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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Eclipse » ui workbench » org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*******************************************************************************
002:         * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
003:         * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
004:         * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
005:         * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
006:         *
007:         *
008:         * Contributors:
009:         *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
010:         *******************************************************************************/package org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout;
012:        import org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionItem;
013:        import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
014:        import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
015:        import;
016:        import;
017:        import;
018:        import;
019:        import;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
023:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
024:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.CoolBar;
025:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.CoolItem;
026:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
027:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
028:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
029:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu;
030:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
031:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IChangeListener;
032:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IntModel;
033:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.RadioMenu;
034:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WindowTrimProxy;
035:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages;
036:        import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dnd.DragUtil;
037:        import org.eclipse.ui.presentations.PresentationUtil;
039:        /**
040:         * This control provides common UI functionality for trim elements. Its
041:         * lifecycle is managed by the <code>TrimLayout</code> which automatically
042:         * adds a UI handle to all added trim elements. It uses an instance of a
043:         * CoolBar to provide the platform-specific drag affordance.
044:         * <p>
045:         * It provides the following features:
046:         * <p>
047:         * Drag affordance and handling:
048:         * <ol>
049:         * <li>Drag affordance is provided in the <code>paintControl</code> method</li>
050:         * <li>Drag handling is provided to allow rearrangement within a trim side or
051:         * to other sides, depending on the values returned by <code>IWindowTrim.getValidSides</code></li>
052:         * </ol>
053:         * </p>
054:         * <p>
055:         * Context Menu:
056:         * <ol>
057:         * <li>A "Dock on" menu item is provided to allow changing the side, depending on the values returned by 
058:         * <code>IWindowTrim.getValidSides</code></li>
059:         * <li>A "Close" menu item is provided to allow the User to close (hide) the trim element,
060:         * based on the value returned by <code>IWindowTrim.isCloseable</code>
061:         * </ol>
062:         * </p>
063:         * <p>
064:         * @since 3.2
065:         * </p>
066:         */
067:        public class TrimCommonUIHandle extends Composite {
068:            /*
069:             * Fields
070:             */
071:            private TrimLayout layout;
072:            private IWindowTrim trim;
073:            private Control toDrag;
074:            private int orientation;
076:            // CoolBar handling
077:            private CoolBar cb = null;
078:            private CoolItem ci = null;
079:            private static int horizontalHandleSize = -1;
080:            private static int verticalHandleSize = -1;
082:            /*
083:             * Context Menu
084:             */
085:            private MenuManager dockMenuManager;
086:            private ContributionItem dockContributionItem = null;
087:            private Menu sidesMenu;
088:            private MenuItem dockCascade;
089:            private RadioMenu radioButtons;
090:            private IntModel radioVal = new IntModel(0);
091:            //	private Menu showMenu;
092:            //	private MenuItem showCascade;
094:            /*
095:             * Listeners...
096:             */
098:            /**
099:             * This listener starts a drag operation when
100:             * the Drag and Drop manager tells it to
101:             */
102:            private Listener dragListener = new Listener() {
103:                public void handleEvent(Event event) {
104:                    // Only allow 'left mouse' drags...
105:                    if (event.button != 3) {
106:                        Point position = DragUtil.getEventLoc(event);
107:                        startDraggingTrim(position);
108:                    }
109:                }
110:            };
112:            /**
113:             * This listener brings up the context menu
114:             */
115:            private Listener menuListener = new Listener() {
116:                public void handleEvent(Event event) {
117:                    Point loc = new Point(event.x, event.y);
118:                    if (event.type == SWT.MenuDetect) {
119:                        showDockTrimPopup(loc);
120:                    }
121:                }
122:            };
124:            /**
125:             * Listen to size changes in the control so we can adjust the
126:             * Coolbar and CoolItem to match.
127:             */
128:            private ControlListener controlListener = new ControlListener() {
129:                public void controlMoved(ControlEvent e) {
130:                }
132:                public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) {
133:                    if (e.widget instanceof  TrimCommonUIHandle) {
134:                        TrimCommonUIHandle ctrl = (TrimCommonUIHandle) e.widget;
135:                        Point size = ctrl.getSize();
137:                        // Set the CoolBar and item to match the handle's size
138:                        cb.setSize(size);
139:                        ci.setSize(size);
140:                        ci.setPreferredSize(size);
141:                        cb.layout(true);
142:                    }
143:                }
144:            };
146:            /**
147:             * Create a new trim UI handle for a particular IWindowTrim item
148:             * 
149:             * @param layout the TrimLayout we're being used in
150:             * @param trim the IWindowTrim we're acting on behalf of
151:             * @param curSide  the SWT side that the trim is currently on
152:             */
153:            public TrimCommonUIHandle(TrimLayout layout, IWindowTrim trim,
154:                    int curSide) {
155:                super (trim.getControl().getParent(), SWT.NONE);
157:                // Set the control up with all its various hooks, cursor...
158:                setup(layout, trim, curSide);
160:                // Listen to size changes to keep the CoolBar synched
161:                addControlListener(controlListener);
162:            }
164:            /**
165:             * Set up the trim with its cursor, drag listener, context menu and menu listener.
166:             * This method can also be used to 'recycle' a trim handle as long as the new handle
167:             * is for trim under the same parent as it was originally used for.
168:             */
169:            public void setup(TrimLayout layout, IWindowTrim trim, int curSide) {
170:                this .layout = layout;
171:                this .trim = trim;
172:                this .toDrag = trim.getControl();
173:                this .radioVal.set(curSide);
175:                // remember the orientation to use
176:                orientation = (curSide == SWT.LEFT || curSide == SWT.RIGHT) ? SWT.VERTICAL
177:                        : SWT.HORIZONTAL;
179:                // Insert a CoolBar and extras in order to provide the drag affordance
180:                insertCoolBar(orientation);
182:                // Create a window trim proxy for the handle
183:                createWindowTrimProxy();
185:                // Set the cursor affordance
186:                setDragCursor();
188:                // Set up the dragging behaviour
189:                PresentationUtil.addDragListener(cb, dragListener);
191:                // Create the docking context menu
192:                dockMenuManager = new MenuManager();
193:                dockContributionItem = getDockingContribution();
194:                dockMenuManager.add(dockContributionItem);
196:                cb.addListener(SWT.MenuDetect, menuListener);
198:                setVisible(true);
199:            }
201:            /**
202:             * Handle the event generated when a User selects a new side to
203:             * dock this trim on using the context menu
204:             */
205:            private void handleShowOnChange() {
206:                layout.removeTrim(trim);
207:                trim.dock(radioVal.get());
208:                layout.addTrim(radioVal.get(), trim, null);
210:                // perform an optimized layout to show the trim in its new location
211:                LayoutUtil.resize(trim.getControl());
212:            }
214:            /**
215:             * Create and format the IWindowTrim for the handle, ensuring that the
216:             * handle will be 'wide' enough to display the drag affordance.
217:             */
218:            private void createWindowTrimProxy() {
219:                // Create a window trim proxy for the handle
220:                WindowTrimProxy proxy = new WindowTrimProxy(this ,
221:                        "NONE", "NONE", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
222:                        SWT.TOP | SWT.BOTTOM | SWT.LEFT | SWT.RIGHT, false);
224:                // Set up the handle's hints based on the computed size that
225:                // the handle has to be (i.e. if it's HORIZONTAL then the
226:                // 'width' is determined by the space required to show the
227:                // CB's drag affordance).
228:                if (orientation == SWT.HORIZONTAL) {
229:                    proxy.setWidthHint(getHandleSize());
230:                    proxy.setHeightHint(0);
231:                } else {
232:                    proxy.setWidthHint(0);
233:                    proxy.setHeightHint(getHandleSize());
234:                }
236:                setLayoutData(proxy);
237:            }
239:            /**
240:             * Calculate a size for the handle that will be large enough to show
241:             * the CoolBar's drag affordance.
242:             * 
243:             * @return The size that the handle has to be, based on the orientation
244:             */
245:            private int getHandleSize() {
246:                // Do we already have a 'cached' value?
247:                if (orientation == SWT.HORIZONTAL && horizontalHandleSize != -1) {
248:                    return horizontalHandleSize;
249:                }
251:                if (orientation == SWT.VERTICAL && verticalHandleSize != -1) {
252:                    return verticalHandleSize;
253:                }
255:                // Must be the first time, calculate the value
256:                CoolBar bar = new CoolBar(trim.getControl().getParent(),
257:                        orientation);
259:                CoolItem item = new CoolItem(bar, SWT.NONE);
261:                Label ctrl = new Label(bar, SWT.PUSH);
262:                ctrl.setText("Button 1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
263:                Point size = ctrl.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
265:                Point ps = item.computeSize(size.x, size.y);
266:                item.setPreferredSize(ps);
267:                item.setControl(ctrl);
269:                bar.pack();
271:                // OK, now the difference between the location of the CB and the
272:                // location of the 
273:                Point bl = ctrl.getLocation();
274:                Point cl = bar.getLocation();
276:                // Toss them now...
277:                ctrl.dispose();
278:                item.dispose();
279:                bar.dispose();
281:                // The 'size' is the difference between the start of teh CoolBar and
282:                // start of its first control
283:                int length;
284:                if (orientation == SWT.HORIZONTAL) {
285:                    length = bl.x - cl.x;
286:                    horizontalHandleSize = length;
287:                } else {
288:                    length = bl.y - cl.y;
289:                    verticalHandleSize = length;
290:                }
292:                return length;
293:            }
295:            /**
296:             * Place a CoolBar / CoolItem / Control inside the current
297:             * UI handle. These elements will maintain thier size based on
298:             * the size of their 'parent' (this).
299:             * 
300:             * @param parent 
301:             * @param orientation
302:             */
303:            public void insertCoolBar(int orientation) {
304:                // Clean up the previous info in case we've changed orientation
305:                if (cb != null) {
306:                    ci.dispose();
307:                    PresentationUtil.removeDragListener(cb, dragListener);
308:                    cb.dispose();
309:                }
311:                // Create the necessary parts...
312:                cb = new CoolBar(this , orientation | SWT.FLAT);
313:                cb.setLocation(0, 0);
314:                ci = new CoolItem(cb, SWT.FLAT);
316:                // Create a composite in order to get the handles to appear
317:                Composite comp = new Composite(cb, SWT.NONE);
318:                ci.setControl(comp);
319:            }
321:            /**
322:             * Set the cursor to the four-way arrow to indicate that the
323:             * trim can be dragged
324:             */
325:            private void setDragCursor() {
326:                Cursor dragCursor = toDrag.getDisplay().getSystemCursor(
327:                        SWT.CURSOR_SIZEALL);
328:                setCursor(dragCursor);
329:            }
331:            /* (non-Javadoc)
332:             * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite#computeSize(int, int, boolean)
333:             */
334:            public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
335:                Point ctrlPrefSize = trim.getControl()
336:                        .computeSize(wHint, hHint);
337:                if (orientation == SWT.HORIZONTAL) {
338:                    return new Point(getHandleSize(), ctrlPrefSize.y);
339:                }
341:                // Must be vertical....
342:                return new Point(ctrlPrefSize.x, getHandleSize());
343:            }
345:            /**
346:             * Construct (if necessary) a context menu contribution item and return it. This
347:             * is explicitly <code>public</code> so that trim elements can retrieve the item
348:             * and add it into their own context menus if desired.
349:             * 
350:             * @return The contribution item for the handle's context menu. 
351:             */
352:            public ContributionItem getDockingContribution() {
353:                if (dockContributionItem == null) {
354:                    dockContributionItem = new ContributionItem() {
355:                        public void fill(Menu menu, int index) {
356:                            // populate from superclass
357:                            super .fill(menu, index);
359:                            // Add a 'Close' menu entry if the trim supports the operation
360:                            if (trim.isCloseable()) {
361:                                MenuItem closeItem = new MenuItem(menu,
362:                                        SWT.PUSH, index++);
363:                                closeItem
364:                                        .setText(WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_Close);
366:                                closeItem
367:                                        .addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
368:                                            public void widgetSelected(
369:                                                    SelectionEvent e) {
370:                                                handleCloseTrim();
371:                                            }
373:                                            public void widgetDefaultSelected(
374:                                                    SelectionEvent e) {
375:                                            }
376:                                        });
378:                                new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR, index++);
379:                            }
381:                            // Test Hook: add a menu entry that brings up a dialog to allow
382:                            // testing with various GUI prefs.
383:                            //    				MenuItem closeItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.PUSH, index++);
384:                            //    				closeItem.setText("Change Preferences"); //$NON-NLS-1$
385:                            //    				
386:                            //    				closeItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
387:                            //						public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
388:                            //							handleChangePreferences();
389:                            //						}
390:                            //
391:                            //						public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
392:                            //						}
393:                            //    				});
394:                            //
395:                            //    				new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR, index++);
397:                            // Create a cascading menu to allow the user to dock the trim
398:                            dockCascade = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CASCADE,
399:                                    index++);
400:                            {
401:                                dockCascade
402:                                        .setText(WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_DockOn);
404:                                sidesMenu = new Menu(dockCascade);
405:                                radioButtons = new RadioMenu(sidesMenu,
406:                                        radioVal);
408:                                radioButtons.addMenuItem(
409:                                        WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_Top,
410:                                        new Integer(SWT.TOP));
411:                                radioButtons.addMenuItem(
412:                                        WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_Bottom,
413:                                        new Integer(SWT.BOTTOM));
414:                                radioButtons.addMenuItem(
415:                                        WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_Left,
416:                                        new Integer(SWT.LEFT));
417:                                radioButtons.addMenuItem(
418:                                        WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_Right,
419:                                        new Integer(SWT.RIGHT));
421:                                dockCascade.setMenu(sidesMenu);
422:                            }
424:                            // if the radioVal changes it means that the User wants to change the docking location
425:                            radioVal.addChangeListener(new IChangeListener() {
426:                                public void update(boolean changed) {
427:                                    if (changed) {
428:                                        handleShowOnChange();
429:                                    }
430:                                }
431:                            });
433:                            // Provide Show / Hide trim capabilities
434:                            //    				showCascade = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CASCADE, index++);
435:                            //    				{
436:                            //    					showCascade.setText(WorkbenchMessages.TrimCommon_ShowTrim); 
437:                            //    					
438:                            //    					showMenu = new Menu(dockCascade);
439:                            //    					
440:                            //    					// Construct a 'hide/show' cascade from -all- the existing trim...
441:                            //    					List trimItems = layout.getAllTrim();
442:                            //    					Iterator d = trimItems.iterator();
443:                            //    					while (d.hasNext()) {
444:                            //    						IWindowTrim trimItem = (IWindowTrim);
445:                            //							MenuItem item = new MenuItem(showMenu, SWT.CHECK);
446:                            //							item.setText(trimItem.getDisplayName());
447:                            //							item.setSelection(trimItem.getControl().getVisible());
448:                            //							item.setData(trimItem);
449:                            //							
450:                            //							// TODO: Make this work...wire it off for now
451:                            //							item.setEnabled(false);
452:                            //							
453:                            //							item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
454:                            //
455:                            //								public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
456:                            //									IWindowTrim trim = (IWindowTrim) e.widget.getData();
457:                            //									layout.setTrimVisible(trim, !trim.getControl().getVisible());
458:                            //								}
459:                            //
460:                            //								public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
461:                            //								}
462:                            //								
463:                            //							});
464:                            //						}
465:                            //    					
466:                            //    					showCascade.setMenu(showMenu);
467:                            //    				}
468:                        }
469:                    };
470:                }
471:                return dockContributionItem;
472:            }
474:            /**
475:             * Test Hook: Bring up a dialog that allows the user to
476:             * modify the trimdragging GUI preferences.
477:             */
478:            //	private void handleChangePreferences() {
479:            //		TrimDragPreferenceDialog dlg = new TrimDragPreferenceDialog(getShell());
480:            //;
481:            //	}
482:            /**
483:             * Handle the event generated when the "Close" item is
484:             * selected on the context menu. This removes the associated
485:             * trim and calls back to the IWidnowTrim to inform it that
486:             * the User has closed the trim.
487:             */
488:            private void handleCloseTrim() {
489:                layout.removeTrim(trim);
490:                trim.handleClose();
491:            }
493:            /* (non-Javadoc)
494:             * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget#dispose()
495:             */
496:            public void dispose() {
497:                if (radioButtons != null) {
498:                    radioButtons.dispose();
499:                }
501:                // tidy up...
502:                removeControlListener(controlListener);
503:                removeListener(SWT.MenuDetect, menuListener);
505:                super .dispose();
506:            }
508:            /**
509:             * Begins dragging the trim
510:             * 
511:             * @param position initial mouse position
512:             */
513:            protected void startDraggingTrim(Point position) {
514:                Rectangle fakeBounds = new Rectangle(100000, 0, 0, 0);
515:                DragUtil.performDrag(trim, fakeBounds, position, true);
516:            }
518:            /**
519:             * Shows the popup menu for an item in the fast view bar.
520:             */
521:            private void showDockTrimPopup(Point pt) {
522:                Menu menu = dockMenuManager.createContextMenu(toDrag);
523:                menu.setLocation(pt.x, pt.y);
524:                menu.setVisible(true);
525:            }
526:        } | Contact Us
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