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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Groupware » LibreSource » org.esupportail.cas.server.handlers.ldap 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package org.esupportail.cas.server.handlers.ldap;
003:        import java.util.Hashtable;
005:        import javax.naming.Context;
006:        import javax.naming.AuthenticationException;
007:        import javax.naming.NamingException;
008:        import;
009:        import;
011:        import org.dom4j.Element;
012:        import org.esupportail.cas.server.util.log.Log;
013:        import org.esupportail.cas.server.util.RedundantHandler;
014:        import org.esupportail.cas.server.util.Server;
016:        /**
017:         * This abstract class implements an LDAP server class, inherited by
018:         * BindLdapServer and FastBindLdapServer. 
019:         *
020:         * @author Pascal Aubry <pascal.aubry at>
021:         * @author Jean-Baptiste Daniel <danielj at>
022:         */
023:        public abstract class LdapServer extends Server {
025:            /**
026:             * true for a secure access to the LDAP directory, false otherwise.
027:             */
028:            private boolean secured;
030:            /**
031:             * the URL of the LDAP directory.
032:             */
033:            private String url;
035:            /**
036:             * Constructor.
037:             *
038:             * @param handlerDebug debugging mode of the handler
039:             * @param handler      the handler the server will be used by
040:             * @param serverElement the XML element that declares the server 
041:             * @throws Exception Exception
042:             */
043:            public LdapServer(final Boolean handlerDebug,
044:                    final RedundantHandler handler, final Element serverElement)
045:                    throws Exception {
046:                super (handlerDebug, handler, serverElement);
047:                traceBegin();
049:                url = getServerSubElementContent(serverElement, "url", true/*needed*/);
050:                trace("url = " + url);
052:                secured = url.substring(0, 5).equals("ldaps");
053:                trace("secured = " + secured);
055:                traceEnd();
056:            }
058:            /**
059:             * A String array used to store input tokens (to be replaced). 
060:             */
061:            private static final String[] INPUT_TOKENS = { "%u", "%U", "%d",
062:                    "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4", "%5", "%6", "%7", "%8", "%9" };
064:            /**
065:             * Take a filter (from CASGenericHandler configuration) and a
066:             * username, and replace tokens in the filter by their equivalents 
067:             * in the username. The rules to replace tokens are the following ones:
068:             * - %%: %
069:             * - %u: user
070:             * - %U: user portion of %u (%U = test when %u = test@domain.tld)
071:             * - %d: domain portion of %u (%d = domain.tld when %u = test@domain.tld)
072:             * - %1-9: domain tokens (%1 = tld, %2 = domain when %d = domain.tld)
073:             *
074:             * @param username a username (such as
075:             * @param filter a filter string containing tokens to be replaced
076:             *
077:             * @return a string corresponding to the input filter, where the
078:             * predefined tokens have been replaced by their equivalents.
079:             */
080:            protected final String replaceTokens(final String filter,
081:                    final String username) {
082:                traceBegin();
084:                /* A String array used to store output tokens (to replace
085:                 * input tokens in the replaceTokens() method). */
086:                String[] outputTokens = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
087:                        "", "", "", "" };
089:                /* -------------------------------------------------------------
090:                 * Analyze the username given by the user and deduce the output
091:                 * tokens (which will replace the input tokens when calling 
092:                 * replaceTokens()).
093:                 * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
095:                // the complete username corresponds to '%u', store it
096:                outputTokens[0] = username;
098:                // at first cut the username into two parts, seperated by a '@'
099:                String[] userDomain = username.split("@");
100:                // the first cell of userDomain corresponds to '%U', store it
101:                outputTokens[1] = userDomain[0];
103:                // if a '@' it present,
104:                if (userDomain.length > 1) {
106:                    //the second cell corresponds to '%d', store it
107:                    outputTokens[2] = userDomain[1];
109:                    // now look at the '%n' tokens. Split the domain name into pieces
110:                    String[] dcArray = userDomain[1].split("\\.");
112:                    // iterate on the array to fill the end of _outputTokens
113:                    for (int i = 0; i < dcArray.length; i++) {
114:                        outputTokens[i + 3] = dcArray[dcArray.length - 1 - i];
115:                    }
116:                }
118:                /* -------------------------------------------------------------
119:                 * Replace the input tokens by their corresponding parts.
120:                 * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
121:                StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("");
123:                // at first split _username into parts separated by "%%"
124:                String[] parts = filter.split("%%");
126:                // for each part, replace the tokens and concatenate to result
127:                for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
128:                    if (i != 0) {
129:                        result.append("%");
130:                    }
131:                    for (int j = 0; j < INPUT_TOKENS.length; j++) {
132:                        parts[i] = parts[i].replaceAll(INPUT_TOKENS[j],
133:                                outputTokens[j]);
134:                    }
135:                    result.append(parts[i]);
136:                }
137:                traceEnd(result.toString());
138:                return result.toString();
139:            }
141:            /**
142:             * Connect to the LDAP server using specified username and password.
143:             *
144:             * @param bindDn       the DN to use for the connection
145:             * @param bindPassword the associated password
146:             *
147:             * @return a Connection object on success, null on error. When the function 
148:             * returns false, the error code can be retrieved with the connectError() 
149:             * method.
150:             */
151:            protected final DirContext connect(final String bindDn,
152:                    final String bindPassword) {
153:                DirContext connection = null;
154:                traceBegin();
156:                try {
157:                    Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);
158:                    hashtable.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
159:                            "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
160:                    hashtable.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
161:                    hashtable.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
162:                    hashtable.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, bindDn);
163:                    hashtable.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, bindPassword
164:                            .getBytes());
165:                    if (secured) {
166:                        hashtable.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
167:                    }
168:                    trace("Connecting to the LDAP directory (url=`" + url
169:                            + "', username=`" + bindDn + "')...");
170:                    connection = new InitialDirContext(hashtable);
171:                    setConnectError(CONNECT_SUCCESS);
172:                    trace("Connection succeeded.");
173:                    traceEnd("ok");
174:                    return connection;
175:                } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
176:                    trace("Connection failed: " + e.getMessage());
177:                    setConnectError(CONNECT_NOAUTH);
178:                } catch (NamingException e) {
179:                    Log.warn("Could not connect to \"" + url + "\"");
180:                    trace("Connection failed: '" + e.getMessage() + "')");
181:                    setConnectError(CONNECT_FAILURE);
182:                }
184:                // connection failed, but try to close the connection however
185:                if (connection != null) {
186:                    try {
187:                        trace("Closing LDAP connection...");
188:                        connection.close();
189:                    } catch (NamingException e2) {
190:                        Log.warn("Could not close LDAP connection.");
191:                    }
192:                }
194:                traceEnd("null");
195:                return null;
196:            }
198:            /**
199:             * Connect to the LDAP server using specified username and password
200:             * and immediatly close the connection. The error code can be retrieved 
201:             * with the connectError() method.
202:             *
203:             * @param bindDn       the DN to use for the connection
204:             * @param bindPassword the associated password
205:             * 
206:             * @return true if the connection succeeded, false otherwise.
207:             */
208:            protected final boolean connectAndClose(final String bindDn,
209:                    final String bindPassword) {
210:                traceBegin();
212:                DirContext connection = connect(bindDn, bindPassword);
213:                if (connection != null) {
214:                    try {
215:                        trace("Closing LDAP connection...");
216:                        connection.close();
217:                        return true;
218:                    } catch (NamingException e) {
219:                        Log.warn("Could not close LDAP connection.");
220:                        return false;
221:                    }
222:                } else {
223:                    return false;
224:                }
225:            }
226:        } | Contact Us
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