ObjectClassAttributeInfo.py :  » Network » Luma » luma-2.4 » lib » luma » base » backend » Python Open Source

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Luma » luma 2.4 » lib » luma » base » backend » ObjectClassAttributeInfo.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Wido Depping                                      
#    <widod@users.sourceforge.net>                                                             
# Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

import ldap
import ldap.schema
import ldapurl

import re
from sets import Set
from copy import copy
import threading
import time

from base.backend.ServerList import ServerList
import environment
from base.utils.backend.LogObject import LogObject

SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING = ldap.cidict.cidict()

class UnknownAttribute(object):

class ObjectClassAttributeInfo(object):
    """ A class for getting information about objectClassesDict and attributes 
    from a server.
    # schema-cache of all servers whose schema has been requested already
    serverMetaCache = {}
    def __init__(self, serverMeta=None):
        # Dictionaries with lowercase names of attributes and objectclasses
        self.objectClassesDict = {}
        self.attributeDict = {}
        self.matchingDict = {}
        self.syntaxDict = {}
        # Indicates if an error has occured while fetching the schemas
        self.failure = False
        # Exception object why fetching schema failed
        self.failureException = None
        # alias name of the current server
        self.serverMeta = serverMeta
        # automaticly retrieve schema info if server data is passed 
        # upon initialization
        if not (serverMeta == None):


    def retrieveInfoFromServer(self):
        """ Retrieve all information of objectClassesDict and attributes from the
        # Try to get server schema information from the cache
        if self.serverMeta.name in self.serverMetaCache.keys():
            self.objectClassesDict = self.serverMetaCache[self.serverMeta.name]["objectClassesDict"]
            self.attributeDict = self.serverMetaCache[self.serverMeta.name]["attributeDict"]
            self.syntaxDict = self.serverMetaCache[self.serverMeta.name]["syntaxDict"]
            self.matchingDict = self.serverMetaCache[self.serverMeta.name]["matchingDict"]
            tmpObject = ServerList()
            serverMeta = self.serverMeta
            workerThread = WorkerThreadFetch(serverMeta)
            while not workerThread.FINISHED:
            if None == workerThread.exceptionObject:
                self.objectClassesDict = workerThread.objectClassesDict
                self.attributeDict = workerThread.attributeDict
                self.syntaxDict = workerThread.syntaxDict
                self.matchingDict = workerThread.matchingDict
                # store retrieved information in the cache
                metaData = {}
                metaData['objectClassesDict'] = self.objectClassesDict
                metaData['attributeDict'] = self.attributeDict
                metaData['syntaxDict'] = self.syntaxDict
                metaData['matchingDict'] = self.matchingDict
                self.__class__.serverMetaCache[self.serverMeta.name] = metaData
                tmpString = "Schema information for server " + self.serverMeta.name + " retrieved."
                environment.logMessage(LogObject("Info", tmpString))
                self.failure = True
                self.failureException = workerThread.exceptionObject
                tmpString = "Could not fetch LDAP schema from server. Reason:\n"
                tmpString += str(workerThread.exceptionObject)
                environment.logMessage(LogObject("Error", tmpString))



    def getAttributeList(self):
        """ Returns a list of all attributes the server supports.
        return map(lambda x: x["NAME"], self.attributeDict.values())

    def getAllAttributes(self, classList = None):
        """ Return two sets of all attributes which the server supports for the 
        given classList.
        must = Set()
        may = Set()
        classList = self.getClassesWithParents(classList)
        for x in classList:
            x = x.lower()
            if not x in self.objectClassesDict:
            must |= Set(self.objectClassesDict[x]["MUST"])
            may |= Set(self.objectClassesDict[x]["MAY"])
        return must, may


    def getAllMusts(self, classList = None):
        """ Returns a set of all attributes which are needed by the 
        objectClassesDict given by classList.
        must = Set()
        classList = self.getClassesWithParents(classList)
        for x in classList:
            must |= Set(self.objectClassesDict[x.lower()]["MUST"])
        return must


    def getAllMays(self, classList = None):
        """ Returns a set of all attributes which are optional for the 
        objectClassesDict given by classList.
        may = Set()
        classList = self.getClassesWithParents(classList)
        for x in classList:
            may |= Set(self.objectClassesDict[x.lower()]["MAY"])
        return may

    def getAllObjectclassesForAttr(self,attribute=""):
        """ Returns two sets of objectClasses that either MUST
            or MAY use the given attribute
        must = Set()
        may = Set()
        attribute = attribute.lower()
        if ";binary" == attribute[-7:]:
            attribute = attribute[:-7]
        for (key,value) in self.objectClassesDict.items():
            for x in value['MUST']:
                if attribute == x.lower():
            for x in value['MAY']:
                if attribute == x.lower():

        return must, may


    def isSingle(self, attribute = ""):
        """ Check if an attribute is single.
        attribute = attribute.lower()
        if ";binary" == attribute[-7:]:
            attribute = attribute[:-7]
        if attribute in self.attributeDict:
            return self.attributeDict[attribute]["SINGLE"]
            return False


    def isMust(self, attribute="", classList = None):
        """ Check if the given attribute must be set.
        if classList == None:
            raise "Missing Arguments to Funktion 'isMust(attribute, objectClassesDict)"

        attribute = attribute.lower()
        if ";binary" == attribute[-7:]:
            attribute = attribute[:-7]
        classList = self.getClassesWithParents(classList)
        value = False
        for x in classList:
            tmpList = self.objectClassesDict[x.lower()]["MUST"]
            tmpList = map(lambda tmpString: tmpString.lower(), tmpList)
            if attribute in tmpList:
                value = True
        return value

    def isStructural(self, objectClass):
        """ Check if the given objectClass is structural.
        objectClass = objectClass.lower()
        if "STRUCTURAL" == self.objectClassesDict[objectClass]["KIND"]:
            return True
            return False

    def isBinary(self, attribute=""):
        """ Check if the given attribute has binary values.
        retVal = False
        attribute = attribute.lower()
        if attribute in self.attributeDict:
            syntax = self.attributeDict[attribute]["SYNTAX"]
            if syntax in ldap.schema.NOT_HUMAN_READABLE_LDAP_SYNTAXES : 
                retVal = True
        if ";binary" == attribute[-7:]:
            retVal = True
        return retVal


    def hasObjectClass(self, objectClass):
        """ Returns a boolean wether the given objectClass is present 
        in the schema.

        return self.objectClassesDict.has_key(objectClass.lower())


    def hasAttribute(self, attribute):
        """ Returns a boolean wether the given attribute is present 
        in the schema.
        if attribute[-7:] == ";binary":
            attribute = attribute[:-7]

        return self.attributeDict.has_key(attribute.lower())

    def getObjectClasses(self):
        """ Returns a list of all objectClasses the schema supports.
        return map(lambda x: self.objectClassesDict[x]["NAME"],self.objectClassesDict.keys())


    def matchingRule(self, attribute):
        """ Return which syntax the attribute has.
        attribute = attribute.lower()
        if ";binary" == attribute[-7:]:
            attribute = attribute[:-7]
        if not self.attributeDict.has_key(attribute):
            return None
        return self.attributeDict[attribute]["SYNTAX"]


    def getParents(self, className=None):
        """ Returns the complete parentclass chain for className, except 'top'.
        if None == className:
            return None
        className = className.lower()
        if "top" == className:
            return []
        parentList = []
        tmpList = copy(self.objectClassesDict[className]["PARENTS"])
        while len(tmpList) > 0:
            currentClass = tmpList[0].lower()
            tmpList += self.objectClassesDict[currentClass]["PARENTS"]
            del tmpList[0]
        return parentList

    def sameObjectClassChain(self, firstClass, secondClass):
        """ Returns if two objectClasses belong to the same class chain.
        firstClass = firstClass.lower()
        secondClass = secondClass.lower()
        firstParents = self.getParents(firstClass)
        secondParents = self.getParents(secondClass)
        if self.objectClassesDict[firstClass]['NAME'] in secondParents:
            return True
        elif self.objectClassesDict[secondClass]['NAME'] in firstParents:
            return True
            return False


    def getObjectClassChain(self, className, classList):
        """ Returns a list of objectClasses which belong to the same chain 
            as className, given by classList.
        tmpList = []
        for x in classList:
            if self.sameObjectClassChain(className, x):
        return tmpList

    def classAllowed(self, className, classList):
        """ Returns if className can be added to classList.
        allowedBool = True
        for x in classList:
            if not self.sameObjectClassChain(className, x):
                allowedBool = False
        return allowedBool

    def getClassesWithParents(self, classList):
        """ Returns the given classes together with their parents in a set.
        classSet = Set()
        for x in classList:
            tmpList = self.getParents(x)
            for y in tmpList:
        return classSet

    def attributeAllowed(self, attributeName, classList):
        """ Returns a boolean if the attribute attributeName is allowed with the
        classes given by classList.
        classList = self.getClassesWithParents(classList)
        mustSet, maySet = self.getAllAttributes(classList)
        newSet = mustSet.union(maySet)
        if ";binary" == attributeName[-7:]:
            attributeName = attributeName[:-7]
        if attributeName in newSet:
            return True
            return False


    def getSyntaxList(self):
        """ Returns the list of supported syntaxes by the server.
        return self.syntaxDict.keys()

    def getAttributeListForSyntax(self, syntaxString):
        """ Returns a list of attributes which use the syntax given 
        by syntaxString.
        tmpList = self.getAttributeList()
        attributeList = []
        for x in tmpList:
            dataDict = self.attributeDict[x.lower()]
            if dataDict["SYNTAX"] == syntaxString:
        return attributeList

    def getMachtingListForSyntax(self, syntaxString):
        """ Returns a list of matching rules for the given syntax.
        tmpList = self.getMachtingList()
        matchingList = []
        for x in tmpList:
            dataDict = self.matchingDict[x.lower()]
            if dataDict["SYNTAX"] == syntaxString:
        return matchingList

    def getMachtingList(self):
        """ Returns a list of matching rules supported by the server.
        return map(lambda x: self.matchingDict[x]['NAME'], self.matchingDict.keys())

    def getMatchingRuleList(self):
        """ Returns a list of matching rules supported by the server.
        return map(lambda x: self.matchingDict[x]['NAME'], self.matchingDict.keys())

    def getAttributeListForMatchingRule(self, matchingString):
        """ Returns a list of attributes which use the matching rule given
        by matchingString.
        tmpList = self.getAttributeList()
        attributeList = []
        for x in tmpList:
            dataDict = self.attributeDict[x.lower()]
            if dataDict["EQUALITY"] == matchingString:
        return attributeList

    def getAttributeListForObjectClass(self, objectClass):
        """ Returns a list of attributes which belong to objectClass.
        objectClass = objectClass.lower()
        tmpList = []
        attributeDict = self.objectClassesDict[objectClass]["MUST"]
        for x in attributeDict:
        attributeDict = self.objectClassesDict[objectClass]["MAY"]
        for x in attributeDict:
        return tmpList
class WorkerThreadFetch(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, serverMeta):
        self.serverMeta = serverMeta
        self.ldapConnection = None
        self.FINISHED = False
        self.exceptionObject = None
        self.objectClassesDict = {}
        self.attributeDict = {}
        self.syntaxDict = {}
        self.matchingDict = {}
    def run(self):
            urlschemeVal = "ldap"
            if self.serverMeta.encryptionMethod == "SSL":
                urlschemeVal = "ldaps"
            whoVal = None
            credVal = None
            if not (self.serverMeta.bindAnon):
                whoVal = self.serverMeta.bindDN
                credVal = self.serverMeta.bindPassword
            url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(urlscheme=urlschemeVal, 
                hostport = self.serverMeta.host + ":" + str(self.serverMeta.port),
                dn = self.serverMeta.baseDN, who = whoVal,
                cred = credVal)
            self.ldapServerObject = ldap.initialize(url.initializeUrl())
            self.ldapServerObject.protocol_version = 3
            # Check whether we want to validate the server certificate.
            validateMethod = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND
            if self.serverMeta.checkServerCertificate == u"demand":
                validateMethod = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND
            elif self.serverMeta.checkServerCertificate == u"never":
                validateMethod = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER
            elif self.serverMeta.checkServerCertificate == u"try":
                validateMethod = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_TRY
            elif self.serverMeta.checkServerCertificate == u"allow":
                validateMethod = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW
            encryption = False
            if self.serverMeta.encryptionMethod == "SSL":
                encryption = True
            elif self.serverMeta.encryptionMethod == "TLS":
                encryption = True
            if encryption:
                ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, validateMethod)
                #self.ldapServerObject.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, validateMethod)
            # If we're going to present client certificates, this must be set as an option
            if self.serverMeta.useCertificate and encryption:
                except Exception, e:
                    message = "Certificate error. Reason:\n"
                    message += "Could not set client certificate and certificate keyfile. "
                    message += str(e)
            if self.serverMeta.encryptionMethod == "TLS":
            # Enable Alias support
            if self.serverMeta.followAliases:
                self.ldapServerObject.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, ldap.DEREF_ALWAYS)
            if self.serverMeta.bindAnon:
            elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"Simple":
                self.ldapServerObject.simple_bind_s(whoVal, credVal)
            elif u"SASL" in self.serverMeta.authMethod:
                sasl_cb_value_dict = {}
                if not u"GSSAPI" in self.serverMeta.authMethod:
                    sasl_cb_value_dict[ldap.sasl.CB_AUTHNAME] = whoVal
                    sasl_cb_value_dict[ldap.sasl.CB_PASS] = credVal
                sasl_mech = None
                if self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL Plain":
                    sasl_mech = "PLAIN"
                elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL CRAM-MD5":
                    sasl_mech = "CRAM-MD5"
                elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL DIGEST-MD5":
                    sasl_mech = "DIGEST-MD5"
                elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL Login":
                    sasl_mech = "LOGIN"
                elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL GSSAPI":
                    sasl_mech = "GSSAPI"
                elif self.serverMeta.authMethod == u"SASL EXTERNAL":
                    sasl_mech = "EXTERNAL"
                sasl_auth = ldap.sasl.sasl(sasl_cb_value_dict,sasl_mech)
                # If python-ldap has no support for SASL, it doesn't have 
                # sasl_interactive_bind_s as a method.
                    if "EXTERNAL" == sasl_mech:
                        #url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(urlscheme="ldapi", 
                        #    hostport = self.serverMeta.host.replace("/", "%2f"),
                        #    dn = self.serverMeta.baseDN)
                        url = "ldapi://" + self.serverMeta.host.replace("/", "%2F").replace(",", "%2C")
                        #self.ldapServerObject = ldap.initialize(url.initializeUrl())
                        self.ldapServerObject = ldap.initialize(url)
                        self.ldapServerObject.protocol_version = 3
                        # Enable Alias support
                        if self.serverMeta.followAliases:
                            self.ldapServerObject.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, ldap.DEREF_ALWAYS)

                    self.ldapServerObject.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", sasl_auth)
                except AttributeError, e:
                    self.result = False
                    self.exceptionObject = e
                    self.FINISHED = True
            #subschemasubentry_dn = self.ldapServerObject.search_subschemasubentry_s(url.dn)
            subschemasubentry_dn = self.ldapServerObject.search_subschemasubentry_s()
            if subschemasubentry_dn is None:
                subschemasubentry_entry = None
                if url.attrs is None:
                    schema_attrs = SCHEMA_ATTRS
                    schema_attrs = url.attrs
                subschemasubentry_entry = self.ldapServerObject.read_subschemasubentry_s(
            schema = None
            if subschemasubentry_dn!=None:
                schema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(subschemasubentry_entry)
                schema = None
            # get objectclass information
            oidList = schema.listall(ldap.schema.ObjectClass)
            for x in oidList:
                y = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.ObjectClass, x)
                # detect kind of objectclass
                kind = ""
                if 0 == y.kind:
                    kind = "STRUCTURAL"
                elif 1 == y.kind:
                    kind = "ABSTRACT"
                elif 2 == y.kind:
                    kind = "AUXILIARY"
                # name of objectclass
                desc = ""
                if not (y.desc == None):
                    desc = y.desc
                # must attributes of the objectclass
                must = []
                if not (len(y.must) == 0):
                    must = y.must
                # may attributes of the objectclass
                may = []
                if not (len(y.may) == 0):
                    may = y.may
                # parents of the objectclass
                # beware that not the whole class chain is given. only
                # the first class above the current
                parents = []
                for parent in y.sup:
                    # filter out objectclass top. all classes are 
                    # derived from top
                    if not ("top" == parent.lower()):
                oid = ""
                if not (y.oid == None):
                    oid = y.oid
                # store values for each name the current class has.
                # IMPORTANT: the key is always lowercase
                for name in y.names:
                    self.objectClassesDict[name.lower()] = {"DESC": desc, 
                        "MUST": must, "MAY": may, "NAME": name, "KIND": kind,
                        "PARENTS": parents, "OID": oid}
            # get attribute information
            oidList = schema.listall(ldap.schema.AttributeType)
            for x in oidList:
                y = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.AttributeType, x)
                nameList = y.names
                for z in nameList:
                    self.attributeDict[z.lower()] = {"DESC": y.desc, 
                        "SINGLE": y.single_value, "SYNTAX": y.syntax,
                        "NAME": z, "COLLECTIVE": y.collective, 
                        "EQUALITY": y.equality, "OBSOLETE": y.obsolete,
                        "OID": y.oid, "ORDERING": y.ordering, "SUP": y.sup,
                        "SYNTAX_LEN": y.syntax_len, "USAGE": y.usage}
            # get syntax information
            oidList = schema.listall(ldap.schema.LDAPSyntax)
            for x in oidList:
                y = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.LDAPSyntax, x)
                self.syntaxDict[x] = {"DESC": y.desc, "OID": y.oid}
            # get matching information
            oidList = schema.listall(ldap.schema.MatchingRule)
            for x in oidList:
                y = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.MatchingRule, x)
                for z in y.names:
                    self.matchingDict[z.lower()] = {"DESC": y.desc, "OID": y.oid,
                        "OBSOLETE": y.obsolete, "SYNTAX": y.syntax,
                        "NAME": z}
            self.FINISHED = True
        except Exception, e:
            self.FINISHED = True
            self.exceptionObject = e
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