textureStatic.py :  » Media-Sound-Audio » athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » libPmtr » Python Open Source

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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » libPmtr » textureStatic.py
# Name:         textureStatic.py
# Purpose:      parameter objects for internal text options.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2004-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import error
from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import basePmtr
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()

_MOD = 'textureStatic.py'

class ParallelMotionList(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'parallelMotionList'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPml
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) #base init
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'num']
      self.argNames = ['transpositionList', 'timeDelay']
      self.argDefaults = [[], .0]
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      for item in self.switch('transpositionList'):
         if not drawer.isNum(item):
            return 0, 'elements in transpositionList must be numbers.'
      if self.switch('timeDelay') < 0:
         msg = 'timeDelay must be greater than or equal to zero.'
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class


class OrnamentLibrarySelect(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'ornamentLibrarySelect'
      self.doc = lang.docPoOls
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str']
      self.argNames = ['libraryName: chromaticGroupC, diatonicGroupA, diatonicGroupB, microGroupA, microGroupB, microGroupC, trillGroupA, off']
      self.argDefaults = ['diatonicGroupA']
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # update available library names?
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.switch('libraryName') not in self.refDict['ornGroupNames']:
         ornNames = drawer.listScrub(self.refDict['ornGroupNames'], 
                                     None, 'noQuote')
         msg = 'enter an appropriate ornament library name: %s.' % ornNames
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class


class OrnamentMaxDensity(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'ornamentMaxDensity'
      self.doc = lang.docPoOmd
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['num']
      self.argDefaults = [1,]
      self.argNames = ['percent',]
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      # note: user drawer precent utility here to accept macro percent values
      if self.switch('percent') < 0 or self.switch('percent') > 1:
         msg = 'ornamentMaxDensity must be between 0 and 1.'
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

# simple numeric po: just get a single value

class MaxTimeOffset(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'maxTimeOffset'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMto
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base 
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['num']
      self.argNames = ['time',]
      self.argDefaults = [.025]
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.switch('time') < 0:
         msg = 'time must be greater than or equal to zero.'
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

class TotalEventCount(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'totalEventCount'
      self.doc = lang.docPoTec
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base 
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['num']
      self.argNames = ['count']
      self.argDefaults = [20]
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.switch('count') <= 0:
         msg = 'eventCount must be greater than zero.'
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

# select from multiple strings
class _Selector(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   """a base clase for creating simple selectors"""
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict)
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = [['str'],]
      self.argNames = ['selectionString',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectorParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

class PitchSelectorControl(_Selector):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'pitchSelectorControl'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPsc
      self.argDefaults = ['randomPermutate',]
      _Selector.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class MultisetSelectorControl(_Selector):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'multisetSelectorControl'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMsc
      self.argDefaults = ['randomPermutate',]
      _Selector.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

# on off pmtr

class _SwitchOnOff(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict)
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = [['str','int'],]
      self.argNames = ['onOff',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._onOffParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

class LoopWithinSet(_SwitchOnOff):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'loopWithinSet'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLws
      self.argDefaults = ['on',] # should be on, as may be a single note path
      _SwitchOnOff.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class PathDurationFraction(_SwitchOnOff):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'pathDurationFraction'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPdf
      self.argDefaults = ['on',] # should be on, as may be a single note path
      _SwitchOnOff.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class SnapSustainTime(_SwitchOnOff):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'snapSustainTime'
      self.doc = lang.docPoSst
      self.argDefaults = ['on',] 
      _SwitchOnOff.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class SnapEventTime(_SwitchOnOff):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'snapEventTime'
      self.doc = lang.docPoSet
      self.argDefaults = ['on',] 
      _SwitchOnOff.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class ParameterInterpolationControl(_SwitchOnOff):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'parameterInterpolationControl'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPic
      self.argDefaults = ['on',] 
      _SwitchOnOff.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

# control switch level for octave and field control

class _SwitchLevelMonophonic(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str',]
      self.argNames = ['level: set, event',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectLevelMonophonicParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

class LevelFieldMonophonic(_SwitchLevelMonophonic):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'levelFieldMonophonic'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLfm
      self.argDefaults = ['event',]
      _SwitchLevelMonophonic.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class LevelOctaveMonophonic(_SwitchLevelMonophonic):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'levelOctaveMonophonic'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLom
      self.argDefaults = ['event',] # default for octave is usually event
      _SwitchLevelMonophonic.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

# control switch level for octave and field control

class _SwitchLevelPolyphonic(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) 
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str',]
      self.argNames = ['level: set, event, voice',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectLevelPolyphonicParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

class LevelFieldPolyphonic(_SwitchLevelPolyphonic):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'levelFieldPolyphonic'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLfp
      self.argDefaults = ['event',]
      _SwitchLevelPolyphonic.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class LevelOctavePolyphonic(_SwitchLevelPolyphonic):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'levelOctavePolyphonic'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLop
      self.argDefaults = ['event',] # default for octave is usually event
      _SwitchLevelPolyphonic.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

# control switch level for between frames and events

class _SwitchLevelFrame(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) 
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str',]
      self.argNames = ['level: event, frame',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectLevelFrameParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

   # repr and __call__ defined in parent class

class LevelFrameDuration(_SwitchLevelFrame):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # note: define type first for first arg check arg checking
      self.type = 'levelFrameDuration'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLfd
      self.argDefaults = ['event',]
      _SwitchLevelFrame.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init

class LevelEventPartition(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      self.type = 'levelEventPartition'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLep
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str',]
      self.argNames = ['level: set, path',]
      self.argDefaults = ['path',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectLevelPartitionParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def _selectLevelPartitionParser(self, usrStr):
      "decode control choice strings"
      ref = {
         'path' : ['p'],
         'set' : ['s'],
      usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
      if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr
      return usrStr

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

class EventDensityPartition(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):

   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # below called before all parent classes
      self.type = 'eventDensityPartition'
      self.doc = lang.docPoEdp      
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict)
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str']
      self.argNames = ['level: duration, set',]
      self.argDefaults = ['duration',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectDensityPartitionParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def _selectDensityPartitionParser(self, usrStr):
      "decode control choice strings"
      ref = {
         'duration' : ['d', 'dur'],
         'set' : ['s'],
      usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
      if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr
      return usrStr

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

class LevelEventCount(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # below called before all parent classes
      self.type = 'levelEventCount'
      self.doc = lang.docPoLec      
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict)
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str']
      self.argNames = ['level: segment, texture',]
      self.argDefaults = ['segment',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._selectLevelEventCountParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def _selectLevelEventCountParser(self, usrStr):
      "decode control choice strings"
      ref = {
         'texture' : ['t', 'text', 'texture'],
         'segment' : ['s', 'seg', 'segment'],
      usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
      if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr
      return usrStr

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

class TotalSegmentCount(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      # below called before all parent classes
      self.type = 'totalSegmentCount'
      self.doc = lang.docPoTsc
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict)
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['num']
      self.argNames = ['count']
      self.argDefaults = [10]
      # check raw arguments for number, typtimeDelaye
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.switch('count') <= 0:
         msg = 'eventCount must be greater than zero.'
         return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

class InterpolationMethodControl(basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      self.type = 'interpolationMethodControl'
      self.doc = lang.docPoImc
      basePmtr.StaticParameterTexture.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base
      # arg types exclude name of parameter: just data arg
      self.argTypes = ['str',]
      self.argNames = ['method: linear, halfCosine, power',]
      self.argDefaults = ['linear',]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.args[0] = self._interpolationMethodControlParser(self.args[0])
      # must call update switches to fill internal dictionary

   def _interpolationMethodControlParser(self, usrStr):
      "decode control choice strings"
      ref = {
         'linear' : ['l'],
         'halfCosine' : ['h', 'c', 'hc'],
         'power' : ['p', 'e', 'exp'],
      usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
      if usrStr == None:
         selStr = drawer.selectionParseKeyLabel(ref)
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'bad control value: enter %s.' % selStr
      return usrStr

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, ''

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