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# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
from itertools import islice,izip
from bisect import bisect
from math import fabs
from p_gmath import linEq2,linint
from p_ggen import prg,iterby2
from p_gvec import Vector2

class Polygon:
    "A polygon."
    DCMIN = 0.05
    DYMAX = 10.0


    def __init__(self, aa, cs, state=0):
        "Initialise polygon."
  dcmin = self.DCMIN
        cs2 = [quant(a, dcmin) for a in cs]    # Make the coordinates quantumised
  self.csori = dict(izip(cs2, cs))       # Save original coordinates
  cs = cs2
        remDup(cs, dcmin)                      # Delete very close points
        assert len(cs) > 2, "Degenerate polygon."

#-------Ensure that first and last point are the same

        if fabs(cs[0][0]-cs[-1][0]) < dcmin and \
           fabs(cs[0][1]-cs[-1][1]) < dcmin:
     cs[-1] = cs[0]
        assert cs[0] == cs[-1], "First and last point of polygon should coincide."
        assert len(cs) > 3, "Degenerate polygon."
  css = []
        for y, a, b in limitDy(cs, self.DYMAX):
      a = quant(a, dcmin)
      b = quant(b, dcmin)
            if fabs(b[0]-a[0]) < dcmin and fabs(b[1]-a[1]) < dcmin: continue
      css.append((a[1], a, b))
#        prg("Polygon %s" % aa)
#  for i,(y, a, b) in enumerate(css):
#      assert a[1] <= b[1]
#      prg("%5d%10.3f%10.3f%10.3f%10.3f%10.3f" % (i, y, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]))
#  for a, b in iterby2(css):
#      assert b[0] - a[0] <= self.DYMAX

        self.aa = aa
        self.cs = cs
  self.css = css
  self.state = 0
  self._area = None
  if state: self.changeState()


    def merge(self, other):
        "Assumming that self and other has common edge, merge polygon to a new one, deleting the common edge."
        if self.state != other.state: self.changeState()
  ia, ib = self.__common1(other)
  if ia == None: return None
  for da in 1, -1:
      for db in 1, -1:
          ja = self.__next1(ia, da)
          jb = other.__next1(ib, db)
    if near(self.cs[ja], other.cs[jb]):
        ja, jb = self.__commonx(other, ia, da, ib, db)
        ia, ib = self.__commonx(other, ia, -da, ib, -db)
        return self.__domerge(other, ia, ja, da, ib, jb, db)
#        plotPols((self, other))
  prg("Polygon merge with One common point???")
  return None

    def __common1(self, other):
        "Finds 1 common points between polygons."
  for ia,csa in enumerate(self.cs[:-1]):
      for ib,csb in enumerate(other.cs[:-1]):
          if near(csa, csb): return ia, ib
  return None, None

    def __commonx(self, other, ia, da, ib, db):
        ja1 = ia
  jb1 = ib
        while True:
      ja = self.__next1(ja1, da)
      jb = other.__next1(jb1, db)
            assert (ja, jb) != (ia, ib), "  ?"
      if not near(self.cs[ja], other.cs[jb]): return ja1, jb1
      ja1, jb1 = ja, jb

    def __next1(self, ia, da):
        ja = ia + da
  if ja >= len(self.cs)-1: ja = 0
  elif ja < 0: ja = len(self.cs)-2
  return ja

    def __next1old(self, other, ia, da, ib, db):
        ja = (ia + da) % len(self.cs)
  jb = (ib + db) % len(other.cs)
  return ja, jb

    def __domerge(self, other, ia, ja, da, ib, jb, db):
        "Do the actual merge."
  all = []
  ii = ja
  while True:
      ii = self.__next1(ii, da)
      if ii == ia: break
  ii = ib
  while True:
      ii = other.__next1(ii, -db)
      if ii == jb: all.append(other.cs[ii]); break
  polnew = Polygon(self.aa, all)
  polnew.csori = {}
  for cs1 in polnew.cs:
          polnew.csori[cs1] = self.csori[cs1]
      except KeyError:
        polnew.csori[cs1] = other.csori[cs1]
    except KeyError:
        for x,y in self.csori.iteritems(): print x, "\t", y
        for x,y in other.csori.iteritems(): print x, "\t", y
        polnew.csori[cs1] = other.csori[cs1]
  return polnew


    def inPolPol(self, other):
        "Check (not rigorously, if other is contained in self."
  for cs1 in other.cs:
      if self.inPol(cs1) != 1: return False
  return True


    def intPolEdge(self, other):
        """Finds 1 of the intersections points of self with another polygon."""
        cints = self.__intPolEdge(other)      # Try self first
  if len(cints) > 0: return cints
        return other.__intPolEdge(self)       # No luck: try other

    def __intPolEdge(self, other):
        """Finds 1 of the intersections points of self with another polygon."""
        cints = []
        for i1 in xrange(len(self.cs)-1):
      in1 = other.inPol(self.cs[i1])
      if in1 != 2: break
      return cints                      # No intesections (they probably coincide)
        for i2 in xrange(i1+1, len(self.cs)):
      in2 = other.inPol(self.cs[i2])
      if in2 == 2: continue
      if in2 == in1:
          in1 = in2
    i1 = i2
      if i2-i1 > 1:                     # There was a point exactly on edge (which is now an intersection)
    return cints
            for j in xrange(1, len(other.cs)):
                fs, fo = intLinseg(self.cs[i1], self.cs[i2], other.cs[j-1], other.cs[j])
                if fs != None and 0 <= fs <= 1 and 0 <= fo <= 1:
                    a, b = self.cs[i1], self.cs[i2]
                    ct1 = a[0] + (b[0]-a[0])*fs, a[1] + (b[1]-a[1])*fs
        return cints
          prg("i1=%d  i2=%d" % (i1, i2))
          prg("in1=%d in2=%d" % (in1, in2))
          assert 0, "There should be at least 1 intersection!"
#       If the program gets here, it means that the for loop was never executed
#       So there is one point inside or outside
        return cints      # So, Probably one polygon is inside the other


    def iterIntPolygon(self, other):
        "Finds all the intersections of self with another polygon."

#-------The following code makes it impossible for the 2 polygons
#       to have nodes with the same coordinates.
#       self.inPol() uses DCMIN*0.10 in order to avoid problems with this.

        self._area = None                                 # Invalidate area
        if self.state == other.state:
      if len(self.cs) < len(other.cs): self.changeState()
      else:                            other.changeState()

#-------Find all intersections between line segments of polygons

        intss = [ ]
        intso = [ ]
        cints = [ ]
        for i in xrange(1, len(self.cs)):
            for j in xrange(1, len(other.cs)):
                fs, fo = intLinseg(self.cs[i-1], self.cs[i], other.cs[j-1], other.cs[j])
#     print "fs,fo=", fs, fo
#                if fs != None and -1 <= fs <= 2 and -1 <= fo <= 2:
#     print "fs,fo=", fs, fo
                if fs != None and 0 <= fs <= 1 and 0 <= fo <= 1:
                    a, b = self.cs[i-1:i+1]
                    ct1 = a[0] + (b[0]-a[0])*fs, a[1] + (b[1]-a[1])*fs
                    intss.append((i, fs, ct1))
                    intso.append((j, fo, ct1))

#-------Put intersection points as polygon points

        intss.sort(); intss.reverse()
        for i, fs1, ct1 in intss: self.cs.insert(i, ct1)
        intso.sort(); intso.reverse()
        for i, fs1, ct1 in intso: other.cs.insert(i, ct1)
  f = file("qp0.syk", "w")
        wrsyk(f, self.cs)
  wrsyk(f, other.cs)
  f = file("qpt.syk", "w")

#-------Find disjoint common areas of the first polygon with second

        while len(cints) > 0:
            ct1 = cints[0]
            cts = [ct1]
            pol = self
            polother = other
            i = pol.cs.index(ct1)
      j = i + 1
            if j >= len(pol.cs): j = 1
            ptest = (pol.cs[i][0] + pol.cs[j][0])*0.5, (pol.cs[i][1] + pol.cs[j][1])*0.5 
            if polother.inPol(ptest): jnext = 1
            else:                     jnext = -1
            j = i
            while 1:
                j += jnext
                if   j >= len(pol.cs): j = 1
                elif j < 0:            j = len(pol.cs) - 2

                assert j != i, "Another intersection should be present."
                ct1 = pol.cs[j]
                if ct1 == cts[0]: break
                if ct1 in cints:
                    pol, polother = polother, pol
                    i = pol.cs.index(ct1)
              j = i + 1
                    if j >= len(pol.cs): j = 1
                    ptest = (pol.cs[i][0] + pol.cs[j][0])*0.5, (pol.cs[i][1] + pol.cs[j][1])*0.5 
                    if polother.inPol(ptest): jnext = 1
                    else:                     jnext = -1
                    j = i
                    if len(cts)>5000:
            wrsyk(f, cts)
            f = file("qp1.syk", "w")
      wrsyk(f, self.cs)
      wrsyk(f, other.cs)
            assert 0, tog("5000 !")

#-----------Clear the intersection points found on the common area

            for ct1 in cts:
                try: i = cints.index(ct1)
                except ValueError: continue
                del cints[i]
                i = self.cs.index(ct1)
                del self.cs[i]
                i = other.cs.index(ct1)
                del other.cs[i]
      wrsyk(f, cts)
            yield cts


    def changeState(self):
        "Changes the quantum state of a polygon."
#-------If state = 1 (odd), add DCMIN*0.5 to the coordinates.
#       Thus, the coordinates of odd polygons are never the same with
#       the coordinates of even polygons.
#       self.inPol() uses DCMIN*0.10 in order to avoid problems with this.
        prg("changeState: self=%s" % self)
        if self.state: dcmin = -0.5*self.DCMIN
        else:          dcmin =  0.5*self.DCMIN
        cs = self.cs
        css = self.css
        for i,a in enumerate(cs): cs[i] = a[0]+dcmin, a[1]+dcmin
        for i,(y,a,b) in enumerate(css):
      css[i] = y+dcmin, (a[0]+dcmin, a[1]+dcmin), (b[0]+dcmin, b[1]+dcmin)
        self.state = (self.state+1) % 2


    def onEdge(self, cp):
        "Checks if point p is on an edge of a polygon."
  vp = Vector2(*cp)
  dy = 0.5*self.DYMAX
  i1 = bisect(self.css, (cp[1]-self.DYMAX-dy, cp, cp))
  jj = i1 - 1
  for y, a, b in islice(self.css, i1, None):
      if y - cp[1] > dy: break
      jj += 1
#      prg("onEdge %d: %f %f" % (i1, cp[0], cp[1]))
      va = Vector2(*a)
      vb = Vector2(*b)
      vab = vb - va
      assert abs(vab) > 0.0
      tab = vab.unit()
      dab = vab*tab
      vap = vp - va
      dap = vap*tab
      if dap <    -2*self.DCMIN: continue
      if dap > dab+2*self.DCMIN: continue
      dn = vap*tab.normal()
      if fabs(dn) <= 2*self.DCMIN:
          if   dap <     2*self.DCMIN: node = a
          elif dap > dab-2*self.DCMIN: node = b
    else:                        node = None
          return 2, jj, node
  return 0, None, None

    def inPol(self, ca): return self.inPol2(ca)[0]

    def inPol2(self, ca):
        "Checks if point a is in polygon."

#-----     yPol(i) == yGram:
#      yGram-yPol(i) < 10%  dot,     yPol
#           .

        res = self.onEdge(ca)
        if res[0] == 2: return res
  xx, yy = quant(ca, self.DCMIN)
  xx += self.DCMIN*0.25
  yy += self.DCMIN*0.25

  dy = 0.5*self.DYMAX
  i1 = bisect(self.css, (yy-self.DYMAX-dy, ca, ca))
        xs = []
  for y, va, vb in islice(self.css, i1, None):
      if y - yy > dy: break
            if (vb[1]-yy) * (va[1]-yy) < 0:
                xs.append(linint(va[1], va[0], vb[1], vb[0], yy))
        if len(xs) % 2 != 0:
      import p_gdxf
      dxf = p_gdxf.ThanDxfPlot()
      dxf.thanDxfPlotPoint(xx, yy)
      for y,a,b, in self.css:
          dxf.thanDxfPlot(a[0], a[1], 3)
          dxf.thanDxfPlot(b[0], b[1], 2)
      dxf.thanDxfPlot(0.0, 0.0, 999)
      assert len(xs) % 2 == 0, 'in: %f %f: odd number of intersections!' % (xx, yy)

        if len(xs) == 0 or xx < xs[0]: return 0, None, None
        for i in xrange(len(xs)):
#            assert xx != xs[i], "inpol: xx="+str(xx)+" should not be equal to polygon point."
            if xs[i] > xx: return (i % 2 == 1), None, None
        return 0, None, None

    def area(self, force=False):
        "Computes the area of the polygon; note that this is lasy operation."
  if self._area == None or force:
      self._area = area(self.cs)
  return self._area


def limitDy(cs, dymax):
        "Limit the y difference of 2 consecutive points."
        css = []
        for a, b in iterby2(cs):
      dab = b[1]-a[1]
      if dab < 0:
          a, b = b, a
    dab = -dab
      if dab <= dymax:
          css.append((a[1], a, b))
          n = int(dab / dymax) + 1
    dd = dab / n
    d = 0.0
    u = a
    for i in xrange(n-1):
        d += dd
        v = a[0] + (b[0]-a[0]) * d / dab, a[1] + d
        css.append((u[1], u, v))
        u = v
    css.append((u[1], u, b))    # Avoid round off error; with stroggylopoihsh ebgaine error oloklhro DCMIN!!!!
  return css

def quant(a, dcmin):
        "Make the coordinates quantumised."
        kx = int(a[0])
        ky = int(a[1])
        dx = int( (a[0]-kx) / dcmin)
        dy = int( (a[1]-ky) / dcmin)
        xn = kx+dx*dcmin
  dx = fabs(xn-a[0])
  if dx < 0.1*dcmin or fabs(dx-dcmin) < 0.1*dcmin: xn = a[0]       # Already quantimsed
  yn = ky+dy*dcmin 
  dy = fabs(yn-a[1])
  if dy < 0.1*dcmin or fabs(dy-dcmin) < 0.1*dcmin: yn = a[1]       # Already quantimsed
  return xn, yn

def remDup(cs, DCMIN):
    "Remove duplictae points from list."
    i = 1
    while i < len(cs):
        if fabs(cs[i][0]-cs[i-1][0]) < DCMIN and \
           fabs(cs[i][1]-cs[i-1][1]) < DCMIN:
            del cs[i]
            i += 1

DCMIN = 2*Polygon.DCMIN
def near(a, b):
#   print "DCMIN=", DCMIN
    if fabs(a[0]-b[0]) < DCMIN and \
       fabs(a[1]-b[1]) < DCMIN: return True
    return False


def plotPols(pols):
    import p_gdxf
    dxf = p_gdxf.ThanDxfPlot()
    for i,pol1 in enumerate(pols):
        xx = [c1[0] for c1 in pol1.cs]
        yy = [c1[1] for c1 in pol1.cs]
  dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyline(xx, yy)


def area(cc):
    """Finds the area of polygon cc.
    The first point of the popygon should coincide with the last.
    The points should be in order."""
    xx = [c[0] for c in cc]
    yy = [c[1] for c in cc]
    if xx[0] != xx[-1] or yy[0] != yy[-1]: xx.append(xx[0]); yy.append(yy[0])
    ymin = min(yy)
    for i in xrange(len(yy)): yy[i] -= ymin 
    e = 0.0
    for i in xrange(len(yy)-1):
        j = i + 1
  e += (xx[j]-xx[i]) * (yy[j]+yy[i])
    return abs(e)*0.5

def wrsyk (f, cs):
    "Writes a polyline in a syk file."

    f.write("%15.3f\n" % (0.0,))
    for c in cs: f.write("%15.3f%15.3f\n" % c)
def wrsykf (filnam, cs):
    "Writes a polyline in a syk file."

    f = file(filnam, "w")
    wrsyk(d, cs)


def intLinseg(a, b, c, d):
    """Intersection of 2 line segments.

  A o---------o-------------o B

               ->     ->    ->     ->
    Condition: rA + f AB == rC + g CD  =>

    ->      ->   ->     ->      ->   ->
    rA + f (rB - rA) == rC + g (rD - rC)  =>

    xA + f (xB - xA) == xC + g (xD - xC) 
    yA + f (yB - yA) == yC + g (yD - yC)  =>

    f (xB - xA) + g [-(xD - xC)] == xC - xA
    f (yB - yA) + g [-(yD - yC)] == yC - yA

#    return lineq2(xb-xa, xc-xd, xc-xa, yb-ya, yc-yd, yc-xa)
    return linEq2(b[0]-a[0], c[0]-d[0], c[0]-a[0],
                  b[1]-a[1], c[1]-d[1], c[1]-a[1])


def thanMain():
    "Tests Polygons."

    c1 = [ (0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 0) ]
    c2 = [ (7, 5), (15, 5), (7, -5), (7, 5) ]
    c3 = [ (7, 5), (15, 5), (7.7, -0.85), (7, 5) ]

    c4 = [(-10.727,         13.547),
          (-10.537,         11.116),
           (-6.055,           7.887),
           (-6.397,          13.472),
          (-10.727,          13.547)
    c5 = [ (-9.246,          9.483),
           (-7.270,         10.432),
           (-7.384,          8.267),
           (-8.828,          8.191),
          (-11.183,          8.267),
          (-10.044,          8.609),
          ( -9.170,          8.495),
          ( -9.930,          8.913),
          ( -8.296,          8.837),
          (-11.221,          9.369),
          (-11.449,         12.940),
          (-10.347,         13.016),
          (-11.069,         12.294),
          (-10.234,         11.990),
          (-10.955,         11.420),
          ( -9.208,         11.800),
          ( -8.144,         13.016),
          ( -6.169,         13.092),
          ( -7.536,         11.800),
          ( -5.181,         11.762),
          ( -7.726,         10.926),
          (-10.082,         10.926),
          (-10.158,         10.128),
          ( -9.094,         10.053),
           (-9.246,          9.483)

    cdas1 = [ ]
    f = file("das1.syk", "r")
    it = iter(f)
    for dline in it:
        cols = dline[:-1].split()
        if cols[0] == "$": break
        cdas1.append((float(cols[0]), float(cols[1])))

    ckt1 = [ ]
    f = file("kthm1.syk", "r")
    it = iter(f)
    for dline in it:
        cols = dline[:-1].split()
        if cols[0] == "$": break
        ckt1.append((float(cols[0]), float(cols[1])))

    pdas1 = Polygon("das1", cdas1)
    pkt1 = Polygon("kthm1", ckt1)
    f = file("q1.syk", "w")
    for pt in pkt1.iterIntPolygon(pdas1):
        f.write("%15.3f\n" % (0.0,))
        for p in pt: f.write("%15.3f%15.3f\n" % p)


if __name__ == "__main__": thanMain()
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