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PyChecker » pychecker 0.8.18 » pychecker »
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2001-2004, MetaSlash Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Portions Copyright (c) 2005, Google, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Configuration information for checker.

import sys
import os
import getopt
import string
import re
import time

def get_warning_levels():
    import types
    from pychecker import msgs
    WarningClass = msgs.WarningClass

    result = {}
    for name in vars(msgs).keys():
        obj = getattr(msgs, name)
        if (obj is not WarningClass and
            isinstance(obj, types.ClassType) and
            issubclass(obj, WarningClass)):
            result[name.capitalize()] = obj
    return result

_WARNING_LEVELS = get_warning_levels()

_RC_FILE = ".pycheckrc"
CHECKER_VAR = '__pychecker__'
_VERSION = '0.8.18'

_DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST = [ "Tkinter", "wxPython", "gtk", "GTK", "GDK", ]
_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_IGNORE_LIST = [ '__version__', '__warningregistry__', 
                                  '__all__', '__credits__', '__test__',
                                  '__author__', '__email__', '__revision__',
                                  '__id__', '__copyright__', '__license__',
_DEFAULT_UNUSED_LIST = [ '_', 'empty', 'unused', 'dummy', ]

# _OPTIONS = (
#   (categoryName, [
#     (shortArg, useValue, longArg, member, description),
#     ...
#    ]),
#   ...
# )
    ('Major Options', [
 ('',  0, 'only', 'only', 'only warn about files passed on the command line'),
 ('e', 1, 'level', None, 'the maximum error level of warnings to be displayed'),
 ('#', 1, 'limit', 'limit', 'the maximum number of warnings to be displayed'),
 ('F', 1, 'config', None, 'specify .pycheckrc file to use'),
 ('',  0, 'quixote', None, 'support Quixote\'s PTL modules'),
 ('',  1, 'evil', 'evil', 'list of evil C extensions that crash the interpreter'),
 ('',  0, 'keepgoing', 'ignoreImportErrors', 'ignore import errors'),
    ('Error Control', [
 ('i', 0, 'import', 'importUsed', 'unused imports'),
 ('k', 0, 'pkgimport', 'packageImportUsed', 'unused imports from'),
 ('M', 0, 'reimportself', 'reimportSelf', 'module imports itself'),
 ('X', 0, 'reimport', 'moduleImportErrors', 'reimporting a module'),
 ('x', 0, 'miximport', 'mixImport', 'module does import and from ... import'),
 ('l', 0, 'local', 'localVariablesUsed', 'unused local variables, except tuples'),
 ('t', 0, 'tuple', 'unusedLocalTuple', 'all unused local variables, including tuples'),
 ('9', 0, 'members', 'membersUsed', 'all unused class data members'),
 ('v', 0, 'var', 'allVariablesUsed', 'all unused module variables'),
 ('p', 0, 'privatevar', 'privateVariableUsed', 'unused private module variables'),
 ('g', 0, 'allglobals', 'reportAllGlobals', 'report each occurrence of global warnings'),
 ('n', 0, 'namedargs', 'namedArgs', 'functions called with named arguments (like keywords)'),
 ('a', 0, 'initattr', 'onlyCheckInitForMembers', 'Attributes (members) must be defined in __init__()'),
 ('I', 0, 'initsubclass', 'initDefinedInSubclass', 'Subclass.__init__() not defined'),
 ('u', 0, 'callinit', 'baseClassInitted', 'Baseclass.__init__() not called'),
 ('0', 0, 'abstract', 'abstractClasses', 'Subclass needs to override methods that only throw exceptions'),
 ('N', 0, 'initreturn', 'returnNoneFromInit', 'Return None from __init__()'),
 ('8', 0, 'unreachable', 'unreachableCode', 'unreachable code'),
 ('2', 0, 'constCond', 'constantConditions', 'a constant is used in a conditional statement'),
 ('1', 0, 'constant1', 'constant1', '1 is used in a conditional statement (if 1: or while 1:)'),
 ( '', 0, 'stringiter', 'stringIteration', 'check if iterating over a string'),
 ( '', 0, 'stringfind', 'stringFind', 'check improper use of string.find()'),
 ('A', 0, 'callattr', 'callingAttribute', 'Calling data members as functions'),
 ('y', 0, 'classattr', 'classAttrExists', 'class attribute does not exist'),
 ('S', 1, 'self', 'methodArgName', 'First argument to methods'),
 ('',  1, 'classmethodargs', 'classmethodArgNames', 'First argument to classmethods'),
 ('T', 0, 'argsused', 'argumentsUsed', 'unused method/function arguments'),
 ('z', 0, 'varargsused', 'varArgumentsUsed', 'unused method/function variable arguments'),
 ('G', 0, 'selfused', 'ignoreSelfUnused', 'ignore if self is unused in methods'),
 ('o', 0, 'override', 'checkOverridenMethods', 'check if overridden methods have the same signature'),
 ('',  0, 'special', 'checkSpecialMethods', 'check if __special__ methods exist and have the correct signature'),
 ('U', 0, 'reuseattr', 'redefiningFunction', 'check if function/class/method names are reused'),
 ('Y', 0, 'positive', 'unaryPositive', 'check if using unary positive (+) which is usually meaningless'),
 ('j', 0, 'moddefvalue', 'modifyDefaultValue', 'check if modify (call method) on a parameter that has a default value'),
 ( '', 0, 'changetypes', 'inconsistentTypes', 'check if variables are set to different types'),
 ( '', 0, 'unpack', 'unpackNonSequence', 'check if unpacking a non-sequence'),
 ( '', 0, 'unpacklen', 'unpackLength', 'check if unpacking sequence with the wrong length'),
 ( '', 0, 'badexcept', 'badExceptions', 'check if raising or catching bad exceptions'),
 ('4', 0, 'noeffect', 'noEffect', 'check if statement appears to have no effect'),
 ('',  0, 'modulo1', 'modulo1', 'check if using (expr % 1), it has no effect on integers and strings'),
 ('',  0, 'isliteral', 'isLiteral', "check if using (expr is const-literal), doesn't always work on integers and strings"),
 ('',  0, 'constattr', 'constAttr', "check if a constant string is passed to getattr()/setattr()"),
    ('Possible Errors', [
 ('r', 0, 'returnvalues', 'checkReturnValues', 'check consistent return values'),
 ('C', 0, 'implicitreturns', 'checkImplicitReturns', 'check if using implict and explicit return values'),
 ('O', 0, 'objattrs', 'checkObjectAttrs', 'check that attributes of objects exist'),
 ('7', 0, 'slots', 'slots', 'various warnings about incorrect usage of __slots__'),
 ('3', 0, 'properties', 'classicProperties', 'using properties with classic classes'),
 ( '', 0, 'emptyslots', 'emptySlots', 'check if __slots__ is empty'),
 ('D', 0, 'intdivide', 'intDivide', 'check if using integer division'),
 ('w', 0, 'shadow', 'shadows', 'check if local variable shadows a global'),
 ('s', 0, 'shadowbuiltin', 'shadowBuiltins', 'check if a variable shadows a builtin'),
    ('Security', [
 ( '', 0, 'input', 'usesInput', 'check if input() is used'),
 ('6', 0, 'exec', 'usesExec', 'check if the exec statement is used'),
    ('Suppressions', [
 ('q', 0, 'stdlib', 'ignoreStandardLibrary', 'ignore warnings from files under standard library'),
 ('b', 1, 'blacklist', 'blacklist', 'ignore warnings from the list of modules\n\t\t\t'),
 ('Z', 1, 'varlist', 'variablesToIgnore', 'ignore global variables not used if name is one of these values\n\t\t\t'),
 ('E', 1, 'unusednames', 'unusedNames', 'ignore unused locals/arguments if name is one of these values\n\t\t\t'),
 ('',  1, 'missingattrs', 'missingAttrs', 'ignore missing class attributes if name is one of these values\n\t\t\t'),
 ( '', 0, 'deprecated', 'deprecated', 'ignore use of deprecated modules/functions'),
    ('Complexity', [
 ('L', 1, 'maxlines', 'maxLines', 'maximum lines in a function'),
 ('B', 1, 'maxbranches', 'maxBranches', 'maximum branches in a function'),
 ('R', 1, 'maxreturns', 'maxReturns', 'maximum returns in a function'),
 ('J', 1, 'maxargs', 'maxArgs', 'maximum # of arguments to a function'),
 ('K', 1, 'maxlocals', 'maxLocals', 'maximum # of locals in a function'),
 ('5', 1, 'maxrefs', 'maxReferences', 'maximum # of identifier references (Law of Demeter)'),
 ('m', 0, 'moduledoc', 'noDocModule', 'no module doc strings'),
 ('c', 0, 'classdoc', 'noDocClass', 'no class doc strings'),
 ('f', 0, 'funcdoc', 'noDocFunc', 'no function/method doc strings'),
    ('Debug', [
 ( '', 0, 'rcfile', None, 'print a .pycheckrc file generated from command line args'),
 ('P', 0, 'printparse', 'printParse', 'print internal checker parse structures'),
 ('d', 0, 'debug', 'debug', 'turn on debugging for checker'),
 ('',  0, 'findevil', 'findEvil', 'print each class object to find one that crashes'),
 ('Q', 0, 'quiet', 'quiet', 'turn off all output except warnings'),
 ('V', 0, 'version', None, 'print the version of PyChecker and exit'),

def init() :
    GET_OPT_VALUE = (('', ''), (':', '='),)
    shortArgs, longArgs = "", []
    for _, group in _OPTIONS :
        for opt in group:
            optStr = GET_OPT_VALUE[opt[1]]
            shortArgs = shortArgs + opt[0] + optStr[0]
            longArgs.append(opt[2] + optStr[1])
            longArgs.append('no-' + opt[2] + optStr[1])

    options = {}
    for _, group in _OPTIONS :
        for opt in group:
            shortArg, useValue, longArg, member, description = opt
            if shortArg != '' :
                options['-' + shortArg] = opt
            options['--no-' + longArg] = options['--' + longArg] = opt

    return shortArgs, longArgs, options


def _getRCfiles(filename) :
    """Return a list of .rc filenames, on Windows use the current directory
                                       on UNIX use the user's home directory

    files = []
    home = os.environ.get('HOME')
    if home :
        files.append(home + os.sep + filename)
    return files

# .pycheckrc file created by PyChecker v%s @ %s
# It should be placed in your home directory (value of $HOME).
# If $HOME is not set, it will look in the current directory.


def outputRc(cfg) :
    output = _RC_FILE_HEADER % (_VERSION, time.ctime(time.time()))
    for name, group in _OPTIONS :
        for opt in group:
            shortArg, useValue, longArg, member, description = opt
            if member is None :
            description = string.strip(description)
            value = getattr(cfg, member)
            optStr = '# %s\n%s = %s\n\n' % (description, member, `value`)
            output = output + optStr

    return output

class UsageError(Exception) :
    """Exception to indicate that the application should exit due to
       command line usage error."""

'''\nWarning, error processing defaults file: %s
\%s must be a dictionary ({}) -- ignoring suppressions\n'''

def _getSuppressions(name, dict, filename) :
    suppressions = dict.get(name, {})
    if type(suppressions) != type({}) :
        print _SUPPRESSIONS_ERR % (filename, name)
        suppressions = {}
    return suppressions

class Config :
    "Hold configuration information"

    def __init__(self) :
        "Initialize configuration with default values."

        # files to process (typically from cmd line)
        self.files = {}

        self.debug = 0
        self.quiet = 0
        self.only = 0
        self.level = 0
        self.limit = 10

        self.ignoreImportErrors = 0
        self.onlyCheckInitForMembers = 0
        self.printParse = 0
        self.quixote = 0
        self.evil = []
        self.findEvil = 0

        self.noDocModule = 0
        self.noDocClass = 0
        self.noDocFunc = 0

        self.reportAllGlobals = 0
        self.allVariablesUsed = 0
        self.privateVariableUsed = 1
        self.membersUsed = 0
        self.importUsed = 1
        self.reimportSelf = 1
        self.moduleImportErrors = 1
        self.mixImport = 1
        self.packageImportUsed = 1
        self.localVariablesUsed = 1
        self.unusedLocalTuple = 0
        self.initDefinedInSubclass = 0
        self.baseClassInitted = 1
        self.abstractClasses = 1
        self.callingAttribute = 0
        self.classAttrExists = 1
        self.namedArgs = 0
        self.returnNoneFromInit = 1
        self.unreachableCode = 0
        self.constantConditions = 1
        self.constant1 = 0
        self.stringIteration = 1
        self.inconsistentTypes = 0
        self.unpackNonSequence = 1
        self.unpackLength = 1
        self.badExceptions = 1
        self.noEffect = 1
        self.deprecated = 1
        self.modulo1 = 1
        self.isLiteral = 1
        self.stringFind = 1

        self.unusedNames = _DEFAULT_UNUSED_LIST
        self.variablesToIgnore = _DEFAULT_VARIABLE_IGNORE_LIST
        self.blacklist = _DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST
        self.missingAttrs = _DEFAULT_MISSING_ATTRS_LIST
        self.ignoreStandardLibrary = 0
        self.methodArgName = 'self'
        self.classmethodArgNames = ['cls', 'klass']
        self.checkOverridenMethods = 1
        self.checkSpecialMethods = 1

        self.argumentsUsed = 1
        self.varArgumentsUsed = 1
        self.ignoreSelfUnused = 0
        self.redefiningFunction = 1

        self.maxLines = 200
        self.maxBranches = 50
        self.maxReturns = 10
        self.maxArgs = 10
        self.maxLocals = 40
        self.maxReferences = 5

        self.slots = 1
        self.emptySlots = 1
        self.classicProperties = 1
        self.checkObjectAttrs = 1
        self.checkReturnValues = 1
        self.checkImplicitReturns = 1
        self.intDivide = 1
        self.shadows = 1
        self.shadowBuiltins = 1
        self.unaryPositive = 1
        self.modifyDefaultValue = 1
        self.usesExec = 0
        self.usesInput = 1
        self.constAttr = 1

    def loadFile(self, filename) :
        suppressions = {}
        suppressionRegexs = {}
        try :
            tmpGlobal, dict = {}, {}
            execfile(filename, tmpGlobal, dict)
            for key, value in dict.items() :
                if self.__dict__.has_key(key) :
                    self.__dict__[key] = value
                elif key not in ('suppressions', 'suppressionRegexs') and \
                     key[0] != '_':
                    print "Warning, option (%s) doesn't exist, ignoring" % key

            suppressions = _getSuppressions('suppressions', dict, filename)
            regexs = _getSuppressions('suppressionRegexs', dict, filename)
            for regex_str in regexs.keys() :
                regex = re.compile(regex_str)
                suppressionRegexs[regex] = regexs[regex_str]
        except IOError :
            pass       # ignore if no file
        except Exception, detail:
            print "Warning, error loading defaults file:", filename, detail
        return suppressions, suppressionRegexs

    def loadFiles(self, filenames, oldSuppressions = None) :
        if oldSuppressions is None :
            oldSuppressions = ({}, {})
        suppressions = oldSuppressions[0]
        suppressionRegexs = oldSuppressions[1]
        for filename in filenames:
            updates = self.loadFile(filename)
        return suppressions, suppressionRegexs

    def processArgs(self, argList, otherConfigFiles = None) :
        try :
            args, files = getopt.getopt(argList, _SHORT_ARGS, _LONG_ARGS)
        except getopt.error, detail :
            raise UsageError, detail

        # setup files from cmd line
        for f in files:
            self.files[os.path.abspath(f)] = 1

        if otherConfigFiles is None:
            otherConfigFiles = []
        for arg, value in args :
            shortArg, useValue, longArg, member, description = _OPTIONS_DICT[arg]
            if member == None :
                # FIXME: this whole block is a hack
                if longArg == 'rcfile' :
                elif longArg == 'quixote' :
                    import quixote
                    self.quixote = 1
                elif longArg == 'config' :
                elif longArg == 'version' :
                    # FIXME: it would be nice to define this in only one place
                    print _VERSION
                elif longArg == 'level':
                    normalizedValue = value.capitalize()
                    if not _WARNING_LEVELS.has_key(normalizedValue):
                        sys.stderr.write('Invalid warning level (%s).  '
                                         'Must be one of: %s\n' %
                                         (value, _WARNING_LEVELS.keys()))

                    self.level = _WARNING_LEVELS[normalizedValue].level
            elif value  :
                newValue = value
                memberType = type(getattr(self, member))
                if memberType == type(0) :
                    newValue = int(newValue)
                elif memberType == type([]) :
                    newValue = string.split(newValue, ',')
                elif memberType == type('') and \
                     newValue[0] in '\'"':
                            newValue = eval(newValue)
                            msg = 'Invalid option parameter: %s for %s\n' % \
                                  (`newValue`, arg)
                setattr(self, member, newValue)
            elif arg[0:2] == '--' :
                setattr(self, member, arg[2:5] != 'no-')
            else :
                # for shortArgs we only toggle
                setattr(self, member, not getattr(self, member))

        if self.variablesToIgnore.count(CHECKER_VAR) <= 0 :

        return files

def printArg(shortArg, longArg, description, defaultValue, useValue) :
    defStr = ''
    shortArgStr = '   '
    if shortArg:
        shortArgStr = '-%s,' % shortArg

    if defaultValue != None :
        if not useValue :
            if defaultValue :
                defaultValue = 'on'
            else :
                defaultValue = 'off'
        defStr = ' [%s]' % defaultValue
    args = "%s --%s" % (shortArgStr, longArg)
    print "  %-18s %s%s" % (args, description, defStr)

def usage(cfg = None) :
    print "Usage for: [options] PACKAGE ...\n"
    print "    PACKAGEs can be a python package, module or filename\n"
    print "Long options can be preceded with no- to turn off (e.g., no-namedargs)\n"
    print "Category"
    print "  Options:           Change warning for ... [default value]"
    if cfg is None :
        cfg = Config()
    for name, group in _OPTIONS :
        print name + ":"
        for opt in group:  
            shortArg, useValue, longArg, member, description = opt
            defValue = None
            if member != None :
                defValue = cfg.__dict__[member]

            printArg(shortArg, longArg, description, defValue, useValue)

def setupFromArgs(argList) :
    "Returns (Config, [ file1, file2, ... ]) from argList"

    cfg = Config()
    try :
        suppressions = cfg.loadFiles(_getRCfiles(_RC_FILE))
        otherConfigFiles = []
        files = cfg.processArgs(argList, otherConfigFiles)
        if otherConfigFiles:
            suppressions = cfg.loadFiles(otherConfigFiles, suppressions)
        return cfg, files, suppressions
    except UsageError :
        raise | Contact Us
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