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# $SnapHashLicense:
# SnapLogic - Open source data services
# Copyright (C) 2009, SnapLogic, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# See for more information about
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# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
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# "SnapLogic" is a trademark of SnapLogic, Inc.
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# $Id: 7886 2009-06-15 23:17:56Z dmitri $

This Module contains uniform interfaces for reading data from various input source.
The supported input sources are file, http, https, and ftp.


__docformat__ = "epytext en"

import re, os
import codecs

import urllib2, urlparse
from urllib2 import build_opener,HTTPBasicAuthHandler,HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm

from snaplogic.common.snap_exceptions import *

# This is a dictionary to "register" the schemes and their corresponding Reader object.
# To add new (user-provided) reader, the user can insert/update them to this dictionary.
SnapSchemeReader = {
                    'http':     'snaplogic.common.SnapReader.SnapHttpReader',
                    'https':    'snaplogic.common.SnapReader.SnapHttpReader',
                    'ftp':      'snaplogic.common.SnapReader.SnapFtpReader',
                    'file':     'snaplogic.common.SnapReader.SnapFileReader',
"""Dictionary of supported schemes/protocols and the corresponding Reader objects."""

class SnapReader(object):
    This class provides interfaces for the users to access an input source.  The supported input sources are
    file, http, https, and ftp.  The class intefaces allow the users to create a reader object, open and close
    connection to the input source, and read data from the connection.
    def __init__(self, input, username, password, encoding=None, proxy=None):
        Initialize internal variables.
        @param input: The input source.
        @type input: str
        @param username: Credentials: username to read the input source
        @type username: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.

        @param password: Credentials: password to read the input source
        @type password: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.
        @param encoding: The encoding to expect from the source.
        @type encoding:  str
        @param proxy: Proxy server information that may be needed to read
            resources at external URIs
        @type proxy: str
        # Save informaiton parsed from the url
        self._input = input

        idx = input.find('://')
        self._path = input[idx+3:]
        self._scheme = input[:idx]
        self._encoding = encoding
        if username is None:
            self._username = ""
            self._username = username
        if password is None:
            self._password = ""
            self._password = password
        self._proxy = proxy
        self._resp = None

        if encoding is not None:
            # We switch to encoding read
   = self._read_encoding
            self.readline = self._readline_encoding
            self.readlines = self._readlines_encoding
    # Properties
    input = property(lambda self: self._input)
    path = property(lambda self: self._path)
    scheme = property(lambda self: self._scheme)
    handle = property(lambda self: self._resp)
    encoding = property(lambda self: self._encoding)
    def create(input, username=None, password=None, encoding=None, proxy=None):
        Create and obtain a reader object for the given input source as specified in the input parameter.
        @param input: The input source URL in the format of 'scheme://input_path'.
            For example: http://site/input, ftp://site/input, file://input.
        @type input: str
        @param username: Credentials: username to read the input source
        @type username: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.

        @param password: Credentials: password to read the input source
        @type password: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.
        @param encoding: The encoding to expect from the source.
        @type encoding:  str 
        @param proxy: Proxy server information that may be needed to read
            resources at external URIs
        @type proxy: str

        @return: A reader object.
        @rtype: snaplogic.common.SnapReader
        @except SnapValueError: on unsupported scheme, invalid reader class.
        @except SnapObjTypeError: on invalid type of reader class
        scheme = input[:input.find('://')]
        if scheme not in SnapSchemeReader.keys():
            raise SnapValueError('Unsupported scheme', scheme, input)

        # Load the reader object.
        rdrpath = SnapSchemeReader[scheme]
        paths = rdrpath.split('.')
        levels = len(paths)
        if levels == 1:
            raise SnapValueError('Invalid reader class for scheme %s' % scheme, rdrpath)
        modname = '.'.join(paths[0:(levels-1)])
        clsname = paths[levels-1]
            mod = sys.modules[modname]
            cls = getattr(mod, clsname)
        except Exception, e:
            raise SnapValueError('Invalid reader class for scheme %s' % scheme, rdrpath, str(e))
        if type(cls) != type(type):
            raise SnapObjTypeError('Invalid type of reader class for scheme %s' % scheme, rdrpath, type(cls))

        return cls(input, username, password, encoding, proxy)
    def open(self, callback=None, cbdata=None):
        Open a connection to the input source.
        @param callback:  User provided callback that allows the user to create its own reader object.
        @type callback: function, or None.
        @return: A reader object.
        @rtype: snaplogic.common.SnapReader
        @except SnapObjTypeError: on callback value None
        if callback:
            rdr = callback(self._input, self._username, self._password, cbdata)
            return rdr

        raise SnapObjTypeError('Abstract class error')
    def close(self, reader=None):
        Close the connection to the input source.
        @param reader: The reader object that user created from the callback in open() method.
        @type reader: User-created reader object.
        @except SnapObjTypeError: on callback value None

        raise SnapObjTypeError('Abstract class error')
def parse_url(config, url):
    Parse URL and check if we should be using a proxy for this URL.
    @param config: CC config section
    @param url: URL
    @return: tuple (host, no_proxy) 
             where host is a string containing the hostname including port of the URL,
             and no_proxy is a boolean telling us whether proxy should be used for this host. 
    # Parse the URL using urlparse.
    # This returns urlparse.ParseResult which is a subclass of tuple
    # and also has extra attributes such as hostname.
    parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    # In the tuple returned "host" includes the port number,
    # but parsed_url.hostname doesn't include the port number.
    # We need a pure hostname to check against the no_proxy domain list.  
    (scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment) = parsed_url
    hostname = parsed_url.hostname
    # Check cc_no_proxy and if it matches the hostname bypass the proxy
    no_proxy = False
    if config and 'cc_no_proxy' in config:
        no_proxy_list = config['cc_no_proxy']
        for domain in no_proxy_list.split(','):
            domain = domain.strip()
            if domain and hostname.endswith(domain):
                no_proxy = True
    return (host, no_proxy)
class SnapFtpReader(SnapReader):
    Reader class for ftp input.
    def __init__(self, input, username, password, encoding=None, proxy=None):
        Initialize internal variables.
        @param input: The input source.
        @type input: str
        @param username: Credentials: username to read the input source
        @type username: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.

        @param password: Credentials: password to read the input source
        @type password: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.
        @param encoding: The encoding to expect from the source.
        @type encoding:  str 
        @param proxy: Proxy server information that may be needed to read
            resources at external URIs
        @type proxy: str

        super(SnapFtpReader, self).__init__(input, username, password, encoding, proxy)
    def open(self, callback=None):
        Open a connection to the input source.
        @param callback:  User provided callback that allows the user to create its own reader object.
        @type callback: function, or None.
        @return: A reader object.
        @rtype: snaplogic.common.SnapReader
        if callback:
            return super(SnapFtpReader, self).open(callback = callback)        
        proxy_handler = None
        if self._proxy:
            proxy_server = self._proxy["cc_ftp_proxy"]
            proxy_port = self._proxy["cc_ftp_proxy_port"]
            if proxy_server != "":
                pr = proxy_server + ":" + proxy_port
                proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'ftp': pr})

        # In case specific proxy information was not set up in the CC section of the
        # config file, see if FTP_PROXY environment variable is set and use it.
        # TODO: Note that this "if" block may be unnecessary.
        # Python urllib2 reads environment variable ftp_proxy (which appears to be case-insensitive).
        # This behavior is hardwired into urllib2, so if this variable is assigned, no matter what the code does, 
        # urllib2 will use the proxy specified by the variable.
        if not proxy_handler:
                pr = os.environ['FTP_PROXY']
                proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'ftp': pr})
            except KeyError:
        # Parse the URL and check if proxy should be used or not:
        # we have a config parameter cc_no_proxy to specify if there are domains
        # for which we shouldn't be using a proxy.  
        (host, no_proxy) = parse_url(self._proxy, self._input)
        if no_proxy:
            # If no_proxy was returned for the URL set proxy handlers to None.
            proxy_handler = None
        # Ignore the credential, even if it is provided.
        # urllib2.FTPHandler login with empty user name and password (works for anonymous login as well).
        if not proxy_handler:
            opener = build_opener(urllib2.FTPHandler)
            opener = build_opener(proxy_handler, urllib2.FTPHandler)
        self._resp =
        return self
    def _read_encoding(self):
        The default read() method is replaced with this method when an encoding is specified.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(, self.encoding)
    def read(self):
        Read the content from the connection.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: str/unicode

    def _readline_encoding(self):
        The default readline() method is replaced with this method when an encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(self._resp.readline(), self.encoding)
    def readline(self):
        Read the next line of the content from the connection.

        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: str/unicode
        return self._resp.readline()
    def _readlines_encoding(self):
        The default readlines() method is replaced with this method when an encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return [ unicode(l, self.encoding) for l in self._resp.readlines()]
    def readlines(self):
        Read the content in lines from the connection.

        @return: The lines of the content.
        @rtype: list
        return self._resp.readlines()
    def close(self):
        Close the connection.
        if self._resp:
            self._resp = None
class SnapFileReader(SnapReader):
    Reader class for file input.
    def __init__(self, input, username, password, encoding=None, proxy=None):
        Initialize internal variables.
        @param input: The input source.
        @type input: str
        @param username: Credentials: username to read the input source
        @type username: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.

        @param password: Credentials: password to read the input source
        @type password: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.
        @param encoding: The encoding to expect from the source.
        @type encoding:  str 

        @param proxy: Proxy server information that may be needed to read
            resources at external URIs
        @type proxy: str
        super(SnapFileReader, self).__init__(input, username, password, encoding, proxy)
    def open(self, callback=None):
        Open a connection to the input source.
        @param callback:  User provided callback that allows the user to create its own reader object.
        @type callback: function, or None.
        @return: A reader object.
        @rtype: snaplogic.common.SnapReader
        if callback:
            return super(SnapFileReader, self).open(callback = callback)        
        opener = build_opener(urllib2.FileHandler)
        self._resp =
        return self
    def read(self):
        Read the content from the connection.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: str

    def _read_encoding(self):
        The default read() method is replaced with this method when an 
        encoding is specified.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(, self.encoding)
    def _readline_encoding(self):
        The default readline() method is replaced with this method when an
         encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(self._resp.readline(), self.encoding)
    def readline(self):
        Read the next line of the content from the connection.

        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: str
        return self._resp.readline()
    def _readlines_encoding(self):
        The default readlines() method is replaced with this method when an 
        encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return [ unicode(l, self.encoding) for l in self._resp.readlines()]
    def readlines(self):
        Read the content in lines from the connection.

        @return: The lines of the content.
        @rtype: list
        return self._resp.readlines()
    def close(self):
        Close the connection.
        if self._resp:
            self._resp = None
class SnapHttpReader(SnapReader):
    Reader class for http input.
    def __init__(self, input, username, password, encoding=None, proxy=None):
        Initialize internal variables.
        @param input: The input source.
        @type input: str
        @param username: Credentials: username to read the input source
        @type username: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.

        @param password: Credentials: password to read the input source
        @type password: str, None or empty string, if no credential needed.
        @param encoding: The encoding to expect from the source.
        @type encoding:  str

        @param proxy: Proxy server information that may be needed to read
            resources at external URIs
        @type proxy: str
        super(SnapHttpReader, self).__init__(input, username, password, encoding, proxy)

    def open(self, callback=None):
        Open a reader object for HTTP access.
        @param callback:  User provided callback that allows the user to create its own reader object.
        @type callback: function, or None.
        @return: A reader object.
        @rtype: snaplogic.common.SnapReader

        if callback:
            return super(SnapHttpReader, self).open(callback = callback)
        # Optional proxy handler setup for accessing external URIs 
        proxy_handler = None
        proxy_auth_handler = None
        if self._proxy:
            proxy_server = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy"]
            proxy_port = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy_port"]
            if proxy_server != "":
                pr = proxy_server + ":" + proxy_port
                # NB: support for https over proxy requires patching Python 2.5. 
                proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': pr})
                # NB: Authenticating proxy is untested.
                # There is also potentially Digest authentication to add later.
                proxy_auth_realm = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy_realm"]
                proxy_auth_host = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy_host"]
                proxy_auth_username = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy_username"]
                proxy_auth_password = self._proxy["cc_http_proxy_password"]
                if proxy_auth_username != "":
                    proxy_auth_handler = urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler()
                    proxy_auth_handler.add_password(proxy_auth_realm, proxy_auth_host, proxy_auth_username, proxy_auth_password)

        # In case specific proxy information was not set up in the CC section of the
        # config file, see if HTTP_PROXY environment variable is set and use it.
        # Note: urllib2 provides default, transparent proxy handler for this (non-authenticating
        # proxy only - to use authenticating proxy, config options like cc_http_proxy_realm have
        # to be used for the codepath above) case, however we set it explicitly here for symmetry
        # and to exercise the below code path in QA system, since there's no way to automatically
        # test config setup yet due to bug 1353.
        # TODO: Note that this "if" block may be unnecessary.
        # Python urllib2 reads environment variable http_proxy (which appears to be case-insensitive).
        # This behavior is hardwired into urllib2, so if this variable is assigned, no matter what the code does, 
        # urllib2 will use the proxy specified by the variable.
        if not proxy_handler:
                pr = os.environ['HTTP_PROXY']
                proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': pr})
            except KeyError:

        # Parse the URL and check if proxy should be used or not:
        # we have a config parameter cc_no_proxy to specify if there are domains
        # for which we shouldn't be using a proxy.  
        (host, no_proxy) = parse_url(self._proxy, self._input)
        if no_proxy:
            # If no_proxy was returned for the URL set proxy handlers to None.
            proxy_handler = None
            proxy_auth_handler = None

        if self._username or self._password:
            # Authenticated connection

            # Use default realm
            mgr = HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
            mgr.add_password(None, host, self._username, self._password)

            # Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP Authentication...
            if not proxy_handler:
                opener = build_opener(HTTPBasicAuthHandler(mgr))
            elif not proxy_auth_handler:
                opener = build_opener(proxy_handler, HTTPBasicAuthHandler(mgr))
                opener = build_opener(proxy_handler, proxy_auth_handler, HTTPBasicAuthHandler(mgr))
            self._resp =
            # Plain connection without authentication
            if not proxy_handler:
                opener = build_opener()
            elif not proxy_auth_handler:
                opener = build_opener(proxy_handler)
                opener = build_opener(proxy_handler, proxy_auth_handler)
            self._resp =
        return self
    def _read_encoding(self):
        The default read() method is replaced with this method when an 
        encoding is specified.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(, self.encoding)
    def read(self):
        Read the content from the connection.
        @return: The content.
        @rtype: str/unicode

    def _readline_encoding(self):
        The default read() method is replaced with this method when an
         encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return unicode(self._resp.readline(), self.encoding)
    def readline(self):
        Read the next line of the content from the connection.

        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: str
        return self._resp.readline()
    def _readlines_encoding(self):
        The default read() method is replaced with this method when an 
        encoding is specified.
        @return: The next line of the content.
        @rtype: unicode
        return [ unicode(l, self.encoding) for l in self._resp.readlines()]
    def readlines(self):
        Read the content in lines from the connection.

        @return: The lines of the content.
        @rtype: list
        return self._resp.readlines()
    def close(self):
        Close the connection.
        if self._resp:
            self._resp = None | Contact Us
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