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# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

"""Classes to generate HTML in Python

The HTMLTags module defines a class for all the valid HTML tags, written in
uppercase letters. To create a piece of HTML, the general syntax is :
    t = TAG(content, key1=val1,key2=val2,...)

so that "print t" results in :
    <TAG key1="val1" key2="val2" ...>content</TAG>

For instance :
    print A('bar', href="foo") ==> <A href="foo">bar</A>

To generate HTML attributes without value, give them the value True :
    print OPTION('foo',SELECTED=True,value=5) ==> 
            <OPTION value="5" SELECTED>

The content argument can be an instance of an HTML class, so that 
you can nest tags, like this :
    print B(I('foo')) ==> <B><I>foo</I></B>

TAG instances support addition :
    print B('bar')+INPUT(name="bar") ==> <B>bar</B><INPUT name="bar">

and repetition :
    print TH('&nbsp')*3 ==> <TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD>

For complex expressions, a tag can be nested in another using the operator <= 
Considering the HTML document as a tree, this means "add child" :

    form = FORM(action="foo")
    form <= INPUT(name="bar")
    form <= INPUT(Type="submit",value="Ok")

If you have a list (or any iterable) of instances, you can't concatenate the 
items with sum(instance_list) because sum takes only numbers as arguments. So 
there is a function called Sum() which will do the same :

    Sum( TR(TD(i)+TD(i*i)) for i in range(100) )

generates the rows of a table showing the squares of integers from 0 to 99

A simple document can be produced by :
    print HTML( HEAD(TITLE('Test document')) +
        BODY(H1('This is a test document')+
             'First line'+BR()+
             'Second line'))

If the document is more complex it is more readable to create the elements 
first, then to print the whole result in one instruction. For example :

head = HEAD()
head <= TITLE('Record collection')
head <= LINK(rel="Stylesheet",href="doc.css")

title = H1('My record collection')
table = TABLE()
table <= TR(TH('Title')+TH('Artist'))
for rec in records:
    row = TR()
    # note the attribute key Class with leading uppercase 
    # because "class" is a Python keyword
    row <= TD(rec.title,Class="title")+TD(rec.artist,Class="artist")
    table <= row

print HTML(head+BODY(title+table))

Content or attribute value can be Unicode strings. The __str__
method will convert them to a bytestring using the value in the
attribute output_encoding of current thread. It can be changed 
with the function set_encoding()
import sys
import cStringIO
import threading

# encoding is thread-specific (in a multi-thread web server, each request
# may use a different encoding)
threading.currentThread().output_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()

def set_encoding(encoding):
    threading.currentThread().output_encoding = encoding

def to_unicode(data):
    return data.encode(threading.currentThread().output_encoding)

class TAG:
    """Generic class for tags"""
    def __init__(self, *content, **attrs):
        self.tag = self.__class__.__name__
        self.attrs = attrs
        self.brothers = []
        # we can't init with argument content='' because of conflict
        # if a key 'content' is in **attrs
        if not content:
            self.children = []
        elif len(content)>1:
            raise ValueError,'%s takes only one positional argument' %self.tag
            self.children = [content[0]]

    def __str__(self):
        import sys
        if self.tag != "TEXT":
            w("<%s" %self.tag)
            # attributes which will produce arg = "val"
            attr1 = [ k for k in self.attrs 
                if not isinstance(self.attrs[k],bool) ]
            attr_list = []
            for k in attr1:
                key = k.replace('_','-')
                value = self.attrs[k]
                if isinstance(value,unicode):
                    value = to_unicode(value)
                attr_list.append(' %s="%s"' %(key,value))
            # attributes with no argument
            # if value is False, don't generate anything
            attr2 = [ k for k in self.attrs if self.attrs[k] is True ]
            w("".join([' %s' %k for k in attr2]))
        if self.tag in _ONE_LINE:
        for child in self.children:
            if isinstance(child,unicode):
                w('%s' % child)
        if self.tag in _CLOSING_TAGS:
            w("</%s>" %self.tag)
        if self.tag in _LINE_BREAK_AFTER:
        for brother in self.brothers:
        return res.getvalue()
    def __le__(self,other):
        """Add a child"""
        if isinstance(other,(unicode,str)):
            other = TEXT(other)
        other.parent = self
        return self

    def __add__(self,other):
        """Return a new instance : concatenation of self and another tag"""
        res = TAG()
        res.tag = self.tag
        res.attrs = self.attrs
        res.children = self.children
        if isinstance(other,(unicode,str)):
            other = TEXT(other)
        res.brothers = self.brothers + [other]
        return res

    def __radd__(self,other):
        """Used to add a tag to a string"""
        if isinstance(other,(unicode,str)):
            return TEXT(other)+self
            raise ValueError,"Can't concatenate %s and instance" %other

    def __mul__(self,n):
        """Replicate self n times, with tag first : TAG * n"""
        res = TAG()
        res.tag = self.tag
        res.attrs = self.attrs
        res.children = self.children
        res.brothers = self.brothers
        for i in range(n-1):
            res += self
        return res

    def __rmul__(self,n):
        """Replicate self n times, with n first : n * TAG"""
        return self*n

    def get_by_attr(self,**kw):
        """Return a list of tags whose attributes are in kw,
        at the same level as self or below in the tree"""
        res = []
        flag = True
        for k,v in kw.iteritems():
            if self.attrs.get(k,None) !=v:
                flag = False
        if flag:
        for brother in self.brothers:
            if isinstance(brother,TAG):
                res += brother.get_by_attr(**kw)
        for child in self.children:
            if isinstance(child,TAG):
                res += child.get_by_attr(**kw)
        return _tag_list(res)

    def get_by_tag(self,tag_name):
        """Return a list of tags of specified tag name,
        at the same level as self or below in the tree"""
        res = []
        if self.tag == tag_name:
        for brother in self.brothers:
            if isinstance(brother,TAG):
                res += brother.get_by_tag(tag_name)
        for child in self.children:
            if isinstance(child,TAG):
                res += child.get_by_tag(tag_name)
                for brother in child.brothers:
                    if isinstance(brother,TAG):
                        res += brother.get_by_tag(tag_name)
        return _tag_list(res)

class _tag_list(list):

    def set_attr(self,**kw):
        for item in self:
            for key,value in kw.iteritems():
                item.attrs[key] = value

# list of tags, from the HTML 4.01 specification

            'B', 'BDO', 'BIG', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'BUTTON',
            'CAPTION', 'CENTER', 'CITE', 'CODE',
            'DEL', 'DFN', 'DIR', 'DIV', 'DL',
            'EM', 'FIELDSET', 'FONT', 'FORM', 'FRAMESET',
            'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6',
            'I', 'IFRAME', 'INS', 'KBD', 'LABEL', 'LEGEND',
            'MAP', 'MENU', 'NOFRAMES', 'NOSCRIPT', 'OBJECT',
            'OL', 'OPTGROUP', 'PRE', 'Q', 'S', 'SAMP',
            'SCRIPT', 'SMALL', 'SPAN', 'STRIKE',
            'STRONG', 'STYLE', 'SUB', 'SUP', 'TABLE',
            'TEXTAREA', 'TITLE', 'TT', 'U', 'UL',
            'VAR', 'BODY', 'COLGROUP', 'DD', 'DT', 'HEAD',
            'HTML', 'LI', 'P', 'TBODY','OPTION', 
            'TD', 'TFOOT', 'TH', 'THEAD', 'TR']

            'HR', 'IMG', 'INPUT', 'ISINDEX', 'LINK',
            'META', 'PARAM']

# create the classes
    exec("class %s(TAG): pass" %_tag)

# Convenience methods for SELECT tags, radio and checkbox INPUT tags

def _check_args(**kw):
    # check if arguments are valid for selection or check methods
    if not kw:
        raise ValueError,'No arguments provided'
    elif len(kw.keys())>1:
        msg = 'Function takes 1 argument, %s provided'
        raise ValueError,msg %len(kw.keys())
    elif kw.keys()[0] not in ['content','value']:
        msg ='Bad argument %s, must be "content" or "value"'
        raise ValueError,msg %kw.keys()[0]
    return kw.keys()[0],kw.values()[0]

# SELECT has special methods to build a list of OPTION tags from
# a list, and marks one of several OPTION tags as selected

class SELECT(TAG):

    def from_list(self,_list,use_content=False):
    # build a SELECT tag from a list
        if not use_content:
            # values are content's rank
            self.children = [OPTION(item,value=i,SELECTED=False) 
                for (i,item) in enumerate(_list)]
            # values are content's value
            self.children = [OPTION(item,value=item,SELECTED=False) 
                for item in _list]
        return self

    def select(self,**kw):
    # mark an option (or several options if attribute MULTIPLE is set) as selected
        key,attr = _check_args(**kw)
        if not isinstance(attr,(list,tuple)):
            attr = [attr]
        if key == 'content':
            for option in self.children:
                option.attrs['SELECTED'] = option.children[0] in attr
        elif key == 'value':
            for option in self.children:
                option.attrs['SELECTED'] = option.attrs['value'] in attr

# Classes to build a list of radio and checkbox INPUT tags from a list
# of strings. All INPUT tags have the same attributes, including name
# and except the value, which is the string index in the list

# Instances of RADIO and CHECKBOX have a check() method, used to mark
# INPUT tags as checked. The argument can be a string value (or a list
# of strings) to check the tags associated with one of the items in the
# list, or an index (or a list of indices)

class RADIO:

    def __init__(self,_list,_values=None,**attrs):
        self._list = _list
        if _values is None :
            self.tags = [INPUT(Type="radio",value=i,checked=False,**attrs)
                    for i in range(len(_list))]
            if not isinstance(_values, (list, tuple)) :
                raise TypeError, "_values must be a list or a tuple"
            if len(_list) != len(_values) :
                raise ValueError, "len(_list) != len(_values)"
            self.tags = [INPUT(Type="radio",value=i,checked=False,**attrs)
                    for i in _values]

    def check(self,**kw):
        key,attr = _check_args(**kw)
        if key == 'content':
            for i,item in enumerate(self._list):
                self.tags[i].attrs['checked'] = self._list[i] == attr
            for (i,tag) in enumerate(self.tags):
                self.tags[i].attrs['checked'] = tag.attrs['value'] == attr

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(zip(self._list,self.tags))


    def __init__(self,_list,_values=None,**attrs):
        self._list = _list
        if _values is None :
            self.tags = [INPUT(Type="checkbox",value=i,checked=False,**attrs)
                    for i in range(len(_list))]
            if not isinstance(_values, (list, tuple)) :
                raise TypeError, "_values must be a list or a tuple"
            if len(_list) != len(_values) :
                raise ValueError, "len(_list) != len(_values)"
            self.tags = [INPUT(Type="checkbox",value=i,checked=False,**attrs)
                    for i in _values]

    def check(self,**kw):
        key,attr = _check_args(**kw)
        if not isinstance(attr,(tuple,list)):
            attr = [attr]
        if key == 'content':
            for i,item in enumerate(self._list):
                self.tags[i].attrs['checked'] = self._list[i] in attr
            for (i,tag) in enumerate(self.tags):
                self.tags[i].attrs['checked'] = tag.attrs['value'] in attr

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(zip(self._list,self.tags))

def Sum(iterable):
    """Return the concatenation of the instances in the iterable
    Can't use the built-in sum() on non-integers"""
    it = [ item for item in iterable ]
    if it:
        return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, it)
        return ''

# whitespace-insensitive tags, determines pretty-print rendering
    'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6',
# tags whose opening tag should be alone in its line

if __name__ == '__main__':
    head = HEAD(TITLE('Test document'))
    body = BODY()
    body <= H1('This is a test document')
    lines = 'First line' + BR() + 'Second line'+DIV(H1("zone"),name="zone")
    body <= lines

    print lines.get_by_attr(name="zone")
    print body.get_by_attr(name="zone")

    for tag in body.get_by_tag("H1"):
        print tag

    print HTML(head + body)

    print TD(B(u'd')+I('a'))*3
    formats = ['DEFAULT','DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)',
    sf = SELECT().from_list(formats)'TIME (HH:MM:SS)')
    print sf
    s = SELECT(name=u"foo",MULTIPLE=True).from_list(['a','b','c','e'])['b','d'])
    print s

    lines = TR(TD(u"Login")+TD(INPUT(name="login")))
    lines += TR(TD("Password")+TD(INPUT(name="passwd",Type="password")))
    lines += TR(TD(INPUT(Type="submit",value="Ok"),colspan="2",align="center"))
    print len(lines.get_by_tag('TD')),"TD tags in line"

    print lines
    print u""+B(u'z') | Contact Us
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