AWTEvent子类 : 事件 « Swing事件 « Java 教程

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15. Swing事件
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Java 教程 » Swing事件 » 事件 
15. 1. 2. AWTEvent子类
ActionEventThis is an event that indicates a component-defined action occurred, such as clicking a button.
AdjustmentEventemitted by adjustable objects
AncestorEventIt tells a child component that an event occurred with one of the parent components.
ComponentEventindicates a component moved, changed size, became visible or invisible, etc. This event is for notification purposes only.
HierarchyEventThis event indicates some change to the component hierarchy to which a component belongs.
InputMethodEventThis event fires when text is entered into an appropriate component. Anytime the text changes, for any reason, the input method sends an event.
InternalFrameEventIt is an AWTEvent that adds support for JInternalFrame objects as the event source. It has the same event types as WindowEvent.
InvocationEventThis event will execute the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
ItemEventThis event indicates that an item was selected or deselected. You will see this associated frequently with list boxes.
TextEventThis event indicates that an object's text changed.

15. 1. 事件
15. 1. 1. 事件模型,三个参与者
15. 1. 2. AWTEvent子类
15. 1. 3. ActionEvent Example with One Button That Demonstrates Sources, Events, and Their ListenersActionEvent Example with One Button That Demonstrates Sources, Events, and Their Listeners
15. 1. 4. 使其他低级事件
15. 1. 5. 事件掩码事件掩码
15. 1. 6. 管理监听AWTEventMulticaster管理监听AWTEventMulticaster
15. 1. 7. 语义事件
15. 1. 8. 语义事件监听
15. 1. 9. 管理监听EventListenerList管理监听EventListenerList
15. 1. 10. 匿名类事件匿名类事件
15. 1. 11. 嵌套类事件
15. 1. 12. 创建一个自定义事件
15. 1. 13. Event object has information about an event, that has happened.
15. 1. 14. 实现AWTEventListener
15. 1. 15. int java.awt.AWTEvent.getID()
15. 1. 16. 事件源和监听 | Contact Us
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