testconfig.py :  » Language-Interface » VB-to-Python-Converter » vb2py-0.2 » test » Python Open Source

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Python Open Source » Language Interface » VB to Python Converter 
VB to Python Converter » vb2py 0.2 » test » testconfig.py
# Created by Leo from: C:\Development\Python22\Lib\site-packages\vb2py\vb2py.leo

# Turn off logging in extensions (too loud!)
import vb2py.extensions
import vb2py.vbparser
vb2py.vbparser.log.setLevel(0) # Don't print all logging stuff

from unittest import *
import vb2py.config
import ConfigParser
from vb2py.vbparser import convertVBtoPython
import re

class TestConfig(TestCase):

  def setUp(self):
    """Set up the test"""
    # << Setup info >>
    self.c = vb2py.config.VB2PYConfig(init=1)

    self.code1 =  """
      If a = 10 Then
        b = 1
        b = 2
      End If

    self.code2 = """
      Function f()
      f = 10
      End Function

    self.code3 = """
      Select Case a
      Case 10
      Case 20
      End Select
    # -- end -- << Setup info >>

  # << Config tests >> (1 of 14)
  def testGetconfig(self):
    """testGetConfig: should be able to get config items"""
    for section, name in (("General", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functions", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labels", "IgnoreLabels"),
      a = self.c[section, name]
  # << Config tests >> (2 of 14)
  def testGetConfigMissing(self):
    """testGetConfigMissing: should raise an error if no config items"""
    for section, name in (("Generalyy", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functionsyy", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labelsyy", "IgnoreLabels"),
      self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.NoSectionError, self.c.__getitem__, (section, name))
  # << Config tests >> (3 of 14)
  def testSetLocalOveride(self):
    """testSetLocalOveride: should be able to overide config items"""
    for section, name in (("General", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functions", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labels", "IgnoreLabels"),
      a = self.c[section, name]
      c = "%s_new" % a
      self.c.setLocalOveride(section, name, c)
      b = self.c[section, name]
      self.assertEqual(b, c)
      self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
  # << Config tests >> (4 of 14)
  def testSetLocalOverideDoesntExist(self):
    """testSetLocalOverideDoesntExist: should raise an error if overide non-existant value"""
    for section, name in (("Genekkral", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functillons", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labelkks", "IgnoreLabels"),
      self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.NoSectionError, self.c.setLocalOveride, section, name, "ok")

  def testRemoveLocalOverideDoesntExist(self):
    """testRemoveLocalOverideDoesntExist: should raise an error if remove overide non-existant value"""
    for section, name in (("Genekkral", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functillons", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labelkks", "IgnoreLabels"),
      self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.NoSectionError, self.c.removeLocalOveride, section, name)
  # << Config tests >> (5 of 14)
  def testRemoveLocalOveride(self):
    """testRemoveLocalOveride: should be able to remove overide of config items"""
    for section, name in (("General", "LoadUserPlugins"),
                ("Functions", "ReturnVariableName"),
                ("Labels", "IgnoreLabels"),
      a = self.c[section, name]
      c = "%s_new" % a
      self.c.setLocalOveride(section, name, c)
      self.c.removeLocalOveride(section, name)
      b = self.c[section, name]
      self.assertEqual(a, b)
  # << Config tests >> (6 of 14)
  def testSpaceOrTab(self):
    """testSpaceOrTab: should be change between spaces and tabs"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentAmount", 4)  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentCharacter", "Space")  
    c_space = convertVBtoPython(self.code1)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentAmount", 1)  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentCharacter", "Tab")  
    c_tabs = convertVBtoPython(self.code1)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_space, c_tabs)
    # But only tabs and spaces
    self.assertEqual(c_space, c_tabs.replace("\t", "    "))
  # << Config tests >> (7 of 14)
  def testIndentAmount(self):
    """testSpaceOrTab: should be change between spaces and tabs"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentAmount", 4)  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentCharacter", "Space")  
    c_four = convertVBtoPython(self.code1)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "IndentAmount", 8)  
    c_eight = convertVBtoPython(self.code1)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_four, c_eight)
    # But only by number of spaces
    self.assertEqual(c_four, c_eight.replace("        ", "    "))
  # << Config tests >> (8 of 14)
  def testRespectPrivateStatus(self):
    """testRespectPrivateStatus: should be able to turn off data hiding"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "RespectPrivateStatus", "Yes")  
    c_on = convertVBtoPython(self.code2, container=vb2py.vbparser.VBClassModule())
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "RespectPrivateStatus", "No")  
    c_off = convertVBtoPython(self.code2, container=vb2py.vbparser.VBClassModule())
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_on, c_off, "Option made no difference: '%s'" % c_on)
    # On should have __, off should not
    self.assertNotEqual(-1, c_on.find("__f"), "Yes didn't have __: '%s'" % c_on)
    self.assertEqual(-1, c_off.find("__f"), "No had __: '%s'" % c_off)
  # << Config tests >> (9 of 14)
  def testPrivateDataPrefix(self):
    """testPrivateDataPrefix: should be able to data hiding prefix"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "RespectPrivateStatus", "Yes")  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "PrivateDataPrefix", "__")  
    c_on = convertVBtoPython(self.code2, container=vb2py.vbparser.VBClassModule())
    self.c.setLocalOveride("General", "PrivateDataPrefix", "m_")  
    c_off = convertVBtoPython(self.code2, container=vb2py.vbparser.VBClassModule())
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_on, c_off, "Option made no difference: '%s'" % c_on)
    # On should have __, off should have m_
    self.assertNotEqual(-1, c_on.find("__f"), "Yes didn't have __: '%s'" % c_on)
    self.assertNotEqual(-1, c_off.find("m_f"), "No didn't have m_: '%s'" % c_off)
  # << Config tests >> (10 of 14)
  def testFunctionVariable(self):
    """testFunctionVariable: should be able to change function variable"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Functions", "ReturnVariableName", "_ret")  
    c_ret = convertVBtoPython(self.code2)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Functions", "ReturnVariableName", "_other")  
    c_other = convertVBtoPython(self.code2)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_ret, c_other)
    # But only tabs and spaces
    self.assertEqual(c_ret, c_other.replace("_other", "_ret"))
  # << Config tests >> (11 of 14)
  def testPreInitVariable(self):
    """testPreInitVariable: should be able to change if variable is pre initialized"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Functions", "ReturnVariableName", "_ret")  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Functions", "PreInitializeReturnVariable", "Yes")  
    c_yes = convertVBtoPython(self.code2)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Functions", "PreInitializeReturnVariable", "No")  
    c_no = convertVBtoPython(self.code2)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_yes, c_no)
    # With init should have _ret = None, not without
    self.assertNotEqual(c_yes.find("_ret = None"), -1)
    self.assertEqual(c_no.find("_ret = None"), -1)
  # << Config tests >> (12 of 14)
  def testSelectVariable(self):
    """testSelectVariable: should be able to change select variable"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "UseNumericIndex", "No")  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "SelectVariablePrefix", "_ret")  
    c_ret = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "SelectVariablePrefix", "_other")  
    c_other = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_ret, c_other)
    # But only tabs and spaces
    self.assertEqual(c_ret, c_other.replace("_other", "_ret"))
  # << Config tests >> (13 of 14)
  def testSelectVariableIndex(self):
    """testSelectVariableIndex: should be able to turn off select variable index"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "UseNumericIndex", "Yes")  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "SelectVariablePrefix", "_ret")  
    c_1 = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "UseNumericIndex", "No")  
    c_2 = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    # Should be different
    self.assertNotEqual(c_1, c_2)
  # << Config tests >> (14 of 14)
  def testEvalVariable(self):
    """testEvalVariable: should be able to change whether variable is used once or more than once"""
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "EvaluateVariable", "Once")  
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "SelectVariablePrefix", "_ret")  
    c_1 = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    self.c.setLocalOveride("Select", "EvaluateVariable", "EachTime")  
    c_2 = convertVBtoPython(self.code3)
    r = re.compile("_ret")
    self.assert_(len(r.findall(c_1)) > 1)  
    self.assertEqual(len(r.findall(c_2)), 0)
  # -- end -- << Config tests >>

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