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25.Media Sound Audio
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Python Open Source » Game 2D 3D » PsychoPy 
PsychoPy » PsychoPy 0.96.02 » psychopy »
"""Load and play sounds

There are various APIs for this, none of which are perfect. By default PsychoPy will 
look for and use, in this order: ['pygame','pyglet','pyaudio']
The API chosen will be stored as a string under
and can be set using, e.g.
pygame (must be version 1.8 or above): 
    pros: The most robust of the API options so far - it works consistently on all platforms
    cons: needs an additional download, poor latencies

    pros: comes with enthought python and is already the main API for drawing in PsychoPy
    cons: complex model using event_dispatch, dodgy timing (just on win32?)

    pros: relatively low-level wrapper around portAudio
    cons: needs another download, rather buggy..
import numpy, threading, time
from os import path
from string import capitalize
from sys import platform,exit,stdout
from psychopy import event,core,log

if platform=='win32':
preferredAPI = ['pygame','pyglet','pyaudio']
global audioAPI, Sound
Sound = None

    import pyglet
    pyglet.options['audio'] = ('silent')
    import, pyglet.resource
    import ctypes, math

    import pygame
    from pygame import mixer,sndarray

    import pyaudio
    pa = pyaudio.PyAudio()

class _SoundBase:
    """Create a sound object, from one of many ways.
    def __init__(self,value="C",secs=0.5,octave=4, sampleRate=44100, bits=16):
        value: can be a number, string or an array.
            If it's a number between 37 and 32767 then a tone will be generated at
            that frequency in Hz.
            It could be a string for a note ('A','Bfl','B','C','Csh'...) 
            - you may want to specify which octave as well
            Or a string could represent a filename in the current
            location, or mediaLocation, or a full path combo
            Or by giving an Nx2 numpy array of floats (-1:1) you 
            can specify the sound yourself as a waveform
        secs: is only relevant if the value is a note name or
            a frequency value
        octave: is only relevant if the value is a note name.
            Middle octave of a piano is 4. Most computers won't
            output sounds in the bottom octave (1) and the top
            octave (8) is generally painful
        sampleRate(=44100): only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses one rate for all sounds
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 
        bits(=16): Only 8- and 16-bits supported so far.
            Only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses the same
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 
        #try to determine what the sound is
        if type(value) is str:
            #try to open the file
            OK = self._fromNoteName(value,secs,octave)
            #or use as a note name
            if not OK: self._fromFile(value)
        elif type(value) in [float,int]:
            #we've been asked for a particular Hz
            self._fromFreq(value, secs)
        elif type(value) in [list,numpy.ndarray]:
            #create a sound from the input array/list
        if self._snd is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "I dont know how to make a "+value+" sound"
    def play(self, fromStart=True):
        """Starts playing the sound on an available channel. 
        If no sound channels are available, it will not play and return None. 

        This runs off a separate thread i.e. your code won't wait for the
        sound to finish before continuing. You need to use a 
        psychopy.core.wait() command if you want things to pause.
        If you call play() whiles something is already playing the sounds will
        be played over each other.
        pass #should be overridden
    def stop(self):
        """Stops the sound immediately"""
        pass #should be overridden
    def getDuration(self):
        pass #should be overridden
    def getVolume(self):
        """Returns the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        pass #should be overridden
    def setVolume(self,newVol):
        """Sets the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        pass #should be overridden
    def _fromFile(self, fileName):
        pass #should be overridden
    def _fromNoteName(self, name, secs, octave):    
        #get a mixer.Sound object from an note name
        stepsFromA = {
            'C' : -9,
            'Csh' : -8,
            'Dfl' : -8,
            'D' : -7,
            'Dsh' : -6,
            'E' : -5,
            'F' : -4,
            'Fsh' : -3,
            'G' : -2,
            'Gsh' : -1,
            'A': 0,
            'Bfl': +1,
            'B': +2,
        if thisNote not in stepsFromA.keys():
            return False
        thisOctave = octave-4    
        thisFreq = A * 2.0**(stepsFromA[thisNote]/12.0) * 2.0**thisOctave
        self._fromFreq(thisFreq, secs)
    def _fromFreq(self, thisFreq, secs):
        nSamples = int(secs*self.sampleRate)
        outArr = numpy.arange(0.0,1.0, 1.0/nSamples)
        outArr *= 2*numpy.pi*thisFreq*secs
        outArr = numpy.sin(outArr)
    def _fromArray(self, thisArray):
        pass #should be overridden

class SoundPygame(_SoundBase):
    """Create a sound object, from one of many ways.
    def __init__(self,value="C",secs=0.5,octave=4, sampleRate=44100, bits=16):
        value: can be a number, string or an array.
            If it's a number between 37 and 32767 then a tone will be generated at
            that frequency in Hz.
            It could be a string for a note ('A','Bfl','B','C','Csh'...) 
            - you may want to specify which octave as well
            Or a string could represent a filename in the current
            location, or mediaLocation, or a full path combo
            Or by giving an Nx2 numpy array of floats (-1:1) you 
            can specify the sound yourself as a waveform
        secs: is only relevant if the value is a note name or
            a frequency value
        octave: is only relevant if the value is a note name.
            Middle octave of a piano is 4. Most computers won't
            output sounds in the bottom octave (1) and the top
            octave (8) is generally painful
        sampleRate(=44100): only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses one rate for all sounds
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 
        bits(=16): Only 8- and 16-bits supported so far.
            Only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses the same
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 

        #check initialisation
        if not mixer.get_init():
            pygame.mixer.init(22050, -16, 2, 3072)
        inits = mixer.get_init()
        if inits is None:
            inits = mixer.get_init()                
        self.sampleRate, self.format, self.isStereo = inits
        #try to determine what the sound is
        if type(value) is str:
            #try to open the file
            OK = self._fromNoteName(value,secs,octave)
            #or use as a note name
            if not OK: self._fromFile(value)
        elif type(value) in [float,int]:
            #we've been asked for a particular Hz
            self._fromFreq(value, secs)
        elif type(value) in [list,numpy.ndarray]:
            #create a sound from the input array/list
        if self._snd is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "I dont know how to make a "+value+" sound"
    def play(self, fromStart=True):
        """Starts playing the sound on an available channel. 
        If no sound channels are available, it will not play and return None. 

        This runs off a separate thread i.e. your code won't wait for the
        sound to finish before continuing. You need to use a 
        psychopy.core.wait() command if you want things to pause.
        If you call play() whiles something is already playing the sounds will
        be played over each other.
    def stop(self):
        """Stops the sound immediately"""
    def fadeOut(self,mSecs):
        """fades out the sound (when playing) over mSecs.
        Don't know why you would do this in psychophysics but it's easy
        and fun to include as a possibility :)
    def getDuration(self):
        """Get's the duration of the current sound in secs"""
        return self._snd.get_length()
    def getVolume(self):
        """Returns the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        return self._snd.get_volume()
    def setVolume(self,newVol):
        """Sets the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
    def _fromFile(self, fileName):
        #try finding the file
        for filePath in ['', mediaLocation]:
            if path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName)):
            elif path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName+'.wav')):
        if self.fileName is None:
            return False
        #load the file
        self._snd = mixer.Sound(self.fileName)
        return True
    def _fromArray(self, thisArray):
        global usePygame
        #get a mixer.Sound object from an array of floats (-1:1)
        #make stereo if mono
        if self.isStereo and \
            (len(thisArray.shape)==1 or thisArray.shape[1]<2):
            tmp = numpy.ones((len(thisArray),2))
            tmp[:,0] = thisArray
            tmp[:,1] = thisArray
            thisArray = tmp
        #get the format right
        if self.format == -16: 
            thisArray= (thisArray*2**15).astype(numpy.int16)
        elif self.format == 16: 
            thisArray= ((thisArray+1)*2**15).astype(numpy.uint16)
        elif self.format == -8: 
            thisArray= (thisArray*2**7).astype(numpy.Int8)
        elif self.format == 8: 
            thisArray= ((thisArray+1)*2**7).astype(numpy.uint8)
        self._snd = sndarray.make_sound(thisArray)
        return True

class SoundPyglet(_SoundBase):
    """Create a sound object, from one of MANY ways.
    def __init__(self,value="C",secs=0.5,octave=4, sampleRate=44100, bits=16):
        value: can be a number, string or an array.
            If it's a number between 37 and 32767 then a tone will be generated at
            that frequency in Hz.
            It could be a string for a note ('A','Bfl','B','C','Csh'...) 
            - you may want to specify which octave as well
            Or a string could represent a filename in the current
            location, or mediaLocation, or a full path combo
            Or by giving an Nx2 numpy array of floats (-1:1) you 
            can specify the sound yourself as a waveform
        secs: is only relevant if the value is a note name or
            a frequency value
        octave: is only relevant if the value is a note name.
            Middle octave of a piano is 4. Most computers won't
            output sounds in the bottom octave (1) and the top
            octave (8) is generally painful
        sampleRate(=44100): only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses one rate for all sounds
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 
        bits(=16): Only 8- and 16-bits supported so far.
            Only used for sounds using pyglet. Pygame uses the same
            sample rate for all sounds (once initialised) 

        self.format = bits
        self.isStereo = True
        #try to determine what the sound is
        if type(value) is str:
            #try to open the file
            OK = self._fromNoteName(value,secs,octave)
            #or use as a note name
            if not OK: self._fromFile(value)
        elif type(value) in [float,int]:
            #we've been asked for a particular Hz
            self._fromFreq(value, secs)
        elif type(value) in [list,numpy.ndarray]:
            #create a sound from the input array/list
        if self._snd is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "I dont know how to make a "+value+" sound"
    def play(self, fromStart=True):
        """Starts playing the sound on an available channel. 
        If no sound channels are available, it will not play and return None. 

        This runs off a separate thread i.e. your code won't wait for the
        sound to finish before continuing. You need to use a 
        psychopy.core.wait() command if you want things to pause.
        If you call play() whiles something is already playing the sounds will
        be played over each other.

    def _onEOS(self):
        self._player._playing = False
        self._player._timestamp = self._player._sources[0].duration
        return True
    def stop(self):
        """Stops the sound immediately"""
    def getDuration(self):
        if s.duration is not None:
            duration = s.duration
            duration = len(s._data)/float(s.audio_format.sample_rate)
            #data are in byte packets so scale for sample_size (probably 2bytes)
            duration = duration*8/s.audio_format.sample_size/s.audio_format.channels
        return duration     
    def getVolume(self):
        """Returns the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        return self._player.volume
    def setVolume(self,newVol):
        """Sets the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
    def _fromFile(self, fileName):
        #try finding the file
        for filePath in ['', mediaLocation]:
            if path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName)):
            elif path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName+'.wav')):
        if self.fileName is None:
            return False
        self._snd =, streaming=False)
        #for files we need to find the length of the file and 
        if self._snd.duration is not None: #will return none if not determined in the file
        #add to our player queue
        return True
    def _fromArray(self, thisArray):
        global _pygletArrSound
        #get a mixer.Sound object from an array of floats (-1:1)
        #make stereo if mono
        if self.isStereo and \
            (len(thisArray.shape)==1 or thisArray.shape[1]<2):
            tmp = numpy.ones((len(thisArray),2))
            tmp[:,0] = thisArray
            tmp[:,1] = thisArray
            thisArray = numpy.transpose(tmp)#pyglet wants the transpose
        #use pyglet
        self._snd = _pygletArrSound(data=thisArray, sample_rate=self.sampleRate, sample_size=-self.format)
        return True

class SoundPyaudio(_SoundBase):
    """Create a sound object, from one of MANY ways.
    def __init__(self,value="C",secs=0.5,octave=4,
                    sampleRate=44100, bits=16):
        value: can be a number, string or an array.
            If it's a number between 37 and 32767 then a tone will be generated at
            that frequency in Hz.
            It could be a string for a note ('A','Bfl','B','C','Csh'...) 
            - you may want to specify which octave as well
            Or a string could represent a filename in the current
            location, or mediaLocation, or a full path combo
            Or by giving an Nx2 numpy array of floats (-1:1) you 
            can specify the sound yourself as a waveform
        secs: is only relevant if the value is a note name or
            a frequency value
        octave: is only relevant if the value is a note name.
            Middle octave of a piano is 4. NB On most computers you can't hear
            sound_snds in the bottom octave (1) and the top
            octave (8) is generally painful
        bits(=16): 8 or 16
        global mediaLocation
        if not havePyglet or not havePyAudio:
            raise ImportError, "pyglet and pyaudio are both needed for this type of sound"
        self.offsetSamples = -1
        self.bits = bits
        self.sampleRate = sampleRate
        self.chunkSize=2048# 1024 gives buffer underuns on OSX (even at 22kHz)
        self.volume = 1.0
        self.rawData = None
        self._thread = PyAudioThread(self, pollingPeriod=0.01)
        #try to determine what the sound is
        if type(value) is str:
            #try to open the file
            OK = self._fromNoteName(value,secs,octave)
            #or use as a note name
            if not OK: #hopefully a file
        elif type(value) in [float,int]:
            #we've been asked for a particular Hz
            self._fromFreq(value, secs)
        elif type(value) in [list,numpy.ndarray]:
            #create a sound from the input array/list
        if self.rawData is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "I dont know how to make a "+value+" sound"
        if self.bits==16: paFormat = pyaudio.paInt16
        elif self.bits==8: paFormat = pyaudio.paInt8
        else: raise TypeError, "Sounds must be 8, 16bit"
        self._stream = = paFormat,
                channels = self.channels,
                rate = self.sampleRate,
                input = False, output=True)
    def play(self, startPos = 0):
        """Starts playing the sound. 
        startPos detremines where the sound begins (in secs)
        self._fillBuffer()#to get the first sample on its way

    def setOffset(self, secs):
        self.offsetSamples = secs*self.sampleRate
    def stop(self):
        """Stops the sound immediately"""
    def getDuration(self):
        if s.duration is not None:
            duration = s.duration
            duration = len(s._data)/float(s.audio_format.sample_rate)
            #data are in byte packets so scale for sample_size (probably 2bytes)
            duration = duration*8/s.audio_format.sample_size/s.audio_format.channels
        return duration     
    def getVolume(self):
        """Returns the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        return self.volume
    def setVolume(self,newVol):
        """Sets the current volume of the sound (0.0:1.0)"""
        self.volume = newVol
    def _fromFile(self, fileName):
        #try finding the file
        for filePath in ['', mediaLocation]:
            if path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName)):
            elif path.isfile(path.join(filePath,fileName+'.wav')):
        if self.fileName is None:
            return False
        #load the file
        self._snd =, streaming=False)
        #convert to an array with int8 or int16
        if self.bits==16:
            sndArr = numpy.fromstring(self._snd._data,dtype=numpy.int16)
        elif self.bits==8: 
            sndArr = numpy.fromstring(self._snd._data,dtype=numpy.uint8)
            #pyaudio want signed ints so convert unit8 to int8
            sndArr = (sndArr.astype(numpy.int16)-128).astype(int8)        
        sndArr.shape= [len(sndArr)/self.channels, self.channels]
        #create the sound buffer from this array
        return True
    def _fromNoteName(self, name, secs, octave):    
        #get a mixer.Sound object from an note name
        stepsFromA = {
            'C' : -9,
            'Csh' : -8,
            'Dfl' : -8,
            'D' : -7,
            'Dsh' : -6,
            'E' : -5,
            'F' : -4,
            'Fsh' : -3,
            'G' : -2,
            'Gsh' : -1,
            'A': 0,
            'Bfl': +1,
            'B': +2,
        if thisNote not in stepsFromA.keys():
            return False
        thisOctave = octave-4    
        thisFreq = A * 2.0**(stepsFromA[thisNote]/12.0) * 2.0**thisOctave
        self._fromFreq(thisFreq, secs)
    def _fromFreq(self, thisFreq, secs):
        #get a mixer.Sound object from a frequency
        nSamples = int(secs*self.sampleRate)
        outArr = numpy.arange(0.0,1.0, 1.0/nSamples)
        outArr *= 2*numpy.pi*thisFreq*secs
        outArr = numpy.sin(outArr)
        if self.bits==16:
            self._fromArray( (outArr*32767).astype(numpy.int16) )
        if self.bits==8:
            self._fromArray( (outArr*127.5-0.5).astype(numpy.int8) )#the minus 1 gives range -128:127
    def _fromArray(self, thisArray):
        """Expects an array that is already of the correct format (int8 or int16).
        Will create a second channel if only one is provided.
        #make stereo if mono
        if self.channels==2 and \
            (len(thisArray.shape)==1 or thisArray.shape[1]<2):
                thisArray.shape = [len(thisArray),1]
                thisArray = thisArray.repeat(2,1)#create the second channel
        self.rawData = thisArray
        return True
    def _fillBuffer(self):
        """a function that can be called repeatedly to provide more data to the
        #NB chunkSize and getRemainingBytes() both refer to the number of bytes
        #(not samples) IN EACH CHANNEL (not in total)
        #ie. represent half the total number of bytes for a stereo source
        if self.offsetSamples==-1 or self.finished:
            print 'finishedPlaying', self.offsetSamples, self.finished
            #sound is not playing yet, just return
        #get the appropriate data from the array
        if self.bits == 8:#ubyte
            start = self.offsetSamples
            end = self.offsetSamples+self.chunkSize#either the chunk or the last sample
        elif self.bits==16: #signed int16
            start = self.offsetSamples >> 1#half as many entries for same number of bytes
            end = (self.offsetSamples+ self.chunkSize) >> 1
        #check if we have that many samples
        if end>self.rawData.shape[0]:
            end = self.rawData.shape[0]
            print 'end, shape', end, self.rawData.shape[0]
            self.finished=True#flag that this must be the last sample
        #update next offset position    
        thisChunk = (self.volume*self.rawData[start:end,:])
        print start, end, self.rawData.shape, thisChunk.shape
        # play stream
        if len(data)==0:
        #cwrite the data to the stream

def initPyaudio():
    define a thread for pyaudio event pumping (needed to fill buffers)
    class PyAudioThread(threading.Thread):
        """a thread class to allow PyAudio sounds to play asynchronously"""
        def __init__(self, sound, pollingPeriod):
            threading.Thread.__init__ ( self )
            self.sound = sound
            self.running = -1
        def run(self):
            while self.running:
                #do the data read
                time.sleep(self.pollingPeriod)#yields to other processes while sleeping
            self.running=-1 #shows that it is fully stopped
        def stop(self):
            if self.running>0:
                self.running=0 #make a request to stop on next entry
        def setPollingPeriod(self, period):
def initPyglet():
    define a thread for pyglet event pumping (needed to fill buffers)
    evtDispatchLock = threading.Lock()
    class _EventDispatchThread(threading.Thread):    
        """a thread that will periodically call to dispatch events
        """I've tried doing this in a way that the thread was started and stopped repeatedly
        (so could be paused while a sound wasn't needed, but never made it work.
        see in SVNr85 for the attempt."""
        def __init__(self, pollingPeriod=0.005):
            threading.Thread.__init__ ( self )
            self.running = -1
        def run(self):
            #print 'thread started'
            while self.running:
                #print self.pollingPeriod
                time.sleep(self.pollingPeriod)#yeilds to other processes while sleeping
            #print 'thread stopped'
            self.running=-1#shows that it is fully stopped
        def stop(self):
            if self.running>0:
                self.running=0#make a request to stop on next entry
        def setPollingPeriod(self, period):
            #print 'polling period is now:%.3f' %period
    global _eventThread, _pygletArrSound
    if platform=='win32':
        _eventThread = _EventDispatchThread(pollingPeriod=0.01)
        _eventThread = _EventDispatchThread(pollingPeriod=0.001)#Mac seem to be able to use a shorter refresh safely
    def setEventPollingPeriod(period):
        """For pylget contexts this sets the frequency that events controlling sound start and stop
        are processed in seconds.
        A long period (e.g. 0.1s) will allow more time to be spent on drawing functions and computations,
        whereas a very short time (e.g. 0.0001) will allow more precise starting/stopping of audio stimuli..
        Events will always be polled on every screen refresh anyway, and repeatedly during 
        calls to event.waitKeys() so this command has few effects on anything other than for very
        precise sounds.
        global _eventThread
    def stopEventPolling():    
        """Stop all polling of events in a pyglet context. Events will still be dispatched on every
        flip of a visual.Window (every 10-15ms depending on frame rate).
        The user can then dispatch events manually using 
        global _eventThread
    def startEventPolling():    
        """Restart automated event polling if it has been suspended.
        This call does nothing if the polling had been 
        global _eventThread
        if _eventThread.stopping:
    class _pygletArrSound(
        Create a pyglet.StaticSource from a numpy array. 
        def __init__(self, data, sample_rate=22050, sample_size=16):
            """Array data should be float (-+1.0)
            sample_size (16 or 8) determines the number of bits used for internal storage"""
            duration = data.shape[1]/float(sample_rate) #determine duration from data
            super(_pygletArrSound, self).__init__(duration,sample_rate, abs(sample_size))
            self.sample_rate = sample_rate
            if abs(sample_size)==8:          #ubyte
                self.allData = (data*127+127).astype(numpy.uint8)
            elif abs(sample_size) == 16:      #signed int16
                self.allData = (data*32767).astype(numpy.int16)
        def _generate_data(self, bytes, offset, volume=1.0):
            #print 'bps', self._bytes_per_sample, bytes
            if self.sample_size == 8:#ubyte
                start = offset
                samples = bytes
            else: #signed int16
                start = (offset >> 1)#half as many entries for same number of bytes
                samples = (bytes >> 1)
            return (self.allData[:,start:(start+samples)]).ctypes
def initPygame(rate=22050, bits=16, stereo=True, buffer=1024):
    """If you need a specific format for sounds you need to run this init
    function. Run this *before creating your visual.Window*.
    The format cannot be changed once initialised or once a Window has been created. 
    If a Sound object is created before this function is run it will be
    executed with default format (signed 16bit stereo at 44KHz).
    For more details see pygame help page for the mixer.
    if stereo==True: stereoChans=2
    else:   stereoChans=0
    if bits==16: bits=-16 #for pygame bits are signed for 16bit, signified by the minus
    mixer.init(rate, bits, stereoChans, buffer) #defaults: 22050Hz, 16bit, stereo,
    setRate, setBits, setStereo = mixer.get_init()
    if setRate!=rate: 
        log.warn('Requested sound sample rate was not poossible')
    if setBits!=bits:
        log.warn('Requested sound depth (bits) was not possible')
    if setStereo!=2 and stereo==True: 
        log.warn('Requested stereo setting was not possible')

def setAudioAPI(api):
    """Change the API used for the presentation of sounds
            api is one of 'pygame','pyglet', pyaudio'
    global audioAPI, Sound
    exec('haveThis=have%s' %api.title())
    if haveThis:
        exec('init%s()' %(API.title()))
        exec('thisSound= Sound%s' %(API.title()))
        Sound= thisSound
    return haveThis
#initialise it and keep track
for API in preferredAPI:
    if setAudioAPI(API):
        break#we found one so stop looking
if audioAPI is None:
    log.error('No audio API found. Try installing pygame 1.8+') | Contact Us
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