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Python Win32 GUI Automation » pywinauto 0.4.0 » pywinauto »
# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
#    Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    59 Temple Place,
#    Suite 330,
#    Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

"""The application module is the main one that users will user first.

When starting to automate and application you must initialize an instance
of the Application class. Then you must :func:`Application.Start` that
application or :func:`Application.Connect()` to a running instance of that

Once you have an Application instance you can access dialogs in that
application either by using one of the methods below. ::

   dlg = app.YourDialogTitle
   dlg = app.ChildWindow(title = "your title", classname = "your class", ...)
   dlg = app['Your Dialog Title']

Similarly once you have a dialog you can get a control from that dialog
in almost exactly the same ways. ::

  ctrl = dlg.YourControlTitle
  ctrl = dlg.ChildWindow(title = "Your control", classname = "Button", ...)
  ctrl = dlg["Your control"]

.. note::

   For attribute access of controls and dialogs you do not have to
   have the title of the control exactly, it does a best match of the
   avialable dialogs or controls.

.. seealso::

  :func:`pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows` for the keyword arguments that
  can be passed to both :func:`Application.Window` and


__revision__ = "$Revision: 738 $"

import time
import os.path
##import os
import warnings
import pickle

import ctypes

import win32structures
import win32functions
import win32defines
import controls
import findbestmatch
import findwindows
import handleprops

from timings import Timings,WaitUntil,TimeoutError,WaitUntilPasses

class AppStartError(Exception):
    "There was a problem starting the Application"
    pass    #pragma: no cover

class ProcessNotFoundError(Exception):
    "Could not find that process"
    pass    #pragma: no cover

class AppNotConnected(Exception):
    "Application has been connected to a process yet"
    pass    #pragma: no cover

#wait_method_deprecation = "Wait* functions are just simple wrappers around " \
#    "Wait() or WaitNot(), so they may be removed in the future!"

class WindowSpecification(object):
    """A specificiation for finding a window or control

    Windows are resolved when used.
    You can also wait for existance or non existance of a window

    def __init__(self, search_criteria):
        """Initailize the class

        * **search_criteria** the criteria to match a dialog

        # kwargs will contain however to find this window
        self.criteria = [search_criteria, ]

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "No __call__ so return a usefull error"

        if "best_match" in self.criteria[-1]:
            raise AttributeError(
                "WindowSpecification class has no '%s' method" %

        message = (
            "You tried to execute a function call on a WindowSpecification "
            "instance. You probably have a typo for one of the methods of "
            "this class.\n"
            "The criteria leading up to this is: " + str(self.criteria))

        raise AttributeError(message)

    def WrapperObject(self):
        "Allow the calling code to get the HwndWrapper object"

        ctrls = _resolve_control(self.criteria)

        return ctrls[-1]

    def ChildWindow(self, **criteria):
        """Add criteria for a control

        When this window specification is resolved then this will be used
        to match against a control."""

        # default to non top level windows because we are usualy
        # looking for a control
        if 'top_level_only' not in criteria:
            criteria['top_level_only'] = False

        new_item = WindowSpecification(self.criteria[0])

        return new_item
    def Window_(self, **criteria):
            "WindowSpecification.Window() WindowSpecification.Window_(), "
            "WindowSpecification.window() and WindowSpecification.window_() "
            "are deprecated, please switch to WindowSpecification.ChildWindow()",
        return self.ChildWindow(**criteria)
    window_ = Window_
    Window = Window_

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Allow access to dialogs/controls through item access

        This allows::


        to be used to access dialogs and controls.

        Both this and :func:`__getattr__` use the rules outlined in the
        HowTo document.

        # if we already have 2 levels of criteria (dlg, control)
        # then resolve the control and do a getitem on it for the
        if len(self.criteria) == 2:

            ctrls = _resolve_control(self.criteria)

            # try to return a good error message if the control does not
            # have a __getitem__() method)
            if hasattr(ctrls[-1], '__getitem__'):
                return ctrls[-1][key]
                message = "The control does not have a __getitem__ method " \
                    "for item access (i.e. ctrl[key]) so maybe you have " \
                    "requested this in error?"

                raise AttributeError(message)

        # if we get here then we must have only had one criteria so far
        # so create a new :class:`WindowSpecification` for this control
        new_item = WindowSpecification(self.criteria[0])

        # add our new criteria
        new_item.criteria.append({"best_match" : key})

        return new_item

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Attribute access for this class

        If we already have criteria for both dialog and control then
        resolve the control and return the requested attribute.

        If we have only criteria for the dialog but the attribute
        requested is an attribute of DialogWrapper then resolve the
        dialog and return the requested attribute.

        Otherwise delegate functionality to :func:`__getitem__` - which
        sets the appropriate criteria for the control.

        # dir (and possibly other code introspection asks for 
        # members like __methods__ and __members__, these are deprecated and I 
         #am not using them so just raise an attribute error immediately
        if attr.startswith("__") or attr.endswith("__"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Application object has no attribute '%s'"% attr)

        from pywinauto.controls.win32_controls import DialogWrapper

        # if we already have 2 levels of criteria (dlg, conrol)
        # this third must be an attribute so resolve and get the
        # attribute and return it
        if len(self.criteria) == 2:

            ctrls = _resolve_control(self.criteria)

            return getattr(ctrls[-1], attr)

            # if we have been asked for an attribute of the dialog
            # then resolve the window and return the attribute
            if len(self.criteria) == 1 and hasattr(DialogWrapper, attr):

                ctrls = _resolve_control(self.criteria)

                return getattr(ctrls[-1], attr)

        # It is a dialog/control criterion so let getitem
        # deal with it
        return self[attr]

    def Exists(self, timeout = None, retry_interval = None):
        "Check if the window exists"

        # set the current timings -couldn't set as defaults as they are
        # evaluated at import time - and timings may be changed at any time
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = Timings.exists_timeout
        if retry_interval is None:
            retry_interval = Timings.exists_retry

        # modify the criteria as Exists should look for all
        # windows - including not visible and disabled
        exists_criteria = self.criteria[:]
        for criterion in exists_criteria:
            criterion['enabled_only'] = False
            criterion['visible_only'] = False

                exists_criteria, timeout, retry_interval)

            return True
        except (
            return False

    def Wait(self,
            timeout = None,
            retry_interval = None):

        """Wait for the window to be in a particular state

        * **wait_for** The state to wait for the window to be in. It can be any
          of the following states

            * 'exists' means that the window is a valid handle
            * 'visible' means that the window is not hidden
            * 'enabled' means that the window is not disabled
            * 'ready' means that the window is visible and enabled
            * 'active' means that the window is visible and enabled

        * **timeout** Raise an error if the window is not in the appropriate
          state after this number of seconds.

        * **retry_interval** How long to sleep between each retry

        An example to wait until the dialog
        exists, is ready, enabled and visible

           self.Dlg.Wait("exists enabled visible ready")

        .. seealso::


        # set the current timings -couldn't set as defaults as they are
        # evaluated at import time - and timings may be changed at any time
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = Timings.exists_timeout
        if retry_interval is None:
            retry_interval = Timings.window_find_retry

        # allow for case mixups - just to make it easier to use
        waitfor = wait_for.lower()

        # make a copy of the criteria that we can modify
        wait_criteria = self.criteria[:]

        # update the criteria based on what has been requested
        # we go from least strict to most strict in case the user
        # has specified conflicting wait conditions
        for criterion in wait_criteria:
            # default is that it 'exists' and for exists
            # we must not filter for enabled only or visible only (window
            # can exist even if invisible or disabled)
            criterion['enabled_only'] = False
            criterion['visible_only'] = False
            if 'exists' in waitfor:

            if 'visible' in waitfor:
                criterion['visible_only'] = True

            if 'enabled' in waitfor:
                criterion['enabled_only'] = True

            if 'ready' in waitfor:
                criterion['visible_only'] = True
                criterion['enabled_only'] = True

            if 'active' in waitfor:
                criterion['active_only'] = True

        ctrls = _resolve_control(wait_criteria, timeout, retry_interval)

        return ctrls[-1]

    def WaitNot(self,
            timeout = None,
            retry_interval = None):

        """Wait for the window to not be in a particular state

        * **wait_for** The state to wait for the window to not be in. It can be any
          of the following states

            * 'exists' means that the window is a valid handle
            * 'visible' means that the window is not hidden
            * 'enabled' means that the window is not disabled
            * 'ready' means that the window is visible and enabled
            * 'active' means that the window is visible and enabled

        * **timeout** Raise an error if the window is sill in the
          state after this number of seconds.(Optional)
        * **wiat_interval** How long to sleep between each retry (Optional)

        e.g. self.Dlg.WaitNot("exists enabled visible ready")

        .. seealso::


        # set the current timings -couldn't set as defaults as they are
        # evaluated at import time - and timings may be changed at any time
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = Timings.window_find_timeout
        if retry_interval is None:
            retry_interval = Timings.window_find_retry

        ## remember the start time so we can do an accurate wait for the timeout
        #start = time.time()

        waitnot_criteria = self.criteria[:]
        for criterion in waitnot_criteria:
            criterion['enabled_only'] = False
            criterion['visible_only'] = False

        wait_for_not = wait_for_not.lower()

        def WindowIsNotXXX():
            """Local function that returns False if the window is not
            Visible, etc. Otherwise returns the best matching control"""

            # first check if the window doesn't exist, because if it doesn't
            # exist, it definitely can't be visible, active enabled or ready
                ctrls = _resolve_control(waitnot_criteria, 0, .01)
                # if we get here - then the window exists and we need to
                # do the other checks below

            except (
                # Window doesn't exist
                return True

            if 'exists' in wait_for_not:
                # well if we got here then the control must have
                # existed so we are not ready to stop checking
                # because we didn't want the control to exist!
                return ctrls

            if 'ready' in wait_for_not:
                if ctrls[-1].IsVisible() and ctrls[-1].IsEnabled():
                    return ctrls

            if 'enabled' in wait_for_not:
                if ctrls[-1].IsEnabled():
                    return ctrls

            if 'visible' in wait_for_not:
                if ctrls[-1].IsVisible():
                    return ctrls

            return True

            wait_val = WaitUntil(timeout, retry_interval, WindowIsNotXXX)
        except TimeoutError, e:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Timed out while waiting for window (%s - '%s') "
                "to not be in '%s' state"% (
                    "', '".join( wait_for_not.split() ) )

    def _ctrl_identifiers(self):

        ctrls = _resolve_control(

        if ctrls[-1].IsDialog():
            # dialog controls are all the control on the dialog
            dialog_controls = ctrls[-1].Children()

            ctrls_to_print = dialog_controls[:]
            # filter out hidden controls
            ctrls_to_print = [
                ctrl for ctrl in ctrls_to_print if ctrl.IsVisible()]
            dialog_controls = ctrls[-1].TopLevelParent().Children()
            ctrls_to_print = [ctrls[-1]]

        # build the list of disambiguated list of control names
        name_control_map = findbestmatch.build_unique_dict(dialog_controls)

        # swap it around so that we are mapped off the controls
        control_name_map = {}
        for name, ctrl in name_control_map.items():
            control_name_map.setdefault(ctrl, []).append(name)

        return control_name_map

    def PrintControlIdentifiers(self):
        """Prints the 'identifiers'

        If you pass in a control then it just prints the identifiers
        for that control

        If you pass in a dialog then it prints the identiferis for all
        controls in the dialog

        :Note: The identifiers printed by this method have not been made
               unique. So if you have 2 edit boxes, they will both have "Edit"
               listed in their identifiers. In reality though the first one
               can be refered to as "Edit", "Edit0", "Edit1" and the 2nd
               should be refered to as "Edit2".

        #name_control_map = self._ctrl_identifiers()
        ctrls = _resolve_control(

        if ctrls[-1].IsDialog():
            # dialog controls are all the control on the dialog
            dialog_controls = ctrls[-1].Children()

            ctrls_to_print = dialog_controls[:]
            # filter out hidden controls
            ctrls_to_print = [
                ctrl for ctrl in ctrls_to_print if ctrl.IsVisible()]
            dialog_controls = ctrls[-1].TopLevelParent().Children()
            ctrls_to_print = [ctrls[-1]]

        # build the list of disambiguated list of control names
        name_control_map = findbestmatch.build_unique_dict(dialog_controls)

        # swap it around so that we are mapped off the controls
        control_name_map = {}
        for name, ctrl in name_control_map.items():
            control_name_map.setdefault(ctrl, []).append(name)

        print "Control Identifiers:"
        for ctrl in ctrls_to_print:

            print "%s - '%s'   %s"% (

            print "\t",
            names = control_name_map[ctrl]
            for name in names:
                print "'%s'" % name.encode("unicode_escape"),

#        for ctrl in ctrls_to_print:
#            print "%s - '%s'   %s"% (
#                ctrl.Class(), ctrl.WindowText(), str(ctrl.Rectangle()))
#            print "\t",
#            for text in findbestmatch.get_control_names(
#                ctrl, dialog_controls):
#                print "'%s'" % text.encode("unicode_escape"),
#            print

    print_control_identifiers = PrintControlIdentifiers

def _get_ctrl(criteria_):
    "Get the control based on the various criteria"

    # make a copy of the criteria
    criteria = [crit.copy() for crit in criteria_]

    # find the dialog
    dialog = controls.WrapHandle(

    ctrl = None
    # if there is only criteria for a dialog then return it
    if len(criteria) > 1:
        # so there was criteria for a control, add the extra criteria
        # that are required for child controls
        ctrl_criteria = criteria[1]
        ctrl_criteria["top_level_only"] = False
        ctrl_criteria["parent"] = dialog.handle

        # resolve the control and return it
        ctrl = controls.WrapHandle(

    if ctrl:
        return (dialog, ctrl)
        return (dialog, )

cur_item = 0

def _resolve_from_appdata(
    criteria_, app, timeout = None, retry_interval = None):
    "Should not be used at the moment!"

    if timeout is None:
        timeout = Timings.window_find_timeout
    if retry_interval is None:
        retry_interval = Timings.window_find_retry

    global cur_item
    # get the stored item corresponding to this request
    matched_control = app.GetMatchHistoryItem(cur_item)

    cur_item += 1
    # remove parameters from the original search  that changes each time
    criteria = [crit.copy() for crit in criteria_]

    # Remove any attributes from the current search that are
    # completely language dependent
    for unloc_attrib in ['title_re', 'title', 'best_match']:
        for c in criteria:
            if c.has_key(unloc_attrib):
                del c[unloc_attrib]

    #found_criteria = item[0]
    #for c in found_criteria:
    #    if c.has_key('process'):
    #        del c['process']
    # They should match - so if they don't print it out.
    #if found_criteria != search_criteria:
    #    print "\t\t", matched[cur_index - 3][0]
    #    print "\t" ,matched[cur_index - 2][0]
    #    print search_criteria
    #    print "---"
    #    print found_criteria
    #    raise RuntimeError("Mismatch")

    # so let's use the ID from the matched control...
    #print item[1]

    # we need to try and get a good match for the dialog
    # this could be done by matching
    # - number/positoin of controls
    # - class
    # anything else?

    dialog_criterion = criteria[0]
    #print list(matched_control)
    dialog_criterion['class_name'] = matched_control[1]['Class']

    # find all the windows in the process
    process_hwnds = findwindows.find_windows(**dialog_criterion)

    dialog = None
    ctrl = None
    if len(process_hwnds) >= 1:

        similar_child_count = [h for h in process_hwnds
            if matched_control[1]['ControlCount'] -2 <=
                    len(handleprops.children(h)) and
                matched_control[1]['ControlCount'] +2 >=

        if len(similar_child_count) == 0:
            #print "None Similar child count!!???"
            #print matched_control[1]['ControlCount'], \
            #    len(handleprops.children(h))
            process_hwnds = similar_child_count

        for h in process_hwnds:
            #print controls.WrapHandle(h).GetProperties()
            #print "======", h, h, h

            dialog = controls.WrapHandle(h)

            # if a control was specified also
            if len(criteria_) > 1:
                # find it in the original data
                #print item[2]

                # remove those criteria which are langauge specific
                ctrl_criterion = criteria[1]

                #def has_same_id(other_ctrl):
                #    print "==="*20
                #    print "testing", item[2]['ControlID'],
                #    print "against", other_ctrl
                #    return item[2]['ControlID'] == \
                #    handleprops.controlid(other_ctrl)

                ctrl_criterion['class_name'] = matched_control[2]['Class']
                ctrl_criterion['parent'] = dialog.handle
                ctrl_criterion['top_level_only'] = False
                #ctrl_criterion['predicate_func'] = has_same_id
                #print "CTRLCTRJL", ctrl_criterion
                ctrl_hwnds = findwindows.find_windows(**ctrl_criterion)

                if len(ctrl_hwnds) > 1:
                    same_ids = \
                        [hwnd for hwnd in ctrl_hwnds
                            if handleprops.controlid(hwnd) == \

                    if len(same_ids) >= 1:
                        ctrl_hwnds = same_ids

                    ctrl = controls.WrapHandle(ctrl_hwnds[0])
                except IndexError:
                    print "-+-+=_" * 20
                    print found_criteria


    # it is possible that the dialog will not be found - so we
    # should raise an error
    if dialog is None:
        raise findwindows.WindowNotFoundError()

    if len(criteria_) == 2 and ctrl is None:
        raise findwindows.WindowNotFoundError()

    if ctrl:
        return dialog, ctrl
        return (dialog, )

    #print process_hwnds

##        # if best match was specified for the dialog
##        # then we need to replace it with other values
##        # for now we will just use Class
##        for crit in ['best_match', 'title', 'title_re']:
##            if crit in criteria[0]:
##                del(criteria[0][crit])
##                criteria[0]['class_name'] = app_data[0].Class()#['Class']
##            if len(criteria) > 1:
##                # find the best match of the application data
##                if criteria[1].has_key('best_match'):
##                    best_match = findbestmatch.find_best_control_matches(
##                        criteria[1]['best_match'], app_data)[0]
##                    #visible_controls = [ctrl in app_data if ctrl.IsVisible()]
##                    #find the index of the best match item
##                    ctrl_index = app_data.index(best_match)
##                    #print best_match[0].WindowText()
##                    ctrl_index, best_match.WindowText()
##                    criteria[1]['ctrl_index'] = ctrl_index -1
##                    #criteria[1]['class_name'] = best_match.Class()
##                    #del(criteria[1]['best_match'])
## One idea here would be to run the new criteria on the app_data dialog and
## if it returns more then one control then you figure out which one would be
## best - so that you have that info when running on the current dialog
##            #for criterion in criteria[1:]:
##                # this part is weird - we now have to go off and find the
##                # index, class, text of the control in the app_data
##                # and then find the best match for this control in the
##                # current dialog
##            #    pass

#    dialog = None

    #return _resolve_control(criteria_, timeout, retry_interval)

def _resolve_control(criteria, timeout = None, retry_interval = None):
    """Find a control using criteria

    * **criteria** - a list that contains 1 or 2 dictionaries

         1st element is search criteria for the dialog

         2nd element is the search criteria for a control of the dialog

    * **timeout** -  maximum length of time to try to find the controls (default 0)
    * **retry_interval** - how long to wait between each retry (default .2)

    start = time.time()

    if timeout is None:
        timeout = Timings.window_find_timeout
    if retry_interval is None:
        retry_interval = Timings.window_find_retry

        ctrl = WaitUntilPasses(

    except TimeoutError, e:
        raise e.original_exception

    return ctrl

class Application(object):
    "Represents an application"

    def __init__(self, datafilename = None):
        "Set the attributes"
        self.process = None
        self.xmlpath = ''

        self.match_history = []
        self.use_history = False

        # load the match history if a file was specifed
        # and it exists
        if datafilename and os.path.exists(datafilename):
            datafile = open(datafilename, "rb")
            self.match_history = pickle.load(datafile)
            self.use_history = True

    def __start(*args, **kwargs):
        "Convenience static method that calls start"
            "Class/Static methods Application.start(), application.start() "
            "are deprecated, please switch to instance method connect_. "
            "Please note that in a future release that start_() will be "
            "renamed to Start().",
            "Class/StaticMethods Start, start deprecated, please switch "
            "to instance method Start",
        return Application().start_(*args, **kwargs)
    start = staticmethod(__start)
    Start = start

    def __connect(*args, **kwargs):
        "Convenience static method that calls connect"
            "Class/Static methods Application.Connect(), application.connect() "
            "are deprecated, please switch to instance method connect_. "
            "Please note that in a future release that connect_() will be "
            "renamed to Connect().",
        return Application().connect_(*args, **kwargs)
    connect = staticmethod(__connect)
    Connect = connect

    def start_(self, cmd_line, timeout = None, retry_interval = None):
        "Starts the application giving in cmd_line"

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = Timings.app_start_timeout
        if retry_interval is None:
            retry_interval = Timings.app_start_retry

        start_info = win32structures.STARTUPINFOW() = ctypes.sizeof(start_info)

        proc_info = win32structures.PROCESS_INFORMATION()

        # we need to wrap the command line as it can be modified
        # by the function
        command_line = ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(cmd_line))

        # Actually create the process
        ret = win32functions.CreateProcess(
            0,           # module name
            command_line,    # command line
            0,           # Process handle not inheritable.
            0,           # Thread handle not inheritable.
            0,           # Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
            0,           # No creation flags.
            0,           # Use parent's environment block.
            0,          # Use parent's starting directory.
            ctypes.byref(start_info),# Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
            ctypes.byref(proc_info)) # Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure

        # if it failed for some reason
        if not ret:
            message = ('Could not create the process "%s"\n'
                'Error returned by CreateProcess: %s')% (
                    cmd_line, ctypes.WinError())
            raise AppStartError(message)

        self.process = proc_info.dwProcessId

        def AppIdle():
            "Return true when the application is ready to start"
            result = win32functions.WaitForInputIdle(
                proc_info.hProcess, int(timeout * 1000))

            # wait completed successfully
            if result == 0:
                return True

            # the wait returned because it timed out
            if result == win32defines.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
                return False

            return bool(self.windows_())

        # Wait until the application is ready after starting it
            WaitUntil(timeout, retry_interval, AppIdle)
        except TimeoutError:

        return self

    Start_ = start_

    def connect_(self, **kwargs):
        "Connects to an already running process"

        connected = False
        if 'process' in kwargs:
            self.process = kwargs['process']
            connected = True

        elif 'handle' in kwargs:

            if not handleprops.iswindow(kwargs['handle']):
                message = "Invalid handle 0x%x passed to connect_()"% (
                raise RuntimeError(message)

            self.process = handleprops.processid(kwargs['handle'])

            connected = True

        elif 'path' in kwargs:
            self.process = process_from_module(kwargs['path'])
            connected = True

        elif kwargs:
            handle = findwindows.find_window(**kwargs)
            self.process = handleprops.processid(handle)
            connected = True

        if not connected:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "You must specify one of process, handle or path")

        return self
    Connect_ = connect_

    def top_window_(self):
        "Return the current top window of the application"
        if not self.process:
            raise AppNotConnected("Please use start_ or connect_ before "
                "trying anything else")

        # very simple
        windows = findwindows.find_windows(process = self.process)

        if not windows:
            raise RuntimeError("No windows for that process could be found")

        criteria = {}
        criteria['handle'] = windows[0]

        return WindowSpecification(criteria)

    def active_(self):
        "Return the active window of the application"
        if not self.process:
            raise AppNotConnected("Please use start_ or connect_ before "
                "trying anything else")

        # very simple
        windows = findwindows.find_windows(
            process = self.process, active_only = True)

        if not windows:
            raise RuntimeError("No Windows of that application are active")

        criteria = {}
        criteria['handle'] = windows[0]

        return WindowSpecification(criteria)

    def windows_(self, **kwargs):
        """Return list of wrapped windows of the top level windows of
        the application

        if not self.process:
            raise AppNotConnected("Please use start_ or connect_ before "
                "trying anything else")

        if 'visible_only' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['visible_only'] = False

        if 'enabled_only' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['enabled_only'] = False

        kwargs['process'] = self.process

        windows = findwindows.find_windows(**kwargs)

        return [controls.WrapHandle(win) for win in windows]

    Windows_ = windows_

    def window_(self, **kwargs):
        """Return a window of the application

        You can specify the same parameters as findwindows.find_windows.
        It will add the process parameter to ensure that the window is from
        the current process.

        if not self.process:
            win_spec = WindowSpecification(kwargs)
            self.process = win_spec.WrapperObject().ProcessID()
        # add the restriction for this particular process
            kwargs['process'] = self.process

            win_spec = WindowSpecification(kwargs)

        return win_spec
    Window_ = window_

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "Find the specified dialog of the application"

        # delegate searching functionality to self.window_()
        return self.window_(best_match = key)

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        "Find the spedified dialog of the application"

        # dir (and possibly other code introspection asks for the following
        # members, these are deprecated and I am not using them so just
        # raise an attribute error immediately
        if key.startswith("__") or key.endswith("__"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Application object has no attribute '%s'"% key)

        # delegate all functionality to item access
        return self[key]

    def WriteAppData(self, filename):
        "Should not be used - part of application data implementation"
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        pickle.dump(self.match_history, f)

    def GetMatchHistoryItem(self, index):
        "Should not be used - part of application data implementation"
        return self.match_history[index]

    def Kill_(self):
        """Try and kill the application

        Dialogs may pop up asking to save data - but the application
        will be killed anyway - you will not be able to click the buttons.
        this should only be used

        windows = self.windows_(visible_only = True)
        #ok_to_kill = True

        for win in windows:

            #t = threading.Thread(target = OKToClose, args = (win) )



            #while t.isAlive() and not forcekill:
            #    time.sleep(.5)

                timeout = .5,
                timeoutflags = (win32defines.SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG)) # |
                    #win32defines.SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG)) # |

            except TimeoutError:
            #print `ok_to_kill`, win.Texts()

        #print `ok_to_kill`
#        if ok_to_kill:
#            for win in windows:
#                print "\tclosing:", win.Texts()
#                self.windows_()[0].Close()
#        elif not forcekill:
#            return False

        # window has let us know that it doesn't want to die - so we abort
        # this means that the app is not hung - but knows it doesn't want
        # to close yet - e.g. it is asking the user if they want to save
        #if not forcekill:
        #    return False

        #print "supposedly closed all windows!"

        # so we have either closed the windows - or the app is hung

        # get a handle we can wait on
        process_wait_handle = win32functions.OpenProcess(
            win32defines.SYNCHRONIZE | win32defines.PROCESS_TERMINATE ,

        killed = True
        if process_wait_handle:

            # wait for the window to close
                Timings.after_windowclose_timeout * 1000)

            #if forcekill:
            win32functions.TerminateProcess(process_wait_handle, 0)
            #    killed = False


        return killed

    kill_ = Kill_

#def OKToClose(window):
#    return_val = bool(window.SendMessageTimeout(
#        win32defines.WM_QUERYENDSESSION,
#        timeout = 1000,
#        timeoutflags = win32defines.SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG))# |
#    print "2343242343242"  * 100
#    return return_val

def AssertValidProcess(process_id):
    "Raise ProcessNotFound error if process_id is not a valid process id"
    # Set instance variable _module if not already set
    process_handle = win32functions.OpenProcess(
        0x400 | 0x010, 0, process_id) # read and query info

    if not process_handle:
        message = "Process with ID '%d' could not be opened" % process_id
        raise ProcessNotFoundError(message)

    return process_handle

def process_module(process_id):
    "Return the string module name of this process"
    process_handle = AssertValidProcess(process_id)

    # get module name from process handle
    filename = (ctypes.c_wchar * 2000)()
        process_handle, 0, ctypes.byref(filename), 2000)

    # return the process value
    return filename.value

def process_from_module(module):
    "Return the running process with path module"

    # set up the variable to pass to EnumProcesses
    processes = (ctypes.c_int * 2000)()
    bytes_returned = ctypes.c_int()

    # collect all the running processes

    modules = []
    # Get the process names
    for i in range(0, bytes_returned.value / ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)):
            modules.append((processes[i], process_module(processes[i])))
        except ProcessNotFoundError:

    # check for a module with a matching name in reverse order
    # as we are most likely to want to connect to the last
    # run instance
    for process, name in modules:
        if module.lower() in name.lower():
            return process

#    # check if any of the running process has this module
#    for i in range(0, bytes_returned.value / ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)):
#        try:
#            p_module = process_module(processes[i]).lower()
#            if module.lower() in p_module:
#                return processes[i]

    message = "Could not find any process with a module of '%s'" % module
    raise ProcessNotFoundError(message)

#def WaitForDialog(dlg):
#    waited = 0
#    timeout = 10
#    app = None
#    while not app and waited <= timeout:
#        try:
#            app = Application.connect(best_match = dlg)
#        except Exception, e:
#            time.sleep(1)
#            waited += 1
#    if app is None:
#        raise RuntimeError("Window not found: '%s'"%dlg)
#    return app, app[dlg] | Contact Us
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