NumberFormat with Constant Locale Usage : 数字格式 « 数据类型 « Java

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Java » 数据类型 » 数字格式屏幕截图 
NumberFormat with Constant Locale Usage
NumberFormat with Constant Locale Usage

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Locale;

public class ConstantLocaleUsage {

  public static void main(String[] argv) {

    NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
    double usersNumber;

    if (argv.length == 1)
      try {
        usersNumber = numberFormat.parse(argv[0]).doubleValue();
      catch (ParseException e) {
        usersNumber = 197912.29;
      usersNumber = 1976.0826;

    numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
    System.out.println("User's number (US): "
        + numberFormat.format(usersNumber));
    numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
    System.out.println("User's number (GERMANY): "
        + numberFormat.format(usersNumber));
    numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
    System.out.println("User's number (DEFAULT LOCALE): "
        + numberFormat.format(usersNumber));

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9. precision modifier: Format to 2 decimal places in a 16 character field
10. precision modifier: Display at most 15 characters in a string
11. left justification: Right justify by default
12. left justification: left justify
13. Demonstrate the space format specifiers.
14. 使用参数指数
15. the NumberFormat object is created once when the program starts.
16. 默认情况下四舍五入模式
17. RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN
18. RoundingMode.FLOOR
19. RoundingMode.CEILING
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27. Formatting and Parsing a Locale-Specific Percentage
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29. Parse a number with NumberFormat and Locale.CANADA
30. Format a number with leading zeroes
31. Format a number for a locale
32. Formatting and Parsing a Number for a Locale
33. 显示号码,科学记数法
34. 格式为德国的locale
35. 格式为默认的locale
36. 显示号码用逗号
37. 格式中的数字指数符号
38. Using only 0's to the left of E forces no decimal point
39. 解析德国号码
40. 格式和解析当地的特定货币
41. 剖析了一些地区的
42. Use grouping to display a number
43. 数字格式查看器 | Contact Us
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