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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Graphic Library » batik » org.apache.batik.bridge 
Bridge Package Provides an API for mapping and maintaining consistency between the SVG DOM tree and the GVT tree.
Java Source File NameTypeComment
AbstractGraphicsNodeBridge.javaClass The base bridge class for SVG graphics node.
AbstractSVGBridge.javaClass The base bridge class for SVG elements.
AbstractSVGFilterPrimitiveElementBridge.javaClass The base bridge class for SVG filter primitives.
AbstractSVGGradientElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for vending gradients.
AbstractSVGLightingElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feDiffuseLighting> element.
AnimatableGenericSVGBridge.javaClass Abstract bridge class for animatable elements that do not produce a GraphicsNode.
AnimatableSVGBridge.javaClass Abstract bridge class for those elements that can be animated.
AnimationSupport.javaClass Class that provides utilities for animation support.
BaseScriptingEnvironment.javaClass This class is the base class for SVG scripting.
Bridge.javaInterface A tagging interface that all bridges must implement.
BridgeContext.javaClass This class represents a context used by the various bridges and the builder.
BridgeEventSupport.javaClass This class is responsible of tracking GraphicsNodeMouseEvent and fowarding them to the DOM as regular DOM MouseEvent.
BridgeException.javaClass Thrown when the bridge has detected an error.
BridgeExtension.javaInterface This is a Service interface for classes that want to extend the functionality of the Bridge, to support new tags in the rendering tree.
BridgeUpdateHandler.javaInterface Interface for objects interested in being notified of updates.
ClipBridge.javaInterface Factory class for vending Shape objects that represents a clipping area.
CSSUtilities.javaClass A collection of utility method involving CSS property.
CursorManager.javaClass The CursorManager class is a helper class which preloads the cursors corresponding to the SVG built in cursors.
DefaultExternalResourceSecurity.javaClass Default implementation for the ExternalResourceSecurity interface.
DefaultScriptSecurity.javaClass Default implementation for the ScriptSecurity interface.
DocumentJarClassLoader.javaClass This ClassLoader implementation only grants permission to connect back to the server from where the document referencing the jar file was loaded.
DocumentLoader.javaClass This class is responsible on loading an SVG document and maintaining a cache.
DynamicGVTBuilder.javaClass This class is responsible for creating a GVT tree using an SVG DOM tree.
EcmaLoadTest.javaClass Checks that ECMA Scripts which should be loaded are indeed loaded.
EcmaNoLoadTest.javaClass Checks that ECMA Scripts which should not be loaded are not loaded.
EmbededExternalResourceSecurity.javaClass This implementation of the ExternalResourceSecurity interface only allows external resources embeded in the document, i.e., externalResources embeded with the data protocol.
EmbededScriptSecurity.javaClass This implementation of the ScriptSecurity interface only allows scripts embeded in the document, i.e., scripts whith either the same URL as the document (as for event attributes) or scripts embeded with the data protocol.
ErrorConstants.javaInterface The error code.
ExternalResourceSecurity.javaInterface An interface that allows UserAgents to describe the security constraints desired for external resources.
ExternalResourcesTest.javaClass This test validates that SecurityExceptions are generated when the user is trying the access external resources and the UserAgent disallows that. In the following, 'unsecure' means an external resource coming from a different location than the file referencing it. This test works with an SVG file containing an unsecure stylesheet and a set of unsecure elements of all kinds, such as <image> <use> or <feImage>.
FilterBridge.javaInterface Bridge class for vending Filter objects.
FilterPrimitiveBridge.javaInterface Factory class for vending Filter objects that represents a filter primitive.
FocusManager.javaClass A class that manages focus on elements.
GenericBridge.javaInterface A tagging interface that bridges for elements child of GraphicsNodeBridge should implement.
GraphicsNodeBridge.javaInterface Bridge class for creating, building, and updating a GraphicsNode according to an Element.
GVTBuilder.javaClass This class is responsible for creating a GVT tree using an SVG DOM tree.
InterruptedBridgeException.javaClass This class represents the exception thrown by the bridge when the current thread was interrupted.
JarLoadTest.javaClass Checks that JAR Scripts which should be loaded are indeed loaded.
JarNoLoadTest.javaClass Checks that JAR Scripts which should not be loaded are not loaded.
MarkerBridge.javaInterface Factory class for vending Marker objects.
MaskBridge.javaInterface Factory class for vending Mask objects.
Messages.javaClass This class manages the message for the bridge module.
NoLoadExternalResourceSecurity.javaClass This implementation does not allow any external resources to be referenced from an SVG document.
NoLoadScriptSecurity.javaClass This implementation for the ScriptSecurity interface does not allow scripts to be loaded.
NoRepaintRunnable.javaInterface A tagging interface to prevent a repaint at the end of the execution of this runnable.
PaintBridge.javaInterface Bridge class for vending Paint objects.
PaintServer.javaClass A collection of utility methods to deliver java.awt.Paint, java.awt.Stroke objects that could be used to paint a shape.
RelaxedExternalResourceSecurity.javaClass This implementation of ExternalResourceSecurity allows any external references.
RelaxedScriptSecurity.javaClass This implementation for the ScriptSecurity interface. allows the script to be loaded and does not impose constraints on the urls. Note that this only means there is no check on the script's origin, not that it will run without security checks.
RepaintManager.javaClass This class manages the rendering of a GVT tree.
ScriptingEnvironment.javaClass This class contains the informations needed by the SVG scripting.
ScriptSecurity.javaInterface An interface that allows UserAgents to describe the security constraints desired for scripting.
ScriptSelfTest.javaClass Helper class to simplify writing the unitTesting.xml file for the bridge.
StyleReference.javaClass A style reference represents a graphics node, CSS property pair.
SVGAElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <a> element.
SVGAltGlyphElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <altGlyph> element.
SVGAltGlyphHandler.javaClass SVG font altGlyph handler.
SVGAnimateColorElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the 'animateColor' animation element.
SVGAnimateElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the 'animate' animation element.
SVGAnimateMotionElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the 'animateMotion' animation element.
SVGAnimateTransformElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the 'animateTransform' animation element.
SVGAnimationElementBridge.javaClass An abstract base class for the SVG animation element bridges.
SVGAnimationEngine.javaClass An AnimationEngine for SVG documents.
SVGBridgeExtension.javaClass This is a Service interface for classes that want to extend the functionality of the Bridge, to support new tags in the rendering tree.
SVGBrokenLinkProvider.javaClass This interface is to be used to provide alternate ways of generating a placeholder image when the ImageTagRegistry fails to handle a given reference.
SVGCircleElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <circle> element.
SVGClipPathElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <clipPath> element.
SVGColorProfileElementBridge.javaClass This class bridges an SVG color-profile element with an ICC_ColorSpace object.
SVGDecoratedShapeElementBridge.javaClass The base bridge class for decorated shapes.
SVGDescElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <desc> element.
SVGDescriptiveElementBridge.javaClass Base class for 'descriptive' elements, mostly title and desc.
SVGEllipseElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <ellipse> element.
SVGFeBlendElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feBlend> element.
SVGFeColorMatrixElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feColorMatrix> element.
SVGFeComponentTransferElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feComponentTransfer> element.
SVGFeCompositeElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feComposite> element.
SVGFeConvolveMatrixElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feConvolveMatrix> element.
SVGFeDiffuseLightingElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feDiffuseLighting> element.
SVGFeDisplacementMapElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feDisplacementMap> element.
SVGFeFloodElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feFlood> element.
SVGFeGaussianBlurElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feGaussianBlur> element.
SVGFeImageElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feImage> element.
SVGFeMergeElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feMerge> element.
SVGFeMorphologyElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feMorphology> element.
SVGFeOffsetElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feOffset> element.
SVGFeSpecularLightingElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feSpecularLighting> element.
SVGFeTileElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feTile> element.
SVGFeTurbulenceElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <feTurbulence> element.
SVGFilterElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <filter> element.
SVGFontElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <font> element.
SVGFontFaceElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <font-face> element.
SVGFontFamily.javaClass A font family class for SVG fonts.
SVGFontUtilities.javaClass Utility class for SVG fonts.
SVGGElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <g> element.
SVGGlyphElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <glyph> element.
SVGGVTFont.javaClass Represents an SVG font.
SVGHKernElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <hkern> element.
SVGImageElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <image> element.
SVGKernElementBridge.javaClass A base Bridge class for the kerning elements.
SVGLinearGradientElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <linearGradient> element.
SVGLineElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <line> element.
SVGMarkerElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <marker> element.
SVGMaskElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <mask> element.
SVGMissingGlyphElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <missing-glyph> element.
SVGPathElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <path> element.
SVGPatternElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <pattern> element.
SVGPolygonElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <polygon> element.
SVGPolylineElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <polyline> element.
SVGRadialGradientElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <radialGradient> element.
SVGRectElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <rect> element.
SVGSetElementBridge.javaClass A bridge class for the 'set' animation element.
SVGShapeElementBridge.javaClass The base bridge class for shapes.
SVGSVGElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <svg> element.
SVGSwitchElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <switch> element.
SVGTextElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <text> element.
SVGTextPathElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <textPath> element.
SVGTitleElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <title> element.
SVGUseElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <use> element.
SVGUtilities.javaClass A collection of utility methods for SVG.
SVGVKernElementBridge.javaClass Bridge class for the <vkern> element.
TextUtilities.javaClass A collection of utility method for text.
UnitProcessor.javaClass This class provides methods to convert SVG length and coordinate to float in user units.
UpdateManager.javaClass This class provides features to manage the update of an SVG document.
UpdateManagerAdapter.javaClass This is an adapter for the UpdateManagerListener interface.
UpdateManagerEvent.javaClass This class represents an event which indicate an event originated from a UpdateManager instance.
UpdateManagerListener.javaInterface This interface represents a listener to the UpdateManagerEvent events.
URIResolver.javaClass This class is used to resolve the URI that can be found in a SVG document.
UserAgent.javaInterface An interface that provides access to the User Agent informations needed by the bridge.
UserAgentAdapter.javaClass An abstract user agent adaptor implementation.
UserAgentViewport.javaClass Defines a viewport for a UserAgent.
ViewBox.javaClass This class provides convenient methods to handle viewport.
Viewport.javaInterface Defines a viewport. | Contact Us
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