:  » Database » Modeling-Framework » Modeling-0.9 » Modeling » ModelMasons » Python_bricks » Python Open Source

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Python Open Source » Database » Modeling Framework 
Modeling Framework » Modeling 0.9 » Modeling » ModelMasons » Python_bricks »
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
import os.path
from os.path import getmtime,exists
import time
import types
import __builtin__
from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersion
from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersionTuple
from Cheetah.Template import Template
from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound,valueForName,valueFromSearchList,valueFromFrameOrSearchList
from Cheetah.CacheRegion import CacheRegion
import Cheetah.Filters as Filters
import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers
import time
from Modeling import utils

    True, False
except NameError:
    True, False = (1==1), (1==0)
__CHEETAH_version__ = '2.0rc6'
__CHEETAH_versionTuple__ = (2, 0, 0, 'candidate', 6)
__CHEETAH_genTime__ = 1140978986.16941
__CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ = 'Sun Feb 26 19:36:26 2006'
__CHEETAH_src__ = 'Modeling/ModelMasons/Python_bricks/base_module.tmpl'
__CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ = 'Sun Feb 26 19:08:10 2006'
__CHEETAH_docstring__ = 'Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine'

if __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ < RequiredCheetahVersionTuple:
    raise AssertionError(
      'This template was compiled with Cheetah version'
      ' %s. Templates compiled before version %s must be recompiled.'%(
         __CHEETAH_version__, RequiredCheetahVersion))


class base_module(Template):


    def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):

        Template.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
        if not self._CHEETAH__instanceInitialized:
            cheetahKWArgs = {}
            allowedKWs = 'searchList namespaces filter filtersLib errorCatcher'.split()
            for k,v in KWs.items():
                if k in allowedKWs: cheetahKWArgs[k] = v

    def respond(self, trans=None):

        ## CHEETAH: main method generated for this template
        if (not trans and not self._CHEETAH__isBuffering and not callable(self.transaction)):
            trans = self.transaction # is None unless self.awake() was called
        if not trans:
            trans = DummyTransaction()
            _dummyTrans = True
        else: _dummyTrans = False
        write = trans.response().write
        SL = self._CHEETAH__searchList
        _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter
        ## START - generated method body
        #  This template will build the <module> module
        write('# Generated by / ')
        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"time",True),"strftime",False)("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M") # '$(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"))' on line 3, col 46
        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"))')) # from line 3, col 46.
        write('\n# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE -- IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN\n# Instead, modify ')
        _v = VFFSL(SL,"model.packageName",True) # '$(model.packageName)' on line 5, col 19
        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(model.packageName)')) # from line 5, col 19.
        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entities",True)[0],"moduleName",False)() # '$(entities[0].moduleName())' on line 5, col 40
        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(entities[0].moduleName())')) # from line 5, col 40.
        custom = 1
        imported = []
        for entity in VFFSL(SL,"entities",True): # generated from line 8, col 1
            if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)() not in imported: # generated from line 9, col 1
                if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)() and VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)() not in VFFSL(SL,"entities",True): # generated from line 10, col 1
                    write('import ')
                    _v = VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(),"className",False)() # '$entity.parentEntity().className()' on line 11, col 8
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$entity.parentEntity().className()')) # from line 11, col 8.
                    write(' # make sure we import in correct order\nfrom ')
                    _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"model",True),"packageName",False)() # '$(model.packageName())' on line 12, col 6
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(model.packageName())')) # from line 12, col 6.
                    _v = VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(),"moduleName",False)() # '$entity.parentEntity().moduleName()' on line 12, col 29
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$entity.parentEntity().moduleName()')) # from line 12, col 29.
                    write(' import ')
                    _v = VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(),"className",False)() # '$entity.parentEntity().className()' on line 12, col 72
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$entity.parentEntity().className()')) # from line 12, col 72.
                    _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"imported",True),"append",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)()) # '$imported.append($entity.parentEntity())' on line 13, col 1
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$imported.append($entity.parentEntity())')) # from line 13, col 1.
                elif VFFSL(SL,"custom",True): # generated from line 14, col 1
                    write('from Modeling.CustomObject import CustomObject\n')
                    custom = 0
        write('''from Modeling.Validation import ValidationException
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeFrom

        for entity in VFFSL(SL,"entities",True): # generated from line 24, col 1
            class_name = str(VFFSL(SL,"entity.className",True))
            l_class_name = utils.lower(VFFSL(SL,"entity.className",True))
            type_name = VFFSL(SL,"entity.typeName",True)
            type_name_id = utils.stringToPythonIdentifier(str(VFFSL(SL,"entity.typeName",True)))
            entity_props = list(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"newOrOverriddenPythonProperties",False)())
            _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity_props",True),"sort",False)(lambda x,y: cmp(, # '$entity_props.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,' on line 30, col 1
            if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$entity_props.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,')) # from line 30, col 1.
            if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(): # generated from line 31, col 1
                write('class ')
                _v = VFFSL(SL,"class_name",True) # '$(class_name)' on line 32, col 7
                if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(class_name)')) # from line 32, col 7.
                _v = VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(),"className",False)() # '$(entity.parentEntity().className())' on line 32, col 21
                if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(entity.parentEntity().className())')) # from line 32, col 21.
            else: # generated from line 33, col 1
                write('class ')
                _v = VFFSL(SL,"class_name",True) # '$(class_name)' on line 34, col 7
                if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(class_name)')) # from line 34, col 7.
            write('  """\n  Base module for ')
            _v = VFFSL(SL,"class_name",True) # '$(class_name)' on line 37, col 19
            if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(class_name)')) # from line 37, col 19.
            if not (VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)()):
                write('  __implements__ = CustomObject.__implements__\n')
  def __init__(self):
    # Note: if you modify this method, it is a strong requirement that
    # every parameter gets a default value, since the framework needs to be
    # able to instanciate an object with no parameter at all.
            if VFFSL(SL,"entity.parentEntity",True): # generated from line 49, col 5
                write('    ')
                _v = VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"parentEntity",False)(),"name",False)() # '$(entity.parentEntity().name())' on line 50, col 5
                if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(entity.parentEntity().name())')) # from line 50, col 5.
            for attr in VFFSL(SL,"entity_props",True): # generated from line 52, col 5
                if hasattr(VFFSL(SL,"attr",True), 'defaultValueAsPythonStatement'): # generated from line 53, col 5
                    if not VFFSL(SL,"attr",True) in VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"primaryKeyAttributes",False)(): # generated from line 54, col 1
                        write('    self._')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 55, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 55, col 11.
                        write(' = ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement",True) # '$attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement' on line 55, col 24
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement')) # from line 55, col 24.
                    else: # generated from line 56, col 1
                        write('    self._')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 57, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 57, col 11.
                        write(' = ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement",True) # '$attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement' on line 57, col 24
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$attr.defaultValueAsPythonStatement')) # from line 57, col 24.
                        write(' # Primary Key: read-only!\n')
            for rel in VFFSL(SL,"entity_props",True): # generated from line 61, col 5
                if not hasattr(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True), 'defaultValueAsPythonStatement'): # generated from line 62, col 7
                    if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"isToMany",False)(): # generated from line 63, col 9
                        write('    self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 64, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 64, col 11.
                    else: # generated from line 65, col 9
                        write('    self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 66, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 66, col 11.
  def entityName(self):
      "Used by the framework to link this object to its entity"
      return "''')
            _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$(' on line 73, col 15
            if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(')) # from line 73, col 15.
            write('" # do not change\n\n')
            for attr in VFFSL(SL,"entity_props",True): # generated from line 75, col 3
                if hasattr(VFFSL(SL,"attr",True), 'defaultValueAsPythonStatement'): # generated from line 76, col 3
                    write('\n  # Attribute: ')
                    _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 78, col 16
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 78, col 16.
                    if VFFSL(SL,"attr",True) in VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"primaryKeyAttributes",False)(): # generated from line 79, col 1
                        write('  # This attribute is a primary key: it is a READ-ONLY attribute that should\n  # not be changed\n')
                    write('  def get')
                    _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)( # '$utils.capitalizeFirstLetter(' on line 83, col 10
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$utils.capitalizeFirstLetter(')) # from line 83, col 10.
                    write('(self):\n    "Return the ')
                    _v = VFFSL(SL,"class_name",True) # '$class_name' on line 84, col 17
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$class_name')) # from line 84, col 17.
                    write(' / ')
                    _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 84, col 31
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 84, col 31.
                    write(' attribute value"\n    self.willRead()\n    return self._')
                    _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 86, col 18
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 86, col 18.
                    write('\n  \n')
                    if not VFFSL(SL,"attr",True) in VFN(VFFSL(SL,"entity",True),"primaryKeyAttributes",False)(): # generated from line 88, col 1
                        write('  def set')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)( # '$utils.capitalizeFirstLetter(' on line 89, col 10
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$utils.capitalizeFirstLetter(')) # from line 89, col 10.
                        write('(self, ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 89, col 58
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 89, col 58.
                        write('):\n    "Change the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"class_name",True) # '$class_name' on line 90, col 17
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$class_name')) # from line 90, col 17.
                        write(' / ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 90, col 31
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 90, col 31.
                        write(' attribute value"\n    self.willChange()\n    self._')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 92, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 92, col 11.
                        write('  = ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 92, col 25
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 92, col 25.
                #  isClassProperty 
                write(' ')
            #  Attributes 
            write(' ')
            write('  \n')
            for rel in VFFSL(SL,"entity_props",True): # generated from line 97, col 3
                if not hasattr(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True), 'defaultValueAsPythonStatement'): # generated from line 98, col 3
                    write('  # Relationship: ')
                    _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 99, col 19
                    if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 99, col 19.
                    if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"isToMany",False)(): # generated from line 101, col 3
                        write('  def get')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)()) # '$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($' on line 102, col 10
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($')) # from line 102, col 10.
                        write('(self):\n    "Returns the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$(' on line 103, col 18
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(')) # from line 103, col 18.
                        write(' relationship (toMany)"\n    self.willRead()\n    return self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 105, col 18
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 105, col 18.
                        write('\n  \n  def addTo')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)()) # '$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($' on line 107, col 12
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($')) # from line 107, col 12.
                        write('(self, object):\n    "Add the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 108, col 14
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 108, col 14.
                        write(' relationship (toMany)"\n    if object not in self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 109, col 28
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 109, col 28.
                        write(':\n      self.willChange()\n      _')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 111, col 8
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 111, col 8.
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 111, col 31
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 111, col 31.
                        write(')\n      _')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$(' on line 112, col 8
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(')) # from line 112, col 8.
                        write('.append(object)\n      self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 113, col 13
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 113, col 13.
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 113, col 32
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 113, col 32.
                        write(')\n  \n  def removeFrom')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)()) # '$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($' on line 115, col 17
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($')) # from line 115, col 17.
                        write('(self, object):\n    "Remove the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 116, col 17
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 116, col 17.
                        write(' relationship (toMany)"\n    self.willChange()\n    _')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 118, col 6
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 118, col 6.
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 118, col 29
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 118, col 29.
                        write(')\n    _')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$(' on line 119, col 6
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(')) # from line 119, col 6.
                        write('.remove(object)\n    self._')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 120, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 120, col 11.
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)() # '$' on line 120, col 30
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 120, col 30.
                        write(')\n  \n')
                    else: # generated from line 122, col 3
                        write('  def get')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)()) # '$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($' on line 123, col 10
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($')) # from line 123, col 10.
                        write('(self):\n    "Return the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 124, col 17
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 124, col 17.
                        write(' relationship (toOne)"\n    self.willRead()\n    return self._')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 126, col 18
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 126, col 18.
                        write('\n  \n  def set')
                        _v = VFN(VFFSL(SL,"utils",True),"capitalizeFirstLetter",False)(VFN(VFFSL(SL,"rel",True),"name",False)()) # '$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($' on line 128, col 10
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$(utils.capitalizeFirstLetter($')) # from line 128, col 10.
                        write('(self, object):\n    "Set the ')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 129, col 14
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 129, col 14.
                        write(' relationship (toOne)"\n    self.willChange()\n    self._')
                        _v = VFFSL(SL,"",True) # '$' on line 131, col 11
                        if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$')) # from line 131, col 11.
                        write('=object\n  ')
                    #  isToMany 
                    write('\n  ')
                #  isClassProperty 
        ## END - generated method body
        return _dummyTrans and trans.response().getvalue() or ""

    _CHEETAH__instanceInitialized = False

    _CHEETAH_version = __CHEETAH_version__

    _CHEETAH_versionTuple = __CHEETAH_versionTuple__

    _CHEETAH_genTime = __CHEETAH_genTime__

    _CHEETAH_genTimestamp = __CHEETAH_genTimestamp__

    _CHEETAH_src = __CHEETAH_src__

    _CHEETAH_srcLastModified = __CHEETAH_srcLastModified__

    _mainCheetahMethod_for_base_module= 'respond'


if not hasattr(base_module, '_initCheetahAttributes'):
    templateAPIClass = getattr(base_module, '_CHEETAH_templateClass', Template)

# CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd and Mike Orr
# with code, advice and input from many other volunteers.
# For more information visit

## if run from command line:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from Cheetah.TemplateCmdLineIface import CmdLineIface
    CmdLineIface(templateObj=base_module()).run() | Contact Us
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All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.