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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database ORM » MMBase » org.mmbase.bridge.util.xml 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
003:        This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
004:        OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
006:        The license (Mozilla version 1.0) can be read at the MMBase site.
007:        See
009:         */
011:        package org.mmbase.bridge.util.xml;
013:        import org.w3c.dom.*;
014:        import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
015:        import org.mmbase.bridge.*;
016:        import java.util.*;
018:        import org.mmbase.util.logging.*;
019:        import org.mmbase.util.xml.XMLWriter;
021:        /**
022:         * Uses the XML functions from the bridge to construct a DOM document representing MMBase data structures.
023:         *
024:         * @author Michiel Meeuwissen
025:         * @author Eduard Witteveen
026:         * @version $Id:,v 1.48 2007/04/09 19:10:27 michiel Exp $
027:         * @since  MMBase-1.6
028:         */
029:        public class Generator {
031:            private static final Logger log = Logging
032:                    .getLoggerInstance(Generator.class);
034:            public final static String NAMESPACE = "";
035:            private final static String DOCUMENTTYPE_PUBLIC = "-//MMBase//DTD objects config 1.0//EN";
036:            private final static String DOCUMENTTYPE_SYSTEM = "";
038:            private Document document = null;
039:            private DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = null;
040:            private Cloud cloud = null;
042:            private boolean namespaceAware = false;
044:            private long buildCost = 0; // ns
045:            private int size = 0;
047:            /**
048:             * To create documents representing structures from the cloud, it
049:             * needs a documentBuilder, to contruct the DOM Document, and the
050:             * cloud from which the data to be inserted will come from.
051:             *
052:             * @param documentBuilder The DocumentBuilder which will be used to create the Document.
053:             * @param cloud           The cloud from which the data will be.
054:             * @see   org.mmbase.util.xml.DocumentReader#getDocumentBuilder()
055:             */
056:            public Generator(DocumentBuilder documentBuilder, Cloud cloud) {
057:                this .documentBuilder = documentBuilder;
058:                this .cloud = cloud;
060:            }
062:            public Generator(DocumentBuilder documentBuilder) {
063:                this (documentBuilder, null);
064:            }
066:            public Generator(Document doc) {
067:                document = doc;
068:                namespaceAware = document.getDocumentElement()
069:                        .getNamespaceURI() != null;
070:            }
072:            /**
073:             * Returns an estimation on how long it took to construct the document. 
074:             * @return a duration in nanoseconds.
075:             * @since MMBase-1.9
076:             */
077:            public long getCost() {
078:                return buildCost;
079:            }
081:            /**
083:             * The number of presented MMBase nodes in the document.
084:             * @since MMBase-1.9
085:             */
086:            public int getSize() {
087:                return size;
088:            }
090:            /**
091:             * Returns the working DOM document.
092:             * @return The document, build with the operations done on the generator class
093:             */
094:            public Document getDocument() {
095:                if (document == null) {
096:                    long start = System.nanoTime();
097:                    DOMImplementation impl = documentBuilder
098:                            .getDOMImplementation();
099:                    document = impl.createDocument(namespaceAware ? NAMESPACE
100:                            : null, "objects", impl
101:                            .createDocumentType("objects", DOCUMENTTYPE_PUBLIC,
102:                                    DOCUMENTTYPE_SYSTEM));
103:                    if (cloud != null) {
104:                        addCloud();
105:                    }
106:                    buildCost += System.nanoTime() - start;
107:                }
108:                return document;
109:            }
111:            /**
112:             * If namespace aware, element are created with the namespace,
113:             * otherwise, without namespace.
114:             * @since MMBase-1.8
115:             */
116:            public void setNamespaceAware(boolean n) {
117:                if (document != null)
118:                    throw new IllegalStateException(
119:                            "Already started constructing");
120:                namespaceAware = n;
121:            }
123:            /**
124:             * @since MMBase-1.8
125:             */
126:            public boolean isNamespaceAware() {
127:                return namespaceAware;
128:            }
130:            /**
131:             * @since MMBase-1.8
132:             */
133:            protected Element createElement(String name) {
134:                getDocument();
135:                if (namespaceAware) {
136:                    return document.createElementNS(NAMESPACE, name);
137:                } else {
138:                    return document.createElement(name);
139:                }
141:            }
143:            protected final void setAttribute(Element element, String name,
144:                    String value) {
145:                // attributes normally have no namespace. You can assign one, but then they will always have
146:                // to be indicated explicitely (in controdiction to elements).
147:                // So attributes are created without namespace.
148:                /*
149:                if (namespaceAware) {
150:                    element.setAttributeNS(NAMESPACE, name, value);
151:                } else {
152:                    element.setAttribute(name, value);
153:                }
154:                 */
155:                element.setAttribute(name, value);
156:            }
158:            protected final String getAttribute(Element element, String name) {
159:                // see setAttribute
160:                /*
161:                if (namespaceAware) {
162:                    return element.getAttributeNS(NAMESPACE, name);
163:                } else {
164:                    return element.getAttribute(name);
165:                }
166:                 */
167:                return element.getAttribute(name);
168:            }
170:            /**
171:             * Returns the document as a String.
172:             * @return the xml generated as an string
173:             */
174:            public String toString() {
175:                return toString(false);
176:            }
178:            /**
179:             * Returns the document as a String.
180:             * @param ident if the string has to be idented
181:             * @return the generated xml as a (formatted) string
182:             */
183:            public String toString(boolean ident) {
184:                return XMLWriter.write(document, ident);
185:            }
187:            private void addCloud() {
188:                setAttribute(document.getDocumentElement(), "cloud", cloud
189:                        .getName());
190:            }
192:            /**
193:             * Adds a field to the DOM Document. This means that there will
194:             * also be added a Node if this is necessary.
195:             * @param node An MMbase bridge Node.
196:             * @param fieldDefinition An MMBase bridge Field.
197:             */
198:            public Element add(org.mmbase.bridge.Node node,
199:                    Field fieldDefinition) {
200:                long start = System.nanoTime();
201:                getDocument();
202:                if (cloud == null) {
203:                    cloud = node.getCloud();
204:                    addCloud();
205:                }
207:                Element object = getNode(node);
209:                if (!(object.getFirstChild() instanceof  Element)) {
210:                    log.warn("Cannot find first field of "
211:                            + XMLWriter.write(object, false));
212:                    buildCost += System.nanoTime() - start;
213:                    return object;
214:                }
215:                // get the field...
216:                Element field = (Element) object.getFirstChild();
217:                while (field != null
218:                        && !fieldDefinition.getName().equals(
219:                                getAttribute(field, "name"))) {
220:                    field = (Element) field.getNextSibling();
221:                }
222:                // when not found, we are in a strange situation..
223:                if (field == null)
224:                    throw new BridgeException(
225:                            "field with name: "
226:                                    + fieldDefinition.getName()
227:                                    + " of node "
228:                                    + node.getNumber()
229:                                    + " with  nodetype: "
230:                                    + fieldDefinition.getNodeManager()
231:                                            .getName()
232:                                    + " not found, while it should be in the node skeleton.. xml:\n"
233:                                    + toString(true));
234:                // when it is filled (allready), we can return
235:                if (field.getTagName().equals("field")) {
236:                    buildCost += System.nanoTime() - start;
237:                    return field;
238:                }
240:                // was not filled, so fill it... first remove the unfilled
241:                Element filledField = createElement("field");
243:                field.getParentNode().replaceChild(filledField, field);
244:                field = filledField;
245:                // the name
246:                setAttribute(field, "name", fieldDefinition.getName());
247:                // now fill it with the new info...
248:                // format
249:                setAttribute(field, "format", getFieldFormat(fieldDefinition));
250:                // the value
251:                switch (fieldDefinition.getType()) {
252:                case Field.TYPE_XML:
253:                    Document doc = node.getXMLValue(fieldDefinition.getName());
254:                    // only fill the field, if field has a value..
255:                    if (doc != null) {
256:                        // put the xml inside the field...
257:                        field.appendChild(importDocument(field, doc));
258:                    }
259:                    break;
260:                case Field.TYPE_BINARY:
261:                    org.mmbase.util.transformers.Base64 transformer = new org.mmbase.util.transformers.Base64();
262:                    field.appendChild(document.createTextNode(transformer
263:                            .transform(node.getByteValue(fieldDefinition
264:                                    .getName()))));
265:                    break;
266:                case Field.TYPE_DATETIME:
267:                    // shoudlw e use ISO_8601_LOOSE here or ISO_8601_UTC?
268:                    field
269:                            .appendChild(document
270:                                    .createTextNode(org.mmbase.util.Casting.ISO_8601_LOOSE
271:                                            .get()
272:                                            .format(
273:                                                    node
274:                                                            .getDateValue(fieldDefinition
275:                                                                    .getName()))));
276:                    break;
277:                default:
278:                    field.appendChild(document.createTextNode(node
279:                            .getStringValue(fieldDefinition.getName())));
280:                }
282:                // or do we need more?
283:                buildCost += System.nanoTime() - start;
284:                return field;
285:            }
287:            /**
288:             * Adds one Node to a DOM Document.
289:             * @param node An MMBase bridge Node.
290:             */
291:            public Element add(org.mmbase.bridge.Node node) {
292:                // process all the fields..
293:                NodeManager nm = node.getNodeManager();
294:                FieldIterator i = nm.getFields(NodeManager.ORDER_CREATE)
295:                        .fieldIterator();
296:                while (i.hasNext()) {
297:                    Field field = i.nextField();
298:                    if (field.getType() != Field.TYPE_BINARY) {
299:                        add(node, field);
300:                    }
301:                }
302:                return getNode(node);
303:            }
305:            /**
306:             * Adds one Relation to a DOM Document.
307:             * @param relation An MMBase bridge Node.
308:             */
309:            public Element add(Relation relation) {
310:                return add((org.mmbase.bridge.Node) relation);
312:            }
314:            /**
315:             * Adds a whole MMBase bridge NodeList to the DOM Document.
316:             * @param nodes An MMBase bridge NodeList.
317:             */
318:            public void add(List<? extends org.mmbase.bridge.Node> nodes) {
319:                for (org.mmbase.bridge.Node n : nodes) {
320:                    if (n instanceof  Relation) {
321:                        add((Relation) n);
322:                    } else {
323:                        add(n);
324:                    }
325:                }
326:            }
328:            /**
329:             * Creates an Element which represents a bridge.Node with all fields unfilled.
330:             * @param node MMbase node
331:             * @return Element which represents a bridge.Node
332:             */
333:            private Element getNode(org.mmbase.bridge.Node node) {
335:                // if we are a relation,.. behave like one!
336:                // why do we find it out now, and not before?
337:                Element object = getDocument().getElementById(
338:                        "" + node.getNumber());
340:                if (object != null) {
341:                    return object;
342:                }
344:                // if it is a realtion... first add source and destination attributes..
345:                // can only happen after the node = node.getCloud().getNode(node.getNumber()); thing!
346:                if (node instanceof  Relation) {
347:                    Relation relation = (Relation) node;
348:                    getNode(relation.getSource())
349:                            .appendChild(
350:                                    createRelationEntry(relation, relation
351:                                            .getSource()));
352:                    getNode(relation.getDestination()).appendChild(
353:                            createRelationEntry(relation, relation
354:                                    .getDestination()));
355:                }
357:                // node didnt exist, so we need to create it...
358:                object = createElement("object");
359:                size++;
361:                setAttribute(object, "id", "" + node.getNumber());
362:                object.setIdAttribute("id", true);
363:                setAttribute(object, "type", node.getNodeManager().getName());
364:                StringBuffer ancestors = new StringBuffer(" "); // having spaces before and after the attribute's value, makes it easy to use xsl's 'contains' function.
365:                if (!node.getNodeManager().getName().equals("object")) {
366:                    NodeManager parent = node.getNodeManager();
367:                    do {
368:                        parent = parent.getParent();
369:                        ancestors.append(parent.getName());
370:                        ancestors.append(" ");
371:                    } while (!parent.getName().equals("object"));
372:                }
373:                setAttribute(object, "ancestors", ancestors.toString());
375:                // and the otype (type as number)
376:                setAttribute(object, "otype", node.getStringValue("otype"));
378:                // add the fields (empty)
379:                // While still having 'unfilledField's
380:                // you know that the node is not yet presented completely.
382:                for (Field fieldDefinition : node.getNodeManager().getFields(
383:                        NodeManager.ORDER_CREATE)) {
384:                    Element field = createElement("unfilledField");
385:                    // the name
386:                    setAttribute(field, "name", fieldDefinition.getName());
387:                    // add it to the object
388:                    object.appendChild(field);
389:                }
390:                document.getDocumentElement().appendChild(object);
391:                return object;
392:            }
394:            /**
395:             * Imports an XML document as a value of a field. Can be any XML, so the namespace is set.
396:             *
397:             * @param fieldElement The Element describing the field
398:             * @param toImport     The Document to set as the field's value
399:             * @return             The fieldContent.
400:             */
401:            private Element importDocument(Element fieldElement,
402:                    Document toImport) {
403:                DocumentType dt = toImport.getDoctype();
404:                String tagName = toImport.getDocumentElement().getTagName();
406:                String namespace;
407:                if (dt != null) {
408:                    namespace = dt.getSystemId();
409:                } else {
410:                    namespace = "" + tagName;
411:                }
412:                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
413:                    log.debug("using namepace: " + namespace);
414:                }
415:                Element fieldContent = (Element) document.importNode(toImport
416:                        .getDocumentElement(), true);
417:                fieldContent.setAttribute("xmlns", namespace);
418:                fieldElement.appendChild(fieldContent);
419:                return fieldContent;
420:            }
422:            private String getFieldFormat(Field field) {
423:                switch (field.getType()) {
424:                case Field.TYPE_XML:
425:                    return "xml";
426:                case Field.TYPE_STRING:
427:                    return "string";
428:                case Field.TYPE_NODE:
429:                    return "object"; // better would be "node" ?
430:                case Field.TYPE_INTEGER:
431:                case Field.TYPE_LONG:
432:                    // was it a builder?
433:                    String fieldName = field.getName();
434:                    String guiType = field.getGUIType();
436:                    // I want a object database type!
437:                    if (fieldName.equals("otype") || fieldName.equals("number")
438:                            || fieldName.equals("snumber")
439:                            || fieldName.equals("dnumber")
440:                            || fieldName.equals("rnumber")
441:                            || fieldName.equals("role")
442:                            || guiType.equals("reldefs")) {
443:                        return "object"; // better would be "node" ?
444:                    }
445:                    if (guiType.equals("eventtime")) {
446:                        return "date";
447:                    }
448:                case Field.TYPE_FLOAT:
449:                case Field.TYPE_DOUBLE:
450:                    return "numeric";
451:                case Field.TYPE_BINARY:
452:                    return "bytes";
453:                case Field.TYPE_DATETIME:
454:                    return "datetime";
455:                case Field.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
456:                    return "boolean";
457:                case Field.TYPE_LIST:
458:                    return "list";
459:                default:
460:                    throw new RuntimeException("could not find field-type for:"
461:                            + field.getType() + " for field: " + field);
462:                }
463:            }
465:            private Element createRelationEntry(Relation relation,
466:                    org.mmbase.bridge.Node relatedNode) {
467:                Element fieldElement = createElement("relation");
468:                // we have to know what the relation type was...
469:                org.mmbase.bridge.Node reldef = cloud.getNode(relation
470:                        .getStringValue("rnumber"));
472:                setAttribute(fieldElement, "object", "" + relation.getNumber());
474:                if (relation.getSource().getNumber() == relatedNode.getNumber()) {
475:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "role", reldef
476:                            .getStringValue("sname"));
477:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "related", ""
478:                            + relation.getDestination().getNumber());
479:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "type", "source");
480:                } else {
481:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "role", reldef
482:                            .getStringValue("dname"));
483:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "related", ""
484:                            + relation.getSource().getNumber());
485:                    setAttribute(fieldElement, "type", "destination");
486:                }
487:                return fieldElement;
488:            }
489:        } | Contact Us
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