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# Sketch - A Python-based interactive drawing program
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 by Bernhard Herzog
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# This file contains the root of the Sketch graphics class hierarchy.

from traceback import print_stack

from Sketch.warn import warn,INTERNAL
from Sketch.const import CHANGED,SelectSet,Button1Mask,ConstraintMask,\
from Sketch import NullUndo,CreateMultiUndo,Undo,UndoAfter

from Sketch import Point,NullPoint,UnionRects,Identity,Translation,Trafo

from blend import Blend,MismatchError,BlendTrafo
from properties import PropertyStack
import properties

# Class Draggable
# This class maintains some instance variables for a click and drag
# operation on a graphics object.
# The scenario is this: The user has selected a graphics object, say a
# straight line between the points A and B, for editing. As a hint for
# the user where to click, the application shows two inverted rectangles
# at the endpoints. These rectangles are called handles. The user clicks
# on one of the handles, and, with the mouse button still pressed, drags
# the mouse to the new location of the selected endpoint. As feedback to
# the user, the application shows a `rubber-band' line during the drag
# to indicate what the line would look like if the user released the
# button.
# Two aspects of this operation are handled by the classes Draggable and
# EditSelect: Keeping track of the start point, the current point, the
# amount dragged, drawing the object during the drag and, in the case of
# Selectable, which parts of the object the user selected.
# Keeping track of where the drag started and how far in which direction
# the user has moved the mouse so far, is important, because, in the
# above example the endpoint should be moved not simply to the point the
# user dragged to, but by the amount the user dragged.
# To make this a little clearer: the handle is usually a few pixels
# wide, so the user may not click exactly on the pixel the endpoint lies
# on, but some pixels away. In that case, releasing the button without
# moving the mouse would still move the endpoint which is not what the
# user expected.
# Using only the offset of the drag is even more important when the
# entire object is being moved. In the above example, clicking on the
# middle of the line should select the entire line, i.e. both endpoints,
# for the drag. During the drag and at the end of the drag we can't move
# one or both endpoints to the current location of the mouse pointer, we
# have to move both endpoints by the same offset.
# To achieve this, an instance of Draggable has the following instance
# variables:
#  dragging  True, while being dragged
#  drag_start  start point
#  drag_cur  current point
#  off    offset by which the pointer was moved,
#      i.e. drag_cur - drag_start
#  drawn    true, if the object is visible on the screen in its
#      dragged form (see Hide() and Show())
# These variables only have meaningful values during the drag, that is,
# between the calls to DragStart() and DragStop(), see below.
# drag_start, drag_cur and off are of type Point. (See the developer's guide)

class Draggable:

    drawn  = 0
    dragging  = 0
    drag_start  = NullPoint
    drag_cur  = NullPoint
    off    = NullPoint

    drag_mask = Button1Mask # XXX move this to some other class ?

    def __init__(self):
  # not needed here, but if some derived class wants to call the
  # base class constructor...

    def DragStart(self, p):
  # Start the drag at P. Initialize the instance variables. Set
  # dragging to true.
  # XXX: document the meaning of the return value
  self.drawn = 0    # the object is not visible yet
  self.dragging = 1
  self.drag_start = p
  self.drag_cur = p = NullPoint

    def DragMove(self, p):
  # The pointer has moved to p. Compute the new offset. = p - self.drag_start
  self.drag_cur = p

    def MouseMove(self, p, state):
  # XXX add documentation for this
  if state & self.drag_mask: = p - self.drag_start
      self.drag_cur = p

    def DragStop(self, p):
  # The drag stopped at p. Update drag_cur and off for the last
  # time, and set dragging to false.
  self.dragging = 0 = p - self.drag_start
  self.drag_cur = p

    def DragCancel(self):
  self.dragging = 0

    # The rest of Draggable's methods deal with drawing the object in
    # `dragged' form (usually an outline) on the screen. The output
    # device is assumed to be set up in such a way that drawing the same
    # object twice removes it again (usually using GCxor). Currently,
    # this will be an instance of InvertingDevice (
    # Show() and Hide() use this assumption and the instance variable
    # drawn, to make certain that the object is visible or invisible,
    # respectively. If drawn is false Show() calls DrawDragged() to draw
    # the object and then sets drawn to true. This way Show() may be
    # called multiple times by the canvas widget if it thinks the
    # outline of the object should be visible, without removing the
    # outline accidentally.
    # DrawDragged(), which obviously has to be implemented by some
    # derived class, has to draw the outline of the object on the output
    # device, using drag_cur or off to compute coordinates. The internal
    # state of the object, for example the endpoints of lines, should
    # only be changed temporarily during DrawDragged; the state of the
    # object should only change if the drag is completed successfully.
    # The boolean parameter PARTIALLY indicates whether the object has
    # to be drawn completely or if it is sufficient to draw only the
    # parts that are changed by the drag. For instance, if a vertex of a
    # polygon is dragged, it might suffice to draw the two edges sharing
    # this vertex. It is safe to ignore this parameter and always draw
    # the whole object. It is especially useful for complex objects like
    # polygons or poly beziers, where it improves performance and
    # reduces flickering on the screen
    # Implementation Note: Show and Hide are the methods normally used
    # by the canvas to show or hide the object while dragging. An
    # exception is the RedrawMethod of the canvas object where
    # DrawDragged is called directly.

    def DrawDragged(self, device, partially):

    def Show(self, device, partially = 0):
  if not self.drawn:
      self.DrawDragged(device, partially)
  self.drawn = 1

    def Hide(self, device, partially = 0):
  if self.drawn:
      self.DrawDragged(device, partially)
  self.drawn = 0

# Class Selectable
# This class defines the interface and default implementation for
# objects that can be selected by the user with a mouse click.

class Selectable:

    def __init__(self):
  # only needed for derived classes.

    def Hit(self, p, rect, device):
  return None

    def SelectSubobject(self, p, rect, device, path = None, *rest):
  return self

    def GetObjectHandle(self, multiple):
  # Return a single point marking an important point of the
  # object. This point is highlighted by a small rectangle in the
  # canvas to indicate that the object is selected. Alternatively,
  # a list of such points can be returned to mark several points,
  # but that feature should only be used by compound objects.
  # If multiple is false, self is the only object selected. If
  # it's true, there may be more than one selected object.
  return []

class EditSelect(Selectable):

    def SelectPoint(self, p, rect, device, mode = SelectSet):
  # Select (sub)object at P. If something is selected, return
  # true, false otherwise.
  return 0

    def SelectHandle(self, handle, mode = SelectSet):

    def SelectRect(self, rect, mode = SelectSet):
  # select (sub-)object(s) in RECT

    def GetHandles(self):
  # In edit mode, this method will be called to get a list of
  # handles. A handle should be shown at every `hot' spot of the
  # object (e.g. the nodes of a PolyBezier). Handles are described
  # by tuples which can be easily created by the functions in
  return []

class SelectAndDrag(Draggable, EditSelect):

    def __init__(self):

    def CurrentInfoText(self):
        # return a string describing the current state of the object
        # during a drag
        return ''

#  Class Protocols
#  Some boolean flags that describe the object's capabilities

class Protocols:

    is_GraphicsObject   = 0
    is_Primitive        = 0
    is_Editor           = 0
    is_Creator          = 0

    has_edit_mode = 0  # true if object has an edit mode. If true, the
      # Editor() method must be implemented

    is_curve = 0  # true, if object can be represented by and
      # converted to a PolyBezier object. If true, the
      # AsBezier() and Paths() methods must be
      # implemented
    is_clip = 0

    has_fill    = 0  # True, iff object can have fill properties
    has_line    = 0  # True, iff object can have line properties
    has_font    = 0  # True, iff object can have a font
    has_properties  = 0

    is_Bezier    = 0
    is_Rectangle  = 0
    is_Ellipse    = 0
    is_Text    = 0  # Text objects must have a Font() method
        # returning a font.
    is_SimpleText       = 0
    is_PathTextGroup    = 0 
    is_PathTextText     = 0     # The text part of a path text group
    is_Image    = 0
    is_Eps    = 0

    is_Group    = 0
    is_Compound    = 0
    is_Layer    = 0

    is_Blend    = 0     # The blendgroup
    is_BlendInterpolation = 0   # The interpolation child of a blend group
    is_Clone    = 0
    is_MaskGroup        = 0
    is_GuideLine  = 0

    is_Plugin    = 0

# Class Bounded
# Instances of this class have various kinds of bounding rectangles
# These rectangles are accessible via instance variables to increase
# performance (important for bounding_rect, which is used when testing
# which object is selected by a click). All rectangles are given in
# document coords and are aligned with the axes. The variables are:
# coord_rect
#  The smallest rectangle that contains all points of the outline.
#  The line width, if applicable, is NOT taken into account here.
#  This rectangle is used to arrange objects (AlignSelected,
#  AbutHorizonal, ...)
# bounding_rect
#  Like coord rect but takes the line width into account. It is
#  meant to be useful as a PostScript BoundingBox.
# Method:
# LayoutPoint()
#  Return the point which should be snapped to a grid point.

class Bounded:

    _lazy_attrs = {'coord_rect' : 'update_rects',
       'bounding_rect' : 'update_rects'}

    def __init__(self):

    def del_lazy_attrs(self):
  for key in self._lazy_attrs.keys():
    delattr(self, key)

    def update_rects(self):
  # compute the various bounding rects and other attributes that
  # use `lazy evaluation'. This method MUST be implemented by
  # derived classes. It MUST set self.bounding_rect and
  # self.coord_rect and other attributes where appropriate.

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
  # if a lazy attribute is accessed, compute it.
  method = self._lazy_attrs.get(attr)
  if method:
      getattr(self, method)()
      # now it should work... use self.__dict__ directly to avoid
      # recursion if the method is buggy
    return self.__dict__[attr]
      except KeyError, msg:
    warn(INTERNAL, '%s did not compute %s for %s.',
         method, attr, self)
  if attr[:2] == attr[-2:] == '__':
      #if attr in ('__nonzero__', '__len__'):
      #   print_stack()
      warn(INTERNAL, "%s instance doesn't have an attribute %s",
     self.__class__, attr)
  raise AttributeError, attr

    def LayoutPoint(self):
  return Point(self.coord_rect.left, self.coord_rect.bottom)

    def GetSnapPoints(self):
  return []

# Class HierarchyNode
# This is base class for all objects that are part of the object
# hierarchy of a document. It manages the parent child relationship and
# the references to the document and other methods (and standard
# behavior) that every object needs. No object derived from this class
# should override the methods defined here except as documented.

class HierarchyNode:

    def __init__(self, duplicate = None):
  if duplicate is not None:
      self.document = duplicate.document
      if duplicate.was_untied:
    self.was_untied = duplicate.was_untied

    def __del__(self):
  if self.document:

    def Destroy(self):
  # remove all circular references here...
  # May be extended by derived classes.
  self.parent = None

    parent = None
    def SetParent(self, parent):
  self.parent = parent

    def depth(self):
  if self.parent is not None:
      return self.parent.depth() + 1
  return 1

    def SelectionInfo(self):
  if self.parent is not None:
      return self.parent.SelectionInfo(self)

    document = None  # the document self belongs to

    def SetDocument(self, doc):
  self.document = doc
  if doc is not None and self.was_untied:
      del self.was_untied

    def UntieFromDocument(self):
  # this will be called when self is being stored in the clipboard
  # (CopyForClipboard/CutForClipboard), but before self.document
  # becomes None. Disconnect will not be called in this case.
  # May be extended by derived classes.
  self.was_untied = 1

    def TieToDocument(self):
  # this will be called when self is being inserted into the
  # document from the clipboard, after self.document has been set.
  # Connect will not be called in this case.
  # May be extended by derived classes.

    def Subscribe(self, channel, func, *args):
  # XXX: what do we do if document has not been set (yet)
  if self.document is not None:
      self.document.connector.Connect(self, channel, func, args)

    def Unsubscribe(self, channel, func, *args):
  if self.document is not None:
      self.document.connector.Disconnect(self, channel, func, args)

    def Issue(self, channel, *args):
  if self.document is not None:
      apply(self.document.connector.Issue, (self, channel,) + args)

    def issue_changed(self):
  self.Issue(CHANGED, self)
  if self.parent is not None:

    def Connect(self):
  # May be extended by derived classes.

    def Disconnect(self):
  # May be extended by derived classes.

    def Duplicate(self):
  # return a duplicate of self
  return self.__class__(duplicate = self)

# Class  GraphicsObject
# The base class for all `normal' objects that are part of the drawing
# itself, like rectangles or groups (the experimental clone objects are
# derived from HierarchyNode (Sep98))

class GraphicsObject(Bounded, HierarchyNode, Selectable, Protocols):

    is_GraphicsObject = 1

    keymap = None
    commands = []
    context_commands = ()
    was_untied = 0

    script_access = {}

    def __init__(self, duplicate = None):
  HierarchyNode.__init__(self, duplicate = duplicate)

    def ChildChanged(self, child):
  # in compound objects, this method is called by the child
  # whenever it changes (normally via the issue_changed method)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
  return cmp(id(self), id(other))

    def _changed(self):
  return (self._changed,)

    def SetLowerLeftCorner(self, corner):
  # move self so that self's lower left corner is at CORNER. This
  # used when interactively placing an object
  rect = self.coord_rect
  ll = Point(rect.left, rect.bottom)
  return self.Translate(corner - ll)

    def RemoveTransformation(self):
  # Some objects accumulate the transformation applied by
  # Transform() and apply them every time the object is displayed
  # Restore this transformation to Identity.
  return NullUndo
    script_access['RemoveTransformation'] = SCRIPT_UNDO

    def AsBezier(self):
  # Return self as bezier if possible. See is_curve above.
  return None
    script_access['AsBezier'] = SCRIPT_OBJECT

    def Paths(self):
  # Return a tuple of curve objects describing the outline of self
  # if possible. The curve objects can be the ones used internally
  # by self. The calling code is expected not to modify the curve
  # objects in place.
        # See is_curve above.
  return None
    script_access['Paths'] = SCRIPT_GET

    def Blend(self, other, frac1, frac2):
  # Return the weighted average of SELF and OTHER. FRAC1 and FRAC2
  # are the weights (if SELF and OTHER were numbers this should be
  # FRAC1 * SELF + FRAC2 * OTHER).
  # This method is used by the function Blend() in If
  # SELF and OTHER can't be blended, raise the blend.MismatchError
  # exception. This is also the default behaviour.
  raise MismatchError
    script_access['Blend'] = SCRIPT_OBJECT

    def Snap(self, p):
  # Determine the point Q on self's outline closest to P and
  # return a tuple (abs(Q - P), Q)
  return (1e100, p)
    script_access['Snap'] = SCRIPT_GET

    def ObjectChanged(self, obj):
  return 0

    def ObjectRemoved(self, obj):
  return NullUndo

    # Add some inherited method's script access flags
    script_access['coord_rect'] = SCRIPT_GET
    script_access['bounding_rect'] = SCRIPT_GET
    script_access['LayoutPoint'] = SCRIPT_GET
    script_access['Duplicate'] = SCRIPT_OBJECT

    # and flags for standard methods
    script_access['Transform'] = SCRIPT_UNDO
    script_access['Translate'] = SCRIPT_UNDO


class Creator(SelectAndDrag, Protocols):

    is_Creator = 1
    creation_text = 'Create Object'

    def __init__(self, start):
  self.start = start

    def EndCreation(self):
  # This method will be called when the object was being created
  # interactively using more than one click-drag-release cycle,
  # and the user has finished. This method is needed by the
  # PolyBezier primitive for instance.
  # Return true if creation was successful, false otherwise.
  return 1

    def ContinueCreation(self):
  # called during interactive creation when the user releases the
  # mouse button. Return true, if the object may need another
  # click-drag-release cycle, false for objects that are always
  # complete after one cycle. (XXX the `true' return value is
  # interpreted in a special way, see the PolyBezier primitive)
  # XXX: Should we distinguish more cases? A rectangle for example
  # is always complete after one click-drag-release cycle. A
  # PolyBezier object needs at least two cycles but accepts any
  # number of additional cycles. A polygon (with straight lines)
  # needs at least one. We might return a value that indicates
  # whether the user *must* supply additional points, whether it's
  # optional or whether the object is complete and the user
  # *cannot* add points.
  return None

class Editor(SelectAndDrag):

    is_Editor = 1

    EditedClass = GraphicsObject
    context_commands = ()

    def __init__(self, object):
  self.object = object

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
  return getattr(self.object, attr)

    def Destroy(self):
  # called by the edit mode selection when the editor it not
  # needed anymore.

    def ChangeRect(self):
  # ChangeRect indicates the area that is going to change during
  # the current click-drag-release cycle. It is safe to make this
  # equal to bounding_rect. This rectangle is used to determine
  # which parts of the window have to be redrawn.
  return self.bounding_rect

# Class Primitive
# The baseclass for all graphics primitives like Polygon, Rectangle, ...
# but not for composite objects. Basically, this adds the management of
# properties and styles to GraphicsObject

class Primitive(GraphicsObject):

    has_fill  = 1
    has_line  = 1
    has_properties = 1
    is_Primitive = 1

    tie_info = None
    script_access = GraphicsObject.script_access.copy()

    def __init__(self, properties = None, duplicate = None):
  GraphicsObject.__init__(self, duplicate = duplicate)
  if duplicate is not None: =
      if duplicate.tie_info:
    self.tie_info = duplicate.tie_info
      if properties is not None: = properties
      else: = PropertyStack()

    def Destroy(self):

    def UntieFromDocument(self):
  info =
  if info:
      self.tie_info = info

    def TieToDocument(self):
  if self.tie_info:, self.tie_info)
      del self.tie_info

    def Transform(self, trafo, rects = None):
  # Apply the affine transformation trafo to all coordinates and
  # the properties.
  undo =, rects)
  if undo is not NullUndo:
      return self.properties_changed(undo)
  return undo

    def Translate(self, offset):
  # Move all points by OFFSET. OFFSET is an SKPoint instance.
  return NullUndo

    def DrawShape(self, device):
  # Draw the object on device. Here we just set the properties.
  device.SetProperties(, self.bounding_rect)

    # The following functions manage the properties

    def set_property_stack(self, properties): = properties
    load_SetProperties = set_property_stack

    def properties_changed(self, undo):
  if undo is not NullUndo:
      return (UndoAfter, undo, self._changed())
  return undo

    def AddStyle(self, style):
  return self.properties_changed(
    script_access['AddStyle'] = SCRIPT_UNDO

    def Filled(self):
    script_access['Filled'] = SCRIPT_GET

    def Properties(self):
    script_access['Properties'] = SCRIPT_OBJECT

    def SetProperties(self, if_type_present = 0, **kw):
  if if_type_present:
      # change properties of that type if properties of that are
      # already present.
      prop_types = properties.property_types
      LineProperty = properties.LineProperty
      FillProperty = properties.FillProperty
      FontProperty = properties.FontProperty
      types = map(prop_types.get, kw.keys())
      if LineProperty in types and not
    for key in kw.keys():
        if prop_types[key] == LineProperty:
      del kw[key]
      if FillProperty in types and not
    for key in kw.keys():
        if prop_types[key] == FillProperty:
      del kw[key]
      if FontProperty in types and not
    for key in kw.keys():
        if prop_types[key] == FontProperty:
      del kw[key]
  return self.properties_changed(apply(, (),
    script_access['SetProperties'] = SCRIPT_UNDO

    def LineWidth(self):
  return 0
    script_access['LineWidth'] = SCRIPT_GET

    def ObjectChanged(self, obj):
      rect = self.bounding_rect
      self.document.AddClearRect(UnionRects(rect, self.bounding_rect))
      return 1
  return 0

    def ObjectRemoved(self, obj):

    def set_blended_properties(self, blended, other, frac1, frac2):
           frac1, frac2))

    def SaveToFile(self, file):
  # save object to file. Must be extended by the subclasses. Here,
  # we just save the properties.

# Class RectangularObject
# A mix-in class for graphics objects that are more or less rectangular
# and store their position and orientation in a SKTrafoObject.

class RectangularObject:

    def __init__(self, trafo = None, duplicate = None):
  if duplicate is not None:
      self.trafo = duplicate.trafo
      if not trafo:
    self.trafo = Identity
    self.trafo = trafo

    def Trafo(self):
        return self.trafo

    def LayoutPoint(self, *rest):
  # accept arguments to use this function as GetObjectHandle
  return self.trafo.offset()

    GetObjectHandle = LayoutPoint

    def Translate(self, offset):
  return self.Transform(Translation(offset))

    def set_transformation(self, trafo):
  undo = (self.set_transformation, self.trafo)
  self.trafo = trafo
  return undo

    def Transform(self, trafo):
  trafo = trafo(self.trafo)
  return self.set_transformation(trafo)

    def Blend(self, other, p, q):
  if other.__class__ == self.__class__:
      blended = self.__class__(BlendTrafo(self.trafo, other.trafo, p, q))
      self.set_blended_properties(blended, other, p, q)
      return blended
  raise MismatchError

class RectangularPrimitive(RectangularObject, Primitive):

    def __init__(self, trafo = None, properties = None, duplicate = None):
  RectangularObject.__init__(self, trafo, duplicate = duplicate)
  Primitive.__init__(self, properties = properties,
         duplicate = duplicate)

    def Transform(self, trafo, transform_properties = 1):
  undostyle = undo = NullUndo
      rect = self.bounding_rect
      undo = RectangularObject.Transform(self, trafo)
      if transform_properties:
    rects = (rect, self.bounding_rect)
    undostyle = Primitive.Transform(self, trafo, rects = rects)
      return CreateMultiUndo(undostyle, undo)

    def Translate(self, offset):
  return self.Transform(Translation(offset), transform_properties = 0)

class RectangularCreator(Creator):

    def __init__(self, start):
  Creator.__init__(self, start)
  self.trafo = Trafo(1, 0, 0, 1, start.x, start.y)

    def ButtonDown(self, p, button, state):
  Creator.DragStart(self, p)

    def apply_constraint(self, p, state):
  if state & ConstraintMask:
      trafo = self.trafo
            w, h = p - self.drag_start
      if w == 0:
    w = 0.00001
      a = h / w
      if a > 0:
    sign = 1
    sign = -1
      if abs(a) > 1.0:
    h = sign * w
    w = sign * h
      p = self.drag_start + Point(w, h)
  return p

    def MouseMove(self, p, state):
  p = self.apply_constraint(p, state)
  Creator.MouseMove(self, p, state)

    def ButtonUp(self, p, button, state):
  p = self.apply_constraint(p, state)
  Creator.DragStop(self, p)
  x, y =
  self.trafo = Trafo(x, 0, 0, y, self.trafo.v1, self.trafo.v2) | Contact Us
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