implementations.
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup Provides a strategy for looking up JDBC DataSources by name.
org.springframework.jdbc.object The classes in this package represent RDBMS queries, updates, and stored procedures as threadsafe, reusable objects. This approach is modelled by JDO, although of course objects returned by queries are "disconnected" from the database.

This higher level of JDBC abstraction depends on the lower-level abstraction in the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. Exceptions thrown are as in the org.springframework.dao package, meaning that code using this package does not need to implement JDBC or RDBMS-specific error handling.

This package and related packages are discussed in Chapter 9 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.jdbc.support Support classes for the JDBC framework, used by the classes in the jdbc.core and jdbc.object packages. Provides a translator from SQLExceptions Spring's generic DataAccessExceptions.

Can be used independently, for example in custom JDBC access code, or in JDBC-based O/R mapping layers.

org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer Provides a support framework for incrementing database table values via sequences, with implementations for various databases.

Can be used independently, for example in custom JDBC access code.

org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob Provides a stategy interface for Large OBject handling, with implementations for various databases.

Can be used independently from jdbc.core and jdbc.object, for example in custom JDBC access code.

org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc Provides a mechanism for extracting native implementations of JDBC interfaces from wrapper objects that got returned from connection pools.

Can be used independently, for example in custom JDBC access code.

org.springframework.jdbc.support.rowset Provides a convenient holder for disconnected result sets. Supported by JdbcTemplate, but can be used independently too.
org.springframework.jms This package contains integration classes for JMS, allowing for Spring-style JMS access.
org.springframework.jms.config Support package for declarative messaging configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.jms.connection Provides a PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory, and a SingleConnectionFactory adapter.
org.springframework.jms.core Core package of the JMS support. Provides a JmsTemplate class and various callback interfaces.
org.springframework.jms.core.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.jms.core package. Contains a base class for JmsTemplate usage.
org.springframework.jms.listener This package contains the base message listener container facility. It also offers the DefaultMessageListenerContainer and SimpleMessageListenerContainer implementations, based on the plain JMS client API.
org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter Message listener adapter mechanism that delegates to target listener methods, converting messages to appropriate message content types (such as String or byte array) that get passed into listener methods.
org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint This package provides JCA-based endpoint management for JMS message listeners.
org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession This package contains the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer implementation, based on the standard JMS ServerSessionPool API.
org.springframework.jms.remoting Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via a JMS provider.

Allows the target service to be load-balanced across a number of queue receivers, and provides a level of indirection between the client and the service: They only need to agree on a queue name and a service interface.

org.springframework.jms.support This package provides generic JMS support classes, to be used by higher-level classes like JmsTemplate.
org.springframework.jms.support.converter Provides a MessageConverter abstraction to convert between Java objects and JMS messages.
org.springframework.jms.support.destination Support classes for Spring's JMS framework.
org.springframework.jmx This package contains Spring's JMX support, which includes registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans as well as access to remote JMX MBeans.
org.springframework.jmx.access Provides proxy support for accessing MBean resources through standard Java interfaces.
org.springframework.jmx.export This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans.
org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation JDK 1.5+ annotations for MBean exposure. Hooked into Spring's JMX export infrastructure via a special JmxAttributeSource implementation.
org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler Provides a strategy for MBeanInfo assembly. Used by MBeanExporter to determine the attributes and operations to expose for Spring-managed beans.
org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata Provides generic JMX metadata classes and basic support for reading JMX metadata in a provider-agnostic manner.
org.springframework.jmx.export.naming Provides a strategy for ObjectName creation. Used by MBeanExporter to determine the JMX names to use for exported Spring-managed beans.
org.springframework.jmx.export.notification Provides supporting infrastructure to allow Spring-created MBeans to send JMX notifications.
org.springframework.jmx.support Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServers and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients.
org.springframework.jndi The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes.

The classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

org.springframework.jndi.support Support classes for JNDI usage, including a JNDI-based BeanFactory implementation.
org.springframework.mail Spring's generic mail infrastructure. Concrete implementations are provided in the subpackages.
org.springframework.mail.javamail JavaMail support for Spring's mail infrastructure. Provides an extended JavaMailSender interface and a MimeMessageHelper class for convenient population of a JavaMail MimeMessage.
org.springframework.metadata Package defining a facade for accessing source-level metadata attributes at runtime.
org.springframework.metadata.commons Attributes wrapper for Commons Attributes.
org.springframework.orm Root package for Spring's O/R Mapping integration classes. Contains generic DataAccessExceptions related to O/R Mapping.
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 Package providing integration of Hibernate3 with Spring concepts.

Contains SessionFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for Hibernate access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local Hibernate transactions.

This package supports Hibernate 3.x only. See the org.springframework.orm.hibernate package for Hibernate 2.1 support.

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation Support package for the Hibernate3 Annotation add-on, which supports EJB3-compliant JDK 1.5+ annotations for mappings.
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 package. Contains a DAO base class for HibernateTemplate usage.
org.springframework.orm.ibatis Package providing integration of iBATIS Database Layer with Spring concepts.

Contains resource helper classes and template classes for data access with the iBATIS SqlMapClient API.

org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.ibatis package. Contains a DAO base class for SqlMapClientTemplate usage.
org.springframework.orm.jdo Package providing integration of JDO (Java Date Objects) with Spring concepts. Contains PersistenceManagerFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for JDO access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local JDO transactions.
org.springframework.orm.jdo.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jdo package. Contains a DAO base class for JdoTemplate usage.
org.springframework.orm.jpa Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. Contains EntityManagerFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for JPA access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local JPA transactions.
org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit Internal support for managing JPA persistence units.
org.springframework.orm.jpa.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jpa package. Contains a DAO base class for JpaTemplate usage.
org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor Support classes for adapting to specific JPA vendors.
org.springframework.orm.toplink Package providing integration of Oracle TopLink with Spring concepts.

Contains SessionFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for TopLink access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local TopLink transactions.

org.springframework.orm.toplink.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.toplink package. Contains a DAO base class for TopLinkTemplate usage.
org.springframework.remoting Exception hierarchy for Spring's remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system.
org.springframework.remoting.caucho This package provides remoting classes for Caucho's Hessian and Burlap protocols: a proxy factory for accessing Hessian/Burlap services, and an exporter for making beans available to Hessian/Burlap clients.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol over HTTP. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website

Burlap is a slim, XML-based RPC protocol over HTTP. For information on Burlap, see the Burlap website

org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via HTTP invokers. Uses Java serialization just like RMI, but provides the same ease of setup as Caucho's HTTP-based Hessian and Burlap protocols.

HTTP invoker is the recommended protocol for Java-to-Java remoting. It is more powerful and more extensible than Hessian and Burlap, at the expense of being tied to Java. Neverthelesss, it is as easy to set up as Hessian and Burlap, which is its main advantage compared to RMI.

org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-RPC. This package provides proxy factories for accessing JAX-RPC services and ports, and a support class for implementing JAX-RPC Servlet endpoints.
org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.support Support for specific JAX-RPC providers. Contains an Axis-specific JaxRpcServicePostProcessor for declaratively registering bean mappings.
org.springframework.remoting.jaxws Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-WS (the successor of JAX-RPC), as included in Java 6 and Java EE 5. This package provides proxy factories for accessing JAX-WS services and ports.
org.springframework.remoting.rmi Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. Provides a proxy factory for accessing RMI services, and an exporter for making beans available to RMI clients.
org.springframework.remoting.soap SOAP-specific exceptions and support classes for Spring's remoting subsystem.
org.springframework.remoting.support Generic support classes for remoting implementations. Provides abstract base classes for remote proxy factories.
org.springframework.scheduling General exceptions for Spring's scheduling support, independent of any specific scheduling system.
org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent Scheduling convenience classes for the JSR-166 backport Executor mechanism, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context.
org.springframework.scheduling.commonj Convenience classes for scheduling based on the CommonJ WorkManager/TimerManager facility, as supported by IBM WebSphere 6.0+ and BEA WebLogic 9.0+.
org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK 1.5+ Executor mechanism in the java.util.concurrent package, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context.
org.springframework.scheduling.quartz Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context. Also provides convenience classes for implementing Quartz Jobs.
org.springframework.scheduling.support Generic support classes for scheduling. Provides a Runnable adapter for Spring's MethodInvoker.
org.springframework.scheduling.timer Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context.
org.springframework.scripting Core interfaces for Spring's scripting support.
org.springframework.scripting.bsh Package providing integration of BeanShell into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
org.springframework.scripting.config Support package for Spring's dynamic language machinery, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.scripting.groovy Package providing integration of Groovy into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
org.springframework.scripting.jruby Package providing integration of JRuby into Spring's scripting infrastructure.
org.springframework.scripting.support Support classes for Spring's scripting package. Provides a ScriptFactoryPostProcessor for turning ScriptFactory definitions into scripted objects.
org.springframework.stereotype Annotations denoting the roles of types or methods in the overall architecture (at a conceptual, rather than implementation, level).

Intended for use by tools and aspects (making an ideal target for pointcuts).

org.springframework.transaction Exception hierarchy for Spring's transaction infrastructure, independent of any specific transaction management system. Contains transaction manager, definition, and status interfaces.
org.springframework.transaction.annotation JDK 1.5+ annotation for transaction demarcation. Hooked into Spring's transaction interception infrastructure via a special TransactionAttributeSource implementation.
org.springframework.transaction.config Support package for declarative transaction configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.
org.springframework.transaction.interceptor AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. Builds on the AOP infrastructure in org.springframework.aop.framework. Any POJO can be transactionally advised with Spring.

The TransactionFactoryProxyBean can be used to create transactional AOP proxies transparently to code that uses them.

The TransactionInterceptor is the AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that delivers transactional advice, based on the Spring transaction abstraction. This allows declarative transaction management in any environment, even without JTA if an application uses only a single database.

org.springframework.transaction.jta Transaction SPI implementation for JTA.
org.springframework.transaction.support Support classes for the org.springframework.transaction package. Provides an abstract base class for transaction manager implementations, and a template plus callback for transaction demarcation.
org.springframework.ui Generic support for UI layer concepts. Provides a generic ModelMap for model holding.
org.springframework.ui.context Contains classes defining the application context subinterface for UI applications. The theme feature is added here.
  • If no UiApplicationContextUtils.THEME_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME bean is available in the context or parent context, a default ResourceBundleThemeSource will be created for requested themes. In this case, the base name of the property file will match with the theme name.
  • If the bean is available in the context or parent context, a basenamePrefix can be set before the theme name for locating the property files like this:
    <bean id="themeSource" class="org.springframework.ui.context.support.ResourceBundleThemeSource">
    <property name="basenamePrefix"><value>theme.</value></property>

    in this case, the themes resource bundles will be named theme.<theme_name>XXX.properties.
  • This can be defined at application level and/or at servlet level for web applications.
  • Normal i18n features of Resource Bundles are available. So a theme message can be dependant of both theme and locale.
  • If messages in the resource bundles are in fact paths to resources(css, images, ...), make sure these resources are directly available for the user and not, for example, under the WEB-INF directory.

Web packages add the resolution and the setting of the user current theme.
org.springframework.ui.context.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.ui.context package. Provides support classes for specialized UI contexts, e.g. for web UIs.
org.springframework.ui.freemarker Support classes for setting up FreeMarker within a Spring application context.
org.springframework.ui.jasperreports Support classes for JasperReports.
org.springframework.ui.velocity Support classes for setting up Velocity within a Spring application context.
org.springframework.util Miscellaneous utility classes, such as String manipulation utilities, a Log4J configurer, and a state holder for paged lists of objects.
org.springframework.util.comparator Useful generic java.util.Comparator implementations, such as an invertible comparator and a compound comparator.
org.springframework.util.xml Miscellaneous utility classes for XML parsing and transformation, such as error handlers that log warnings via Commons Logging.
org.springframework.validation Provides data binding and validation functionality, for usage in business and/or UI layers.
org.springframework.web Common, generic interfaces that define minimal boundary points between Spring's web infrastructure and other framework modules.
org.springframework.web.bind Provides web-specific data binding functionality.
org.springframework.web.bind.annotation Annotations for binding requests to controllers and handler methods as well as for binding request parameters to method arguments.
org.springframework.web.bind.support Support classes for web data binding.
org.springframework.web.context Contains a variant of the application context interface for web applications, and the ContextLoaderListener that bootstraps a root web application context.
org.springframework.web.context.request Support for generic request context holding, in particular for scoping of application objects per HTTP request or HTTP session.
org.springframework.web.context.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes.
org.springframework.web.filter Provides generic filter base classes allowing for bean-style configuration.
org.springframework.web.jsf Support classes for integrating a JSF web tier with a Spring middle tier which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.

Supports easy access to beans in the Spring root WebApplicationContext from JSF EL expressions, for example in property values of JSF-managed beans.

org.springframework.web.jsf.el Support classes for integrating a JSF 1.2 web tier with a Spring middle tier which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.

Supports JSF 1.2's ELResolver mechanism, providing closer integration than JSF 1.1's VariableResolver mechanism allowed for.

org.springframework.web.multipart Multipart resolution framework for handling file uploads. Provides a MultipartResolver strategy interface, and a generic extension of the HttpServletRequest interface for accessing multipart files in web application code.
org.springframework.web.multipart.commons MultipartResolver implementation for Jakarta Commons FileUpload.
org.springframework.web.multipart.support Support classes for the multipart resolution framework. Contains property editors for multipart files, and a servlet filter for multipart handling without Spring's web MVC.
org.springframework.web.util Miscellaneous web utility classes, such as HTML escaping, Log4J initialization, and cookie handling.
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