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# Name:
# Purpose:      parameter objects for dealing with files.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2007 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import os
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm
from athenaCL.libATH import language
from athenaCL.libATH import error
lang = language.LangObj()

from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import basePmtr

# this import is in /tools dir, used to find samples
from athenaCL.libATH import fileTools


# a general purpose file grabber
# subclasses need only change self.type
# a list of directories is given each time the command is called
# allowing the user to specify only file names
# List of dirs given in TMclass.TextureOps.getAux, each time command is called
class _FileChooser(basePmtr.Parameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
         files named in args are found within these directories
         dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
      basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = None # in subclass
      self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
      self.argTypes = [['list', 'str'], 'str']
      self.argNames = ['fileNameList', 'selectionString']
      self.argDefaults = [[], 'rc']
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.dirList = [] # used to look for changes
      self.filePathList = [] # updated on __call__
      self.timer = rhythm.Timer() # sets start time
      self.updatePathList = 1 # forces update of paths
      # not sure this is functioning
      #self.tLastUpdate = 0.0 # time of last file dir update

      if drawer.isList(self.args[0]):
         self.nameList = self.args[0]
      elif drawer.isStr(self.args[0]):
         tempList = []
         self.nameList = tuple(tempList)

      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[1]) # raises exception
      # choose names from name list
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.nameList, self.control)

   def checkArgs(self):
      if len(self.nameList) == 0:
         return 0, 'provide a list of files to select from.'
      return 1, '' # no problems

   def repr(self, format=''):
      nameListStr = self._scrubList(self.nameList)
      return '%s, %s, %s' % (self.type, nameListStr, self.control)

   def _findFile(self, allFilePaths, target):
      """takes a list of possible paths and returns that path of target
      not implemented: will try to match partial file paths 
      if they contain os.sep
      paths with more os.seps will be checked first"""
      for path in allFilePaths:
         dir, name = os.path.split(path)
         if name == target:
            return path
      return None # not found

   def _updateFileList(self, dirList):
      """generates a big list of all possible audio files
      only run when list of paths differs form already
      updates list of potential complete file paths; searches, from 
      self.nameList, for a match with _findFile, then provides
      the cimplete file path"""
      self.dirList = dirList # update
      self.filePathList = [] # clear
      for path in self.dirList: # dirs provided in ref dict
         if path == '': pass # empty pref
            obj = fileTools.AllFiles(path)
            fileList =
            self.filePathList = self.filePathList + fileList

   def reset(self):
      self.updatePathList = 1 # forces update of paths

   def __call__(self, t, refDict):
      """dirs are passed with call, so we cant know if files are found
      until call is called"""
      if self.type == 'sampleSelect':
         dirList = refDict['ssdr']
      elif self.type == 'analysisSelect':
         dirList = refDict['sadr']

      # if more than 60s have passed, update dirs
      # always update on start (self.updatePathList == 1)
      if self.updatePathList == 1 or self.timer() > 60: # update after 60s
         self.updatePathList = 0 # only do first time
         self.timer.start() # restart timer, reset time

      path = None
      count = 0
      missingReport = []
      while 1:
         fileName = self.selector() # gets from self.nameList 
         # check for a complete file path outside of dir
         if os.path.isfile(fileName):
            path = fileName # assume its a complete path
         path = self._findFile(self.filePathList, fileName)
         if path == None:
            if fileName not in missingReport:
               print lang.WARN, 'missing file %s' % fileName
            #path = os.path.join(self.dirList[0], 'error') # defualt error!
            count = count + 1 
            if count > self.FAILLIMIT:
               path = 'error.aif'
               print lang.WARN, 'supplying default: %s' % path
         else: break # found a path
      self.currentValue = '"%s"' % path
      return self.currentValue

# subclass of sampleSelect: just change name
class SampleSelect(_FileChooser):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
         files named in args are found within these directories
         dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
      _FileChooser.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'sampleSelect'
      self.doc = lang.docPoSs

# analysis will need to copy and rename
# all found files in a dir... scratch?
# rename pvoc.1, .2, etcetera
# cd to this dir in batch file

class AnalysisSelect(_FileChooser):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
         files named in args are found within these directories
         dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
      _FileChooser.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'analysisSelect'
      self.doc = lang.docPoAs

class DirectorySelect(basePmtr.Parameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'directorySelect'   
      self.doc = lang.docPoDs
      self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
      self.argTypes = ['str', 'str', 'str']
      self.argNames = ['directoryFilePath', 'fileExtension', 'selectionString']
      self.argDefaults = ['.', 'aif', 'rw']
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.dirPath = ''
      self.fileExt = '' # can start w/ period or not
      self.filePathList = [] # updated on __call__
      self.timer = rhythm.Timer() # sets start time

      self.dirPath = self.args[0]
      self.fileExt = self.args[1]
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2]) # raises exception
      # will update in self._updateFileList
      # can initialize selector empty, but cannot call empty
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector([], self.control)
      self.updatePathList = 1 # force update of path list on init

   def checkArgs(self):
      if not os.path.isdir(self.dirPath):
         return 0, 'directory file path error: not a directory.'
      # this should catch errors when no files match
      if len(self.filePathList) == 0:
         return 0, 'directory file path error: no matching files.'
      return 1, '' # no problems

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s, %s, %s' % (self.type, self.dirPath, 
                                 self.fileExt, self.control))
      if format == 'argsOnly': 
         return ''.join(msg)
      # show extra data
      msg.append(self.LMARGIN + '%s files found' % len(self.filePathList))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def _updateFileList(self):
      "updates periodically"
      obj = fileTools.AllFiles(self.dirPath, self.fileExt)
      self.filePathList =

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """dirs are passed with call, so we cant know if files are found
      until call is called"""
      # if more than 60s have passed, update dirs
      # always update on start (self.updatePathList == 1)
      # update after 60s
      if (self.timer() > 60 or self.updatePathList 
         or not self.selector.getStatus()): 
         self.timer.start() # restart timer, reset time
         self.updatePathList = 0 # only do first time
         filePath = self.selector()
      except IndexError: # if no values are availabl (directory gone or other)
         filePath = ''
      self.currentValue = '"%s"' % filePath
      return self.currentValue

# a special constant file PO is needed b/c quotes must be forced
# around string output; this does not happen w/ constant parameter obj
# which insterprets a strings as is
# can now use typeFormat po to force strings on other output methods

class ConstantFile(basePmtr.Parameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'constantFile'   
      self.doc = lang.docPoCf
      self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
      self.argTypes = ['str']
      self.argNames = ['absoluteFilePath']
      self.argDefaults = [''] # no default possible
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      self.filePath = drawer.pathScrub(self.args[0])

   def checkArgs(self):
      if not os.path.exists(self.filePath):
         return 0, 'file path error: file does not exist.'
      # this should catch errors when no files match
      return 1, '' # no problems

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s' % (self.type, self.filePath))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """must wrap in quotes"""
      self.currentValue = '"%s"' % self.filePath
      return self.currentValue | Contact Us
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