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SnapLogic » snaplogic » snapi_base » __init__.py
# $SnapHashLicense:
# SnapLogic - Open source data services
# Copyright (C) 2009, SnapLogic, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# See http://www.snaplogic.org for more information about
# the SnapLogic project. 
# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LEGAL file
# at the top of the source tree.
# "SnapLogic" is a trademark of SnapLogic, Inc.
# $

# $Id:__init__.py 1764 2008-03-21 04:27:56Z dhiraj $

from StringIO import StringIO
from urllib import quote

from snaplogic.common import snap_http_lib
from snaplogic.common.snap_http_lib import urlopen,concat_paths,parseHostAndScheme,parse_host_and_path
from snaplogic import rp
from exceptions import SnapiException,SnapiHttpException
from snaplogic.common.headers import SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX,CC_TOKEN_HEADER,STATUS_HEADER
import keys
from snaplogic.common import uri_prefix,snap_crypt
from snaplogic.server import cc_list

JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'



                'Content-type': SNAPI_CONTENT_TYPE }

json_rp = rp.get_rp(SNAPI_CONTENT_TYPE)

VERSION = "1.0"

__statuses = ['Failed','Stopped','Completed']

def _send_request(method, uri, data=None, custom_headers=None, cred=None, iterate_data=False):
    Convenience method to send an HTTP request to SnapServer.
    @param method: HTTP method to use (POST, PUT, GET, etc. -- see RFC 2616)
    @type method: str
    @param uri: URI to send the request to
    @type uri: str
    @param data: Data to send in the body of the request. Note that, in full compliance with RFC 
    2616, we allow data to be send even on GET and DELETE requests, while some implementations
    don't deal with this correctly. TODO.
    @type data: obj
    @param custom_headers: Additional headers to send with the request.
    @type custom_headers: dict
    @param cred: A 2-tuple containing (username, password)
    @type cred:  tuple
    @param iterate_data: If set to True, the function will treat the data as a sequence and iterate
        over it, and write out each entry individually to the RP stream.If False, the object is
        written as a whole to the stream.
    @type iterate_data:  bool
    @return: Response data to the request, as python objects generated by RP.
    @rtype:  python objects.
    @raise SnapiHttpException: If an HTTP error is received.
    if custom_headers is None:
        custom_headers = {}
    if custom_headers:
        new_headers = {}
        # This is because NGINX, for instance, in violation of the RFC:
        #  http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec2.html#sec2.1
        #  http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2
        # does not like header fields with underscores in them
        for header_field in custom_headers.keys():
            new_header_field = header_field.replace('_','-')
            new_headers[new_header_field] = custom_headers[header_field]
        custom_headers = new_headers
    if data is not None:
        str = StringIO()
        writer = json_rp.Writer(str)
        if iterate_data:
            for d in data:
        data = str.getvalue()
    if method in [ "POST", "PUT" ]:
        h = POST_HEADERS
        h = GET_HEADERS
    response = urlopen(method, uri, data, custom_headers, cred)
        headers = response.getHeaders()
            content_type = headers['content-type']
            rp_plugin = rp.get_rp(content_type)
            reader = rp_plugin.Reader(response)
            retval = [obj for obj in reader]
            if len(retval) == 1:
                retval = retval[0]
            retval = ''
        status = response.getStatus()
        if status >= 400:
            reason = response.getReason()
            snap_status = headers.get(STATUS_HEADER)
            exc = SnapiHttpException(status, reason, snap_status, retval)
            raise exc
    return retval

def send_req(method, uri, data=None, custom_headers=None, cred=None):
    Convenience method to send an HTTP request to SnapServer.
    @param method: HTTP method to use (POST, PUT, GET, etc. -- see RFC 2616)
    @type method: str
    @param uri: URI to send the request to
    @type uri: str
    @param data: Data to send in the body of the request. Note that, in full
        compliance with RFC 2616, we allow data to be send even on GET and
        DELETE requests, while some implementations don't deal with this
        correctly. TODO.
    @type data: obj
    @param custom_headers: Additional headers to send with the request.
    @type custom_headers: dict
    @param cred: A 2-tuple containing (username, password)
    @type cred:  tuple
    @return: Response data to the request, as python objects generated by RP.
    @rtype:  python objects.
    @raise SnapiHttpException: If an HTTP error is received.
    return _send_request(method, uri, data, custom_headers, cred)

def send_list_req(method, uri, data=None, custom_headers=None, cred=None):
    Convenience method to send a list object in HTTP request to SnapServer.
    @param method: HTTP method to use (POST, PUT, GET, etc. -- see RFC 2616)
    @type method: str
    @param uri: URI to send the request to
    @type uri: str
    @param data: List data to send in the body of the request. Note that, in full compliance
        with RFC 2616, we allow data to be send even on GET and DELETE requests, while some
        implementations don't deal with this correctly. TODO.
    @type data: obj
    @param custom_headers: Additional headers to send with the request.
    @type custom_headers: dict
    @param cred: A 2-tuple containing (username, password)
    @type cred:  tuple
    @return: Response data to the request, as python objects generated by RP.
    @rtype:  python objects.
    @raise SnapiHttpException: If an HTTP error is received.
    return _send_request(method, uri, data, custom_headers, cred, True)

def get_server_uri_map(server_uri, cred=None):
    Get the map of special server URIs.
    @param server_uri: URI of the server root
    @type server_uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials
    @return: a mapping of L{keys} to the server URIs
    @rtype: dict
    full_uri_map = _send_request('GET', server_uri, None, None, cred)
    # The full URI map contains human readable descriptions. All entries
    # are of the form: { 'name' : { 'uri' : <uri>, 'description' : <desc> }, ... }
    # We need to translate this to a simple dictionary for lookup from name
    # straight to URI.
    uri_map = {}
    for name in full_uri_map.keys():
        uri_map[name] = full_uri_map[name]['uri']
    return uri_map

def _get_server_uri(server_uri, key, cred=None):
    Get a URI corresponding to a specific function on the
    server. If necessary, call L{server_uri_map}.
    @param server_uri: Root uri of a server
    @type server_uri: str
    @param key: Key describing the functionality (see L{get_server_uri_map}).
    @type key: str
    # TODO
    if key == keys.SERVER_COMPONENT_LIST:
        return concat_paths(server_uri, '/__snap__/component/list')
        server_uri_map = SERVER_URI_MAP[server_uri]
    except KeyError:
        server_uri_map = get_server_uri_map(server_uri, cred)
        SERVER_URI_MAP[server_uri] = server_uri_map
    uri = server_uri_map[key]
    return uri
def get_log_uri_map(log_uri, cred=None):
    Get the map of special log URIs.
    @param log_uri: URI of the server's log root
    @type log_uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials
    @return: a mapping of L{keys} to the log URIs
    @rtype: dict
    full_uri_map = _send_request('GET', log_uri, None, None, cred)
    # The full URI map contains keys 'all' and "last_40_lines".
    # We need to translate this to a simple dictionary for lookup from name
    # staright to URI specified for "all".
    uri_map = {}
    for name in full_uri_map.keys():
        uri_map[name] = full_uri_map[name]['all']
    return uri_map

def _get_log_uri(log_uri, key, cred=None):
    Get a URI corresponding to a specific log on the
    server. If necessary, call L{server_uri_map}.
    @param log_uri: Log uri of a server
    @type log_uri: str
    @param key: Key for specific log file.
    @type key: str
        log_uri_map = LOG_URI_MAP[log_uri]
    except KeyError:
        log_uri_map = get_log_uri_map(log_uri, cred)
        LOG_URI_MAP[log_uri] = log_uri_map
    uri = log_uri_map[key]
    return uri

def get_snapi_info():
    Get information about this implementation of the SnAPI Library.
    @return information about the SnAPI Library. Version  -  the value is the version of
    the SnAPI Library implements  -  a list of categories of API that
    this implementation supports, for instance: ['info','resource_editing',
    @rtype dict
    return { 
            'version' : VERSION,
            'implements' : ['info', 'resource_editing', 'pipeline_control']

def get_server_info(server_uri, cred=None):
    @param server_uri: URI of the Data Server
    @type server_uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
        a dictionary, with the following keys, whose values are the appropriate versions:
    @rtype: dict
    info_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_INFO, cred)
    response = _send_request('GET', info_uri, None, None, cred)
    return response


def get_auth_uri_map(auth_uri, cred=None):
    Get the map of special auth URIs.

    @param auth_uri: URI of the server's auth root.
    @type  log_uri:  string

    @param cred:     Credentials, consisting of username and password.
    @type  cred:     tuple

    @return:         A mapping of L{keys} to the auth URIs.
    @rtype:          dict

    global AUTH_URI_MAP

    # We only want to have to bother the server once with a request for
    # the map. Therefore, we will cache the result and return it instead
    # if we have it in future invocations.
    if AUTH_URI_MAP:
        return AUTH_URI_MAP
        uri_map = _send_request('GET', auth_uri, None, None, cred)

    return AUTH_URI_MAP

def auth_check(server_uri, cred=None):
    Perform check to see if the user is known to the system.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)
        'KNOWN' or 'UNKNOWN' depending on whether the user exists and the correct password is used.
    @rtype: str
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('GET', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_CHECK]['uri'], None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_user_list(server_uri, cred=None):
    Return list of known users.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           List of known users.
    @rtype:            list

    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('GET', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_USER_LIST]['uri'], None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_user_entry_get(server_uri, username, cred=None):
    Return information about an auth user entry.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param username:   Name of the user entry.
    @type  username:   string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Dictionary with entry description,
                       containing elements such as 'username'
                       and 'password' (encrypted), 'description',
                       'email' group  list and a 'genid'.
    @rtype:            dict
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    uri = map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_USER_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(username)
    response = _send_request('GET', uri, None, None, cred)
    response['uri'] = uri
    return response

def auth_user_entry_create(server_uri, userdef, cred=None):
    Create a new user in the system.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param userdef:    A dictionary defining the new user to be
                       created. Mandatory elements are: 'username',
                       'password' (in clear text). Optional elements
                       are 'description' and 'email'.
    @type  userdef:    dict

    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the new entry
                            2. The genid of the new entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                       In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:            tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    # Sanity check the user definition.
    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'password' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'description', 'email' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in userdef:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from user definition." % e)

    for e in userdef:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in user definition." % e)
    # Assemble the user-definition that is sent to the server. Some things
    # are added and changed here automatically, which is why we don't just
    # send the definition as it was passed in by the user.
    data = {
            "name"                : userdef['name'],
            "password"            : snap_crypt.obfuscate(userdef['password']),
            "password_obfuscated" : "Yes",
            "description"         : userdef.get('description', ""),
            "email"               : userdef.get('email', ""),

    response = _send_request('POST', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_USER_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(data['name']), data, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_user_entry_edit(server_uri, change_dict, cred=None):
    Modify an already existing user in the system.

    @param server_uri:  The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri:  str

    @param change_dict: Dictionary that contains all the elements of the entry
                        that should be changed. 'name' and 'genid' are mandatory
                        entries. For example:
                              "name"     : "foo",
                              "genid"    : "123",
                              "password" : "bar"
    @type  change_dict: dict

    @param cred:        Credentials to use for this request
    @type  cred:        tuple (username, password)

    @return:            A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the entry
                            2. The new genid of the entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                        In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:             tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'genid' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'password', 'password_obfuscated', 'description', 'email' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in change_dict:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from user definition." % e)

    for e in change_dict:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in user definition." % e)
    username = change_dict["name"]

    # Make sure that if the password is present it is obfuscated before
    # it goes over the wire.
    if "password" in change_dict:
        if "password_obfuscated" not in change_dict  or  change_dict["password_obfuscated"].lower() == "no":
            change_dict["password"]            = snap_crypt.obfuscate(change_dict["password"])
            change_dict["password_obfuscated"] = "Yes"

    response = _send_request('PUT', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_USER_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(username), change_dict, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_user_entry_delete(server_uri, username, cred=None):
    Delete information about an auth user entry.

    Note that if a user is deleted than the genid of any group (!)
    that this user was a member in changes as well, since in effect
    the group definition has changed, too.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param username:   Name of the auth entry.
    @type  username:   string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Success message. In case of failure an exception is raised.
    @rtype:            string
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('DELETE', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_USER_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(username), None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_group_list(server_uri, cred=None):
    Return list of known groups.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Dictionary of known groups. Each entry is a
                       contains the 'uri' and 'description' element
                       of the group. The groupname is the index.
    @rtype:            dict

    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('GET', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_GROUP_LIST]['uri'], None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_group_entry_get(server_uri, groupname, cred=None):
    Return information about an auth group entry.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param username:   Name of the group entry.
    @type  username:   string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Dictionary with entry description,
                       containing elements such as 'groupname'
                       user list and genid.
    @rtype:            dict
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    uri = map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_GROUP_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(groupname)
    response = _send_request('GET', uri, None, None, cred)
    response['uri'] = uri
    return response

def auth_group_entry_create(server_uri, groupdef, cred=None):
    Create a new group in the system.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param userdef:    A dictionary defining the new group to be
                       created. Mandatory elements are: 'groupname',
                       'users' (a list that may be empty). Optional
                       element is 'description'.
    @type  userdef:    dict

    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the new entry
                            2. The genid of the new entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                       In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:            tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    # Sanity check the group definition.
    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'users' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'description' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in groupdef:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from group definition." % e)

    for e in groupdef:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in group definition." % e)
    response = _send_request('POST', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_GROUP_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(groupdef['name']), groupdef, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_group_entry_edit(server_uri, change_dict, cred=None):
    Modify an already existing group in the system.

    @param server_uri:  The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri:  str

    @param change_dict: Dictionary that contains all the elements of the entry
                        that should be changed. 'groupname' and 'genid' are mandatory
                        entries. For example:
                              "name"        : "foo",
                              "genid"       : "123",
                              "description" : "bar",
                              "users"       : [ 'user1', 'user2' ]
                        Note that the 'users' list may be empty, resulting in an
                        empty group.

                        If a user is removed or added to a group then the genid of the
                        user entry (!) also changes (since the user in effect has changed).
    @type  change_dict: dict

    @param cred:        Credentials to use for this request
    @type  cred:        tuple (username, password)

    @return:            A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the entry
                            2. The new genid of the entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                        In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:             tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'genid' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'users', 'description' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in change_dict:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from group definition." % e)

    for e in change_dict:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in group definition." % e)
    groupname = change_dict["name"]

    response = _send_request('PUT', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_GROUP_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(groupname), change_dict, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_group_entry_delete(server_uri, groupname, cred=None):
    Delete information about an auth group entry.

    Note that if a group is deleted than the genid of any user (!)
    that was a member of this group changes as well, since in effect
    the user definition has changed, too.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param username:   Name of the auth entry.
    @type  username:   string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Success message. In case of failure an exception is raised.
    @rtype:            string
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('DELETE', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_GROUP_ENTRY]['uri'] + "/" + quote(groupname), None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_acl_list(server_uri, cred=None):
    Return list of known ACLs.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           List of known groups.
    @rtype:            list

    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('GET', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_ACL_LIST]['uri'], None, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_acl_entry_get(server_uri, name, cred=None):
    Return information about an auth ACL entry.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param name:       Name of the ACL entry. This is a relative
                       path on the server, always starting with
                       a '/' character.
    @type  name:       string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Dictionary with entry description,
                       containing elements such as 'name', 'rules',
                       'description', etc.
    @rtype:            dict
    if not name.startswith("/"):
        raise SnapiException("The name of the ACL '%s' has to start with a '/'." % name)
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    uri = map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_ACL_ENTRY]['uri'] + quote(name)
    response = _send_request('GET', uri, None, None, cred)
    response['uri'] = uri
    return response

def auth_acl_entry_create(server_uri, acldef, cred=None):
    Create a new ACL rule in the system.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param acldef:     A dictionary defining the new ACL to be
                       created. Mandatory element are: 'name'
                       (which is always a path on the server,
                       starting with "/") and rules (which is a
                       list of textual rule definitions. This
                       list can be empty.) Optional element is
    @type  acldef:     dict

    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the new entry
                            2. The genid of the new entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                       In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:            tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    # Sanity check the group definition.
    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'rules' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'description' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in acldef:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from ACL definition." % e)

    for e in acldef:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in ACL definition." % e)

    if not acldef['name'].startswith("/"):
        raise SnapiException("The name of the ACL '%s' has to start with a '/'." % acldef['name'])

    response = _send_request('POST', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_ACL_ENTRY]['uri'] + quote(acldef['name']), acldef, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_acl_entry_edit(server_uri, change_dict, cred=None):
    Modify an already existing ACL in the system.

    @param server_uri:  The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri:  str

    @param change_dict: Dictionary that contains all the elements of the entry
                        that should be changed. 'name' and 'genid' are mandatory
                        entries. For example:
                              "name"        : "/foo/bar",
                              "genid"       : "123",
                              "description" : "bar",
                              "rules"       : [ 'allow user foo permissions read' ]
                        Note that the 'rules' list may be empty, resulting in an
                        ACL without rules.

    @type  change_dict: dict

    @param cred:        Credentials to use for this request
    @type  cred:        tuple (username, password)

    @return:            A tuple with three elements:
                            1. The URI of the entry
                            2. The new genid of the entry
                            3. A clear-text success message
                        In case of error an exception will be raised.
    @rtype:             tuple
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)

    mandatory_elems = [ 'name', 'genid' ]
    optional_elems  = [ 'rules', 'description' ]
    allowable_elems = mandatory_elems + optional_elems

    for e in mandatory_elems:
        if e not in change_dict:
            raise SnapiException("Mandatory element '%s' is missing from ACL definition." % e)

    for e in change_dict:
        if e not in allowable_elems:
            raise SnapiException("Unknown element '%s' in ACL definition." % e)

    name = change_dict["name"]

    if not name.startswith("/"):
        raise SnapiException("The name of the ACL '%s' has to start with a '/'." % name)
    response = _send_request('PUT', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_ACL_ENTRY]['uri'] + quote(name), change_dict, None, cred)
    return response

def auth_acl_entry_delete(server_uri, name, cred=None):
    Delete information about an auth ACL entry.

    @param server_uri: The root URI of the Data Server
    @type  server_uri: str

    @param name:       Name of the auth entry. The name always
                       has to start with a '/'.
    @type  name:       string
    @param cred:       Credentials to use 
    @type  cred:       tuple (username, password)

    @return:           Success message. In case of failure an exception is raised.
    @rtype:            string
    if not name.startswith("/"):
        raise SnapiException("The name of the ACL '%s' has to start with a '/'." % name)
    map_uris = get_auth_uri_map(server_uri + uri_prefix.AUTH, cred)
    response = _send_request('DELETE', map_uris[keys.SERVER_AUTH_ACL_ENTRY]['uri'] + quote(name), None, None, cred)
    return response

def list_resources(server_uri, uri_list=None, cred=None):
    List resources available at the given server. 
    @param uri: URI of the Data Server.
    @type uri: str
    @param uri_list: if provided, retrieve info only for resources that
    match this list
    @type uri_list: sequence
    @return: a dict keyed by a URI, whose values are a dictionary containing gen_id, guid and description of
    the resource
    @rtype: dict

    list_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_RESOURCE_LIST, cred)
    method = 'GET'
    data = None
    if uri_list:
        method = 'POST'
        data = uri_list
    result = _send_request(method, list_uri, data, None, cred)
    if result:
        result2 = {}
        for res_uri in result.keys():
            if res_uri.startswith('/'):
                abs_res_uri = concat_paths(server_uri, res_uri)
                abs_res_uri = res_uri
            result2[abs_res_uri] = result[res_uri]
        result = result2
    return result

def summarize_resources(server_uri, uri_list=None, details=None, cred=None):
    Return dictionary of resources contained in store with specified details.
    Return a dictionary of resources stored in the repository. Each element in the 
    returned list is also a dictionary providing minimal information about the resource. 
    An example follows:
       {keys.GUID:         '1df91d3613b14bc8b87e454df4cbe919',
        keys.GEN_ID:       5,
        keys.SUMMARY:      {...}}

    The keys.SUMMARY key of the dictionary will contain a subset of the resdef dictionary keys if
    the details paramter is given. Otherwise, the key will not be present.

    @param server_uri: URI of the Data Server.
    @type server_uri: str
    @param uri_list: A list of relative URIs to restrict the listing to or 
    None for all resources in repository.
    @type uri_list: list

    @param details: A list of detail keys to include in the summary of 
    the resource. 

    @return: A dictionary of dictionaries describing the resources in the store.
    @rtype: dict
    summary_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_RESOURCE_SUMMARY, cred)
    method = 'GET'
    data = None
    if uri_list or details:
        method = 'POST'
        data = [uri_list, details]
    result = _send_request(method, summary_uri, data, None, cred)
    if result:
        result2 = {}
        for res_uri in result.keys():
            if res_uri.startswith('/'):
                abs_res_uri = concat_paths(server_uri, res_uri)
                abs_res_uri = res_uri
            result2[abs_res_uri] = result[res_uri]
        result = result2
    return result

def upgrade_resources(server_uri, uri_list, credentials=None):
    Upgrade specified resources 
    @param server_uri: URI of the Data Server.
    @type server_uri: str
    @param resource_list: URIs of the resources to be upgrade
    @type resource_list: list
    @param credentials: Credentials for the request, consisting of a username/password
    @type  credentials: tuple

            a dictionary with the upgrade results where:
            - key is the resource URI 
            - value is a tuple consisting of three objects:
              (needed_upgrade, upgrade_succeeded, error_message) 
    @rtype: dict
    # If uri list is None, upgrade the entire repository
    if uri_list is None:
        # Sending in an empty list upgrades the entire repository
        uri_list = []

    # If one URI given instead of a list, convert to a list
    if uri_list is not None and type(uri_list) is not list and type(uri_list) is not tuple:
        uri_list = [ uri_list ]
    upgrade_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_RESOURCE_UPGRADE, credentials)
    return _send_request("POST", upgrade_uri, uri_list, None, credentials)

def get_server_logs(server_uri, cred=None):
        server_uri  -  URI of the Data Server
    log_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_LOGFILES, cred)
    result = _send_request('GET', log_uri, None, None, cred)
    return result

def get_statistics(server_uri, cred=None):
    Get various statistics e.g. pipeline execution-related numbers from the main server and component container(s).
    @param server_uri: Snaplogic server URI, e.g. http://host:8088
    @type server_uri:  str

    @param cred: Credentials to make the request, as a tuple (username, password).
    @type cred:  tuple
    uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_STATS, cred)
    return _send_request('GET', uri, None, None, cred)
def get_resource_logs(rid, resource_uri, include_facilities=None, exclude_facilities=None, cred=None,
                      min_level=None, max_level=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, last_lines=None):
    Fetch all log messages related to a particular execution of a resource.
    @param rid: Runtime id of the resource that was executed.
    @type rid:  str
    @param uri: URI of the server.
    @type uri:  str
    @param include_facilties: List of log facility names to include (optional). The response will be limited
        to messages from these facilities.
    @type include_facilties: list
    @param exclude_facilities:  List of log facility names to exclude (optional). The response will exclude
       log messages from these facilities.
    @param cred: Credentials to make the log request, as a tuple (username, password).
    @type cred:  tuple
    @param min_level: Minimum log level messages to return.
    @type min_level:  str
    @param max_level: Maximum log level messages to return.
    @type max_level:  str
    @param start_date: Earliest timestamps of log message to return. Date must be expressed in ISO 8601 format string
    @type start_date:  str
    @param end_date: Latest timestamp of log messages to return. Date must be expressed in ISO 8601 format string
    @type end_date:  str
    @param last_lines: Number of last few lines to return (sort of a tail)
    @type min_level:  int
    @return: List of log messages retrieved.
    @rtype:  list
    # First, extract the server URI from the resource uri.
    (scheme, netloc, url, p, q, f) = snap_http_lib.parse_uri(resource_uri)
    server_uri = snap_http_lib.unparse_uri((scheme, netloc, "", "", "", ""))
    # Fetch the log URI from the server and then fetch the pipeline log URI from that location.
    log_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_LOGFILES, cred)
    pipeline_log_uri = _get_log_uri(log_uri, keys.PIPELINE_LOGFILE, cred)
    # Now process the params for the log entry request.
    if exclude_facilities:
        final_list = [ "-" + f for f in exclude_facilities]
        final_list = []
    if include_facilities is not None:
        final_list += include_facilities
    facility_arg = ",".join(final_list)
    params = {"rid" : rid}
    if len(facility_arg) > 0:
        params["facility"] = facility_arg
    if min_level is not None:
        params["min_level"] = min_level
    if max_level is not None:
        params["max_level"] = max_level
    if start_date is not None:
        params["start_date"] = start_date
    if end_date is not None:
        params["end_date"] = end_date
    if last_lines is not None:
        params["last_lines"] = last_lines
    pipeline_log_uri = snap_http_lib.add_params_to_uri(pipeline_log_uri, params)
    message_list = send_req("GET", pipeline_log_uri, cred=cred)
    return message_list

def get_runtime_status(server_uri, cred = None):
    Get all runtime status information available on the server
    (this is similar to visiting the http://localhost:8088/__snap__/runtime/status page)

    uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_RUNTIME_STATUS, cred)
    return send_req("GET", uri, cred = cred)

def list_components(server_uri, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    List components available at the given server.
    @param uri: URI of the Data Server or of the Component Container.
    @type uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict
            a list of available components, as a list of dictionaries, each containing values of the 
            following keys for every component:
                name  -  user-visible component name 
                uri  -  component URI
            description  -  short overview of the component's functionality
                capabilities  -  same  as capabilities as a read-only field of a ResDef.
            More keys can be added if desired. Here is a sample return value from this function:
    @rtype: list
    list_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_COMPONENT_LIST, cred)
    if custom_hdr is None:
        cc_token = cc_list.get_token_by_uri(list_uri)
        if cc_token is not None:
            custom_hdr = { CC_TOKEN_HEADER : cc_token }
            custom_hdr = None
    result = _send_request("GET", list_uri, None, custom_hdr, cred)
    return result

def get_component_template(template_uri, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Get a component template.
    @param template_uri: uri that handles get_component_template functionality (client knows 
    this after a call to L{list_components}).
    @type template_uri: str 
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict
         a ResDef structure for the specified component.
    result = _send_request("POST", template_uri, {}, custom_hdr, cred)
    return result

def get_pipeline_template(uri, cred=None):
    Special case of L{get_component_template}, for getting a pipeline template.
    @param uri: Server URI
    @type uri: str
    from snaplogic.snapi_base.resdef import PipelineResDef
    # TODO: get it from the server in fact
    return PipelineResDef().dict

def read_resource(uri, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Retrieve the resource.
    @param uri: URI of the resource
    @type uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict
    @return: a dictionary, keyed as follows:
        resdef : a ResDef structure for the resource located at the specified URI, and
        guid : the GUID of the resource
        genid : the current Generation ID of the resource
    @rtype: dict
    @raise: SnapiException if the resource at the provided URI is not found. 
    result = _send_request('GET', uri, None, custom_hdr, cred)
    if result[keys.SUCCESS]:
        retval = result[keys.SUCCESS]
        rel_uri = retval.keys()[0]
        value = retval[rel_uri]
        retval[uri] = value
        return retval
        raise SnapiHttpException(404, 'NOT FOUND', None, result[keys.ERROR])

def read_resources(uris, cred=None): 
    @param uris: list of URIs
    @type uris:  list
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)

    @return: a dictionary, with two keys, SUCCESS and ERROR. Under SUCCESS, a dictionary keyed by URIs of successfully
    read resources, with values same as result of L{read_resource}. Under ERROR, a dictionary keyed by URIs of resources
    with errors, with SnapiException as values.  
    @rtype: dictionary
    requests = {}
    retval = {
              keys.SUCCESS : {},
              keys.ERROR : {}
    if not isinstance(uris, list):
        raise SnapiException("The 'uris' param must be set to a list")
    for uri in uris:
        (host,path) = parse_host_and_path(uri)
            res_uris = requests[host]
        except KeyError:
            requests[host] = []
            res_uris = requests[host]
    for server in requests.keys():
            read_uri = _get_server_uri(server, keys.SERVER_RESOURCE_READ, cred)
            server_response = _send_request('POST', read_uri, requests[server], None, cred)
            absolute_response = {keys.SUCCESS : {}, keys.ERROR : {}}
            for res_uri in server_response[keys.SUCCESS].keys():
                absolute_response[keys.SUCCESS][concat_paths(server, res_uri)] = server_response[keys.SUCCESS][res_uri]
            for res_uri in server_response[keys.ERROR].keys():
                absolute_response[keys.ERROR][concat_paths(server, res_uri)] = server_response[keys.ERROR][res_uri]
            server_response = absolute_response
        except SnapiException, e:
            if len(server) == 1:
            for res_uri in requests[server]:
                retval[keys.ERROR][concat_paths(server, res_uri)] = e
    return retval

def write_resource(resdef, guid=None, gen_id=None, uri=None, force_flag=False, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Saves the ResDef under the given URI. The save is successful if the guid and gen_id parameters match the current ones associated 
    with the URI (or if the URI does not exist and the guid and gen_id specified are None).

    If the force_flag is given and True, a resource already present at the given URI will be overwritten. If
    the guid is None, then any resource that exists at that URI will be overwritten. If guid is not None then
    the GUID stored within the repository must match the one given or a conflict error will occur. In both cases,
    the gen_id is ignored.

    NOTE: This does not validate anything; you are allowed to save an invalid resource.

    @param resdef: a ResDef structure
    @type resdef: dict
    @param guid: L{keys.GUID} of the resource received via the last L{write_resource} or L{read_resource}, or 
    None if this is the first write.
    @type guid: str
    @param gen_id: L{keys.GEN_ID} of the resource received via the last L{write_resource} or  L{read_resource}, or 
    None if this is the first write.
    @type gen_id: int
    @param uri: URI under which to save this resource, or None to use an automatically generated URI.
    @type uri:  str

    @param force_flag: Flag to indicate a resource be overwritten if it exists.
    @type force_flag: bool

    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict

    @return: a dictionary containing the following:
        L{keys.GUID} -- if this is a newly created resource (L{keys.GUID} sent was None), a new L{keys.GUID}. Otherwise, 
        the same L{keys.GUID} as was sent

        L{keys.GEN_ID} -  incremented gen_id (or newly created one - 0) if the gen_id sent was None
        uri - under which the resource was created (if uri parameter was provided, the same URI is returned; 
        otherwise the automatically generated URI is returned).
    @rtype: dict 

    @raise SnapiException: if:
        - the IDs do not match as described above. This means there is a conflict  -  
    another client has modified or deleted the resource. It is up to the client now to perform a 
    read_resource() operation to determine the current state of the resource and act accordingly.

        - saving under this URI is disallowed (it is an internally used URI).
        - This is a request for an update (GUID and GEN_ID are not None) but the resource under the URI is
        not found 
    # TODO... need to do proper thing for relative uri...
    result = _send_request('PUT', uri, {keys.RESDEF : resdef,
                                        keys.GUID : guid,
                                        keys.GEN_ID : gen_id,
                                        keys.FORCE: force_flag},
    # TODO temp hack
    if result[keys.URI].startswith('/'):
        result[keys.URI] = uri
    return result

def delete_resource(guid, gen_id, uri, force_flag=False, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Deletes a resource at the specified URI if the ID matches.
    If the force_flag is given and True, a resource already present at the given URI will be overwritten. If
    the guid is None, then any resource that exists at that URI will be overwritten. If guid is not None then
    the GUID stored within the repository must match the one given or a conflict error will occur. In both cases,
    the gen_id is ignored.

    @param guid: L{keys.GUID} of the resource received via the last L{write_resource} or L{read_resource}.
    @type guid: str
    @param gen_id: L{keys.GEN_ID} of the resource received via the last L{write_resource} or  L{read_resource}. 
    @type gen_id: int
    @param uri: URI under which to save this resource (None to use an automatically generated URI).
    @type uri: str
    @param force_flag: Flag to force deletion of resource depending on value of guid and ignoring gen_id.
    @type force_flag: bool
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict
    @raise exception: when the IDs do not match (see the behavior of L{write_resource}).
    hdr = {
           SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX + keys.GUID : guid,
           SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX + keys.GEN_ID : gen_id,
           SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX + keys.FORCE : force_flag
    if custom_hdr is not None:
    result = _send_request('DELETE', uri, None, hdr, cred)
    return result

def get_resource_dependencies(uri, local_only=False, cred=None):
    Get the list of URIs that the resource depends on.

    If the resource identified by uri is a pipeline, a recursive algorithm will calculate all resources
    the pipeline depends on. The list will contain the URI of every resource used within the pipeline. If
    there are nested pipelines, their dependencies will be added to the list recursively.

    If the resource identified by uri is not a pipeline, the list will be empty.

    When local_only is given and True, only resources URIs local to this server will be returned.

    @param uri: URI of resource to calculate dependencies of.
    @type uri: str
    @param local_only: Flag indicating if only local resource URIs should be returned.
    @type local_only: bool

    @return: List of resource URIs the given resource URI depends on.
    @rtype: list

    @raise SnapiException: There is no resource at uri.

    if local_only:
        dependencies_uri = uri + keys.RESOURCE_PROPERTY_DEPENDENCIES_LOCAL
        dependencies_uri = uri + keys.RESOURCE_PROPERTY_DEPENDENCIES

    return _send_request('GET', dependencies_uri, cred=cred)
def validate(resdef, validate_uri, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Validates the ResDef.
    @param resdef: a ResDef dictionary
    @type resdef: dict
    @param validate_uri: uri that handles suggest_resource_values functionality (client knows 
    this after a call to L{list_components}).
    @type validate_uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict

    @return: a ResDef containing errors and modifications to the sent ResDef, if any. For instance,
        a suggest_resource_values() call may result in a creation of a new view.

    @return: the ResDef structure, with errors if warranted.
    @rtype: dict
    validated = _send_request('POST', validate_uri, resdef, custom_hdr, cred)
    return validated

def validate_pipeline(resdef, server_uri, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Similar to L{validate} for a Pipeline.
    validate_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_PIPELINE_VALIDATE, cred)
    retval = validate(resdef, validate_uri, cred, custom_hdr)
    return retval

def suggest_pipeline_values(resdef, server_uri, params={}, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Similar to L{suggest_resource_values} for a Pipeline.
    suggest_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_PIPELINE_SUGGEST, cred)
    retval = suggest_resource_values(resdef, suggest_uri, params, cred)
    return retval

def suggest_resource_values(resdef, suggest_uri, params=None, cred=None, custom_hdr=None):
    Performs a suggest_resource_values scenario. 
    @param resdef: a ResDef dictionary
    @type resdef: dict
    @param suggest_uri: uri that handles suggest_resource_values functionality (client knows 
    this after a call to L{list_components}).
    @type suggest_uri: str
    @param cred: Credentials to use 
    @type cred: tuple (username, password)
    @param custom_hdr: HTTP Headers to be passed with the request.
    @type custom_hdr:  dict

    @return: a ResDef containing errors and modifications to the sent ResDef, if any.
        For instance, a suggest_resource_values() call may result in a creation of a new view.
    See also description of autoFill() method in Component Container API spec.
    if params is None:
        params = {}
    suggested = _send_request('POST', suggest_uri, [resdef, params], custom_hdr, cred, True)
    return suggested

def scheduler_list_events(server_uri, cred=None):
        server_uri -  URI of the Data Server
    sched_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_SCHEDULER, cred)
    retval = _send_request('GET', sched_uri, None, None, cred)
    return retval

def scheduler_list_event(event_uri, cred=None):
        event_uri -  URI of the event
    retval = _send_request('GET', event_uri, None, None, cred)
    return retval

def scheduler_run_event(event_start_uri, cred=None):
        event_start_uri -  URI of the event with start argument appended
    retval = _send_request('GET', event_start_uri, None, None, cred)
    return retval

def scheduler_create_event(server_uri, params, cred=None):
        server_uri -  URI of the Data Server
        params     - dictionary containing the event definition
    sched_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_SCHEDULER, cred)
    retval = _send_request('POST', sched_uri, params, None, cred)
    return retval

def scheduler_delete_event(event_uri, cred=None):
        event_uri - URI of the event to delete
    retval = _send_request('DELETE', event_uri, None, None, cred)
    return retval

def scheduler_update_event(event_uri, params, cred=None):
        event_uri - URI of the event
        params    - dictionary containing the event definition
    retval = _send_request('PUT', event_uri, params, None, cred)
    return retval

def get_notification_types(server_uri,  cred=None):
        server_uri - URI of the Data Server
    uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.SERVER_NOTIFICATION, cred)
    retval = _send_request('GET', uri, None, None, cred)
    return retval

def diff_member_resource(server_uri, member_uri, member_res, credentials=None):
    Get the diff of a potentially stale member resource against the image of the resource def in repository.
    The response returns tow things
    1) The refreshed image of the member resource that can be directly set into the pipeline resdef.
    2) The diff that was found from the stale image sent to the server.
    @param server_uri: URI of the Data Server.
    @type server_uri: str
    @param resource_list: URIs of the resources to be upgrade
    @type resource_list: list
    @param credentials: Credentials for the request, consisting of a username/password
    @type  credentials: tuple
    diff_uri = _get_server_uri(server_uri, keys.RESOURCE_DIFF, credentials)
    return _send_request("POST", diff_uri, [member_uri, member_res], None, credentials)

class ValidationDict(dict):
    A print friendly derivation of dictionary, customized for validation errors.
    def print_with_context(self, entry, stk, message_list, print_context = True):
        if keys.ERROR_MESSAGE in entry and entry[keys.ERROR_MESSAGE]:
            if entry[keys.LABEL] is not None:
                l = stk + [entry[keys.LABEL]]
                l = stk
            context_of_error = " / ".join(l)
            if context_of_error and print_context:
                message_list.append( "%-60s => %s" % (entry[keys.ERROR_MESSAGE], context_of_error))
        if keys.LIST_ERROR in entry:
            for i in range(len(entry[keys.LIST_ERROR])):
                if entry[keys.LIST_ERROR][i] is not None:
                    if entry[keys.LABEL] is not None:
                        label = entry[keys.LABEL]
                        label = "List"
                    stk.append("%s[%s]" % (label, i))
                    self.print_with_context(entry[keys.LIST_ERROR][i], stk, message_list, print_context)
        elif keys.DICT_ERROR in entry and entry[keys.DICT_ERROR] is not None:
            for k in entry[keys.DICT_ERROR]:
                if entry[keys.DICT_ERROR] is not None:
                    if entry[keys.LABEL] is not None:
                        label = entry[keys.LABEL]
                        label = "Dictionary"
                    stk.append("%s[%s]" % (label, k))
                    self.print_with_context(entry[keys.DICT_ERROR][k], stk, message_list, print_context)
    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a brief list of error message strings in the dictionary."""
        message_list = []
        stk = []
        self.print_with_context(self, stk, message_list, False)
        s = "\n".join(message_list)
        return s
    def verbose(self):
        """Returns a more verbose string containing error messages and the location of the message in the resdef."""
        message_list = []
        stk = []
        self.print_with_context(self, stk, message_list, True)
        s = "\n".join(message_list)
        return s
    def has_messages(self, expected_list):
        Method for comparing with an expected list of error messages.
        @param expected_list: List of expected message strings.
        @type expected_list:  list
        @return: None if the expected list matches the mesages in the error object, else, a tuple of 2 lists
            is returned- (list of expected messages that were not found, list of unexpected messages that were found).
        @rtype:  2-tuple or None
        elist = list(expected_list)
        unexpected_messages = []
        message_list = []
        stk = []
        self.print_with_context(self, stk, message_list, False)
        for m in message_list:
            if m in elist:
        if len(unexpected_messages) > 0 or len(elist) > 0:
            return (elist, unexpected_messages)
            return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print read_resources(["http://localhost:8088/resdef/writer_test/writer"])
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