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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Apache Harmony Java SE » java package » java.awt.image 
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001:        /*
002:         *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         *
009:         *
010:         *
011:         *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         *  limitations under the License.
016:         */
017:        /** 
018:         * @author Oleg V. Khaschansky
019:         * @version $Revision$
020:         */package java.awt.image;
022:        import java.awt.Graphics2D;
023:        import java.awt.Point;
024:        import java.awt.RenderingHints;
025:        import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
026:        import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace;
027:        import java.awt.color.ICC_Profile;
028:        import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
029:        import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
030:        import java.util.ArrayList;
032:        import;
033:        import;
034:        import;
035:        import org.apache.harmony.awt.internal.nls.Messages;
037:        public class ColorConvertOp implements  BufferedImageOp, RasterOp {
038:            // Unused but required by interfaces
039:            RenderingHints renderingHints;
041:            // Sequence consisting of ColorSpace and ICC_Profile elements
042:            Object conversionSequence[] = new ICC_Profile[0]; // To eliminate checks for null
044:            // Not null if ColorConvertOp is constructed from the array of ICC profiles
045:            private ICC_Profile midProfiles[];
047:            private final ColorConverter cc = new ColorConverter();
048:            private final ICC_TransfomCreator tCreator = new ICC_TransfomCreator();
049:            private boolean isICC = true;
051:            // Cached ICC_Transform
052:            private class ICC_TransfomCreator {
053:                private ICC_Transform transform;
054:                private int maxComponents;
056:                /**
057:                 * For the full ICC case
058:                 * @param src
059:                 * @param dst
060:                 * @param convSeq
061:                 * @return
062:                 */
063:                public ICC_Transform getTransform(ICC_Profile src,
064:                        ICC_Profile dst, ICC_Profile convSeq[]) {
065:                    if (transform != null && src == transform.getSrc()
066:                            && dst == transform.getDst()) {
067:                        return transform;
068:                    }
070:                    int length = convSeq.length;
071:                    int srcFlg = 0, dstFlg = 0;
073:                    if (length == 0 || src != convSeq[0]) {
074:                        if (src != null) {
075:                            srcFlg = 1; // need src profile
076:                        }
077:                    }
078:                    if (length == 0 || dst != convSeq[length - 1]) {
079:                        if (dst != null) {
080:                            dstFlg = 1; // need dst profile
081:                        }
082:                    }
084:                    ICC_Profile profiles[];
085:                    int nProfiles = length + srcFlg + dstFlg;
086:                    if (nProfiles == length) {
087:                        profiles = convSeq;
088:                    } else {
089:                        profiles = new ICC_Profile[nProfiles];
090:                        int pos = 0;
091:                        if (srcFlg != 0) {
092:                            profiles[pos++] = src;
093:                        }
094:                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
095:                            profiles[pos++] = convSeq[i];
096:                        }
097:                        if (dstFlg != 0) {
098:                            profiles[pos++] = dst;
099:                        }
100:                    }
102:                    return transform = new ICC_Transform(profiles);
103:                }
105:                /**
106:                 * Used only when there are non-ICC color spaces.
107:                 * Returns sequence of non-ICC color spaces and ICC transforms
108:                 * made from src, dst and conversionSequence.
109:                 * @param src
110:                 * @param dst
111:                 * @return
112:                 */
113:                public Object[] getSequence(Object src, Object dst) {
114:                    ArrayList<Object> profiles = new ArrayList<Object>(10);
115:                    ArrayList<Object> sequence = new ArrayList<Object>(10);
117:                    // We need this profile anyway
118:                    ICC_Profile xyzProfile = ICC_Profile
119:                            .getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_CIEXYZ);
121:                    Object conversionFirst = null, conversionLast = null;
122:                    int conversionLength = conversionSequence.length;
123:                    if (conversionLength > 0) {
124:                        conversionFirst = conversionSequence[0];
125:                        conversionLast = conversionSequence[conversionLength - 1];
126:                    }
128:                    boolean iccSequenceStarted = false;
130:                    if (src != conversionFirst && src != null) {
131:                        if (src instanceof  ICC_Profile) {
132:                            profiles.add(src);
133:                            iccSequenceStarted = true;
134:                        } else {
135:                            profiles.add(xyzProfile);
136:                            sequence.add(src); // Add non-ICC color space to the sequence
137:                        }
138:                    } else {
139:                        profiles.add(xyzProfile);
140:                    }
142:                    for (int i = 0; i < conversionLength; i++) {
143:                        if (conversionSequence[i] instanceof  ICC_Profile) {
144:                            profiles.add(conversionSequence[i]);
145:                            iccSequenceStarted = true;
146:                        } else if (iccSequenceStarted) {
147:                            profiles.add(xyzProfile);
149:                            // Eliminate same profiles if there are any
150:                            // (e.g. xyzProfile may occur several times)
151:                            Object prev = profiles.get(0);
152:                            for (int k = 1; k < profiles.size(); k++) {
153:                                if (prev == profiles.get(k)) {
154:                                    k--;
155:                                    profiles.remove(k);
156:                                }
157:                                prev = profiles.get(k);
158:                            }
160:                            // If only one profile left we skip the transform -
161:                            // it can be only CIEXYZ
162:                            if (profiles.size() > 1) {
163:                                sequence.add(new ICC_Transform(profiles
164:                                        .toArray(new ICC_Profile[0])));
166:                                // Add non-ICC color space to the sequence
167:                                sequence.add(conversionSequence[i]);
168:                            }
170:                            profiles.clear();
171:                            profiles.add(xyzProfile);
172:                            iccSequenceStarted = false; // Sequence of ICC profiles is processed
173:                        } else { // Add non-ICC color space to the sequence
174:                            sequence.add(conversionSequence[i]);
175:                        }
176:                    }
178:                    if (dst != conversionLast && dst != null) { // Add last profile if needed
179:                        if (dst instanceof  ICC_Profile) {
180:                            profiles.add(dst);
181:                            iccSequenceStarted = true;
182:                        } else if (iccSequenceStarted) {
183:                            profiles.add(xyzProfile);
184:                        } else {
185:                            sequence.add(dst); // Add last non-ICC color space to the sequence
186:                        }
187:                    }
189:                    if (iccSequenceStarted) { // Make last transform if needed
190:                        sequence.add(new ICC_Transform(profiles
191:                                .toArray(new ICC_Profile[0])));
192:                        if (dst != null && !(dst instanceof  ICC_Profile)) {
193:                            sequence.add(dst); // Add last non-ICC color space to the
194:                            // sequence
195:                        }
196:                    }
198:                    // Calculate max number of components
199:                    // This number will be used for memory allocation
200:                    maxComponents = 0;
201:                    Object o;
202:                    for (int i = 0, size = sequence.size(); i < size; i++) {
203:                        o = sequence.get(i);
204:                        if (o instanceof  ICC_Transform) {
205:                            ICC_Transform t = (ICC_Transform) o;
206:                            maxComponents = (maxComponents > t
207:                                    .getNumInputChannels() + 1) ? maxComponents
208:                                    : t.getNumInputChannels() + 1;
209:                            maxComponents = (maxComponents > t
210:                                    .getNumOutputChannels() + 1) ? maxComponents
211:                                    : t.getNumOutputChannels() + 1;
212:                        } else {
213:                            ColorSpace cs = (ColorSpace) o;
214:                            maxComponents = (maxComponents > cs
215:                                    .getNumComponents() + 1) ? maxComponents
216:                                    : cs.getNumComponents() + 1;
217:                        }
218:                    }
220:                    return sequence.toArray();
221:                }
222:            }
224:            public ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace srcCS, ColorSpace dstCS,
225:                    RenderingHints hints) {
226:                if (srcCS == null || dstCS == null) {
227:                    throw new NullPointerException(Messages
228:                            .getString("awt.25B")); //$NON-NLS-1$
229:                }
231:                renderingHints = hints;
233:                boolean srcICC = srcCS instanceof  ICC_ColorSpace;
234:                boolean dstICC = dstCS instanceof  ICC_ColorSpace;
236:                if (srcICC && dstICC) {
237:                    conversionSequence = new ICC_Profile[2];
238:                } else {
239:                    conversionSequence = new Object[2];
240:                    isICC = false;
241:                }
243:                if (srcICC) {
244:                    conversionSequence[0] = ((ICC_ColorSpace) srcCS)
245:                            .getProfile();
246:                } else {
247:                    conversionSequence[0] = srcCS;
248:                }
250:                if (dstICC) {
251:                    conversionSequence[1] = ((ICC_ColorSpace) dstCS)
252:                            .getProfile();
253:                } else {
254:                    conversionSequence[1] = dstCS;
255:                }
256:            }
258:            public ColorConvertOp(ICC_Profile profiles[], RenderingHints hints) {
259:                if (profiles == null) {
260:                    throw new NullPointerException(Messages
261:                            .getString("awt.25C")); //$NON-NLS-1$
262:                }
264:                renderingHints = hints;
266:                // This array is not used in the program logic, so don't need to copy it
267:                // Store it only to return back
268:                midProfiles = profiles;
270:                conversionSequence = new ICC_Profile[midProfiles.length];
272:                // Add profiles to the conversion sequence
273:                for (int i = 0, length = midProfiles.length; i < length; i++) {
274:                    conversionSequence[i] = midProfiles[i];
275:                }
276:            }
278:            public ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace cs, RenderingHints hints) {
279:                if (cs == null) {
280:                    throw new NullPointerException(Messages
281:                            .getString("awt.25B")); //$NON-NLS-1$
282:                }
284:                renderingHints = hints;
286:                if (cs instanceof  ICC_ColorSpace) {
287:                    conversionSequence = new ICC_Profile[1];
288:                    conversionSequence[0] = ((ICC_ColorSpace) cs).getProfile();
289:                } else {
290:                    conversionSequence = new Object[1];
291:                    conversionSequence[0] = cs;
292:                    isICC = false;
293:                }
294:            }
296:            public ColorConvertOp(RenderingHints hints) {
297:                renderingHints = hints;
298:            }
300:            public final WritableRaster filter(Raster src, WritableRaster dst) {
301:                if (conversionSequence.length < 2) {
302:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
303:                            .getString("awt.25D")); //$NON-NLS-1$
304:                }
306:                ICC_Profile srcPf = null, dstPf = null; // unused if isICC is false
307:                int nSrcColorComps, nDstColorComps;
308:                Object first = conversionSequence[0];
309:                Object last = conversionSequence[conversionSequence.length - 1];
311:                // Get the number of input/output color components
312:                if (isICC) {
313:                    srcPf = (ICC_Profile) first;
314:                    dstPf = (ICC_Profile) last;
315:                    nSrcColorComps = srcPf.getNumComponents();
316:                    nDstColorComps = dstPf.getNumComponents();
317:                } else {
318:                    if (first instanceof  ICC_Profile) {
319:                        srcPf = (ICC_Profile) first;
320:                        nSrcColorComps = srcPf.getNumComponents();
321:                    } else {
322:                        nSrcColorComps = ((ColorSpace) first)
323:                                .getNumComponents();
324:                    }
326:                    if (last instanceof  ICC_Profile) {
327:                        dstPf = (ICC_Profile) last;
328:                        nDstColorComps = dstPf.getNumComponents();
329:                    } else {
330:                        nDstColorComps = ((ColorSpace) last).getNumComponents();
331:                    }
332:                }
334:                // Check that source and destination rasters are compatible with
335:                // transforms and with each other
336:                if (src.getNumBands() != nSrcColorComps) {
337:                    // awt.25E=Incorrect number of source raster bands. Should be equal
338:                    //          to the number of color components of source colorspace.
339:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
340:                            .getString("awt.25E")); //$NON-NLS-1$
341:                }
343:                if (dst != null) { // Check destination raster
344:                    if (dst.getNumBands() != nDstColorComps) {
345:                        // awt.25F=Incorrect number of destination raster bands. Should
346:                        //          be equal to the number of color components of destination
347:                        //          colorspace.
348:                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
349:                                .getString("awt.25F")); //$NON-NLS-1$
350:                    }
352:                    if (src.getWidth() != dst.getWidth()
353:                            || src.getHeight() != dst.getHeight()) {
354:                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
355:                                .getString("awt.260")); //$NON-NLS-1$
356:                    }
358:                } else {
359:                    dst = createCompatibleDestRaster(src);
360:                }
362:                if (isICC) {
363:                    // Create transform
364:                    ICC_Transform t = tCreator.getTransform(srcPf, dstPf,
365:                            (ICC_Profile[]) conversionSequence);
366:                    cc.translateColor(t, src, dst);
367:                } else {
368:                    Object[] sequence = tCreator.getSequence(null, null);
370:                    // Get data from the source raster
371:                    ColorScaler scaler = new ColorScaler();
372:                    scaler.loadScalingData(src, null);
373:                    float tmpData[][] = scaler.scaleNormalize(src);
375:                    // Get source and destination color spaces
376:                    ColorSpace srcCS = (srcPf == null) ? (ColorSpace) first
377:                            : new ICC_ColorSpace(srcPf);
378:                    ColorSpace dstCS = (dstPf == null) ? (ColorSpace) last
379:                            : new ICC_ColorSpace(dstPf);
381:                    applySequence(sequence, tmpData, srcCS, dstCS);
383:                    scaler.loadScalingData(dst, null);
384:                    scaler.unscaleNormalized(dst, tmpData);
385:                }
387:                return dst;
388:            }
390:            public BufferedImage createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage src,
391:                    ColorModel destCM) {
392:                // If destination color model is passed only one line needed
393:                if (destCM != null) {
394:                    return new BufferedImage(destCM, destCM
395:                            .createCompatibleWritableRaster(src.getWidth(), src
396:                                    .getHeight()), destCM
397:                            .isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
398:                }
400:                int nSpaces = conversionSequence.length;
402:                if (nSpaces < 1) {
403:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
404:                            .getString("awt.261")); //$NON-NLS-1$
405:                }
407:                // Get destination color space
408:                Object destination = conversionSequence[nSpaces - 1];
409:                ColorSpace dstCS = (destination instanceof  ColorSpace) ? (ColorSpace) destination
410:                        : new ICC_ColorSpace((ICC_Profile) destination);
412:                ColorModel srcCM = src.getColorModel();
413:                ColorModel dstCM = new ComponentColorModel(dstCS, srcCM
414:                        .hasAlpha(), srcCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(), srcCM
415:                        .getTransparency(), srcCM.getTransferType());
417:                return new BufferedImage(dstCM, destCM
418:                        .createCompatibleWritableRaster(src.getWidth(), src
419:                                .getHeight()), destCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(),
420:                        null);
421:            }
423:            public final BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src,
424:                    BufferedImage dst) {
425:                if (dst == null && conversionSequence.length < 1) {
426:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
427:                            .getString("awt.262")); //$NON-NLS-1$
428:                }
430:                ColorModel srcCM = src.getColorModel();
431:                // First handle index color model
432:                if (srcCM instanceof  IndexColorModel) {
433:                    src = ((IndexColorModel) srcCM).convertToIntDiscrete(src
434:                            .getRaster(), false);
435:                }
436:                ColorSpace srcCS = srcCM.getColorSpace();
438:                BufferedImage res;
439:                boolean isDstIndex = false;
440:                if (dst != null) {
442:                    if (src.getWidth() != dst.getWidth()
443:                            || src.getHeight() != dst.getHeight()) {
444:                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
445:                                .getString("awt.263")); //$NON-NLS-1$
446:                    }
448:                    if (dst.getColorModel() instanceof  IndexColorModel) {
449:                        isDstIndex = true;
450:                        res = createCompatibleDestImage(src, null);
451:                    } else {
452:                        res = dst;
453:                    }
454:                } else {
455:                    res = createCompatibleDestImage(src, null);
456:                }
457:                ColorModel dstCM = res.getColorModel();
458:                ColorSpace dstCS = dstCM.getColorSpace();
460:                ICC_Profile srcPf = null, dstPf = null;
461:                if (srcCS instanceof  ICC_ColorSpace) {
462:                    srcPf = ((ICC_ColorSpace) srcCS).getProfile();
463:                }
464:                if (dstCS instanceof  ICC_ColorSpace) {
465:                    dstPf = ((ICC_ColorSpace) dstCS).getProfile();
466:                }
468:                boolean isFullICC = isICC && srcPf != null && dstPf != null;
470:                if (isFullICC) {
471:                    ICC_Transform t = tCreator.getTransform(srcPf, dstPf,
472:                            (ICC_Profile[]) conversionSequence);
473:                    cc.translateColor(t, src, res);
474:                } else { // Perform non-ICC transform
475:                    Object sequence[] = tCreator.getSequence(
476:                            srcPf == null ? (Object) srcCS : srcPf,
477:                            dstPf == null ? (Object) dstCS : dstPf);
479:                    int srcW = src.getWidth();
480:                    int srcH = src.getHeight();
481:                    int numPixels = srcW * srcH;
483:                    // Load all pixel data into array tmpData 
484:                    float tmpData[][] = new float[numPixels][tCreator.maxComponents];
485:                    for (int row = 0, dataPos = 0; row < srcW; row++) {
486:                        for (int col = 0; col < srcH; col++) {
487:                            tmpData[dataPos] = srcCM.getNormalizedComponents(
488:                                    src.getRaster().getDataElements(row, col,
489:                                            null), tmpData[dataPos], 0);
490:                            dataPos++;
491:                        }
492:                    }
494:                    // Copy alpha channel if needed
495:                    float alpha[] = null;
496:                    int alphaIdx = srcCM.numComponents - 1;
497:                    if (srcCM.hasAlpha() && dstCM.hasAlpha()) {
498:                        alpha = new float[numPixels];
499:                        for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
500:                            alpha[i] = tmpData[i][alphaIdx];
501:                        }
502:                    }
504:                    // Translate colors
505:                    applySequence(sequence, tmpData, srcCS, dstCS);
507:                    // Copy alpha if needed
508:                    if (dstCM.hasAlpha()) {
509:                        alphaIdx = dstCM.numComponents - 1;
510:                        if (alpha != null) {
511:                            for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
512:                                tmpData[i][alphaIdx] = alpha[i];
513:                            }
514:                        } else {
515:                            for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
516:                                tmpData[i][alphaIdx] = 1f;
517:                            }
518:                        }
519:                    }
521:                    // Store data back to the image            
522:                    for (int row = 0, dataPos = 0; row < srcW; row++) {
523:                        for (int col = 0; col < srcH; col++) {
524:                            res.getRaster().setDataElements(
525:                                    row,
526:                                    col,
527:                                    dstCM.getDataElements(tmpData[dataPos++],
528:                                            0, null));
529:                        }
530:                    }
531:                }
533:                if (isDstIndex) { // Convert image into indexed color
534:                    Graphics2D g2d = dst.createGraphics();
535:                    g2d.drawImage(res, 0, 0, null);
536:                    g2d.dispose();
537:                    return dst;
538:                }
540:                return res;
541:            }
543:            private void applySequence(Object sequence[], float tmpData[][],
544:                    ColorSpace srcCS, ColorSpace dstCS) {
545:                ColorSpace xyzCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_CIEXYZ);
547:                int numPixels = tmpData.length;
549:                // First transform...
550:                if (sequence[0] instanceof  ICC_Transform) { // ICC
551:                    ICC_Transform t = (ICC_Transform) sequence[0];
552:                    cc.translateColor(t, tmpData, srcCS, xyzCS, numPixels);
553:                } else { // non ICC
554:                    for (int k = 0; k < numPixels; k++) {
555:                        tmpData[k] = srcCS.toCIEXYZ(tmpData[k]);
556:                    }
557:                    cc.loadScalingData(xyzCS); // prepare for scaling XYZ
558:                }
560:                for (Object element : sequence) {
561:                    if (element instanceof  ICC_Transform) {
562:                        ICC_Transform t = (ICC_Transform) element;
563:                        cc.translateColor(t, tmpData, null, null, numPixels);
564:                    } else {
565:                        ColorSpace cs = (ColorSpace) element;
566:                        for (int k = 0; k < numPixels; k++) {
567:                            tmpData[k] = cs.fromCIEXYZ(tmpData[k]);
568:                            tmpData[k] = cs.toCIEXYZ(tmpData[k]);
569:                        }
570:                    }
571:                }
573:                // Last transform...
574:                if (sequence[sequence.length - 1] instanceof  ICC_Transform) { // ICC
575:                    ICC_Transform t = (ICC_Transform) sequence[sequence.length - 1];
576:                    cc.translateColor(t, tmpData, xyzCS, dstCS, numPixels);
577:                } else { // non ICC
578:                    for (int k = 0; k < numPixels; k++) {
579:                        tmpData[k] = dstCS.fromCIEXYZ(tmpData[k]);
580:                    }
581:                }
582:            }
584:            public final Point2D getPoint2D(Point2D srcPt, Point2D dstPt) {
585:                if (dstPt != null) {
586:                    dstPt.setLocation(srcPt);
587:                    return dstPt;
588:                }
589:                return new Point2D.Float((float) srcPt.getX(), (float) srcPt
590:                        .getY());
591:            }
593:            public WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster(Raster src) {
594:                int nComps = 0;
595:                int nSpaces = conversionSequence.length;
597:                if (nSpaces < 2) {
598:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages
599:                            .getString("awt.261")); //$NON-NLS-1$
600:                }
602:                Object lastCS = conversionSequence[nSpaces - 1];
603:                if (lastCS instanceof  ColorSpace) {
604:                    nComps = ((ColorSpace) lastCS).getNumComponents();
605:                } else {
606:                    nComps = ((ICC_Profile) lastCS).getNumComponents();
607:                }
609:                // Calculate correct data type
610:                int dstDataType = src.getDataBuffer().getDataType();
611:                if (dstDataType != DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
612:                        && dstDataType != DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) {
613:                    dstDataType = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT;
614:                }
616:                return Raster.createInterleavedRaster(dstDataType, src
617:                        .getWidth(), src.getHeight(), nComps, new Point(src
618:                        .getMinX(), src.getMinY()));
619:            }
621:            public final Rectangle2D getBounds2D(Raster src) {
622:                return src.getBounds();
623:            }
625:            public final Rectangle2D getBounds2D(BufferedImage src) {
626:                return src.getRaster().getBounds();
627:            }
629:            public final ICC_Profile[] getICC_Profiles() {
630:                if (midProfiles != null) {
631:                    return midProfiles;
632:                }
633:                return null;
634:            }
636:            public final RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
637:                return renderingHints;
638:            }
639:        } | Contact Us
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