:  » ERP » frePPLe » frepple-0.8.0 » contrib » django » freppledb » input » Python Open Source

Python Open Source Python
3.Aspect Oriented
6.Business Application
7.Chart Report
8.Content Management Systems
15.Game 2D 3D
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25.Media Sound Audio
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34.Template Engines
37.USB Serial
38.Web Frameworks
39.Web Server
40.Web Services
41.Web Unit
Python Open Source » ERP » frePPLe 
frePPLe » frepple 0.8.0 » contrib » django » freppledb » input »
# Copyright (C) 2007 by Johan De Taeye
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# file : $URL: $
# revision : $LastChangedRevision: 1158 $  $LastChangedBy: jdetaeye $
# date : $LastChangedDate: 2010-01-19 18:19:52 +0100 (Tue, 19 Jan 2010) $

from datetime import date,datetime

from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
from django.http import HttpResponse,HttpResponseForbidden,Http404
from django.core import serializers
from django.utils.simplejson.decoder import JSONDecoder
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy

from input.models import *
from import *

class uploadjson:
  This class allows us to process json-formatted post requests.

  The current implementation is only temporary until a more generic REST interface
  becomes available in Django: see
  def post(request):
      # Validate the upload form
      if request.method != 'POST':
        raise Exception('Only POST method allowed')

      # Validate uploaded file is present
      if len(request.FILES)!=1 or 'data' not in request.FILES \
        or request.FILES['data'].content_type != 'application/json' \
        or request.FILES['data'].size > 1000000:
          raise Exception('Invalid uploaded data')

      # Parse the uploaded data and go over each record
      for i in JSONDecoder().decode(request.FILES['data'].read()):
          entity = i['entity']

          # CASE 1: The maximum calendar of a resource is being edited
          if entity == 'resource.maximum':
            # Create a message
              msg = "capacity change for '%s' between %s and %s to %s" % \
              msg = "capacity change"
            # a) Verify permissions
            if not request.user.has_perm('input.change_resource'):
              raise Exception('No permission to change resources')
            # b) Find the calendar
            res = Resource.objects.get(name = i['name'])
            if not res.maximum:
              raise Exception('Resource "%s" has no max calendar' %
            # c) Update the calendar
            start = datetime.strptime(i['startdate'],'%Y-%m-%d')
            end = datetime.strptime(i['enddate'],'%Y-%m-%d')
              float(i['value']) / (end - start).days,
              user = request.user)

          # CASE 2: The forecast quantity is being edited
          elif entity == '':
            # Create a message
              msg = "forecast change for '%s' between %s and %s to %s" % \
              msg = "forecast change"
            # a) Verify permissions
            if not request.user.has_perm('input.change_forecastdemand'):
              raise Exception('No permission to change forecast demand')
            # b) Find the forecast
            start = datetime.strptime(i['startdate'],'%Y-%m-%d')
            end = datetime.strptime(i['enddate'],'%Y-%m-%d')
            fcst = Forecast.objects.get(name = i['name'])
            # c) Update the forecast

          # All the rest is garbage
            msg = "unknown action"
            raise Exception("Unknown action type '%s'" % entity)

        except Exception, e:
          request.user.message_set.create(message='Error processing %s: %s' % (msg,e))

      # Processing went fine...
      return HttpResponse("OK")

    except Exception, e:
      print 'Error processing uploaded data: %s %s' % (type(e),e)
      return HttpResponseForbidden('Error processing uploaded data: %s' % e)

class pathreport:
  A report showing the upstream supply path or following downstream a
  where-used path.
  The supply path report shows all the materials, operations and resources
  used to make a certain item.
  The where-used report shows all the materials and operations that use
  a specific item.

  def getPath(type, entity, downstream):
    A generator function that recurses upstream or downstream in the supply

    todo: The current code only supports 1 level of super- or sub-operations.
    from decimal import Decimal
    from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
    if type == 'buffer':
      # Find the buffer
      try: root = [ (0, Buffer.objects.get(name=entity), None, None, None, Decimal(1)) ]
      except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, "buffer %s doesn't exist" % entity
    elif type == 'item':
      # Find the item
        root = [ (0, r, None, None, None, Decimal(1)) for r in Buffer.objects.filter(item=entity) ]
      except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, "item %s doesn't exist" % entity
    elif type == 'operation':
      # Find the operation
      try: root = [ (0, None, None, Operation.objects.get(name=entity), None, Decimal(1)) ]
      except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, "operation %s doesn't exist" % entity
    elif type == 'resource':
      # Find the resource
      try: root = Resource.objects.get(name=entity)
      except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, "resource %s doesn't exist" % entity
      root = [ (0, None, None, i.operation, None, Decimal(1)) for i in root.loads.all() ]
      raise Http404, "invalid entity type %s" % type

    # Note that the root to start with can be either buffer or operation.
    visited = []
    while len(root) > 0:
      level, curbuffer, curprodflow, curoperation, curconsflow, curqty = root.pop()
      yield {
        'buffer': curbuffer,
        'producingflow': curprodflow,
        'operation': curoperation,
        'level': abs(level),
        'consumingflow': curconsflow,
        'cumquantity': curqty,

      # Avoid infinite loops when the supply chain contains cycles
      if curbuffer in visited: continue
      else: visited.append(curbuffer)

      if downstream:
        # Find all operations consuming from this buffer...
        if curbuffer:
          start = [ (i, i.operation) for i in curbuffer.flows.filter(quantity__lt=0).select_related(depth=1) ]
          start = [ (None, curoperation) ]
        for cons_flow, curoperation in start:
          if not cons_flow and not curoperation: continue
          # ... and pick up the buffer they produce into
          ok = False

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on current operation
          for prod_flow in curoperation.flows.filter(quantity__gt=0).select_related(depth=1):
            ok = True
            root.append( (level+1, prod_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, curoperation, cons_flow, curqty / prod_flow.quantity * (cons_flow and cons_flow.quantity * -1 or 1)) )

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on super-operations
          for x in curoperation.superoperations.select_related(depth=1):
            for prod_flow in x.suboperation.flows.filter(quantity__gt=0):
              ok = True
              root.append( (level+1, prod_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, curoperation, cons_flow, curqty / prod_flow.quantity * (cons_flow and cons_flow.quantity * -1 or 1)) )

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on sub-operations
          for x in curoperation.suboperations.select_related(depth=1):
            for prod_flow in x.operation.flows.filter(quantity__gt=0):
              ok = True
              root.append( (level+1, prod_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, curoperation, cons_flow, curqty / prod_flow.quantity * (cons_flow and cons_flow.quantity * -1 or 1)) )

          if not ok and cons_flow:
            # No producing flow found: there are no more buffers downstream
            root.append( (level+1, None, None, curoperation, cons_flow, curqty * cons_flow.quantity * -1) )

        # Find all operations producing into this buffer...
        if curbuffer:
          if curbuffer.producing:
            start = [ (i, i.operation) for i in curbuffer.producing.flows.filter(quantity__gt=0).select_related(depth=1) ]
            start = []
          start = [ (None, curoperation) ]
        for prod_flow, curoperation in start:
          if not prod_flow and not curoperation: continue
          # ... and pick up the buffer they produce into
          ok = False

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on current operation
          for cons_flow in curoperation.flows.filter(quantity__lt=0).select_related(depth=1):
            ok = True
            root.append( (level-1, cons_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, cons_flow.operation, cons_flow, curqty / (prod_flow and prod_flow.quantity or 1) * cons_flow.quantity * -1) )

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on super-operations
          for x in curoperation.superoperations.select_related(depth=1):
            for cons_flow in x.suboperation.flows.filter(quantity__lt=0):
              ok = True
              root.append( (level-1, cons_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, cons_flow.operation, cons_flow, curqty / (prod_flow and prod_flow.quantity or 1) * cons_flow.quantity * -1) )

          # Push the next buffer on the stack, based on sub-operations
          for x in curoperation.suboperations.select_related(depth=1):
            for cons_flow in x.operation.flows.filter(quantity__lt=0):
              ok = True
              root.append( (level-1, cons_flow.thebuffer, prod_flow, cons_flow.operation, cons_flow, curqty / (prod_flow and prod_flow.quantity or 1) * cons_flow.quantity * -1) )

          if not ok and prod_flow:
            # No consuming flow found: there are no more buffers upstream
            ok = True
            root.append( (level-1, None, prod_flow, prod_flow.operation, None, curqty / prod_flow.quantity) )

  def viewdownstream(request, type, entity):
    return render_to_response('input/path.html', RequestContext(request,{
       'title': _('Where-used report for %(type)s %(entity)s') % {'type':_(type), 'entity':entity},
       'supplypath': pathreport.getPath(type, entity, True),
       'type': type,
       'entity': entity,
       'downstream': True,

  def viewupstream(request, type, entity):
    return render_to_response('input/path.html', RequestContext(request,{
       'title': _('Supply path report for %(type)s %(entity)s') % {'type':_(type), 'entity':entity},
       'supplypath': pathreport.getPath(type, entity, False),
       'type': type,
       'entity': entity,
       'downstream': False,

class BufferList(ListReport):
  A list report to show buffers.
  template = 'input/bufferlist.html'
  title = _("Buffer List")
  basequeryset = Buffer.objects.all()
  model = Buffer
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('location', {
      'title': _('location'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='location__name'),
    ('item', {
      'title': _('item'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='item__name'),
    ('onhand', {
      'title': _('onhand'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(size=5, operator="lt"),
    ('type', {
      'title': _('type'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('minimum', {
      'title': _('minimum'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='minimum__name'),
    ('producing', {
      'title': _('producing'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='producing__name'),
    ('carrying_cost', {
      'title': _('carrying cost'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(size=5, operator="lt"),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class SetupMatrixList(ListReport):
  A list report to show setup matrices.
  template = 'input/setupmatrixlist.html'
  title = _("Setup Matrix List")
  basequeryset = SetupMatrix.objects.all()
  model = SetupMatrix
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values('name','lastmodified')

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class ResourceList(ListReport):
  A list report to show resources.
  template = 'input/resourcelist.html'
  title = _("Resource List")
  basequeryset = Resource.objects.all()
  model = Resource
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('location', {
      'title': _('location'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='location__name'),
    ('type', {
      'title': _('type'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('maximum', {
      'title': _('maximum'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='maximum__name'),
    ('cost', {
      'title': _('cost'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(size=5, operator="lt"),
    ('maxearly', {
      'title': _('max early'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('setupmatrix', {
      'title': _('setup matrix'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('setup', {
      'title': _('setup'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class LocationList(ListReport):
  A list report to show locations.
  template = 'input/locationlist.html'
  title = _("Location List")
  basequeryset = Location.objects.all()
  model = Location
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('available', {
      'title': _('available'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='available__name'),
    ('owner', {
      'title': _('owner'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='owner__name'),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class CustomerList(ListReport):
  A list report to show locations.
  template = 'input/customerlist.html'
  title = _("Customer List")
  basequeryset = Customer.objects.all()
  model = Customer
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('owner', {
      'title': _('owner'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='owner__name'),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class ItemList(ListReport):
  A list report to show items.
  template = 'input/itemlist.html'
  title = _("Item List")
  basequeryset = Item.objects.all()
  model = Item
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='operation__name'),
    ('owner', {
      'title': _('owner'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='owner__name'),
    ('price', {
      'title': _('price'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(size=5, operator="lt"),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class LoadList(ListReport):
  A list report to show loads.
  template = 'input/loadlist.html'
  title = _("Load List")
  basequeryset = Load.objects.all()
  model = Load
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('id', {
      'title': _('identifier'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='operation__name'),
    ('resource', {
      'title': _('resource'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='resource__name'),
    ('quantity', {
      'title': _('quantity'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('effective_start', {
      'title': _('effective start'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('effective_end', {
      'title': _('effective end'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('alternate', {
      'title': _('alternate'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('priority', {
      'title': _('priority'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('setup', {
      'title': _('setup'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('search', {
      'title': _('search mode'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class FlowList(ListReport):
  A list report to show flows.
  template = 'input/flowlist.html'
  title = _("Flow List")
  basequeryset = Flow.objects.all()
  model = Flow
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('id', {
      'title': _('identifier'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='operation__name'),
    ('thebuffer', {
      'title': _('buffer'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='thebuffer__name'),
    ('type', {
      'title': _('type'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('quantity', {
      'title': _('quantity'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('effective_start', {
      'title': _('effective start'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('effective_end', {
      'title': _('effective end'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('alternate', {
      'title': _('alternate'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('priority', {
      'title': _('priority'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('search', {
      'title': _('search mode'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class DemandList(ListReport):
  A list report to show demands.
  template = 'input/demandlist.html'
  title = _("Demand List")
  basequeryset = Demand.objects.all()
  model = Demand
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('item', {
      'title': _('item'),
      'filter': FilterText(field="item__name"),
    ('customer', {
      'title': _('customer'),
      'filter': FilterText(field="customer__name"),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('due', {
      'title': _('due'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('quantity', {
      'title': _('quantity'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('delivery operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('priority', {
      'title': _('priority'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('owner', {
      'title': _('owner'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='owner__name'),
    ('maxlateness', {
      'title': _('maximum lateness'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('minshipment', {
      'title': _('minimum shipment'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class ForecastList(ListReport):
  A list report to show forecasts.
  template = 'input/forecastlist.html'
  title = _("Forecast List")
  basequeryset = Forecast.objects.all()
  model = Forecast
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('item', {
      'title': _('item'),
      'filter': FilterText(field="item__name"),
    ('customer', {
      'title': _('customer'),
      'filter': FilterText(field="customer__name"),
    ('calendar', {
      'title': _('calendar'),
      'filter': FilterText(field="calendar__name"),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('priority', {
      'title': _('priority'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('minshipment', {
      'title': _('minshipment'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('maxlateness', {
      'title': _('maxlateness'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('discrete', {
      'title': _('discrete'),
      'filter': FilterBool(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class CalendarList(ListReport):
  A list report to show calendars.
  template = 'input/calendarlist.html'
  title = _("Calendar List")
  basequeryset = Calendar.objects.all()
  model = Calendar
  frozenColumns = 1
  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('type', {
      'title': _('type'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('defaultvalue', {
      'title': _('default value'),
      'sort': FilterNumber(),
    ('currentvalue', {      # @todo this field doesn't show up nice in the CSV export
      'title': _('current value'),
      'sort': False,
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class OperationList(ListReport):
  A list report to show operations.
  template = 'input/operationlist.html'
  title = _("Operation List")
  basequeryset = Operation.objects.all()
  model = Operation
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('name', {
      'title': _('name'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('description', {
      'title': _('description'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('category', {
      'title': _('category'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('subcategory', {
      'title': _('subcategory'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('type', {
      'title': _('type'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('location', {
      'title': _('location'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='location__name'),
    ('fence', {
      'title': _('fence'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('pretime', {
      'title': _('pre-op time'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('posttime', {
      'title': _('post-op time'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('sizeminimum', {
      'title': _('size minimum'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('sizemultiple', {
      'title': _('size multiple'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('sizemaximum', {
      'title': _('size maximum'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('cost', {
      'title': _('cost'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(size=5, operator="lt"),
    ('search', {
      'title': _('search mode'),
      'filter': FilterText(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class SubOperationList(ListReport):
  A list report to show suboperations.
  template = 'input/suboperationlist.html'
  title = _("Suboperation List")
  basequeryset = SubOperation.objects.all()
  model = SubOperation
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('id', {
      'title': _('identifier'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='operation__name'),
    ('suboperation', {
      'title': _('suboperation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='suboperation__name'),
    ('priority', {
      'title': _('priority'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('effective_start', {
      'title': _('effective start'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('effective_end', {
      'title': _('effective end'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),

class OperationPlanList(ListReport):
  A list report to show operationplans.
  template = 'input/operationplanlist.html'
  title = _("Operationplan List")
  basequeryset = OperationPlan.objects.all()
  model = OperationPlan
  frozenColumns = 1

  def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
    return basequery.values(

  rows = (
    ('id', {
      'title': _('identifier'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('operation', {
      'title': _('operation'),
      'filter': FilterText(field='operation__name'),
    ('startdate', {
      'title': _('start date'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('enddate', {
      'title': _('end date'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
    ('quantity', {
      'title': _('quantity'),
      'filter': FilterNumber(),
    ('locked', {
      'title': _('locked'),
      'filter': FilterBool(),
    ('lastmodified', {
      'title': _('last modified'),
      'filter': FilterDate(),
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