The JMenu component is the basic menu item container that is placed on a JMenuBar : 菜单 « Swing « Java 教程

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Java 教程 » Swing » 菜单 
14. 21. 1. The JMenu component is the basic menu item container that is placed on a JMenuBar
  1. In various places within the different menus, menu separators divide the options into logical sets.
  2. Each of the menu options has a mnemonic associated with it to help with keyboard navigation and selection.
  3. The mnemonic allows users to make menu selections via the keyboard, for instance, by pressing Alt-F on a Windows platform to open the File menu.
  4. A keystroke associated with several options acts as a keyboard accelerator. Unlike the mnemonic, the accelerator can directly activate a menu option, even when the menu option isn't visible.
  5. The Options submenu has an icon associated with it.
JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");

JMenuItem newMenuItem = new JMenuItem("New");

JMenuItem openMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open");

JMenuItem closeMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Close");

JMenuItem saveMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save");

JMenuItem exitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");

Insert them at specific positions or insert a separator at a specific position

public JMenuItem insert(JMenuItem menuItem, int pos);
public JMenuItem insert(Action a, int pos);
public void insertSeparator(int pos);
14. 21. 菜单
14. 21. 1. The JMenu component is the basic menu item container that is placed on a JMenuBar
14. 21. 2. 菜单什么样子
14. 21. 3. 添加菜单窗口添加菜单窗口
14. 21. 4. 新增分隔符到JMenu新增分隔符到JMenu
14. 21. 5. 菜单事件菜单事件
14. 21. 6. 添加菜单快捷方式添加菜单快捷方式
14. 21. 7. 快捷键快捷键
14. 21. 8. 子菜单子菜单
14. 21. 9. Listening to JMenu Events with a ChangeListener: register a ChangeListener with a JMenuListening to JMenu Events with a ChangeListener: register a ChangeListener with a JMenu
14. 21. 10. Using MenuListener to listen to: menu canceled, selected and deselected eventsUsing MenuListener to listen to: menu canceled, selected and deselected events
14. 21. 11. 布局菜单布局菜单
14. 21. 12. 定制JMenu外观 | Contact Us
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