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athenaCL » athenaCL » libATH » libPmtr » rhythmSingle.py
# Name:         rhythmSingle.py
# Purpose:      definitions of all paramater objects.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2001-2006 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import random
from athenaCL.libATH import genetic# gaRhythmMod # mod confl w/ class below
from athenaCL.libATH import rhythm
from athenaCL.libATH import sieve
from athenaCL.libATH import markov
from athenaCL.libATH import drawer
from athenaCL.libATH import error
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()

from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import basePmtr

_MOD = 'rhythmSingle.py'

class BinaryAccent(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'binaryAccent'
      self.doc = lang.docPoBa
      self.argTypes = ['list',]
      self.argNames = ['pulseList']
      self.argDefaults = [[(3,1,1),(3,2,1)],]

      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
         self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(self.args[0])  # first arg list of rhtyhms
      except error.PulseSyntaxError:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "enter a list of two pulse objects."
      #self.rObj = self._expandRhythm(self.rObj)
      if len(self.rObj) != 2:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "enter a list of two pulse objects."
      # set sustain mults for each pulse

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, '' # success

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = '%s, %s' % (self.type, self.rObj.repr('triple'))
      if format == 'argsOnly':
         return msg # chop off return carriage
      return msg

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.bpm in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      # calc new durations base don new tempo
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      if refDict['stateCurrentPitchRaw'] == refDict['stateCurrentChord'][0]:
         self.currentValue = self.rObj[1](self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
         self.currentPulse = self.rObj[1]
      else: # override acc value
         self.currentValue = self.rObj[0](self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
         self.currentPulse = self.rObj[0]
      return self.currentValue

   def postEvent(self, eventDict, refDict):
      "binary accent provides an amp accent if pc == chordCurrent[0]"
      if refDict['stateCurrentPitchRaw'] == refDict['stateCurrentChord'][0]:
         eventDict['amp'] = eventDict['amp'] * 1.08 # scale value
      return eventDict


class GaRhythm(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'gaRhythm'
      self.doc = lang.docPoGr
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'num', 'num', 'num', 'str', 'num']
      self.argNames = ['pulseList', 'crossover', 'mutation', 'elitism',
                       'selectionString', 'populationSize']
      self.argDefaults = [[(3,1,1),(3,1,1),(6,1,1),(6,3,1),(3,1,0)],.70,
                          .060, 0.01, 'oc', 20]
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      # args = [rObj, crossoverRate, mutationRate, percentElite]
      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
      self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(self.args[0])      
      # must check rhythm before instantiating genome
      if len(self.rObj) <= 2:
         msg = 'pulse list error: supply a rhythm of 3 or more pulses'
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # exapnd rhythms without rests
      #self.rObj = self._expandRhythm(self.rObj)
      self.bpm = 120 # used for initial dur calculations
      self.crossoverRate = self.args[1]
      self.mutationRate  = self.args[2]
      self.percentElite  = self.args[3]

      # get populationi size as last arg
      self.popSize = self.args[5]
      if self.popSize < 2:
         msg = 'population size must be 2 or greater'
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

         self.genome = genetic.Genome(self.popSize, self.rObj.get('triple'),
                       rhythm.bpmToBeatTime(self.bpm), self.crossoverRate, 
                       self.mutationRate, self.percentElite)
      except ValueError:
         self.genome = None # this will return error when args checked
      if self.genome == None:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'genome failed to be populated.'

      self.rObjBundle = [] # stores list of rhythms, by family
      self.pulseBundle = [] # stores all pulses as one list

      self.rawRhythmBundle = self.genome.gen(40, 1) # 2nd arg makes silent
      for rawList in self.rawRhythmBundle:
         rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(rawList)
         rObj.setSus(.94) # create equal sustain
         self.rObjBundle.append(rObj) # list of rhythms
         for i in range(0, len(rObj)):
            self.pulseBundle.append(rObj[i]) # flat list of pulse objects

      # set pulseBundle as list from which selector draws
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[4]) # raises exception
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.pulseBundle, self.control)

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.crossoverRate < 0 or self.crossoverRate > 1:
         return 0, 'range error: crossover rate must be between 0 and 1.'
      if self.mutationRate < 0 or self.mutationRate > 1:
         return 0, 'range error: mutation rate must be between 0 and 1.'
      if self.percentElite < 0 or self.percentElite > 1:
         return 0, 'range error: percent elite must be between 0 and 1.'
      return 1, ''

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (self.type,
                 typeset.anyDataToStr(self.percentElite), self.control,
      if format == 'argsOnly': # if not off, doesnt add list of rhythms
         return ''.join(msg)
      for rObj in self.rObjBundle: # use rObj bundle to get lists of variations
         msg.append(self.LMARGIN + '%s' % rObj.repr('triple'))
      msg = msg[:-1] # chop off last return carriage
      return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.bpm in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      self.beatT should be updated in TMclass.getRhythm method
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      self.currentPulse = self.selector()
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue


class Loop(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'loop'
      self.doc = lang.docPoL
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'str']
      self.argNames = ['pulseList', 'selectionString']
      self.argDefaults = [((3,1,1),(3,1,1),(8,1,1),(8,1,1),(8,3,1),(3,2,0)),
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
         self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm(self.args[0])
      except error.PulseSyntaxError:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "enter a list of pulse objects."
      for r in range(0, len(self.rObj)):
         self.rObj[r].setSus(.94) # set constant sustain, was 98, but still cut

      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[1]) # raises exception
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.rObj, self.control)

   def checkArgs(self):
      if len(self.rObj) < 1:
         return 0, 'list error: there must be rhythms in this list.'
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = '%s, %s, %s' % (self.type, self.rObj.repr('triple'), self.control)
      if format == 'argsOnly': 
         return msg
      return msg

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      get next rhythm in the list
      if the last rhyth, reset position to 0
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      self.currentPulse = self.selector()
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue

class ConvertSecond(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'convertSecond'
      self.doc = lang.docPoCs
      self.argTypes = ['list',]
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: duration values in seconds',]
      self.argDefaults = [('ru', .25, 2.5),]
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
      # might be good to calculate a proper rhyhm object with given tempo
      self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm((1,1)) # just a place holder
      self.pmtrObj = self._loadSub(args[0], 'genPmtrObjs')
   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.pmtrObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0:
         return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      return '%s, (%s)' % (self.type, self.pmtrObj.repr(format))

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm'] # bpm is not used to calc values
      # these are calculated values, not raw pulse values
      dur =  self.pmtrObj(t, refDict)
      sus = .999 * dur
      acc = 1
      # creat object for reference
      self.currentPulse = None # cannot create pulse, as no bpm is envolved
      self.currentValue = dur, sus, acc # no rests are possible
      return self.currentValue

class ConvertSecondTriple(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   # cst, (ws, e, 20, 0, .25, 1.25), (ws, e, 20, .5, .25, 1.25), (c, 1)
   # dur is the time of the real rhythm, i.e., time till next note
   # sus is the time of sounding
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'convertSecondTriple'
      self.doc = lang.docPoCst
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: duration values in seconds',
                       'parameterObject: sustain values in seconds',
                       'parameterObject: accent values between 0 and 1',]
      self.argDefaults = [('ws','e',30,0,.25,2.5), ('ws','e',60,.25,.25,2.5), 
                          ('bg', 'rc', [0,1,1,1])]
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if not ok: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
      # might be good to calculate a proper rhyhm object with given tempo
      self.rObj = rhythm.Rhythm((1,1)) # just a place holder
      self.durObj = self._loadSub(args[0], 'genPmtrObjs', 'duration')
      self.susObj = self._loadSub(args[1], 'genPmtrObjs', 'sustain')
      self.accObj = self._loadSub(args[2], 'genPmtrObjs', 'accent')

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.durObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.susObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.accObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      d = self.durObj.repr(format)
      s = self.susObj.repr(format)
      a = self.accObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), (%s)' % (self.type, d, s, a)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm'] # bpm is not used to calc values
      # these are calculated values, not raw pulse values
      dur = abs(self.durObj(t, refDict))
      sus = abs(self.susObj(t, refDict)) 
      acc = abs(self.accObj(t, refDict)) 
      # this is interesting, but violates the intended use 
      # of accent as an amp scalar
      #acc = drawer.floatToInt(self.accObj(t, refDict), 'weight')
      if acc <= 0: acc = 0
      elif acc >= 1: acc = 1
      # creat object for reference
      self.currentPulse = None # cannot create pulse, as no bpm is envolved
      self.currentValue = dur, sus, acc # no rests are possible
      return self.currentValue

class PulseTriple(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'pulseTriple'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPt
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'list', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: pulse divisor',
                       'parameterObject: pulse multiplier',
                       'parameterObject: accent value between 0 and 1',
                       'parameterObject: sustain scalar greater than 0',]
      self.argDefaults = [('bg','rc',(6,5,4,3)), ('bg','rc',(1,2,3)), 
                          ('bg','rc',(1,1,1,0)), ('ru', .5, 1.5)]
      self.argDemos = [[('c',4),('cl','f{s}x{81}y{120}k{2}r{1}w{6}c{-2}',109,0.01,'sr','oc'),('cv','f{s}x{81}y{120}k{2}r{1}w{3}c{8}',109,0.003,'sr',0,1,'oc'),('c',1)],
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if not ok: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm
      # will raise error 
      self.divObj  = self._loadSub(args[0], 'genPmtrObjs', 'divisor')
      self.multObj = self._loadSub(args[1], 'genPmtrObjs', 'multiplier')
      self.accObj  = self._loadSub(args[2], 'genPmtrObjs', 'accent')
      self.susObj  = self._loadSub(args[3], 'genPmtrObjs', 'sustain')
   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.divObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.multObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.accObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.susObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      d = self.divObj.repr(format)
      m = self.multObj.repr(format)
      a = self.accObj.repr(format)
      s = self.susObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), (%s), (%s)' % (self.type, d, m, a, s)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm'] # bpm is not used to calc values
      # these are calculated values, not raw pulse values
      d = abs(drawer.floatToInt(self.divObj(t, refDict), 'weight'))
      if d == 0: d = 1
      m = abs(drawer.floatToInt(self.multObj(t, refDict), 'weight'))
      if m == 0: m = 1
      # used to be round; this is no longer done, as acc are implemented
      acc = abs(self.accObj(t, refDict))
      if acc <= 0: acc = 0 # must limit b/n 0 and 1
      elif acc >= 1: acc = 1
      sus = abs(self.susObj(t, refDict)) # dont round or weight
      if sus == 0: sus = 1 # sus of 0 is an error
      # create pulse object
      self.currentPulse = rhythm.Pulse((d, m, acc), 'triple')
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # call w/ bpm
      return self.currentValue


class PulseSieve(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'pulseSieve'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPs
      self.argTypes = [['str', 'num','list'], 'num', 'list', 'str', 'str']
      self.argNames = ['logicalString', 'sieveLength', 'pulse',
                       'selectionString', 'articulationString']
      self.argDefaults = ['3|4|5@2', 60, (3,1,1), 'oc', 'a']
      self.argDemos = [['3|4|5@2', 60, (4,1,1), 'rc', 's'],
      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm      
      self.length = abs(int(round(self.args[1])))
      self.z = range(0, self.length)
         self.sieveObj = sieve.Sieve(self.args[0], self.z)
      except AttributeError: 
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "incorrect sieve syntax."

         self.pulseObj = rhythm.Pulse(self.args[2])
      except error.PulseSyntaxError:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "incorrect sieve syntax."
      self.pulseObj.setSus(.94) # no sustain

      self.pulseOn = self.pulseObj.copy()
      self.pulseOn.setAcc(1)  # force on
      self.pulseOff = self.pulseObj.copy()
      self.pulseOff.setAcc(0) # force off
      # gets a list if numbers, like 0,3,4,6,9,10
      # interpret as equal dur time points

      # get format based on ariticulation
      self.articulation = self._articulationParser(self.args[4])
      if self.articulation == 'sustain': fmt = 'wid'
      elif self.articulation == 'attack': fmt = 'bin'
      self.sieveSeg = self.sieveObj(0, self.z)
      # set z as list from which selector draws
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[3]) # raises exception
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.sieveSeg, self.control)

   def checkArgs(self):
      if len(self.sieveSeg) == 0:
         return 0, 'sieve segment is empty; choose a longer length.'
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (self.type, str(self.sieveObj),
         typeset.anyDataToStr(self.length), self.pulseObj.repr('triple'), 
         self.control, self.articulation))
      if format == 'argsOnly': 
         return ''.join(msg)
      # show sieve if not argsOnly
      msg.append(self.LMARGIN + '%s' % self._scrubList(self.sieveSeg))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      if its an attack, use binary segment to select on /off
      if its a sustain, use binary on and scale
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      if self.articulation == 'attack':
         bin = self.selector() # get integer from self.z
         if bin: # if at this step in sieve seg
            self.currentPulse = self.pulseOn
         else: # supply a rest
            self.currentPulse = self.pulseOff
         wid = self.selector() # wid will be 1 or greater
         self.currentPulse = self.pulseOn.copy() # always on, get a copy
         self.currentPulse.scale(wid) # scale by width
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue


class RhythmSieve(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'rhythmSieve'
      self.doc = lang.docPoRs
      self.argTypes = [['str', 'num', 'list'], 'num', 'str', 'list',]
      self.argNames = ['logicalString', 'sieveLength', 'selectionString', 
                       'parameterObject: Rhythm Generator']
      self.argDefaults = ['3|4|5', 60, 'rw', ('l', ((3,1,1),(3,1,1),(3,5,1))),]

      self.priority = 9 # rhythm gets top priority
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      self.currentPulse = None # init value, used in getCurrentRhythm      
      self.length = abs(int(round(self.args[1])))
      self.z = range(0, self.length)
         self.sieveObj = sieve.Sieve(self.args[0], self.z)
      except AttributeError: 
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, "incorrect sieve syntax."

      # NOTE: update this to use binary segment
      # gets a binary representawtion
      self.sieveSeg = self.sieveObj(0, self.z, 'bin')
      # set z as list from which selector draws
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2]) # raises exception
      # select 1/0 from ginary sieve seg
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.sieveSeg, self.control)
      # create a parameter object      
      self.rthmObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'rthmPmtrObjs')

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.rthmObj.checkArgs()
      if ok != 1: return ok, msg
      if len(self.sieveSeg) == 0:
         return 0, 'sieve segment is empty; choose a longer length.'
      if self.length < 1:
         return 0, 'argument error: length must be 1 or greater.'
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s, %s, %s, (%s)' % (self.type, str(self.sieveObj),
         typeset.anyDataToStr(self.length), self.control, 
      if format == 'argsOnly': 
         return ''.join(msg)
      # show sieve if not argsOnly
      msg.append(self.LMARGIN + '%s' % self._scrubList(self.sieveSeg))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      """all rhythm objects must use self.beatT in the 'call' method 
      in order to account for changes in tempo
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      # call to process
      junk = self.rthmObj(t, refDict)
      pulseObj = self.rthmObj.currentPulse # get pulse object

      pulseOn = pulseObj.copy()
      pulseOn.setAcc(1)  # force on
      pulseOff = pulseObj.copy()
      pulseOff.setAcc(0) # force off

      bin = self.selector() # get integer from self.z
      if bin: # if 1
         self.currentPulse = pulseOn
      else: # # a slot
         self.currentPulse = pulseOff
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue

class MarkovPulse(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'markovPulse'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMp
      self.argTypes = ['str', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['transitionString', 'parameterObject: order value']
      # note: restringulator can hand commas in braces...
      self.argDefaults = ['a{3,1,1}b{2,1,1}c{3,2,0}:{a=3|b=4|c=1}', 
                         ('c', 0)]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      self.markovObj = markov.Transition() # creat obj w/o loading
      except error.TransitionSyntaxError, e: 
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'Markov transition creation failed: %s' % e
      # will raise error
      self.orderObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
      # need to store accumulated values
      self.accum = []
      # create a dictionary to store pulse objects, w/ string
      self.pulseRef = {}
      # we only need unique signified; even if more than one symbol refers
      # to the same signified, this does not matter
      for key in self.markovObj.getSignified():
            pulseObj = rhythm.Pulse(key) # let guess pulse type
         except error.PulseSyntaxError, e:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed pulse object definition: %s' % e
         self.pulseRef[key] = pulseObj # store objs

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.orderObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   def repr(self, format=''):
      orderStr = self.orderObj.repr(format)
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, %s, (%s)' % (self.type, str(self.markovObj), orderStr))
      return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):
      self.accum = []

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      # assume that unitVal is produced with a uniform distribution
      unitVal = random.random() # check random instance creation...
      order = self.orderObj(t, refDict)
      self.accum.append(self.markovObj.next(unitVal, self.accum, order))
      if len(self.accum) > self.MARKOVLIMIT:
         self.accum.pop(0) # remove first in list
      # the value returned from next will be a signified, not a symbol
      self.currentPulse = self.pulseRef[self.accum[-1]] # get pulse object
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue
class MarkovRhythmAnalysis(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):

   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'markovRhythmAnalysis'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMra
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'int', 'int', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: source Rhythm Generator', 
                       'parameterObject: output order value'
      self.argDefaults = [('l', 
                           'oc'), 12, 2, ('cg','u',0,2,.25)]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.srcObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'rthmPmtrObjs')
      self.pulseCount = self.args[1]
      self.maxAnalysisOrder = self.args[2]
      self.orderObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'genPmtrObjs')

      # need to store accumulated values
      self.analysisSeries = []
      self.accum = []
      # create a dictionary to store pulse objects, w/ string
      self.pulseRef = {}
      # analysis is done on init
      self.markovObj = markov.Transition() # creat obj w/o loading
      # this may raise an exception

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.pulseCount <= 0:
         return 0, 'valueCount error: must be greater than zero.'
      if self.maxAnalysisOrder <= 0:
         return 0, 'maxAnalysisOrder error: must be greater than zero.'
      if self.maxAnalysisOrder > self.MARKOVLIMIT:
         return 0, 'maxAnalysisOrder error: analysis order cannot exceed %s.' \
                   % self.MARKOVLIMIT
      ok, msg = self.srcObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.orderObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, ''

   def repr(self, format=''):   
      s = self.srcObj.repr(format)
      o = self.orderObj.repr(format)
      msg = []
      msg.append('%s, (%s), %s, %s, (%s)' % (self.type, s, 
         typeset.anyDataToStr(self.maxAnalysisOrder), o))
      #if format == 'argsOnly': # as string
      return ''.join(msg)
      # show markov if not argsOnly
      # this will be a problem if depth is significant
      #msg.append(self.LMARGIN + '%s' % str(self.markovObj))
      #return ''.join(msg)

   def reset(self):
      self.accum = []
      self.pulseRef = {}
      self._updateAnalysis() # srcObj will be reset before this, so may be same
   def _updateAnalysis(self):
      # note: this may raise an error if po is expecting values in the refDict
      self.analysisSeries = []
      for i in range(self.pulseCount):
         refDict = {'bpm':60} # this bpm value is not relevant, but needed
         q = self.srcObj(i, refDict) # call object to get next value
      # create object with source values
      self.markovObj.loadList(self.analysisSeries, self.maxAnalysisOrder)
      for key in self.markovObj.getSignified(): # get pulse strings
         # this should never raise an error, as generate by rhythm pmtr obj
         self.pulseRef[key] =  rhythm.Pulse(key, 'triple')  # store objs

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      # assume that unitVal is produced with a uniform distribution
      unitVal = random.random() # check random instance creation...
      order = self.orderObj(t, refDict)
      self.accum.append(self.markovObj.next(unitVal, self.accum, order))
      if len(self.accum) > self.MARKOVLIMIT:
         self.accum.pop(0) # remove first in list

      self.currentPulse = self.pulseRef[self.accum[-1]] # get pulse object
      self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc
      return self.currentValue

class IterateRhythmGroup(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   # this follows closel 
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'iterateRhythmGroup'
      self.doc = lang.docPoIrg
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: source Rhythm Generator', 
                       'parameterObject: group or skip control Generator']      
      self.argDefaults = [('l', 
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.valueBuffer = [] # grouped values that must be used before expelling
      self.rthmObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'rthmPmtrObjs')
      self.controlObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.rthmObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      ok, msg = self.controlObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):   
      genStr = self.rthmObj.repr(format)
      controlStr = self.controlObj.repr(format)         
      return '%s, (%s), (%s)' % (self.type, genStr, controlStr)

   def reset(self):
      self.valueBuffer = [] # reset initial value
   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      if self.valueBuffer == []: # empty
         failCount = 0
         # note that t and refDict are constant within this loop
         while 1:
            q = self.controlObj(t, refDict) # this should be a number
            q = drawer.floatToInt(q)
            if q < 0: # skip values
               for r in range(-drawer.floatToInt(q)):
                  skip = self.rthmObj(t, refDict) # discard value
            elif q > 0: # repeat values
               # drop list reprsentation,get object
               valTriple = self.rthmObj(t, refDict)
               valObj = self.rthmObj.currentPulse # get pulse object
               for r in range(q): # pack same value multiple times
                  self.valueBuffer.append((valTriple, valObj)) 
            # force the selection of a new value, examin results
            failCount = failCount + 1      
            if failCount > self.FAILLIMIT and self.valueBuffer == []:
               print lang.WARN, self.type, 'no values obtained; supplying value'
               valTriple = self.rthmObj(t, refDict)
               valObj = self.rthmObj.currentPulse
               self.valueBuffer.append((valTriple, valObj))
            # leave loop of values in buffer
            if self.valueBuffer != []: break
      # get value from value buffer
      valTriple, self.currentPulse = self.valueBuffer.pop(0) # get and remove
      if self.currentPulse != None: # use bpm if possible
         self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc   
         self.currentValue = valTriple
      return self.currentValue

class IterateRhythmWindow(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   # this follows closel 
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'iterateRhythmWindow'
      self.doc = lang.docPoIrw
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'str']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObjectList: a list of Rhythm Generators', 
                       'parameterObject: generate or skip control Generator', 

      self.argDefaults = [(
             ('l', ((4,3,1),(4,3,1),(4,2,0),(8,1,1),(4,2,1),(4,2,1)),'oc'),
             ('cs', ('ru', 1.5, 4)),
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.valueBuffer = [] # values g selected 

      from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
      self.objArray = []
      for argList in self.args[0]:
            pmtrObj = parameter.factory(argList, 'rthmPmtrObjs')
         except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
      self.countObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')   
      # check control string
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2]) 
      # create a selector that returns indix values for objArray
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(range(len(self.objArray)), self.control)

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.countObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      for obj in self.objArray:
         if obj.parent != 'rhythm':
            return 0, 'all sub ParameterObjects must be a Generator.'
         ok, msg = obj.checkArgs()
         if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):   
      countStr = self.countObj.repr(format)
      subPmtr = []
      for obj in self.objArray:
         subPmtr.append('(%s)' % (obj.repr(format)))
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), %s' % (self.type, ', '.join(subPmtr), 
                                     countStr, self.control)
   def reset(self):
      # call other resets
      for obj in self.objArray:
      self.valueBuffer = [] # reset initial value
   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      if self.valueBuffer == []: # empty
         failCount = 0
         # note that t and refDict are static while updating
         while 1:
            pos = self.selector() # get position in obj arary
            q = self.countObj(t, refDict) # this should be a number
            q = drawer.floatToInt(q)
            if q < 0: # skip values
               for r in range(q): 
                  skip = self.genObj(t, refDict) # discard value
            elif q > 0: # gen values
               for r in range(q): 
                  # there is a potential problem here if t is not changed
                  # some parameter objects will return the same value
                  valTriple = self.objArray[pos](t, refDict)
                  valObj = self.objArray[pos].currentPulse
                  # must store obj and triple, incase no obj exists
                  self.valueBuffer.append((valTriple, valObj))
            # force the selection of a new value, examine results
            failCount = failCount + 1      
            if failCount > self.FAILLIMIT and self.valueBuffer == []:
               print lang.WARN, self.type, 'no values obtained; supplying value'
               valTriple = self.objArray[pos](t, refDict)
               valObj = self.objArray[pos].currentPulse
               self.valueBuffer.append((valTriple, valObj))
            # leave loop if values in buffer
            if self.valueBuffer != []: break
      # get value from value buffer
      valTriple, self.currentPulse = self.valueBuffer.pop(0) # get and remove
      if self.currentPulse != None: # use bpm if possible
         self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc   
         self.currentValue = valTriple
      return self.currentValue

class IterateRhythmHold(basePmtr.RhythmParameter):
   # holds values and selects; variable refresh rates
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.RhythmParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'iterateRhythmHold'
      self.doc = lang.docPoIrh
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'list', 'str']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: source Rhythm Generator', 
                       'parameterObject: size Generator', 
                       'parameterObject: refresh count Generator', 

      self.argDefaults = [('pt',('bg', 'rc', (4,2)),('bg', 'oc', (5,4,3,2,1)),
                          ('c', 1), ('ru', .75, 1.25)),
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error

      self.srcObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'rthmPmtrObjs')   
      self.sizeObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')   
      self.refreshObj = self._loadSub(self.args[2], 'genPmtrObjs')   
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[3]) # check control string
      self.valueBuffer = [] # collection values selected from
      self.eventCount = 0
      self.eventCountTotal = 0
      self.refreshValue = None

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.srcObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      ok, msg = self.sizeObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      ok, msg = self.refreshObj.checkArgs()
      if not ok: return 0, msg   
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      srcStr = self.srcObj.repr(format)
      sizeStr = self.sizeObj.repr(format)
      refreshStr = self.refreshObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), (%s), %s' % (self.type, srcStr, sizeStr, 
                                           refreshStr, self.control)
   def reset(self):
      # call other resets
      self.eventCountTotal = 0 # only reset when all reset

   def _refresh(self, count, t, refDict):
      """refresh values stored in the col attribute; this is done during a run
      and is not the same as a reset"""
      count = int(round(count))
      if count == 0 and self.valueBuffer != []:
         return # do nothing if filled, continue to use values
      elif count == 0 and self.valueBuffer == []: 
         count = self.FAILLIMIT # force some values to be added
      else: pass # keep count as is
      self.valueBuffer = [] # clear list
      # get total event count values when refreshing
      for t in range(self.eventCountTotal, self.eventCountTotal + count): 
         valTriple = self.srcObj(t, refDict)
         valObj = self.srcObj.currentPulse
         self.valueBuffer.append((valTriple, valObj))
      self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.valueBuffer, self.control)
      self.eventCount = 0

   def __call__(self, t=None, refDict=None):
      self.bpm = refDict['bpm']
      if ((self.eventCount >= self.refreshValue and self.refreshValue != 0) or
         self.eventCountTotal == 0): # last for first event, where refresh None
         self._refresh(self.sizeObj(t, refDict), t, refDict)
      # need to get a new refresh value
      if self.eventCount == 0 or self.eventCountTotal == 0: 
         self.refreshValue = abs(int(round(self.refreshObj(t, refDict))))
      # if tt many events have happend, refresh, otherwise or if 0, dont      
      self.eventCount = self.eventCount + 1
      self.eventCountTotal = self.eventCountTotal + 1
      # get value from value buffer
      valTriple, self.currentPulse = self.selector() # get first and remove
      if self.currentPulse != None: # use bpm if possible
         self.currentValue = self.currentPulse(self.bpm) # dur, sus, acc   
         self.currentValue = valTriple
      return self.currentValue

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