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# These classes implement a doctest runner plugin for nose, a "known failure"
# error class, and a customized TestProgram for NumPy.

# Because this module imports nose directly, it should not
# be used except by to avoid a general NumPy
# dependency on nose.

import os
import doctest

import nose
from nose.plugins import doctests
from nose.plugins.errorclass import ErrorClass,ErrorClassPlugin
from nose.plugins.base import Plugin
from nose.util import src,getpackage
import numpy
from nosetester import get_package_name
import inspect

_doctest_ignore = ['', '',
                   '', '']

# Some of the classes in this module begin with 'Numpy' to clearly distinguish
# them from the plethora of very similar names from nose/unittest/doctest

# Modified version of the one in the stdlib, that fixes a python bug (doctests
# not found in extension modules,
class NumpyDocTestFinder(doctest.DocTestFinder):

    def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            #print '_fm C1'  # dbg
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            #print '_fm C2'  # dbg
            return module.__dict__ is object.func_globals
        elif inspect.isbuiltin(object):
            #print '_fm C2-1'  # dbg
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            #print '_fm C3'  # dbg
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif inspect.ismethod(object):
            # This one may be a bug in cython that fails to correctly set the
            # __module__ attribute of methods, but since the same error is easy
            # to make by extension code writers, having this safety in place
            # isn't such a bad idea
            #print '_fm C3-1'  # dbg
            return module.__name__ == object.im_class.__module__
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            #print '_fm C4'  # dbg
            #print 'C4 mod',module,'obj',object # dbg
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            #print '_fm C5'  # dbg
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            #print '_fm C6'  # dbg
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function")

    def _find(self, tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, seen):
        Find tests for the given object and any contained objects, and
        add them to `tests`.

        doctest.DocTestFinder._find(self,tests, obj, name, module,
                                    source_lines, globs, seen)

        # Below we re-run pieces of the above method with manual modifications,
        # because the original code is buggy and fails to correctly identify
        # doctests in extension modules.

        # Local shorthands
        from inspect import isroutine,isclass,ismodule,isfunction,\

        # Look for tests in a module's contained objects.
        if ismodule(obj) and self._recurse:
            for valname, val in obj.__dict__.items():
                valname1 = '%s.%s' % (name, valname)
                if ( (isroutine(val) or isclass(val))
                     and self._from_module(module, val) ):

                    self._find(tests, val, valname1, module, source_lines,
                               globs, seen)

        # Look for tests in a class's contained objects.
        if isclass(obj) and self._recurse:
            #print 'RECURSE into class:',obj  # dbg
            for valname, val in obj.__dict__.items():
                #valname1 = '%s.%s' % (name, valname)  # dbg
                #print 'N',name,'VN:',valname,'val:',str(val)[:77] # dbg
                # Special handling for staticmethod/classmethod.
                if isinstance(val, staticmethod):
                    val = getattr(obj, valname)
                if isinstance(val, classmethod):
                    val = getattr(obj, valname).im_func

                # Recurse to methods, properties, and nested classes.
                if ((isfunction(val) or isclass(val) or
                     ismethod(val) or isinstance(val, property)) and
                      self._from_module(module, val)):
                    valname = '%s.%s' % (name, valname)
                    self._find(tests, val, valname, module, source_lines,
                               globs, seen)

class NumpyDocTestCase(npd.DocTestCase):
    """Proxy for DocTestCase: provides an address() method that
    returns the correct address for the doctest case. Otherwise
    acts as a proxy to the test case. To provide hints for address(),
    an obj may also be passed -- this will be used as the test object
    for purposes of determining the test address, if it is provided.

    # doctests loaded via find(obj) omit the module name
    # so we need to override id, __repr__ and shortDescription
    # bonus: this will squash a 2.3 vs 2.4 incompatiblity
    def id(self):
        name =
        filename = self._dt_test.filename
        if filename is not None:
            pk = getpackage(filename)
            if pk is not None and not name.startswith(pk):
                name = "%s.%s" % (pk, name)
        return name

# second-chance checker; if the default comparison doesn't
# pass, then see if the expected output string contains flags that
# tell us to ignore the output
class NumpyOutputChecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
    def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
        ret = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got,
        if not ret:
            if "#random" in want:
                return True
            # it would be useful to normalize endianness so that
            # bigendian machines don't fail all the tests (and there are
            # actually some bigendian examples in the doctests). Let's try
            # making them all little endian
            got = got.replace("'>","'<")
            want= want.replace("'>","'<")

            # try to normalize out 32 and 64 bit default int sizes
            for sz in [4,8]:
                got = got.replace("'<i%d'"%sz,"int")
                want= want.replace("'<i%d'"%sz,"int")

            ret = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want,
                    got, optionflags)

        return ret

# Subclass nose.plugins.doctests.DocTestCase to work around a bug in
# its constructor that blocks non-default arguments from being passed
# down into doctest.DocTestCase
class NumpyDocTestCase(npd.DocTestCase):
    def __init__(self, test, optionflags=0, setUp=None, tearDown=None,
                 checker=None, obj=None, result_var='_'):
        self._result_var = result_var
        self._nose_obj = obj
        doctest.DocTestCase.__init__(self, test,
                                     setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown,

print_state = numpy.get_printoptions()

class NumpyDoctest(npd.Doctest):
    name = 'numpydoctest'   # call nosetests with --with-numpydoctest
    enabled = True

    def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
        Plugin.options(self, parser, env)

    def configure(self, options, config):
        Plugin.configure(self, options, config)
        self.doctest_tests = True
        self.finder = NumpyDocTestFinder()
        self.parser = doctest.DocTestParser()

    # Turn on whitespace normalization, set a minimal execution context
    # for doctests, implement a "#random" directive to allow executing a
    # command while ignoring its output.
    def loadTestsFromModule(self, module):
        if not self.matches(module.__name__):
            npd.log.debug("Doctest doesn't want module %s", module)
            tests = self.finder.find(module)
        except AttributeError:
            # nose allows module.__test__ = False; doctest does not and
            # throws AttributeError
        if not tests:
        module_file = src(module.__file__)
        for test in tests:
            if not test.examples:
            if not test.filename:
                test.filename = module_file

            pkg_name = get_package_name(os.path.dirname(test.filename))

            # Each doctest should execute in an environment equivalent to
            # starting Python and executing "import numpy as np", and,
            # for SciPy packages, an additional import of the local
            # package (so that's doctests have an
            # implicit "from scipy import linalg" as well.
            # Note: __file__ allows the doctest in NoseTester to run
            # without producing an error
            test.globs = {'__builtins__':__builtins__,

            # add appropriate scipy import for SciPy tests
            if 'scipy' in pkg_name:
                p = pkg_name.split('.')
                p1 = '.'.join(p[:-1])
                p2 = p[-1]
                test.globs[p2] = __import__(pkg_name, test.globs, {}, [p2])

            # always use whitespace and ellipsis options
            optionflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS

            yield NumpyDocTestCase(test,

    # Add an afterContext method to nose.plugins.doctests.Doctest in order
    # to restore print options to the original state after each doctest
    def afterContext(self):

    # Ignore NumPy-specific build files that shouldn't be searched for tests
    def wantFile(self, file):
        bn = os.path.basename(file)
        if bn in _doctest_ignore:
            return False
        return npd.Doctest.wantFile(self, file)

class KnownFailureTest(Exception):
    '''Raise this exception to mark a test as a known failing test.'''

class KnownFailure(ErrorClassPlugin):
    '''Plugin that installs a KNOWNFAIL error class for the
    KnownFailureClass exception.  When KnownFailureTest is raised,
    the exception will be logged in the knownfail attribute of the
    result, 'K' or 'KNOWNFAIL' (verbose) will be output, and the
    exception will not be counted as an error or failure.'''
    enabled = True
    knownfail = ErrorClass(KnownFailureTest,

    def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
        env_opt = 'NOSE_WITHOUT_KNOWNFAIL'
        parser.add_option('--no-knownfail', action='store_true',
                          dest='noKnownFail', default=env.get(env_opt, False),
                          help='Disable special handling of KnownFailureTest '

    def configure(self, options, conf):
        if not self.can_configure:
        self.conf = conf
        disable = getattr(options, 'noKnownFail', False)
        if disable:
            self.enabled = False

class NpConfig(nose.core.Config):
    ''' Class to pull out nose doctest plugin after configuration

    This allows the user to set doctest related settings in their
    configuration.  For example, without this fix, a setting of
    'with-doctest=1' in the user's .noserc file would cause an error, if
    we remove the doctest extension before this stage.  Our configure
    uses the plugin to parse any settings, but then removed the doctest
    plugin because the numpy doctester should be used for doctests
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.__dict__ = config.__dict__
    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(NpConfig, self).configure(*args, **kwargs)
        self.plugins.plugins = [p for p in self.plugins.plugins
                                if != 'doctest']

# Our class has two uses.  First, to allow us to use NpConfig above to
# remove the doctest plugin after it has parsed the configuration.
# Second we save the results of the tests in runTests - see runTests
# method docstring for details
class NumpyTestProgram(nose.core.TestProgram):
    def makeConfig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Load a Config, pre-filled with user config files if any are

        We override this method only to allow us to return a NpConfig
        object instead of a Config object. 
        config = super(NumpyTestProgram, self).makeConfig(*args, **kwargs)
        return NpConfig(config)
    def runTests(self):
        """Run Tests. Returns true on success, false on failure, and
        sets self.success to the same value.

        Because nose currently discards the test result object, but we need
        to return it to the user, override TestProgram.runTests to retain
        the result
        if self.testRunner is None:
            self.testRunner = nose.core.TextTestRunner(,
        plug_runner = self.config.plugins.prepareTestRunner(self.testRunner)
        if plug_runner is not None:
            self.testRunner = plug_runner

        self.result =
        self.success = self.result.wasSuccessful()
        return self.success | Contact Us
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