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# Name:
# Purpose:      definitions of all paramater objects.
# Authors:      Christopher Ariza
# Copyright:    (c) 2004-2007 Christopher Ariza
# License:      GPL

import copy
from athenaCL.libATH import language
lang = language.LangObj()
from athenaCL.libATH import quantize
from athenaCL.libATH import unit
from athenaCL.libATH import error
from athenaCL.libATH import typeset

from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import basePmtr
_MOD = ''

class Bypass(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDictArray):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDictArray) 
      self.type = 'bypass'
      self.doc = lang.docPoB
      self.argTypes = [] # no args to bypass
      self.argNames = []
      self.argDefaults = []
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      return '%s' % (self.type)

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      """bypass does not change any values"""
      return valArray

class OrderBackward(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDictArray):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDictArray) 
      self.type = 'orderBackward'
      self.doc = lang.docPoOb
      self.argTypes = [] # no args to bypass
      self.argNames = []
      self.argDefaults = []
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default

   def checkArgs(self):
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      return '%s' % (self.type)

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      """reverse values"""
      self.currentValue = copy.copy(valArray)
      return self.currentValue

class OrderRotate(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDictArray):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDictArray) 
      self.type = 'orderRotate'
      self.doc = lang.docPoOr
      self.argTypes = ['int'] # no args to bypass
      self.argNames = ['rotationSize']
      self.argDefaults = [40]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ('num', 'str') # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.steps = self.args[0]

   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.steps <= 0:
         return 0, 'number of rotation steps must be greater than 0'
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      return '%s, %s' % (self.type, self.steps)

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      """reverse values"""
      cut = self.steps % len(valArray) 
      self.currentValue = copy.copy(valArray)
      self.currentValue = self.currentValue[cut:] + self.currentValue[:cut] 
      return self.currentValue

class PipeLine(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'pipeLine'
      self.doc = lang.docPoPl
      self.argTypes = ['list']
      self.argNames = ['filterParameterObjectList: a list of sequential Filter ParameterObjects']
      self.argDefaults = [[['or', 40], ['ob']]]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num', 'str'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
      self.objArray = []
      for argList in self.args[0]:
            pmtrObj = parameter.factory(argList, 'filterPmtrObjs')
         except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg

   def checkArgs(self):
      # make sure all parameter objects are filters
      for obj in self.objArray:
         if obj.parent != 'cloneFilter':
            return 0, 'all sub ParameterObjects must be a filter.'
         ok, msg = obj.checkArgs()
         if not ok: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 
   def repr(self, format=''):
      subPmtr = []
      for obj in self.objArray:
         subPmtr.append('(%s)' % (obj.repr(format)))
      return '%s, (%s)' % (self.type, ', '.join(subPmtr))

   def reset(self):
      for obj in self.objArray:

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      valScrub = copy.copy(valArray) # dont use valArray; make a copy
      for obj in self.objArray:
         # check that current array is as long as the original
         assert len(valScrub) == len(valArray)
         valAccum = []
         valAccum = obj(valScrub, tArray, refDictArray)
         valScrub = copy.copy(valAccum)         
      self.currentValue = valScrub
      return self.currentValue

class FilterQuantize(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterQuantize'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFq
      self.argTypes = ['list', 'list', 'int', 'list']
      self.argNames = [
                  'parameterObject: grid reference value Generator', 
                  'parameterObject: step width Generator', 
                  'parameterObject: unit interval measure of quantize pull',]
      self.argDefaults = [('c', 0), ('c', .25), 1, ('c',1)]
      self.argDemos = [
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      # will raise exception on error
      self.gridRefObj = self._loadSub(self.args[0], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.stepGenObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.stepCount = self.args[2]
      self.pullObj = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.quantObj = quantize.Quantizer(self.LOOPLIMIT)
   def checkArgs(self):
      if self.stepCount <= 0:
         return 0, 'stepCount error: must be greater than zero.'
      ok, msg = self.gridRefObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.stepGenObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.pullObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 
   def repr(self, format=''):
      g = self.gridRefObj.repr(format)
      s = self.stepGenObj.repr(format)
      p = self.pullObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), %s, (%s)' % (self.type, g,
                s, typeset.anyDataToStr(self.stepCount), p)

   def reset(self):

   def _buildGrid(self, t, refDict):
      # this is a grid of interval steps, not absoulte weights
      # only need a few steps; quantizer will take care of rest
      # po in used to build grid has a constant t
      grid = []
      for i in range(self.stepCount):
         # potential problem for time-based parameter objects
         # supply i instead of t, get at least steps
         q = self.stepGenObj(i, refDict)
         if q == 0: continue # no use in a 0 width grid
      # accept redundant values, always take in order
      if grid == []: # this is a problem
         print lang.WARN, self.type, 'supplying grid with default values'
         grid.append(1) # give it something
      return grid

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
       # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(len(valArray)):
         val = valArray[i]
         t = tArray[i]
         refDict = refDictArray[i]
         self.quantObj.updateGrid(self._buildGrid(t, refDict)) 
         g = self.gridRefObj(t, refDict)
         p = self.pullObj(t, refDict)
         self.currentValue.append(self.quantObj.attract(val, p, g))            
      return self.currentValue

class FilterFunnelBinary(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterFunnelBinary'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFfb
      self.argTypes = ['str', 'list', 'list', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['thresholdMatchString: upper, lower, match',
                       'parameterObject: threshold', 
                       'parameterObject: first boundary', 
                       'parameterObject: second boundary']
      self.argDefaults = ['u',('bpl', 'e', 's', ((0,0),(120,1))), 
      self.argDemos = [ ['m', ('c', .2), ('bpl','e','l',((0,0),(60,.5))),
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      # will raise exceptio on error
      self.thresholdMatch = self._thresholdMatchParser(self.args[0]) 
      self.thresholdPmtrObj = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.boundingPmtrObjA = self._loadSub(self.args[2], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.boundingPmtrObjB = self._loadSub(self.args[3], 'genPmtrObjs')

   def checkArgs(self):
      # make sure all parameter objects are filters
      ok, msg = self.thresholdPmtrObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.boundingPmtrObjA.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.boundingPmtrObjB.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 
   def repr(self, format=''):
      h = self.thresholdPmtrObj.repr(format)
      a = self.boundingPmtrObjA.repr(format)
      b = self.boundingPmtrObjB.repr(format)
      return '%s, %s, (%s), (%s), (%s)' % (self.type, 
         self.thresholdMatch, h, a, b)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
       # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(len(valArray)):
         val = valArray[i]
         t = tArray[i]
         refDict = refDictArray[i]
         h = self.thresholdPmtrObj(t, refDict)
         a = self.boundingPmtrObjA(t, refDict)
         b = self.boundingPmtrObjB(t, refDict)
         self.currentValue.append(quantize.funnelBinary(h, a, b, val,
      return self.currentValue

class MaskFilter(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'maskFilter'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMf
      self.argTypes = ['str', 'list', 'list']
      self.argNames = [
                  'boundaryString: limit, wrap, reflect',
                  'parameterObject: first boundary', 
                  'parameterObject: second boundary', 
      self.argDefaults = ['l',('ws','e',60,0,.5,0),('wc','e',90,0,.5,1)]
      self.argDemos = []
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      # will raise exception on error
      self.boundaryMethod = self._boundaryParser(self.args[0]) 
      self.boundingPmtrObjA = self._loadSub(self.args[1], 'genPmtrObjs')
      self.boundingPmtrObjB = self._loadSub(self.args[2], 'genPmtrObjs')
   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.boundingPmtrObjA.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      ok, msg = self.boundingPmtrObjB.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 
   def repr(self, format=''):
      a = self.boundingPmtrObjA.repr(format)
      b = self.boundingPmtrObjB.repr(format)
      return '%s, %s, (%s), (%s)' % (self.type, self.boundaryMethod, a, b)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
       # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(len(valArray)):
         val = valArray[i]
         t = tArray[i]
         refDict = refDictArray[i]
         # get parameter obj values
         a = self.boundingPmtrObjA(t, refDict)
         b = self.boundingPmtrObjB(t, refDict)
         self.currentValue.append(unit.boundaryFit(a, b, val, 
      # return list of values
      return self.currentValue

class MaskScaleFilter(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'maskScaleFilter'
      self.doc = lang.docPoMsf
      self.argTypes = [ ['num','list'],  ['num','list'], 'str']
      self.argNames = [
      self.argDefaults = [('ws','e',60,0,.5,0),('wc','e',90,0,.5,1),'rc']
      self.argDemos = []
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      # will raise exception on error
      self.minObj, self.maxObj = self._loadMinMax(self.args[0], self.args[1])
      self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[2]) # raises exception

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.minObj.checkArgs()
      if ok != 1: return ok, msg
      ok, msg = self.maxObj.checkArgs()
      if ok != 1: return ok, msg
      return 1, '' 
   def repr(self, format=''):
      minStr = self.minObj.repr(format)
      maxStr = self.maxObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s), (%s), %s' % (self.type, minStr, maxStr, self.control)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
       # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []

      # normalize all values and add to selector w/ pre-defiend
      normSeries = unit.unitNormRange(valArray)
      selector = basePmtr.Selector(normSeries, self.control)

      for i in range(len(valArray)):
         val = valArray[i] # original value
         t = tArray[i]
         refDict = refDictArray[i]
         # get normalized val from selector, remap b/n min and max
         postVal = unit.denorm(selector(), 
                   self.minObj(t, refDict),  self.maxObj(t, refDict))

      # return list of values
      return self.currentValue

class Replace(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'replace'
      self.doc = lang.docPoR
      self.argTypes = ['list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: generator to replace original values']
      self.argDefaults = [('ru', 0, 1)]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = ['num', 'str'] # declare outputFmt as num by default
      from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
         self.pmtrObj = parameter.factory(self.args[0])
      except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.pmtrObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      pmtrStr = self.pmtrObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s)' % (self.type, pmtrStr)

   def reset(self):

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(len(valArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
      return self.currentValue

class _FilterOperator(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = None
      self.argTypes = ['list']
      self.argNames = ['parameterObject: operator value generator']
      self.argDefaults = [('ws', 'e', 30, 0, 0, 1)]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
      try: # note: can be eithe gen or filter parameter object
         self.pmtrObj = parameter.factory(self.args[0], 
                                 [ 'genPmtrObjs','rthmPmtrObjs'])
      except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.pmtrObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      pmtrStr = self.pmtrObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, (%s)' % (self.type, pmtrStr)

   def reset(self):

class FilterAdd(_FilterOperator):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperator.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterAdd'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFa

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(0, len(valArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
         self.currentValue.append(valArray[i] + x)
      return self.currentValue

class FilterMultiply(_FilterOperator):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperator.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterMultiply'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFm

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(0, len(valArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
         self.currentValue.append(valArray[i] * x)
      return self.currentValue

class FilterDivide(_FilterOperator):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperator.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterDivide'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFd

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(0, len(valArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            self.currentValue.append(valArray[i] / float(x))
         except ZeroDivisionError: # bypass on zero div error
      return self.currentValue

class FilterPower(_FilterOperator):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperator.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterPower'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFp

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      # process each value
      self.currentValue = []
      for i in range(0, len(valArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
      return self.currentValue

class _FilterOperatorAnchor(basePmtr.FilterParameter):
   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      basePmtr.FilterParameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = None
      self.argTypes = ['str', 'list']
      self.argNames = ['anchorString', 
                       'parameterObject: operator value generator']
      self.argDefaults = ['lower', ('wc', 'e', 30, 0, 0, 1)]
      # check raw arguments for number, type
      ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
      if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg # report error
      # will raise exception on error
      self.outputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default
      self.inputFmt = 'num' # declare outputFmt as num by default

      self.anchor = self._anchorParser(self.args[0])
      #print _MOD, 'anchor set to', self.anchor
      from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
         self.pmtrObj = parameter.factory(self.args[1], 
                                 ['genPmtrObjs', 'rthmPmtrObjs'])
      except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg

   def checkArgs(self):
      ok, msg = self.pmtrObj.checkArgs()
      if ok == 0: return 0, msg
      return 1, '' 

   def repr(self, format=''):
      pmtrStr = self.pmtrObj.repr(format)
      return '%s, %s, (%s)' % (self.type, self.anchor, pmtrStr)

   def reset(self):

   def _calcAnchor(self, valArray):
      array = copy.copy(valArray)
      if self.anchor == 'lower':
         arraySort = copy.copy(array)
         arraySort.sort() # lowest at bottom
         return arraySort[0]
      elif self.anchor == 'upper':
         arraySort = copy.copy(array)
         arraySort.sort() # lowest at bottom
         return arraySort[-1]
      elif self.anchor == 'average':
         sum = 0.0
         for x in array:
            sum = sum + x
         return sum / float(len(array))
      elif self.anchor == 'median':
         if len(array) % 2 == 0: #even
            a = len(array) / 2
            b = a - 1        
            return (array[a] + array[b]) / 2.0
         else: # odd
            i = (len(array) - 1) / 2
            return array[i]

   def _shiftArray(self, valArray, shift):
      newArray = []
      for val in valArray:
         newArray.append(val + shift)
      return newArray

class FilterMultiplyAnchor(_FilterOperatorAnchor):
   """filterMultiplyAnchor, anchor, parameterObject
Arguments: (1) name,(2) anchor string 'lower', 'upper', 'average', or 'median' (3) parameterObject"""

   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperatorAnchor.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterMultiplyAnchor'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFma

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      anchorVal = self._calcAnchor(valArray)
      #print _MOD, 'anchor value set to', anchorVal

      # create a shifted array, use negative anchor value
      shiftArray = self._shiftArray(valArray, -anchorVal)
      # process each value
      for i in range(0, len(shiftArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
         shiftArray[i] = shiftArray[i] * x
      # reshift zero back to where it was
      self.currentValue = self._shiftArray(shiftArray, anchorVal)
      return self.currentValue

class FilterDivideAnchor(_FilterOperatorAnchor):

   def __init__(self, args, refDict):
      _FilterOperatorAnchor.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
      self.type = 'filterDivideAnchor'
      self.doc = lang.docPoFda

   def __call__(self, valArray, tArray, refDictArray):
      # vale and time should always be the same length
      assert (len(valArray) == len(tArray) and 
              len(tArray) == len(refDictArray))
      anchorVal = self._calcAnchor(valArray)
      #print _MOD, 'anchor value set to', anchorVal

      # create a shifted array, use negative anchor value
      shiftArray = self._shiftArray(valArray, -anchorVal)
      # process each value
      for i in range(0, len(shiftArray)):
         # ref dict should always have bpm gotten from src esObj
         if self.pmtrObj.parent == 'rhythm': # 3 values return, use dur
            dur, sus, acc = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            x = dur
            x = self.pmtrObj(tArray[i], refDictArray[i])
            shiftArray[i] = shiftArray[i] / float(x)
         except ZeroDivisionError: # bypass on zero div error
            shiftArray[i] = shiftArray[i]
      # reshift zero back to where it was
      self.currentValue = self._shiftArray(shiftArray, anchorVal)
      return self.currentValue

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