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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import table,column,ClauseElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import _clone,_from_objects
from sqlalchemy.test import *
from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import *
from sqlalchemy import util
from sqlalchemy.sql import util
from sqlalchemy.test.testing import eq_

class TraversalTest(TestBase, AssertsExecutionResults):
    """test ClauseVisitor's traversal, particularly its ability to copy and modify
    a ClauseElement in place."""

    def setup_class(cls):
        global A, B

        # establish two ficticious ClauseElements.
        # define deep equality semantics as well as deep identity semantics.
        class A(ClauseElement):
            __visit_name__ = 'a'

            def __init__(self, expr):
                self.expr = expr

            def is_other(self, other):
                return other is self

            __hash__ = ClauseElement.__hash__
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return other.expr == self.expr

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return other.expr != self.expr

            def __str__(self):
                return "A(%s)" % repr(self.expr)

        class B(ClauseElement):
            __visit_name__ = 'b'

            def __init__(self, *items):
                self.items = items

            def is_other(self, other):
                if other is not self:
                    return False
                for i1, i2 in zip(self.items, other.items):
                    if i1 is not i2:
                        return False
                return True

            __hash__ = ClauseElement.__hash__

            def __eq__(self, other):
                for i1, i2 in zip(self.items, other.items):
                    if i1 != i2:
                        return False
                return True

            def __ne__(self, other):
                for i1, i2 in zip(self.items, other.items):
                    if i1 != i2:
                        return True
                return False

            def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
                self.items = [clone(i) for i in self.items]

            def get_children(self, **kwargs):
                return self.items

            def __str__(self):
                return "B(%s)" % repr([str(i) for i in self.items])

    def test_test_classes(self):
        a1 = A("expr1")
        struct = B(a1, A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))
        struct2 = B(a1, A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))
        struct3 = B(a1, A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2bmodified")), A("expr3"))

        assert a1.is_other(a1)
        assert struct.is_other(struct)
        assert struct == struct2
        assert struct != struct3
        assert not struct.is_other(struct2)
        assert not struct.is_other(struct3)

    def test_clone(self):
        struct = B(A("expr1"), A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))

        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_a(self, a):
            def visit_b(self, b):

        vis = Vis()
        s2 = vis.traverse(struct)
        assert struct == s2
        assert not struct.is_other(s2)
    def test_no_clone(self):
        struct = B(A("expr1"), A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))

        class Vis(ClauseVisitor):
            def visit_a(self, a):
            def visit_b(self, b):

        vis = Vis()
        s2 = vis.traverse(struct)
        assert struct == s2
        assert struct.is_other(s2)

    def test_change_in_place(self):
        struct = B(A("expr1"), A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))
        struct2 = B(A("expr1"), A("expr2modified"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2b")), A("expr3"))
        struct3 = B(A("expr1"), A("expr2"), B(A("expr1b"), A("expr2bmodified")), A("expr3"))

        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_a(self, a):
                if a.expr == "expr2":
                    a.expr = "expr2modified"
            def visit_b(self, b):

        vis = Vis()
        s2 = vis.traverse(struct)
        assert struct != s2
        assert not struct.is_other(s2)
        assert struct2 == s2

        class Vis2(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_a(self, a):
                if a.expr == "expr2b":
                    a.expr = "expr2bmodified"
            def visit_b(self, b):

        vis2 = Vis2()
        s3 = vis2.traverse(struct)
        assert struct != s3
        assert struct3 == s3

    def test_visit_name(self):
        # override fns in testlib/schema.py
        from sqlalchemy import Column

        class CustomObj(Column):
        assert CustomObj.__visit_name__ == Column.__visit_name__ == 'column'
        foo, bar = CustomObj('foo', String), CustomObj('bar', String)
        bin = foo == bar
        s = set(ClauseVisitor().iterate(bin))
        assert set(ClauseVisitor().iterate(bin)) == set([foo, bar, bin])

class ClauseTest(TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
    """test copy-in-place behavior of various ClauseElements."""

    def setup_class(cls):
        global t1, t2
        t1 = table("table1",
        t2 = table("table2",

    def test_binary(self):
        clause = t1.c.col2 == t2.c.col2
        eq_(str(clause), str(CloningVisitor().traverse(clause)))

    def test_binary_anon_label_quirk(self):
        t = table('t1', column('col1'))

        f = t.c.col1 * 5
        self.assert_compile(select([f]), "SELECT t1.col1 * :col1_1 AS anon_1 FROM t1")


        a = t.alias()
        f = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(a).traverse(f)

        self.assert_compile(select([f]), "SELECT t1_1.col1 * :col1_1 AS anon_1 FROM t1 AS t1_1")
    def test_join(self):
        clause = t1.join(t2, t1.c.col2==t2.c.col2)
        c1 = str(clause)
        assert str(clause) == str(CloningVisitor().traverse(clause))

        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_binary(self, binary):
                binary.right = t2.c.col3

        clause2 = Vis().traverse(clause)
        assert c1 == str(clause)
        assert str(clause2) == str(t1.join(t2, t1.c.col2==t2.c.col3))
    def test_aliased_column_adapt(self):
        clause = t1.select()
        aliased = t1.select().alias()
        aliased2 = t1.alias()
        adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(aliased)
        f = select([
            for c in aliased2.c
        s = select([aliased2]).select_from(aliased)
        eq_(str(s), str(f))
        f = select([
    def test_text(self):
        clause = text("select * from table where foo=:bar", bindparams=[bindparam('bar')])
        c1 = str(clause)
        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_textclause(self, text):
                text.text = text.text + " SOME MODIFIER=:lala"
                text.bindparams['lala'] = bindparam('lala')

        clause2 = Vis().traverse(clause)
        assert c1 == str(clause)
        assert str(clause2) == c1 + " SOME MODIFIER=:lala"
        assert clause.bindparams.keys() == ['bar']
        assert set(clause2.bindparams.keys()) == set(['bar', 'lala'])

    def test_select(self):
        s2 = select([t1])
        s2_assert = str(s2)
        s3_assert = str(select([t1], t1.c.col2==7))
        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_select(self, select):
        s3 = Vis().traverse(s2)
        assert str(s3) == s3_assert
        assert str(s2) == s2_assert
        print str(s2)
        print str(s3)
        class Vis(ClauseVisitor):
            def visit_select(self, select):
        assert str(s2) == s3_assert

        print "------------------"

        s4_assert = str(select([t1], and_(t1.c.col2==7, t1.c.col3==9)))
        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_select(self, select):
        s4 = Vis().traverse(s3)
        print str(s3)
        print str(s4)
        assert str(s4) == s4_assert
        assert str(s3) == s3_assert

        print "------------------"
        s5_assert = str(select([t1], and_(t1.c.col2==7, t1.c.col1==9)))
        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_binary(self, binary):
                if binary.left is t1.c.col3:
                    binary.left = t1.c.col1
                    binary.right = bindparam("col1", unique=True)
        s5 = Vis().traverse(s4)
        print str(s4)
        print str(s5)
        assert str(s5) == s5_assert
        assert str(s4) == s4_assert
    def test_union(self):
        u = union(t1.select(), t2.select())
        u2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(u)
        assert str(u) == str(u2)
        assert [str(c) for c in u2.c] == [str(c) for c in u.c]

        u = union(t1.select(), t2.select())
        cols = [str(c) for c in u.c]
        u2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(u)
        assert str(u) == str(u2)
        assert [str(c) for c in u2.c] == cols
        s1 = select([t1], t1.c.col1 == bindparam('id_param'))
        s2 = select([t2])
        u = union(s1, s2)
        u2 = u.params(id_param=7)
        u3 = u.params(id_param=10)
        assert str(u) == str(u2) == str(u3)
        assert u2.compile().params == {'id_param':7}
        assert u3.compile().params == {'id_param':10}
    def test_in(self):
        expr = t1.c.col1.in_(['foo', 'bar'])
        expr2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(expr)
        assert str(expr) == str(expr2)
    def test_adapt_union(self):
        u = union(t1.select().where(t1.c.col1==4), t1.select().where(t1.c.col1==5)).alias()
        assert sql_util.ClauseAdapter(u).traverse(t1) is u
    def test_binds(self):
        """test that unique bindparams change their name upon clone() to prevent conflicts"""

        s = select([t1], t1.c.col1==bindparam(None, unique=True)).alias()
        s2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s).alias()
        s3 = select([s], s.c.col2==s2.c.col2)

        self.assert_compile(s3, "SELECT anon_1.col1, anon_1.col2, anon_1.col3 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, "\
        "table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :param_1) AS anon_1, "\
        "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :param_2) AS anon_2 "\
        "WHERE anon_1.col2 = anon_2.col2")

        s = select([t1], t1.c.col1==4).alias()
        s2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s).alias()
        s3 = select([s], s.c.col2==s2.c.col2)
        self.assert_compile(s3, "SELECT anon_1.col1, anon_1.col2, anon_1.col3 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, "\
        "table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_1) AS anon_1, "\
        "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_2) AS anon_2 "\
        "WHERE anon_1.col2 = anon_2.col2")
    def test_extract(self):
        s = select([extract('foo', t1.c.col1).label('col1')])
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT EXTRACT(foo FROM table1.col1) AS col1 FROM table1")
        s2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s).alias()
        s3 = select([s2.c.col1])
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT EXTRACT(foo FROM table1.col1) AS col1 FROM table1")
        self.assert_compile(s3, "SELECT anon_1.col1 FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(foo FROM table1.col1) AS col1 FROM table1) AS anon_1")
    @testing.emits_warning('.*replaced by another column with the same key')
    def test_alias(self):
        subq = t2.select().alias('subq')
        s = select([t1.c.col1, subq.c.col1], from_obj=[t1, subq, t1.join(subq, t1.c.col1==subq.c.col2)])
        orig = str(s)
        s2 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        assert orig == str(s) == str(s2)

        s4 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s2)
        assert orig == str(s) == str(s2) == str(s4)

        s3 = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(table('foo')).traverse(s)
        assert orig == str(s) == str(s3)

        s4 = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(table('foo')).traverse(s3)
        assert orig == str(s) == str(s3) == str(s4)

        subq = subq.alias('subq')
        s = select([t1.c.col1, subq.c.col1], from_obj=[t1, subq, t1.join(subq, t1.c.col1==subq.c.col2)])
        s5 = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        assert orig == str(s) == str(s5)
    def test_correlated_select(self):
        s = select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)
        class Vis(CloningVisitor):
            def visit_select(self, select):

        self.assert_compile(Vis().traverse(s), "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1 AND table1.col2 = :col2_1")
    def test_this_thing(self):
        s = select([t1]).where(t1.c.col1=='foo').alias()
        s2 = select([s.c.col1])
        self.assert_compile(s2, "SELECT anon_1.col1 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_1) AS anon_1")
        t1a = t1.alias()
        s2 = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1a).traverse(s2)
        self.assert_compile(s2, "SELECT anon_1.col1 FROM (SELECT table1_1.col1 AS col1, table1_1.col2 AS col2, table1_1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 AS table1_1 WHERE table1_1.col1 = :col1_1) AS anon_1")
    def test_select_fromtwice(self):
        t1a = t1.alias()
        s = select([1], t1.c.col1==t1a.c.col1, from_obj=t1a).correlate(t1)
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT 1 FROM table1 AS table1_1 WHERE table1.col1 = table1_1.col1")
        s = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT 1 FROM table1 AS table1_1 WHERE table1.col1 = table1_1.col1")
        s = select([t1]).where(t1.c.col1=='foo').alias()
        s2 = select([1], t1.c.col1==s.c.col1, from_obj=s).correlate(t1)
        self.assert_compile(s2, "SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_1) AS anon_1 WHERE table1.col1 = anon_1.col1")
        s2 = ReplacingCloningVisitor().traverse(s2)
        self.assert_compile(s2, "SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_1) AS anon_1 WHERE table1.col1 = anon_1.col1")
class ClauseAdapterTest(TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
    def setup_class(cls):
        global t1, t2
        t1 = table("table1",
        t2 = table("table2",

    def test_correlation_on_clone(self):
        t1alias = t1.alias('t1alias')
        t2alias = t2.alias('t2alias')
        vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias)

        s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1alias, t2alias]).as_scalar()
        assert t2alias in s._froms
        assert t1alias in s._froms

        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t2alias.c.col1==s), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t2alias.col1 = (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias)")
        s = vis.traverse(s)

        assert t2alias not in s._froms  # not present because it's been cloned

        assert t1alias in s._froms # present because the adapter placed it there

        # correlate list on "s" needs to take into account the full _cloned_set for each element in _froms when correlating
        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t2alias.c.col1==s), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t2alias.col1 = (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias)")

        s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1alias, t2alias]).correlate(t2alias).as_scalar()
        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t2alias.c.col1==s), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t2alias.col1 = (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias)")
        s = vis.traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t2alias.c.col1==s), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t2alias.col1 = (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias)")
        s = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t2alias.c.col1==s), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t2alias.col1 = (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias)")
        s = select(['*']).where(t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1).as_scalar()
        self.assert_compile(select([t1.c.col1, s]), "SELECT table1.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1")
        vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias)
        s = vis.traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1alias.c.col1, s]), "SELECT t1alias.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1 AS t1alias")
        s = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1alias.c.col1, s]), "SELECT t1alias.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1 AS t1alias")

        s = select(['*']).where(t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1).correlate(t1).as_scalar()
        self.assert_compile(select([t1.c.col1, s]), "SELECT table1.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1")
        vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias)
        s = vis.traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1alias.c.col1, s]), "SELECT t1alias.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1 AS t1alias")
        s = CloningVisitor().traverse(s)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1alias.c.col1, s]), "SELECT t1alias.col1, (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 FROM table1 AS t1alias")

    def test_joins_dont_adapt(self):
        # adapting to a join, i.e. ClauseAdapter(t1.join(t2)), doesn't make much sense.
        # ClauseAdapter doesn't make any changes if it's against a straight join.
        users = table('users', column('id'))
        addresses = table('addresses', column('id'), column('user_id'))

        ualias = users.alias()

        s = select([func.count(addresses.c.id)], users.c.id==addresses.c.user_id).correlate(users) #.as_scalar().label(None)
        s= sql_util.ClauseAdapter(ualias).traverse(s)

        j1 = addresses.join(ualias, addresses.c.user_id==ualias.c.id)

        self.assert_compile(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(j1).traverse(s), "SELECT count(addresses.id) AS count_1 FROM addresses WHERE users_1.id = addresses.user_id")
    def test_table_to_alias(self):

        t1alias = t1.alias('t1alias')

        vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias)
        ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo'))
        assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias]

        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], from_obj=[t1])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias")
        self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2), "SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2")

        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(case([(t1.c.col1==5, t1.c.col2)], else_=t1.c.col1)), 
            "CASE WHEN (t1alias.col1 = :col1_1) THEN t1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END"
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(case([(5, t1.c.col2)], value=t1.c.col1, else_=t1.c.col1)), 
            "CASE t1alias.col1 WHEN :param_1 THEN t1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END"

        s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1]).alias('foo')
        self.assert_compile(s.select(), "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(s.select()), "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias) AS foo")
        self.assert_compile(s.select(), "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo")

        ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo'))
        self.assert_compile(select([ff]), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias")
        assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias]

    #    self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select([func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')]), clone=True), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias")

        t2alias = t2.alias('t2alias')
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2")
        self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2")

    def test_include_exclude(self):
        m = MetaData()
        a=Table( 'a',m,
          Column( 'id',    Integer, primary_key=True),
          Column( 'xxx_id', Integer, ForeignKey( 'a.id', name='adf',use_alter=True ) )

        e = (a.c.id == a.c.xxx_id)
        assert str(e) == "a.id = a.xxx_id"
        b = a.alias()

        e = sql_util.ClauseAdapter( b, include= set([ a.c.id ]),
          equivalents= { a.c.id: set([ a.c.id]) }
        ).traverse( e)

        assert str(e) == "a_1.id = a.xxx_id"

    def test_recursive_equivalents(self):
        m = MetaData()
        a = Table('a', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))
        b = Table('b', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))
        c = Table('c', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))
        # force a recursion overflow, by linking a.c.x<->c.c.x, and
        # asking for a nonexistent col.  corresponding_column should prevent
        # endless depth.
        adapt = sql_util.ClauseAdapter( b, equivalents= {a.c.x: set([ c.c.x]), c.c.x:set([a.c.x])})
        assert adapt._corresponding_column(a.c.x, False) is None

    def test_multilevel_equivalents(self):
        m = MetaData()
        a = Table('a', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))
        b = Table('b', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))
        c = Table('c', m, Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer))

        alias = select([a]).select_from(a.join(b, a.c.x==b.c.x)).alias()
        # two levels of indirection from c.x->b.x->a.x, requires recursive 
        # corresponding_column call
        adapt = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(alias, equivalents= {b.c.x: set([ a.c.x]), c.c.x:set([b.c.x])})
        assert adapt._corresponding_column(a.c.x, False) is alias.c.x
        assert adapt._corresponding_column(c.c.x, False) is alias.c.x
    def test_join_to_alias(self):
        metadata = MetaData()
        a = Table('a', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
        b = Table('b', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('aid', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')),
        c = Table('c', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('bid', Integer, ForeignKey('b.id')),

        d = Table('d', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('aid', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')),

        j1 = a.outerjoin(b)
        j2 = select([j1], use_labels=True)

        j3 = c.join(j2, j2.c.b_id==c.c.bid)

        j4 = j3.outerjoin(d)
        self.assert_compile(j4,  "c JOIN (SELECT a.id AS a_id, b.id AS b_id, b.aid AS b_aid FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id = b.aid) "
                                 "ON b_id = c.bid"
                                 " LEFT OUTER JOIN d ON a_id = d.aid")
        j5 = j3.alias('foo')
        j6 = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(j5).copy_and_process([j4])[0]

        # this statement takes c join(a join b), wraps it inside an aliased "select * from c join(a join b) AS foo".
        # the outermost right side "left outer join d" stays the same, except "d" joins against foo.a_id instead
        # of plain "a_id"
        self.assert_compile(j6, "(SELECT c.id AS c_id, c.bid AS c_bid, a_id AS a_id, b_id AS b_id, b_aid AS b_aid FROM "
                                "c JOIN (SELECT a.id AS a_id, b.id AS b_id, b.aid AS b_aid FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id = b.aid) "
                                "ON b_id = c.bid) AS foo"
                                " LEFT OUTER JOIN d ON foo.a_id = d.aid")

    def test_derived_from(self):
        assert select([t1]).is_derived_from(t1)
        assert not select([t2]).is_derived_from(t1)
        assert not t1.is_derived_from(select([t1]))
        assert t1.alias().is_derived_from(t1)

        s1 = select([t1, t2]).alias('foo')
        s2 = select([s1]).limit(5).offset(10).alias()
        assert s2.is_derived_from(s1)
        s2 = s2._clone()
        assert s2.is_derived_from(s1)

    def test_aliasedselect_to_aliasedselect(self):
        # original issue from ticket #904
        s1 = select([t1]).alias('foo')
        s2 = select([s1]).limit(5).offset(10).alias()

            "SELECT foo.col1, foo.col2, foo.col3 FROM (SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1) AS foo  LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10")

        j = s1.outerjoin(t2, s1.c.col1==t2.c.col1)
            "SELECT anon_1.col1, anon_1.col2, anon_1.col3, table2.col1, table2.col2, table2.col3 FROM "\
            "(SELECT foo.col1 AS col1, foo.col2 AS col2, foo.col3 AS col3 FROM "\
            "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1) AS foo  LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10) AS anon_1 "\
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON anon_1.col1 = table2.col1")

        talias = t1.alias('bar')
        j = s1.outerjoin(talias, s1.c.col1==talias.c.col1)
            "SELECT anon_1.col1, anon_1.col2, anon_1.col3, bar.col1, bar.col2, bar.col3 FROM "\
            "(SELECT foo.col1 AS col1, foo.col2 AS col2, foo.col3 AS col3 FROM "\
            "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1) AS foo  LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10) AS anon_1 "\
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN table1 AS bar ON anon_1.col1 = bar.col1")
    def test_functions(self):
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1.alias()).traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1)), "count(table1_1.col1)")

        s = select([func.count(t1.c.col1)])
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1.alias()).traverse(s), "SELECT count(table1_1.col1) AS count_1 FROM table1 AS table1_1")
    def test_recursive(self):
        metadata = MetaData()
        a = Table('a', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
        b = Table('b', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('aid', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')),
        c = Table('c', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('bid', Integer, ForeignKey('b.id')),

        d = Table('d', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('aid', Integer, ForeignKey('a.id')),

        u = union(
            "SELECT c.bid "\
            "FROM c, (SELECT a.id AS a_id, b.id AS b_id, b.aid AS b_aid "\
            "FROM a JOIN b ON a.id = b.aid UNION SELECT a.id AS a_id, d.id AS d_id, d.aid AS d_aid "\
            "FROM a JOIN d ON a.id = d.aid) AS anon_1 "\
            "WHERE c.bid = anon_1.b_aid"

class SpliceJoinsTest(TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
    def setup_class(cls):
        global table1, table2, table3, table4
        def _table(name):
            return table(name, column("col1"), column("col2"),column("col3"))
        table1, table2, table3, table4 = [_table(name) for name in ("table1", "table2", "table3", "table4")]    

    def test_splice(self):
        (t1, t2, t3, t4) = (table1, table2, table1.alias(), table2.alias())
        j = t1.join(t2, t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1).join(t3, t2.c.col1==t3.c.col1).join(t4, t4.c.col1==t1.c.col1)
        s = select([t1]).where(t1.c.col2<5).alias()
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(s, j), 
            "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, "\
            "table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col2 < :col2_1) AS anon_1 "\
            "JOIN table2 ON anon_1.col1 = table2.col1 JOIN table1 AS table1_1 ON table2.col1 = table1_1.col1 "\
            "JOIN table2 AS table2_1 ON table2_1.col1 = anon_1.col1")

    def test_stop_on(self):
        (t1, t2, t3) = (table1, table2, table3)
        j1= t1.join(t2, t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1)
        j2 = j1.join(t3, t2.c.col1==t3.c.col1)
        s = select([t1]).select_from(j1).alias()
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(s, j2), 
            "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 JOIN table2 "\
            "ON table1.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 JOIN table2 ON anon_1.col1 = table2.col1 JOIN table3 "\
            "ON table2.col1 = table3.col1"

        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(s, j2, j1), 
            "(SELECT table1.col1 AS col1, table1.col2 AS col2, table1.col3 AS col3 FROM table1 "\
            "JOIN table2 ON table1.col1 = table2.col1) AS anon_1 JOIN table3 ON table2.col1 = table3.col1")
    def test_splice_2(self):
        t2a = table2.alias()
        t3a = table3.alias()
        j1 = table1.join(t2a, table1.c.col1==t2a.c.col1).join(t3a, t2a.c.col2==t3a.c.col2)
        t2b = table4.alias()
        j2 = table1.join(t2b, table1.c.col3==t2b.c.col3)
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(table1, j1), 
            "table1 JOIN table2 AS table2_1 ON table1.col1 = table2_1.col1 "\
            "JOIN table3 AS table3_1 ON table2_1.col2 = table3_1.col2")
        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(table1, j2), "table1 JOIN table4 AS table4_1 ON table1.col3 = table4_1.col3")

        self.assert_compile(sql_util.splice_joins(sql_util.splice_joins(table1, j1), j2), 
            "table1 JOIN table2 AS table2_1 ON table1.col1 = table2_1.col1 "\
            "JOIN table3 AS table3_1 ON table2_1.col2 = table3_1.col2 "\
            "JOIN table4 AS table4_1 ON table1.col3 = table4_1.col3")
class SelectTest(TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
    """tests the generative capability of Select"""

    def setup_class(cls):
        global t1, t2
        t1 = table("table1",
        t2 = table("table2",

    def test_select(self):
        "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 = :col1_1 ORDER BY table1.col3")

        self.assert_compile(t1.select().select_from(select([t2], t2.c.col1==t1.c.col1)).order_by(t1.c.col3),
            "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, (SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 "\
            "FROM table2 WHERE table2.col1 = table1.col1) ORDER BY table1.col3")

        s = select([t2], t2.c.col1==t1.c.col1, correlate=False)
        s = s.correlate(t1).order_by(t2.c.col3)
            "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, (SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 "\
            "FROM table2 WHERE table2.col1 = table1.col1 ORDER BY table2.col3) ORDER BY table1.col3")

    def test_columns(self):
        s = t1.select()
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")
        select_copy = s.column('yyy')
        self.assert_compile(select_copy, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3, yyy FROM table1")
        assert s.columns is not select_copy.columns
        assert s._columns is not select_copy._columns
        assert s._raw_columns is not select_copy._raw_columns
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")

    def test_froms(self):
        s = t1.select()
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")
        select_copy = s.select_from(t2)
        self.assert_compile(select_copy, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, table2")
        assert s._froms is not select_copy._froms
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")

    def test_correlation(self):
        s = select([t2], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col1)
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table2.col1, table2.col2, table2.col3 FROM table2, table1 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1")
        s2 = select([t1], t1.c.col2==s.c.col2)
        self.assert_compile(s2, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, "
                "(SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 FROM table2 "
                "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) WHERE table1.col2 = col2")

        s3 = s.correlate(None)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1], t1.c.col2==s3.c.col2), "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, "
                "(SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 FROM table2, table1 "
                "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) WHERE table1.col2 = col2")
        self.assert_compile(select([t1], t1.c.col2==s.c.col2), "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, "
                "(SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 FROM table2 "
                "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) WHERE table1.col2 = col2")
        s4 = s3.correlate(t1)
        self.assert_compile(select([t1], t1.c.col2==s4.c.col2), "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, "
                "(SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 FROM table2 "
                "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) WHERE table1.col2 = col2")
        self.assert_compile(select([t1], t1.c.col2==s3.c.col2), "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1, "
                "(SELECT table2.col1 AS col1, table2.col2 AS col2, table2.col3 AS col3 FROM table2, table1 "
                "WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col1) WHERE table1.col2 = col2")

    def test_prefixes(self):
        s = t1.select()
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")
        select_copy = s.prefix_with("FOOBER")
        self.assert_compile(select_copy, "SELECT FOOBER table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")
        self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3 FROM table1")

    def test_execution_options(self):
        s = select().execution_options(foo='bar')
        s2 = s.execution_options(bar='baz')
        s3 = s.execution_options(foo='not bar')
        # The original select should not be modified.
        assert s._execution_options == dict(foo='bar')
        # s2 should have its execution_options based on s, though.
        assert s2._execution_options == dict(foo='bar', bar='baz')
        assert s3._execution_options == dict(foo='not bar')

    # this feature not available yet
    def _NOTYET_test_execution_options_in_kwargs(self):
        s = select(execution_options=dict(foo='bar'))
        s2 = s.execution_options(bar='baz')
        # The original select should not be modified.
        assert s._execution_options == dict(foo='bar')
        # s2 should have its execution_options based on s, though.
        assert s2._execution_options == dict(foo='bar', bar='baz')
    # this feature not available yet
    def _NOTYET_test_execution_options_in_text(self):
        s = text('select 42', execution_options=dict(foo='bar'))
        assert s._execution_options == dict(foo='bar')

class InsertTest(TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
    """Tests the generative capability of Insert"""

    # fixme: consolidate converage from elsewhere here and expand

    def setup_class(cls):
        global t1, t2
        t1 = table("table1",
        t2 = table("table2",

    def test_prefixes(self):
        i = t1.insert()
                            "INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2, col3) "
                            "VALUES (:col1, :col2, :col3)")

        gen = i.prefix_with("foober")
                            "INSERT foober INTO table1 (col1, col2, col3) "
                            "VALUES (:col1, :col2, :col3)")

                            "INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2, col3) "
                            "VALUES (:col1, :col2, :col3)")

        i2 = t1.insert(prefixes=['squiznart'])
                            "INSERT squiznart INTO table1 (col1, col2, col3) "
                            "VALUES (:col1, :col2, :col3)")

        gen2 = i2.prefix_with("quux")
                            "INSERT squiznart quux INTO "
                            "table1 (col1, col2, col3) "
                            "VALUES (:col1, :col2, :col3)")

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