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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Inspired by and heavily based on the wxWidgets C++ generic version of wxListCtrl.
# Andrea Gavana, @ 08 May 2009
# Latest Revision: 16 Apr 2010, 23.00 GMT
# TODO List
# 1)  Subitem selection;
# 2)  Watermark? (almost, does not work very well :-( );
# 3)  Groups? (Maybe, check ObjectListView);
# 4)  Scrolling items as headers and footers;
# 5)  Alpha channel for text/background of items;
# 6)  Custom renderers for headers/footers (done);
# 7)  Fading in and out on mouse motion (a la Windows Vista Aero);
# 8)  Sub-text for headers/footers (grey text below the header/footer text);
# 9)  Fixing the columns to the left or right side of the control layout;
# 10) Skins for header and scrollbars (implemented for headers/footers).
# For all kind of problems, requests of enhancements and bug reports, please
# write to me at:
# andrea.gavana@gmail.com
# gavana@kpo.kz
# Or, obviously, to the wxPython mailing list!!!
# End Of Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #


UltimateListCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.ListCtrl`, with almost
the same base functionalities plus some more enhancements. This class does
not rely on the native control, as it is a full owner-drawn list control.

In addition to the standard `wx.ListCtrl` behaviour this class supports:


* Multiple images for items/subitems;
* Images can be of any size and not limited to a single specific pair of `width`, `height`
  as it is the case of `wx.ImageList`. Simply use L{PyImageList} instead of `wx.ImageList`
  to add your images.
* Font, colour, background, custom renderers and formatting for items and subitems;
* Ability to add persistent data to an item using L{SetItemPyData} and L{GetItemPyData}:
  the data can be any Python object and not necessarily an integer as in `wx.ListCtrl`;
* CheckBox-type items and subitems;
* RadioButton-type items and subitems;
* Overflowing items/subitems, a la `wx.grid.Grid`, i.e. an item/subitem may overwrite neighboring
  items/subitems if its text would not normally fit in the space allotted to it;
* Hyperlink-type items and subitems: they look like an hyperlink, with the proper mouse
  cursor on hovering;
* Multiline text items and subitems;
* Variable row heights depending on the item/subitem kind/text/window;
* User defined item/subitem renderers: these renderer classes **must** implement the methods
  `DrawSubItem`, `GetLineHeight` and `GetSubItemWidth` (see the demo);
* Enabling/disabling items (together with their plain or grayed out icons);
* Whatever non-toplevel widget can be attached next to an item/subitem;
* Column headers are fully customizable in terms of icons, colour, font, alignment etc...;
* Column headers can have their own checkbox/radiobutton;
* Column footers are fully customizable in terms of icons, colour, font, alignment etc...;
* Column footers can have their own checkbox/radiobutton;
* Ability to hide/show columns;
* Default selection style, gradient (horizontal/vertical) selection style and Windows
  Vista selection style.

And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.

Window Styles

This class supports the following window styles:

===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
Window Styles                    Hex Value   Description
===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
``ULC_VRULES``                           0x1 Draws light vertical rules between rows in report mode.
``ULC_HRULES``                           0x2 Draws light horizontal rules between rows in report mode.
``ULC_ICON``                             0x4 Large icon view, with optional labels.
``ULC_SMALL_ICON``                       0x8 Small icon view, with optional labels.
``ULC_LIST``                            0x10 Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons. Columns are computed automatically, i.e. you don't set columns as in ``ULC_REPORT``. In other words, the list wraps, unlike a `wx.ListBox`.
``ULC_REPORT``                          0x20 Single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.
``ULC_ALIGN_TOP``                       0x40 Icons align to the top. Win32 default, Win32 only.
``ULC_ALIGN_LEFT``                      0x80 Icons align to the left.
``ULC_AUTOARRANGE``                    0x100 Icons arrange themselves. Win32 only.
``ULC_VIRTUAL``                        0x200 The application provides items text on demand. May only be used with ``ULC_REPORT``.
``ULC_EDIT_LABELS``                    0x400 Labels are editable: the application will be notified when editing starts.
``ULC_NO_HEADER``                      0x800 No header in report mode.
``ULC_NO_SORT_HEADER``                0x1000 No Docs.
``ULC_SINGLE_SEL``                    0x2000 Single selection (default is multiple).
``ULC_SORT_ASCENDING``                0x4000 Sort in ascending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
``ULC_SORT_DESCENDING``               0x8000 Sort in descending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
``ULC_TILE``                         0x10000 Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label of one or more lines beside it (partially implemented).
``ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT``                 0x20000 No highlight when an item is selected.
``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT``             0x40000 Items are selected by simply hovering on them, with no need to click on them.
``ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT``            0x80000 Don't send a selection event when using ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT`` style.
``ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK``              0x100000 Send a left click event when an item is selected.
``ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT``     0x200000 The list has variable row heights.
``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``            0x400000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, auto-check all the subitems in that column.
``ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``           0x800000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, toggle all the subitems in that column.
``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``          0x1000000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when an item is checked/unchecked its column header item is checked/unchecked as well.
``ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS``              0x2000000 Show tooltips for ellipsized items/subitems (text too long to be shown in the available space) containing the full item/subitem text.
``ULC_HOT_TRACKING``               0x4000000 Enable hot tracking of items on mouse motion.
``ULC_BORDER_SELECT``              0x8000000 Changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item.
``ULC_TRACK_SELECT``              0x10000000 Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the `win32api` call `win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)`, and is defaulted to 400ms on other platforms. This style applies to all views of `UltimateListCtrl`.
``ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS``       0x20000000 Show column headers in all view modes.
``ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT``        0x40000000 When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted.
``ULC_FOOTER``                    0x80000000 Show a footer too (only when header is present).
===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================

Events Processing

This class processes the following events:

======================================== ====================================================================================================
Event Name                               Description
======================================== ====================================================================================================
``EVT_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG``                  Begin dragging with the left mouse button.
``EVT_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG``                 Begin dragging with the right mouse button.
``EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT``            Begin editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT``              Finish editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM``                 An item was deleted.
``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS``            All items were deleted.
``EVT_LIST_KEY_DOWN``                    A key has been pressed.
``EVT_LIST_INSERT_ITEM``                 An item has been inserted.
``EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK``                   A column (`m_col`) has been left-clicked.
``EVT_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK``             A column (`m_col`) has been right-clicked.
``EVT_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG``              The user started resizing a column - can be vetoed.
``EVT_LIST_COL_END_DRAG``                The user finished resizing a column.
``EVT_LIST_COL_DRAGGING``                The divider between columns is being dragged.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED``               The item has been selected.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED``             The item has been deselected.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK``            The right mouse button has been clicked on an item.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK``           The middle mouse button has been clicked on an item.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED``              The item has been activated (``ENTER`` or double click).
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED``                The currently focused item has changed.
``EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT``                  Prepare cache for a virtual list control.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_CHECKING``               An item/subitem is being checked.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_CHECKED``                An item/subitem has been checked.
``EVT_LIST_COL_CHECKING``                A column header is being checked.
``EVT_LIST_COL_CHECKED``                 A column header has being checked.
``EVT_LIST_FOOTER_CHECKING``             A column footer is being checked.
``EVT_LIST_FOOTER_CHECKED``              A column footer has being checked.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_HYPERLINK``              An hyperlink item has been clicked.
``EVT_LIST_FOOTER_CLICK``                The user left-clicked on a column footer.
``EVT_LIST_FOOTER_RIGHT_CLICK``          The user right-clicked on a column footer.
``EVT_LIST_ITEM_LEFT_CLICK``             Send a left-click event after an item is selected.
``EVT_LIST_END_DRAG``                    Notify an end-drag operation.
======================================== ====================================================================================================

Supported Platforms

UltimateListCtrl has been tested on the following platforms:
  * Windows (Windows XP);

License And Version

UltimateListCtrl is distributed under the wxPython license.

Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 16 Apr 2010, 23.00 GMT

Version 0.6


import wx
import math
import bisect
import types
import zlib
import cStringIO

from wx.lib.expando import ExpandoTextCtrl

# Version Info
__version__ = "0.6"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListCtrl constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# style flags
ULC_VRULES                  = wx.LC_VRULES
ULC_HRULES                  = wx.LC_HRULES

ULC_ICON                    = wx.LC_ICON
ULC_SMALL_ICON              = wx.LC_SMALL_ICON
ULC_LIST                    = wx.LC_LIST
ULC_REPORT                  = wx.LC_REPORT
ULC_TILE                    = 0x10000

ULC_ALIGN_TOP               = wx.LC_ALIGN_TOP
ULC_ALIGN_LEFT              = wx.LC_ALIGN_LEFT
ULC_VIRTUAL                 = wx.LC_VIRTUAL
ULC_NO_HEADER               = wx.LC_NO_HEADER
ULC_SINGLE_SEL              = wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL

ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT            = 0x20000
ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT        = 0x40000
ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK          = 0x100000

ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD    = 0x400000     # only meaningful for checkboxes
ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD   = 0x800000     # only meaningful for checkboxes
ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT   = 0x1000000    # only meaningful for checkboxes
ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS       = 0x2000000    # shows tooltips on items with ellipsis (...)
ULC_HOT_TRACKING        = 0x4000000    # enable hot tracking on mouse motion
ULC_BORDER_SELECT       = 0x8000000    # changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item
ULC_TRACK_SELECT        = 0x10000000   # Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item
                                       # is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period
                                       # of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the win32api call
                                       # win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME), and is defaulted to 400ms
                                       # on other platforms. This style applies to all styles of UltimateListCtrl. 
ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS = 0x20000000   # Show column headers in all view modes
ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT  = 0x40000000   # When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted
ULC_FOOTER              = 0x80000000   # Show a footer too (only when header is present)


# for compatibility only

# Omitted because
#  (a) too much detail
#  (b) not enough style flags
#  (c) not implemented anyhow in the generic version

# Mask flags to tell app/GUI what fields of UltimateListItem are valid
ULC_MASK_TEXT          =      wx.LIST_MASK_TEXT
ULC_MASK_DATA          =      wx.LIST_MASK_DATA
ULC_SET_ITEM           =      wx.LIST_SET_ITEM
ULC_MASK_FONTCOLOUR    =      0x0080
ULC_MASK_FONT          =      0x0100
ULC_MASK_BACKCOLOUR    =      0x0200
ULC_MASK_KIND          =      0x0400
ULC_MASK_ENABLE        =      0x0800
ULC_MASK_CHECK         =      0x1000
ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT     =      0x2000
ULC_MASK_WINDOW        =      0x4000
ULC_MASK_PYDATA        =      0x8000
ULC_MASK_SHOWN         =      0x10000
ULC_MASK_RENDERER      =      0x20000
ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW      =      0x40000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_TEXT   =      0x80000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_IMAGE  =      0x100000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FORMAT =      0x200000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FONT   =      0x400000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_CHECK  =      0x800000
ULC_MASK_FOOTER_KIND   =      0x1000000

# State flags for indicating the state of an item
ULC_STATE_CUT         =   wx.LIST_STATE_CUT              # MSW only
ULC_STATE_INUSE       =   wx.LIST_STATE_INUSE            # OS2 only
ULC_STATE_PICKED      =   wx.LIST_STATE_PICKED           # OS2 only
ULC_STATE_SOURCE      =   wx.LIST_STATE_SOURCE           # OS2 only

# Hit test flags, used in HitTest
ULC_HITTEST_ABOVE           = wx.LIST_HITTEST_ABOVE            # Above the client area.
ULC_HITTEST_BELOW           = wx.LIST_HITTEST_BELOW            # Below the client area.
ULC_HITTEST_NOWHERE         = wx.LIST_HITTEST_NOWHERE          # In the client area but below the last item.
ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMICON      = wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEMICON       # On the bitmap associated with an item.
ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL     = wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL      # On the label (string) associated with an item.
ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT     = wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT      # In the area to the right of an item.
ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMSTATEICON = wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEMSTATEICON  # On the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state.
ULC_HITTEST_TOLEFT          = wx.LIST_HITTEST_TOLEFT           # To the left of the client area.
ULC_HITTEST_TORIGHT         = wx.LIST_HITTEST_TORIGHT          # To the right of the client area.
ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK     = 0x1000                           # On the checkbox (if any)


# Flags for GetNextItem (MSW only except ULC_NEXT_ALL)
ULC_NEXT_ABOVE = wx.LIST_NEXT_ABOVE         # Searches for an item above the specified item
ULC_NEXT_ALL   = wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL           # Searches for subsequent item by index
ULC_NEXT_BELOW = wx.LIST_NEXT_BELOW         # Searches for an item below the specified item
ULC_NEXT_LEFT  = wx.LIST_NEXT_LEFT          # Searches for an item to the left of the specified item
ULC_NEXT_RIGHT = wx.LIST_NEXT_RIGHT         # Searches for an item to the right of the specified item

# Alignment flags for Arrange (MSW only except ULC_ALIGN_LEFT)

# Column format (MSW only except ULC_FORMAT_LEFT)

# Autosize values for SetColumnWidth
ULC_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER = wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER      # partly supported by generic version

# Flag values for GetItemRect

# Flag values for FindItem (MSW only)

# Items/subitems rect

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListCtrl event macros
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------







# NOTE: If using the wxExtListBox visual attributes works everywhere then this can
# be removed, as well as the #else case below.


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


# the spacing between the lines (in report mode)

# extra margins around the text label

if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":

# margin between the window and the items

# offset for the header window

# margin between rows of icons in [small] icon view

# when autosizing the columns, add some slack

# default and minimal widths for the header columns

# the space between the image and the text in the report mode

# the space between the image and the text in the report mode in header

# and the width of the icon, if any

# Background Image Style
_StyleTile = 0
_StyleStretch = 1

# Windows Vista Colours
_rgbSelectOuter = wx.Colour(170, 200, 245)
_rgbSelectInner = wx.Colour(230, 250, 250)
_rgbSelectTop = wx.Colour(210, 240, 250)
_rgbSelectBottom = wx.Colour(185, 215, 250)
_rgbNoFocusTop = wx.Colour(250, 250, 250)
_rgbNoFocusBottom = wx.Colour(235, 235, 235)
_rgbNoFocusOuter = wx.Colour(220, 220, 220)
_rgbNoFocusInner = wx.Colour(245, 245, 245)

# Mouse hover time for track selection
if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
        import win32gui, win32con
        HOVER_TIME = win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)
    except ImportError:

# For PyImageList

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Utility method
def to_list(input):
    Converts the input data into a Python list.

    :param `input`: can be an integer or a Python list (in which case nothing will
     be done to `input`.

    if isinstance(input, types.ListType):
        return input
    elif isinstance(input, types.IntType):
        return [input]
        raise Exception("Invalid parameter passed to `to_list`: only integers and list are accepted.")

def CheckVariableRowHeight(listCtrl, text):
    Checks whether a text contains multiline strings and if the `listCtrl` window
    style is compatible with multiline strings.

    :param `listCtrl`: an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl};
    :param `text`: the text to analyze.

    if not listCtrl.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
        if "\n" in text:
            raise Exception("Multiline text items are not allowed without the ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT style.")

def CreateListItem(itemOrId, col):
    Creates a new instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

    :param `itemOrId`: can be an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or an integer;
    :param `col`: the item column.

    if type(itemOrId) == types.IntType:
        item = UltimateListItem()
        item._itemId = itemOrId
        item._col = col
        item = itemOrId

    return item

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def MakeDisabledBitmap(original):
    Creates a disabled-looking bitmap starting from the input one.

    :param `original`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap` to be greyed-out.
    img = original.ConvertToImage()
    return wx.BitmapFromImage(img.ConvertToGreyscale())

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def GetdragcursorData():
    return zlib.decompress(
\xe9\xea\xe7\xb2\xce)\xa1\t\x00B7|\x00" )

def GetdragcursorBitmap():
    return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetdragcursorImage())

def GetdragcursorImage():
    stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetdragcursorData())
    return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)

#  PyImageList

class PyImageList(object):
    A L{PyImageList} contains a list of images. Images can have masks for
    transparent drawing, and can be made from a variety of sources including
    bitmaps and icons.

    L{PyImageList} is used in conjunction with L{UltimateListCtrl}.

    :note: The main improvements that L{PyImageList} introduces is the removal
     of the limitation of same-size images inside the image list. If you use
     the style ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` then each image can have any size (in terms
     of width and height).
    def __init__(self, width, height, mask=True, initialCount=1, style=IL_VARIABLE_SIZE):
        Default class constructor.

        :param `width`: the width of the images in the image list, in pixels (unused
         if you specify the ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` style;
        :param `height`: the height of the images in the image list, in pixels (unused
         if you specify the ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` style;
        :param `mask`: ``True`` if masks should be created for all images (unused in
        :param `initialCount`: the initial size of the list (unused in L{PyImageList});
        :param `style`: can be one of the following bits:

         ==================== ===== =================================
         Style Flag           Value Description
         ==================== ===== =================================
         ``IL_FIXED_SIZE``        0 All the images in L{PyImageList} have the same size (width, height)
         ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE``     1 Each image can have any size (in terms of width and height)
         ==================== ===== =================================


        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._mask = mask
        self._initialCount = 1
        self._style = style

        self._images = []

    def GetImageCount(self):
        """ Returns the number of images in the list. """

        return len(self._images)

    def Add(self, bitmap):
        Adds a new image or images using a bitmap.

        :param `bitmap`: a valid `wx.Bitmap` object.

        :return: The new zero-based image index.

        :note: If the bitmap is wider than the images in the list and you are not using
         the ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` style, then the bitmap will automatically be split
         into smaller images, each matching the dimensions of the image list.

        index = len(self._images)
        # Mimic behavior of Windows ImageList_Add that automatically breaks up the added
        # bitmap into sub-images of the correct size

        if self._style & IL_FIXED_SIZE:

            if self._width > 0 and bitmap.GetWidth() > self._width and \
               bitmap.GetHeight() >= self._height:
                numImages = bitmap.GetWidth()/self._width
                for subIndex in xrange(numImages):
                    rect = wx.Rect(self._width * subIndex, 0, self._width, self._height)
                    tmpBmp = bitmap.GetSubBitmap(rect)

        if self._width == 0 and self._height == 0:
            self._width = bitmap.GetWidth()
            self._height = bitmap.GetHeight()

        return index

    def AddIcon(self, icon):
        Adds a new image using an icon.

        :param `icon`: a valid `wx.Icon` object.

        :return: The new zero-based image index.

        :note: If the icon is wider than the images in the list and you are not using
         the ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` style, then the icon will automatically be split
         into smaller images, each matching the dimensions of the image list.

        return self.Add(wx.BitmapFromIcon(icon))

    def AddWithColourMask(self, bitmap, maskColour):
        Adds a new image or images using a bitmap and a colour mask.

        :param `bitmap`: a valid `wx.Bitmap` object;
        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`, a colour indicating which parts
         of the image are transparent.

        :return: The new zero-based image index.

        :note: If the bitmap is wider than the images in the list and you are not using
         the ``IL_VARIABLE_SIZE`` style, then the bitmap will automatically be split
         into smaller images, each matching the dimensions of the image list.

        img = bitmap.ConvertToImage()
        img.SetMaskColour(maskColour.Red(), maskColour.Green(), maskColour.Blue())
        return self.Add(wx.BitmapFromImage(img))

    def GetBitmap(self, index):
        Returns the bitmap corresponding to the given `index`, or `wx.NullBitmap`
        if the index is invalid.

        :param `index`: the bitmap index.

        if index >= len(self._images):
            return wx.NullBitmap
        return self._images[index]

    def GetIcon(self, index):
        Returns the icon corresponding to the given `index`, or `wx.NullIcon`
        if the index is invalid.

        :param `index`: the icon index.

        if index >= len(self._images):
            return wx.NullIcon
        return wx.IconFromBitmap(self._images[index])

    def Replace(self, index, bitmap):
        Replaces the existing image with the new bitmap.

        :param `index`: the index at which the image should be replaced;
        :param `bitmap`: the new bitmap to add to the image list, an instance of
        if index >= len(self._images):
            raise Exception("Wrong index in image list")
        self._images[index] = bitmap

        return True

    def ReplaceIcon(self, index, icon):
        Replaces the existing image with the new icon.

        :param `index`: the index at which the image should be replaced;
        :param `icon`: the new icon to add to the image list, an instance of

        return self.Replace(index, wx.BitmapFromIcon(icon))

    def Remove(self, index):
        Removes the image at the given position.

        :param `index`: the zero-based index of the image to be removed.

        if index >= len(self._images):
            raise Exception("Wrong index in image list")

        return True

    def RemoveAll(self):
        """ Removes all the images in the list. """

        self._images = []
        return True

    def GetSize(self, index):
        Retrieves the size of an image in the list.

        :param `index`: the zero-based index of the image.

        :return: a tuple of `(width, height)` properties of the chosen bitmap.        
        if index >= len(self._images):
            raise Exception("Wrong index in image list")

        bmp = self._images[index]
        return bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()

    def Draw(self, index, dc, x, y, flags, solidBackground=True):
        Draws a specified image onto a device context.

        :param `index`: the image index, starting from zero;
        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `x`: x position on the device context;
        :param `y`: y position on the device context;
        :param `flags`: how to draw the image. A bitlist of a selection of the following:

         ================================= =======================================
         Flag Paarameter                   Description
         ================================= =======================================
         ``wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_NORMAL``      Draw the image normally
         ``wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT`` Draw the image with transparency
         ``wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_SELECTED``    Draw the image in selected state
         ``wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_FOCUSED``     Draw the image in a focused state
         ================================= =======================================

        :param `solidBackground`: currently unused.
        if index >= len(self._images):
            raise Exception("Wrong index in image list")

        bmp = self._images[index]    
        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, x, y, (flags & wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT) > 0)

        return True

class SelectionStore(object):
    SelectionStore is used to store the selected items in the virtual
    controls, i.e. it is well suited for storing even when the control contains
    a huge (practically infinite) number of items.

    Of course, internally it still has to store the selected items somehow (as
    an array currently) but the advantage is that it can handle the selection
    of all items (common operation) efficiently and that it could be made even
    smarter in the future (e.g. store the selections as an array of ranges +
    individual items) without changing its API.

    def __init__(self):
        """ Default class constructor. """

        # the array of items whose selection state is different from default
        self._itemsSel = []
        # the default state: normally, False (i.e. off) but maybe set to true if
        # there are more selected items than non selected ones - this allows to
        # handle selection of all items efficiently
        self._defaultState = False
        # the total number of items we handle
        self._count  = 0

    # special case of SetItemCount(0)
    def Clear(self):
        """ Clears the number of selected items. """

        self._itemsSel = []
        self._count = 0
        self._defaultState = False

    # return the total number of selected items
    def GetSelectedCount(self):
        """ Return the total number of selected items. """
        return (self._defaultState and [self._count - len(self._itemsSel)] or [len(self._itemsSel)])[0]

    def IsSelected(self, item):
        Returns ``True`` if the given item is selected.

        :param `item`: the item to check for selection state.

        isSel = item in self._itemsSel

        # if the default state is to be selected, being in m_itemsSel means that
        # the item is not selected, so we have to inverse the logic
        return (self._defaultState and [not isSel] or [isSel])[0]

    def SelectItem(self, item, select=True):
        Selects the given item.

        :param `item`: the item to select;
        :param `select`: ``True`` to select the item, ``False`` otherwise.

        :return: ``True`` if the items selection really changed.

        # search for the item ourselves as like this we get the index where to
        # insert it later if needed, so we do only one search in the array instead
        # of two (adding item to a sorted array requires a search)
        index = bisect.bisect_right(self._itemsSel, item)
        isSel = index < len(self._itemsSel) and self._itemsSel[index] == item

        if select != self._defaultState:
            if item not in self._itemsSel:
                bisect.insort_right(self._itemsSel, item)
                return True
        else: # reset to default state
            if item in self._itemsSel:
                return True
        return False

    def SelectRange(self, itemFrom, itemTo, select=True):
        Selects a range of items.

        :param `itemFrom`: the first index of the selection range;
        :param `itemTo`: the last index of the selection range;
        :param `select`: ``True`` to select the items, ``False`` otherwise.
        :return: ``True`` and fill the `itemsChanged` array with the indices of items
         which have changed state if "few" of them did, otherwise return ``False``
         (meaning that too many items changed state to bother counting them individually).
        # 100 is hardcoded but it shouldn't matter much: the important thing is
        # that we don't refresh everything when really few (e.g. 1 or 2) items
        # change state
        MANY_ITEMS = 100

        # many items (> half) changed state
        itemsChanged = []        

        # are we going to have more [un]selected items than the other ones?
        if itemTo - itemFrom > self._count/2:

            if select != self._defaultState:
                # the default state now becomes the same as 'select'
                self._defaultState = select

                # so all the old selections (which had state select) shouldn't be
                # selected any more, but all the other ones should
                selOld = self._itemsSel[:]
                self._itemsSel = []

                # TODO: it should be possible to optimize the searches a bit
                #       knowing the possible range

                for item in xrange(itemFrom):
                    if item not in selOld:
                for item in xrange(itemTo + 1, self._count):
                    if item not in selOld:

            else: # select == self._defaultState
                # get the inclusive range of items between itemFrom and itemTo
                count = len(self._itemsSel)
                start = bisect.bisect_right(self._itemsSel, itemFrom)
                end = bisect.bisect_right(self._itemsSel, itemTo)

                if start == count or self._itemsSel[start] < itemFrom:
                    start += 1
                if end == count or self._itemsSel[end] > itemTo:
                    end -= 1
                if start <= end:
                    # delete all of them (from end to avoid changing indices)
                    for i in xrange(end, start-1, -1):
                        if itemsChanged:
                            if len(itemsChanged) > MANY_ITEMS:
                                # stop counting (see comment below)
                                itemsChanged = []
                    self._itemsSel = []

        else: # "few" items change state
            if itemsChanged:
                itemsChanged = []

            # just add the items to the selection
            for item in xrange(itemFrom, itemTo+1):
                if self.SelectItem(item, select) and itemsChanged:
                    if len(itemsChanged) > MANY_ITEMS:
                        # stop counting them, we'll just eat gobs of memory
                        # for nothing at all - faster to refresh everything in
                        # this case
                        itemsChanged = []

        # we set it to None if there are many items changing state
        return itemsChanged

    def OnItemDelete(self, item):
        Must be called when an item is deleted.

        :param `item`: the item that is being deleted.

        count = len(self._itemsSel)
        i = bisect.bisect_right(self._itemsSel, item)

        if i < count and self._itemsSel[i] == item:
            # this item itself was in m_itemsSel, remove it from there

            count -= 1
        # and adjust the index of all which follow it
        while i < count:

            i += 1        
            self._itemsSel[i] -= 1

    def SetItemCount(self, count):
        Sets the total number of items we handle.

        :param `count`: the total number of items we handle.

        # forget about all items whose indices are now invalid if the size
        # decreased
        if count < self._count:
            for i in xrange(len(self._itemsSel), 0, -1):
                if self._itemsSel[i - 1] >= count:
                    self._itemsSel.pop(i - 1)
        # remember the new number of items
        self._count = count

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListItemAttr: a structure containing the visual attributes of an item
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class UltimateListItemAttr(object):
    Represents the attributes (colour, font, ...) of a L{UltimateListCtrl}
    def __init__(self, colText=wx.NullColour, colBack=wx.NullColour, font=wx.NullFont,
                 enabled=True, footerColText=wx.NullColour, footerColBack=wx.NullColour,
        Default class constructor.

        :param `colText`: the item text colour;
        :param `colBack`: the item background colour;
        :param `font`: the item font;
        :param `enabled`: ``True`` if the item should be enabled, ``False`` if it is disabled;
        :param `footerColText`: for footer items, the item text colour;
        :param `footerColBack`: for footer items, the item background colour;
        :param `footerFont`: for footer items, the item font.
        self._colText = colText
        self._colBack = colBack
        self._font = font
        self._enabled = enabled

        self._footerColText = footerColText
        self._footerColBack = footerColBack
        self._footerFont = footerFont

    # setters
    def SetTextColour(self, colText):
        Sets a new text colour.

        :param `colText`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
        self._colText = colText

    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colBack):
        Sets a new background colour.

        :param `colBack`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        self._colBack = colBack

    def SetFont(self, font):
        Sets a new font for the item.

        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.

        self._font = font

    def Enable(self, enable=True):
        Enables or disables the item.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` to disable it.

        self._enabled = enable        

    def SetFooterTextColour(self, colText):
        Sets a new footer item text colour.

        :param `colText`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        self._footerColText = colText

    def SetFooterBackgroundColour(self, colBack):
        Sets a new footer item background colour.

        :param `colBack`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        self._footerColBack = colBack

    def SetFooterFont(self, font):
        Sets a new font for the footer item.

        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.

        self._footerFont = font

    # accessors
    def HasTextColour(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set text colour is valid. """
        return self._colText.Ok()

    def HasBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set background colour is valid. """

        return self._colBack.Ok()

    def HasFont(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set font is valid. """

        return self._font.Ok()

    def HasFooterTextColour(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the currently set text colour for the footer item
        is valid.

        return self._footerColText.Ok()

    def HasFooterBackgroundColour(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the currently set background colour for the footer item
        is valid.

        return self._footerColBack.Ok()

    def HasFooterFont(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the currently set font for the footer item
        is valid.

        return self._footerFont.Ok()

    # getters
    def GetTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set text colour. """

        return self._colText

    def GetBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set background colour. """

        return self._colBack

    def GetFont(self):
        """ Returns the currently set item font. """

        return self._font

    def GetFooterTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set text colour for a footer item. """

        return self._footerColText

    def GetFooterBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set background colour for a footer item. """

        return self._footerColBack

    def GetFooterFont(self):
        """ Returns the currently set font for a footer item. """

        return self._footerFont

    def IsEnabled(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item is enabled. """

        return self._enabled        

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListItem: the item or column info, used to exchange data with UltimateListCtrl
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class UltimateListItem(wx.Object):
    """ This class stores information about a L{UltimateListCtrl} item or column. """
    def __init__(self, item=None):
        Default class constructor.

        :param `item`: if not ``None``, another instance of L{UltimateListItem}.
        if not item:
            self._attr = None
            self._mask = item._mask              # Indicates what fields are valid
            self._itemId = item._itemId          # The zero-based item position
            self._col = item._col                # Zero-based column, if in report mode
            self._state = item._state            # The state of the item
            self._stateMask = item._stateMask    # Which flags of self._state are valid (uses same flags)
            self._text = item._text              # The label/header text
            self._image = item._image[:]         # The zero-based indexes into an image list
            self._data = item._data              # App-defined data
            self._pyData = item._pyData          # Python-specific data
            self._format = item._format          # left, right, centre
            self._width = item._width            # width of column
            self._colour = item._colour          # item text colour
            self._font = item._font              # item font
            self._checked = item._checked        # The checking state for the item (if kind > 0)
            self._kind = item._kind              # Whether it is a normal, checkbox-like or a radiobutton-like item
            self._enabled = item._enabled        # Whether the item is enabled or not
            self._hypertext = item._hypertext    # indicates if the item is hypertext
            self._visited = item._visited        # visited state for an hypertext item
            self._wnd = item._wnd
            self._windowenabled = item._windowenabled
            self._windowsize = item._windowsize
            self._isColumnShown = item._isColumnShown
            self._customRenderer = item._customRenderer
            self._overFlow = item._overFlow
            self._footerChecked = item._footerChecked
            self._footerFormat = item._footerFormat
            self._footerImage = item._footerImage
            self._footerKind = item._footerKind
            self._footerText = item._footerText
            self._expandWin = item._expandWin
            self._attr = None

            # copy list item attributes
            if item.HasAttributes():
                self._attr = item.GetAttributes()[:]

    # resetting
    def Clear(self):
        """ Resets the item state to the default. """
        self._text = ""

    def ClearAttributes(self):
        """ Deletes the item attributes if they have been stored. """
        if self._attr:
            del self._attr
            self._attr = None

    # setters
    def SetMask(self, mask):
        Sets the mask of valid fields.

        :param `mask`: any combination of the following bits:

         ============================ ========= ==============================
         Mask Bits                    Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_MASK_STATE``                 0x1 L{GetState} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_TEXT``                  0x2 L{GetText} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_IMAGE``                 0x4 L{GetImage} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_DATA``                  0x8 L{GetData} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_WIDTH``                0x20 L{GetWidth} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FORMAT``               0x40 L{GetFormat} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FONTCOLOUR``           0x80 L{GetTextColour} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FONT``                0x100 L{GetFont} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_BACKCOLOUR``          0x200 L{GetBackgroundColour} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_KIND``                0x400 L{GetKind} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_ENABLE``              0x800 L{IsEnabled} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_CHECK``              0x1000 L{IsChecked} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT``          0x2000 L{IsHyperText} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_WINDOW``             0x4000 L{GetWindow} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_PYDATA``             0x8000 L{GetPyData} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_SHOWN``             0x10000 L{IsShown} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_RENDERER``          0x20000 L{GetCustomRenderer} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW``          0x40000 L{GetOverFlow} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_TEXT``       0x80000 L{GetFooterText} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_IMAGE``     0x100000 L{GetFooterImage} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FORMAT``    0x200000 L{GetFooterFormat} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FONT``      0x400000 L{GetFooterFont} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_CHECK``     0x800000 L{IsFooterChecked} is valid
         ``ULC_MASK_FOOTER_KIND``     0x1000000 L{GetFooterKind} is valid
         ============================ ========= ==============================
        self._mask = mask

    def SetId(self, id):
        Sets the zero-based item position.

        :param `id`: the zero-based item position.
        self._itemId = id

    def SetColumn(self, col):
        Sets the zero-based column.

        :param `col`: the zero-based column.
        :note: This method is neaningful only in report mode.
        self._col = col

    def SetState(self, state):
        Sets the item state flags.

        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :note: The valid state flags are influenced by the value of the state mask.

        :see: L{SetStateMask}
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_STATE
        self._state = state
        self._stateMask |= state

    def SetStateMask(self, stateMask):
        Sets the bitmask that is used to determine which of the state flags are
        to be set.

        :param `stateMask`: the state bitmask.
        :see: L{SetState} for a list of valid state bits.
        self._stateMask = stateMask

    def SetText(self, text):
        Sets the text label for the item.

        :param `text`: the text label for the item.
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_TEXT
        self._text = text

    def SetImage(self, image):
        Sets the zero-based indexes of the images associated with the item into the
        image list.

        :param `image`: a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images
         associated with the item into the image list.
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_IMAGE
        if image is None:
            image = []
        self._image = to_list(image)

    def SetData(self, data):
        Sets client data for the item.

        :param `data`: the client data associated to the item.
        :note: Please note that client data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_DATA
        self._data = data

    def SetPyData(self, pyData):
        Sets data for the item, which can be any Python object.

        :param `data`: any Python object associated to the item.
        :note: Please note that Python data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_PYDATA
        self._pyData = pyData

    def SetWidth(self, width):
        Sets the column width.

        :param `width`: the column width.

        :note: This method is meaningful only for column headers in report mode.
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_WIDTH
        self._width = width

    def SetAlign(self, align):
        Sets the alignment for the item.

        :param `align`: one of the following bits:

         ============================ ========= ==============================
         Alignment Bits               Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_FORMAT_LEFT``                0x0 The item is left-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_RIGHT``               0x1 The item is right-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_CENTRE``              0x2 The item is centre-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_CENTER``              0x2 The item is center-aligned
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FORMAT
        self._format = align

    def SetTextColour(self, colText):
        Sets the text colour for the item.

        :param `colText`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.

    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colBack):
        Sets the background colour for the item.

        :param `colBack`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.


    def SetFont(self, font):
        Sets the font for the item.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` object.


    def SetFooterTextColour(self, colText):
        Sets the text colour for the footer item.

        :param `colText`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.


    def SetFooterBackgroundColour(self, colBack):
        Sets the background colour for the footer item.

        :param `colBack`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.


    def SetFooterFont(self, font):
        Sets the font for the footer item.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` object.


    def Enable(self, enable=True):
        Enables or disables the item.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` to disable it.


    # accessors
    def GetMask(self):
        Returns a bit mask indicating which fields of the structure are valid.

        :see: L{SetMask} for a list of valid bit masks.
        return self._mask

    def GetId(self):
        """ Returns the zero-based item position. """
        return self._itemId

    def GetColumn(self):
        Returns the zero-based column.

        :note: This method is meaningful only in report mode.

        return self._col

    def GetFormat(self):
        """ Returns the header item format. """

        return self._format

    def GetState(self):
        Returns a bit field representing the state of the item.

        :see: L{SetState} for a list of valid item states.
        return self._state & self._stateMask

    def GetText(self):
        """ Returns the label/header text. """

        return self._text

    def GetImage(self):
        Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
        with the item into the image list.
        return self._image

    def GetData(self):
        Returns client data associated with the control.

        :note: Please note that client data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.
        return self._data

    def GetPyData(self):
        Returns data for the item, which can be any Python object.

        :note: Please note that Python data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.

        return self._pyData

    def GetWidth(self):
        Returns the column width.

        :note: This method is meaningful only for column headers in report mode.

        return self._width

    def GetAlign(self):
        Returns the alignment for the item.

        :see: L{SetAlign} for a list of valid alignment bits.
        return self._format

    def GetAttributes(self):
        """ Returns the associated L{UltimateListItemAttr} attributes. """

        return self._attr

    def HasAttributes(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item has attributes associated with it. """

        return self._attr != None

    def GetTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the text colour. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetTextColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def GetBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns the background colour. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetBackgroundColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def GetFont(self):
        """ Returns the item font. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetFont()] or [wx.NullFont])[0]

    def IsEnabled(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item is enabled. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.IsEnabled()] or [True])[0]
    # creates self._attr if we don't have it yet
    def Attributes(self):
        Returns the associated attributes if they exist, or create a new L{UltimateListItemAttr}
        structure and associate it with this item.
        if not self._attr:
            self._attr = UltimateListItemAttr()

        return self._attr

    def SetKind(self, kind): 
        Sets the item kind.

        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_KIND
        self._kind = kind

    def GetKind(self):
        Returns the item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a valid list of item's kind.

        return self._kind

    def IsChecked(self):
        """ Returns whether the item is checked or not. """

        return self._checked

    def Check(self, checked=True):
        Checks/unchecks an item.

        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio items.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_CHECK
        self._checked = checked

    def IsShown(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item is shown, or ``False`` if it is hidden. """

        return self._isColumnShown

    def SetShown(self, shown=True):
        Sets an item as shown/hidden.

        :param `shown`: ``True`` to show the item, ``False`` to hide it.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_SHOWN
        self._isColumnShown = shown

    def SetHyperText(self, hyper=True):
        Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.

        :param `hyper`: ``True`` to set hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT
        self._hypertext = hyper

    def SetVisited(self, visited=True):
        Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.

        :param `visited`: ``True`` to set a hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT
        self._visited = visited

    def GetVisited(self):
        """ Returns whether an hypertext item was visited or not. """

        return self._visited        

    def IsHyperText(self):
        """ Returns whether the item is hypetext or not. """

        return self._hypertext

    def SetWindow(self, wnd, expand=False):
        Sets the window associated to the item.

        :param `wnd`: a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item;
        :param `expand`: ``True`` to expand the column where the item/subitem lives,
         so that the window will be fully visible.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_WINDOW
        self._wnd = wnd

        listCtrl = wnd.GetParent()
        mainWin = listCtrl._mainWin

        if wnd.GetSizer():      # the window is a complex one hold by a sizer
            size = wnd.GetBestSize()
        else:                   # simple window, without sizers
            size = wnd.GetSize()

        # We have to bind the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS for the associated window
        # No other solution to handle the focus changing from an item in
        # UltimateListCtrl and the window associated to an item
        # Do better strategies exist?
        self._wnd.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)        
        self._windowsize = size
        # The window is enabled only if the item is enabled                
        self._windowenabled = self._enabled
        self._expandWin = expand

        mainWin._hasWindows = True

        # This is needed as otherwise widgets that should be invisible
        # are shown at the top left corner of ULC

    def GetWindow(self):
        """ Returns the window associated to the item. """

        return self._wnd        

    def DeleteWindow(self):
        """ Deletes the window associated to the item (if any). """

        if self._wnd:
            listCtrl = self._wnd.GetParent()            
            if self in listCtrl._itemWithWindow:
            self._wnd = None

    def GetWindowEnabled(self):
        """ Returns whether the associated window is enabled or not. """

        if not self._wnd:
            raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")

        return self._windowenabled

    def SetWindowEnabled(self, enable=True):
        Sets whether the associated window is enabled or not.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to disable it.

        if not self._wnd:
            raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")

        self._windowenabled = enable

    def GetWindowSize(self):
        """ Returns the associated window size. """
        return self._windowsize        

    def SetCustomRenderer(self, renderer):
        Associate a custom renderer to this item.

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawSubItem`,
         `GetLineHeight` and `GetSubItemWidth`. 

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_RENDERER
        self._customRenderer = renderer

    def GetCustomRenderer(self):
        """ Returns the custom renderer associated with this item (if any). """

        return self._customRenderer

    def SetOverFlow(self, over=True):
        Sets the item in the overflow/non overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.
        :param `over`: ``True`` to set the item in a overflow state, ``False`` otherwise.        
        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW
        self._overFlow = over

    def GetOverFlow(self):
        Returns if the item is in the overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.

        return self._overFlow
    def Init(self):
        """ Initializes an empty L{UltimateListItem}. """

        self._mask = 0
        self._itemId = 0
        self._col = 0
        self._state = 0
        self._stateMask = 0
        self._image = []
        self._data = 0
        self._pyData = None
        self._text = ""

        self._format = ULC_FORMAT_CENTRE
        self._width = 0

        self._colour = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)
        self._font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)

        self._kind = 0
        self._checked = False
        self._enabled = True

        self._hypertext = False    # indicates if the item is hypertext
        self._visited = False      # visited state for an hypertext item

        self._wnd = None
        self._windowenabled = False
        self._windowsize = wx.Size()
        self._isColumnShown = True

        self._customRenderer = None
        self._overFlow = False
        self._footerChecked = False
        self._footerFormat = ULC_FORMAT_CENTRE
        self._footerImage = []
        self._footerKind = 0
        self._footerText = ""
        self._expandWin = False

    def SetFooterKind(self, kind): 
        Sets the footer item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid items kind.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_KIND
        self._footerKind = kind

    def GetFooterKind(self):
        Returns the footer item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid items kind.

        return self._footerKind

    def IsFooterChecked(self):
        """ Returns whether the footer item is checked or not. """

        return self._footerChecked

    def CheckFooter(self, checked=True):
        Checks/unchecks a footer item.

        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio footer items.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_CHECK
        self._footerChecked = checked

    def GetFooterFormat(self):
        """ Returns the footer item format. """

        return self._footerFormat

    def SetFooterFormat(self, format):
        Sets the footer item format.

        :param `format`: the footer item format.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FORMAT
        self._footerFormat = format

    def GetFooterText(self):
        """ Returns the footer text. """

        return self._footerText

    def SetFooterText(self, text):
        Sets the text label for the footer item.

        :param `text`: the text label for the footer item.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_TEXT
        self._footerText = text

    def GetFooterImage(self):
        Returns the zero-based index of the image associated with the footer item into
        the image list.

        return self._footerImage

    def SetFooterImage(self, image):
        Sets the zero-based index of the image associated with the footer item into the
        image list.

        :param `image`: the zero-based index of the image associated with the footer item
         into the image list.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_IMAGE
        self._footerImage = to_list(image)

    def GetFooterTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the footer item text colour. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetFooterTextColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def GetFooterBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns the footer item background colour. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetFooterBackgroundColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def GetFooterFont(self):
        """ Returns the footer item font. """

        return (self.HasAttributes() and [self._attr.GetFooterFont()] or [wx.NullFont])[0]

    def SetFooterAlign(self, align):
        Sets the alignment for the footer item.

        :see: L{SetAlign} for a list of valid alignment flags.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FORMAT
        self._footerFormat = align

    def GetFooterAlign(self):
        Returns the alignment for the footer item.

        :see: L{SetAlign} for a list of valid alignment flags.

        return self._footerFormat

    def OnSetFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for the window associated to an item.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.

        listCtrl = self._wnd.GetParent()
        select = listCtrl.GetItemState(self._itemId, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

        # If the window is associated to an item that currently is selected
        # (has focus) we don't kill the focus. Otherwise we do it.
        if not select:
            listCtrl._hasFocus = False
            listCtrl._hasFocus = True


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ListEvent - the event class for the UltimateListCtrl notifications
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CommandListEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
    A list event holds information about events associated with L{UltimateListCtrl}
    def __init__(self, commandTypeOrEvent=None, winid=0):
        Default class constructor.
        For internal use: do not call it in your code!

        :param `commandTypeOrEvent`: the event type or another instance of
        :param `winid`: the event identifier.

        if type(commandTypeOrEvent) == types.IntType:

            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, commandTypeOrEvent, winid)

            self.m_code = 0
            self.m_oldItemIndex = 0
            self.m_itemIndex = 0
            self.m_col = 0
            self.m_pointDrag = wx.Point()
            self.m_item = UltimateListItem()
            self.m_editCancelled = False


            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, commandTypeOrEvent.GetEventType(), commandTypeOrEvent.GetId())
            self.m_code = commandTypeOrEvent.m_code
            self.m_oldItemIndex = commandTypeOrEvent.m_oldItemIndex
            self.m_itemIndex = commandTypeOrEvent.m_itemIndex
            self.m_col = commandTypeOrEvent.m_col
            self.m_pointDrag = commandTypeOrEvent.m_pointDrag
            self.m_item = commandTypeOrEvent.m_item
            self.m_editCancelled = commandTypeOrEvent.m_editCancelled

    def GetKeyCode(self):
        """ Returns the key code if the event is a keypress event. """

        return self.m_code

    def GetIndex(self):
        """ Returns the item index. """

        return self.m_itemIndex

    def GetColumn(self):
        Returns the column position: it is only used with ``COL`` events.

        For the column dragging events, it is the column to the left of the divider
        being dragged, for the column click events it may be -1 if the user clicked
        in the list control header outside any column.
        return self.m_col

    def GetPoint(self):
        """ Returns the position of the mouse pointer if the event is a drag event. """
        return self.m_pointDrag

    def GetLabel(self):
        """ Returns the (new) item label for ``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT`` event. """
        return self.m_item._text

    def GetText(self):
        """ Returns the item text. """

        return self.m_item._text

    def GetImage(self):
        """ Returns the item image. """

        return self.m_item._image

    def GetData(self):
        """ Returns the item data. """

        return self.m_item._data

    def GetMask(self):
        """ Returns the item mask. """

        return self.m_item._mask

    def GetItem(self):
        """ Returns the item itself. """

        return self.m_item

    def GetCacheFrom(self):
        Returns the first item which the list control advises us to cache.

        :note: This method is meaningful for ``EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT`` event only.

        return self.m_oldItemIndex

    def GetCacheTo(self):
        Returns the last item (inclusive) which the list control advises us to cache.

        :note: This method is meaningful for ``EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT`` event only.

        return self.m_itemIndex

    # was label editing canceled? (for wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT only)
    def IsEditCancelled(self):
        Returns ``True`` if it the label editing has been cancelled by the user
        (L{GetLabel} returns an empty string in this case but it doesn't allow
        the application to distinguish between really cancelling the edit and
        the admittedly rare case when the user wants to rename it to an empty

        :note: This method only makes sense for ``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT`` messages.

        return self.m_editCancelled

    def SetEditCanceled(self, editCancelled):
        Sets the item editing as cancelled/not cancelled.

        :param `editCancelled`: ``True`` to set the item editing as cancelled, ``False``

        :note: This method only makes sense for ``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT`` messages.

        self.m_editCancelled = editCancelled

    def Clone(self):
        Returns a copy of the event.

        Any event that is posted to the wxPython event system for later action
        (via `wx.EvtHandler.AddPendingEvent` or `wx.PostEvent`) must implement this

        All wxPython events fully implement this method, but any derived events
        implemented by the user should also implement this method just in case they
        (or some event derived from them) are ever posted.

        All wxPython events implement a copy constructor, so the easiest way of
        implementing the L{Clone} function is to implement a copy constructor for
        a new event (call it `MyEvent`) and then define the L{Clone} function like

            def Clone(self):
                return MyEvent(self)

        return UltimateListEvent(self)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListEvent is a special class for all events associated with list controls
# NB: note that not all accessors make sense for all events, see the event
#     descriptions below
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class UltimateListEvent(CommandListEvent):
    A list event holds information about events associated with L{UltimateListCtrl}

    def __init__(self, commandTypeOrEvent=None, winid=0):
        Default class constructor.
        For internal use: do not call it in your code!

        :param `commandTypeOrEvent`: the event type or another instance of
        :param `winid`: the event identifier.

        CommandListEvent.__init__(self, commandTypeOrEvent, winid)

        if type(commandTypeOrEvent) == types.IntType:
            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(commandTypeOrEvent, winid)
            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(commandTypeOrEvent.GetEventType(), commandTypeOrEvent.GetId())

    def GetNotifyEvent(self):
        """ Returns the actual `wx.NotifyEvent`. """
        return self.notify

    def IsAllowed(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the change is allowed (L{Veto} hasn't been called) or
        ``False`` otherwise (if it was).

        return self.notify.IsAllowed()

    def Veto(self):
        Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.

        :note: It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons
         for vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which
         just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.


    def Allow(self):
        This is the opposite of L{Veto}: it explicitly allows the event to be processed.
        For most events it is not necessary to call this method as the events are
        allowed anyhow but some are forbidden by default (this will be mentioned
        in the corresponding event description).


# ============================================================================
# private classes
# ============================================================================

#  ColWidthInfo (internal)

class ColWidthInfo(object):
    """ A simple class which holds information about L{UltimateListCtrl} columns. """

    def __init__(self, w=0, needsUpdate=True):
        Default class constructor

        :param `w`: the initial width of the column;
        :param `needsUpdate`: ``True`` if the column needs refreshing, ``False``

        self._nMaxWidth = w
        self._bNeedsUpdate = needsUpdate

#  UltimateListItemData (internal)

class UltimateListItemData(object):
    A simple class which holds information about L{UltimateListItem} visual
    attributes (client ractangles, positions, etc...).

    def __init__(self, owner):
        Default class constructor

        :param `owner`: an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        # the list ctrl we are in
        self._owner = owner

        # the item coordinates are not used in report mode, instead this pointer
        # is None and the owner window is used to retrieve the item position and
        # size

        if owner.InReportView():
            self._rect = None
            self._rect = wx.Rect()

    def SetImage(self, image):
        Sets the zero-based indexes of the images associated with the item into the
        image list.

        :param `image`: a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images
         associated with the item into the image list.

        self._image = to_list(image)

    def SetData(self, data):
        Sets client data for the item.

        :param `data`: the client data associated to the item.
        :note: Please note that client data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.

        self._data = data

    def HasText(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item text is not the empty string. """
        return self._text != ""

    def GetText(self):
        """ Returns the item text. """

        return self._text

    def GetBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set background colour. """

        return self._backColour

    def GetColour(self):
        """ Returns the currently set text colour. """

        return self._colour

    def GetFont(self):
        """ Returns the currently set font. """

        return (self._hasFont and [self._font] or [wx.NullFont])[0]

    def SetText(self, text):
        Sets the text label for the item.

        :param `text`: the text label for the item.

        self._text = text

    def SetColour(self, colour):
        Sets the text colour for the item.

        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        if colour == wx.NullColour:
            self._hasColour = False
            del self._colour
        self._hasColour = True
        self._colour = colour

    def SetFont(self, font):
        Sets the text font for the item.

        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.

        if font == wx.NullFont:
            self._hasFont = False
            del self._font
        self._hasFont = True
        self._font = font

    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
        Sets the background colour for the item.

        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        if colour == wx.NullColour:
            self._hasBackColour = False
            del self._backColour
        self._hasBackColour = True
        self._backColour = colour

    # we can't use empty string for measuring the string width/height, so
    # always return something
    def GetTextForMeasuring(self):
        Returns the item text or a simple string if the item text is the
        empty string.
        s = self.GetText()
        if not s.strip():
            s = 'H'

        return s

    def GetImage(self):
        Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
        with the item into the image list.

        return self._image

    def HasImage(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item has at least one image associated with it. """
        return len(self._image) > 0

    def SetKind(self, kind): 
        Sets the item kind.

        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        self._kind = kind

    def GetKind(self):
        Returns the item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        return self._kind

    def IsChecked(self):
        """ Returns whether the item is checked or not. """

        return self._checked

    def Check(self, checked=True):
        Checks/unchecks an item.

        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio items.

        self._checked = checked

    def SetHyperText(self, hyper=True):
        Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.

        :param `hyper`: ``True`` to set hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.
        self._hypertext = hyper

    def SetVisited(self, visited=True):
        Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.

        :param `visited`: ``True`` to set a hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.

        self._visited = visited

    def GetVisited(self):
        """Returns whether an hypertext item was visited or not."""

        return self._visited        

    def IsHyperText(self):
        """Returns whether the item is hypetext or not."""

        return self._hypertext

    def SetWindow(self, wnd, expand=False):
        Sets the window associated to the item.

        :param `wnd`: a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item;
        :param `expand`: ``True`` to expand the column where the item/subitem lives,
         so that the window will be fully visible.

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_WINDOW
        self._wnd = wnd

        if wnd.GetSizer():      # the window is a complex one hold by a sizer
            size = wnd.GetBestSize()
        else:                   # simple window, without sizers
            size = wnd.GetSize()

        # We have to bind the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS for the associated window
        # No other solution to handle the focus changing from an item in
        # UltimateListCtrl and the window associated to an item
        # Do better strategies exist?
        self._windowsize = size
        # The window is enabled only if the item is enabled                
        self._windowenabled = self._enabled
        self._expandWin = expand

    def GetWindow(self):
        """ Returns the window associated to the item. """

        return self._wnd        

    def DeleteWindow(self):
        """ Deletes the window associated to the item (if any). """

        if self._wnd:
            self._wnd = None

    def GetWindowEnabled(self):
        """ Returns whether the associated window is enabled or not. """

        if not self._wnd:
            raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")

        return self._windowenabled

    def SetWindowEnabled(self, enable=True):
        Sets whether the associated window is enabled or not.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to disable it.

        if not self._wnd:
            raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")

        self._windowenabled = enable

    def GetWindowSize(self):
        """ Returns the associated window size. """
        return self._windowsize        

    def SetAttr(self, attr):
        Sets the item attributes.

        :param `attr`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemAttr}.

        self._attr = attr

    def GetAttr(self):
        """ Returns the item attributes. """

        return self._attr

    def HasColour(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set text colour is valid. """

        return self._hasColour

    def HasFont(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set font is valid. """

        return self._hasFont

    def HasBackgroundColour(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set background colour is valid. """

        return self._hasBackColour

    def SetCustomRenderer(self, renderer):
        Associate a custom renderer to this item.

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawSubItem`,
         `GetLineHeight` and `GetSubItemWidth`. 

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_RENDERER
        self._customRenderer = renderer

    def GetCustomRenderer(self):
        """ Returns the custom renderer associated with this item (if any). """

        return self._customRenderer

    def SetOverFlow(self, over=True):
        Sets the item in the overflow/non overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.
        :param `over`: ``True`` to set the item in a overflow state, ``False`` otherwise.        

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW
        self._overFlow = over

    def GetOverFlow(self):
        Returns if the item is in the overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.

        return self._overFlow

    def Init(self):
        """ Initializes the item data structure. """

        # the item image or -1
        self._image = []
        # user data associated with the item
        self._data = 0
        self._pyData = None
        self._colour = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)
        self._hasColour = False
        self._hasFont = False
        self._hasBackColour = False
        self._text = ""

        # kind = 0: normal item
        # kind = 1: checkbox-type item
        self._kind = 0
        self._checked = False

        self._enabled = True
        # custom attributes or None
        self._attr = None

        self._hypertext = False
        self._visited = False

        self._wnd = None
        self._windowenabled = True
        self._windowsize = wx.Size()
        self._isColumnShown = True
        self._customRenderer = None
        self._overFlow = False
        self._expandWin = False

    def SetItem(self, info):
        Sets information about the item.

        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemData}.

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_TEXT:
            CheckVariableRowHeight(self._owner, info._text)

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_KIND:
            self._kind = info._kind

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_CHECK:
            self._checked = info._checked

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_ENABLE:
            self._enabled = info._enabled
        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_IMAGE:
            self._image = info._image[:]

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_DATA:
            self._data = info._data

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_PYDATA:
            self._pyData = info._pyData
        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT:
            self._hypertext = info._hypertext
            self._visited = info._visited
        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_FONTCOLOUR:

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_FONT:

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_BACKCOLOUR:

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_WINDOW:
            self._wnd = info._wnd
            self._windowenabled = info._windowenabled
            self._windowsize = info._windowsize
            self._expandWin = info._expandWin

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_SHOWN:
            self._isColumnShown = info._isColumnShown

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_RENDERER:
            self._customRenderer = info._customRenderer

        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW:
            self._overFlow = info._overFlow
        if info.HasAttributes():

            if self._attr:
                self._attr = info.GetAttributes()
                self._attr = UltimateListItemAttr(info.GetTextColour(), info.GetBackgroundColour(),
                                                  info.GetFont(), info.IsEnabled(), info.GetFooterTextColour(),
                                                  info.GetFooterBackgroundColour(), info.GetFooterFont())

        if self._rect:

            self._rect.x = -1
            self._rect.y = -1
            self._rect.height = 0
            self._rect.width = info._width

    def SetPosition(self, x, y):
        Sets the item position.

        :param `x`: the item x position;
        :param `y`: the item y position.

        self._rect.x = x
        self._rect.y = y

    def SetSize(self, width, height):
        Sets the item size.

        :param `width`: the item width;
        :param `height`: the item height.

        if width != -1:
            self._rect.width = width
        if height != -1:
            self._rect.height = height

    def IsHit(self, x, y):
        Returns ``True`` if the input position is inside the item client rectangle.

        :param `x`: the x mouse position;
        :param `y`: the y mouse position.

        return wx.Rect(self.GetX(), self.GetY(), self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight()).Contains((x, y))

    def GetX(self):
        """ Returns the item x position. """
        return self._rect.x

    def GetY(self):
        """ Returns the item y position. """

        return self._rect.y

    def GetWidth(self):
        """ Returns the item width. """

        return self._rect.width

    def GetHeight(self):
        """ Returns the item height. """

        return self._rect.height

    def GetItem(self, info):
        Returns information about the item.

        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemData}.

        mask = info._mask
        if not mask:
            # by default, get everything for backwards compatibility
            mask = -1

        if mask & ULC_MASK_TEXT:
            info._text = self._text
        if mask & ULC_MASK_IMAGE:
            info._image = self._image[:]
        if mask & ULC_MASK_DATA:
            info._data = self._data
        if mask & ULC_MASK_PYDATA:
            info._pyData = self._pyData
        if info._mask & ULC_MASK_FONT:
        if mask & ULC_MASK_KIND:
            info._kind = self._kind
        if mask & ULC_MASK_CHECK:
            info._checked = self._checked
        if mask & ULC_MASK_ENABLE:
            info._enabled = self._enabled
        if mask & ULC_MASK_HYPERTEXT:
            info._hypertext = self._hypertext
            info._visited = self._visited
        if mask & ULC_MASK_WINDOW:
            info._wnd = self._wnd
            info._windowenabled = self._windowenabled
            info._windowsize = self._windowsize
            info._expandWin = self._expandWin
        if mask & ULC_MASK_SHOWN:
            info._isColumnShown = self._isColumnShown
        if mask & ULC_MASK_RENDERER:
            info._customRenderer = self._customRenderer
        if mask & ULC_MASK_OVERFLOW:
            info._overFlow = self._overFlow

        if self._attr:

            if self._attr.HasTextColour():
            if self._attr.HasBackgroundColour():
            if self._attr.HasFont():

        return info

    def IsEnabled(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the item is enabled, ``False`` if it is disabled. """

        return self._enabled

    def Enable(self, enable=True):
        Enables or disables the item.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` to disable it.

        self._enabled = enable        

#  UltimateListHeaderData (internal)

class UltimateListHeaderData(object):
    A simple class which holds information about L{UltimateListItem} visual
    attributes for the header/footer items (client ractangles, positions, etc...).

    def __init__(self, item=None):
        Default class constructor.
        :param `item`: another instance of L{UltimateListHeaderData}.


        if item:

    def HasText(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the currently set text colour is valid. """

        return self._text != ""

    def GetText(self):
        """ Returns the header/footer item text. """

        return self._text

    def SetText(self, text):
        Sets the header/footer item text.

        :param `text`: the new header/footer text.

        self._text = text

    def GetFont(self):
        """ Returns the header/footer item font. """
        return self._font

    def Init(self):
        """ Initializes the header/footer item. """

        self._mask = 0
        self._image = []
        self._format = 0
        self._width = 0
        self._xpos = 0
        self._ypos = 0
        self._height = 0
        self._text = ""
        self._kind = 0
        self._checked = False
        self._font = wx.NullFont
        self._state = 0
        self._isColumnShown = True
        self._customRenderer = None

        self._footerImage = []
        self._footerFormat = 0
        self._footerText = ""
        self._footerKind = 0
        self._footerChecked = False
        self._footerFont = wx.NullFont

    def SetItem(self, item):
        Sets information about the header/footer item.

        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListHeaderData}.

        self._mask = item._mask

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_TEXT:
            self._text = item._text

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_TEXT:
            self._footerText = item._footerText

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_IMAGE:
            self._image = item._image[:]

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_IMAGE:
            self._footerImage = item._footerImage[:]

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FORMAT:
            self._format = item._format

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FORMAT:
            self._footerFormat = item._footerFormat

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_WIDTH:

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FONT:
            self._font = item._font

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_FONT:
            self._footerFont = item._footerFont
        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_KIND:
            self._footerKind = item._footerKind
            self._footerChecked = item._footerChecked

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_KIND:
            self._kind = item._kind
            self._checked = item._checked

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_CHECK:
            self._kind = item._kind
            self._checked = item._checked

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_FOOTER_CHECK:
            self._footerKind = item._footerKind
            self._footerChecked = item._footerChecked

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_STATE:

        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_SHOWN:
            self._isColumnShown = item._isColumnShown
        if self._mask & ULC_MASK_RENDERER:
            self._customRenderer = item._customRenderer

    def SetState(self, flag):
        Sets the item state flags.

        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================


        self._state = flag

    def SetPosition(self, x, y):
        Sets the header/footer item position.

        :param `x`: the item x position;
        :param `y`: the item y position.

        self._xpos = x
        self._ypos = y

    def SetHeight(self, h):
        Sets the header/footer item height.

        :param `h`: an integer value representing the header/footer height.

        self._height = h

    def SetWidth(self, w):
        Sets the header/footer item width.

        :param `w`: an integer value representing the header/footer width.

        self._width = w

        if self._width < 0:
            self._width = WIDTH_COL_DEFAULT
        elif self._width < WIDTH_COL_MIN:
            self._width = WIDTH_COL_MIN

    def SetFormat(self, format):
        Sets the header item format.

        :param `format`: the header item format.
        self._format = format

    def SetFooterFormat(self, format):
        Sets the footer item format.

        :param `format`: the footer item format.

        self._footerFormat = format

    def HasImage(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the header item has at least one image associated
        with it.

        return len(self._image) > 0

    def HasFooterImage(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the footer item has at least one image associated
        with it.

        return len(self._footerImage) > 0

    def IsHit(self, x, y):
        Returns ``True`` if the input position is inside the item client rectangle.

        :param `x`: the x mouse position;
        :param `y`: the y mouse position.

        return ((x >= self._xpos) and (x <= self._xpos+self._width) and (y >= self._ypos) and (y <= self._ypos+self._height))

    def GetItem(self, item):
        Returns information about the item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListHeaderData}.

        item._mask = self._mask
        item._text = self._text
        item._image = self._image[:]
        item._format = self._format
        item._width = self._width
        if self._font:
            item._font = self._font

        item._kind = self._kind
        item._checked = self._checked
        item._state = self._state
        item._isColumnShown = self._isColumnShown

        item._footerImage = self._footerImage
        item._footerFormat = self._footerFormat
        item._footerText = self._footerText
        item._footerKind = self._footerKind
        item._footerChecked = self._footerChecked
        item._footerFont = self._footerFont
        item._customRenderer = self._customRenderer

        return item

    def GetState(self):
        Returns a bit field representing the state of the item.

        :see: L{SetState} for a list of valid item states.

        return self._state

    def GetImage(self):
        Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
        with the header item into the image list.

        return self._image

    def GetFooterImage(self):
        Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
        with the footer item into the image list.

        return self._footerImage

    def GetWidth(self):
        """ Returns the header/footer item width. """
        return self._width

    def GetFormat(self):
        """ Returns the header item format. """

        return self._format

    def GetFooterFormat(self):
        """ Returns the footer item format. """

        return self._footerFormat

    def SetFont(self, font):
        Sets a new font for the header item.

        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.

        self._font = font

    def SetFooterFont(self, font):
        Sets a new font for the footer item.

        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.

        self._footerFont = font

    def SetKind(self, kind): 
        Sets the header item kind.

        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        self._kind = kind

    def SetFooterKind(self, kind): 
        Sets the footer item kind.

        :param `kind`: the footer item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        self._footerKind = kind

    def GetKind(self):
        Returns the header item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        return self._kind

    def GetFooterKind(self):
        Returns the footer item kind.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        return self._footerKind

    def IsChecked(self):
        """ Returns whether the header item is checked or not. """

        return self._checked

    def Check(self, checked=True):
        Checks/unchecks a header item.

        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio header items.

        self._checked = checked

    def IsFooterChecked(self):
        """ Returns whether the footer item is checked or not. """

        return self._footerChecked

    def CheckFooter(self, check=True):
        Checks/unchecks a footer item.

        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio footer items.

        self._footerChecked = check

    def SetCustomRenderer(self, renderer):
        Associate a custom renderer to this item.

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`
         and `GetForegroundColor`. 

        self._mask |= ULC_MASK_RENDERER
        self._customRenderer = renderer

    def GetCustomRenderer(self):
        """ Returns the custom renderer associated with this item (if any). """

        return self._customRenderer

#  GeometryInfo (internal)
#  this is not used in report view

class GeometryInfo(object):
    A simple class which holds items geometries for L{UltimateListCtrl} not in
    report mode.

    def __init__(self):
        """ Default class constructor. """

        # total item rect
        self._rectAll = wx.Rect()

        # label only
        self._rectLabel = wx.Rect()

        # icon only
        self._rectIcon = wx.Rect()

        # the part to be highlighted
        self._rectHighlight = wx.Rect()

        # the checkbox/radiobutton rect (if any)
        self._rectCheck = wx.Rect()

    # extend all our rects to be centered inside the one of given width
    def ExtendWidth(self, w):
        Extends all our rectangles to be centered inside the one of given width.

        :param `w`: the given width.

        if self._rectAll.width > w:
            raise Exception("width can only be increased")

        self._rectAll.width = w
        self._rectLabel.x = self._rectAll.x + (w - self._rectLabel.width)/2
        self._rectIcon.x = self._rectAll.x + (w - self._rectIcon.width)/2
        self._rectHighlight.x = self._rectAll.x + (w - self._rectHighlight.width)/2

#  UltimateListLineData (internal)

class UltimateListLineData(object):
    """ A simple class which holds line geometries for L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

    def __init__(self, owner):
        Default class constructor.

        :param `owner`: an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        # the list of subitems: only may have more than one item in report mode
        self._items = []

        # is this item selected? [NB: not used in virtual mode]
        self._highlighted = False

        # back pointer to the list ctrl
        self._owner = owner
        self._height = self._width = self._x = self._y = -1

        if self.InReportView():

            self._gi = None


            self._gi = GeometryInfo()

        if self.GetMode() in [ULC_REPORT, ULC_TILE] or self.HasMode(ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS):

    def SetReportView(self, inReportView):
        Sets whether L{UltimateListLineData} is in report view or not.

        :param `inReportView`: ``True`` to set L{UltimateListLineData} in report view, ``False``

        # we only need m_gi when we're not in report view so update as needed
        if inReportView:

            del self._gi
            self._gi = None

            self._gi = GeometryInfo()

    def GetHeight(self):
        """ Returns the line height. """

        return self._height

    def SetHeight(self, height):
        Sets the line height.

        :param `height`: the new line height.

        self._height = height

    def GetWidth(self):
        """ Returns the line width. """

        return self._width

    def SetWidth(self, width):
        Sets the line width.

        :param `width`: the new line width.

        self._width = width

    def GetX(self):
        """ Returns the line x position. """

        return self._x

    def SetX(self, x):
        Sets the line x position.

        :param `x`: the new line x position.

        self._x = x       

    def GetY(self):
        """ Returns the line y position. """

        return self._y        

    def SetY(self, y):
        Sets the line y position.

        :param `y`: the new line y position.

        self._y = y

    def ResetDimensions(self):
        """ Resets the line dimensions (client rectangle). """

        self._height = self._width = self._x = self._y = -1        

    def HasImage(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the first item in the line has at least one image
        associated with it.

        return self.GetImage() != []

    def HasText(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the text of first item in the line is not the empty

        return self.GetText(0) != ""

    def IsHighlighted(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the line is highlighted. """

        if self.IsVirtual():
            raise Exception("unexpected call to IsHighlighted")

        return self._highlighted

    def GetMode(self):
        """ Returns the current highlighting mode. """

        return self._owner.GetListCtrl().GetAGWWindowStyleFlag() & ULC_MASK_TYPE

    def HasMode(self, mode):
        Returns ``True`` if the parent L{UltimateListCtrl} has the window
        style specified by `mode`.

        :param `mode`: the window style to check.

        return self._owner.GetListCtrl().HasAGWFlag(mode)

    def InReportView(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the parent L{UltimateListCtrl} is in report view. """
        return self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT)

    def IsVirtual(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the parent L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style set. """

        return self._owner.IsVirtual()

    def CalculateSize(self, dc, spacing):
        Calculates the line size and item positions.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `spacing`: the spacing between the items, in pixels.

        item = self._items[0]
        mode = self.GetMode()

        if mode in [ULC_ICON, ULC_SMALL_ICON]:

            self._gi._rectAll.width = spacing

            s = item.GetText()

            if not s:

                lh = -1
                self._gi._rectLabel.width = 0
                self._gi._rectLabel.height = 0


                lw, lh = dc.GetTextExtent(s)
                lw += EXTRA_WIDTH
                lh += EXTRA_HEIGHT

                self._gi._rectAll.height = spacing + lh

                if lw > spacing:
                    self._gi._rectAll.width = lw

                self._gi._rectLabel.width = lw
                self._gi._rectLabel.height = lh

            if item.HasImage():

                w, h = self._owner.GetImageSize(item.GetImage())
                self._gi._rectIcon.width = w + 8
                self._gi._rectIcon.height = h + 8

                if self._gi._rectIcon.width > self._gi._rectAll.width:
                    self._gi._rectAll.width = self._gi._rectIcon.width
                if self._gi._rectIcon.height + lh > self._gi._rectAll.height - 4:
                    self._gi._rectAll.height = self._gi._rectIcon.height + lh + 4

            if item.HasText():

                self._gi._rectHighlight.width = self._gi._rectLabel.width
                self._gi._rectHighlight.height = self._gi._rectLabel.height


                self._gi._rectHighlight.width = self._gi._rectIcon.width
                self._gi._rectHighlight.height = self._gi._rectIcon.height

        elif mode == ULC_LIST:

            s = item.GetTextForMeasuring()

            lw, lh = dc.GetTextExtent(s)
            lw += EXTRA_WIDTH
            lh += EXTRA_HEIGHT

            self._gi._rectLabel.width = lw
            self._gi._rectLabel.height = lh

            self._gi._rectAll.width = lw
            self._gi._rectAll.height = lh

            if item.HasImage():

                w, h = self._owner.GetImageSize(item.GetImage())
                h += 4
                self._gi._rectIcon.width = w
                self._gi._rectIcon.height = h

                self._gi._rectAll.width += 4 + w

                if h > self._gi._rectAll.height:
                    self._gi._rectAll.height = h

            if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:

                w, h = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                h += 4
                self._gi._rectCheck.width = w
                self._gi._rectCheck.height = h

                self._gi._rectAll.width += 4 + w
                if h > self._gi._rectAll.height:
                    self._gi._rectAll.height = h
            self._gi._rectHighlight.width = self._gi._rectAll.width
            self._gi._rectHighlight.height = self._gi._rectAll.height

        elif mode == ULC_REPORT:
            raise Exception("unexpected call to SetSize")

            raise Exception("unknown mode")

    def SetPosition(self, x, y, spacing):
        Sets the line position.

        :param `x`: the current x coordinate;
        :param `y`: the current y coordinate;
        :param `spacing`: the spacing between items, in pixels.

        item = self._items[0]
        mode = self.GetMode()

        if mode in [ULC_ICON, ULC_SMALL_ICON]:

            self._gi._rectAll.x = x
            self._gi._rectAll.y = y

            if item.HasImage():

                self._gi._rectIcon.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 4 + (self._gi._rectAll.width - self._gi._rectIcon.width)/2
                self._gi._rectIcon.y = self._gi._rectAll.y + 4

            if item.HasText():

                if self._gi._rectAll.width > spacing:
                    self._gi._rectLabel.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 2
                    self._gi._rectLabel.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 2 + (spacing/2) - (self._gi._rectLabel.width/2)

                self._gi._rectLabel.y = self._gi._rectAll.y + self._gi._rectAll.height + 2 - self._gi._rectLabel.height
                self._gi._rectHighlight.x = self._gi._rectLabel.x - 2
                self._gi._rectHighlight.y = self._gi._rectLabel.y - 2


                self._gi._rectHighlight.x = self._gi._rectIcon.x - 4
                self._gi._rectHighlight.y = self._gi._rectIcon.y - 4

        elif mode == ULC_LIST:

            self._gi._rectAll.x = x
            self._gi._rectAll.y = y

            wcheck = hcheck = 0
            if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
                wcheck, hcheck = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                wcheck += 2
                self._gi._rectCheck.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 2
                self._gi._rectCheck.y = self._gi._rectAll.y + 2
            self._gi._rectHighlight.x = self._gi._rectAll.x
            self._gi._rectHighlight.y = self._gi._rectAll.y
            self._gi._rectLabel.y = self._gi._rectAll.y + 2

            if item.HasImage():

                self._gi._rectIcon.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + wcheck + 2
                self._gi._rectIcon.y = self._gi._rectAll.y + 2
                self._gi._rectLabel.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 6 + self._gi._rectIcon.width + wcheck


                self._gi._rectLabel.x = self._gi._rectAll.x + 2 + wcheck

        elif mode == ULC_REPORT:
            raise Exception("unexpected call to SetPosition")

            raise Exception("unknown mode")

    def InitItems(self, num):
        Initializes the list of items.

        :param `num`: the initial number of items to store.

        for i in xrange(num):

    def SetItem(self, index, info):
        Sets information about the item.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self._items[index]

    def GetItem(self, index, info):
        Returns information about the item.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self._items[index]
        return item.GetItem(info)

    def GetText(self, index):
        Returns the item text at the position `index`.

        :param `index`: the index of the item.
        item = self._items[index]
        return item.GetText()

    def SetText(self, index, s):
        Sets the item text at the position `index`.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `s`: the new item text.

        item = self._items[index]

    def SetImage(self, index, image):
        Sets the zero-based indexes of the images associated with the item into the
        image list.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `image`: a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images
         associated with the item into the image list.

        item = self._items[index]

    def GetImage(self, index=0):
        Returns a Python list with the zero-based indexes of the images associated
        with the item into the image list.

        :param `index`: the index of the item.

        item = self._items[index]
        return item.GetImage()

    def Check(self, index, checked=True):
        Checks/unchecks an item.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
        :note: This method is meaningful only for check and radio items.

        item = self._items[index]

    def SetKind(self, index, kind=0):
        Sets the item kind.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;        
        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        item = self._items[index]

    def GetKind(self, index=0):
        Returns the item kind.

        :param `index`: the index of the item.

        :see: L{SetKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        item = self._items[index]
        return item.GetKind()

    def IsChecked(self, index):
        Returns whether the item is checked or not.

        :param `index`: the index of the item.

        item = self._items[index]
        return item.IsChecked()

    def SetColour(self, index, c):
        Sets the text colour for the item.

        :param `index`: the index of the item;
        :param `c`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.

        item = self._items[index]

    def GetAttr(self):
        Returns an instance of L{UltimateListItemAttr} associated with the first item
        in the line.
        item = self._items[0]
        return item.GetAttr()

    def SetAttr(self, attr):
        Sets an instance of L{UltimateListItemAttr} to the first item in the line.

        :param `attr`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemAttr}.

        item = self._items[0]

    def SetAttributes(self, dc, attr, highlighted):
        Sets various attributes to the input device context.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `attr`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemAttr};
        :param `highlighted`: ``True`` if the item is highlighted, ``False`` otherwise.
        listctrl = self._owner.GetParent()

        # fg colour
        # don't use foreground colour for drawing highlighted items - this might
        # make them completely invisible (and there is no way to do bit
        # arithmetics on wxColour, unfortunately)

        if not self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_BORDER_SELECT) and not self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT):
            if highlighted:
                if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                    if self._owner.HasFocus():
                        colText = wx.WHITE
                        colText = wx.BLACK
                    colText = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
                colText = listctrl.GetForegroundColour()
        elif attr and attr.HasTextColour():
            colText = attr.GetTextColour()
            colText = listctrl.GetForegroundColour()


        # font
        if attr and attr.HasFont():
            font = attr.GetFont()
            font = listctrl.GetFont()


        # bg colour
        hasBgCol = attr and attr.HasBackgroundColour()

        if highlighted or hasBgCol:
            if highlighted:
                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(attr.GetBackgroundColour(), wx.SOLID))


            return True

        return False

    def Draw(self, line, dc):
        Draws the line on the specified device context.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData};
        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`.

        item = self._items[0]
        highlighted = self.IsHighlighted()

        attr = self.GetAttr()

        useGradient, gradientStyle = self._owner._usegradients, self._owner._gradientstyle
        useVista = self._owner._vistaselection
        hasFocus = self._owner._hasFocus
        borderOnly = self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_BORDER_SELECT)
        drawn = False

        if self.SetAttributes(dc, attr, highlighted):
            drawn = True

            if not borderOnly:

                if useGradient:
                    if gradientStyle == 0:
                        # horizontal gradient
                        self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, self._gi._rectAll, hasFocus)
                        # vertical gradient
                        self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, self._gi._rectAll, hasFocus)
                elif useVista:
                    # Vista selection style
                    self.DrawVistaRectangle(dc, self._gi._rectAll, hasFocus)
                    if wx.Platform not in ["__WXMAC__", "__WXGTK__"]:
                        if highlighted:
                            flags = wx.CONTROL_SELECTED
                            if self._owner.HasFocus() and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                                flags |= wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED

                            wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawItemSelectionRect(self._owner, dc, self._gi._rectHighlight, flags)


            if borderOnly:

        if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
            rectCheck = self._gi._rectCheck
            self._owner.DrawCheckbox(dc, rectCheck.x, rectCheck.y, item.GetKind(), item.IsChecked(), item.IsEnabled())

        if item.HasImage():
            # centre the image inside our rectangle, this looks nicer when items
            # ae aligned in a row
            rectIcon = self._gi._rectIcon
            self._owner.DrawImage(item.GetImage()[0], dc, rectIcon.x, rectIcon.y, True)

        if item.HasText():
            rectLabel = self._gi._rectLabel

            dc.DrawText(item.GetText(), rectLabel.x, rectLabel.y)

        if self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HOT_TRACKING):
            if line == self._owner._newHotCurrent and not drawn:
                r = wx.Rect(*self._gi._rectAll)
                dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(r, 3)

        if borderOnly and drawn:
            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 191, 255), 2))
            r = wx.Rect(*self._gi._rectAll)
            r.x += 1
            r.y += 1
            r.width -= 1
            r.height -= 1
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(r, 4)

    def HideItemWindow(self, item):
        If the input item has a window associated with it, hide it.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        wnd = item.GetWindow()
        if wnd and wnd.IsShown():

    def DrawInReportMode(self, dc, line, rect, rectHL, highlighted, current, enabled, oldPN, oldBR):
        Draws the line on the specified device context when the parent L{UltimateListCtrl}
        is in report mode.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData};
        :param `rect`: the item client rectangle;
        :param `rectHL`: the item client rectangle when the item is highlighted;
        :param `highlighted`: ``True`` if the item is highlighted, ``False`` otherwise;
        :param `current`: ``True`` if the item is the current item;
        :param `enabled`: ``True`` if the item is enabled, ``False`` otherwise;
        :param `oldPN`: an instance of `wx.Pen`, to save and restore at the end of
         the drawing;
        :param `oldBR`: an instance of `wx.Brush`, to save and restore at the end of
         the drawing.     

        attr = self.GetAttr()

        useGradient, gradientStyle = self._owner._usegradients, self._owner._gradientstyle
        useVista = self._owner._vistaselection
        hasFocus = self._owner._hasFocus
        borderOnly = self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_BORDER_SELECT)
        nofullRow = self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT)
        drawn = False

        if nofullRow:
            x = rect.x + HEADER_OFFSET_X
            y = rect.y
            height = rect.height

            for col, item in enumerate(self._items):

                width = self._owner.GetColumnWidth(col)
                if self._owner.IsColumnShown(col):
                    paintRect = wx.Rect(x, y, self._owner.GetColumnWidth(col)-2*HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.height)

                xOld = x
                x += width


            paintRect = wx.Rect(*rectHL)            
        if self.SetAttributes(dc, attr, highlighted) and enabled:
            drawn = True
            if not borderOnly:
                if useGradient:
                    if gradientStyle == 0:
                        # horizontal gradient
                        self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, paintRect, hasFocus)
                        # vertical gradient
                        self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, paintRect, hasFocus)
                elif useVista:
                    # Vista selection style
                    self.DrawVistaRectangle(dc, paintRect, hasFocus)
                    # Normal selection style
                    if wx.Platform not in ["__WXGTK__", "__WXMAC__"]:
                        if highlighted:
                            flags = wx.CONTROL_SELECTED
                            if hasFocus:
                                flags |= wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED
                            if current:
                                flags |= wx.CONTROL_CURRENT
                            wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawItemSelectionRect(self._owner, dc, paintRect, flags)                        

            if borderOnly:


        x = rect.x + HEADER_OFFSET_X
        y = rect.y
        height = rect.height
        boldFont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)

        for col, item in enumerate(self._items):

            if not self._owner.IsColumnShown(col):
            width = self._owner.GetColumnWidth(col)
            xOld = x
            x += width

            if item.GetCustomRenderer():
                customRect = wx.Rect(xOld-HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.y, width, rect.height)
                item.GetCustomRenderer().DrawSubItem(dc, customRect, line, highlighted, enabled)

            overflow = item.GetOverFlow() and item.HasText()
            if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
                # We got a checkbox-type item
                ix, iy = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                checked = item.IsChecked()
                self._owner.DrawCheckbox(dc, xOld, y + (height-iy+1)/2, item.GetKind(), checked, enabled)
                xOld += ix
                width -= ix
            if item.HasImage():

                images = item.GetImage()
                for img in images:
                    ix, iy = self._owner.GetImageSize([img])
                    self._owner.DrawImage(img, dc, xOld, y + (height-iy)/2, enabled)
                    xOld += ix
                    width -= ix

##                if images:

            wnd = item.GetWindow()
            xSize = 0
            if wnd:
                xSize, ySize = item.GetWindowSize()
                wndx = xOld - HEADER_OFFSET_X + width - xSize - 3
                xa, ya = self._owner.CalcScrolledPosition((0, rect.y))
                wndx += xa
                if rect.height > ySize:
                    ya += (rect.height - ySize)/2

            itemRect = wx.Rect(xOld-2*HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.y, width-xSize-HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.height)
            if overflow:
                itemRect = wx.Rect(xOld-2*HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.y, rectHL.width-xSize-HEADER_OFFSET_X, rect.height)

            if item.HasBackgroundColour():

            if item.HasText():

                coloured = item.HasColour()
                oldDC = dc.GetTextForeground()
                oldFT = dc.GetFont()

                font = item.HasFont()

                if not enabled:
                    if coloured:
                    elif useVista and drawn:

                if item.IsHyperText():
                    if item.GetVisited():
                    if font:

                itemRect = wx.Rect(itemRect.x+MARGIN_BETWEEN_TEXT_AND_ICON, itemRect.y, itemRect.width-8, itemRect.height)                    
                self.DrawTextFormatted(dc, item.GetText(), line, col, itemRect, overflow)

                if coloured:

                if font:


            if wnd:
                if not wnd.IsShown():
                if item._expandWin:
                    if wnd.GetRect() != itemRect:
                        wRect = wx.Rect(*itemRect)
                        wRect.x += 2
                        wRect.width = width - 8
                        wRect.y += 2
                        wRect.height -= 4
                    if wnd.GetPosition() != (wndx, ya):
                        wnd.SetPosition((wndx, ya))

        if self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HOT_TRACKING):
            if line == self._owner._newHotCurrent and not drawn:
                r = wx.Rect(*paintRect)
                r.y += 1
                r.height -= 1
                dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(r, 3)

        if borderOnly and drawn:
            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 191, 255), 2))
            rect = wx.Rect(*paintRect)
            rect.y += 1
            rect.height -= 1
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rect, 3)

    def DrawTextFormatted(self, dc, text, row, col, itemRect, overflow):
        Draws the item text, correctly formatted.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `text`: the item text;
        :param `row`: the line number to which this item belongs to;
        :param `col`: the column number to which this item belongs to;
        :param `itemRect`: the item client rectangle;
        :param `overflow`: ``True`` if the item should overflow into neighboring columns,
         ``False`` otherwise.
        # determine if the string can fit inside the current width
        w, h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text)
        width = itemRect.width

        shortItems = self._owner._shortItems
        tuples = (row, col)

        # it can, draw it using the items alignment
        item = self._owner.GetColumn(col)
        align = item.GetAlign()

        if align == ULC_FORMAT_RIGHT:
            textAlign = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT
        elif align == ULC_FORMAT_CENTER:
            textAlign = wx.ALIGN_CENTER
            textAlign = wx.ALIGN_LEFT

        if w <= width:
            if tuples in shortItems:

            dc.DrawLabel(text, itemRect, textAlign|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
        else: # otherwise, truncate and add an ellipsis if possible

            if tuples not in shortItems:
            # determine the base width
            ellipsis = "..."
            base_w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(ellipsis)

            # continue until we have enough space or only one character left

            newText = text.split("\n")
            theText = ""

            for text in newText:
                lenText = len(text)
                drawntext = text
                w, dummy = dc.GetTextExtent(text)

                while lenText > 1:

                    if w + base_w <= width:

                    w_c, h_c = dc.GetTextExtent(drawntext[-1])
                    drawntext = drawntext[0:-1]
                    lenText -= 1
                    w -= w_c
                # if still not enough space, remove ellipsis characters
                while len(ellipsis) > 0 and w + base_w > width:
                    ellipsis = ellipsis[0:-1]
                    base_w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(ellipsis)

                theText += drawntext + ellipsis + "\n"

            theText = theText.rstrip()
            # now draw the text                
            dc.DrawLabel(theText, itemRect, textAlign|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)

    def DrawVerticalGradient(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
        Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 from top to bottom.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
        :param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{UltimateListCtrl} has focus, ``False``

        oldpen = dc.GetPen()
        oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()

        # calculate gradient coefficients
        if hasfocus:
            col2 = self._owner._secondcolour
            col1 = self._owner._firstcolour
            col2 = self._owner._highlightUnfocusedBrush.GetColour()
            col1 = self._owner._highlightUnfocusedBrush2.GetColour()

        r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
        r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())

        flrect = float(rect.height)

        rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
        gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
        bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect

        rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
        for y in xrange(rect.y, rect.y + rect.height):
            currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)                
            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
            dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, y, rect.width, 1)
            rf = rf + rstep
            gf = gf + gstep
            bf = bf + bstep

    def DrawHorizontalGradient(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
        Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 from left to right.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
        :param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{UltimateListCtrl} has focus, ``False``

        oldpen = dc.GetPen()
        oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()

        # calculate gradient coefficients

        if hasfocus:
            col2 = self._owner._secondcolour
            col1 = self._owner._firstcolour
            col2 = self._owner._highlightUnfocusedBrush.GetColour()
            col1 = self._owner._highlightUnfocusedBrush2.GetColour()

        r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
        r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())

        flrect = float(rect.width)

        rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
        gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
        bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect

        rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0

        for x in xrange(rect.x, rect.x + rect.width):
            currCol = (int(r1 + rf), int(g1 + gf), int(b1 + bf))
            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
            dc.DrawRectangle(x, rect.y, 1, rect.height)
            rf = rf + rstep
            gf = gf + gstep
            bf = bf + bstep


    def DrawVistaRectangle(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
        Draws the selected item(s) with the Windows Vista style.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
        :param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{UltimateListCtrl} has focus, ``False``

        if hasfocus:
            outer = _rgbSelectOuter
            inner = _rgbSelectInner
            top = _rgbSelectTop
            bottom = _rgbSelectBottom

            outer = _rgbNoFocusOuter
            inner = _rgbNoFocusInner
            top = _rgbNoFocusTop
            bottom = _rgbNoFocusBottom

        oldpen = dc.GetPen()
        oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()

        bdrRect = wx.Rect(*rect.Get())
        filRect = wx.Rect(*rect.Get())
        r1, g1, b1 = int(top.Red()), int(top.Green()), int(top.Blue())
        r2, g2, b2 = int(bottom.Red()), int(bottom.Green()), int(bottom.Blue())

        flrect = float(filRect.height)
        if flrect < 1:
            flrect = self._owner._lineHeight

        rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
        gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
        bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect

        rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
        for y in xrange(filRect.y, filRect.y + filRect.height):
            currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
            dc.DrawRectangle(filRect.x, y, filRect.width, 1)
            rf = rf + rstep
            gf = gf + gstep
            bf = bf + bstep
        dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(bdrRect, 3)
        bdrRect.Deflate(1, 1)
        dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(bdrRect, 2)


    def Highlight(self, on):
        Sets the current line as highlighted or not highlighted.

        :param `on`: ``True`` to set the current line as highlighted, ``False``

        if on == self._highlighted:
            return False

        self._highlighted = on

        return True

    def ReverseHighlight(self):
        Reverses the line highlighting, switching it off if it was on and vice-versa.

        self.Highlight(not self.IsHighlighted())

#  UltimateListHeaderWindow (internal)

class UltimateListHeaderWindow(wx.PyControl):
    This class holds the header window for L{UltimateListCtrl}.

    def __init__(self, win, id, owner, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator,
                 name="UltimateListCtrlcolumntitles", isFooter=False):
        Default class constructor.
        :param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
        :param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
        :param `owner`: an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl};
        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `style`: the window style;
        :param `validator`: the window validator;
        :param `name`: the window name;
        :param `isFooter`: ``True`` if the L{UltimateListHeaderWindow} is in a footer
         position, ``False`` otherwise.
        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, win, id, pos, size, style|wx.NO_BORDER, validator, name)

        self._isFooter = isFooter
        self._owner = owner
        self._currentCursor = wx.NullCursor
        self._resizeCursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE)
        self._isDragging = False
        # Custom renderer for every column
        self._headerCustomRenderer = None
        # column being resized or -1
        self._column = -1

        # divider line position in logical (unscrolled) coords
        self._currentX = 0

        # minimal position beyond which the divider line can't be dragged in
        # logical coords
        self._minX = 0

        # needs refresh
        self._dirty = False
        self._hasFont = False
        self._sendSetColumnWidth = False
        self._colToSend = -1
        self._widthToSend = 0
        self._leftDown = False
        self._enter = False
        self._currentColumn = -1

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda e: None)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouse)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnEnterWindow)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)

        if _USE_VISATTR:

            attr = wx.Panel.GetClassDefaultAttributes()
            if not self._hasFont:



            if not self._hasFont:

    def SetCustomRenderer(self, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer with the header - all columns will use it

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render header buttons

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`,
          and `GetForegroundColor`. 

        if not self._owner.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT):
            raise Exception("Custom renderers can be used on with style = ULC_REPORT")
        self._headerCustomRenderer = renderer

    def DoGetBestSize(self):
        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same size
        as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.

        w, h, d, dummy = self.GetFullTextExtent("Hg")
        maxH = self.GetTextHeight()
        nativeH = wx.RendererNative.Get().GetHeaderButtonHeight(self.GetParent())

        if not self._isFooter:
            maxH = max(max(h, maxH), nativeH)
            maxH += d
            self.GetParent()._headerHeight = maxH
            maxH = max(h, nativeH)
            maxH += d
            self.GetParent()._footerHeight = maxH
        return wx.Size(200, maxH)

    def IsColumnShown(self, column):
        Returns ``True`` if the input column is shown, ``False`` if it is hidden.

        :param `column`: an integer specifying the column index.

        if column < 0 or column >= self._owner.GetColumnCount():
            raise Exception("Invalid column")

        return self._owner.IsColumnShown(column)

    # shift the DC origin to match the position of the main window horz
    # scrollbar: this allows us to always use logical coords
    def AdjustDC(self, dc):
        Shifts the `wx.DC` origin to match the position of the main window horizontal
        scrollbar: this allows us to always use logical coordinates.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`.        

        xpix, dummy = self._owner.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
        x, dummy = self._owner.GetViewStart()

        # account for the horz scrollbar offset
        dc.SetDeviceOrigin(-x*xpix, 0)

    def GetTextHeight(self):
        """ Returns the column text height, in pixels. """

        maxH = 0
        numColumns = self._owner.GetColumnCount()
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
        for i in xrange(numColumns):
            if not self.IsColumnShown(i):

            item = self._owner.GetColumn(i)
            if item.GetFont().IsOk():
            wLabel, hLabel, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(item.GetText())
            maxH = max(maxH, hLabel)

        return maxH
    def OnPaint(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{UltimateListHeaderWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.

        dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
        # width and height of the entire header window
        w, h = self.GetClientSize()
        w, dummy = self._owner.CalcUnscrolledPosition(w, 0)
        dc.DrawRectangle(0, -1, w, h+2)


        x = HEADER_OFFSET_X

        numColumns = self._owner.GetColumnCount()
        item = UltimateListItem()
        renderer = wx.RendererNative.Get()
        enabled = self.GetParent().IsEnabled()
        virtual = self._owner.IsVirtual()
        isFooter = self._isFooter

        for i in xrange(numColumns):
            # Reset anything in the dc that a custom renderer might have changed

            if x >= w:

            if not self.IsColumnShown(i):
                continue # do next column if not shown
            item = self._owner.GetColumn(i)
            wCol = item._width

            cw = wCol
            ch = h

            flags = 0
            if not enabled:
                flags |= wx.CONTROL_DISABLED

            # NB: The code below is not really Mac-specific, but since we are close
            # to 2.8 release and I don't have time to test on other platforms, I
            # defined this only for wxMac. If this behavior is desired on
            # other platforms, please go ahead and revise or remove the #ifdef.

            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                if not virtual and item._mask & ULC_MASK_STATE and item._state & ULC_STATE_SELECTED:
                    flags |= wx.CONTROL_SELECTED
            if i == 0:
               flags |= wx.CONTROL_SPECIAL # mark as first column

            if i == self._currentColumn:
                if self._leftDown:
                    flags |= wx.CONTROL_PRESSED
                    if self._enter:
                        flags |= wx.CONTROL_CURRENT
            # the width of the rect to draw: make it smaller to fit entirely
            # inside the column rect
            header_rect = wx.Rect(x-1, HEADER_OFFSET_Y-1, cw-1, ch)

            if self._headerCustomRenderer != None:
               self._headerCustomRenderer.DrawHeaderButton(dc, header_rect, flags)
               # The custom renderer will specify the color to draw the header text and buttons
            elif item._mask & ULC_MASK_RENDERER: 
               item.GetCustomRenderer().DrawHeaderButton(dc, header_rect, flags)
               # The custom renderer will specify the color to draw the header text and buttons
                renderer.DrawHeaderButton(self, dc, header_rect, flags)

            # see if we have enough space for the column label
            if isFooter:
                if item.GetFooterFont().IsOk():
                if item.GetFont().IsOk():

            wcheck = hcheck = 0
            kind = (isFooter and [item.GetFooterKind()] or [item.GetKind()])[0]
            checked = (isFooter and [item.IsFooterChecked()] or [item.IsChecked()])[0]
            if kind in [1, 2]:
                # We got a checkbox-type item
                ix, iy = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                # We draw it on the left, always
                self._owner.DrawCheckbox(dc, x + HEADER_OFFSET_X, HEADER_OFFSET_Y + (h - 4 - iy)/2, kind, checked, enabled)
                wcheck += ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE
                cw -= ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE

            # for this we need the width of the text
            text = (isFooter and [item.GetFooterText()] or [item.GetText()])[0]
            wLabel, hLabel, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text)
            wLabel += 2*EXTRA_WIDTH

            # and the width of the icon, if any
            image = (isFooter and [item._footerImage] or [item._image])[0]

            if image:
                imageList = self._owner._small_image_list
                if imageList:
                    for img in image:
                        ix, iy = imageList.GetSize(img)
                        wLabel += ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE


                imageList = None

            # ignore alignment if there is not enough space anyhow
            align = (isFooter and [item.GetFooterAlign()] or [item.GetAlign()])[0]                                                          
            align = (wLabel < cw and [align] or [ULC_FORMAT_LEFT])[0]

            if align == ULC_FORMAT_LEFT:
                xAligned = x + wcheck

            elif align == ULC_FORMAT_RIGHT:
                xAligned = x + cw - wLabel - HEADER_OFFSET_X

            elif align == ULC_FORMAT_CENTER:
                xAligned = x + wcheck + (cw - wLabel)/2

            # if we have an image, draw it on the right of the label
            if imageList:
                for indx, img in enumerate(image):
                    imageList.Draw(img, dc,
                                   xAligned + wLabel - (ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE)*(indx+1),
                                   HEADER_OFFSET_Y + (h - 4 - iy)/2,

                    cw -= ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE

            # draw the text clipping it so that it doesn't overwrite the column
            # boundary
            dc.SetClippingRegion(x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, cw, h - 4)
            self.DrawTextFormatted(dc, text, wx.Rect(xAligned+EXTRA_WIDTH, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, cw-EXTRA_WIDTH, h-4))
            x += wCol

        # Fill in what's missing to the right of the columns, otherwise we will
        # leave an unpainted area when columns are removed (and it looks better)
        if x < w:
            header_rect = wx.Rect(x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, w - x, h)
            if self._headerCustomRenderer != None:
                # Why does the custom renderer need this adjustment??
                header_rect.x = header_rect.x - 1
                header_rect.y = header_rect.y - 1
                self._headerCustomRenderer.DrawHeaderButton(dc, header_rect, wx.CONTROL_DIRTY)
                renderer.DrawHeaderButton(self, dc, header_rect, wx.CONTROL_DIRTY) # mark as last column

    def DrawTextFormatted(self, dc, text, rect):
        Draws the item text, correctly formatted.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `text`: the item text;
        :param `rect`: the item client rectangle.

        # determine if the string can fit inside the current width
        w, h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text)
        width = rect.width

        if w <= width:
            dc.DrawLabel(text, rect, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)

            # determine the base width
            ellipsis = "..."
            base_w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(ellipsis)

            # continue until we have enough space or only one character left

            newText = text.split("\n")
            theText = ""

            for text in newText:
                lenText = len(text)
                drawntext = text
                w, dummy = dc.GetTextExtent(text)

                while lenText > 1:

                    if w + base_w <= width:

                    w_c, h_c = dc.GetTextExtent(drawntext[-1])
                    drawntext = drawntext[0:-1]
                    lenText -= 1
                    w -= w_c
                # if still not enough space, remove ellipsis characters
                while len(ellipsis) > 0 and w + base_w > width:
                    ellipsis = ellipsis[0:-1]
                    base_w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(ellipsis)

                theText += drawntext + ellipsis + "\n"

            theText = theText.rstrip()
            dc.DrawLabel(theText, rect, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)

    def OnInternalIdle(self):
        This method is normally only used internally, but sometimes an application
        may need it to implement functionality that should not be disabled by an
        application defining an `OnIdle` handler in a derived class.

        This method may be used to do delayed painting, for example, and most
        implementations call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` in order to send update events
        to the window in idle time.


        if self._isFooter:
        if self._sendSetColumnWidth:
            self._owner.SetColumnWidth(self._colToSend, self._widthToSend)
            self._sendSetColumnWidth = False

    def DrawCurrent(self):
        """ Force the redrawing of the column window. """

        self._sendSetColumnWidth = True
        self._colToSend = self._column
        self._widthToSend = self._currentX - self._minX

    def OnMouse(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS`` event for L{UltimateListHeaderWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.

        # we want to work with logical coords
        x, dummy = self._owner.CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), 0)
        y = event.GetY()

        columnX, columnY = x, y        

        if self._isDragging:

            self.SendListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING, event.GetPosition())

            # we don't draw the line beyond our window, but we allow dragging it
            # there

            w, dummy = self.GetClientSize()
            w, dummy = self._owner.CalcUnscrolledPosition(w, 0)            
            w -= 6

            # erase the line if it was drawn
            if self._currentX < w:

            if event.ButtonUp():

                self._isDragging = False
                self._dirty = True
                self._owner.SetColumnWidth(self._column, self._currentX - self._minX)
                self.SendListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG, event.GetPosition())


                if x > self._minX + 7:
                    self._currentX = x
                    self._currentX = self._minX + 7

                # draw in the new location
                if self._currentX < w:

        else: # not dragging

            self._minX = 0
            hit_border = False

            # end of the current column
            xpos = 0

            # find the column where this event occurred
            countCol = self._owner.GetColumnCount()
            broken = False

            for col in xrange(countCol):

                if not self.IsColumnShown(col):
                xpos += self._owner.GetColumnWidth(col)
                self._column = col

                if abs(x-xpos) < 3 and y < 22:
                    # near the column border
                    hit_border = True
                    broken = True

                if x < xpos:
                    # inside the column
                    broken = True

                self._minX = xpos

            if not broken:
                self._column = -1

            if event.LeftUp():
                self._leftDown = False
            if event.LeftDown() or event.RightUp():

                if hit_border and event.LeftDown():

                    if not self._isFooter:

                        if self.SendListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG,

                            self._isDragging = True
                            self._currentX = x

                    #else: column resizing was vetoed by the user code

                else: # click on a column

                     # record the selected state of the columns
                    if event.LeftDown():
                        for i in xrange(self._owner.GetColumnCount()):

                            if not self.IsColumnShown(col):
                            colItem = self._owner.GetColumn(i)
                            state = colItem.GetState()

                            if i == self._column:
                                colItem.SetState(state | ULC_STATE_SELECTED)
                                theX = x
                                colItem.SetState(state & ~ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

                            self._leftDown = True
                            self._owner.SetColumn(i, colItem)
                            x += self._owner.GetColumnWidth(i)

                        if self.HandleColumnCheck(self._column, event.GetPosition()):

                    if not self._isFooter:
                        self.SendListEvent((event.LeftDown() and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK] or \
                                            [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK])[0], event.GetPosition())
                        self.SendListEvent((event.LeftDown() and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_FOOTER_CLICK] or \
                                            [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_FOOTER_RIGHT_CLICK])[0], event.GetPosition())
                    self._leftDown = True
                    self._currentColumn = self._column

            elif event.Moving():

                setCursor = False

                if not self._isFooter:
                    if hit_border:

                        setCursor = self._currentCursor == wx.STANDARD_CURSOR
                        self._currentCursor = self._resizeCursor


                        setCursor = self._currentCursor != wx.STANDARD_CURSOR
                        self._currentCursor = wx.STANDARD_CURSOR

                if setCursor:
                    column = self.HitTestColumn(columnX, columnY)
                    self._enter = True
                    self._currentColumn = column                    
                    self._leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()


            elif event.ButtonDClick():                

                self.HandleColumnCheck(self._column, event.GetPosition())

    def HandleColumnCheck(self, column, pos):
        Handles the case in which a column contains a checkbox-like item.

        :param `column`: the column index;
        :param `pos`: the mouse position.
        if column < 0 or column >= self._owner.GetColumnCount():
            return False
        colItem = self._owner.GetColumn(column)
        # Let's see if it is a checkbox-type item

        kind = (self._isFooter and [colItem.GetFooterKind()] or [colItem.GetKind()])[0]
        if kind not in [1, 2]:
            return False

        x = HEADER_OFFSET_X
        for i in xrange(self._owner.GetColumnCount()):

            if not self.IsColumnShown(i):

            if i == self._column:
                theX = x
            x += self._owner.GetColumnWidth(i)

        parent = self.GetParent()
        w, h = self.GetClientSize()
        ix, iy = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
        rect = wx.Rect(theX + HEADER_OFFSET_X, HEADER_OFFSET_Y + (h - 4 - iy)/2, ix, iy)
        if rect.Contains(pos):
            # User clicked on the checkbox
            evt = (self._isFooter and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_FOOTER_CHECKING] or [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CHECKING])[0]
            if self.SendListEvent(evt, pos):
                # No veto for the item checking
                if self._isFooter:
                    isChecked = colItem.IsFooterChecked()
                    colItem.CheckFooter(not isChecked)                    
                    isChecked = colItem.IsChecked()
                    colItem.Check(not isChecked)
                self._owner.SetColumn(column, colItem)
                evt = (self._isFooter and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_FOOTER_CHECKED] or [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CHECKED])[0]
                self.SendListEvent(evt, pos)

                if self._isFooter:
                    return True
                if parent.HasAGWFlag(ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD):
                    self._owner.AutoCheckChild(isChecked, self._column)
                elif parent.HasAGWFlag(ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD):

                return True

        return False

    def OnEnterWindow(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW`` event for L{UltimateListHeaderWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.

        x, y = self._owner.CalcUnscrolledPosition(*self.ScreenToClient(wx.GetMousePosition()))
        column = self.HitTestColumn(x, y)

        self._leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
        self._enter = column >= 0 and column < self._owner.GetColumnCount()
        self._currentColumn = column

    def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW`` event for L{UltimateListHeaderWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.

        self._enter = False
        self._leftDown = False
        self._currentColumn = -1

    def HitTestColumn(self, x, y):
        HitTest method for column headers.

        :param `x`: the mouse x position;
        :param `y`: the mouse y position.

        :return: The column index if any column client rectangle contains the mouse
         position, ``wx.NOT_FOUND`` otherwise.
        xOld = 0
        for i in xrange(self._owner.GetColumnCount()):
            if not self.IsColumnShown(i):
            xOld += self._owner.GetColumnWidth(i)
            if x <= xOld:
                return i

        return -1            
    def OnSetFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListHeaderWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.


    def SendListEvent(self, eventType, pos):
        Sends a L{UltimateListEvent} for the parent window.

        :param `eventType`: the event type;
        :param `pos`: an instance of `wx.Point`.

        parent = self.GetParent()
        le = UltimateListEvent(eventType, parent.GetId())
        le.m_pointDrag = pos

        # the position should be relative to the parent window, not
        # this one for compatibility with MSW and common sense: the
        # user code doesn't know anything at all about this header
        # window, so why should it get positions relative to it?
        le.m_pointDrag.y -= self.GetSize().y

        le.m_col = self._column
        return (not parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(le) or le.IsAllowed())

    def GetOwner(self):
        """ Returns the header window owner, an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return self._owner

#  UltimateListRenameTimer (internal)

class UltimateListRenameTimer(wx.Timer):
    """ Timer used for enabling in-place edit. """

    def __init__(self, owner):
        Default class constructor.
        For internal use: do not call it in your code!

        :param `owner`: an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl}.
        self._owner = owner        

    def Notify(self):
        """ The timer has expired. """


#  UltimateListTextCtrl (internal)

class UltimateListTextCtrl(ExpandoTextCtrl):
    Control used for in-place edit.

    This is a subclass of `ExpandoTextCtrl` as L{UltimateListCtrl} supports multiline
    text items.

    :note: To add a newline character in a multiline item, press ``Shift`` + ``Enter``
     as the ``Enter`` key alone is consumed by L{UltimateListCtrl} to finish
     the editing and ``Ctrl`` + ``Enter`` is consumed by the platform for tab navigation.

    def __init__(self, owner, itemEdit):
        Default class constructor.
        For internal use: do not call it in your code!

        :param `owner`: the control parent (an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl} );
        :param `itemEdit`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        self._startValue = owner.GetItemText(itemEdit)
        self._currentValue = self._startValue
        self._itemEdited = itemEdit

        self._owner = owner
        self._finished = False
        self._aboutToFinish = False

        rectLabel = owner.GetLineLabelRect(itemEdit)
        rectLabel.x, rectLabel.y = self._owner.CalcScrolledPosition(rectLabel.x, rectLabel.y)
        xSize, ySize = rectLabel.width + 10, rectLabel.height

        expandoStyle = wx.WANTS_CHARS
        if wx.Platform in ["__WXGTK__", "__WXMAC__"]:
            expandoStyle |= wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
            expandoStyle |= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER
        ExpandoTextCtrl.__init__(self, owner, -1, self._startValue, wx.Point(rectLabel.x, rectLabel.y),
                                 wx.Size(xSize, ySize), expandoStyle)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)

    def AcceptChanges(self):
        """ Accepts/refuses the changes made by the user. """

        value = self.GetValue()

        if value == self._startValue:
            # nothing changed, always accept
            # when an item remains unchanged, the owner
            # needs to be notified that the user decided
            # not to change the tree item label, and that
            # the edit has been cancelled
            return True

        if not self._owner.OnRenameAccept(self._itemEdited, value):
            # vetoed by the user
            return False

        # accepted, do rename the item
        self._owner.SetItemText(self._itemEdited, value)
        if value.count("\n") != self._startValue.count("\n"):
        return True

    def Finish(self):
        """ Finish editing. """

            if not self._finished:
                self._finished = True
        except wx.PyDeadObjectError:

    def OnChar(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHAR`` event for L{UltimateListTextCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
        shiftDown = event.ShiftDown()

        if keycode in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER]:
            if shiftDown:
                self._aboutToFinish = True
                # Notify the owner about the changes
                # Even if vetoed, close the control (consistent with MSW)

        elif keycode == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:


    def OnKeyUp(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for L{UltimateListTextCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        if not self._finished:

            # auto-grow the textctrl:
            parentSize = self._owner.GetSize()
            myPos = self.GetPosition()
            mySize = self.GetSize()

            dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
            sx, sy, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(self.GetValue() + "M")

            if myPos.x + sx > parentSize.x:
                sx = parentSize.x - myPos.x
            if mySize.x > sx:
                sx = mySize.x
            self.SetSize((sx, -1))
            self._currentValue = self.GetValue()


    def OnKillFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListTextCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
        if not self._finished and not self._aboutToFinish:
            # We must finish regardless of success, otherwise we'll get
            # focus problems:
            if not self.AcceptChanges():
        # We must let the native text control handle focus, too, otherwise
        # it could have problems with the cursor (e.g., in wxGTK).

    def StopEditing(self):
        """ Suddenly stops the editing. """


#  UltimateListMainWindow (internal)

class UltimateListMainWindow(wx.PyScrolledWindow):
    This is the main widget implementation of L{UltimateListCtrl}.
    def __init__(self, parent, id, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=0, name="listctrlmainwindow"):
        Default class constructor.
        :param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
        :param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `style`: the underlying `wx.PyScrolledWindow` window style;
        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style; can be almost any combination of the following

         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         Window Styles                    Hex Value   Description
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         ``ULC_VRULES``                           0x1 Draws light vertical rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_HRULES``                           0x2 Draws light horizontal rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_ICON``                             0x4 Large icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_SMALL_ICON``                       0x8 Small icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_LIST``                            0x10 Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons. Columns are computed automatically, i.e. you don't set columns as in ``ULC_REPORT``. In other words, the list wraps, unlike a `wx.ListBox`.
         ``ULC_REPORT``                          0x20 Single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_TOP``                       0x40 Icons align to the top. Win32 default, Win32 only.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_LEFT``                      0x80 Icons align to the left.
         ``ULC_AUTOARRANGE``                    0x100 Icons arrange themselves. Win32 only.
         ``ULC_VIRTUAL``                        0x200 The application provides items text on demand. May only be used with ``ULC_REPORT``.
         ``ULC_EDIT_LABELS``                    0x400 Labels are editable: the application will be notified when editing starts.
         ``ULC_NO_HEADER``                      0x800 No header in report mode.
         ``ULC_NO_SORT_HEADER``                0x1000 No Docs.
         ``ULC_SINGLE_SEL``                    0x2000 Single selection (default is multiple).
         ``ULC_SORT_ASCENDING``                0x4000 Sort in ascending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_SORT_DESCENDING``               0x8000 Sort in descending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_TILE``                         0x10000 Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label of one or more lines beside it (partially implemented).
         ``ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT``                 0x20000 No highlight when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT``             0x40000 Items are selected by simply hovering on them, with no need to click on them.
         ``ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT``            0x80000 Don't send a selection event when using ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT`` style.
         ``ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK``              0x100000 Send a left click event when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT``     0x200000 The list has variable row heights.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``            0x400000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, auto-check all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``           0x800000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, toggle all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``          0x1000000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when an item is checked/unchecked its column header item is checked/unchecked as well.
         ``ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS``              0x2000000 Show tooltips for ellipsized items/subitems (text too long to be shown in the available space) containing the full item/subitem text.
         ``ULC_HOT_TRACKING``               0x4000000 Enable hot tracking of items on mouse motion.
         ``ULC_BORDER_SELECT``              0x8000000 Changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item.
         ``ULC_TRACK_SELECT``              0x10000000 Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the `win32api` call `win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)`, and is defaulted to 400ms on other platforms. This style applies to all views of `UltimateListCtrl`.
         ``ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS``       0x20000000 Show column headers in all view modes.
         ``ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT``        0x40000000 When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted.
         ``ULC_FOOTER``                    0x80000000 Show a footer too (only when header is present).
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================

        :param `name`: the window name.
        wx.PyScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style|wx.HSCROLL|wx.VSCROLL, name)

        # the list of column objects
        self._columns = []

        # the array of all line objects for a non virtual list control (for the
        # virtual list control we only ever use self._lines[0])
        self._lines = []

        # currently focused item or -1
        self._current = -1

        # the number of lines per page
        self._linesPerPage = 0
        # Automatically resized column - this column expands to fill the width of the window
        self._resizeColumn = -1
        self._resizeColMinWidth = None
        # this flag is set when something which should result in the window
        # redrawing happens (i.e. an item was added or deleted, or its appearance
        # changed) and OnPaint() doesn't redraw the window while it is set which
        # allows to minimize the number of repaintings when a lot of items are
        # being added. The real repainting occurs only after the next OnIdle()
        # call
        self._dirty = False
        self._parent = parent

        self._highlightBrush = wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT), wx.SOLID)
        btnshadow = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)
        self._highlightUnfocusedBrush = wx.Brush(btnshadow, wx.SOLID)
        r, g, b = btnshadow.Red(), btnshadow.Green(), btnshadow.Blue()
        backcolour = (max((r >> 1) - 20, 0),
                      max((g >> 1) - 20, 0),
                      max((b >> 1) - 20, 0))
        backcolour = wx.Colour(backcolour[0], backcolour[1], backcolour[2])
        self._highlightUnfocusedBrush2 = wx.Brush(backcolour)
        self.SetScrollbars(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        attr = wx.ListCtrl.GetClassDefaultAttributes()

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouse)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS, self.OnChildFocus)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)        
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.OnScroll)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnHoverTimer, self._hoverTimer)

    def Init(self):
        """ Initializes the L{UltimateListMainWindow} widget. """
        self._dirty = True
        self._countVirt = 0
        self._lineFrom = None
        self._lineTo = - 1
        self._linesPerPage = 0

        self._headerWidth = 0
        self._lineHeight = 0

        self._small_image_list = None
        self._normal_image_list = None

        self._small_spacing = 30
        self._normal_spacing = 40

        self._hasFocus = False
        self._dragCount = 0
        self._isCreated = False

        self._lastOnSame = False
        self._renameTimer = UltimateListRenameTimer(self)
        self._textctrl = None

        self._current = -1
        self._lineLastClicked = -1
        self._lineSelectSingleOnUp = -1
        self._lineBeforeLastClicked = -1

        self._dragStart = wx.Point(-1, -1)
        self._aColWidths = []

        self._selStore = SelectionStore()

        # Background image settings
        self._backgroundImage = None
        self._imageStretchStyle = _StyleTile

        # Disabled items colour        
        self._disabledColour = wx.Colour(180, 180, 180)

        # Gradient selection colours        
        self._firstcolour = colour= wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
        self._secondcolour = wx.WHITE
        self._usegradients = False
        self._gradientstyle = 1   # Vertical Gradient

        # Vista Selection Styles
        self._vistaselection = False

        self.SetImageListCheck(16, 16)        
        # Disabled items colour        
        self._disabledColour = wx.Colour(180, 180, 180)

        # Hyperlinks things
        normalFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
        self._hypertextfont = wx.Font(normalFont.GetPointSize(), normalFont.GetFamily(),
                                      normalFont.GetStyle(), wx.NORMAL, True,
                                      normalFont.GetFaceName(), normalFont.GetEncoding())
        self._hypertextnewcolour = wx.BLUE
        self._hypertextvisitedcolour = wx.Colour(200, 47, 200)
        self._isonhyperlink = False

        self._itemWithWindow = []
        self._hasWindows = False
        self._shortItems = []

        self._isDragging = False
        self._cursor = wx.STANDARD_CURSOR

        image = GetdragcursorImage()

        # since this image didn't come from a .cur file, tell it where the hotspot is
        image.SetOptionInt(wx.IMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_X, 1)
        image.SetOptionInt(wx.IMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_Y, 1)

        # make the image into a cursor
        self._dragCursor = wx.CursorFromImage(image)
        self._dragItem = None
        self._dropTarget = None

        self._oldHotCurrent = None
        self._newHotCurrent = None

        self._waterMark = None

        self._hoverTimer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
        self._hoverItem = -1

    def GetMainWindowOfCompositeControl(self):
        """ Returns the L{UltimateListMainWindow} parent. """
        return self.GetParent()

    def DoGetBestSize(self):
        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same size
        as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.

        return wx.Size(100, 80)

    def HasAGWFlag(self, flag):
        Returns ``True`` if the window has the given `flag` bit set.

        :param `flag`: the bit to check.

        :see: L{UltimateListCtrl.SetSingleStyle} for a list of valid flags.

        return self._parent.HasAGWFlag(flag)

    def IsColumnShown(self, column):
        Returns ``True`` if the input column is shown, ``False`` if it is hidden.

        :param `column`: an integer specifying the column index.

        return self.GetColumn(column).IsShown()

    # return True if this is a virtual list control
    def IsVirtual(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the window has the ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style set. """

        return self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_VIRTUAL)

    # return True if the control is in report mode
    def InReportView(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the window is in report mode. """

        return self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT)

    def InTileView(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the window is in tile mode (partially implemented).

        :todo: Fully implement tile view for L{UltimateListCtrl}.        

        return self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_TILE)        

    # return True if we are in single selection mode, False if multi sel
    def IsSingleSel(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if we are in single selection mode, ``False`` if multi selection. """
        return self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SINGLE_SEL)

    def HasFocus(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the window has focus. """
        return self._hasFocus

    # do we have a header window?
    def HasHeader(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the header window is shown. """

        if (self.InReportView() or self.InTileView()) and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_HEADER):
            return True
        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS):
            return True

        return False

    # do we have a footer window?
    def HasFooter(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the footer window is shown. """

        if self.HasHeader() and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_FOOTER):
            return True

        return False

    # toggle the line state and refresh it
    def ReverseHighlight(self, line):
        Toggles the line state and refreshes it.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.
        self.HighlightLine(line, not self.IsHighlighted(line))

    # get the size of the total line rect
    def GetLineSize(self, line):
        Returns the size of the total line client rectangle.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.
        return self.GetLineRect(line).GetSize()

    # bring the current item into view
    def MoveToFocus(self):
        """ Brings tyhe current item into view. """


    def GetColumnCount(self):
        """ Returns the total number of columns in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return len(self._columns)

    def GetItemText(self, item):
        Returns the item text.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_TEXT
        info._itemId = item
        info = self.GetItem(info)

        return info._text

    def SetItemText(self, item, value):
        Sets the item text.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `value`: the new item text.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_TEXT
        info._itemId = item
        info._text = value


    def IsEmpty(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the window has no items in it. """

        return self.GetItemCount() == 0

    def ResetCurrent(self):
        """ Resets the current item to ``None``. """


    def HasCurrent(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the current item has been set, either programmatically
        or by user intervention.

        return self._current != -1

    # override base class virtual to reset self._lineHeight when the font changes
    def SetFont(self, font):
        Overridden base class virtual to reset the line height when the font changes.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` object.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyScrolledWindow`.        
        if not wx.PyScrolledWindow.SetFont(self, font):
            return False

        self._lineHeight = 0

        return True

    def ResetLineDimensions(self, force=False):
        Resets the line dimensions, so that client rectangles and positions are

        :param `force`: ``True`` to reset all line dimensions.

        if (self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT) and not self.IsVirtual()) or force:
            for l in xrange(self.GetItemCount()):
                line = self.GetLine(l)
    # these are for UltimateListLineData usage only
    # get the backpointer to the list ctrl
    def GetListCtrl(self):
        """ Returns the parent widget, an instance of L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return self.GetParent()

    # get the brush to use for the item highlighting
    def GetHighlightBrush(self):
        """ Returns the brush to use for the item highlighting. """
        return (self._hasFocus and [self._highlightBrush] or [self._highlightUnfocusedBrush])[0]

    # get the line data for the given index
    def GetLine(self, n):
        Returns the line data for the given index.

        :param `n`: the line index.

        if self.IsVirtual():

            n = 0

        return self._lines[n]

    # force us to recalculate the range of visible lines
    def ResetVisibleLinesRange(self, reset=False):
        Forces us to recalculate the range of visible lines.

        :param `reset`: ``True`` to reset all line dimensions, which will then be

        self._lineFrom = -1
        if self.IsShownOnScreen() and reset:

    # Called on EVT_SIZE to resize the _resizeColumn to fill the width of the window
    def ResizeColumns(self):
        If ``ULC_AUTOSIZE_FILL`` was passed to L{UltimateListCtrl.SetColumnWidth} then
        that column's width will be expanded to fill the window on a resize event.

        Called by L{UltimateListCtrl.OnSize} when the window is resized.

        if self._resizeColumn == -1:
        numCols = self.GetColumnCount()
        if numCols == 0: return # Nothing to resize.
        resizeCol = self._resizeColumn

        if self._resizeColMinWidth == None:
            self._resizeColMinWidth = self.GetColumnWidth(resizeCol)

        # We're showing the vertical scrollbar -> allow for scrollbar width
        # NOTE: on GTK, the scrollbar is included in the client size, but on
        # Windows it is not included
        listWidth = self.GetClientSize().width
        if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__':
            if self.GetItemCount() > self.GetCountPerPage():
                scrollWidth = wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)
                listWidth = listWidth - scrollWidth

        totColWidth = 0 # Width of all columns except last one.
        for col in range(numCols):
            if col != (resizeCol):
                totColWidth = totColWidth + self.GetColumnWidth(col)

        resizeColWidth = self.GetColumnWidth(resizeCol)

        if totColWidth + self._resizeColMinWidth > listWidth:
            # We haven't got the width to show the last column at its minimum
            # width -> set it to its minimum width and allow the horizontal
            # scrollbar to show.
            self.SetColumnWidth(resizeCol, self._resizeColMinWidth)

        # Resize the last column to take up the remaining available space.
        self.SetColumnWidth(resizeCol, listWidth - totColWidth)

    # get the colour to be used for drawing the rules
    def GetRuleColour(self):
        """ Returns the colour to be used for drawing the horizontal and vertical rules. """

        return wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT)

    def SetReportView(self, inReportView):
        Sets whether L{UltimateListCtrl} is in report view or not.

        :param `inReportView`: ``True`` to set L{UltimateListCtrl} in report view, ``False``

        for line in self._lines:

    def CacheLineData(self, line):
        Saves the current line attributes.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        :note: This method is used only if the L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_VIRTUAL``
         style set.

        listctrl = self.GetListCtrl()
        ld = self.GetDummyLine()

        countCol = self.GetColumnCount()
        for col in xrange(countCol):
            ld.SetText(col, listctrl.OnGetItemText(line, col))
            ld.SetImage(col, listctrl.OnGetItemColumnImage(line, col))
            kind = listctrl.OnGetItemColumnKind(line, col)
            ld.SetKind(col, kind)
            if kind > 0:
                ld.Check(col, listctrl.OnGetItemColumnCheck(line, col))


    def GetDummyLine(self):
        Returns a dummy line.

        :note: This method is used only if the L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_VIRTUAL``
         style set.
        if self.IsEmpty():
            raise Exception("invalid line index")

        if not self.IsVirtual():
            raise Exception("GetDummyLine() shouldn't be called")

        # we need to recreate the dummy line if the number of columns in the
        # control changed as it would have the incorrect number of fields
        # otherwise
        if len(self._lines) > 0 and len(self._lines[0]._items) != self.GetColumnCount():
            self._lines = []

        if not self._lines:
            line = UltimateListLineData(self)

        return self._lines[0]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# line geometry (report mode only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetLineHeight(self, item=None):
        Returns the line height for a specific item.

        :param `item`: if not ``None``, an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        # we cache the line height as calling GetTextExtent() is slow

        if item is None or not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            if not self._lineHeight:
                dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

                dummy, y = dc.GetTextExtent("H")
                if self._small_image_list and self._small_image_list.GetImageCount():
                    iw, ih = self._small_image_list.GetSize(0)
                    y = max(y, ih)

                y += EXTRA_HEIGHT
                self._lineHeight = y + LINE_SPACING

            return self._lineHeight

            line = self.GetLine(item)
            LH = line.GetHeight()
            if LH != -1:
                return LH

            dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
            allTextY = 0
            for col, items in enumerate(line._items):

                if items.GetCustomRenderer():
                    allTextY = max(allTextY, items.GetCustomRenderer().GetLineHeight())

                if items.HasFont():

                text_x, text_y, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(items.GetText())
                allTextY = max(text_y, allTextY)

                if items.GetWindow():
                    xSize, ySize = items.GetWindowSize()
                    allTextY = max(allTextY, ySize)

                if self._small_image_list and self._small_image_list.GetImageCount():
                    for img in items._image:
                        iw, ih = self._small_image_list.GetSize(img)
                        allTextY = max(allTextY, ih)

            allTextY += EXTRA_HEIGHT

            return allTextY

    def GetLineY(self, line):
        Returns the line y position.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if self.IsVirtual():
            return LINE_SPACING + line*self.GetLineHeight()
        lineItem = self.GetLine(line)
        lineY = lineItem.GetY()
        if lineY != -1:
            return lineY
        lineY = 0
        for l in xrange(line):
            lineY += self.GetLineHeight(l)

        lineItem.SetY(LINE_SPACING + lineY)
        return LINE_SPACING + lineY

    def GetLineRect(self, line):
        Returns the line client rectangle.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if not self.InReportView():
            return self.GetLine(line)._gi._rectAll

        rect = wx.Rect(HEADER_OFFSET_X, self.GetLineY(line), self.GetHeaderWidth(), self.GetLineHeight(line))
        return rect

    def GetLineLabelRect(self, line):
        Returns the line client rectangle for the item text only.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if not self.InReportView():
            return self.GetLine(line)._gi._rectLabel

        image_x = 0
        item = self.GetLine(line)
        if item.HasImage():
            ix, iy = self.GetImageSize(item.GetImage())
            image_x = ix

        if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
            image_x += self.GetCheckboxImageSize()[0]
        rect = wx.Rect(image_x + HEADER_OFFSET_X, self.GetLineY(line), self.GetColumnWidth(0) - image_x, self.GetLineHeight(line))
        return rect

    def GetLineIconRect(self, line):
        Returns the line client rectangle for the item image only.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if not self.InReportView():
            return self.GetLine(line)._gi._rectIcon

        ld = self.GetLine(line)

        image_x = HEADER_OFFSET_X
        if ld.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
            image_x += self.GetCheckboxImageSize()[0]
        rect = wx.Rect(image_x, self.GetLineY(line), *self.GetImageSize(ld.GetImage()))
        return rect

    def GetLineCheckboxRect(self, line):
        Returns the line client rectangle for the item checkbox image only.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if not self.InReportView():
            return self.GetLine(line)._gi._rectCheck
        ld = self.GetLine(line)
        LH = self.GetLineHeight(line)
        wcheck, hcheck = self.GetCheckboxImageSize()
        rect = wx.Rect(HEADER_OFFSET_X, self.GetLineY(line) + LH/2 - hcheck/2, wcheck, hcheck)
        return rect

    def GetLineHighlightRect(self, line):
        Returns the line client rectangle when the line is highlighted.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        return (self.InReportView() and [self.GetLineRect(line)] or [self.GetLine(line)._gi._rectHighlight])[0]

    def HitTestLine(self, line, x, y):
        HitTest method for a L{UltimateListCtrl} line.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData};
        :param `x`: the mouse x position;
        :param `y`: the mouse y position.

        :return: a tuple of values, representing the item hit and a hit flag. The
         hit flag can be one of the following bits:

         =============================== ========= ================================
         HitTest Flag                    Hex Value Description
         =============================== ========= ================================
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ABOVE``                 0x1 Above the client area
         ``ULC_HITTEST_BELOW``                 0x2 Below the client area
         ``ULC_HITTEST_NOWHERE``               0x4 In the client area but below the last item
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEM``              0x2a0 Anywhere on the item (text, icon, checkbox image)
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMICON``           0x20 On the bitmap associated with an item
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL``          0x80 On the label (string) associated with an item
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT``         0x100 In the area to the right of an item
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMSTATEICON``     0x200 On the state icon for a list view item that is in a user-defined state
         ``ULC_HITTEST_TOLEFT``              0x400 To the left of the client area
         ``ULC_HITTEST_TORIGHT``             0x800 To the right of the client area
         ``ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK``        0x1000 On the item checkbox (if any)
         =============================== ========= ================================

        ld = self.GetLine(line)

        if self.InReportView() and not self.IsVirtual():

            lineY = self.GetLineY(line)
            xstart = HEADER_OFFSET_X
            for col, item in enumerate(ld._items):

                width = self.GetColumnWidth(col)
                xOld = xstart
                xstart += width
                ix = 0

                if (line, col) in self._shortItems:
                    rect = wx.Rect(xOld, lineY, width, self.GetLineHeight(line))
                    if rect.Contains((x, y)):
                        newItem = self.GetParent().GetItem(line, col)
                        return newItem, ULC_HITTEST_ONITEM
                if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
                    # We got a checkbox-type item
                    ix, iy = self.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                    LH = self.GetLineHeight(line)
                    rect = wx.Rect(xOld, lineY + LH/2 - iy/2, ix, iy)
                    if rect.Contains((x, y)):
                        newItem = self.GetParent().GetItem(line, col)
                        return newItem, ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK
                if item.IsHyperText():
                    start, end = self.GetItemTextSize(item)
                    rect = wx.Rect(xOld+start, lineY, end, self.GetLineHeight(line))
                    if rect.Contains((x, y)):
                        newItem = self.GetParent().GetItem(line, col)
                        return newItem, ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL
                    xOld += ix
        if ld.HasImage() and self.GetLineIconRect(line).Contains((x, y)):
            return self.GetParent().GetItem(line), ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMICON
        # VS: Testing for "ld.HasText() || InReportView()" instead of
        #     "ld.HasText()" is needed to make empty lines in report view
        #     possible
        if ld.HasText() or self.InReportView():
            if self.InReportView():
                rect = self.GetLineRect(line)
                checkRect = self.GetLineCheckboxRect(line)
                if checkRect.Contains((x, y)):
                    return self.GetParent().GetItem(line), ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK

                rect = self.GetLineLabelRect(line)
        if rect.Contains((x, y)):
            return self.GetParent().GetItem(line), ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL

        rect = self.GetLineRect(line)
        if rect.Contains((x, y)):
            return self.GetParent().GetItem(line), ULC_HITTEST_ONITEM

        return None, 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# highlight (selection) handling
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def IsHighlighted(self, line):
        Returns ``True`` if the input line is highlighted.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if self.IsVirtual():

            return self._selStore.IsSelected(line)

        else: # !virtual

            ld = self.GetLine(line)
            return ld.IsHighlighted()

    def HighlightLines(self, lineFrom, lineTo, highlight=True):
        Highlights a range of lines in L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `lineFrom`: an integer representing the first line to highlight;
        :param `lineTo`: an integer representing the last line to highlight;
        :param `highlight`: ``True`` to highlight the lines, ``False`` otherwise.

        if self.IsVirtual():
            linesChanged = self._selStore.SelectRange(lineFrom, lineTo, highlight)
            if not linesChanged:
                # many items changed state, refresh everything
                self.RefreshLines(lineFrom, lineTo)

            else: # only a few items changed state, refresh only them

                for n in xrange(len(linesChanged)):

        else: # iterate over all items in non report view

            for line in xrange(lineFrom, lineTo+1):
                if self.HighlightLine(line, highlight):

    def HighlightLine(self, line, highlight=True):
        Highlights a line in L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData};
        :param `highlight`: ``True`` to highlight the line, ``False`` otherwise.

        changed = False

        if self.IsVirtual():

            changed = self._selStore.SelectItem(line, highlight)

        else: # !virtual

            ld = self.GetLine(line)
            changed = ld.Highlight(highlight)

        dontNotify = self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT)

        if changed and not dontNotify:
            self.SendNotify(line, (highlight and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED] or [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED])[0])

        return changed

    def RefreshLine(self, line):
        Redraws the input line.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData}.

        if self.InReportView():

            visibleFrom, visibleTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()
            if line < visibleFrom or line > visibleTo:

        rect = self.GetLineRect(line)
        rect.x, rect.y  = self.CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, rect.y)

    def RefreshLines(self, lineFrom, lineTo):
        Redraws a range of lines in L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `lineFrom`: an integer representing the first line to refresh;
        :param `lineTo`: an integer representing the last line to refresh.

        if self.InReportView():

            visibleFrom, visibleTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()

            if lineFrom < visibleFrom:
                lineFrom = visibleFrom
            if lineTo > visibleTo:
                lineTo = visibleTo

            rect = wx.Rect()
            rect.x = 0
            rect.y = self.GetLineY(lineFrom)
            rect.width = self.GetClientSize().x
            rect.height = self.GetLineY(lineTo) - rect.y + self.GetLineHeight(lineTo)

            rect.x, rect.y  = self.CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, rect.y)

        else: # !report

            # TODO: this should be optimized...
            for line in xrange(lineFrom, lineTo+1):

    def RefreshAfter(self, lineFrom):
        Redraws all the lines after the input one.

        :param `lineFrom`: an integer representing the first line to refresh.

        if self.InReportView():

            visibleFrom, visibleTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()

            if lineFrom < visibleFrom:
                lineFrom = visibleFrom
            elif lineFrom > visibleTo:

            rect = wx.Rect()
            rect.x = 0
            rect.y = self.GetLineY(lineFrom)
            rect.x, rect.y  = self.CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, rect.y)

            size = self.GetClientSize()
            rect.width = size.x
            # refresh till the bottom of the window
            rect.height = size.y - rect.y


        else: # !report

            # TODO: how to do it more efficiently?
            self._dirty = True

    def RefreshSelected(self):
        """ Redraws the selected lines. """

        if self.IsEmpty():

        if self.InReportView():

            fromm, to = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()

        else: # !virtual

            fromm = 0
            to = self.GetItemCount() - 1

        if self.HasCurrent() and self._current >= fromm and self._current <= to:

        for line in xrange(fromm, to+1):
            # NB: the test works as expected even if self._current == -1
            if line != self._current and self.IsHighlighted(line):

    def HideWindows(self):
        """ Hides the windows associated to the items. Used internally. """
        for child in self._itemWithWindow:
            wnd = child.GetWindow()
            if wnd:

    def OnPaint(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.

        # Note: a wxPaintDC must be constructed even if no drawing is
        # done (a Windows requirement).
        dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)


        if self.IsEmpty():
            # nothing to draw or not the moment to draw it
        if self._dirty:
            # delay the repainting until we calculate all the items positions

        useVista, useGradient = self._vistaselection, self._usegradients
        dev_x, dev_y = self.CalcScrolledPosition(0, 0)

        if self.InReportView():
            visibleFrom, visibleTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()
            # mrcs: draw additional items
            if visibleFrom > 0:
                visibleFrom -= 1

            if visibleTo < self.GetItemCount() - 1:
                visibleTo += 1

            xOrig = dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0)
            yOrig = dc.LogicalToDeviceY(0)

            # tell the caller cache to cache the data
            if self.IsVirtual():

                evCache = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT, self.GetParent().GetId())
                evCache.m_oldItemIndex = visibleFrom
                evCache.m_itemIndex = visibleTo

            no_highlight = self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT)

            for line in xrange(visibleFrom, visibleTo+1):
                rectLine = self.GetLineRect(line)

                if not self.IsExposed(rectLine.x + xOrig, rectLine.y + yOrig, rectLine.width, rectLine.height):
                    # don't redraw unaffected lines to avoid flicker

                theLine = self.GetLine(line)
                enabled = theLine.GetItem(0, CreateListItem(line, 0)).IsEnabled()
                oldPN, oldBR = dc.GetPen(), dc.GetBrush()
                theLine.DrawInReportMode(dc, line, rectLine,
                                         self.IsHighlighted(line) and not no_highlight,
                                         line==self._current, enabled, oldPN, oldBR)

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HRULES):
                pen = wx.Pen(self.GetRuleColour(), 1, wx.SOLID)
                clientSize = self.GetClientSize()

                # Don't draw the first one
                start = (visibleFrom > 0 and [visibleFrom] or [1])[0]

                for i in xrange(start, visibleTo+1):
                    lineY = self.GetLineY(i)
                    dc.DrawLine(0 - dev_x, lineY, clientSize.x - dev_x, lineY)

                # Draw last horizontal rule
                if visibleTo == self.GetItemCount() - 1:
                    lineY = self.GetLineY(visibleTo) + self.GetLineHeight(visibleTo)
                    dc.DrawLine(0 - dev_x, lineY, clientSize.x - dev_x , lineY)

            # Draw vertical rules if required
            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_VRULES) and not self.IsEmpty():
                pen = wx.Pen(self.GetRuleColour(), 1, wx.SOLID)

                firstItemRect = self.GetItemRect(visibleFrom)
                lastItemRect = self.GetItemRect(visibleTo)
                x = firstItemRect.GetX()
                for col in xrange(self.GetColumnCount()):
                    if not self.IsColumnShown(col):

                    colWidth = self.GetColumnWidth(col)
                    x += colWidth
                    x_pos = x - dev_x
                    if col < self.GetColumnCount()-1:
                        x_pos -= 2

                    dc.DrawLine(x_pos, firstItemRect.GetY() - 1 - dev_y, x_pos, lastItemRect.GetBottom() + 1 - dev_y)

        else: # !report

            for i in xrange(self.GetItemCount()):
                self.GetLine(i).Draw(i, dc)

        if wx.Platform not in ["__WXMAC__", "__WXGTK__"]:
            # Don't draw rect outline under Mac at all.
            # Draw it elsewhere on GTK
            if self.HasCurrent():
                if self._hasFocus and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT) and not useVista and not useGradient \
                   and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_BORDER_SELECT) and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT):

    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.

        :note: This method is intentionally empty to reduce flicker.        


    def TileBackground(self, dc):
        Tiles the background image to fill all the available area.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`.

        :todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.

        if not self._backgroundImage:

        if self._imageStretchStyle != _StyleTile:
            # Can we actually do something here (or in OnPaint()) To Handle
            # background images that are stretchable or always centered?
            # I tried but I get enormous flickering...

        sz = self.GetClientSize()
        w = self._backgroundImage.GetWidth()
        h = self._backgroundImage.GetHeight()

        x = 0

        while x < sz.width:
            y = 0

            while y < sz.height:
                dc.DrawBitmap(self._backgroundImage, x, y, True)
                y = y + h

            x = x + w

    def PaintWaterMark(self, dc):
        Draws a watermark at the bottom right of L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`.

        :todo: Better support for this is needed.

        if not self._waterMark:

        width, height = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(*self.GetClientSize())
        bitmapW = self._waterMark.GetWidth()
        bitmapH = self._waterMark.GetHeight()

        x = width - bitmapW - 5
        y = height - bitmapH - 5

        dc.DrawBitmap(self._waterMark, x, y, True)
    def HighlightAll(self, on=True):
        Highlights/unhighlights all the lines in L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `on`: ``True`` to highlight all the lines, ``False`` to unhighlight them.

        if self.IsSingleSel():

            if on:
                raise Exception("can't do this in a single sel control")

            # we just have one item to turn off
            if self.HasCurrent() and self.IsHighlighted(self._current):
                self.HighlightLine(self._current, False)

        else: # multi sel
            if not self.IsEmpty():
                self.HighlightLines(0, self.GetItemCount() - 1, on)

    def OnChildFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.ChildFocusEvent` event to be processed.

        :note: This method is intentionally empty to prevent the default handler in
         `wx.PyScrolledWindow` from needlessly scrolling the window when the edit
         control is dismissed.

        # Do nothing here.  This prevents the default handler in wx.PyScrolledWindow
        # from needlessly scrolling the window when the edit control is
        # dismissed.  See ticket #9563.


    def SendNotify(self, line, command, point=wx.DefaultPosition):
        Actually sends a L{UltimateListEvent}.

        :param `line`: an instance of L{UltimateListLineData};
        :param `command`: the event type to send;
        :param `point`: an instance of `wx.Point`.

        bRet = True
        le = UltimateListEvent(command, self.GetParent().GetId())
        le.m_itemIndex = line

        # set only for events which have position
        if point != wx.DefaultPosition:
            le.m_pointDrag = point

        # don't try to get the line info for virtual list controls: the main
        # program has it anyhow and if we did it would result in accessing all
        # the lines, even those which are not visible now and this is precisely
        # what we're trying to avoid
        if not self.IsVirtual():

            if line != -1:
                self.GetLine(line).GetItem(0, le.m_item)

            #else: this happens for wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED event

            #else: there may be no more such item

        bRet = le.IsAllowed()

        return bRet

    def ChangeCurrent(self, current):
        Changes the current line to the specified one.

        :param `current`: an integer specifying the index of the current line.

        self._current = current

        # as the current item changed, we shouldn't start editing it when the
        # "slow click" timer expires as the click happened on another item
        if self._renameTimer.IsRunning():
        self.SendNotify(current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED)

    def EditLabel(self, item):
        Starts editing an item label.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        if item < 0 or item >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("wrong index in UltimateListCtrl.EditLabel()")

        le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetParent().GetId())
        le.m_itemIndex = item
        data = self.GetLine(item)
        le.m_item = data.GetItem(0, le.m_item)

        self._textctrl = UltimateListTextCtrl(self, item)

        if self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(le) and not le.IsAllowed():
            # vetoed by user code

        # We have to call this here because the label in question might just have
        # been added and no screen update taken place.
        if self._dirty:
            # Pending events dispatched by wx.SafeYield might have changed the item
            # count
            if item >= self.GetItemCount():
                return None

        # modified

        return self._textctrl

    def OnRenameTimer(self):
        """ The timer for renaming has expired. Start editing. """

        if not self.HasCurrent():
            raise Exception("unexpected rename timer")


    def OnRenameAccept(self, itemEdit, value):
        Called by L{UltimateListTextCtrl}, to accept the changes and to send the
        ``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT`` event.

        :param `itemEdit`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `value`: the new value of the item label.        

        le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetParent().GetId())
        le.m_itemIndex = itemEdit

        data = self.GetLine(itemEdit)

        le.m_item = data.GetItem(0, le.m_item)
        le.m_item._text = value
        return not self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(le) or le.IsAllowed()

    def OnRenameCancelled(self, itemEdit):
        Called by L{UltimateListTextCtrl}, to cancel the changes and to send the
        ``EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT`` event.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        # let owner know that the edit was cancelled
        le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetParent().GetId())

        le.m_itemIndex = itemEdit

        data = self.GetLine(itemEdit)
        le.m_item = data.GetItem(0, le.m_item)


    def OnMouse(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.

        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
            # On wxMac we can't depend on the EVT_KILL_FOCUS event to properly
            # shutdown the edit control when the mouse is clicked elsewhere on the
            # listctrl because the order of events is different (or something like
            # that,) so explicitly end the edit if it is active.
            if event.LeftDown() and self._textctrl:

        if event.LeftDown():

        if self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) :

        if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL:
            # let the base handle mouse wheel events.

        if not self.HasCurrent() or self.IsEmpty():
            if event.RightDown():
                self.SendNotify(-1, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, event.GetPosition())

                evtCtx = wx.ContextMenuEvent(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.GetParent().GetId(),


        if self._dirty:

        if not (event.Dragging() or event.ButtonDown() or event.LeftUp() or \
                event.ButtonDClick() or event.Moving() or event.RightUp()):

        x = event.GetX()
        y = event.GetY()
        x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y)

        # where did we hit it (if we did)?
        hitResult = 0
        newItem = None
        count = self.GetItemCount()

        if self.InReportView():
            if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
                current = y/self.GetLineHeight()
                if current < count:
                    newItem, hitResult = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                for current in xrange(count):
                    newItem, hitResult = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                    if hitResult:
            # TODO: optimize it too! this is less simple than for report view but
            #       enumerating all items is still not a way to do it!!
            for current in xrange(count):
                newItem, hitResult = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                if hitResult:

        theItem = None
        if not self.IsVirtual():
            theItem = CreateListItem(current, 0)
            theItem = self.GetItem(theItem)
        if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_MOTION and not event.Dragging():

            if current >= 0 and current < count and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_TRACK_SELECT) and not self._hoverTimer.IsRunning():
                self._hoverItem = current
                self._hoverTimer.Start(HOVER_TIME, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT)
            if newItem and newItem.IsHyperText() and (hitResult & ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL) and theItem and theItem.IsEnabled():
                self._isonhyperlink = True
                if self._isonhyperlink:
                    self._isonhyperlink = False

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT) and hitResult:
                if not self.IsHighlighted(current):

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS):
                if newItem and hitResult & ULC_HITTEST_ONITEM:                
                    if (newItem._itemId, newItem._col) in self._shortItems:
                        text = newItem.GetText()
                        if self.GetToolTip() and self.GetToolTip().GetTip() != text:                            

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HOT_TRACKING):
                if hitResult:
                    if self._oldHotCurrent != current:                        
                        if self._oldHotCurrent is not None:
                        self._newHotCurrent = current
                        self._oldHotCurrent = current

        if event.Dragging():
            if not self._isDragging:

                if self._lineLastClicked == -1 or not hitResult or not theItem or not theItem.IsEnabled():

                if self._dragCount == 0:
                    # we have to report the raw, physical coords as we want to be
                    # able to call HitTest(event.m_pointDrag) from the user code to
                    # get the item being dragged
                    self._dragStart = event.GetPosition()

                self._dragCount += 1

                if self._dragCount != 3:

                command = (event.RightIsDown() and [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG] or [wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG])[0]
                le = UltimateListEvent(command, self.GetParent().GetId())
                le.m_itemIndex = self._lineLastClicked
                le.m_pointDrag = self._dragStart

                # we're going to drag this item
                self._isDragging = True
                self._dragItem = current

                # remember the old cursor because we will change it while
                # dragging
                self._oldCursor = self._cursor

                if current != self._dropTarget:
                    # unhighlight the previous drop target
                    if self._dropTarget is not None:

                    move = current
                    if self._dropTarget:
                        move = (current > self._dropTarget and [current+1] or [current-1])[0]

                    self._dropTarget = current


                    if self._dragItem == current:

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT) and self._dragItem != current:

            self._dragCount = 0

        if theItem and not theItem.IsEnabled():

        if not hitResult:
            # outside of any item
            if event.RightDown():
                self.SendNotify(-1, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, event.GetPosition())
                evtCtx = wx.ContextMenuEvent(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.GetParent().GetId(),


        forceClick = False
        if event.ButtonDClick():
            if self._renameTimer.IsRunning():
            self._lastOnSame = False

            if current == self._lineLastClicked:
                self.SendNotify(current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED)

                if newItem and newItem.GetKind() in [1, 2] and (hitResult & ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK):
                    self.CheckItem(newItem, not self.IsItemChecked(newItem))



                # The first click was on another item, so don't interpret this as
                # a double click, but as a simple click instead
                forceClick = True

        if event.LeftUp():

            if self.DragFinish(event):
            if self._lineSelectSingleOnUp != - 1:
                # select single line

            if self._lastOnSame:
                if (current == self._current) and (hitResult == ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_EDIT_LABELS):
                    if not self.InReportView() or self.GetLineLabelRect(current).Contains((x, y)):
                        # This wx.SYS_DCLICK_MSEC is not yet wrapped in wxPython...
                        # dclick = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_DCLICK_MSEC)
                        # m_renameTimer->Start(dclick > 0 ? dclick : 250, True)
                        self._renameTimer.Start(250, True)

            self._lastOnSame = False
            self._lineSelectSingleOnUp = -1

        elif event.RightUp():
            if self.DragFinish(event):

            # This is necessary, because after a DnD operation in
            # from and to ourself, the up event is swallowed by the
            # DnD code. So on next non-up event (which means here and
            # now) self._lineSelectSingleOnUp should be reset.
            self._lineSelectSingleOnUp = -1

        if event.RightDown():

            if self.SendNotify(current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, event.GetPosition()):
                self._lineBeforeLastClicked = self._lineLastClicked
                self._lineLastClicked = current
                # If the item is already selected, do not update the selection.
                # Multi-selections should not be cleared if a selected item is clicked.

                if not self.IsHighlighted(current):

                # Allow generation of context menu event

        elif event.MiddleDown():
            self.SendNotify(current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK)

        elif event.LeftDown() or forceClick:
            self._lineBeforeLastClicked = self._lineLastClicked
            self._lineLastClicked = current

            oldCurrent = self._current
            oldWasSelected = self.IsHighlighted(self._current)

            cmdModifierDown = event.CmdDown()
            if self.IsSingleSel() or not (cmdModifierDown or event.ShiftDown()):
                if self.IsSingleSel() or not self.IsHighlighted(current):
                else: # multi sel & current is highlighted & no mod keys
                    self._lineSelectSingleOnUp = current
                    self.ChangeCurrent(current) # change focus

            else: # multi sel & either ctrl or shift is down
                if cmdModifierDown:

                elif event.ShiftDown():
                    lineFrom, lineTo = oldCurrent, current

                    if lineTo < lineFrom:
                        lineTo = lineFrom
                        lineFrom = self._current

                    self.HighlightLines(lineFrom, lineTo)

                else: # !ctrl, !shift

                    # test in the enclosing if should make it impossible
                    raise Exception("how did we get here?")
            if newItem:
                if event.LeftDown():
                    if newItem.GetKind() in [1, 2] and (hitResult & ULC_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECK):                    
                        self.CheckItem(newItem, not self.IsItemChecked(newItem))
                    if newItem.IsHyperText():
                        self.SetItemVisited(newItem, True)
            if self._current != oldCurrent:

            # forceClick is only set if the previous click was on another item
            self._lastOnSame = not forceClick and (self._current == oldCurrent) and oldWasSelected

            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK):
                self.SendNotify(current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_LEFT_CLICK, event.GetPosition())

    def DrawDnDArrow(self):
        """ Draws a drag and drop visual representation of an arrow. """
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
        lineY = self.GetLineY(self._dropTarget)
        width = self.GetTotalWidth()
        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK, 2))
        x, y = self.CalcScrolledPosition(HEADER_OFFSET_X, lineY+2*HEADER_OFFSET_Y)

        tri1 = [wx.Point(x+1, y-2), wx.Point(x+1, y+4), wx.Point(x+4, y+1)]
        tri2 = [wx.Point(x+width-1, y-2), wx.Point(x+width-1, y+4), wx.Point(x+width-4, y+1)]
        dc.DrawLine(x, y+1, width, y+1)

    def DragFinish(self, event):
        A drag and drop operation has just finished.

        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.

        if not self._isDragging:
            return False
        self._isDragging = False
        self._dragCount = 0
        self._dragItem = None

        le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_DRAG, self.GetParent().GetId())
        le.m_itemIndex = self._dropTarget
        le.m_pointDrag = event.GetPosition()

        return True

    def HandleHyperLink(self, item):
        Handles the hyperlink items, sending the ``EVT_LIST_ITEM_HYPERLINK`` event.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.        

        if self.IsItemHyperText(item):
            self.SendNotify(item._itemId, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_HYPERLINK)

    def OnHoverTimer(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` event to be processed.

        x, y = self.ScreenToClient(wx.GetMousePosition())
        x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y)
        item, hitResult = self.HitTestLine(self._hoverItem, x, y)

        if item and item._itemId == self._hoverItem:
            if not self.IsHighlighted(self._hoverItem):
                dontNotify = self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT) and self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT)
                if not dontNotify:
                    self.SendNotify(self._hoverItem, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED)

    def MoveToItem(self, item):
        Scrolls the input item into view.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        if item == -1:

        if item >= self.GetItemCount():
            item = self.GetItemCount() - 1
        rect = self.GetLineRect(item)
        client_w, client_h = self.GetClientSize()
        hLine = self.GetLineHeight(item)

        view_x = SCROLL_UNIT_X*self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        view_y = hLine*self.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)

        if self.InReportView():

            # the next we need the range of lines shown it might be different, so
            # recalculate it

            if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):            

                if rect.y < view_y:
                    self.Scroll(-1, rect.y/hLine)
                if rect.y+rect.height+5 > view_y+client_h:
                    self.Scroll(-1, (rect.y+rect.height-client_h+hLine)/hLine)

                if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                    # At least on Mac the visible lines value will get reset inside of
                    # Scroll *before* it actually scrolls the window because of the
                    # Update() that happens there, so it will still have the wrong value.
                    # So let's reset it again and wait for it to be recalculated in the
                    # next paint event.  I would expect this problem to show up in wxGTK
                    # too but couldn't duplicate it there.  Perhaps the order of events
                    # is different...  --Robin

                view_y = SCROLL_UNIT_Y*self.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)
                start_y, height = rect.y, rect.height

                if start_y < view_y:
                    while start_y > view_y:
                        start_y -= SCROLL_UNIT_Y

                    self.Scroll(-1, start_y/SCROLL_UNIT_Y)
                if start_y + height > view_y + client_h:
                    while start_y + height < view_y + client_h:
                        start_y += SCROLL_UNIT_Y

                    self.Scroll(-1, (start_y+height-client_h+SCROLL_UNIT_Y)/SCROLL_UNIT_Y)
        else: # !report

            sx = sy = -1

            if rect.x-view_x < 5:
                sx = (rect.x - 5)/SCROLL_UNIT_X
            if rect.x+rect.width-5 > view_x+client_w:
                sx = (rect.x + rect.width - client_w + SCROLL_UNIT_X)/SCROLL_UNIT_X

            if rect.y-view_y < 5:
                sy = (rect.y - 5)/hLine
            if rect.y + rect.height - 5 > view_y + client_h:
                sy = (rect.y + rect.height - client_h + hLine)/hLine

            self.Scroll(sx, sy)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# keyboard handling
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetNextActiveItem(self, item, down=True):
        Returns the next active item. Used Internally at present.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `down`: ``True`` to search downwards for an active item, ``False``
         to search upwards.

        count = self.GetItemCount()
        initialItem = item
        while 1:
            if item >= count or item < 0:
                return initialItem

            listItem = CreateListItem(item, 0)
            listItem = self.GetItem(listItem, 0)
            if listItem.IsEnabled():
                return item
            item = (down and [item+1] or [item-1])[0]

    def OnArrowChar(self, newCurrent, event):
        Handles the keyboard arrows key events.

        :param `newCurrent`: an integer specifying the new current item;
        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        oldCurrent = self._current
        newCurrent = self.GetNextActiveItem(newCurrent, newCurrent > oldCurrent)
        # in single selection we just ignore Shift as we can't select several
        # items anyhow
        if event.ShiftDown() and not self.IsSingleSel():


            # refresh the old focus to remove it

            # select all the items between the old and the new one
            if oldCurrent > newCurrent:
                newCurrent = oldCurrent
                oldCurrent = self._current

            self.HighlightLines(oldCurrent, newCurrent)

        else: # !shift

            # all previously selected items are unselected unless ctrl is held
            # in a multi-selection control
            if not event.ControlDown() or self.IsSingleSel():


            # refresh the old focus to remove it

            if not event.ControlDown() or self.IsSingleSel():
                self.HighlightLine(self._current, True)


    def OnKeyDown(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        parent = self.GetParent()

        # we propagate the key event upwards
        ke = wx.KeyEvent(event.GetEventType())

        if parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(ke):


    def OnKeyUp(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        parent = self.GetParent()

        # we propagate the key event upwards
        ke = wx.KeyEvent(event.GetEventType())

        if parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(ke):


    def OnChar(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHAR`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.

        parent = self.GetParent()

        # we send a list_key event up        
        if self.HasCurrent():
            le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN, self.GetParent().GetId())
            le.m_itemIndex = self._current
            le.m_item = self.GetLine(self._current).GetItem(0, le.m_item)
            le.m_code = event.GetKeyCode()

        keyCode = event.GetKeyCode()
        if  keyCode not in [wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_RIGHT, wx.WXK_LEFT, \
                            wx.WXK_PAGEUP, wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN, wx.WXK_END, wx.WXK_HOME]:

            # propagate the char event upwards
            ke = wx.KeyEvent(event.GetEventType())
            if parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(ke):
        if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_TAB:
            nevent = wx.NavigationKeyEvent()
            nevent.SetDirection(not event.ShiftDown())
            if self.GetParent().GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(nevent):

        # no item . nothing to do
        if not self.HasCurrent():

        keyCode = event.GetKeyCode()
        if keyCode == wx.WXK_UP:
            if self._current > 0:
                self.OnArrowChar(self._current - 1, event)
                if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
                    self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_DOWN:
            if self._current < self.GetItemCount() - 1:
                self.OnArrowChar(self._current + 1, event)
                if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
                    self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_END:
            if not self.IsEmpty():
                self.OnArrowChar(self.GetItemCount() - 1, event)
                self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_HOME:
            if not self.IsEmpty():
                self.OnArrowChar(0, event)
                self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_PRIOR:
            steps = (self.InReportView() and [self._linesPerPage - 1] or [self._current % self._linesPerPage])[0]
            index = self._current - steps
            if index < 0:
                index = 0

            self.OnArrowChar(index, event)
            self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_NEXT:

            steps = (self.InReportView() and [self._linesPerPage - 1] or [self._linesPerPage - (self._current % self._linesPerPage) - 1])[0]
            index = self._current + steps
            count = self.GetItemCount()
            if index >= count:
                index = count - 1

            self.OnArrowChar(index, event)
            self._dirty = True

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_LEFT:
            if not self.InReportView():

                index = self._current - self._linesPerPage
                if index < 0:
                    index = 0

                self.OnArrowChar(index, event)

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
            if not self.InReportView():

                index = self._current + self._linesPerPage
                count = self.GetItemCount()
                if index >= count:
                    index = count - 1

                self.OnArrowChar(index, event)

        elif keyCode == wx.WXK_SPACE:
            if self.IsSingleSel():

                if event.ControlDown():
                else: # normal space press
                    self.SendNotify(self._current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED)

                # select it in ReverseHighlight() below if unselected

        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_EXECUTE, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER]:
            self.SendNotify(self._current, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED)


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# focus handling
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def OnSetFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.

        if self.GetParent():
            event = wx.FocusEvent(wx.wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, self.GetParent().GetId())
            if self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event):

        # wxGTK sends us EVT_SET_FOCUS events even if we had never got
        # EVT_KILL_FOCUS before which means that we finish by redrawing the items
        # which are already drawn correctly resulting in horrible flicker - avoid
        # it
        if not self._hasFocus:
            self._hasFocus = True

    def OnKillFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.

        if self.GetParent():
            event = wx.FocusEvent(wx.wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.GetParent().GetId())
            if self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event):

        self._hasFocus = False

    def DrawImage(self, index, dc, x, y, enabled):
        Draws one of the item images.

        :param `index`: the index of the image inside the image list;
        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `x`: the x position where to draw the image;
        :param `y`: the y position where to draw the image;
        :param `enabled`: ``True`` if the item is enabled, ``False`` if it is disabled.

        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ICON) and self._normal_image_list:
            imgList = (enabled and [self._normal_image_list] or [self._normal_grayed_image_list])[0]
            imgList.Draw(index, dc, x, y, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)

        elif self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SMALL_ICON) and self._small_image_list:
            imgList = (enabled and [self._small_image_list] or [self._small_grayed_image_list])[0]
            imgList.Draw(index, dc, x, y, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)

        elif self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_LIST) and self._small_image_list:
            imgList = (enabled and [self._small_image_list] or [self._small_grayed_image_list])[0]
            imgList.Draw(index, dc, x, y, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)

        elif self.InReportView() and self._small_image_list:
            imgList = (enabled and [self._small_image_list] or [self._small_grayed_image_list])[0]
            imgList.Draw(index, dc, x, y, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)

    def DrawCheckbox(self, dc, x, y, kind, checked, enabled):
        Draws the item checkbox/radiobutton image.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `x`: the x position where to draw the image;
        :param `y`: the y position where to draw the image;
        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

          =============== ==========================
          Item Kind       Description
          =============== ==========================
                 0        A normal item
                 1        A checkbox-like item
                 2        A radiobutton-type item
          =============== ==========================

        :param `checked`: ``True`` if the item is checked, ``False`` otherwise;
        :param `enabled`: ``True`` if the item is enabled, ``False`` if it is disabled.

        imgList = (enabled and [self._image_list_check] or [self._grayed_check_list])[0]
        if kind == 1:
            # checkbox
            index = (checked and [0] or [1])[0]
            # radiobutton
            index = (checked and [2] or [3])[0]

        imgList.Draw(index, dc, x, y, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)

    def GetCheckboxImageSize(self):
        """ Returns the checkbox/radiobutton image size. """

        bmp = self._image_list_check.GetBitmap(0)
        return bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()

    def GetImageSize(self, index):
        Returns the image size for the item.

        :param `index`: the image index.

        width = height = 0

        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ICON) and self._normal_image_list:

            for indx in index:
                w, h = self._normal_image_list.GetSize(indx)
                width += w + MARGIN_BETWEEN_TEXT_AND_ICON
                height = max(height, h)

        elif self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SMALL_ICON) and self._small_image_list:

            for indx in index:
                w, h = self._small_image_list.GetSize(indx)
                width += w + MARGIN_BETWEEN_TEXT_AND_ICON
                height = max(height, h)

        elif self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_LIST) and self._small_image_list:

            for indx in index:
                w, h = self._small_image_list.GetSize(indx)
                width += w + MARGIN_BETWEEN_TEXT_AND_ICON
                height = max(height, h)

        elif self.InReportView() and self._small_image_list:

            for indx in index:
                w, h = self._small_image_list.GetSize(indx)
                width += w + MARGIN_BETWEEN_TEXT_AND_ICON
                height = max(height, h)

        return width, height

    def GetTextLength(self, s):
        Returns the text width for the input string.

        :param `s`: the string to measure.

        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

        lw, lh, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(s)

        return lw + AUTOSIZE_COL_MARGIN

    def SetImageList(self, imageList, which):
        Sets the image list associated with the control.

        :param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList` or an instance of L{PyImageList};
        :param `which`: one of ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL``, ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL``,
         ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE`` (the last is unimplemented).

        :note: Using L{PyImageList} enables you to have images of different size inside the
         image list. In your derived class, instead of doing this::

             imageList = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

         You should do this::

             imageList = PyImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

        self._dirty = True

        if isinstance(imageList, PyImageList):
            # We have a custom PyImageList with variable image sizes
            cls = PyImageList
            cls = wx.ImageList

        # calc the spacing from the icon size
        width = height = 0
        if imageList and imageList.GetImageCount():
            width, height = imageList.GetSize(0)

        if which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL:
            self._normal_image_list = imageList
            self._normal_grayed_image_list = cls(width, height, True, 0)

            for ii in xrange(imageList.GetImageCount()):
                bmp = imageList.GetBitmap(ii)
                newbmp = MakeDisabledBitmap(bmp)

            self._normal_spacing = width + 8

        if which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL:
            self._small_image_list = imageList
            self._small_spacing = width + 14

            self._small_grayed_image_list = cls(width, height, True, 0)

            for ii in xrange(imageList.GetImageCount()):
                bmp = imageList.GetBitmap(ii)
                newbmp = MakeDisabledBitmap(bmp)

        self._lineHeight = 0  # ensure that the line height will be recalc'd        

    def SetImageListCheck(self, sizex, sizey, imglist=None):
        Sets the checkbox/radiobutton image list.

        :param `sizex`: the width of the bitmaps in the `imglist`;
        :param `sizey`: the height of the bitmaps in the `imglist`;
        :param `imglist`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.

        # Image list to hold disabled versions of each control
        self._grayed_check_list = wx.ImageList(sizex, sizey, True, 0)

        if imglist is None:
            self._image_list_check = wx.ImageList(sizex, sizey)

            # Get the Checkboxes
                                                          x=sizex, y=sizey))
                                                           x=sizex, y=sizey))

                                                          x=sizex, y=sizey))
                                                           x=sizex, y=sizey))
            # Get the Radio Buttons
                                                          x=sizex, y=sizey))
                                                           x=sizex, y=sizey))

                                                          x=sizex, y=sizey))
                                                           x=sizex, y=sizey))

            sizex, sizey = imglist.GetSize(0)
            self._image_list_check = imglist

            for ii in xrange(self._image_list_check.GetImageCount()):
                bmp = self._image_list_check.GetBitmap(ii)
                newbmp = MakeDisabledBitmap(bmp)

        self._dirty = True

        if imglist:

    def GetControlBmp(self, checkbox=True, checked=False, enabled=True, x=16, y=16):
        Returns a native looking checkbox or radio button bitmap.
        :param `checkbox`: ``True`` to get a checkbox image, ``False`` for a radiobutton
        :param `checked`: ``True`` if the control is marked, ``False`` if it is not;
        :param `enabled`: ``True`` if the control is enabled, ``False`` if it is not;
        :param `x`: the width of the bitmap;
        :param `y`: the height of the bitmap.        

        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(x, y)
        mdc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp)
        dc = wx.GCDC(mdc)
        render = wx.RendererNative.Get()

        if checked:
            flag = wx.CONTROL_CHECKED
            flag = 0

        if not enabled:
            flag |= wx.CONTROL_DISABLED

        if checkbox:
            render.DrawCheckBox(self, mdc, (0, 0, x, y), flag)
            render.DrawRadioButton(self, mdc, (0, 0, x, y), flag)

        return bmp

    def SetItemSpacing(self, spacing, isSmall=False):
        Sets the spacing between item texts and icons.

        :param `spacing`: the spacing between item texts and icons, in pixels;
        :param `isSmall`: ``True`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL`` image list,
         ``False`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL`` image list.

        self._dirty = True
        if isSmall:
            self._small_spacing = spacing
            self._normal_spacing = spacing

    def GetItemSpacing(self, isSmall=False):
        Returns the spacing between item texts and icons, in pixels.

        :param `isSmall`: ``True`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL`` image list,
         ``False`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL`` image list.

        return (isSmall and [self._small_spacing] or [self._normal_spacing])[0]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# columns
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetColumn(self, col, item):
        Sets information about this column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index;
        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        column = self._columns[col]

        if item._width == ULC_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER:
            item._width = self.GetTextLength(item._text)


        headerWin = self.GetListCtrl()._headerWin
        if headerWin:
            headerWin._dirty = True

        self._dirty = True

        # invalidate it as it has to be recalculated
        self._headerWidth = 0

    def SetColumnWidth(self, col, width):
        Sets the column width.

        :param `width`: can be a width in pixels or ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` (-1) or
         ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER`` (-2) or ``ULC_AUTOSIZE_FILL`` (-3). 
         ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` will resize the column to the length of its longest
         item. ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER`` will resize the column to the
         length of the header (Win32) or 80 pixels (other platforms). 
         ``ULC_AUTOSIZE_FILL`` will resize the column fill the remaining width
         of the window.

        :note: In small or normal icon view, col must be -1, and the column width
         is set for all columns.
        if col < 0:
            raise Exception("invalid column index")

        if not self.InReportView() and not self.InTileView() and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS):
            raise Exception("SetColumnWidth() can only be called in report/tile modes or with the ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS flag set.")

        self._dirty = True
        headerWin = self.GetListCtrl()._headerWin
        footerWin = self.GetListCtrl()._footerWin
        if headerWin:
            headerWin._dirty = True

        if footerWin:
            footerWin._dirty = True

        column = self._columns[col]
        count = self.GetItemCount()

        if width == ULC_AUTOSIZE_FILL:
            width = self.GetColumnWidth(col)
            if width == 0:
                width = WIDTH_COL_DEFAULT
            self._resizeColumn = col
        elif width == ULC_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER:

            width = self.GetTextLength(column.GetText())
            width += 2*EXTRA_WIDTH

            if column.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
                ix, iy = self._owner.GetCheckboxImageSize()
                width += ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE
            # check for column header's image availability
            images = column.GetImage()
            for img in images:
                if self._small_image_list:
                    ix, iy = self._small_image_list.GetSize(img)
                    width += ix + HEADER_IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE

        elif width == ULC_AUTOSIZE:

            if self.IsVirtual() or not self.InReportView():
                # TODO: determine the max width somehow...
                width = WIDTH_COL_DEFAULT

            else: # !virtual

                maxW = AUTOSIZE_COL_MARGIN

                #  if the cached column width isn't valid then recalculate it
                if self._aColWidths[col]._bNeedsUpdate:

                    for i in xrange(count):

                        line = self.GetLine(i)
                        itemData = line._items[col]
                        item = UltimateListItem()

                        item = itemData.GetItem(item)
                        itemWidth = self.GetItemWidthWithImage(item)
                        if itemWidth > maxW and not item._overFlow:
                            maxW = itemWidth
                    self._aColWidths[col]._bNeedsUpdate = False
                    self._aColWidths[col]._nMaxWidth = maxW

                maxW = self._aColWidths[col]._nMaxWidth
                width = maxW + AUTOSIZE_COL_MARGIN


        # invalidate it as it has to be recalculated
        self._headerWidth = 0
        self._footerWidth = 0

        if footerWin:

    def GetHeaderWidth(self):
        """ Returns the header window width, in pixels. """

        if not self._headerWidth:

            count = self.GetColumnCount()
            for col in xrange(count):

                if not self.IsColumnShown(col):
                self._headerWidth += self.GetColumnWidth(col)

        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_FOOTER):
            self._footerWidth = self._headerWidth
        return self._headerWidth

    def GetColumn(self, col):
        Returns information about this column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index.

        item = UltimateListItem()
        column = self._columns[col]                
        item = column.GetItem(item)

        return item

    def GetColumnWidth(self, col):
        Returns the column width for the input column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index.

        column = self._columns[col]
        return column.GetWidth()

    def GetTotalWidth(self):
        """ Returns the total width of the columns in L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        width = 0
        for column in self._columns:
            width += column.GetWidth()

        return width            

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# item state
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetItem(self, item):
        Sets information about the item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItemData}.

        id = item._itemId
        if id < 0 or id >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in SetItem")

        if not self.IsVirtual():

            line = self.GetLine(id)
            line.SetItem(item._col, item)

            # Set item state if user wants
            if item._mask & ULC_MASK_STATE:
                self.SetItemState(item._itemId, item._state, item._state)

            if self.InReportView():

                #  update the Max Width Cache if needed
                width = self.GetItemWidthWithImage(item)

                if width > self._aColWidths[item._col]._nMaxWidth:
                    self._aColWidths[item._col]._nMaxWidth = width
                    self._aColWidths[item._col]._bNeedsUpdate = True

        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):

        # update the item on screen
        if self.InReportView():
            rectItem = self.GetItemRect(id)

    def SetItemStateAll(self, state, stateMask):
        Sets the item state flags for all the items.

        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :param `stateMask`: the bitmask for the state flag.
        :note: The valid state flags are influenced by the value of the state mask.

        if self.IsEmpty():

        # first deal with selection
        if stateMask & ULC_STATE_SELECTED:

            # set/clear select state
            if self.IsVirtual():

                # optimized version for virtual listctrl.
                self._selStore.SelectRange(0, self.GetItemCount() - 1, state==ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

            elif state & ULC_STATE_SELECTED:

                count = self.GetItemCount()
                for i in xrange(count):
                    self.SetItemState(i, ULC_STATE_SELECTED, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

                # clear for non virtual (somewhat optimized by using GetNextItem())
                i = -1
                while 1:
                    i += 1
                    if self.GetNextItem(i, ULC_NEXT_ALL, ULC_STATE_SELECTED) == -1:

                    self.SetItemState(i, 0, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

        if self.HasCurrent() and state == 0 and stateMask & ULC_STATE_FOCUSED:

            # unfocus all: only one item can be focussed, so clearing focus for
            # all items is simply clearing focus of the focussed item.
            self.SetItemState(self._current, state, stateMask)

        #(setting focus to all items makes no sense, so it is not handled here.)

    def SetItemState(self, litem, state, stateMask):
        Sets the item state flags for the input item.

        :param `litem`: the index of the item; if defaulted to -1, the state flag
         will be set for all the items;
        :param `state`: the item state flag;        
        :param `stateMask`: the bitmask for the state flag.
        :see: L{SetItemStateAll} for a list of valid state flags.

        if litem == -1:
            self.SetItemStateAll(state, stateMask)

        if litem < 0 or litem >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in SetItemState")

        oldCurrent = self._current
        item = litem    # safe because of the check above

        # do we need to change the focus?
        if stateMask & ULC_STATE_FOCUSED:

            if state & ULC_STATE_FOCUSED:

                # don't do anything if this item is already focused
                if item != self._current:


                    if oldCurrent != - 1:

                        if self.IsSingleSel():

                            self.HighlightLine(oldCurrent, False)



            else: # unfocus

                # don't do anything if this item is not focused
                if item == self._current:


                    if self.IsSingleSel():

                        # we must unselect the old current item as well or we
                        # might end up with more than one selected item in a
                        # single selection control
                        self.HighlightLine(oldCurrent, False)


        # do we need to change the selection state?
        if stateMask & ULC_STATE_SELECTED:

            on = (state & ULC_STATE_SELECTED) != 0

            if self.IsSingleSel():

                if on:

                    # selecting the item also makes it the focused one in the
                    # single sel mode
                    if self._current != item:


                        if oldCurrent != - 1:

                            self.HighlightLine(oldCurrent, False)

                else: # off

                    # only the current item may be selected anyhow
                    if item != self._current:

            if self.HighlightLine(item, on):

    def GetItemState(self, item, stateMask):
        Returns the item state flags for the input item.

        :param `item`: the index of the item;
        :param `stateMask`: the bitmask for the state flag.
        :see: L{SetItemStateAll} for a list of valid state flags.

        if item < 0 or item >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in GetItemState")

        ret = ULC_STATE_DONTCARE

        if stateMask & ULC_STATE_FOCUSED:
            if item == self._current:
                ret |= ULC_STATE_FOCUSED

        if stateMask & ULC_STATE_SELECTED:
            if self.IsHighlighted(item):
                ret |= ULC_STATE_SELECTED

        return ret

    def GetItem(self, item, col=0):
        Returns the information about the input item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `col`: the column to which the item belongs to.

        if item._itemId < 0 or item._itemId >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in GetItem")

        line = self.GetLine(item._itemId)
        item = line.GetItem(col, item)
        # Get item state if user wants it
        if item._mask & ULC_MASK_STATE:
            item._state = self.GetItemState(item._itemId, ULC_STATE_SELECTED | ULC_STATE_FOCUSED)

        return item

    def CheckItem(self, item, checked=True, sendEvent=True):
        Actually checks/uncheks an item, sending (eventually) the two

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it;
        :param `sendEvent`: ``True`` to send a {UltimateListEvent}, ``False`` otherwise.

        :note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.        

        # Should we raise an error here?!?        
        if item.GetKind() == 0 or not item.IsEnabled():

        if sendEvent:
            parent = self.GetParent()
            le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_CHECKING, parent.GetId())
            le.m_itemIndex = item._itemId
            le.m_item = item
            if parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(le):
                # Blocked by user

        if not sendEvent:
        le = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_CHECKED, parent.GetId())
        le.m_itemIndex = item._itemId
        le.m_item = item

    def AutoCheckChild(self, isChecked, column):
        Checks/unchecks all the items.

        :param `isChecked`: ``True`` to check the items, ``False`` to uncheck them;
        :param `column`: the column to which the items belongs to.

        :note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.

        for indx in xrange(self.GetItemCount()):
            item = CreateListItem(indx, column)
            newItem = self.GetItem(item, column)
            self.CheckItem(newItem, not isChecked, False)

    def AutoToggleChild(self, column):
        Toggles all the items.

        :param `column`: the column to which the items belongs to.

        :note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.

        for indx in xrange(self.GetItemCount()):
            item = CreateListItem(indx, column)
            newItem = self.GetItem(item, column)

            if newItem.GetKind() != 1:
            self.CheckItem(newItem, not item.IsChecked(), False)

    def IsItemChecked(self, item):
        Returns whether an item is checked or not.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.IsChecked()

    def IsItemEnabled(self, item):
        Returns whether an item is enabled or not.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.IsEnabled()

    def EnableItem(self, item, enable=True):
        Enables/disables an item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` otherwise.

        item = self.GetItem(item, 0)
        if item.IsEnabled() == enable:
            return False


        wnd = item.GetWindow()
        # Handles the eventual window associated to the item        
        if wnd:

        return True
    def GetItemKind(self, item):
        Returns the item kind.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        :see: L{SetItemKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetKind()

    def SetItemKind(self, item, kind):
        Sets the item kind.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

        return True

    def IsItemHyperText(self, item):
        Returns whether an item is hypertext or not.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.
        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.IsHyperText()

    def SetItemHyperText(self, item, hyper=True):
        Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `hyper`: ``True`` to have an item with hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

        return True

    def GetHyperTextFont(self):
        """Returns the font used to render an hypertext item."""

        return self._hypertextfont        

    def SetHyperTextFont(self, font):
        Sets the font used to render hypertext items.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.

        self._hypertextfont = font
        self._dirty = True

    def SetHyperTextNewColour(self, colour):
        Sets the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item.

        :param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.

        self._hypertextnewcolour = colour
        self._dirty = True

    def GetHyperTextNewColour(self):
        """ Returns the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item. """

        return self._hypertextnewcolour

    def SetHyperTextVisitedColour(self, colour):
        Sets the colour used to render a visited hypertext item.

        :param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.

        self._hypertextvisitedcolour = colour
        self._dirty = True

    def GetHyperTextVisitedColour(self):
        """ Returns the colour used to render a visited hypertext item. """

        return self._hypertextvisitedcolour

    def SetItemVisited(self, item, visited=True):
        Sets whether an hypertext item was visited.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `visited`: ``True`` to mark an hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.

        newItem = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

        return True

    def GetItemVisited(self, item):
        Returns whether an hypertext item was visited.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetVisited()

    def GetItemWindow(self, item):
        Returns the window associated to the item (if any).

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetWindow()

    def SetItemWindow(self, item, wnd, expand=False):
        Sets the window for the given item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to
         the item;
        :param `expand`: ``True`` to expand the column where the item/subitem lives,
         so that the window will be fully visible.

        if not self.InReportView() or not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            raise Exception("Widgets are only allowed in repotr mode and with the ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT style.")
        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

        if wnd is not None:
            self._hasWindows = True
            if item not in self._itemWithWindow:

        item.SetWindow(wnd, expand)

    def DeleteItemWindow(self, item):
        Deletes the window associated to an item (if any).

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        if item.GetWindow() is None:

        if item in self._itemWithWindow:


    def GetItemWindowEnabled(self, item):
        Returns whether the window associated to the item is enabled.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetWindowEnabled()

    def SetItemWindowEnabled(self, item, enable=True):
        Enables/disables the window associated to the item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to
         disable it.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

    def SetColumnCustomRenderer(self, col=0, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer to this column's header

        :param `col`: the column index.
        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the input item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`,
         and `GetForegroundColor`. 


    def GetColumnCustomRenderer(self, col):
        Returns the custom renderer used to draw the column header

        :param `col`: the column index.

        return self._columns[col].GetCustomRenderer()

    def GetItemCustomRenderer(self, item):
        Returns the custom renderer used to draw the input item (if any).

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.        

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetCustomRenderer()

    def SetItemCustomRenderer(self, item, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer to this item.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawSubItem`,
         `GetLineHeight` and `GetSubItemWidth`. 

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

    def GetItemOverFlow(self, item):
        Returns if the item is in the overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)
        return item.GetOverFlow()

    def SetItemOverFlow(self, item, over=True):
        Sets the item in the overflow/non overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.
        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `over`: ``True`` to set the item in a overflow state, ``False`` otherwise.        

        item = self.GetItem(item, item._col)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# item count
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetItemCount(self):
        """ Returns the number of items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. """
        return (self.IsVirtual() and [self._countVirt] or [len(self._lines)])[0]

    def SetItemCount(self, count):
        This method can only be used with virtual L{UltimateListCtrl}. It is used to
        indicate to the control the number of items it contains. After calling it,
        the main program should be ready to handle calls to various item callbacks
        (such as L{UltimateListCtrl.OnGetItemText}) for all items in the range from 0 to `count`.

        :param `count`: the total number of items in L{UltimateListCtrl}.        
        self._countVirt = count


        # scrollbars must be reset
        self._dirty = True

    def GetSelectedItemCount(self):
        """ Returns the number of selected items in L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        # deal with the quick case first
        if self.IsSingleSel():
            return (self.HasCurrent() and [self.IsHighlighted(self._current)] or [False])[0]

        # virtual controls remmebers all its selections itself
        if self.IsVirtual():
            return self._selStore.GetSelectedCount()

        # TODO: we probably should maintain the number of items selected even for
        #       non virtual controls as enumerating all lines is really slow...
        countSel = 0
        count = self.GetItemCount()
        for line in xrange(count):
            if self.GetLine(line).IsHighlighted():
                countSel += 1

        return countSel

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# item position/size
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetViewRect(self):
        Returns the rectangle taken by all items in the control. In other words,
        if the controls client size were equal to the size of this rectangle, no
        scrollbars would be needed and no free space would be left.

        :note: This function only works in the icon and small icon views, not in
         list or report views.
        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_LIST):
            raise Exception("UltimateListCtrl.GetViewRect() not implemented for list view")

        # we need to find the longest/tallest label
        xMax = yMax = 0
        count = self.GetItemCount()
        if count:
            for i in xrange(count):
                # we need logical, not physical, coordinates here, so use
                # GetLineRect() instead of GetItemRect()
                r = self.GetLineRect(i)
                x, y = r.GetRight(), r.GetBottom()

                if x > xMax:
                    xMax = x
                if y > yMax:
                    yMax = y

        # some fudge needed to make it look prettier
        xMax += 2*EXTRA_BORDER_X
        yMax += 2*EXTRA_BORDER_Y

        # account for the scrollbars if necessary
        sizeAll = self.GetClientSize()
        if xMax > sizeAll.x:
            yMax += wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_HSCROLL_Y)
        if yMax > sizeAll.y:
            xMax += wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)

        return wx.Rect(0, 0, xMax, yMax)

    def GetSubItemRect(self, item, subItem):
        Returns the rectangle representing the size and position, in physical coordinates,
        of the given subitem, i.e. the part of the row `item` in the column `subItem`.

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives;
        :param `subItem`: the column in which the item lives. If set equal to the special
         value ``ULC_GETSUBITEMRECT_WHOLEITEM`` the return value is the same as for
        :note: This method is only meaningful when the L{UltimateListCtrl} is in the
         report mode.        

        if not self.InReportView() and subItem == ULC_GETSUBITEMRECT_WHOLEITEM:
            raise Exception("GetSubItemRect only meaningful in report view")

        if item < 0 or item >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item in GetSubItemRect")

        # ensure that we're laid out, otherwise we could return nonsense
        if self._dirty:
        rect = self.GetLineRect(item)

        # Adjust rect to specified column
            if subItem < 0 or subItem >= self.GetColumnCount():
                raise Exception("invalid subItem in GetSubItemRect")

            for i in xrange(subItem):
                rect.x += self.GetColumnWidth(i)

            rect.width = self.GetColumnWidth(subItem)

        rect.x, rect.y = self.CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, rect.y)
        return rect

    def GetItemRect(self, item):
        Returns the rectangle representing the item's size and position, in physical

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives.
        return self.GetSubItemRect(item, ULC_GETSUBITEMRECT_WHOLEITEM)

    def GetItemPosition(self, item):
        Returns the position of the item, in icon or small icon view.

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives.
        rect = self.GetItemRect(item)
        return wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# geometry calculation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def RecalculatePositions(self, noRefresh=False):
        Recalculates all the items positions, and sets the scrollbars positions

        :param `noRefresh`: ``True`` to avoid calling `Refresh`, ``False`` otherwise.

        count = self.GetItemCount()

        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ICON) and self._normal_image_list:
            iconSpacing = self._normal_spacing
        elif self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_SMALL_ICON) and self._small_image_list:
            iconSpacing = self._small_spacing
            iconSpacing = 0

        # Note that we do not call GetClientSize() here but
        # GetSize() and subtract the border size for sunken
        # borders manually. This is technically incorrect,
        # but we need to know the client area's size WITHOUT
        # scrollbars here. Since we don't know if there are
        # any scrollbars, we use GetSize() instead. Another
        # solution would be to call SetScrollbars() here to
        # remove the scrollbars and call GetClientSize() then,
        # but this might result in flicker and - worse - will
        # reset the scrollbars to 0 which is not good at all
        # if you resize a dialog/window, but don't want to
        # reset the window scrolling. RR.
        # Furthermore, we actually do NOT subtract the border
        # width as 2 pixels is just the extra space which we
        # need around the actual content in the window. Other-
        # wise the text would e.g. touch the upper border. RR.
        clientWidth, clientHeight = self.GetSize()

        if self.InReportView():

            if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
                # all lines have the same height and we scroll one line per step

                lineHeight = self.GetLineHeight()
                entireHeight = count*lineHeight + LINE_SPACING
                decrement = 0
                if entireHeight > self.GetClientSize()[1]:
                    decrement = SCROLL_UNIT_X

                self._linesPerPage = clientHeight/lineHeight

                self.SetScrollbars(SCROLL_UNIT_X, lineHeight,
                                   (entireHeight + lineHeight - 1)/lineHeight,


                if count > 0:
                    entireHeight = self.GetLineY(count-1) + self.GetLineHeight(count-1) + LINE_SPACING
                    lineFrom, lineTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()
                    self._linesPerPage = lineTo - lineFrom + 1
                    lineHeight = self.GetLineHeight()
                    entireHeight = count*lineHeight + LINE_SPACING
                    self._linesPerPage = clientHeight/lineHeight

                decrement = 0
                if entireHeight > self.GetClientSize()[1]:
                    decrement = SCROLL_UNIT_X
                self.SetScrollbars(SCROLL_UNIT_X, SCROLL_UNIT_Y,
                                   (entireHeight + SCROLL_UNIT_Y - 1)/SCROLL_UNIT_Y,

        else: # !report

            dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

            lineHeight = self.GetLineHeight()

            # we have 3 different layout strategies: either layout all items
            # horizontally/vertically (ULC_ALIGN_XXX styles explicitly given) or
            # to arrange them in top to bottom, left to right (don't ask me why
            # not the other way round...) order
            if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ALIGN_LEFT | ULC_ALIGN_TOP):
                x = EXTRA_BORDER_X
                y = EXTRA_BORDER_Y
                widthMax = 0

                for i in xrange(count):

                    line = self.GetLine(i)
                    line.CalculateSize(dc, iconSpacing)
                    line.SetPosition(x, y, iconSpacing)

                    sizeLine = self.GetLineSize(i)

                    if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ALIGN_TOP):

                        if sizeLine.x > widthMax:
                            widthMax = sizeLine.x

                        y += sizeLine.y

                    else: # ULC_ALIGN_LEFT

                        x += sizeLine.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN_ROWS

                if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_ALIGN_TOP):

                    # traverse the items again and tweak their sizes so that they are
                    # all the same in a row
                    for i in xrange(count):

                        line = self.GetLine(i)

                self.SetScrollbars(SCROLL_UNIT_X, lineHeight,
                                   (x + SCROLL_UNIT_X)/SCROLL_UNIT_X,
                                   (y + lineHeight)/lineHeight,

            else: # "flowed" arrangement, the most complicated case

                # at first we try without any scrollbars, if the items don't fit into
                # the window, we recalculate after subtracting the space taken by the
                # scrollbar

                entireWidth = 0

                for tries in xrange(2):

                    entireWidth = 2*EXTRA_BORDER_X

                    if tries == 1:

                        # Now we have decided that the items do not fit into the
                        # client area, so we need a scrollbar
                        entireWidth += SCROLL_UNIT_X

                    x = EXTRA_BORDER_X
                    y = EXTRA_BORDER_Y
                    maxWidthInThisRow = 0

                    self._linesPerPage = 0
                    currentlyVisibleLines = 0

                    for i in xrange(count):

                        currentlyVisibleLines += 1
                        line = self.GetLine(i)
                        line.CalculateSize(dc, iconSpacing)
                        line.SetPosition(x, y, iconSpacing)

                        sizeLine = self.GetLineSize(i)

                        if maxWidthInThisRow < sizeLine.x:
                            maxWidthInThisRow = sizeLine.x

                        y += sizeLine.y
                        if currentlyVisibleLines > self._linesPerPage:
                            self._linesPerPage = currentlyVisibleLines

                        if y + sizeLine.y >= clientHeight:

                            currentlyVisibleLines = 0
                            y = EXTRA_BORDER_Y
                            maxWidthInThisRow += MARGIN_BETWEEN_ROWS
                            x += maxWidthInThisRow
                            entireWidth += maxWidthInThisRow
                            maxWidthInThisRow = 0

                        # We have reached the last item.
                        if i == count - 1:
                            entireWidth += maxWidthInThisRow

                        if tries == 0 and entireWidth + SCROLL_UNIT_X > clientWidth:
                            clientHeight -= wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_HSCROLL_Y)
                            self._linesPerPage = 0

                        if i == count - 1:
                            break  # Everything fits, no second try required.

                self.SetScrollbars(SCROLL_UNIT_X, lineHeight,
                                   (entireWidth + SCROLL_UNIT_X)/SCROLL_UNIT_X,

        self._dirty = False
        if not noRefresh:
            # FIXME: why should we call it from here?

    def RefreshAll(self):
        """ Refreshes the entire l{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        self._dirty = False

        headerWin = self.GetListCtrl()._headerWin
        if headerWin and headerWin._dirty:
            headerWin._dirty = False

    def UpdateCurrent(self):
        """ Updates the current line selection. """

        if not self.HasCurrent() and not self.IsEmpty():

    def GetNextItem(self, item, geometry=ULC_NEXT_ALL, state=ULC_STATE_DONTCARE):
        Searches for an item with the given `geometry` or `state`, starting from `item`
        but excluding the `item` itself.

        :param `item`: the item at which starting the search. If set to -1, the first
         item that matches the specified flags will be returned.
        :param `geometry`: can be one of:

         =================== ========= =================================
         Geometry Flag       Hex Value Description
         =================== ========= =================================
         ``ULC_NEXT_ABOVE``        0x0 Searches for an item above the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_ALL``          0x1 Searches for subsequent item by index
         ``ULC_NEXT_BELOW``        0x2 Searches for an item below the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_LEFT``         0x3 Searches for an item to the left of the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_RIGHT``        0x4 Searches for an item to the right of the specified item
         =================== ========= =================================
        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :return: The first item with given state following item or -1 if no such item found.

        :note: This function may be used to find all selected items in the
         control like this::
             item = -1
             while 1:
                 item = listctrl.GetNextItem(item, ULC_NEXT_ALL, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)
                 if item == -1:
                 # This item is selected - do whatever is needed with it

                 wx.LogMessage("Item %ld is selected."%item)


        ret = item
        maxI = self.GetItemCount()

        # notice that we start with the next item (or the first one if item == -1)
        # and this is intentional to allow writing a simple loop to iterate over
        # all selected items
        ret += 1
        if ret == maxI:
            # this is not an error because the index was ok initially, just no
            # such item
            return -1

        if not state:
            # any will do
            return ret

        for line in xrange(ret, maxI):
            if state & ULC_STATE_FOCUSED and line == self._current:
                return line

            if state & ULC_STATE_SELECTED and self.IsHighlighted(line):
                return line

        return -1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# deleting stuff
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def DeleteItem(self, lindex):
        Deletes the specified item.

        :param `lindex`: the index of the item to delete.
        :note: This function sends the ``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM`` event for the item
         being deleted.

        count = self.GetItemCount()
        if lindex < 0 or lindex >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in DeleteItem")

        # we don't need to adjust the index for the previous items
        if self.HasCurrent() and self._current >= lindex:

            # if the current item is being deleted, we want the next one to
            # become selected - unless there is no next one - so don't adjust
            # self._current in this case
            if self._current != lindex or self._current == count - 1:
                self._current -= 1

        if self.InReportView():

            #  mark the Column Max Width cache as dirty if the items in the line
            #  we're deleting contain the Max Column Width
            line = self.GetLine(lindex)
            item = UltimateListItem()
            for i in xrange(len(self._columns)):
                itemData = line._items[i]
                item = itemData.GetItem(item)
                itemWidth = self.GetItemWidthWithImage(item)

                if itemWidth >= self._aColWidths[i]._nMaxWidth:
                    self._aColWidths[i]._bNeedsUpdate = True

                if item.GetWindow():

            self._current = -1

        self.SendNotify(lindex, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM)
        if self.IsVirtual():
            self._countVirt -= 1


        # we need to refresh the (vert) scrollbar as the number of items changed
        self._dirty = True        
        self._lineHeight = 0

    def DeleteColumn(self, col):
        Deletes the specified column.

        :param `col`: the index of the column to delete.        

        self._dirty = True

        if not self.IsVirtual():
            # update all the items
            for i in xrange(len(self._lines)):
                line = self.GetLine(i)

        if self.InReportView():   #  we only cache max widths when in Report View
        # invalidate it as it has to be recalculated
        self._headerWidth = 0

    def DoDeleteAllItems(self):
        """ Actually performs the deletion of all the items. """
        if self.IsEmpty():
            # nothing to do - in particular, don't send the event


        # to make the deletion of all items faster, we don't send the
        # notifications for each item deletion in this case but only one event
        # for all of them: this is compatible with wxMSW and documented in
        # DeleteAllItems() description

        event = UltimateListEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS, self.GetParent().GetId())

        if self.IsVirtual():
            self._countVirt = 0

        if self.InReportView():
            for i in xrange(len(self._aColWidths)):
                self._aColWidths[i]._bNeedsUpdate = True

        for item in self._itemWithWindow:
            wnd = item.GetWindow()

        self._lines = []
        self._itemWithWindow = []
        self._hasWindows = False

    def DeleteAllItems(self):
        Deletes all items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :note: This function does not send the ``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM`` event because
         deleting many items from the control would be too slow then (unlike L{DeleteItem}).

    def DeleteEverything(self):
        """ Deletes all items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}, resetting column widths to zero. """
        self._columns = []
        self._aColWidths = []


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# scanning for an item
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def EnsureVisible(self, index):
        Ensures this item is visible.

        :param `index`: the index of the item to scroll into view.

        if index < 0 or index >= self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("invalid item index in EnsureVisible")

        # We have to call this here because the label in question might just have
        # been added and its position is not known yet
        if self._dirty:


    def FindItem(self, start, string, partial=False):
        Find an item whose label matches this string.

        :param `start`: the starting point of the input `string` or the beginning
         if `start` is -1;
        :param `string`: the string to look for matches;
        :param `partial`: if ``True`` then this method will look for items which
         begin with `string`.

        :note: The string comparison is case insensitive.         
        if start < 0:
            start = 0

        str_upper = string.upper()
        count = self.GetItemCount()

        for i in xrange(start, count):
            line = self.GetLine(i)
            text = line.GetText(0)
            line_upper = text.upper()
            if not partial:
                if line_upper == str_upper:
                    return i
                if line_upper.find(str_upper) == 0:
                    return i

        return wx.NOT_FOUND

    def FindItemData(self, start, data):
        Find an item whose data matches this data.

        :param `start`: the starting point of the input `data` or the beginning
         if `start` is -1;
        :param `data`: the data to look for matches.
        if start < 0:
            start = 0

        count = self.GetItemCount()
        for i in xrange(start, count):
            line = self.GetLine(i)
            item = UltimateListItem()
            item = line.GetItem(0, item)
            if item._data == data:
                return i

        return wx.NOT_FOUND

    def FindItemAtPos(self, pt):
        Find an item nearest this position.

        :param `pt`: an instance of `wx.Point`.        
        topItem, dummy = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()
        p = self.GetItemPosition(self.GetItemCount()-1)
        if p.y == 0:
            return topItem

        id = int(math.floor(pt.y*float(self.GetItemCount()-topItem-1)/p.y+topItem))
        if id >= 0 and id < self.GetItemCount():
            return id

        return wx.NOT_FOUND

    def HitTest(self, x, y):
        HitTest method for a L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `x`: the mouse x position;
        :param `y`: the mouse y position.

        :see: L{HitTestLine} for a list of return flags.        
        x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(x, y)
        count = self.GetItemCount()

        if self.InReportView():
            if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
                current = y/self.GetLineHeight()
                if current < count:
                    newItem, flags = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                    if flags:
                        return current, flags
                for current in xrange(self._lineFrom, count):
                    newItem, flags = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                    if flags:
                        return current, flags
            # TODO: optimize it too! this is less simple than for report view but
            #       enumerating all items is still not a way to do it!!
            for current in xrange(count):
                newItem, flags = self.HitTestLine(current, x, y)
                if flags:
                    return current, flags

        return wx.NOT_FOUND, None

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# adding stuff
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def InsertItem(self, item):
        Inserts an item into L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.
        if self.IsVirtual():
            raise Exception("can't be used with virtual control")

        count = self.GetItemCount()
        if item._itemId < 0:
            raise Exception("invalid item index")

        CheckVariableRowHeight(self, item._text)
        if item._itemId > count:
            item._itemId = count

        id = item._itemId
        self._dirty = True

        if self.InReportView():

            # calculate the width of the item and adjust the max column width
            pWidthInfo = self._aColWidths[item.GetColumn()]
            width = self.GetItemWidthWithImage(item)
            if width > pWidthInfo._nMaxWidth:
                pWidthInfo._nMaxWidth = width

        line = UltimateListLineData(self)
        line.SetItem(item._col, item)

        self._lines.insert(id, line)
        self._dirty = True

        # If an item is selected at or below the point of insertion, we need to
        # increment the member variables because the current row's index has gone
        # up by one
        if self.HasCurrent() and self._current >= id:
            self._current += 1

        self.SendNotify(id, wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM)
        self.RefreshLines(id, self.GetItemCount() - 1)

    def InsertColumn(self, col, item):
        Inserts a column into L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `col`: the column index at which we wish to insert a new column;
        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        :note: This method is meaningful only if L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_REPORT``
         or the ``ULC_TILE`` styles set.

        self._dirty = True

        if self.InReportView() or self.InTileView() or self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS):

            if item._width == ULC_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER:
                item._width = self.GetTextLength(item._text)

            column = UltimateListHeaderData(item)
            colWidthInfo = ColWidthInfo()

            insert = (col >= 0) and (col < len(self._columns))
            if insert:
                self._columns.insert(col, column)
                self._aColWidths.insert(col, colWidthInfo)



            if not self.IsVirtual():

                # update all the items
                for i in xrange(len(self._lines)):
                    line = self.GetLine(i)
                    data = UltimateListItemData(self)
                    if insert:
                        line._items.insert(col, data)

            # invalidate it as it has to be recalculated
            self._headerWidth = 0

    def GetItemWidthWithImage(self, item):
        Returns the item width, in pixels, considering the item text and its images.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        if item.GetCustomRenderer():
            return item.GetCustomRenderer().GetSubItemWidth()

        width = 0
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

        if item.GetFont().IsOk():
            font = item.GetFont()
            font = self.GetFont()

        if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
            ix, iy = self.GetCheckboxImageSize()
            width += ix

        if item.GetImage():
            ix, iy = self.GetImageSize(item.GetImage())
            width += ix + IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE

        if item.GetText():
            w, h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(item.GetText())
            width += w

        if item.GetWindow():
            width += item._windowsize.x + 5

        return width

    def GetItemTextSize(self, item):
        Returns the item width, in pixels, considering only the item text.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        width = ix = iy = start = end = 0
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

        if item.HasFont():
            font = item.GetFont()
            font = self.GetFont()

        if item.GetKind() in [1, 2]:
            ix, iy = self.GetCheckboxImageSize()
            start += ix

        if item.GetImage():
            ix, iy = self.GetImageSize(item.GetImage())
            start += ix + IMAGE_MARGIN_IN_REPORT_MODE

        if item.GetText():
            w, h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(item.GetText())
            end = w

        return start, end

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sorting
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def OnCompareItems(self, line1, line2):
        Returns whether 2 lines have the same index.
        Override this function in the derived class to change the sort order of the items
        in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. The function should return a negative, zero or positive
        value if the first line is less than, equal to or greater than the second one.

        :param `line1`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem};
        :param `line2`: another instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        :note: The base class version compares lines by their index.

        item = UltimateListItem()
        item1 = line1.GetItem(0, item)
        item = UltimateListItem()
        item2 = line2.GetItem(0, item)
        data1 = item1._data
        data2 = item2._data

        if self.__func:
            return self.__func(data1, data2)
            return cmp(data1, data2)

    def SortItems(self, func):
        Call this function to sort the items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. Sorting is done
        using the specified function `func`. This function must have the
        following prototype::

            def OnCompareItems(self, line1, line2):

                DoSomething(line1, line2)
                # function code            

        It is called each time when the two items must be compared and should return 0
        if the items are equal, negative value if the first item is less than the second
        one and positive value if the first one is greater than the second one.

        :param `func`: the method to use to sort the items. The default is to use the
         L{OnCompareItems} method.


        if self._hasWindows:

        if not func:
            self.__func = None
            self.__func = func
        if self.IsShownOnScreen():
            self._dirty = True
            self._lineHeight = 0


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# scrolling
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def OnScroll(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN`` event for L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.ScrollEvent` event to be processed.


        # update our idea of which lines are shown when we redraw the window the
        # next time
        if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            wx.CallAfter(self.RecalculatePositions, True)

        if event.GetOrientation() == wx.HORIZONTAL:
            lc = self.GetListCtrl()

            if self.HasHeader():
            if self.HasFooter():
    def GetCountPerPage(self):
        Returns the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area
        of the L{UltimateListCtrl} (list or report view) or the total number of
        items in the list control (icon or small icon view).
        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            if not self._linesPerPage:
                self._linesPerPage = self.GetClientSize().y/self.GetLineHeight()

            return self._linesPerPage

        visibleFrom, visibleTo = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()
        self._linesPerPage = visibleTo - visibleFrom + 1
        return self._linesPerPage

    def GetVisibleLinesRange(self):
        Returns the range of visible items on screen.

        :note: This method can be used only if L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_REPORT``
         style set.

        if not self.InReportView():
            raise Exception("this is for report mode only")

        if self._lineFrom == -1:
            count = self.GetItemCount()
            if count:

                if self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):

                    view_x, view_y = self.GetViewStart()
                    view_y *= SCROLL_UNIT_Y

                    for i in xrange(0, count):
                        rc = self.GetLineY(i)
                        if rc > view_y:
                            self._lineFrom = i - 1

                    if self._lineFrom < 0:
                        self._lineFrom = 0
                    self._lineTo = self._lineFrom                        
                    clientWidth, clientHeight = self.GetClientSize()
                    for i in xrange(self._lineFrom, count):
                        rc = self.GetLineY(i) + self.GetLineHeight(i)
                        if rc > view_y + clientHeight - 5:
                        self._lineTo += 1

                    # No variable row height
                    self._lineFrom = self.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)

                    # this may happen if SetScrollbars() hadn't been called yet
                    if self._lineFrom >= count:
                        self._lineFrom = count - 1

                    self._lineTo = self._lineFrom + self._linesPerPage

                # we redraw one extra line but this is needed to make the redrawing
                # logic work when there is a fractional number of lines on screen
                if self._lineTo >= count:
                    self._lineTo = count - 1

            else: # empty control

                self._lineFrom = -1
                self._lineTo = -1

        return self._lineFrom, self._lineTo

    def ResetTextControl(self):
        """ Called by L{UltimateListTextCtrl} when it marks itself for deletion."""

        self._textctrl = None


    def SetFirstGradientColour(self, colour=None):
        Sets the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections.

        :param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
         the colour is taken from the system value ``wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT``.
        if colour is None:
            colour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)

        self._firstcolour = colour
        if self._usegradients:

    def SetSecondGradientColour(self, colour=None):
        Sets the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections.

        :param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
         the colour generated is a slightly darker version of the L{UltimateListCtrl}
         background colour.

        if colour is None:
            # No colour given, generate a slightly darker from the
            # UltimateListCtrl background colour
            colour = self.GetBackgroundColour()
            r, g, b = int(colour.Red()), int(colour.Green()), int(colour.Blue())
            colour = ((r >> 1) + 20, (g >> 1) + 20, (b >> 1) + 20)
            colour = wx.Colour(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2])

        self._secondcolour = colour

        if self._usegradients:

    def GetFirstGradientColour(self):
        """ Returns the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
        return self._firstcolour

    def GetSecondGradientColour(self):
        """ Returns the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
        return self._secondcolour

    def EnableSelectionGradient(self, enable=True):
        Globally enables/disables drawing of gradient selections.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable gradient-style selections, ``False``
         to disable it.

        :note: Calling this method disables any Vista-style selection previously

        self._usegradients = enable
        self._vistaselection = False

    def SetGradientStyle(self, vertical=0):
        Sets the gradient style for gradient-style selections.

        :param `vertical`: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
         gradient-style selections.

        # 0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical
        self._gradientstyle = vertical

        if self._usegradients:

    def GetGradientStyle(self):
        Returns the gradient style for gradient-style selections.

        :return: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
         gradient-style selections.

        return self._gradientstyle

    def EnableSelectionVista(self, enable=True):
        Globally enables/disables drawing of Windows Vista selections.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable Vista-style selections, ``False`` to
         disable it.

        :note: Calling this method disables any gradient-style selection previously

        self._usegradients = False
        self._vistaselection = enable

    def SetBackgroundImage(self, image):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} background image.

        :param `image`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.

        :note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.

        :todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.

        self._backgroundImage = image

    def GetBackgroundImage(self):
        Returns the L{UltimateListCtrl} background image (if any).

        :note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.

        :todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.        

        return self._backgroundImage

    def SetWaterMark(self, watermark):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} watermark image to be displayed in the bottom
        right part of the window.

        :param `watermark`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.

        :todo: Better support for this is needed.        

        self._waterMark = watermark

    def GetWaterMark(self):
        Returns the L{UltimateListCtrl} watermark image (if any), displayed in the
        bottom right part of the window.

        :todo: Better support for this is needed.        

        return self._waterMark

    def SetDisabledTextColour(self, colour):
        Sets the items disabled colour.

        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
        # Disabled items colour        
        self._disabledColour = colour

    def GetDisabledTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the items disabled colour. """

        return self._disabledColour

    def ScrollList(self, dx, dy):
        Scrolls the L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `dx`: if in icon, small icon or report view mode, specifies the number
         of pixels to scroll. If in list view mode, `dx` specifies the number of
         columns to scroll.
        :param `dy`: always specifies the number of pixels to scroll vertically.

        if not self.InReportView():
            # TODO: this should work in all views but is not implemented now
            return False

        top, bottom = self.GetVisibleLinesRange()

        if bottom == -1:
            return 0


        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            hLine = self.GetLineHeight()
            self.Scroll(-1, top + dy/hLine)
            self.Scroll(-1, top + dy/SCROLL_UNIT_Y)

        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
            # see comment in MoveToItem() for why we do this

        return True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UltimateListCtrl
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class UltimateListCtrl(wx.PyControl):
    UltimateListCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.ListCtrl`, with almost
    the same base functionalities plus some more enhancements. This class does
    not rely on the native control, as it is a full owner-drawn list control.

    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
                 style=0, agwStyle=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name="UltimateListCtrl"):
        Default class constructor.
        :param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
        :param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `style`: the underlying `wx.PyControl` window style;
        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style; can be almost any combination of the following

         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         Window Styles                    Hex Value   Description
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         ``ULC_VRULES``                           0x1 Draws light vertical rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_HRULES``                           0x2 Draws light horizontal rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_ICON``                             0x4 Large icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_SMALL_ICON``                       0x8 Small icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_LIST``                            0x10 Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons. Columns are computed automatically, i.e. you don't set columns as in ``ULC_REPORT``. In other words, the list wraps, unlike a `wx.ListBox`.
         ``ULC_REPORT``                          0x20 Single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_TOP``                       0x40 Icons align to the top. Win32 default, Win32 only.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_LEFT``                      0x80 Icons align to the left.
         ``ULC_AUTOARRANGE``                    0x100 Icons arrange themselves. Win32 only.
         ``ULC_VIRTUAL``                        0x200 The application provides items text on demand. May only be used with ``ULC_REPORT``.
         ``ULC_EDIT_LABELS``                    0x400 Labels are editable: the application will be notified when editing starts.
         ``ULC_NO_HEADER``                      0x800 No header in report mode.
         ``ULC_NO_SORT_HEADER``                0x1000 No Docs.
         ``ULC_SINGLE_SEL``                    0x2000 Single selection (default is multiple).
         ``ULC_SORT_ASCENDING``                0x4000 Sort in ascending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_SORT_DESCENDING``               0x8000 Sort in descending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_TILE``                         0x10000 Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label of one or more lines beside it (partially implemented).
         ``ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT``                 0x20000 No highlight when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT``             0x40000 Items are selected by simply hovering on them, with no need to click on them.
         ``ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT``            0x80000 Don't send a selection event when using ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT`` style.
         ``ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK``              0x100000 Send a left click event when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT``     0x200000 The list has variable row heights.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``            0x400000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, auto-check all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``           0x800000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, toggle all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``          0x1000000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when an item is checked/unchecked its column header item is checked/unchecked as well.
         ``ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS``              0x2000000 Show tooltips for ellipsized items/subitems (text too long to be shown in the available space) containing the full item/subitem text.
         ``ULC_HOT_TRACKING``               0x4000000 Enable hot tracking of items on mouse motion.
         ``ULC_BORDER_SELECT``              0x8000000 Changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item.
         ``ULC_TRACK_SELECT``              0x10000000 Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the `win32api` call `win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)`, and is defaulted to 400ms on other platforms. This style applies to all views of `UltimateListCtrl`.
         ``ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS``       0x20000000 Show column headers in all view modes.
         ``ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT``        0x40000000 When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted.
         ``ULC_FOOTER``                    0x80000000 Show a footer too (only when header is present).
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================

        :param `validator`: the window validator;         
        :param `name`: the window name.

        self._imageListNormal = None
        self._imageListSmall = None
        self._imageListState = None

        if not agwStyle & ULC_MASK_TYPE:
            raise Exception("UltimateListCtrl style should have exactly one mode bit set")

        if not (agwStyle & ULC_REPORT) and agwStyle & ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT:
            raise Exception("Style ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT can only be used in report, non-virtual mode")

        if agwStyle & ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT and agwStyle & ULC_TRACK_SELECT:
            raise Exception("Styles ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT and ULC_TRACK_SELECT can not be combined")

        if agwStyle & ULC_NO_HEADER and agwStyle & ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS:
            raise Exception("Styles ULC_NO_HEADER and ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS can not be combined")

        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style|wx.CLIP_CHILDREN, validator, name)

        self._mainWin = None
        self._headerWin = None
        self._footerWin = None
        self._headerHeight = wx.RendererNative.Get().GetHeaderButtonHeight(self)
        self._footerHeight = self._headerHeight

        if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
            style &= ~wx.BORDER_MASK
            style |= wx.BORDER_THEME
            if style & wx.BORDER_THEME:
                style -= wx.BORDER_THEME

        self._agwStyle = agwStyle
        if style & wx.SUNKEN_BORDER:
            style -= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER
        self._mainWin = UltimateListMainWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.Point(0, 0), size, style, agwStyle)

        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer.Add(self._mainWin, 1, wx.GROW)

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)


    def CreateOrDestroyHeaderWindowAsNeeded(self):
        """ Creates or destroys the header window depending on the window style flags. """

        needs_header = self.HasHeader()
        has_header = self._headerWin is not None
        if needs_header == has_header:

        if needs_header:

            self._headerWin = UltimateListHeaderWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, self._mainWin,
                                                       wx.Point(0, 0),
                                                       wx.Size(self.GetClientSize().x, self._headerHeight),
                                                       wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL, isFooter=False)

            # ----------------------------------------------------
            # How do you translate all this blah-blah to wxPython?
            # ----------------------------------------------------
            #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) && wxOSX_USE_COCOA_OR_CARBON
            #        wxFont font
            #if wxOSX_USE_ATSU_TEXT
            #        font.MacCreateFromThemeFont( kThemeSmallSystemFont )
            #        font.MacCreateFromUIFont( kCTFontSystemFontType )
            #        m_headerWin->SetFont( font )

            self.GetSizer().Prepend(self._headerWin, 0, wx.GROW)


            self._headerWin = None

    def CreateOrDestroyFooterWindowAsNeeded(self):
        """ Creates or destroys the footer window depending on the window style flags. """

        needs_footer = self.HasFooter()
        has_footer = self._footerWin is not None
        if needs_footer == has_footer:

        if needs_footer:

            self._footerWin = UltimateListHeaderWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, self._mainWin,
                                                       wx.Point(0, 0),
                                                       wx.Size(self.GetClientSize().x, self._footerHeight),
                                                       wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL, isFooter=True)

            # ----------------------------------------------------
            # How do you translate all this blah-blah to wxPython?
            # ----------------------------------------------------
            #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) && wxOSX_USE_COCOA_OR_CARBON
            #        wxFont font
            #if wxOSX_USE_ATSU_TEXT
            #        font.MacCreateFromThemeFont( kThemeSmallSystemFont )
            #        font.MacCreateFromUIFont( kCTFontSystemFontType )
            #        m_headerWin->SetFont( font )

            self.GetSizer().Add(self._footerWin, 0, wx.GROW)


            self._footerWin = None

    def HasHeader(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if L{UltimateListCtrl} has a header window. """

        return self._mainWin.HasHeader()

    def HasFooter(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if L{UltimateListCtrl} has a footer window. """

        return self._mainWin.HasFooter()

    def GetDefaultBorder(self):
        """ Returns the default window border. """

        return wx.BORDER_THEME

    def SetSingleStyle(self, style, add=True):
        Adds or removes a single window style.

        :param `style`: can be one of the following bits:

         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         Window Styles                    Hex Value   Description
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         ``ULC_VRULES``                           0x1 Draws light vertical rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_HRULES``                           0x2 Draws light horizontal rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_ICON``                             0x4 Large icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_SMALL_ICON``                       0x8 Small icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_LIST``                            0x10 Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons. Columns are computed automatically, i.e. you don't set columns as in ``ULC_REPORT``. In other words, the list wraps, unlike a `wx.ListBox`.
         ``ULC_REPORT``                          0x20 Single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_TOP``                       0x40 Icons align to the top. Win32 default, Win32 only.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_LEFT``                      0x80 Icons align to the left.
         ``ULC_AUTOARRANGE``                    0x100 Icons arrange themselves. Win32 only.
         ``ULC_VIRTUAL``                        0x200 The application provides items text on demand. May only be used with ``ULC_REPORT``.
         ``ULC_EDIT_LABELS``                    0x400 Labels are editable: the application will be notified when editing starts.
         ``ULC_NO_HEADER``                      0x800 No header in report mode.
         ``ULC_NO_SORT_HEADER``                0x1000 No Docs.
         ``ULC_SINGLE_SEL``                    0x2000 Single selection (default is multiple).
         ``ULC_SORT_ASCENDING``                0x4000 Sort in ascending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_SORT_DESCENDING``               0x8000 Sort in descending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_TILE``                         0x10000 Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label of one or more lines beside it (partially implemented).
         ``ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT``                 0x20000 No highlight when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT``             0x40000 Items are selected by simply hovering on them, with no need to click on them.
         ``ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT``            0x80000 Don't send a selection event when using ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT`` style.
         ``ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK``              0x100000 Send a left click event when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT``     0x200000 The list has variable row heights.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``            0x400000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, auto-check all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``           0x800000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, toggle all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``          0x1000000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when an item is checked/unchecked its column header item is checked/unchecked as well.
         ``ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS``              0x2000000 Show tooltips for ellipsized items/subitems (text too long to be shown in the available space) containing the full item/subitem text.
         ``ULC_HOT_TRACKING``               0x4000000 Enable hot tracking of items on mouse motion.
         ``ULC_BORDER_SELECT``              0x8000000 Changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item.
         ``ULC_TRACK_SELECT``              0x10000000 Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the `win32api` call `win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)`, and is defaulted to 400ms on other platforms. This style applies to all views of `UltimateListCtrl`.
         ``ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS``       0x20000000 Show column headers in all view modes.
         ``ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT``        0x40000000 When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted.
         ``ULC_FOOTER``                    0x80000000 Show a footer too (only when header is present).
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
        :param `add`: ``True`` to add the window style, ``False`` to remove it.

        :note: The style ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` can not be set/unset after construction.

        if style & ULC_VIRTUAL:
            raise Exception("ULC_VIRTUAL can't be [un]set")
        flag = self.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag()

        if add:

            if style & ULC_MASK_TYPE:
                flag &= ~(ULC_MASK_TYPE | ULC_VIRTUAL)
            if style & ULC_MASK_ALIGN:
                flag &= ~ULC_MASK_ALIGN
            if style & ULC_MASK_SORT:
                flag &= ~ULC_MASK_SORT

        if add:
            flag |= style
            flag &= ~style

        # some styles can be set without recreating everything (as happens in
        # SetAGWWindowStyleFlag() which calls ListMainWindow.DeleteEverything())
        if not style & ~(ULC_HRULES | ULC_VRULES):
            self.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, flag)

    def GetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self):
        Gets the L{UltimateListCtrl} AGW-specific style flag.
        See L{SetAGWWindowStyleFlag} for possible style flags.
        return self._agwStyle
    def SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, style):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} AGW-specific style flag.

        :param `style`: the AGW-specific window style; can be almost any combination of the following

         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         Window Styles                    Hex Value   Description
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================
         ``ULC_VRULES``                           0x1 Draws light vertical rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_HRULES``                           0x2 Draws light horizontal rules between rows in report mode.
         ``ULC_ICON``                             0x4 Large icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_SMALL_ICON``                       0x8 Small icon view, with optional labels.
         ``ULC_LIST``                            0x10 Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons. Columns are computed automatically, i.e. you don't set columns as in ``ULC_REPORT``. In other words, the list wraps, unlike a `wx.ListBox`.
         ``ULC_REPORT``                          0x20 Single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_TOP``                       0x40 Icons align to the top. Win32 default, Win32 only.
         ``ULC_ALIGN_LEFT``                      0x80 Icons align to the left.
         ``ULC_AUTOARRANGE``                    0x100 Icons arrange themselves. Win32 only.
         ``ULC_VIRTUAL``                        0x200 The application provides items text on demand. May only be used with ``ULC_REPORT``.
         ``ULC_EDIT_LABELS``                    0x400 Labels are editable: the application will be notified when editing starts.
         ``ULC_NO_HEADER``                      0x800 No header in report mode.
         ``ULC_NO_SORT_HEADER``                0x1000 No Docs.
         ``ULC_SINGLE_SEL``                    0x2000 Single selection (default is multiple).
         ``ULC_SORT_ASCENDING``                0x4000 Sort in ascending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_SORT_DESCENDING``               0x8000 Sort in descending order. (You must still supply a comparison callback in `wx.ListCtrl.SortItems`.)
         ``ULC_TILE``                         0x10000 Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label of one or more lines beside it (partially implemented).
         ``ULC_NO_HIGHLIGHT``                 0x20000 No highlight when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT``             0x40000 Items are selected by simply hovering on them, with no need to click on them.
         ``ULC_STICKY_NOSELEVENT``            0x80000 Don't send a selection event when using ``ULC_STICKY_HIGHLIGHT`` style.
         ``ULC_SEND_LEFTCLICK``              0x100000 Send a left click event when an item is selected.
         ``ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT``     0x200000 The list has variable row heights.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``            0x400000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, auto-check all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``           0x800000 When a column header has a checkbox associated, toggle all the subitems in that column.
         ``ULC_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``          0x1000000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when an item is checked/unchecked its column header item is checked/unchecked as well.
         ``ULC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS``              0x2000000 Show tooltips for ellipsized items/subitems (text too long to be shown in the available space) containing the full item/subitem text.
         ``ULC_HOT_TRACKING``               0x4000000 Enable hot tracking of items on mouse motion.
         ``ULC_BORDER_SELECT``              0x8000000 Changes border colour whan an item is selected, instead of highlighting the item.
         ``ULC_TRACK_SELECT``              0x10000000 Enables hot-track selection in a list control. Hot track selection means that an item is automatically selected when the cursor remains over the item for a certain period of time. The delay is retrieved on Windows using the `win32api` call `win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME)`, and is defaulted to 400ms on other platforms. This style applies to all views of `UltimateListCtrl`.
         ``ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS``       0x20000000 Show column headers in all view modes.
         ``ULC_NO_FULL_ROW_SELECT``        0x40000000 When an item is selected, the only the item in the first column is highlighted.
         ``ULC_FOOTER``                    0x80000000 Show a footer too (only when header is present).
         ===============================  =========== ====================================================================================================

        if style & ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT):
            raise Exception("ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT style can be used only in report mode")
        wasInReportView = self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT)
        self._agwStyle = style

        if self._mainWin:

            inReportView = (style & ULC_REPORT) != 0

            if inReportView != wasInReportView:
                # we need to notify the main window about this change as it must
                # update its data structures

        if style & ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT:


    def HasAGWFlag(self, flag):
        Returns ``True`` if the window has the given flag bit set.

        :param `flag`: the window style to check.

        :see: L{SetAGWWindowStyleFlag} for a list of valid window styles.        
        return self._agwStyle & flag

    def GetColumn(self, col):
        Returns information about this column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index.

        return self._mainWin.GetColumn(col)

    def SetColumn(self, col, item):
        Sets information about this column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index;
        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        self._mainWin.SetColumn(col, item)
        return True

    def GetColumnWidth(self, col):
        Returns the column width for the input column.

        :param `col`: an integer specifying the column index.

        return self._mainWin.GetColumnWidth(col)

    def SetColumnWidth(self, col, width):
        Sets the column width.

        :param `width`: can be a width in pixels or ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` (-1) or
         ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER`` (-2) or ``LIST_AUTOSIZE_FILL`` (-3). 
         ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` will resize the column to the length of its longest
         item. ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER`` will resize the column to the
         length of the header (Win32) or 80 pixels (other platforms). 
         ``LIST_AUTOSIZE_FILL`` will resize the column fill the remaining width
         of the window.

        :note: In small or normal icon view, col must be -1, and the column width
         is set for all columns.

        self._mainWin.SetColumnWidth(col, width)
        return True

    def GetCountPerPage(self):
        Returns the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area
        of the L{UltimateListCtrl} (list or report view) or the total number of
        items in the list control (icon or small icon view).

        return self._mainWin.GetCountPerPage()  # different from Windows ?

    def GetItem(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns the information about the input item.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or an integer specifying
         the item index;
        :param `col`: the column to which the item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItem(item, col)

    def SetItem(self, info):
        Sets the information about the input item.

        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        return True

    def SetStringItem(self, index, col, label, imageIds=[], it_kind=0):
        Sets a string or image at the given location.

        :param `index`: the item index;
        :param `col`: the column to which the item belongs to;
        :param `label`: the item text;
        :param `imageIds`: a Python list containing the image indexes for the
         images associated to this item;
        :param `it_kind`: the item kind. May be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================
        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._text = label
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_TEXT

        if it_kind:
            info._mask |= ULC_MASK_KIND
            info._kind = it_kind
        info._itemId = index        
        info._col = col

        for ids in to_list(imageIds):
            if ids > -1:

        if info._image:
            info._mask |= ULC_MASK_IMAGE

        return index

    def GetItemState(self, item, stateMask):
        Returns the item state flags for the input item.

        :param `item`: the index of the item;
        :param `stateMask`: the bitmask for the state flag.
        :see: L{SetItemState} for a list of valid state flags.

        return self._mainWin.GetItemState(item, stateMask)

    def SetItemState(self, item, state, stateMask):
        Sets the item state flags for the input item.

        :param `item`: the index of the item; if defaulted to -1, the state flag
         will be set for all the items;
        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :param `stateMask`: the bitmask for the state flag.

        self._mainWin.SetItemState(item, state, stateMask)
        return True

    def SetItemImage(self, item, image, selImage=-1):
        Sets a Python list of image indexes associated with the item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `image`: a Python list of indexes into the image list associated
         with the L{UltimateListCtrl}. In report view, this only sets the images
         for the first column;
        :param `selImage`: not used at present.
        return self.SetItemColumnImage(item, 0, image)

    def SetItemColumnImage(self, item, column, image):
        Sets a Python list of image indexes associated with the item in the input

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `column`: the column to which the item belongs to;
        :param `image`: a Python list of indexes into the image list associated
         with the L{UltimateListCtrl}. 

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._image = to_list(image)
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_IMAGE
        info._itemId = item
        info._col = column
        return True

    def GetItemText(self, item):
        Returns the item text.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or an integer specifying
         the item index.

        return self._mainWin.GetItemText(item)

    def SetItemText(self, item, text):
        Sets the item text.

        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or an integer specifying
         the item index;
        :param `text`: the new item text.

        self._mainWin.SetItemText(item, text)

    def GetItemData(self, item):
        Gets the application-defined data associated with this item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_DATA
        info._itemId = item
        return info._data

    def SetItemData(self, item, data):
        Sets the application-defined data associated with this item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `data`: the data to be associated with the input item.

        :note: Tthis function cannot be used to associate pointers with
         the control items, use L{SetItemPyData} instead.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_DATA
        info._itemId = item
        info._data = data
        return True

    def GetItemPyData(self, item):
        Returns the data for the item, which can be any Python object.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.
        :note: Please note that Python data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_PYDATA
        info._itemId = item
        return info._pyData

    def SetItemPyData(self, item, pyData):
        Sets the data for the item, which can be any Python object.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `pyData`: any Python object.
        :note: Please note that Python data is associated with the item and not
         with subitems.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_PYDATA
        info._itemId = item
        info._pyData = pyData
        return True

    SetPyData = SetItemPyData
    GetPyData = GetItemPyData

    def GetViewRect(self):
        Returns the rectangle taken by all items in the control. In other words,
        if the controls client size were equal to the size of this rectangle, no
        scrollbars would be needed and no free space would be left.

        :note: This function only works in the icon and small icon views, not in
         list or report views.

        return self._mainWin.GetViewRect()

    def GetItemRect(self, item, code=ULC_RECT_BOUNDS):
        Returns the rectangle representing the item's size and position, in physical

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives;
        :param `code`: one of ``ULC_RECT_BOUNDS``, ``ULC_RECT_ICON``, ``ULC_RECT_LABEL``.

        return self.GetSubItemRect(item, ULC_GETSUBITEMRECT_WHOLEITEM, code)

    def GetSubItemRect(self, item, subItem, code):
        Returns the rectangle representing the size and position, in physical coordinates,
        of the given subitem, i.e. the part of the row `item` in the column `subItem`.

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives;
        :param `subItem`: the column in which the item lives. If set equal to the special
         value ``ULC_GETSUBITEMRECT_WHOLEITEM`` the return value is the same as for
        :param `code`: one of ``ULC_RECT_BOUNDS``, ``ULC_RECT_ICON``, ``ULC_RECT_LABEL``.
        :note: This method is only meaningful when the L{UltimateListCtrl} is in the
         report mode.        

        rect = self._mainWin.GetSubItemRect(item, subItem)
        if self._mainWin.HasHeader():
            rect.y += self._headerHeight + 1

        return rect

    def GetItemPosition(self, item):
        Returns the position of the item, in icon or small icon view.

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives.

        return self._mainWin.GetItemPosition(item)

    def SetItemPosition(self, item, pos):
        Sets the position of the item, in icon or small icon view.

        :param `item`: the row in which the item lives;
        :param `pos`: the item position.

        :note: This method is currently unimplemented and does nothing.        

        return False

    def GetItemCount(self):
        """ Returns the number of items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return self._mainWin.GetItemCount()

    def GetColumnCount(self):
        """ Returns the total number of columns in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return self._mainWin.GetColumnCount()

    def SetItemSpacing(self, spacing, isSmall=False):
        Sets the spacing between item texts and icons.

        :param `spacing`: the spacing between item texts and icons, in pixels;
        :param `isSmall`: ``True`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL`` image list,
         ``False`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL`` image list.

        self._mainWin.SetItemSpacing(spacing, isSmall)

    def GetItemSpacing(self, isSmall=False):
        Returns the spacing between item texts and icons, in pixels.

        :param `isSmall`: ``True`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL`` image list,
         ``False`` if using a ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL`` image list.

        return self._mainWin.GetItemSpacing(isSmall)

    def SetItemTextColour(self, item, col):
        Sets the item text colour.

        :param `item`: the index of the item;
        :param `col`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.
        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item

    def GetItemTextColour(self, item):
        Returns the item text colour.

        :param `item`: the index of the item.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item
        info = self._mainWin.GetItem(info)
        return info.GetTextColour()

    def SetItemBackgroundColour(self, item, col):
        Sets the item background colour.

        :param `item`: the index of the item;
        :param `col`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item

    def GetItemBackgroundColour(self, item):
        Returns the item background colour.

        :param `item`: the index of the item.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item
        info = self._mainWin.GetItem(info)
        return info.GetBackgroundColour()

    def SetItemFont(self, item, f):
        Sets the item font.

        :param `item`: the index of the item;
        :param `f`: a valid `wx.Font` object.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item

    def GetItemFont(self, item):
        Returns the item font.

        :param `item`: the index of the item.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._itemId = item
        info = self._mainWin.GetItem(info)
        return info.GetFont()

    def GetSelectedItemCount(self):
        """ Returns the number of selected items in L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        return self._mainWin.GetSelectedItemCount()

    def GetTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the L{UltimateListCtrl} foreground colour. """

        return self.GetForegroundColour()

    def SetTextColour(self, col):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} foreground colour.

        :param `col`: a valid `wx.Colour` object.


    def GetTopItem(self):
        """ Gets the index of the topmost visible item when in list or report view. """

        top, dummy = self._mainWin.GetVisibleLinesRange()
        return top

    def GetNextItem(self, item, geometry=ULC_NEXT_ALL, state=ULC_STATE_DONTCARE):
        Searches for an item with the given `geometry` or `state`, starting from `item`
        but excluding the `item` itself.

        :param `item`: the item at which starting the search. If set to -1, the first
         item that matches the specified flags will be returned.
        :param `geometry`: can be one of:

         =================== ========= =================================
         Geometry Flag       Hex Value Description
         =================== ========= =================================
         ``ULC_NEXT_ABOVE``        0x0 Searches for an item above the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_ALL``          0x1 Searches for subsequent item by index
         ``ULC_NEXT_BELOW``        0x2 Searches for an item below the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_LEFT``         0x3 Searches for an item to the left of the specified item
         ``ULC_NEXT_RIGHT``        0x4 Searches for an item to the right of the specified item
         =================== ========= =================================
        :param `state`: any combination of the following bits:
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         State Bits                   Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_STATE_DONTCARE``             0x0 Don't care what the state is
         ``ULC_STATE_DROPHILITED``          0x1 The item is highlighted to receive a drop event
         ``ULC_STATE_FOCUSED``              0x2 The item has the focus
         ``ULC_STATE_SELECTED``             0x4 The item is selected
         ``ULC_STATE_CUT``                  0x8 The item is in the cut state
         ``ULC_STATE_DISABLED``            0x10 The item is disabled
         ``ULC_STATE_FILTERED``            0x20 The item has been filtered
         ``ULC_STATE_INUSE``               0x40 The item is in use
         ``ULC_STATE_PICKED``              0x80 The item has been picked
         ``ULC_STATE_SOURCE``             0x100 The item is a drag and drop source
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :return: The first item with given state following item or -1 if no such item found.

        :note: This function may be used to find all selected items in the
         control like this::
             item = -1
             while 1:
                 item = listctrl.GetNextItem(item, ULC_NEXT_ALL, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)
                 if item == -1:
                 # This item is selected - do whatever is needed with it

                 wx.LogMessage("Item %ld is selected."%item)


        return self._mainWin.GetNextItem(item, geometry, state)

    def GetImageList(self, which):
        Returns the image list associated with the control.

        :param `which`: one of ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL``, ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL``,
         ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE`` (the last is unimplemented).

        if which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL:
            return self._imageListNormal

        elif which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL:
            return self._imageListSmall

        elif which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE:
            return self._imageListState

        return None

    def SetImageList(self, imageList, which):
        Sets the image list associated with the control.

        :param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList` or an instance of L{PyImageList};
        :param `which`: one of ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL``, ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL``,
         ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE`` (the last is unimplemented).

        :note: Using L{PyImageList} enables you to have images of different size inside the
         image list. In your derived class, instead of doing this::

             imageList = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

         You should do this::

             imageList = PyImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

        if which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL:
            self._imageListNormal = imageList

        elif which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL:
            self._imageListSmall = imageList

        elif which == wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE:
            self._imageListState = imageList

        self._mainWin.SetImageList(imageList, which)

    def AssignImageList(self, imageList, which):
        Assigns the image list associated with the control.

        :param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList` or an instance of L{PyImageList};
        :param `which`: one of ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL``, ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL``,
         ``wx.IMAGE_LIST_STATE`` (the last is unimplemented).

        :note: Using L{PyImageList} enables you to have images of different size inside the
         image list. In your derived class, instead of doing this::

             imageList = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

         You should do this::

             imageList = PyImageList(16, 16)
             self.SetImageList(imageList, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)

        self.SetImageList(imageList, which)

    def Arrange(self, flag):
        Arranges the items in icon or small icon view.

        :param `flag`: one of the following bits:

         ========================== ========= ===============================
         Alignment Flag             Hex Value Description
         ========================== ========= ===============================
         ``ULC_ALIGN_DEFAULT``            0x0 Default alignment
         ``ULC_ALIGN_SNAP_TO_GRID``       0x3 Snap to grid
         ========================== ========= ===============================

        :note: This method is currently unimplemented and does nothing.

        return 0

    def DeleteItem(self, item):
        Deletes the specified item.

        :param `item`: the index of the item to delete.
        :note: This function sends the ``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM`` event for the item
         being deleted.

        return True

    def DeleteAllItems(self):
        Deletes all items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :note: This function does not send the ``EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM`` event because
         deleting many items from the control would be too slow then (unlike L{DeleteItem}).

        return True

    def DeleteAllColumns(self):
        """ Deletes all the column in L{UltimateListCtrl}. """

        count = len(self._mainWin._columns)
        for n in xrange(count):

        return True

    def ClearAll(self):
        """ Deletes everything in L{UltimateListCtrl}. """


    def DeleteColumn(self, col):
        Deletes the specified column.

        :param `col`: the index of the column to delete.        

        return True

    def EditLabel(self, item):
        Starts editing an item label.

        :param `item`: the index of the item to edit.


    def EnsureVisible(self, item):
        Ensures this item is visible.

        :param `index`: the index of the item to scroll into view.

        return True

    def FindItem(self, start, str, partial=False):
        Find an item whose label matches this string.

        :param `start`: the starting point of the input `string` or the beginning
         if `start` is -1;
        :param `string`: the string to look for matches;
        :param `partial`: if ``True`` then this method will look for items which
         begin with `string`.

        :note: The string comparison is case insensitive.         

        return self._mainWin.FindItem(start, str, partial)

    def FindItemData(self, start, data):
        Find an item whose data matches this data.

        :param `start`: the starting point of the input `data` or the beginning
         if `start` is -1;
        :param `data`: the data to look for matches.

        return self._mainWin.FindItemData(start, data)

    def FindItemAtPos(self, start, pt, direction):
        Find an item nearest this position.

        :param `pt`: an instance of `wx.Point`.        

        return self._mainWin.FindItemAtPos(pt)

    def HitTest(self, pointOrTuple):
        HitTest method for a L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `pointOrTuple`: an instance of `wx.Point` or a tuple representing
         the mouse x, y position.

        :see: L{UltimateListMainWindow.HitTestLine} for a list of return flags.        

        if isinstance(pointOrTuple, wx.Point):
            x, y = pointOrTuple.x, pointOrTuple.y
            x, y = pointOrTuple

        return self._mainWin.HitTest(x, y)

    def InsertItem(self, info):
        Inserts an item into L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `info`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        return info._itemId

    def InsertStringItem(self, index, label, it_kind=0):
        Inserts a string item at the given location.

        :param `index`: the index at which we wish to insert the item;
        :param `label`: the item text;
        :param `it_kind`: the item kind.

        :see: L{SetStringItem} for a list of valid item kinds.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._text = label
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_TEXT

        if it_kind:
            info._mask |= ULC_MASK_KIND
            info._kind = it_kind

        info._itemId = index
        return self.InsertItem(info)

    def InsertImageItem(self, index, imageIds, it_kind=0):
        Inserts an image item at the given location.

        :param `index`: the index at which we wish to insert the item;
        :param `imageIds`: a Python list containing the image indexes for the
         images associated to this item;
        :param `it_kind`: the item kind.

        :see: L{SetStringItem} for a list of valid item kinds.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_IMAGE

        if it_kind:
            info._mask |= ULC_MASK_KIND
            info._kind = it_kind
        info._image = to_list(imageIds)
        info._itemId = index
        return self.InsertItem(info)

    def InsertImageStringItem(self, index, label, imageIds, it_kind=0):
        Inserts an image+string item at the given location.

        :param `index`: the index at which we wish to insert the item;
        :param `label`: the item text;
        :param `imageIds`: a Python list containing the image indexes for the
         images associated to this item;
        :param `it_kind`: the item kind.

        :see: L{SetStringItem} for a list of valid item kinds.

        info = UltimateListItem()
        info._text = label
        info._image = to_list(imageIds)
        info._mask = ULC_MASK_TEXT | ULC_MASK_IMAGE

        if it_kind:
            info._mask |= ULC_MASK_KIND
            info._kind = it_kind
        info._itemId = index
        return self.InsertItem(info)

    def InsertColumnInfo(self, col, item):
        Inserts a column into L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `col`: the column index at which we wish to insert a column;
        :param `item`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem}.

        if not self._mainWin.InReportView() and not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS) and \
           not self._mainWin.InTileView():
            raise Exception("Can't add column in non report/tile modes or without the ULC_HEADER_IN_ALL_VIEWS style set")

        self._mainWin.InsertColumn(col, item)
        if self._headerWin:

        return 0

    def InsertColumn(self, col, heading, format=ULC_FORMAT_LEFT, width=-1):
        Inserts a column into L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `col`: the column index at which we wish to insert a column;
        :param `heading`: the header text;
        :param `format`: the column alignment flag. This can be one of the following

         ============================ ========= ==============================
         Alignment Bits               Hex Value Description
         ============================ ========= ==============================
         ``ULC_FORMAT_LEFT``                0x0 The item is left-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_RIGHT``               0x1 The item is right-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_CENTRE``              0x2 The item is centre-aligned
         ``ULC_FORMAT_CENTER``              0x2 The item is center-aligned
         ============================ ========= ==============================

        :param `width`: can be a width in pixels or ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` (-1) or
         ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER`` (-2). ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE`` will resize the
         column to the length of its longest item. ``wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER``
         will resize the column to the length of the header (Win32) or 80 pixels
         (other platforms).

        item = UltimateListItem()
        item._text = heading
        if width >= -2:
            item._mask |= ULC_MASK_WIDTH
            item._width = width

        item._format = format

        return self.InsertColumnInfo(col, item)

    def IsColumnShown(self, column):
        Returns ``True`` if the input column is shown, ``False`` if it is hidden.

        :param `column`: an integer specifying the column index.

        if self._headerWin:
            return self._mainWin.IsColumnShown(column)

        raise Exception("Showing/hiding columns works only with the header shown")

    def SetColumnShown(self, column, shown=True):
        Sets the specified column as shown or hidden.

        :param `column`: an integer specifying the column index;
        :param `shown`: ``True`` to show the column, ``False`` to hide it.

        col = self.GetColumn(column)
        col._mask |= ULC_MASK_SHOWN
        self._mainWin.SetColumn(column, col)

    def ScrollList(self, dx, dy):
        Scrolls the L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `dx`: if in icon, small icon or report view mode, specifies the number
         of pixels to scroll. If in list view mode, `dx` specifies the number of
         columns to scroll.
        :param `dy`: always specifies the number of pixels to scroll vertically.

        return self._mainWin.ScrollList(dx, dy)

# Sort items.
# The return value is a negative number if the first item should precede the second
# item, a positive number of the second item should precede the first,
# or zero if the two items are equivalent.

    def SortItems(self, func=None):
        Call this function to sort the items in the L{UltimateListCtrl}. Sorting is done
        using the specified function `func`. This function must have the
        following prototype::

            def OnCompareItems(self, line1, line2):

                DoSomething(line1, line2)
                # function code            

        It is called each time when the two items must be compared and should return 0
        if the items are equal, negative value if the first item is less than the second
        one and positive value if the first one is greater than the second one.

        :param `func`: the method to use to sort the items. The default is to use the
         L{UltimateListMainWindow.OnCompareItems} method.

        return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# event handlers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def OnSize(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.
        if not self.IsShownOnScreen():
            # We don't have the proper column sizes until we are visible so 
            # use CallAfter to resize the columns on the first display
            if self._mainWin:
        if not self._mainWin:

        # We need to override OnSize so that our scrolled
        # window a) does call Layout() to use sizers for
        # positioning the controls but b) does not query
        # the sizer for their size and use that for setting
        # the scrollable area as set that ourselves by
        # calling SetScrollbar() further down.


        if self._headerWin:
        if self._footerWin:

    def OnSetFocus(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.

        if self._mainWin:

    def OnInternalIdle(self):
        This method is normally only used internally, but sometimes an application
        may need it to implement functionality that should not be disabled by an
        application defining an `OnIdle` handler in a derived class.

        This method may be used to do delayed painting, for example, and most
        implementations call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` in order to send update events
        to the window in idle time.


        # do it only if needed
        if self._mainWin._dirty:
            self._mainWin._shortItems = []

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# font/colours
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
        Changes the background colour of L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `colour`: the colour to be used as the background colour, pass
         `wx.NullColour` to reset to the default colour.

        :note: The background colour is usually painted by the default `wx.EraseEvent`
         event handler function under Windows and automatically under GTK.

        :note: Setting the background colour does not cause an immediate refresh, so
         you may wish to call `wx.Window.ClearBackground` or `wx.Window.Refresh` after
         calling this function.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.         

        if self._mainWin:
            self._mainWin._dirty = True

        return True

    def SetForegroundColour(self, colour):
        Changes the foreground colour of L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `colour`: the colour to be used as the foreground colour, pass
         `wx.NullColour` to reset to the default colour.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.         

        if not wx.PyControl.SetForegroundColour(self, colour):
            return False

        if self._mainWin:
            self._mainWin._dirty = True

        if self._headerWin:

        return True

    def SetFont(self, font):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} font.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.        

        if not wx.PyControl.SetFont(self, font):
            return False

        if self._mainWin:
            self._mainWin._dirty = True

        if self._headerWin:


        return True

    def GetClassDefaultAttributes(self, variant):
        Returns the default font and colours which are used by the control. This is
        useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in
        a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific
        colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the users system,
        especially if it uses themes.

        This static method is "overridden'' in many derived classes and so calling,
        for example, `wx.Button.GetClassDefaultAttributes()` will typically return the
        values appropriate for a button which will be normally different from those
        returned by, say, `wx.ListCtrl.GetClassDefaultAttributes()`.

        :note: The `wx.VisualAttributes` structure has at least the fields `font`,
         `colFg` and `colBg`. All of them may be invalid if it was not possible to
         determine the default control appearance or, especially for the background
         colour, if the field doesn't make sense as is the case for `colBg` for the
         controls with themed background.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.         

        attr = wx.VisualAttributes()
        attr.colFg = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXTEXT)
        attr.colBg = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX)
        attr.font  = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
        return attr

    def GetScrolledWin(self):
        """ Returns the header window owner. """

        return self._headerWin.GetOwner()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# methods forwarded to self._mainWin
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetDropTarget(self, dropTarget):
        Associates a drop target with this window.
        If the window already has a drop target, it is deleted.

        :param `dropTarget`: an instance of `wx.DropTarget`.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.        


    def GetDropTarget(self):
        Returns the associated drop target, which may be ``None``.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return self._mainWin.GetDropTarget()

    def SetCursor(self, cursor):
        Sets the window's cursor. 

        :param `cursor`: specifies the cursor that the window should normally display.
         The `cursor` may be `wx.NullCursor` in which case the window cursor will be
         reset back to default.

        :note: The window cursor also sets it for the children of the window implicitly.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return (self._mainWin and [self._mainWin.SetCursor(cursor)] or [False])[0]

    def GetBackgroundColour(self):
        Returns the background colour of the window.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
        return (self._mainWin and [self._mainWin.GetBackgroundColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def GetForegroundColour(self):
        Returns the foreground colour of the window.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return (self._mainWin and [self._mainWin.GetForegroundColour()] or [wx.NullColour])[0]

    def PopupMenu(self, menu, pos=wx.DefaultPosition):
        Pops up the given menu at the specified coordinates, relative to this window,
        and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu. If a menu item is
        selected, the corresponding menu event is generated and will be processed as
        usual. If the coordinates are not specified, the current mouse cursor position
        is used.

        :param `menu`: an instance of `wx.Menu` to pop up;
        :param `pos`: the position where the menu will appear.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return self._mainWin.PopupMenu(menu, pos)

    def ClientToScreen(self, x, y):
        Converts to screen coordinates from coordinates relative to this window.

        :param `x`: an integer specifying the x client coordinate;        
        :param `y`: an integer specifying the y client coordinate.

        :return: the coordinates relative to the screen.
        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return self._mainWin.ClientToScreen(x, y)

    def ScreenToClient(self, x, y):
        Converts from screen to client window coordinates.

        :param `x`: an integer specifying the x screen coordinate;        
        :param `y`: an integer specifying the y screen coordinate.

        :return: the coordinates relative to this window.
        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        return self._mainWin.ScreenToClient(x, y)

    def SetFocus(self):
        """ This sets the window to receive keyboard input. """

        # The test in window.cpp fails as we are a composite
        # window, so it checks against "this", but not self._mainWin.
        if wx.Window.FindFocus() != self:

    def DoGetBestSize(self):
        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same size
        as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.

        # Something is better than nothing...
        # 100x80 is what the MSW version will get from the default
        # wx.Control.DoGetBestSize
        return wx.Size(100, 80)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# virtual list control support
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def OnGetItemText(self, item, col):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style. It should return the string containing the text of
        the given column for the specified item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the item belongs to.

        # this is a pure virtual function, in fact - which is not really pure
        # because the controls which are not virtual don't need to implement it
        raise Exception("UltimateListCtrl.OnGetItemText not supposed to be called")

    def OnGetItemImage(self, item):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style having an image list (if the control doesn't have an
        image list, it is not necessary to overload it). It should return a Python
        list of indexes representing the images associated to the input item or an
        empty list for no images.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;

        :note: In a control with ``ULC_REPORT`` style, L{OnGetItemImage} only gets called
         for the first column of each line.

        :note: The base class version always returns an empty Python list.

        if self.GetImageList(wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL):
            raise Exception("List control has an image list, OnGetItemImage should be overridden.")

        return []

    def OnGetItemColumnImage(self, item, column=0):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` and ``ULC_REPORT`` style. It should return a Python list of
        indexes representing the images associated to the input item or an empty list
        for no images.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        :note: The base class version always returns an empty Python list.

        if column == 0:
            return self.OnGetItemImage(item)

        return []

    def OnGetItemAttr(self, item):
        This function may be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style. It should return the attribute for the specified
        item or ``None`` to use the default appearance parameters.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        :note: L{UltimateListCtrl} will not delete the pointer or keep a reference of it.
         You can return the same L{UltimateListItemAttr} pointer for every
         L{OnGetItemAttr} call.

        :note: The base class version always returns ``None``.

        if item < 0 or item > self.GetItemCount():
            raise Exception("Invalid item index in OnGetItemAttr()")

        # no attributes by default
        return None

    def OnGetItemCheck(self, item):
        This function may be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style. It should return whether a checkbox-like item or
        a radiobutton-like item is checked or unchecked.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        :note: The base class version always returns an empty list.

        return []

    def OnGetItemColumnCheck(self, item, column=0):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` and ``ULC_REPORT`` style. It should return whether a
        checkbox-like item or a radiobutton-like item in the column header is checked
        or unchecked.
        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        :note: The base class version always returns an empty Python list.

        if column == 0:
            return self.OnGetItemCheck(item)

        return []        

    def OnGetItemKind(self, item):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style. It should return the item kind for the input item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index.

        :note: The base class version always returns 0 (a standard item).

        :see: L{SetItemKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        return 0

    def OnGetItemColumnKind(self, item, column=0):
        This function **must** be overloaded in the derived class for a control with
        ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style. It should return the item kind for the input item in
        the header window.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;
        :param `column`: the column index.

        :note: The base class version always returns 0 (a standard item).

        :see: L{SetItemKind} for a list of valid item kinds.

        if column == 0:
            return self.OnGetItemKind(item)

        return 0

    def SetItemCount(self, count):
        Sets the total number of items we handle.

        :param `count`: the total number of items we handle.

        if not self._mainWin.IsVirtual():
            raise Exception("This is for virtual controls only")


    def RefreshItem(self, item):
        Redraws the given item.

        :param `item`: an integer specifying the item index;

        :note: This is only useful for the virtual list controls as without calling
         this function the displayed value of the item doesn't change even when the
         underlying data does change.


    def RefreshItems(self, itemFrom, itemTo):
        Redraws the items between `itemFrom` and `itemTo`.
        The starting item must be less than or equal to the ending one.

        Just as L{RefreshItem} this is only useful for virtual list controls

        :param `itemFrom`: the first index of the refresh range;
        :param `itemTo`: the last index of the refresh range.
        self._mainWin.RefreshLines(itemFrom, itemTo)

# Generic UltimateListCtrl is more or less a container for two other
# windows which drawings are done upon. These are namely
# 'self._headerWin' and 'self._mainWin'.
# Here we override 'virtual wxWindow::Refresh()' to mimic the
# behaviour UltimateListCtrl has under wxMSW.

    def Refresh(self, eraseBackground=True, rect=None):
        Causes this window, and all of its children recursively (except under wxGTK1
        where this is not implemented), to be repainted. 

        :param `eraseBackground`: If ``True``, the background will be erased;
        :param `rect`: If not ``None``, only the given rectangle will be treated as damaged.

        :note: Note that repainting doesn't happen immediately but only during the next
         event loop iteration, if you need to update the window immediately you should
         use L{Update} instead.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.         

        if not rect:

            # The easy case, no rectangle specified.
            if self._headerWin:

            if self._mainWin:


            # Refresh the header window
            if self._headerWin:

                rectHeader = self._headerWin.GetRect()
                if rectHeader.GetWidth() and rectHeader.GetHeight():
                    x, y = self._headerWin.GetPosition()
                    rectHeader.OffsetXY(-x, -y)
                    self._headerWin.Refresh(eraseBackground, rectHeader)

            # Refresh the main window
            if self._mainWin:

                rectMain = self._mainWin.GetRect()
                if rectMain.GetWidth() and rectMain.GetHeight():
                    x, y = self._mainWin.GetPosition()
                    rectMain.OffsetXY(-x, -y)
                    self._mainWin.Refresh(eraseBackground, rectMain)

    def Update(self):
        Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window
        and all of its children recursively while this would usually only happen when
        the flow of control returns to the event loop.

        :note: This function doesn't invalidate any area of the window so nothing
         happens if nothing has been invalidated (i.e. marked as requiring a redraw).
         Use L{Refresh} first if you want to immediately redraw the window unconditionally.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.         

    def GetEditControl(self):
        Returns a pointer to the edit L{UltimateListTextCtrl} if the item is being edited or
        ``None`` otherwise (it is assumed that no more than one item may be edited

        retval = None

        if self._mainWin:
            retval = self._mainWin.GetEditControl()

        return retval

    def Select(self, idx, on=True):
        Selects/deselects an item.

        :param `idx`: the index of the item to select;
        :param `on`: ``True`` to select the item, ``False`` to deselect it.

        item = CreateListItem(idx, 0)
        item = self._mainWin.GetItem(item, 0)
        if not item.IsEnabled():

        if on:
            state = ULC_STATE_SELECTED
            state = 0

        self.SetItemState(idx, state, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

    def Focus(self, idx):
        Focus and show the given item.

        :param `idx`: the index of the item to be focused.

        self.SetItemState(idx, ULC_STATE_FOCUSED, ULC_STATE_FOCUSED)

    def GetFocusedItem(self):
        """ Returns the currently focused item or -1 if none is focused. """
        return self.GetNextItem(-1, ULC_NEXT_ALL, ULC_STATE_FOCUSED)

    def GetFirstSelected(self, *args):
        """ Return first selected item, or -1 when none is selected. """
        return self.GetNextSelected(-1)

    def GetNextSelected(self, item):
        Returns subsequent selected items, or -1 when no more are selected.

        :param `item`: the index of the item.

        return self.GetNextItem(item, ULC_NEXT_ALL, ULC_STATE_SELECTED)

    def IsSelected(self, idx):
        Returns ``True`` if the item is selected.

        :param `idx`: the index of the item to check for selection.
        return (self.GetItemState(idx, ULC_STATE_SELECTED) & ULC_STATE_SELECTED) != 0

    def IsItemChecked(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns whether an item is checked or not.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.IsItemChecked(item)

    def IsItemEnabled(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns whether an item is enabled or not.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)        
        return self._mainWin.IsItemEnabled(item)

    def GetItemKind(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns the item kind.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        :see: L{SetItemKind} for a list of valid item kinds.
        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemKind(item)

    def SetItemKind(self, itemOrId, col=0, kind=0):
        Sets the item kind.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `kind`: may be one of the following integers:

         =============== ==========================
         Item Kind       Description
         =============== ==========================
                0        A normal item
                1        A checkbox-like item
                2        A radiobutton-type item
         =============== ==========================


        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemKind(item, kind)

    def EnableItem(self, itemOrId, col=0, enable=True):
        Enables/disables an item.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` otherwise.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.EnableItem(item, enable)

    def IsItemHyperText(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns whether an item is hypertext or not.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.
        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.IsItemHyperText(item)

    def SetItemHyperText(self, itemOrId, col=0, hyper=True):
        Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `hyper`: ``True`` to have an item with hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.
        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemHyperText(item, hyper)

    def SetColumnImage(self, col, image):
        Sets one or more images to the specified column.

        :param `col`: the column index;
        :param `image`: a Python list containing the image indexes for the
         images associated to this column item.
        item = self.GetColumn(col)
        # preserve all other attributes too

        item.SetMask(ULC_MASK_STATE      |
                     ULC_MASK_TEXT       |
                     ULC_MASK_IMAGE      |
                     ULC_MASK_DATA       |
                     ULC_SET_ITEM        |
                     ULC_MASK_WIDTH      |
                     ULC_MASK_FORMAT     |
                     ULC_MASK_FONTCOLOUR |
                     ULC_MASK_FONT       |
                     ULC_MASK_BACKCOLOUR |
                     ULC_MASK_KIND       |
        self.SetColumn(col, item)

    def ClearColumnImage(self, col):
        Clears all the images in the specified column.

        :param `col`: the column index;
        self.SetColumnImage(col, -1)

    def Append(self, entry):
        Append an item to the L{UltimateListCtrl}.

        :param `entry`: should be a sequence with an item for each column.
        if entry:
            if wx.USE_UNICODE:
                cvtfunc = unicode
                cvtfunc = str
            pos = self.GetItemCount()
            self.InsertStringItem(pos, cvtfunc(entry[0]))
            for i in range(1, len(entry)):
                self.SetStringItem(pos, i, cvtfunc(entry[i]))
            return pos

    def SetFirstGradientColour(self, colour=None):
        Sets the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections.

        :param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
         the colour is taken from the system value ``wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT``.

    def SetSecondGradientColour(self, colour=None):
        Sets the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections.

        :param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
         the colour generated is a slightly darker version of the L{UltimateListCtrl}
         background colour.


    def GetFirstGradientColour(self):
        """ Returns the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
        return self._mainWin.GetFirstGradientColour()

    def GetSecondGradientColour(self):
        """ Returns the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
        return self._mainWin.GetSecondGradientColour()

    def EnableSelectionGradient(self, enable=True):
        Globally enables/disables drawing of gradient selections.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable gradient-style selections, ``False``
         to disable it.

        :note: Calling this method disables any Vista-style selection previously


    def SetGradientStyle(self, vertical=0):
        Sets the gradient style for gradient-style selections.

        :param `vertical`: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
         gradient-style selections.


    def GetGradientStyle(self):
        Returns the gradient style for gradient-style selections.

        :return: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
         gradient-style selections.

        return self._mainWin.GetGradientStyle()

    def EnableSelectionVista(self, enable=True):
        Globally enables/disables drawing of Windows Vista selections.

        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable Vista-style selections, ``False`` to
         disable it.

        :note: Calling this method disables any gradient-style selection previously


    def SetBackgroundImage(self, image=None):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} background image.

        :param `image`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.

        :note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.

        :todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.


    def GetBackgroundImage(self):
        Returns the L{UltimateListCtrl} background image (if any).

        :note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.

        :todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.        

        return self._mainWin.GetBackgroundImage()

    def SetWaterMark(self, watermark=None):
        Sets the L{UltimateListCtrl} watermark image to be displayed in the bottom
        right part of the window.

        :param `watermark`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.

        :todo: Better support for this is needed.        


    def GetWaterMark(self):
        Returns the L{UltimateListCtrl} watermark image (if any), displayed in the
        bottom right part of the window.

        :todo: Better support for this is needed.        

        return self._mainWin.GetWaterMark()

    def SetDisabledTextColour(self, colour):
        Sets the items disabled colour.

        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.


    def GetDisabledTextColour(self):
        """ Returns the items disabled colour. """

        return self._mainWin.GetDisabledTextColour()

    def GetHyperTextFont(self):
        """ Returns the font used to render an hypertext item. """

        return self._mainWin.GetHyperTextFont()

    def SetHyperTextFont(self, font):
        Sets the font used to render hypertext items.

        :param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.


    def SetHyperTextNewColour(self, colour):
        Sets the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item.

        :param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.


    def GetHyperTextNewColour(self):
        """ Returns the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item. """

        return self._mainWin.GetHyperTextNewColour()

    def SetHyperTextVisitedColour(self, colour):
        Sets the colour used to render a visited hypertext item.

        :param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.


    def GetHyperTextVisitedColour(self):
        """ Returns the colour used to render a visited hypertext item. """

        return self._mainWin.GetHyperTextVisitedColour()

    def SetItemVisited(self, itemOrId, col=0, visited=True):
        Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `visited`: ``True`` to mark an hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemVisited(item, visited)

    def GetItemVisited(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns whether an hypertext item was visited.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemVisited(item)

    def GetItemWindow(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns the window associated to the item (if any).

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemWindow(item)

    def SetItemWindow(self, itemOrId, col=0, wnd=None, expand=False):
        Sets the window for the given item.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `wnd`: a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item;
        :param `expand`: ``True`` to expand the column where the item/subitem lives,
         so that the window will be fully visible.        

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemWindow(item, wnd, expand)

    def DeleteItemWindow(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Deletes the window associated to an item (if any).

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.DeleteItemWindow(item)

    def GetItemWindowEnabled(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns whether the window associated to the item is enabled.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemWindowEnabled(item)

    def SetItemWindowEnabled(self, itemOrId, col=0, enable=True):
        Enables/disables the window associated to the item.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to disable it.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemWindowEnabled(item, enable)

    def GetItemCustomRenderer(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns the custom renderer used to draw the input item (if any).

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemCustomRenderer(item)

    def SetHeaderCustomRenderer(self, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer with the header - all columns will use it.

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render header buttons

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`,
         and `GetForegroundColor`. 

        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT):
            raise Exception("Custom renderers can be used on with style = ULC_REPORT")

    def SetFooterCustomRenderer(self, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer with the footer - all columns will use it.

        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render header buttons

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`,
         and `GetForegroundColor`. 

        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT) or not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_FOOTER):
            raise Exception("Custom renderers can only be used on with style = ULC_REPORT | ULC_FOOTER")

    def SetColumnCustomRenderer(self, col=0, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer to this column's header.

        :param `col`: the column index.
        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the input item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawHeaderButton`,
         and `GetForegroundColor`. 

        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT):
            raise Exception("Custom renderers can be used on with style = ULC_REPORT")
        return self._mainWin.SetCustomRenderer(col, renderer)

    def SetItemCustomRenderer(self, itemOrId, col=0, renderer=None):
        Associate a custom renderer to this item.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `renderer`: a class able to correctly render the input item.

        :note: the renderer class **must** implement the methods `DrawSubItem`,
         `GetLineHeight` and `GetSubItemWidth`. 

        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT) or not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
            raise Exception("Custom renderers can be used on with style = ULC_REPORT | ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT")
        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemCustomRenderer(item, renderer)

    def SetItemOverFlow(self, itemOrId, col=0, over=True):
        Sets the item in the overflow/non overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.
        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to;
        :param `over`: ``True`` to set the item in a overflow state, ``False`` otherwise.        

        if not self.HasAGWFlag(ULC_REPORT) or self._mainWin.IsVirtual():
            raise Exception("Overflowing items can be used only in report, non-virtual mode")

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.SetItemOverFlow(item, over)

    def GetItemOverFlow(self, itemOrId, col=0):
        Returns if the item is in the overflow state.

        An item/subitem may overwrite neighboring items/subitems if its text would
        not normally fit in the space allotted to it.

        :param `itemOrId`: an instance of L{UltimateListItem} or the item index;
        :param `col`: the column index to which the input item belongs to.

        item = CreateListItem(itemOrId, col)
        return self._mainWin.GetItemOverFlow(item)

    def IsVirtual(self):
        """ Returns ``True`` if the L{UltimateListCtrl} has the ``ULC_VIRTUAL`` style set. """

        return self._mainWin.IsVirtual()

    def GetScrollPos(self):
        Returns the scrollbar position.

        :note: This method is forwarded to L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        if self._mainWin:
            return self._mainWin.GetScrollPos()

        return 0

    def SetScrollPos(self, orientation, pos, refresh=True):
        Sets the scrollbar position.

        :param `orientation`: determines the scrollbar whose position is to be set.
         May be ``wx.HORIZONTAL`` or ``wx.VERTICAL``;
        :param `pos`: the scrollbar position in scroll units;
        :param `refresh`: ``True`` to redraw the scrollbar, ``False`` otherwise.

        :note: This method is forwarded to L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        if self._mainWin:
            self._mainWin.SetScrollPos(orientation, pos, refresh)

    def GetScrollThumb(self):
        Returns the scrollbar size in pixels.

        :note: This method is forwarded to L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        if self._mainWin:
            return self._mainWin.GetScrollThumb()

        return 0

    def GetScrollRange(self):
        Returns the scrollbar range in pixels.

        :note: This method is forwarded to L{UltimateListMainWindow}.

        if self._mainWin:
            return self._mainWin.GetScrollRange()

        return 0

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