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# Part of the A-A-P recipe executive: Generic Version Control

# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stichting NLnet Labs
# Permission to copy and use this file is specified in the file COPYING.
# If this file is missing you can find it here:

# Functions to get files out of a version control system and put them back.
# Most of the work is directed to one of the modules for a specific version
# control system.
# Uploading/downloading is done by functions in

import os
import os.path
import string

from Process import recipe_error
from VersContCvs import *
from Work import getwork
from Node import Node
from Remote import download_file,upload_file,remote_remove

def separate_scheme(url):
    """Isolate the scheme of the URL."""
    i = string.find(url, "://")
    if i < 0:
        # Catch "file:~user".
        if len(url) > 5 and url[:5] == "file:":
            return "file", url[5:]
        raise UserError, _('No :// found in "%s"') % url
    scheme = string.lower(url[:i])
    for c in scheme:
        if not c in string.lowercase:
            raise UserError, _('Illegal character before colon in "%s"') % url
    return scheme, url[i + 3:]

def repl_file_name(attr, name):
    """Replace all "%file%" in "attr" with "name"."""
    while 1:
        i = string.find(attr, "%file%")
        if i >= 0:
            attr = attr[:i] + name + attr[i + 6:]
        i = string.find(attr, "%basename%")
        if i >= 0:
            attr = attr[:i] + os.path.basename(name) + attr[i + 10:]
    return attr

def verscont_command(recdict, dict, nodelist, use_cache, action):
    Try performing "action" on nodes "nodelist" from the semi-URL
    May Use a cached file when "use_cache" is non-zero.
    Returns list of nodes that failed.
    scheme, name = separate_scheme(dict["name"])

    # Handle a scheme for which there is a scheme_command() function.
    fun = recdict["_no"].get(scheme + "_command")
    if fun:
        return apply(fun, (recdict, name, dict, nodelist, action))

    # Handle the "cvs://" scheme.
    if scheme == "cvs":
        return cvs_command(recdict, name, dict, nodelist, action)

    # Handle uploading.
    if action in ["commit", "checkin", "publish", "add"]:
        return upload_file(recdict, dict, nodelist)

    failed = []
    for node in nodelist:
        # Assume it's a normal URL, try downloading/uploading/removing the
        # file.
        name = dict["name"]
        dict["name"] = repl_file_name(name,

        if action in ["fetch", "checkout"]:
            ok = download_file(recdict, dict, node, use_cache)
        elif action == "remove":
            ok = remote_remove(recdict, dict, node)
            ok = 0
        if not ok:

        # restore the name, %file% might have to be replaced again
        dict["name"] = name

    return failed

def handle_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, use_cache, action, attrnames):
    """Common code for fetching, committing, etc.
       "action" is the name  of the command: "fetch", "commit", etc.
       Perform this action on each node in "nodelist", unless "--nobuild" or
       "--touch" is used.
       "attrnames" is a list of attribute names that can be used for this
       Return list of failed nodes.
    faillist = []

    # Make a copy of the list of nodes.  Items are removed when done.
    todolist = nodelist[:]

        groupcount = int(get_var_val(0, recdict, "_no", "GROUPCOUNT"))
    except StandardError, e:
        recipe_error(rpstack, _('Invalid $GROUPCOUNT value: %s: %s')
                 % (str(get_var_val(0, recdict, "_no", "GROUPCOUNT")), str(e)))

    while todolist:
        # Find a bunch of nodes with identical attributes and handle them all
        # at once.
        attr = ''
        thislist = []
        this_use_cache = None
        for node in todolist[:]:
            # Use the first attribute in "attrnames" that exists and isn't
            # empty.
            nx_attr = ''
            for n in attrnames:
                if node.attributes.has_key(n):
                    nx_attr = node.attributes[n]
                    if nx_attr:
                        attrname = n

            # Using cache for this node?
            uc = use_cache
            if (node.attributes.get("usecache")
                                           or node.attributes.get("constant")):
                uc = 1
            if node.attributes.get("nocache"):
                uc = 0

            if not nx_attr:
                recipe_error(rpstack, _("Missing %s attribute for %s")
                                           % (attrnames[0], node.short_name()))
            elif ((not attr or nx_attr == attr)
                    and (this_use_cache is None or this_use_cache == uc)):
                attr = nx_attr
                this_use_cache = uc
                # Limit to 20 to avoid very long command lines.
                if len(thislist) >= groupcount:

        # Do the list of nodes with identical attributes "attr".  There is at
        # least one.
        from Dictlist import str2dictlist
        alist = str2dictlist(rpstack, attr)
        if not alist:
            recipe_error(rpstack, _("%s attribute for %s is empty")
                                        % (attrname, thislist[0].short_name()))

        # Perform the action, unless started with --nobuild or --touch.
        if skip_commands():
            if not Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch"):
                msg_info(recdict, _('skip %s for %s') % (action,
                                 str(map(lambda x: x.short_name(), thislist))))
            # Loop over the list of locations.  Quit as soon as one worked,
            # except for "publish", all locations are used then.
            for loc in alist:
                # Try handling thislist with this location.  For publish do
                # this for all locations, otherwise stop when all items have
                # been done.
                res = verscont_command(recdict, loc, thislist,
                                                        this_use_cache, action)
                if action == "publish":
                    for r in res:
                        if not r in faillist:
                    thislist = res
                    if not thislist:
            if action != "publish" and thislist:
                # this bunch failed.  Still continue doing the remaining ones.

    return faillist

def fetch_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, use_cache):
    """Fetch nodes in "nodelist" according to its "fetch" attribute.
       When there is no "fetch" attribute use "commit".
       Only use cached files when "use_cache" is non-zero.
       Return list of failed nodes."""
    return handle_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, use_cache,
                                            "fetch", [ "fetch", "commit" ])

def verscont_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, action):
    """Checkout nodes in "nodelist" according to their "commit" attribute.
       Return list of failed nodes."""
    return handle_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, 0, action, [ "commit" ])

def publish_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, nodelist, msg):
    """Publish nodes in "nodelist" according to their "publish" attribute.
       When there is no "publish" attribute use "commit".
       When "msg" is non-zero give a message for up-to-date nodes.
       Return None for nothing done, list of failed nodes otherwise.
    # Publishing is only done when the signature is outdated.
    # Need to pull a few tricks to be able to call check_need_update().
    from Sign import sign_updated,buildcheck_updated
    from DoBuild import Update,check_need_update

    todolist = []
    buildchecklist = []
    targetlist = []
    failed = []

    for node in nodelist:
        # Skip nodes that don't exist.
        node_name = node.get_name()
        if not os.path.exists(node_name):
                          _('Published file does not exist: "%s"') % node_name)

        if node.attributes.has_key("publish"):
            s = node.attributes["publish"]
        elif node.attributes.has_key("commit"):
            s = node.attributes["commit"]
            s = ''

        # Handle each publish/commit item separately, so that when adding a new
        # destination we don't upload to the old destinations as well.
        from Dictlist import str2dictlist,dictlist2str

        alist = str2dictlist(rpstack, s)
        if not alist:
            recipe_error(rpstack, _('publish attribute for "%s" is empty')
                                                           % node.short_name())
        for attr in alist:
            # Use a fake virtual target to attach the signature to.
            # Use the "remember" attribute, only publish when changed.
            # Use the sign file in the directory related to the published file.
            attr_name = attr["name"]
            attr_str = dictlist2str([ attr ])

            # Change "scp://" and "rscync://" to "scheme://", so that changing
            # the method for uploading doesn't cause the signature to be
            # outdated.
            attr_name = re.sub("^[a-z]*://", "scheme://", attr_name)
            buildcheck_str = re.sub("\\b[a-z]*://", "scheme://", attr_str)

            target = Node(":publish:" + node_name + ">" + attr_name)
            target.attributes["virtual"] = 1
            target.attributes["remember"] = 1
            target.attributes["signfile"] = node.get_sign_fname()

            source = node.copy()
            source.attributes["_node"] = source
            source.attributes["name"] = node_name
            source.attributes["publish"] = attr_str

            # Need to publish the file when it's signature has changed or the
            # relevant attributes have changed (use buildcheck for this).
            update = Update()
            check_need_update(recdict, update, source.attributes, target,
                                      rootname = ":publish:" + node_name + ">")
            update.set_buildcheck(recdict, buildcheck_str, target, 0)

            # Find out if there is a reason to publish this source node.
            reason = update.upd_reason(0, target)
            if reason or msg:
                disp_name = node.short_name() + "[" + attr_str + "]"
            if reason:
                if Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch"):
                    msg_info(recdict, _('Touching "%s": %s')
                                                         % (disp_name, reason))
                    msg_depend(recdict, _('Publishing "%s": %s')
                                                         % (disp_name, reason))
                if msg:
                    msg_depend(recdict, _('item is up-to-date: "%s"')
                                                                   % disp_name)
                # For the "--contents" option we skip items for which the
                # "publish" attribute changed but not the contents.  Need to
                # update the signature anyway, otherwise it will still be
                # published next time.
                if (Global.cmd_args.options.get("contents")
                               and not Global.cmd_args.options.get("nobuild")):
                    sign_updated(recdict, source, source.attributes, target)
                    if update.buildcheck:
                        buildcheck_updated(recdict, target, update.buildcheck)

    if not todolist:
        if failed:
            return failed       # all outdated files do not exist
        return None             # all files exist and targets are up-to-date

    failed.extend(handle_nodelist(rpstack, recdict, todolist, 0,
                                           "publish", [ "publish", "commit" ]))

    # Update signatures, unless --nobuild was used withouth --touch.
    if (not Global.cmd_args.options.get("nobuild")
                                      or Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch")):
        i = 0
        while i < len(todolist):
            # Remember the source signature and the buildcheck signature.
            # But only for nodes that didn't fail.
            node = todolist[i]
            if not node in failed:
                target = targetlist[i]
                buildcheck = buildchecklist[i]
                sign_updated(recdict, node, node.attributes, target)
                if buildcheck:
                    buildcheck_updated(recdict, target, buildcheck)
            i = i + 1

    return failed

def verscont_remove_add(rpstack, recdict, dir, recursive, action):
    """When "action" is "remove: Remove all files in directory "dir" of VCS
       that don't belong there.
       When "action" is "add:" Add all files in the recipe in directory "dir"
       to the VCS that are missing.
       "dir" is a dictionary for the directory and its attributes.
       Enter directories recursively when "recursive" is non-zero.
    if not dir.has_key("commit"):
        recipe_error(rpstack, _("no commit attribute for %s") % dir["name"])

    from Dictlist import str2dictlist
    commit_list = str2dictlist(rpstack, dir["commit"])
    if not commit_list:
        recipe_error(rpstack, _("commit attribute for %s is empty")
                                                                 % dir["name"])

    dirname = os.path.abspath(dir["name"])
    alist = None
    for commit_item in commit_list:
        scheme, name = separate_scheme(commit_item["name"])

        # Handle a scheme for which there is a scheme_list() function.
        fun = recdict["_no"].get(scheme + "_list")
        if fun:
            alist = apply(fun, (recdict, name, commit_item, dirname, recursive))

        # Handle the "cvs://" scheme.
        if scheme == "cvs":
            alist = cvs_list(recdict, name, commit_item, dirname, recursive)

    if alist is None:
        recipe_error(rpstack, _("No working item in commit attribute for %s")
                                                                 % dir["name"])

    work = getwork(recdict)
    ok = 1

    if action == "remove":
        # Remove: Loop over all items found in the VCS.
        for item in alist:
            node = work.find_node(item)
            if not node or not node.attributes.has_key("commit"):
                if not node:
                    node = Node(item)
                if skip_commands():
                    if not Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch"):
                        msg_info(recdict, _('Remove "%s"') % node.short_name())
                elif verscont_command(recdict, commit_item, [ node ],
                                                                  0, "remove"):
                    ok = 0
        # Add: Loop over all nodes and check if they are in the VCS.
        # Only do this for a node that:
        #  - has the "commit" attribute
        #  - has a full name that is longer than the directory name
        #  - working recursive and the node is below the directory
        #  - not working recursive and the node is in the directory
        #  - the node does not appear in the list from the VCS
        dirname_len = len(dirname)
        for node in work.nodes.values():
            if (node.attributes.has_key("commit")
                    and len(node.absname) > dirname_len
                    and ((recursive
                            and node.absname[:dirname_len] == dirname
                            and node.absname[dirname_len] == '/')
                        or (not recursive
                            and os.path.dirname(node.absname) == dirname))
                    and not node.absname in alist):
                if skip_commands():
                    if not Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch"):
                        msg_info(recdict, _('Add "%s"') % node.short_name())
                elif verscont_command(recdict, commit_item, [ node ], 0, "add"):
                    ok = 0

    return ok

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