AbstractAction查找属性键 : 事件 « Swing事件 « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » Swing事件 » 事件 
15. 3. 1. AbstractAction查找属性键

One complexity-busting side effect when using AbstractAction is that it lets you disable the Action with setEnabled(false), which, in turn, will disable all components created from it.

NAMEAction name, used as button label
SMALL_ICONIcon for the Action, used as button label
SHORT_DESCRIPTIONShort description of the Action; could be used as tooltip text, but not by default
LONG_DESCRIPTIONLong description of the Action; could be used for accessibility (see Chapter 22)
ACCELERATORKeyStroke string; can be used as the accelerator for the Action
ACTION_COMMAND_KEYInputMap key; maps to the Action in the ActionMap of the associated JComponent
MNEMONIC_KEYKey code; can be used as mnemonic for action
DEFAULTUnused constant that could be used for your own property

15. 3. 事件
15. 3. 1. AbstractAction查找属性键
15. 3. 2. 创建事件
15. 3. 3. 事件用法示例事件用法示例
15. 3. 4. 继承AbstractAction继承AbstractAction
15. 3. 5. 禁用事件禁用事件
15. 3. 6. 获取和设置事件
15. 3. 7. 注册事件
15. 3. 8. ActionMap javax.swing.JComponent.getActionMap()
15. 3. 9. 映射键盘事件
15. 3. 10. 有效事件
15. 3. 11. 组件事件列表
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