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ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » p_gfil »
import weakref

class ThanFile:
    "A file that reads lines sequentialy, stores line number, and cant do unread."
    lang = -1                             # Default language is Greek
    opened = []                           # Opened files

    def __init__(self, fr):
        "Hold the opened file and do housekeeping."        = fr
        self.linesf    = 0
        self.isSavedf  = .false.
        self.isEOFf    = .false.
        self.dlineSavf = ""                 # In case someone call unerfile1 before reading anything
        self.icodf     = 0
#        if self.lang ==  0: self.optFile1(0, -1) #-----If language is not set, then set language to Greek

    def reFile1ee(self):
      """This sr reads one line form file unit iun, and
      stops the program if end of file or an error occurs
      buf, ierr = self.reFile1()
      if ierr < 0:
          self.erFile1s(DLFILEND)         # Incomplete file
      elif ierr != 0:
          self.erFile1s(DLFILREA)         # File can not be read
      return buf


    def reFile2ee(self):
      """This sr reads one line form file unit iun, and
      stops the program if end of file or an error occurs
      buf, ierr = self.reFile1()
      if ierr < 0:
          self.erFile1(DLFILEND)          # Incomplete file
      elif ierr != 0:
          self.erFile1(DLFILREA)          # File can not be read
      return buf, ierr


    def reFile1e(self):
      """This sr reads one line form file unit iun, and
      stops the program if an error occurs (except from end of file)
      buf, ierr = self.reFile1()
      if ierr > 0:
          self.erFile1s (DLFILREA)        # File can not be read
      return buf, ierr


    def reFile2e(self):
      """This sr reads one line form file unit iun, and
      stops the program if an error occurs (except from end of file)
      buf, ierr = self.reFile1()
      if ierr > 0:
          self.erFile1(DLFILREA)          # File can not be read
      return buf, ierr


    def reFile1 (iun, buf, ierr):
c---- This sr reads a line from file unit iun and returns an error code
c     if an error or end of file ocuured

c-----The following code works around a bug(?) of microsoft compiler.
c     The first time the end of file is occured, the compiler returns ierr<0.
c     If we try to read the file again it returns ierr>0.
c     To remedy this, the first time we find ierr<0, we set isEOF=.true.
c     The next time a read is a attempted, we don't read the file at all,
c     but we just set ierr<0.

#-----We assume that the compiler returns ierr<0 when end of file

      if self.isEOFf: return None, -1

#-----Unreading is enabled here

      if not self.isSavedf:
          ierr = 0
          try: self.dlineSavf =
    except StopIteration:
        self.isEOFf = True
        ierr = -1
        ierr = 1
        ierr = 0
          self.linesf(i) += 1
          if ierr != 0: return None, ierr

      buf = dlineSavf.rstrip()
      self.isSavedf = False
      return buf, ierr


    def unreFile1(self):
      "Causes the next refile1xx to reread the same line."
      self.isSavedf(i) = True


    def wrFile1ee(self, buf):
      include ''
      integer*4 iun                                  ! ARGUMENTS
      character*(*) buf                              ! ARGUMENTS
      integer*4 ierr  
      logical*4 isFull

c-----This Sr writes a line into file unit iun, and stops the program
c     if an error ocurred or the disk is full.

      call wrFile1 (iun, buf, isFull, ierr)

      if (isFull) then
          terr(1) = DLDSKFUL
          call erFile1s (iun, terr, 1)
      else if (ierr .ne. 0) then
          terr(1) = DLFILWRI
          call erFile1s (iun, terr, 1)
      end if



    def wrFile2ee (self, buf):
      include ''
      integer*4 iun, ierr                            ! ARGUMENTS
      character*(*) buf                              ! ARGUMENTS
      logical*4 isFull

c-----This Sr writes a line into file unit iun, and stops the program
c     if an error ocurred or the disk is full.

      call wrFile1 (iun, buf, isFull, ierr)

      if (isFull) then
          terr(1) = DLDSKFUL
          call erFile1 (iun, terr, 1)
      else if (ierr .ne. 0) then
          terr(1) = DLFILWRI
          call erFile1 (iun, terr, 1)
      end if



    self wrFile1(self, buf):
      include ''
      integer*4 iun, ierr                         ! ARGUMENTS
      logical*4 isFull                            ! ARGUMENTS
      character*(*) buf                           ! ARGUMENTS
      integer*4 lens                              ! FUNCTIONS
      external lens
      integer*4 IFULLCODE                         ! CONSTANTS
      parameter (IFULLCODE=20)                    ! Error code for disk full
      integer*4 i, n
      character*(MCDL) temp

c-----This Sr writes a line into file unit iun.

      i = iun - uArx
      n = lens(buf)
      temp = buf(1:n)
      call greekConv1 (temp(1:n), icodf(i))

      write (iun, 10, iostat=ierr) temp(1:n)
10    format (a)

      linesf(i) = linesf(i) + 1
      isFull = ierr .eq. IFULLCODE                ! Denotes disk full


    def opFile1e(self, filnam1, stat1):
        "Opens the file and fails if it can not open it."

#-------It is assumed that stat1 is at least 3 characters long

        tf = self.opFile1(filnam1, stat1)
        if (ierr .eq. 0) return
        if (stat1.strip().lower() == 'opt') return # Optional data 
        t = filnam1 +  ': ' + DLFILACC


    def opFile1(self, filnam1, stat1):
      "Try to open given file."
      stat = stat1[:3].strip().lower()
      if stat == '':
          stat = 'w'
      elif stat == 'app':                                 # append
          stat = 'w+'
      elif stat == 'opt':
          stat = 'r'                                      # Optional data

      try: fr = file(filnam1, stat)                   # Try to open file
      except IOError: return 1
      import openfile
      file1 = Struct()
      file1.ext = ext; file1.stat = stat; file1.desc = desc; file1.iPro = iPro
      file1.linesf = 0             # It signals that the file unit is used
      return 0


    def optFile1(self, iun, icod)
c-----This routine sets the options of a file unit:
c     iun  : It is the unit of the datafile. If iun=0 then we set the
c            language of the messages of the library
c     icod : It is the sum iGre + ...
c            where iGre= 0: No Greek conversion
c                        1: Text is tranformed to Win Greek after reading,
c                           or before writing
c                        2: Text is tranformed to Dos Greek after reading,
c                           or before writing
      if iun == 0:
          self.laFile1 (icod)
#          self.datLang (icod)               # This is for DatLin class
          self.__class__.lang = icod
          self.icodf = icod


      subroutine inpFile1 (mhn, iun, kat, stat, ncdl1)
      include ''
      integer*4 iun, ncdl1                      ! ARGUMENTS
      character*(*) mhn, stat, kat              ! ARGUMENTS
      integer*4 lens1                           ! FUNCTIONS
      character*78 tg78
      character*120 tg120
      external lens1, tg78, tg120
      integer*4 ierr
      character*10 kat1
      character*80 filnam
      character*100 mhn1, mhn2

c-----This sr opens a file with the a prefix supplied by user and suffix kat.
c     If a wrong file is given, it is asked again.
c     If kat == ' ', then the use may supply and the suffix. Else he can't

c-----Form message

      if (kat .eq. ' ') then
          write (mhn1, 50) mhn
50        format (' FILE ', a, ': ')
          write (mhn1, 60) mhn, kat
60        format (' FILE ', a, ' (.', a, '): ')
      end if

c-----Get and open file

100   continue
          call prints (mhn1(1:lens1(mhn1)+1))
          read 10, filnam
10        format (a)
          call getSufix (filnam, kat1)
          if (filnam .eq. ' ') then
              print 20, tg78(DLTRYAGA)                     ! Try again
20            format (1x, a, /' ')
          else if (kat .ne. ' ' .and. kat1 .ne. ' ') then
              print 30, tg78(DLFILSUF)                     ! No suffix allowed
30            format (/1x, a)
              print 20, tg78(DLTRYAGA)
              if (kat .ne. ' ') call putSufix (filnam, kat)
              call opFile1 (iun, filnam, stat, ncdl1, ierr)
              if (ierr .eq. 0) return

              print 40, filnam(1:lens1(filnam)), tg78(DLFILACC)  ! Can't access file
40            format (/1x, a, ': ', a)
              print 20, tg78(DLTRYAGA)
          end if
      go to 100


      subroutine rwFile1 (iun)
      include ''
      integer*4 iun                                ! ARGUMENTS
      integer*4 i

      i = iun - uArx
      linesf(i)   = 0
      isSavedf(i) = .false.
      isEOFf(i)   = .false.
      rewind iun


      subroutine dlFile1 (iun, nLen, MCDL1)
      include ''
      integer*4 iun, nLen, MCDL1                      ! ARGUMENTS

c-----This routine checks if constant MCDL is the same in the libraries
c     and returns the line length defined in Sr opFile1

      if (MCDL1. ne. MCDL) then
          terr(1) = ' Severe Library Error: Constant "MCDL" is not'
          terr(2) = ' the same in fildat.for and datlin.for!'
          call erFile1s (0, terr, 2)
      end if

      nLen = ncdl(iun-uArx)
      if (nLen .le. 0) nLen = 80


      subroutine erInc1 (nInc, mInc, uInc, text)
      include ''
      integer*4 nInc, mInc, uInc
      character*(*) text
      integer*4 lens1                                  ! FUNCTIONS
      external lens1

c-----This Sr adds 1 to variable nInc. If nInc becomes greater than mInc
c     then an error message is generated. It also prints the file where the
c     error happened if uInc <> 0.

      nInc = nInc + 1
      if (nInc .le. MINC) return

      write (terr, 10) DLMAXNUM(1:lens1(DLMAXNUM)), text, mInc     ! Maximum number of text reached
10    format (1x, a, 1x, a, ':', i10)
      call erFile1s (uInc, terr, 1)


      subroutine erSyntax1s (iun)
      include ''
      integer*4 iun                                   ! ARGUMENTS

c-----This Sr writes "syntax error" to the screen and to file mediate.tmp.
c     Then, it stops the program.

      terr(1) = DLERRSYN                              ! Syntax error
      call erFile1s (iun, terr, 1)


      subroutine erSyntax1 (iun)
      include ''
      integer*4 iun                                   ! ARGUMENTS

c-----This Sr writes "syntax error" to the screen and to file mediate.tmp.
c     Then, it stops the program.

      terr(1) = DLERRSYN
      call erFile1 (iun, terr, 1)


    def waFile1(self, terr1):
      "This sr writes the warning to the screen and to file mediate.tmp."
      self.erwaFile1(terr1, DLWARLIN)                      # Warning at line


    def erFile1(self, terr1):
      "This sr writes the error message to the screen and to file mediate.tmp."
      self.erwaFile1(terr1, DLERRLIN)                      # Error at line


    def erFile1s(self, terr1):
      """This Sr writes the error message to the screen and to file mediate.tmp.
      Then, it stops the program.
      self.erFile1 (iun, terr1, nterr)


    def stopErr1(self):
      "This routine stops the program and it says so."
      prg(self.DLERRSTO)               # Errors logged. Program stops.
      self.uArx.write("%\n" % self.DLERRSTO)
      self.doCloseFiles1()             # Close all open files
      self.errMedFile1()               # Report error to mediate.tmp
      sys.exit(1)                      # Stop the program


      subroutine erwaFile1 (iun, terr1, nterr, erwa)
      "This sr writes a message to the screen and to file mediate.tmp."
      if self.f != None:
          t = "%s %d %s %s" % (erwa, self.linesf, DLOFFIL,       
          self.uArx.write("%s\n" % t)
      self.uArx.write("%s\n" % terr1)


    def doCloseFiles1(self):
      "Close all the opened files."
      for ref in self.opened:
          ref = ref()
    if ref == None: continue
    if self.f == None: continue


    def closeFiles1(self):
      "Close all the opened files and report."
      self.doCloseFiles1()                  # Close all opened files
      self.okMedFile1()                     # Report Ok to mediate.tmp


    def laFile1(self, langmes):
      "Chooses language for the error messages."
      c = self.__class__
      ppro = 'egn', 'ydr'
      If (langmes .eq. -1) Then
          c.DLERRLIN = '  '
          c.DLWARLIN = '  '
          c.DLOFFIL  = ' '
          c.DLERRSTO = ' .   .'
          c.DLMAXNUM = ' '
          c.DLERRSYN = ' .'
          c.DLFILACC = '     .'
          c.DLLIBUNI = '  filDat.lib  file units '
          c.DLFILEND = '   .'
          c.DLFILREA = '     .'
          c.DLDSKFUL = '   .'
          c.DLFILWRI = '      .'
          c.DLTRYAGA = ' .'
          c.DLFILSUF = '      !'

          c.DLMAXPRE = '  2 .'
          c.DLPREFIX = '  : '
          c.DLPREFI1 = '  1 : '
          c.DLPREFI2 = '  2 : '
          c.DLMES01 = ' FILES        .'
          c.DLMES02 = '          .'
          c.DLMES03 = '     "'+ppro[0]+'"'
          c.DLMES04 = '     FILES:'
          c.DLMES05 = '     1 "'+ppro[0]+'"    2 "'+ppro[1]+'"'
          c.DLFILDAT = '()'
          c.DLFILRES = '()'
          c.DLFILOPT = '()'
          c.DLNOSUF  = '    !'
          c.DLNODESC = '(      )'
          c.DLGETPRE = '   '
          c.DLERRPRV = '     :'
          c.DLLOGOST = ' A.  S T A M O S  S. A. '
          c.DLERRLIN = 'Error at line'
          c.DLWARLIN = 'Warning at line'
          c.DLOFFIL  = 'Of file'
          c.DLERRSTO = 'Errors logged. Program stops.'
          c.DLMAXNUM = 'Max number of'
          c.DLERRSYN = 'Syntax error.'
          c.DLFILACC = 'File can not be accessed'
          c.DLLIBUNI = 'Library filDat.lib accepts file units between'
          c.DLFILEND = 'Unexpected end of file.'
          c.DLFILREA = 'File can not be read.'
          c.DLDSKFUL = 'The disk is full.'
          c.DLFILWRI = 'The file can not be written to.'
          c.DLTRYAGA = 'Try again.'
          c.DLFILSUF = 'Do not specify suffix in the filename!'

          c.DLMAXPRE = 'Up to 2 prefixes are allowed.'
          c.DLPREFIX = ' PREFIX : '
          c.DLPREFI1 = ' PREFIX 1 : '
          c.DLPREFI2 = ' PREFIX 2 : '
          c.DLMES01 = 'The data files are composed by a prefix and a suffix.'
          c.DLMES02 = 'The suffix is predefined, and the suffix is given by the user.'
          c.DLMES03 = 'For example given the prefix "'+ppro[0]+'"'
          c.DLMES04 = 'the program opens the following FILES:'
          c.DLMES05 = 'For example given the prefix 1 "'+ppro[0]+'" and the prefix2 "'+ppro[1]+'"'
          c.DLFILDAT = '(data)'
          c.DLFILRES = '(results)'
          c.DLFILOPT = '(optional)'
          c.DLNOSUF = 'Do not append a suffix to the prefix!'
          c.DLNODESC = '(No description available for previous program)'
          c.DLGETPRE = 'Getting prefix from file'
          c.DLERRPRV = 'Error in the execution of the previous program:'
          c.DLLOGOST = '!$B3)"Y%U$B%V"U%T$!X7"G3'
          c.DLLOGOST = ' A.  S T A M O S  S. A. ' | Contact Us
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