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Python Open Source » Business Application » ThanCad 
ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » thandefs »
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos,  August 23, 2009
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.

This module defines the classes for layer attributes.

import p_ggen, p_gimdxf


class ThanAtt:
    """A standard attribute of a ThanLayer, such as monitor color.

    thanVal  : The value of the attribute, either personal or inherited py its parent.
    thanAct  : The value of the attribute as it is already drawn on the screen (Tkinter canvas).
               Almost always it is equal to thanVal.
    thanInher: True if the attribute's value is inherited by its parent.
    thanPers : The value that the user set to this attribute. When thanInher is False
               thanVal is equal to thanPers.

    From now on the "moncolor" is used as an example of an attribute.
    When a layer is created the thanInher is set to true, and thanVal, thanPers
    attributes are set to the "moncolor" of the parent, and thanAct is set
    to None (since nothing is drawn on the screen with this attribute yet).

  If the user changes the "moncolor" to "red", thanInher is set to False,
    thanVal and thanPers is set to the color chosen by the user, and thanAct
    is not altered. (a) When the user presses OK, ThanCad looks at the children
    of current current layer and if thanInher of "moncolor" is True, it sets
    the corresponding thanVal to "red". Then it does the same for the children's
    children and so on.
        Then it checks all the (leaf) layers to see if the thanAct of "moncolor"
    is different to thanVal. If it is different, it changes the "moncolor"
    of all the elements that belong to this layer (and which are already drawn
    on the screen; if no elements of the layer are drawn on the screen, or if
    the layer is "off" nothing happens).

  If the user changes the "moncolor" to the "<BYPARENT>" value, thanInher
    is set to True, thanVal is set to thanVal of the parent layer's thanVal,
    and thanPers and thanAct are not altered. Then as (a) above.

  If the user changes the "moncolor" to the "<PERSONAL>" value, thanInher
    is set to False, thanVal is set to thanPers, and thanPers and thanAct are
    not altered. Then as (a) above.

  When the elements of a layer are drawn on the screen (Tkinter Canvas)
    thanAct is set to thanVal.
    def __init__(self, val, inherit=True):
        self.thanVal = val
  self.thanAct = None        # If it is not explicitely set later, there will be a failure
  self.thanPers = val
  self.thanInher = inherit

    def thanValSet(self, val):
        "It is useful only for override."
  self.thanVal = val

#    def thanCloneR(self):
#        "Clones current attribute; inheritance from self is forced."
#  att = self.__class__(self, self.thanVal)
#  att.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
#  return att

    def __str__(self): return p_ggen.thanUnunicode(self.thanVal)


class ThanAttOnoffInherit(ThanAtt):
    "An attribute that takes False or True values and it can inherit."

    def __init__(self, val, inherit=True, on="ON", off="off"):
        self.thanOn = on; self.thanOff = off
        ThanAtt.__init__(self, self.tobool(val), inherit)

    def thanValSet(self, val):
        "Save the value as boolean."
        self.thanVal = self.tobool(val)

    def tobool(self, val):
        "Makes the value boolean."
        try: val = val.strip()+ ""      # If it is a string, strip white chars
        except: string = False
        else:   string = True
        if string:
            if val == self.thanOn.strip(): val = True
            else:                          val = False
            if val: val = True
            else:   val = False
        return val

    def __str__(self):
        if self.thanVal: return self.thanOn
        else: return self.thanOff

class ThanAttOnoff(ThanAttOnoffInherit):
    "An attribute that takes False or True values but can't inherit."

    def __init__(self, val, inherit=False, on=" x ", off=" _ "):
        assert not inherit, "Forced inheritance attributes can not be inherited manually."
        ThanAttOnoffInherit.__init__(self, val, inherit, on, off)


class ThanAttTstyle(ThanAtt):
    "An attribute that takes False or True values."

    def __init__(self, val, *args, **kw):
        ThanAtt.__init__(self, str(val), *args, **kw)

    def thanValSet(self, val):
        "It is useful only for override."
        self.thanVal = str(val)


class ThanAttCol(ThanAtt):
    """ThanCad color class.

    A ThanCad colour is a type of 3 integer (r, g, b) eahc of which
    has values 0 <= r,g,b <= 255
    r=red, g=green, b=blue

    def __init__(self, col, inherit=True):
      ThanAtt.__init__(self, self.thanVal, inherit)     # Initialise Base class

    def thanValSet(self, val):
      """Tranforms val to ThanCol object; raises ValueError for invalid colors.

      val  may be one of the following:
      1. ThanCol instance
      2. A string which contains the name of the color (e.g. "yellow")
      3. A string which contains 1 integer which is the index of the color in the
         partial list (e.g. "2")
      4. A string which contains 3 integers, separated by spaces, which represent
         the rgb value of the color (e.g. "10 50 200")
      5. A list/tuple/sequence of 3 texts or 3 integers, which represent the rgb
         value of the color (e.g. ["10","50","200"])
      col = val
      terr = "Invalid ThanCad color: %s" % (col,)
      if isinstance(col, ThanAttCol): self.__dict__.update(col.__dict__); return
      try: col + ""      # Is it string?
      except: string = False
      else: string = True
      if string:
          cs = col.split()
          try: cs = col[0], col[1], col[2]; n = len(cs)
          except: raise ValueError, terr
    if n != 3: raise ValueError, terr

      if len(cs) == 1:
          col = cs[0]
      try: rgb = p_gimdxf.thanDxfColName2Rgb.get(col, None) or p_gimdxf.thanDxfColCode2Rgb.get(int(col), None)
    except ValueError: raise ValueError, terr
    if not rgb: raise ValueError, terr
      elif len(cs) != 3:
           raise ValueError, terr
          try: rgb = tuple(map(int, cs))
          except ValueError: raise ValueError, terr
          for i in rgb:
              if i < 0 or i > 255: raise ValueError, terr
      self.thanVal = rgb
      self.thanPartial = p_gimdxf.thanRgb2DxfColCode.get(rgb, None)
      self.thanName = p_gimdxf.thanRgb2DxfColName.get(rgb, None)
      self.thanTk = p_gimdxf.thanFormTkcol % rgb
      self.thanNorm = str(self.thanName or self.thanPartial or ("%d %d %d" % rgb))

    def __str__(self): return self.thanNorm

    def rgbShow(self):
        "Shows rgb if normal is partial or name."
        if self.thanName or self.thanPartial: return "RGB: %d %d %d" % self.thanVal
        else: return ""

    def thanDxf(self):
        "Returns a dxf color that resembles self's color."
  return p_gimdxf.thanRgb2DxfColCodeApprox(self.thanVal)

    def than2Gray(self):
        "Transform the colour to gray scale accroding to ITU-R 601-2 transform; return an integer."
  return p_gimdxf.thanRgb2Gray(self.thanVal)

def thanAttCol(col):
    "Factory function for ThanCol class which does not stop in case of mistake."
    try: return ThanAttCol(col)
    except ValueError: return None | Contact Us
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