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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2002, Nicolas Dubois, Eivd.
# Visit
# This file is part of PyUt.
# PyUt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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__version__ = '$Revision: 1.4 $'
__author__ = 'Nicolas Dubois <>'
__date__ = '2002-10-31'

from sugiyamaConsts import *
#from RealSugiyamaNode import *

class SugiyamaNode:
    Real or virtual Sugiyama node interface.
    This class is an interface, you shouldn't have an object of type
    SugiyamaNode. You have to use RealSugiyamaNode or VirtualSugiyamaNode
    Instancied by: not instancied
    Implemented by: RealSugiyamaNode, VirtualSugiyamaNode
    :author: Nicolas Dubois
    :version: $Revision: 1.4 $

    def __init__(self):

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        # Current barycenter value of the link, this value can be computed
        # on indexes or x coordinate. For more information, see function
        # getBarycenter()
        self.__barycenter = None
        self.__index = None # Index position on the level
        #~ self.__leftNode = None # Node direct on the left on the same level
        self.__level = None # Index of level
        self.__leftNode = None # Node direct on the left on the same level
        self.__rightNode = None # Node direct on the right on the same level
        # Fathers and sons
        # ================
        # A son is derived from a father. There is a hierarchical link,
        # Realisation or Inheritance, from source to father.
        # Each node can have fathers and sons.
        # List of fathers : [(SugiyamaNode, SugiyamaLink), ...]
        self.__fathers = []
        # List of sons : [(SugiyamaNode, SugiyamaLink), ...]
        self.__sons = []
        # List of non-hierarchical link : [(SugiyamaNode, SugiyamaLink), ...]
        self.__links = []

    def getSize(self):
        Get the size of the node.

        This function has to be overloaded.

        @return (float, float): tuple (width, height)
        @author Nicolas Dubois

    def setPosition(self, x, y):
        Set position of node.

        This function has to be overloaded.

        @param float x, y: position in absolute coordinates
        @author Nicolas Dubois

    def getPosition(self):
        Get position of node.

        This function has to be overloaded.

        @return (float, float): tuple (x, y) is absolute coordinates
        @author Nicolas Dubois

    def addFather(self, father, link):
        Add a father.

        @param SugiyamaNode father : father
        @param SugiyamaLink link   : link between self and father
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__fathers.append((father, link))

    def getFathers(self):
        Return list of fathers

        @return [SugiyamaNode, ...] : list of fathers
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__fathers

    def addSon(self, son, link):
        Add a son.

        @param SugiyamaNode son  : son
        @param SugiyamaLink link : link between self and son
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__sons.append((son, link))

    def getSons(self):
        Get list of sons.

        @return [SugiyamaNode, ...] : list of sons
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__sons

    def addNonHierarchicalLink(self, node, link):
        Add a non hierarchical link, ie not a father nor a son relation.

        @param SugiyamaNode node : linked node
        @param SugiyamaLink link : link between the two nodes
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__links.append((node, link))

    def getNonHierarchicalLink(self):
        Get non hierarchical links, ie not father nor son relations.

        @return [(SugiyamaNode, SugiyamaLink), ...] : list of tuple
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__links

    def setLevel(self, level):
        Set level index.

        @param int level : level index
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__level = level

    def getLevel(self):
        Get level index.

        @return Int : level index
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__level

    def setIndex(self, index):
        Set index of node in level.

        @param int index : index of node
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__index = index

    def getIndex(self):
        Get index of node.

        @return int : index of node
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__index

    def setLeftNode(self, node):
        Set the left neighbor node.

        @param SugiyamaNode node : left neighbor
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__leftNode = node

    def getLeftNode(self):
        Get the left neighbor node.

        @return SugiyamaNode : left neighbor
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__leftNode

    def setRightNode(self, node):
        Set the right neighbor node.

        That function must be used before balancing the graph.

        @param SugiyamaNode node : right neighbor
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__rightNode = node

    def getRightNode(self):
        Get the right neighbor node.

        @return SugiyamaNode : right neighbor
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__rightNode

    def getXMax(self):
        Get bigger value of x coordinate according to right neighbor position.
        If there is no right neighbor, return None.

        @return float : max x coordinate
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        if self.__rightNode is None:
            return None
            xRightNode = self.__rightNode.getPosition()[0]
            widthSelfNode = self.getSize()[0]
            return xRightNode - widthSelfNode - H_SPACE

    def __getAverageIndex(self, nodeList):
        Compute the average of indexes position on all the given nodes.
        Return None if nodeList is empty.

        @param [SugiyamaNode, ...] : list of nodes
        @return float or None : Average of indexes position
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        if len(nodeList) == 0:
            return None
            sum = 0
            for (node, link) in nodeList:
                sum += node.getIndex()
            return float(sum) / len(nodeList)

    def fixAnchorPos(self):
        Fix the positions of the anchor points.

        This function has to be overloaded.

        @author Nicolas Dubois

    def upBarycenterIndex(self):
        Compute the up barycenter value with fathers indexes.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__barycenter = self.__getAverageIndex(self.__fathers)

    def downBarycenterIndex(self):
        Compute the down barycenter value with sons indexes.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__barycenter = self.__getAverageIndex(self.__sons)

    def barycenterIndex(self):
        Compute the average of parents down-barycenter and sons up-barycenter.
        Before calling this function, you have to call downBarycenterIndex
        on each fathers and upBarycenterIndex on each sons.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        nodeList = self.__fathers + self.__sons
        if len(nodeList) == 0:
            #~ print self.__index, "none"
            self.__barycenter = None
            sum = 0
            for (node, link) in nodeList:
                sum += node.getBarycenter()
            #~ print self.__index, float(sum) / len(nodeList)
            self.__barycenter = float(sum) / len(nodeList)

    def __getAverageX(self, nodeList):
        Compute the average of x coords on all the given nodes.
        Return None if nodeList is empty.

        @param [(SugiyamaNode, SugiyamaLink), ...] nodeList : fathers or sons
        @return float or None : average of x coords
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        if len(nodeList) == 0:
            return None
            sum = 0
            for (node, link) in nodeList:
                sum += node.getPosition()[0] + node.getSize()[0] / 2
            return sum / len(nodeList) - self.getSize()[0] / 2

    def upBarycenterX(self):
        Compute the up barycenter value with fathers x coord.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__barycenter = self.__getAverageX(self.__fathers)

    def downBarycenterX(self):
        Compute the down barycenter value with sons x coord.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__barycenter = self.__getAverageX(self.__sons)

    def barycenterX(self):
        Compute the average of up and down barycenter on x coords.
        For reading this value, use getBarycenter()

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        self.__barycenter = \
            self.__getAverageX(self.__fathers + self.__sons)

    def getBarycenter(self):
        Return the pre-computed barycenter value of the node.

        The barycenter value is computed when you call one of the following
            - upBarycenterIndex()
            - downBarycenterIndex()
            - upBarycenterX()
            - downBarycenterX()
        If you want to update the value, you have to recall one of the
        computing functions.
            If you want the down barycenter computed on indexes:
            First call function downBarycenterIndex()
            and then call function getBarycenter()

        @return float: barycenter value
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        return self.__barycenter

    def __computeWantedXPos(self):
        Compute average of fathers and sons x coordinates.

        @return tuple (float, int) : (x average, number of fathers and sons)
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        # Create list of fathers and sons
        fathersAndSons = self.getFathers() + self.getSons()
        nbFathersAndSons = len(fathersAndSons)
        # If there are no fathers and sons
        if nbFathersAndSons == 0:
            return (None, 0)
        # Compute average of fathers and sons x coordinates
        sum = 0
        # For all his fahters and sons
        for (node, link) in fathersAndSons:
            # Get horizontal center coordinate of the node
            xCenterNode = node.getPosition()[0] + node.getSize()[0] / 2
            sum += xCenterNode
        return (sum / nbFathersAndSons - self.getSize()[0] / 2, \
    def balance(self):
        Compute a new x coordinate for balancing the hierarchical graph.
        Evaluate the best x coordinate for the node. If the best coord is on
        the right of the node, try to push the nodes on the right and then fix
        new position closer to best x coordinate.

        @author Nicolas Dubois
        # Get coordinate of node
        (x, y) = self.getPosition()

        # Evaluate best x coordinate of node
        (wantedXPos, nbFathersAndSons) = self.__computeWantedXPos()
        # If there are no parents nor sons
        if not wantedXPos:
            # Don't move
            return 0
        # If best x coord is righter than current x coordinate
        if wantedXPos > x:
            # If there is a right neighbor
            if self.__rightNode is not None:
                # Check max x coord according to right neighbor
                xMax = self.getXMax()
                # If right node is to close, try to push it
                if wantedXPos > xMax:
                        (wantedXPos - xMax) * nbFathersAndSons,
                # Fix new position
                self.setPosition(min(wantedXPos, self.getXMax()), y)
                # There is no right node, fix position
                self.setPosition(wantedXPos, y)
        # Return true if node has been moved
        return self.getPosition()[0] - x > 3

    def __pushToRight(self, xDeltaSum, nbLinks):
        Called by the left neighbor, that function tries to push the node to
        the right for the balancing. If there is not enough place, try to
        push the next node.
        xDelta is the ideal delta on x coordinate for reaching the best
        xDeltaSum is xDelta multiplied by the number of parents and sons
        which are pushing to the right.
        nbLinks is the number of parents and sons who push from the left.
        @param float xDeltaSum : see above
        @param int nbNode : see above
        @author Nicolas Dubois
        # Get current position
        (x, y) = self.getPosition()
        # Get wanted x coordinate
        (wantedXPos, nbFathersAndSons) = self.__computeWantedXPos()
        # If the node has a barycenter value (has parents or sons)
        if wantedXPos is not None:
            # Add current delta in average
            xDeltaSum += (wantedXPos - x) * nbFathersAndSons
            # Update number of fathers and sons who are pushing
            nbLinks += nbFathersAndSons
        xDelta = xDeltaSum / nbLinks
        # If the node has to be moved to the right
        if xDelta > 0:
            # If the node has a right neighbor
            if self.__rightNode is not None:
                xMax = self.getXMax()
                # If we need more place, try to push the right neighbor
                if xMax < x + xDelta:
                        (x + xDelta - xMax) * nbLinks , nbLinks)
                # Fix the new position
                self.setPosition(min(x + xDelta, self.getXMax()), y)
                # No right neighbor, fix the new position
                self.setPosition(x + xDelta, y) | Contact Us
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