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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Andrea Gavana, @ 07 October 2008
# Latest Revision: 14 Apr 2010, 12.00 GMT
# TODO List
# 1) Falloff effect for vertical bands;
# 2) Possibly some nicer drawing of bands and leds (using GraphicsContext).
# For all kind of problems, requests of enhancements and bug reports, please
# write to me at:
# Or, obviously, to the wxPython mailing list!!!
# End Of Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

PeakMeterCtrl mimics the behaviour of equalizers that are usually found in stereos
and MP3 players.


PeakMeterCtrl mimics the behaviour of equalizers that are usually found in stereos
and MP3 players. This widgets supports:

* Vertical and horizontal led bands;
* Settings number of bands and leds per band;
* Possibility to change the colour for low/medium/high band frequencies;
* Falloff effects;
* Showing a background grid for the bands.

And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.

Supported Platforms

PeakMeterCtrl has been tested on the following platforms:
  * Windows (Windows XP).

Window Styles

This class supports the following window styles:

================= =========== ==================================================
Window Styles     Hex Value   Description
================= =========== ==================================================
``PM_HORIZONTAL``         0x0 Shows horizontal bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
``PM_VERTICAL``           0x1 Shows vertical bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
================= =========== ==================================================

Events Processing

`No custom events are available for this class.`

License And Version

PeakMeterCtrl is distributed under the wxPython license.

Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 12 Apr 2010, 12.00 GMT

Version 0.3


import wx

# Horizontal or vertical PeakMeterCtrl
""" Shows horizontal bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`. """
""" Shows vertical bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`. """

# Some useful constants...
BAND_PERCENT = 10       # 10% of Max Range (Auto Decrease)
GRID_INCREASEBY = 15    # Increase Grid colour based on Background colour
FALL_INCREASEBY = 60    # Increase Falloff colour based on Background

def InRange(val, valMin, valMax):
    Returns whether the value `val` is between `valMin` and `valMax`.

    :param `val`: the value to test;
    :param `valMin`: the minimum range value;
    :param `valMax`: the maximum range value.    

    return val >= valMin and val <= valMax

def LightenColour(crColour, byIncreaseVal):
    Lightens a colour.

    :param `crColour`: a valid `wx.Colour` object;
    :param `byIncreaseVal`: an integer specifying the amount for which the input
     colour should be brightened.

    byRed = crColour.Red()
    byGreen = crColour.Green()
    byBlue = crColour.Blue()

    byRed = (byRed + byIncreaseVal <= 255 and [byRed + byIncreaseVal] or [255])[0]
    byGreen = (byGreen + byIncreaseVal <= 255 and [byGreen + byIncreaseVal] or [255])[0]
    byBlue = (byBlue + byIncreaseVal <= 255 and [byBlue + byIncreaseVal] or [255])[0]

    return wx.Colour(byRed, byGreen, byBlue)

def DarkenColour(crColour, byReduceVal):
    Darkens a colour.

    :param `crColour`: a valid `wx.Colour` object;
    :param `byReduceVal`: an integer specifying the amount for which the input
     colour should be darkened.

    byRed = crColour.Red()
    byGreen = crColour.Green()
    byBlue = crColour.Blue()

    byRed = (byRed >= byReduceVal and [byRed - byReduceVal] or [0])[0]
    byGreen = (byGreen >= byReduceVal and [byGreen - byReduceVal] or [0])[0]
    byBlue = (byBlue >= byReduceVal and [byBlue - byReduceVal] or [0])[0]

    return wx.Colour(byRed, byGreen, byBlue)

class PeakMeterData(object):
    """ A simple class which holds data for our L{PeakMeterCtrl}. """

    def __init__(self, value=0, falloff=0, peak=0):
        Default class constructor.

        :param `value`: the current L{PeakMeterCtrl} value;
        :param `falloff`: the falloff effect. ``True`` to enable it, ``False`` to
         disable it;
        :param `peak`: the peak value.

        self._value = value
        self._falloff = falloff
        self._peak = peak

    def IsEqual(self, pm):
        Returns whether 2 instances of L{PeakMeterData} are the same.

        :param `pm`: another instance of L{PeakMeterData}.

        return self._value == pm._value

    def IsGreater(self, pm):
        Returns whether one L{PeakMeterData} is greater than another.

        :param `pm`: another instance of L{PeakMeterData}.

        return self._value > pm._value

    def IsLower(self, pm):
        Returns whether one L{PeakMeterData} is smaller than another.

        :param `pm`: another instance of L{PeakMeterData}.

        return self._value < pm._value

class PeakMeterCtrl(wx.PyControl):
    """ The main L{PeakMeterCtrl} implementation. """

    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
                 style=0, agwStyle=PM_VERTICAL):
        Default class constructor.

        :param parent: the L{PeakMeterCtrl} parent. Must not be ``None``
        :param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
        :param `style`: the underlying `wx.PyControl` window style;
        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style, which can be one of the following bits:

         ================= =========== ==================================================
         Window Styles     Hex Value   Description
         ================= =========== ==================================================
         ``PM_HORIZONTAL``         0x0 Shows horizontal bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
         ``PM_VERTICAL``           0x1 Shows vertical bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
         ================= =========== ==================================================

        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)

        self._agwStyle = agwStyle        
        # Initializes all data

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)

    def InitData(self):
        """ Initializes the control. """

        colLime = wx.Colour(0, 255, 0)
        colRed = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)
        colYellow = wx.Colour(255, 255, 0)

        self._showGrid = False
        self._showFalloff = True
        self._delay = 10
        self._minValue = 60         # Min Range 0-60
        self._medValue = 80         # Med Range 60-80
        self._maxValue = 100        # Max Range 80-100
        self._numBands = BAND_DEFAULT
        self._ledBands = LEDS_DEFAULT
        self._clrBackground = self.GetBackgroundColour()
        self._clrNormal = colLime
        self._clrMedium = colYellow
        self._clrHigh = colRed
        self._speed = DEFAULT_SPEED
        self._timer = wx.Timer(self)
        # clear vector data
        self._meterData = []

    def SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, agwStyle):
        Sets the L{PeakMeterCtrl} window style flags.

        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the
         following bits:

         ================= =========== ==================================================
         Window Styles     Hex Value   Description
         ================= =========== ==================================================
         ``PM_HORIZONTAL``         0x0 Shows horizontal bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
         ``PM_VERTICAL``           0x1 Shows vertical bands in `PeakMeterCtrl`.
         ================= =========== ==================================================


        self._agwStyle = agwStyle            

    def GetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self):
        Returns the L{PeakMeterCtrl} window style.

        return self._agwStyle

    def ResetControl(self):
        """ Resets the L{PeakMeterCtrl}. """

        # Initialize vector
        for i in xrange(self._numBands):
            pm = PeakMeterData(self._maxValue, self._maxValue, self._speed)

    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colourBgnd):
        Changes the background colour of L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `colourBgnd`: the colour to be used as the background colour, pass
         `wx.NullColour` to reset to the default colour.

        :note: The background colour is usually painted by the default `wx.EraseEvent`
         event handler function under Windows and automatically under GTK.

        :note: Setting the background colour does not cause an immediate refresh, so
         you may wish to call `wx.Window.ClearBackground` or `wx.Window.Refresh` after
         calling this function.

        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.

        wx.PyControl.SetBackgroundColour(self, colourBgnd)
        self._clrBackground = colourBgnd

    def SetBandsColour(self, colourNormal, colourMedium, colourHigh):
        Set bands colour for L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `colourNormal`: the colour for normal (low) bands, a valid `wx.Colour`
        :param `colourMedium`: the colour for medium bands, a valid `wx.Colour`
        :param `colourHigh`: the colour for high bands, a valid `wx.Colour`

        self._clrNormal = colourNormal
        self._clrMedium = colourMedium
        self._clrHigh   = colourHigh


    def SetMeterBands(self, numBands, ledBands):
        Set number of vertical or horizontal bands to display.

        :param `numBands`: number of bands to display (either vertical or horizontal);
        :param `ledBands`: the number of leds per band.
        :note: You can obtain a smooth effect by setting `nHorz` or `nVert` to "1", these
         cannot be 0.

        assert (numBands > 0 and ledBands > 0)
        self._numBands = numBands
        self._ledBands = ledBands

        # Reset vector

    def SetRangeValue(self, minVal, medVal, maxVal):
        Sets the ranges for low, medium and high bands.

        :param `minVal`: the value for low bands;
        :param `medVal`: the value for medium bands;
        :param `maxVal`: the value for high bands.
        :note: The conditions to be satisfied are:

         Min: [0 - nMin[,  Med: [nMin - nMed[,  Max: [nMed - nMax]

        assert (maxVal > medVal and medVal > minVal and minVal > 0)

        self._minValue = minVal
        self._medValue = medVal
        self._maxValue = maxVal

    def GetRangeValue(self):
        """ Get range value of L{PeakMeterCtrl}. """

        return self._minValue, self._medValue, self._maxValue

    def SetFalloffDelay(self, speed):
        """ Set Peak value speed before falling off. """

        self._speed = speed

    def SetFalloffEffect(self, falloffEffect):
        Set falloff effect flag.

        :param `falloffEffect`: ``True`` to enable the falloff effect, ``False``
         to disable it.

        if self._showFalloff != falloffEffect:
            self._showFalloff = falloffEffect

    def GetFalloffEffect(self):
        """ Returns the falloff effect flag. """

        return self._showFalloff

    def ShowGrid(self, showGrid):
        Request to have gridlines visible or not.

        :param `showGrid`: ``True`` to show grid lines, ``False`` otherwise.

        if self._showGrid != showGrid:
            self._showGrid = showGrid

    def IsGridVisible(self):
        """ Returns if gridlines are visible. """

        return self._showGrid

    def SetData(self, arrayValue, offset, size):
        Change data value. Use this function to change only
        a set of values. All bands can be changed or only 1 band,
        depending on the application.

        :param `arrayValue`: a Python list containing the L{PeakMeterData} values;
        :param `offset`: the (optional) offset where to start applying the new data;
        :param `size`: the size of the input data.

        assert (offset >= 0 and arrayValue != [])
        isRunning = self.IsStarted()

        # Stop timer if Animation is active
        if isRunning:

        maxSize = offset + size
        for i in xrange(offset, maxSize):
            if i < len(self._meterData):
                pm = self._meterData[i]
                pm._value = arrayValue[i]
                if pm._falloff < pm._value:
                    pm._falloff = pm._value
                    pm._peak = self._speed
                self._meterData[i] = pm
        # Auto-restart
        if isRunning:
            return self.Start(self._delay)

        return True

    def IsStarted(self):
        """ Check if animation is active. """

        return self._timer.IsRunning()

    def Start(self, delay):
        Start the timer and animation effect.

        :param `delay`: the animation effect delay, in milliseconds.

        if not self.IsStarted():        
            self._delay = delay
            return False
        return True

    def Stop(self):
        """ Stop the timer and animation effect. """

        if self.IsStarted():
            return True
        return False

    def DoTimerProcessing(self):
        """ L{PeakMeterCtrl} animation, does the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` processing. """


        decValue  = self._maxValue/self._ledBands
        noChange = True

        for pm in self._meterData:
            if pm._value > 0:
                pm._value -= (self._ledBands > 1 and [decValue] or [self._maxValue*BAND_PERCENT/100])[0]
                if pm._value < 0:
                    pm._value = 0
                noChange = False
            if pm._peak > 0:
                pm._peak -= 1
                noChange = False

            if pm._peak == 0 and pm._falloff > 0:
                pm._falloff -= (self._ledBands > 1 and [decValue >> 1] or [5])[0]
                if pm._falloff < 0:
                    pm._falloff = 0
                noChange = False        

        if noChange: # Stop timer if no more data

    def DoGetBestSize(self):
        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same size
        as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.

        # something is better than nothing...
        return wx.Size(200, 150)

    def OnPaint(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.

        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
        self._clrBackground = self.GetBackgroundColour()
        rc = self.GetClientRect()

        pen = wx.Pen(self._clrBackground)
        if self.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag() & PM_VERTICAL:
            self.DrawVertBand(dc, rc)
            self.DrawHorzBand(dc, rc)

    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.

        :note: This method is intentionally empty to reduce flicker.        

        # This is intentionally empty, to reduce flicker

    def OnSize(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.


    def OnTimer(self, event):
        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{PeakMeterCtrl}.

        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` event to be processed.


    def DrawHorzBand(self, dc, rect):
        Draws horizontal bands.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `rect`: the horizontal bands client rectangle.

        :todo: Implement falloff effect for horizontal bands.        

        horzBands = (self._ledBands > 1 and [self._ledBands] or [self._maxValue*BAND_PERCENT/100])[0]
        minHorzLimit = self._minValue*horzBands/self._maxValue
        medHorzLimit = self._medValue*horzBands/self._maxValue
        maxHorzLimit = horzBands

        size = wx.Size(rect.width/horzBands, rect.height/self._numBands)
        rectBand = wx.RectPS(rect.GetTopLeft(), size)

        # Draw band from top
        rectBand.OffsetXY(0, rect.height-size.y*self._numBands)
        xDecal = (self._ledBands > 1 and [1] or [0])[0]
        yDecal = (self._numBands > 1 and [1] or [0])[0]

        for vert in xrange(self._numBands):
            self._value = self._meterData[vert]._value
            horzLimit = self._value*horzBands/self._maxValue

            for horz in xrange(horzBands):
                rectBand.Deflate(0, yDecal)

                # Find colour based on range value
                colourRect = self._clrBackground
                if self._showGrid:
                    colourRect = DarkenColour(self._clrBackground, GRID_INCREASEBY)

                if self._showGrid and (horz == minHorzLimit or horz == (horzBands-1)):
                    points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(2)]
                    points[0].x = rectBand.GetTopLeft().x + (rectBand.width >> 1)
                    points[0].y = rectBand.GetTopLeft().y - yDecal
                    points[1].x = points[0].x
                    points[1].y = rectBand.GetBottomRight().y + yDecal
                    dc.DrawLinePoint(points[0], points[1])
                if horz < horzLimit:
                    if InRange(horz, 0, minHorzLimit-1):
                        colourRect = self._clrNormal
                    elif InRange(horz, minHorzLimit, medHorzLimit-1):
                        colourRect = self._clrMedium
                    elif InRange(horz, medHorzLimit, maxHorzLimit):
                        colourRect = self._clrHigh


                rectBand.Inflate(0, yDecal)
                rectBand.OffsetXY(size.x, 0)
            # Move to Next Vertical band
            rectBand.OffsetXY(-size.x*horzBands, size.y)

    def DrawVertBand(self, dc, rect):
        Draws vertical bands.

        :param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
        :param `rect`: the vertical bands client rectangle.

        vertBands = (self._ledBands > 1 and [self._ledBands] or [self._maxValue*BAND_PERCENT/100])[0]
        minVertLimit = self._minValue*vertBands/self._maxValue
        medVertLimit = self._medValue*vertBands/self._maxValue
        maxVertLimit = vertBands

        size = wx.Size(rect.width/self._numBands, rect.height/vertBands)
        rectBand = wx.RectPS(rect.GetTopLeft(), size)

        # Draw band from bottom
        rectBand.OffsetXY(0, rect.bottom-size.y)
        xDecal = (self._numBands > 1 and [1] or [0])[0]
        yDecal = (self._ledBands > 1 and [1] or [0])[0]

        for horz in xrange(self._numBands):
            self._value = self._meterData[horz]._value
            vertLimit = self._value*vertBands/self._maxValue
            rectPrev = wx.Rect(*rectBand)

            for vert in xrange(vertBands):
                rectBand.Deflate(xDecal, 0)

                # Find colour based on range value
                colourRect = self._clrBackground
                if self._showGrid:
                    colourRect = DarkenColour(self._clrBackground, GRID_INCREASEBY)

                # Draw grid line (level) bar
                if self._showGrid and (vert == minVertLimit or vert == (vertBands-1)):
                    points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(2)]
                    points[0].x = rectBand.GetTopLeft().x - xDecal
                    points[0].y = rectBand.GetTopLeft().y + (rectBand.height >> 1)
                    points[1].x = rectBand.GetBottomRight().x + xDecal
                    points[1].y = points[0].y
                    dc.DrawLinePoint(points[0], points[1])
                if vert < vertLimit:
                    if InRange(vert, 0, minVertLimit-1):
                        colourRect = self._clrNormal
                    elif InRange(vert, minVertLimit, medVertLimit-1):
                        colourRect = self._clrMedium
                    elif InRange(vert, medVertLimit, maxVertLimit):
                        colourRect = self._clrHigh

                rectBand.Inflate(xDecal, 0)
                rectBand.OffsetXY(0, -size.y)
            # Draw falloff effect
            if self._showFalloff:

                oldPen = dc.GetPen()            
                pen = wx.Pen(DarkenColour(self._clrBackground, FALL_INCREASEBY))
                maxHeight = size.y*vertBands
                points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(2)]
                points[0].x = rectPrev.GetTopLeft().x + xDecal
                points[0].y = rectPrev.GetBottomRight().y - self._meterData[horz]._falloff*maxHeight/self._maxValue
                points[1].x = rectPrev.GetBottomRight().x - xDecal
                points[1].y = points[0].y
                dc.DrawLinePoint(points[0], points[1])
            # Move to Next Horizontal band
            rectBand.OffsetXY(size.x, size.y*vertBands) | Contact Us
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