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Spyce » spyce 2.1 » spyceTag.py
# SPYCE - Python-based HTML Scripting
# Copyright (c) 2002 Rimon Barr.
# Refer to spyce.py
# CVS: $Id: spyceTag.py 1174 2006-08-29 17:22:17Z ellisj $

__doc__ = '''Spyce tags functionality.'''

import sys, inspect
import spyce, spyceUtil
import spyceException, spyceModule

# Spyce tag library

def invokeSingleton(api, tagname, memoize=False, **kwargs):
  assert isinstance(api, spyce.spyceWrapper), 'expected spyceWrapper; got %s' % api.__class__
  spylambda = api.getModule('spylambda')
  code = '[[ from spyceException import * ]] <%s %s />' % (tagname, ' '.join(['%s="=%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems()]))
  lamb = spylambda.define(','.join(kwargs.iterkeys()), code, memoize)

class spyceTagLibrary:
  "All Spyce tag libraries should subclass this."
  def __init__(self, prefix):
    self._prefix = prefix
    self._taghash = {}
    for tag in self.tags:
      self._taghash[tag.name] = tag
  def getTag(self, api, name, id, context, attrs, paired, parent=None):
    tag = self.getTagClass(name)(id, api, self._prefix, context, attrs, paired, parent)
    tag._lib = self
    return tag
  def getTagClass(self, name):
    return self._taghash[name]

  # functions to override
  tags = []
  def start(self):
  def finish(self):

# Spyce tag

class spyceTag:
  "All Spyce tags should subclass this."
  def __init__(self, id, api, prefix, context, attrs, paired, parent=None):
    "Initialize a tag; prefix = current library prefix"
    self._id = id
    if 0 and api:
      assert isinstance(api, spyce.spyceWrapper)
    self._api = api
    self._prefix = prefix
    self._pair = paired
    self._parent = parent
    self._context = context
    self._out = None
    self._buffered = 0
    if api and 'handler' in attrs:
      # api == None means it's just tagchecker, and parent will always be None
      ftag = self.getParent('form')
      if not ftag:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('tags with active handlers must be nested inside form:form')
      if 'action' in ftag._attrs:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('parent form action is incompatible with active handlers')
      # delete it before it gets to begin()
      # subclass can always do own attr checking before calling spyceTag.__init__
      del attrs['handler'] 
    self._attrs = self._attrsEval(attrs)
  def _attrsEval(self, attrs):
    if not self._context: # tagchecker passes None
      return attrs
    for key, expr in attrs.items():
      if expr and expr[0] == '=':
        attrs[key] = self.eval(expr[1:])
    return attrs
  def eval(self, expr):
      return eval(expr, self._context)
    except NameError, e:
      if '.' not in expr:
      # maybe it's a module reference
      modname = expr.split('.')[0]
        mod = self._api.getModule(modname)
      except ImportError:
        raise e
      self._context[modname] = mod
      return eval(expr, self._context)
    except TypeError:
      raise 'Expected python code; unable to evaluate %s' % expr
  # setup tag environment (output stream)
  def setOut(self, out):
    "Set output stream"
    self._out = out
  def setBuffered(self, buffered):
    "Set whether tag is running on a buffer wrt. enclosing scope"
    self._buffered = buffered
  # accessors
  def getPrefix(self):
    "Return tag prefix"
    return self._prefix
  def getAttributes(self):
    "Get tag attributes."
    return self._attrs
  def getPaired(self):
    "Return whether this is a paired or singleton tag."
    return self._pair
  def getParent(self, name=None):
    "Get parent tag"
    parent = self._parent
    if name is not None:
      while parent is not None:
        if parent.name == name: 
        parent = parent._parent
    return parent
  def getFullId(self):
    id = ''
    p = self
    # tag compiler restricts handlers to be inside form
    while p and p.__class__.__name__ != 'form_form':
      if p._id:
        id = p._id + id
      p = p._parent
    return id
  def getOut(self):
    "Return output stream"
    return self._out
  def getBuffered(self):
    "Get whether tag is running on a buffer wrt. enclosing scope"
    return self._buffered
  # functions and fields to override
  "Code chunk to insert into calling class (code, ref)" # for use by [[! code blocks in compiled tags
  classcode = None
  "Handlers to insert into calling class"
  handlers = None
  "The name of this tag!"
  name = None
  "Whether this tag wants to buffer its body processing"
  buffer = 0
  "Whether this tag want to conditionally perform body processing"
  conditional = 0
  "Whether this tag wants to possibly loop body processing"
  loops = 0
  "Whether this tag wants to handle exceptions"
  catches = 0
  "Whether end() must (even on exception) get called if begin() completes"
  mustend = 0
  "Whether this tag wants to export values to calling context (overrides export())"
  exports = 0
  def syntax(self):
    "Check tag syntax"
  def begin(self, **kwargs):
    "Process start tag; return true to process body (if conditional==1)"
    return 1
  def export(self):
    return dict of any key/value pairs tag wants to propagate into spyceProcess locals.
    (Obviously, key must be a string; value may be any object.)
    Used e.g. by <for val="x" ...> to send x into parent scope.
    _Must set class.exports or export method will not be called._
    return None
  def body(self, _contents):
    "Process tag body; return true to repeat (if loops==1)"
    if _contents:
    return 0
  def end(self):
    "Process end tag"
  def catch(self, ex):
    "Process any exception thrown by tag (if catches==1)"

class spyceTagPlus(spyceTag):
  "An easier spyceTag class to work with..."
  def getModule(self, name): 
    "Return a Spyce module reference" 
    return self._api.getModule(name)

  def parentRequired(self, parentname):
    parent = self.getParent(parentname)
    if not parent:
      raise '%s tag must be used inside a parent %s active tag' % (self.name, parentname)
    return parent
  def syntaxNonEmpty(self, *names):
    for name in names:
      try: value = self._attrs[name]
      except KeyError: return
      if not value:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should not be empty', name)
  def syntaxNonEmpty(self, *names):
    for name in names:
      try: value = self._attrs[name]
      except KeyError: return
      if not value:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should not be empty', name)
  def syntaxNonEmpty(self, *names):
    for name in names:
      try: value = self._attrs[name]
      except KeyError: return
      if not value:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should not be empty', name)
  def syntaxNonEmpty(self, *names):
    for name in names:
      try: value = self._attrs[name]
      except KeyError: return
      if not value:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should not be empty', name)
  def syntaxNonEmpty(self, *names):
    for name in names:
      try: value = self._attrs[name]
      except KeyError: return
      if not value:
        raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should not be empty', name)
  def syntaxValidSet(self, name, validSet):
    try: value = self._attrs[name]
    except KeyError: return
    if value not in validSet:
      raise spyceTagSyntaxException('attribute "%s" should be one of: %s'% (name, ', '.join(validSet)))
  def syntaxPairOnly(self):
    "Ensure that this tag is paired i.e. open/close"
    if not self._pair:
      raise spyceTagSyntaxException('singleton tag not allowed')
  def syntaxSingleOnly(self):
    "Ensure that this tag is single i.e. <foo/>"
    if self._pair:
      raise spyceTagSyntaxException('paired tag not allowed')

# Spyce tag syntax checking

class spyceTagChecker:
  def __init__(self, server):
    self._server = server
    self._taglibs = {}
    self._stack = []
  def loadLib(self, libname, libfrom, libas, rel_file, info=None):
    if not libas: libas = libname
      self._taglibs[(libname, libfrom)] = \
        self._server.loadModule(libname, libfrom, rel_file)(libas)
    except (SyntaxError, TypeError):
      sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % spyceUtil.exceptionString())
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(
        'unable to load module: %s (%s)' % (libname, libas), info)
  def getTag(self, (libname,libfrom), name, context, attrs, pair, info):
    lib = self._taglibs[(libname, libfrom)]
      return lib.getTag(None, name, None, None, attrs, pair, None)
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(
        'unknown tag "%s:%s"'%(libname, name), info)
  def getTagClass(self, (libname, libfrom), name, info):
    lib = self._taglibs[(libname, libfrom)]
      return lib.getTagClass(name)
      s = 'unknown tag "%s:%s" (known tags in %s are: %s)' % (
        ','.join([t.name for t in lib.tags]))
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(s, info)
  def startTag(self, (libname,libfrom), name, attrs, pair, info):
    tag = self.getTag((libname, libfrom), name, None, attrs, pair, info)
      # standard signature validation
      (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(tag.begin)
      # args w/ defaults don't need to be checked
      if defaults:
        n_defaults = len(defaults)
        n_defaults = 0
      L = args[1:len(args) - n_defaults] # assume self is first
      for attr in L: 
        if attr not in attrs:
          raise spyceTagSyntaxException('"%s" tag call missing compulsory "%s" attribute' % (name, attr))
      # extra attrs cause an error, if *args/**kwargs not in signature
      for attr in attrs:
        # spyceCompile checks to make sure 'handler' is ok; tagChecker
        # doesn't have the necessary info to make that decision.
        if attr not in args and not varargs and not varkw and attr != 'handler':
          raise spyceTagSyntaxException('unexpected attribute "%s"' % attr)
      # custom validation
      error = tag.syntax()
    except spyceTagSyntaxException, e:
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(str(e), info)
    if error:
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(error, info)
    if pair:
      self._stack.append( (libname, libfrom, name, info) )
  def endTag(self, (libname,libfrom), name, info):
      libname1, libfrom1, name1, info1 = self._stack.pop()
    except IndexError:
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(
        'unmatched close tag', info)
    if (libname1,libfrom1,name1) != (libname,libfrom,name): 
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(
        'unmatched close tag, expected <%s:%s>' % (libname1,name1), info)
  def finish(self):
    if self._stack:
      libname, libfrom, name, info = self._stack.pop()
      raise spyceException.spyceSyntaxError(
        'unmatched open tag', info)

# Spyce tag syntax exception

class spyceTagSyntaxException:
  def __init__(self, str):
    self._str = str
  def __repr__(self):
    return self._str

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